HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 3, 2008 Cil1J o~ Minutes Pickering Advisory Committee On Race Relations & Equity April 3, 2008 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering, Vice-Chair Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Siobhan Saravanamutto, Dunbarton High School Sharon Singh, Pine Ridge Secondary School Linda Roberts (Recording Secretary) Absent Councillor David Pickles, Chair Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Tanya Malika Foster, Community Appointee Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Cathy Grant, Pickering Public Library Mariyah Gonzales, Dunbarton High School Ishu Vij, Dunbarton High School Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Joanne Guindon, Durham Catholic District School Board Also PresentTiera Dookhie, J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate Emily Honsberger, Dunbarton High School Erin Kann, Journalism Student, Guelph/Humber University Item / Ref # 1.0 Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Welcome Action Items I Status (include deadline as appropriate) 2.0 All Marisa reviewed the action items from the previous minutes. Siobhan indicated she did not have anything further to report on the multi-cultural event bein held at Valle view Public School at this time. A roval of Minutes 3.0 All Minutes of the March 6, 2008 meeting of Race Relations were approved. Page 1 4.0 Events 4.1 Tapestry Marisa provided an overview on the Tapestry event to be held on June yth. She explained that we partner with the Pickering Museum on this event. There are 6 or 7 groups confirmed to attend. There is also a Ribfest event happening here this year on the same weekend. This will be held at the City Complex on June 6, 7 and 8. This could provide possible promotion opportunities for the Tapestry event. 4.2 Diversity Workshop - Review Siobhan provided an update on the workshop which was held over the March break. . Good size group - 20 students registered . Participants were from grades 6 - 8 . Participants were enthusiastic about events and were actively involved in activities . Lots of positive feedback from students as well as parents . Suggested extending it next year . Parents suggested a summer camp Marisa thanked everyone and commended [YOU]nity and the Library for their involvement and support in this event. She requested pictures of the event be forwarded to her. Siobhan noted that Emily may head up this event next year with the help of Tiera. 4.3 Discussion ensued with respect to any possible changes for next year. Siobhan noted they will be having a follow-up up meeting next week. Forum - Review Marisa informed the Committee that the writing contest was a great event this year and provided an explanation of the forum for the guests In attendance. . This year's statement was "Imagining my Siobhan to provide Marisa with photos Page 2 Diverse Community in the year 2025". · Over 100 entries this year, 700 in total to date . Event is normally held in conjunction with "International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination", which is held on March 21st. Marisa circulated the program from the event, photos, and the News Advertiser article, which ran a story on the event. 5.0 2008 Annual Workplan & 2007 Annual Report Presentation Marisa informed the Committee that the revised date for presentation to Council IS May 20th. She requested the Committee start to think about our 2008 initiatives. She reviewed the 2007 work plan items. A brief discussion ensued with the following suggestions being made; . [YOU]nity to hold a Fall event - possibly sometime In November - coffee house - being a celebration of culture, open to everyone with youth performers participating. Marisa suggested use of our internal resources for promotion . Outreach - have more cultural community organizations become involved and attend meetings . Website - link [YOU]nity to Pickering Activity Council (PAC) for teens . Community Survey - continue with this and strive for further success in 2008 . Hold an event similar to the writing contest, being in visual artforms - use art as a form of expression - student could submit a piece of artwork that relates to their religion/background Marisa noted that Councillor Pickles would like to Marisa to follow up with expand on the cultural calendar by noting all the Councillor Pickles significant dates. Marisa advised the Committee that May's agenda will have the writing contest listed and advised that she will have a draft at the next meeting. She All Page 3 -- -~ requested everyone to think of a statement for the writing contest for 2009. Marisa informed the Committee that she had not received any revisions to the 2008 annual report, and that it will be presented to Council on May 20th beginning at 7:30 p.m. She welcomed all members to attend the Council meeting that evening. 6.0 Other Business Marisa stated that Philip Howard had requested that Marisa to action, will she forward a summary of the forum to him. also forward photos 8.0 Next Meeting Thursday, May 1,2008 at 7:00 pm in the Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 7:40 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 4