HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 14-08 CiUI 0# REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CS 14-08 Date: April 21,2008 I" Ll0 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: 2008 Current and Capital Budgets Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 14-08 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be approved; 2. a) That the 2008 Current (Operating) Budget expenditure for personnel expenditures, consisting of salaries & wages (Account 1100), overtime (Account 1200) and employer contributions (Account 1400), in the total amount of $34,568,118 be approved; b) That the 2008 Gross Current (Operating) Budget for City purposes in the amount of $31,858,772 (that excludes personnel expenditures) and includes capital expenditures from current revenues in the amount of $3,169,310; less estimated current operating revenues of $23,675,601 and transfers from the Rate Stabilization Reserve of $2,486,182 be approved; c) That the total levy under a) and b) above which results in a net overall levy for City Operations of $40,265,108 which is approximately a 5.90 percent increase over 2007, be approved; 3. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer present the 2008 final tax rates for adoption by Council after Council approves the 2008 City budget; 4. That Council confirm that: a) The $1,055,505 received from the Province of Ontario under the 2008 Municipal Road and Bridge Infrastructure Investment initiative will be used only for City of Pickering road and bridge capital investments as provided for in the 2008 Capital Budget in the amount of $855,000, as approved by Council, with the balance of $200,505 to be applied in the 2009 Capital Budget to such projects; b) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to submit a report to the Ministry of Transportation detailing expenditures, use of provincial funding and outcomes received and any other information Report CS 14-08 April 21 , 2008 Subject: 2008 Current and Capital Budgets Page 2 1 1 '1 requested or required for an independent audit in connection with this program; 5. That Council approve the revised financing for the 401 Pedestrian Bridge (Capital project code (06-2321-002-27)) by reducing the transfer from the Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund from $1,238,000 to $185,000 (resulting in a reduction of $1,053,000) and that the debt financing of $1,810,000 be eliminated and these funds be replaced, once the projects final costs have been estimated; 6. a) That the 2008 Capital Budget for the City of Pickering with a Gross Expenditure of $18,726,810 be adopted as presented; b) That the following capital financing sources be approved as presented in the 2008 Capital Budget: Transfer from Current Fund to Capital Fund $3,169,310 Transfers from Reserves: - Rec Complex Core Reserve (7034) - Rec Complex Pool Reserve (7035) - Rec Complex Arena Reserve (7036) - Move Ontario Reserve (7043) 65,000 49,900 80,000 300,000 Transfers from Reserve Funds - Development Charges - Parkland Development (7502) - Federal Gas Tax Funds (7505) - City Share Dev. Charges Projects (7022) - Third Party Contribution (7501) 925,300 40,000 2,456,000 226,950 50,000 Debt - 5 yr Debt - 1 0 yr Debt - 15 yr 810,000 2,748,350 3,800,000 Provincial Grants (1623) Sale of Land (1594) Donations (1592) 3,081,000 150,000 775,000 $18.726.810 TOTAL c) That total external debt financing of $7,358,350 for the projects identified in the 2008 Capital Budget, and as indicated in this report, in the amount of $810,000 for a period not to exceed 5 years and; $2,748,350 for a period not to exceed 10 years and $3,800,000 for a period not to exceed 15 years be approved; Report CS 14-08 April 21,2008 Subject: 2008 Current and Capital Budgets Page 3 1 '1 r) iL d) That projects identified in the 2008 Capital Budget as being financed through the issuance of debt be subject to additional, specific approval of the expenditure and the financing by Council; e) That any debt repayment, interest or financing provisions contained in the annual Current Operating Budget not used in the current year's payments requirements may, at the discretion of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be used to apply towards additional principal repayment, outstanding loan or debt charges or to reduce debt, internal loans or any other amounts to be financed; f) That all Capital expenditures or portions thereof, approved in the 2008 Capital Budgets to be financed through the issuance of debt, may, at the discretion of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be financed through internal loans, dealer financing, current or capital funds or a combination thereof; g) That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to apply any excess funds raised from completed internal loans projects to first repay the original internal loans, and secondly to reduce or not to undertake budgeted internal loans or debts; h) That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to apply any excess funds through the issuance of debentures as provided for under Section 413 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended; 7. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to transfer: a) Any surplus current operating funds at year-end in excess of approximately $125,000 to the Rate Stabilization Reserve; b) Any funds necessary from the Rate Stabilization Reserve in order to ensure that in year the Current Budget results in a year end surplus of no less than $125,000; c) Any revenue resulting from the disposition of land or other assets in excess of the $25,000 included in this budget to a new Reserve for Land Acquisition to be established under this approval; 8. a) That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, in order to ensure that the budget plan accommodates: any re-allocation of 2008 current operating expenditures and revenues resulting from any reorganization and any adjustment in taxes or tax rates due to Provincial and Regional tax policy changes; Report CS 14-08 April 21,2008 Subject: 2008 Current and Capital Budgets Page 4 'j 1 3 b) That any new additional Provincial and Federal Government funding announcements for municipalities in the form of grants or new taxing authority/powers be applied to future Current and Capital budgets; c) That the 2008 Current Operating Budgets for Accounts 1100 (Salaries & Wages) and 1400 (Employer Contributions) excluding Fire Services be restated for the 2008 Budget to reflect the recently approved CUPE contract changes, as well as the Council approved increase for the non union group in accordance with the Performance Review and Evaluation Policy, and for Fire Services once contract negotiations have been completed; 9. That any under expenditures from projects funded from Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund may be used to cover over expenditures from projects funded from Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund for projects within the same division or department; 10. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to close any prior year's capital expenditure accounts, and to first apply any excess funding from property taxes to any overexpenditure in other accounts and to secondly transfer any remaining excess funding back to the original source of the funds; 11. That Council pass the attached General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law which provides for the fees and charges that are incorporated into the 2008 Current Budget; 12. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to adjust, where appropriate the per kilometre travel expense re-imbursement rate at any time in order to maintain the appropriate level of re-imbursement with any increase in cost being met from under expenditures in other accounts; 13. That Council adopt the following Budget Guidelines for the development and presentation of the 2009 budget; a) That there be no new full or part-time positions, or increase in part-time hours unless these additional costs are offset by additional program revenues, reduced expenditures or is mandated by Federal or Provincial legislation; b) That debt financing for capital projects only be permitted either for health and safety reasons or to participate in financial cost sharing programs; c) That there may be no new, enhanced or expanded current or capital budget programs; Report CS 14-08 April 21,2008 Subject: 2008 Current and Capital Budgets Page 5 1 1 4 d) That the 2009 budget be developed based on a planned reduced reliance on one-time funds and reseNes; 14. That the Director, Corporate SeNices & Treasurer be authorized to undertake any assessment appeals necessary to protect the assessment base of the City; and, 15. That the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Not applicable Financial Implications: At the Executive Committee (Budget) meetings on April 10 and 14, 2008, the following changes were made to the draft Current and Capital Budgets: Current BudQet ChanQes General Government Section Grants: Durham West Arts Centre City of Pickering Award (High Schools) $10,000 2,000 Current Budqet Reductions Regional Councillor B. Littley's budget Reduction in Contingency ($5,300) (6,700) $0 Total Net Current Budget Changes Capital BudQet ChanQes Civic Complex Recycling Containers (Acct. 5700.0803) 5,000 I Rec Complex Core Recycling Containers (Acct. 5731.0804) 5,000 Community Centres Tables & Trolleys (Acct. 5719.0802) Chairs (Acct. 5719.0803) Total Net Capital Budget Changes (5,000) (5,000) $0 o Report CS 14-08 April 21 ,2008 Subject: 2008 Current and Capital Budgets II' +15 Page 6 These adjustments have been reflected in the Revised 2008 Current and Capital Budgets submitted for Council approval. The 2008 Current (Operating) & Capital Budgets, if adopted as presented, will result in a tax levy increase of 5.90 percent over last year's average property tax bill (excluding any Provincial tax policy changes). On a single detached home assessed at $280,000, the total tax levy proposed increase for the City equates to $1.14 per week. Sustainability Implications: The 2008 Current and Capital Budgets contain a number of projects and expenditures that will contribute to environmental and community sustainability. In addition, this budget continues Councils desire to maintain financial sustainability over the longer term Background: The Recommendations put forth are those necessary to adopt the 2008 Current (Operating) and Capital Budgets of the City of Pickering and to provide direction regarding the 2008 Budgets. This year's budget review exercise by the CAO and senior management was a challenging task from the perspective of managing the capital project pressures given the City's current and projected long term financial position. In the Current Operating Budget every cost centre expenditure was reviewed, debated, and increases justified in an attempt to reduce discretionary expenditures to the lowest possible. This measure was adopted in order to assist in offsetting mandatory or non-discretionary increases such as inflation, utilities, salaries and benefits. Low assessment growth and fixed mandatory costs translate into budgetary increases. City's Budqetarv Increase Summary City Net Budgetary Increases Add: Winter Control Cost pressures 2.40% 1.10 Net City Increases 3.50% Add: Debt Charges for 2007 Capital Capital from Current Inc. 1.50 0.90 Proposed Budgetary Increase 5.90% As shown above, the debt charges associated with the 2007 Council approved capital projects has resulted in a corresponding increase of 1.5 percent for 2008. The 3.50 percent net City operating increase is mainly due to negotiated wage settlements and Report CS 14-08 April 21,2008 Subject: 2008 Current and Capital Budgets Page 7 1 1 6 higher costs associated with winter control activities. The City has experienced an above average level of snowfall for the first three months of this year that has translated into higher operating costs for items such as overtime ($47,000) and salt, sand and gravel ($260,000). Special Levy or Surcharqe on Property Taxes During the Executive Committee's consideration of the 2008 Budgets, a special levy or surcharge to finance future capital infrastructure maintenance needs was discussed. As an example, a 1 percent surcharge would provide approximately $400,000 in additional annual funding to assist in offsetting debt financing requirements to finance future capital infrastructure. It could also be used, for example, to finance unanticipated infrastructure repair or replacement requirements that arise during the year with any unspent funds being put aside for future years debt abatement. Each $400,000 so raised would avoid debt financing and save City taxpayers almost $180,000 in total financing costs over the next 15 years. A 1 percent levy would cost the average taxpayer approximately 19 cents per week or $10.00 per year. Several municipalities in the GT A have, or are considering putting in place such a special capital levy. ReseNes and Reserve Funds The City is using approximately $3.7 million in reserve and reserve funds to finance 2008 capital expenditures and approximately $2.5 million to reduce the current budget tax levy. As indicated in the annual reports filed by the Treasurer, the majority of the City's reserve and reseNe funds can be classified as non-discretionary. In other words, there is a specific purpose, intent or condition on the use of the funds. The projected estimated draft, December 31, 2007 non-discretionary uncommitted balance is $29.7 million with the Development Charges reseNe fund having a projected uncommitted balance of $19.86 million. Other non-discretionary reseNe or reserve fund balances include Third Party Subdivision Agreements, Parkland ReseNe Fund, Worker's Compensation and Self Insurance. The projected December 31, 2007 discretionary reserve and reserve fund balance is estimated to be $17.7 million. The Rate Stabilization Reserve is the largest component of the discretionary funds of which $2.486 million is being used this year to reduce the 2008 tax levy. Report CS 14-08 April 21,2008 "S"ut?ject: 2008 Current and Capital Budgets I I '/ Page 8 Debt and Debt Charqes $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 "'--Principal & Interest _2008 & 2009 Capital Budgets ___ Estimated The current level of debt, and the resultant annual debt charges, is at a relatively high level, especially considering this means of financing was not used before 1998. Recommendation 4 applies the recently announced Provincial Budget announcement regarding funding for roads and bridges and applies $855,000 of these funds for 2008 roads debt projects. By using these funds, the original 2009 debt charge forecast of 1.80 percent increase to the 2009 levy is reduced to 1.30 percent. As of December 31, 2007, the City owed $17.5 million (capital debt projects from prior years) and this amount will increase to $24.8 million as a result of the 2008 capital budget. This year, the City will pay $3.5 million in interest and principle payments to service the City's debt. The $3.5 million (debt payments) is equivalent to 9.4 percent of the budgetary tax levy. In other words, if the City had no outstanding debt, the City could have almost 10 percent more flexibility. As stated above, the recently announced 2008 Provincial budget funding of $1.055 million has been used to reduce debt financed roads projects. As the graph below indicates, the City's debt charges is projected to increase for several years unless Council begins to shift direction and moves towards funding capital from current. Adoption of an infrastructure levy would assist in reducing the City's reliance on debt financing. By 2009, 10 percent of the City's tax levy will be used for debt payments. For 2008, the City is planning on issuing $7,358,350 of external debt for various projects listed in Table One below. Report CS 14-08 April 21,2008 Subject: 2008 Current and Capital Budgets Page 9 1 1 g Table One External Debt and Internal Financing of Capital Proiects City of Pickering 5, & 10 Year Debt Financing 2008 Capital Budget Capital Project Code Debt - 5 Description Years ($) 5320.0801 190,000 Dump truck with Plouqh 5731.0816 120,000 Tennis Court Roof 5780.0817 500,000 Artificial Turf for Kinsmen Park Total Five Year Debt 810,000 Capital Project Code Debt -10 Description Years ($) 5321.0801 427,350 RU-3 Sideline 4, Concession 5 to Hwy #7. 2 Lane rural reconstruction. 5321.0812 1,271,000 RO-2 (2005-2009) Sheppard Ave. - Altona to Old Forest. WO-6 (2005-2009) Sheppard Ave. - Old Forest to Rosebank and additional construction costs. 5340.0801 1,050,000 Fire - Heavy Rescue Vehicle Total Ten Year Debt 2,748,350 City of Pickering 15 Year Debt Financing 2008 Capital Budget Capital Project Code Debt -15 Description Years ($) 5713.0804 500,000 Major renovations to pool - brick wall repairs, roof replacement and mechanical upqrades. 5715.0805 800,000 Concrete floor pad replacement and dasher boards-Rink #2 5731.0808 2,500,000 Rec - Complex Expansion Total 3,800,000 ~) Report CS 14-08 April 21, 2008 Subject: 2008 Current and Capital Budgets 'I 1 0 I ./ Page 10 2008 Municipal Road and Bridqe Infrastructure Investment As Council is aware the 2008 provincial budget announced this new program under which the City will receive $1,055,505. There are few provincial requirements with this program, the main one being that Council pass a by-law or resolution confirming that the moneys will only be used for municipal road and bridge capital investment needs. While this could be accomplished through the adoption of the 2008, and ultimately the 2009, Capital Budgets it was felt appropriate to provide a separate, specific resolution to this effect. Other requirements include the Treasurer providing confirmation of the expenditures, funding and outcomes as well as any documents for audit purposes. City Owned Lands Included in the Capital Budget, of the Corporate Services Department is a provision for costs, such as surveys, soil tests, legal fees, and other out of pocked expenses associated with the eventual disposition of City owned lands in Duffin Heights and Seaton in the amount of $150,000. These costs will be incurred over the next few years and will eventually be paid for through the revenue from the land sales. This will also apply to costs associated with the acquisition of any lands for City purposes. In this way, the land is being treated as an inventory with associated costs being capitalized which will meet the new accounting and reporting needs. 401 Pedestrian Bridqe This project was originally approved in the 2004 Capital Budget at a total estimated cost of $4.5 million with financing as follows (as amended in 2005 and 2006). Total $1,067,000 85,000 204,000 849,000 185,000 300,000 1.810,000 $4.500.000 Provincial Commitment (Grant) Easement Reserve Federal Gas Tax - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 Development Charges Debt Report CS 14-08 April 21,2008 Subject: 2008 Current and Capital Budgets Page 11 1 2 II Some costs have been incurred for the design phase of the project. Expenditures to date are approximately $141,000. Recommendation 5, removes the unspent Federal Gas Tax Funds that are now going to be used for various 2008 capital projects such as Dunbarton Pool and Rec Complex Expansion. Any remaining Federal Gas Tax Funds will be available for future Capital Budgets. In addition, Recommendation 5 eliminates the use of debt financing of $1,810,000 at this time, and a report will be prepared for Council's consideration with a revised cost projection and corresponding financing plan at the appropriate time. This project still remains on the "books" with financing still to be determined as referenced above. 2008 Budqet Based on Estimates As in previous years, the City's budget includes a component that is based on estimates or best known information when the budget is developed. The 2008 operating budget for building permit fees has been increased to reflect 2007 actual revenues and anticipated activity for 2009. Presented below is the summary of activity for building permit fees. 2008 Draft Current Budget Building Permit Revenue ($1 2006 2007 2007 2008 Actual YTD Actual Budget Increase Draft Budget $599,324 $936,519 $650,000 $200,000 $850,000 While the 2008 budget has been increased, there is a possibility that building permit revenue may be lower than what is anticipated for this year. In comparing the building permit revenues for 2006 with 2008, the large swing is an indication of the uncertaining and the element of risk associated with budgeting for this type of revenue source. Tax Rates As has been the case for the last few years, the 2008 Property Tax Rates and Levy By- law will be presented at a later date. Capital Forecast The 2009 capital forecast projects expenditure in the amount of $17.8 million. The high capital forecast is a result of projects and capital expenditures being deferred to future years due to affordability limitations. As Members of Council are aware, the City can only afford these types of expenditures by using debt financing. The 2009 projected debt financing for these projects is $6.57 million with a corresponding increase in the 2010 budget of 2.1 percent due to debt approved projects. Over the next few months the capital forecast budget will be reviewed from the perspective of affordability, maintenance and safety. Report CS 14-08 April 21 ,2008 I I' Subject: 2008 Current and Capital Budgets 1 2 1 Page 12 2008 User Fees & Charqes Schedule Every year, the City increases its user fees mainly for various recreational and cultural programs to partially reflect the cost of delivering the various programs. Council passed Resolution #149/03 confirming the City's existing user fees through by-law. This By-law was updated as part of the 2007 budget process. In order to have the new user fees become effective, Council will be required to approve the 2008 User Fee By-law, (as required under Section 391 of the Municipal Act) which is included in this report. The Municipal Act, as amended through through Bill 130, no longer requires municipalities to maintain a formal list of fees and charges. Staff, however, have decided to maintain the fee list due to the fact the fee list facilitates financial control and auditing by ensuring that the correct fees are charged and provides Council and the general public an opportunity to review the fees and provide any comment or input. In addition, having the fee list approved via the budget process allows general public comment and provides for a more open access and transparent government process. Multi Year Financial Strateqic Plan Last year, staff presented to Counil a multi-year financial plan for the years 2007 to 2014. At the Executive Committee meeting of April 10, 2007 staff presented a revised financial projection for the years 2008 to 2015. The 2008 to 2011 financial plan projects a medium level of levy increases with a decrease for 2010. Financial projections are based on current knowledge and or expertise on various assumptions. Some assumptions such as future debt increases, wage settlements are within Council's control. However, future rate of utilitiy increases, assessment growth and Ontario economic growth are uncontrollable and can effect the long term financial projections. Every year, the Phase 1 projection will be updated to reflect current information which in-turn may change budgetary assumptions such as utility costs and assessment growth. The City's budgeted personnel expenditures represent 54.65 percent of the City's total expenditures or approximately 85 percent of the property tax levy. Future negotiated settlements and industry trends can have a significant impact on the City's financial projections both positive and negative. Phase 2 (2012 to 2015) financial projection provides a longer term approach or outlook. Based on known facts, the long term outlook indicates a "leveling off" or a stable period of budgetary increases. As stated at the presentation, the risk or uncertainty factor increases over time. Property Assessment Database Manaqement Recommendation 14, provides the Treasurer with the authority to undertake any necessary assessment appeals to protect the property assessment database of the City. We have been recently advised by our consultants that due to recent court Report CS 14-08 April 21, 2008 Subject: 2008 Current and Capital Budgets Page 13 ,] 22 decisions a formal By-Law is required authorizing City officials to file assessment appeals. A report with a corresponding By-Law will be prepared for Council's consideration in the near future. The proposed 2008 budget provides funding for an analysis of the City's assessment database to prepare for the assessment valuation change occurring for the 2009 taxation year. Currently, property values reflected in the City's assessment database is based on a January 1 S\ 2005 valuation date. In other words, the house that is assessed at $265,000 (as reflected in the City's assessment database) represents its theoretical market value on January 1, 2005. Since the introduction of market value assessment (1998) there have been five changes to the valuation date. Staff's experience to-date has been that there are significant assessment value changes (both increases and decreases) for the various property tax classes. Some of the assessment value changes have been questionable and this year, staff would like to be proactive by determining assessment value changes independent of MPAC and then meeting with MPAC to ensure that the assessment values are fair and consistent throughout the City. Budqetinq for Tanqible Capital Assets (PSAB 3150) We have recently been advised (April 8, 2008) that there may be a change required in the City's budgeting format to accommodate tangible capital asset reporting, Staff are planning to attend late spring training sessions on this issue. Attachments: 1. By-law to Confirm General Fees and Charges, 2008 2. Budget Presentation Slides, April 10, 2008 Prepared By: Prepared I Approved I Endorsed By: / '~'?>-- ---------::::> '_/' ,-~ Stan Karwowski Manager, Finance & Taxation ~~~~ - Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer SK:vw Attachment Co : Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Cou~r'1,,, Thomas J. Quinn, RDMR., CMM III Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT # I Te. FP:fY"\T47 C,., }' L i\). --- '\:-1 "'~. i 1-r __~_.". f U LJ I" 1 2 3 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. xxxx/08 Being a by-law to amend By-law Number 6191/03 to confirm General Municipal Fees WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law Number 6191/03, as amended, on October 14, 2003 to confirm general municipal fees. AND WHEREAS Schedule I to By-law 6191/03 was updated and replaced under By-law, 6338/04, By-law 6519/05, By-law 6652/06, By-law 6677/06 and By-law 6748/07; NOW THERFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule "I" to By-law Number 6191/03, as amended, is hereby deleted and Schedule "I" attached hereto is substituted therefore. By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21 st day of April, 2008. David Ryan, Mayor Debi Bentley, Clerk CLERKS DIVISION Schedule I -1 "") t. I ,~ {! Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Bodv Rub Licences Owner - not operator $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase Operator - not owner $250.00/yr $250.00/yr N No Increase Attendant $150.00/yr $150.00/yr N No Increase Business Licence Wrecking Yard $20.00/yr $20"00/yr N No Increase Markets (<100 stalls) $200.00/day $200.00/day N No Increase Markets (>99 stalls) $1000.00/day $1000.00/day N No Increase Public Hall $10.00/yr $10.00/yr N No Increase Pet Shops $100.00/yr $250.00/yr N No Increase Boardinq Kennels $250.00/year N May 1, 2008 Breeders $250.00/year N May 1, 2008 Late fees-(Boarding, Breeders and Pet $50.00 N May 1, 2008 Shops. Breeders $250.00/yr N May 1, 2008 Late Fee(Pet shop, breeders, kennel) $50.00lvr N May 1, 2008 Taxi Licences Plate Owner Licence (One Year) $250.00/yr $250.00/yr N No Increase Brokeraqe License (One Year) $150.00/yr $150.00/yr N No Increase Taxicab driver's License (Two Years) $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Clean Air Cab Plate License (One Year) $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase Plate Owner Licence-Clean air Cab $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase City Plate Licence (One Year) $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N No Increase Other Taxicab Fees Transfer of owner's plate $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Driver Testing and Training Program $275.00 $275.00 N No Increase (Excludes CPR) Appeal $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase Replacement Driver's Licence $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase Replacement Taxicab Plates $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase Replacement of Tariff card/Passenger R & R $mOO $10.00 N No Increase Change of Registered Vehicle $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Lease Filinq $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Re-inspection without taxicab meter $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase Re-inspection with taxicab meter $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase Late Cancellation/No Show for Inspection $15.00 $15.00 N No Increase Plate Eliqibilitv List (annually) $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase Cat & Dog Licence Sterilized $20.00/yr $20.00/yr N No Increase Unsterilized $40.00/yr $40.00/yr N No Increase Microchip - Sterilized $15.00/yr $15.00/yr N No Increase Microchip - Unsterilized $35.00/yr $35.00/yr N No Increase Replacement * $5.00 ea $5.00 ea N No Increase Impoundment Fees Impoundment of dog or cat wearing current animal licence tag or microchipped 1 st occurrence $40.00 $40.00 N No Increase 2nd or subsequent occurrence $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase After regular working hours $120.00 $120.00 N No Increase Daily Care Fee $15.00/Day $15.00/Day N No Increase Impoundment of dog or cat not wearing current animal licence tag or microchipped 1 st occurrence $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase CLERKS DIVISION ...., (~) [, I l _ Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date 2nd or subsequent occurrence $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase After reGular workinG hours $120.00 $120.00 N No Increase Daily Care Fee $15.00/Day $15.00/DaY N No Increase Service Fees - Owner surrender fees Transfer of ownership of an animal. $65.00 $150.00 N Januarv 1, 2008 Transfer of ownership of a dog, cat picked up by the Animal Services Officers, during $75.00 $0.00 N Incorporated into normal working hours (excluding Sundays and Transfer of ownership holidays) Transfer of ownership of a dog or cat, picked Incorporated into up by the Animal Services Officer, outside $120.00 $0.00 N regular business hours Transfer of ownership Pick up and Disposal of deceased owned animals Small - medium size $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Medium - extra larqe size $80.00 $80.00 N No Increase Adootion Fees Doqs $75.00 $120.00 N Januarv 1, 2008 Cats $120.00 $85.00 N Januarv 1, 2008 Obedience Doa Training $100.00 $100.00 y No Increase Adult Video Owner/Operator $1500.00/yr $1500.00/Yr N No Increase Owner - not operator $1400.00/yr $1400.00/vr N No Increase Operator - not owner $100.00/yr $100.00/vr N No Increase Fireworks Permits $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Hawker / Peddler Licence Temoorarv Use (Per day / per location) $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase StationarY Use $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase Horse Ridina Establishment Licence Oriainal Licence $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase Annual renewal $100.00/yr $100.00/yr N No Increase Late renewal penalty $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase Sians Sian $150.00 ea $150.00 ea N No Increase Temporary SiGn - 3 Months $150.00 ea $150.00 ea N No Increase Sidewalk Snow Clearing $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase Home Base Business $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Commissioning & Certification of Documents $10.00 up to 3 signatures $10.00 up to 3 signatures N No Increase (CommissioninG for Pension forms is $5.00 per signature after 3 $5.00 per signature after 3 Lotteries BinGO Licence $60 per event $60.00 per event N No Increase Bazaar, Break open Raffle 1.5% Of gross prize value 1.5% of gross prize value (minimum fee of $15.00) (minimum fee of $15.00) N No Increase Marriaae Licence $100.00 each $100.00 each N No Increase Marriaae Ceremonies $250.00 each $250.00 each N No Increase Burial Permits $25.00 each $25.00 each N No Increase CLERKS DIVISION 1 2' 6 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Tree Cuttinq Permit $100.00 each $100.00 each N No Increase Traffic & Parking Removal of obstruction from City Road Return Fee-Basketball Net or other item $50.00 N February 19,2008 Return Fee-Shopping Cart $50.00 N February 19, 2008 PhotocopvinQ Up to five paqes free - additional paqes 0.50 0.50 Y No Increase Compliance Letters $125.00/resp. $125.00/resp. N No Increase Council Aqenda N/A $350.00/Year Y No Increase Executive Planning Aqenda N/A $350.00/Year Y No Increase 1 =~ '7 OFFICE OF SUST AINABILlTY Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Business Directory $20,00 $20,00 N No Increase Business Directory --Special Report $20,00 $20,00 N No Increase Business Directorv-Mailing Labels $100,00 $100,00 N No Increase Filmina Fees: Parks and Facilities $500,00 $500,00 N No Increase Fire Actual Costs Actual Costs Museum Fees: Preo/Strike Fee $75,00 $75,00 Y No Increase Filmina $150,00 $150,00 Y No Increase Overtime $200,00 $200,00 Y No Increase LEGAL SERVICES 1 .~ () I /) (I Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Notarv $10.00 $10.00 N No increase .It I~) C) I l j CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Bidders cost to pick up tendering package Range: Range: Price range based upon the size of the tendering $30.00 to $100.00 $30.00 to $100.00 N No increase document package, drawings, soils report, consulting reports - relative to the sizeof the project Letter of Credit Administration Draw Fee (Excluding Subdivision and Development $250.00 N June 1, 2008 Agreements) NSF Cheaues $35.00 $35.00 N No increase Electronic Payment Correction $35.00 $35.00 N No increase Post Dated Cheque Retrieval Fee $35.00 $35.00 N No increase New Roll Number Set Up Fee $50.00 N June 1, 2008 Ownership chanqe administration fee $25.00 N Jan 1, 2009 Preparation of Property Tax Registration Extension $450.00 $450.00 N No increase Agreement Receipt for Income tax (per roll number) $10.00 $10.00 N No increase *If you are 65 years of age or older as of December Decrease 31,2008, the fee for an Income Tax Receipt will be $10.00 $0.00 N $0 for those properties in the RT tax class. Tax Certificates $65.00 $65.00 N No increase Tax Certificates Faxed (24 hour turn around) $85.00 N June 1, 2008 357/358 Applications $25.00 $25.00 N No increase Dependinq on value of rebate) Tax Collection/Tax Reqistration Letters $25.00 $25.00 N No increase Tax Billing for Mortgage Company (Annual fee for Final Payment Listing Per roll $10.00 $10.00 N No increase number) MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION ,., > t 1." Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Sports Tournaments- User Fee Excludes league tournaments $500.00/weekend (2-3 $500.00/weekend (2-3 days) days) N No Increase $250.00/per day $250.00/per day Sport Camps- User Fee $500.00/week (Full Park) $500.00/week (Full Park) $250.00/week (Partial N No Increase Park) Park Permit Fee $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase Sports Field Booking Permit Fee $25.00 $25.00/field/season N No Increase Road Occupancv Permits $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase Driveway Entrance Curb Cut $36.00/metre Min Charge $207.00 Y $39.00/m (5.3m plus) (5.3m or less) July 1, 2008 Minimum Charge is $39.00/m (5.3m plus) Y $198.00 Cost recovery of damages to City owned Actual Costs plus admin Actual Costs plus admin Property Fee (15%) Fee (15%) N April 1, 2008 Driveway Entrance 9 metres x 400 millimetres $1,370.00 $1,405.00 N July 1, 2008 Driveway Entrance 9 metres to 15 metres $1,370.00 $1,405.00 N Plus $150.00 per metre in Plus $155.00 per metre in excess of 9 metres plus excess of 9 metres N July 1, 2008 $40.00 per coupler when Plus $40.00 per coupler required when required Driveway Entrance extension of existing $150.00 per metre $155.00 per metre N culvert Plus $40.00 per coupler. Plus $40.00 per coupler July 1, 2008 Minimum charge is Min Charge $195.00 N $190.00 Driveway Entrance, culvert other than as Contract Cost Contract Cost described above (time & material) Y No Increase (time and material) Commemorative Tree and Plaque $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Commemorative Bench and Plaoue $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase Hydro/lighting charges for tennis courts * $200.00 (per court per $200.00 (per court per season) season) N No Increase Encroachment Agreement (New) $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase must be registered Encroachment Agreement (Renewal) must be $200.00 $200.00 N No Increase registered Registration of Encroachment Agreements $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase Assignment of Encroachment Agreements $200.00 $200.00 N No Increase " '7 1 I ,] CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Fitness Services Personal Trainina Personal Traininq Intro Pack - Members $98.40 $103.32 Y September 1, 2008 - Non-Members $118.08 $123.98 Y September 1, 2008 Personal Traininq 6 pack - Members $347.28 $364.64 Y September 1, 2008 - Non-Members $416.74 $437.58 Y September 1, 2008 Personal Traininq 12 pack - Members $625.11 $656.37 y September 1, 2008 - Non-Members $750.14 $787.65 y September 1 , 2008 Personal Traininq 16 pack - Members $740.88 $777.92 Y September 1 , 2008 - Non-Members $889.06 $933.51 y September 1, 2008 Personal Traininq Other FIT Club Fast Track $198.45 $208.37 y September 1 , 2008 FIT Test - Non-Member $119.07 $125.02 y September 1, 2008 Individual Session $44.10 $46.31 y September 1 , 2008 Buddy Training - 2 people $66.14 $69.45 y September 1, 2008 Buddy Training - 3 people $82.69 $86.82 Y September 1 , 2008 Program Development $66.14 $69.45 y September 1, 2008 Nutritional Consulting Introductorv Session - Member $110.25 $110.25 y No Increase Introductory Session Family/Friend Member $157.50 $157.50 y No Increase Keep on Track Six - 15 minute consults, $110.25 $110.25 y No Increase Member Full Service Twelve - 30 minute $394.28 $394.28 y No Increase consults, Member Introductorv Session - Non-Member $132.30 $132.30 y No Increase Introductory Session Family/Friend Non-Member $189.00 $189.00 y No Increase Keep on Track Six - 15 minute consults, Non-Member $132.30 $132.20 y No Increase Full Service Twelve - 30 minute consults, Non-Member $463.05 $463.05 y No Increase Babvsittina Service Babvsittinq 1 Hour - Member $2.50 $3.00 N September 1, 2008 Babysittinq 10 Pass - Member $25.00 $30.00 N September 1, 2008 Babysittinq 1 Hour - Non-Member $4.50 $4.50 N No Increase Proarams Fitness Proarams Nia Twelve, 1 1/4 hour classes $141.51 $141.51 y No Increase Family Fit Challenge Six, 1-hour classes, 1 adult $35.33 $47.00 N September 1, 2008 & 1 child Family Fit Challenge Six, 1-hour classes, 1 adult $10.09 $13.50 N September 1, 2008 & 1 child Tai Chi From Ten to Twelve - 1 hour classes 85.19 (10) 102.50 (12) Y September 1, 2008 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION 1 I r} ,) L Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Intermediate Pilates From Six to Twelve - 1 hour 74.77 (6) 149.50 (12) Y September 1, 2008 classes- Beginner Pilates From Six to Twelve - 1 hour 70.08 (6) 140.00 (12) Y September 1, 2008 classes F.I.T. Club Fifteen hour proqram $88.20 $88.20 Y No Increase Weiqht Traininq for Women Six - 1 hour classes $91.58 $91.58 Y No Increase Yoga for Older Adults 12 60-minute classes $50.00 $50.00 Y No Increase Proaressive Yoaa $9.20 $9.50 Y September 1, 2008 Teen Yoga 12 60-minute classes $46.64 $46.64 Y No Increase Family Fit Yoga 12 60-minute classes 1 adult & 1 child $70.00 $70.00 N No Increase each add. Fam mem $18.87 $18.87 N No Increase Big Ball Group Personal 4 45-minute classes $37.74 $37.74 Y No Increase Training Weddina Bells Boot Camp 50-minute class $3.87 $3.87 Y No Increase PREP (NEW) 15 - 75 minute classes $100.00 $100.00 Y August 1, 2008 Urban Poling (NEW) No Poles - Eight - 1 hour $64.00 $64.00 Y August 1, 2008 classes Urban Poling (NEW) With Poles - Eight - 1 hour $154.00 $154.00 Y August 1, 2008 classes Senior Moves (NEW) Nine - 1 hour classes $50.00 $50.00 Y Auaust 1, 2008 Osteo Breakthrouah (NEW) Nine - 1 hour classes $50.00 $50.00 Y Auaust 1, 2008 Salsa (NEW) Eiaht - 1 hour classes $75.48 $75.48 Y Auqust 1, 2008 Quick Fat Flush (NEW) Four - 1 hour classes $75.48 $75.48 Y Auqust 1, 2008 Lifestvle Nutrition (NEW) Four - 1 hour classes $75.48 $75.48 Y Auqust 1, 2008 Successful Eating Plan (NEW) Four - 1 hour classes $75.48 $75.48 Y August 1, 2008 Biggest Loser (NEW) Sixteen - 1 hour classes $289.00 $289.00 Y August 1, 2008 Girlz Club (NEW) Eight - 45 minute classes $30.00 $30.00 N August 1, 2008 Boyz Club (NEW) Eight - 45 minute classes $30.00 $30.00 N August 1, 2008 Aauatic Proarams Swim Preschool Ten - 30 minute classes $85.05 $85.05 N No Increase Swim Kids 1-5 Ten - 30 minute classes $85.05 $85.05 N No Increase Swim Kids 6-10 Ten-45 minute classes $95.55 $95.55 N No Increase Summer Swim (DIP) Session Nineteen - 45 minute $145.00 $145.00 N No Increase classes Youth Programs Ten - 45 minute classes $87.00 $91.35 N September 1, 2008 Canadian Swim Patrol Ten -1 hour classes $95.55 $95.55 N No Increase Bronze Star Ten -1.5 hour classes $111.00 $111.00 N No Increase Bronze Medallion Twenty-four hour program $219.00 $219.00 N No Increase & Emerg. First Aid * Bronze Cross Twenty~four hour program $164.00 $164.00 N No Increase NLS Fortv hour proaram $257.01 $257.01 Y No Increase Leader/Assistant Instructor Fortv hour proaram $215.89 $215.89 Y No Increase ~..i .', "II t: Z .....J '..j CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee Current Fee Applicable User Fee or Charge (Excluding GST) ( Excluding GST) Effective Date (Y/N) Red Cross/Lifesaving Society Forty-five hour program No Increase Water Safety Instructor $269.86 $269.86 Y Aqua Adults Ten - 55 minute classes $83.18 $87.34 Y September 1, 2008 Aqua Adults Ten - 30 minute classes $57.55 $59.85 Y September 1, 2008 Private Classes Ten - 30 minute classes $258.00 $258.00 N No Increase Semi-Private Classes Ten - 30 minute classes $155.00 $155.00 N No Increase Aquafit Ten - 55 minute classes $84.11 $84.11 Y No Increase Aquafit Twenty - 55 minute classes $145.79 $145.79 Y No Increase Aquafit Thirty - 55 minute classes $170.09 $170.09 Y No Increase Specialty Aquafit, Nice'n Easy Ten - 40 minute classes $66.36 $71.96 Y September 1, 2008 Specialty Aquafit, Nice'n Easy Twenty - 40 minute classes $106.54 $106.54 Y No Increase Aquafit for Arthritis Ten - 40 minute classes $71.96 $71.96 Y No Increase Aquafit for Arthritis Twenty - 40 minute classes $106.54 $106.54 Y No Increase Aquafit Pay As You Go $8.00 $8.00 Y No Increase High Five for Aquatics (NEW) Four Hours $45.00 Y No Increase Museum Outreach Proarams NOTE: chanClinCl over to a oer student fee $4.29 Y April 1, 2008 Weavinq Wizards One 2 hour class $84.91 Buzzsaws & Buildinq Blocks One 2 hour class $80.19 $4.29 Y April 1, 2008 Wonderful Wool One 45 minute class $47.17 $2.38 Y April 1, 2008 Thinqamajiqs One 1 hour class $66.04 $3.33 Y Aoril 1, 2008 Settlers Workshop Fraktur One - 2 hour class $89.62 $4.76 Y Aoril 1, 2008 Christmas Past One - 2 hour class $84.91 $4.76 Y Auqust 1, 2008 Fractur One - 2 hour class $89.62 $4.76 Y April 1, 2008 Sheen to Shawl One - 2 hour class $84.91 $4.29 y Aoril 1, 2008 Stunninq Stencils One - 2 hour class $84.91 $4.76 Y April 1, 2008 Wordsmiths One - 2 hour class $47.17 $4.76 y April 1, 2008 Preschool Proarams Toddler Playgroup Twelve - 1 hour classes $87.00 $90.00 N August 1, 2008 Artful Toddler Twelve - 1.25 hour classes $109.00 $113.00 N August 1, 2008 Kindergarten's Coming (NEW) Twelve - 21/4 hour classes $141.00 $146.00 N August 1, 2008 P.S. Writing is Fun Twelve - 1 hour classes $87.00 $90.00 N August 1, 2008 Tots In Action Twelve - 2 hour classes $120.00 $124.00 N August 1, 2008 Kids Are Curious (Science) Twelve - 2 hour classes $125.00 $129.00 N August 1, 2008 Here Comes Gr. 1 Twelve - 2 hour classes $125.00 $129.00 N August 1, 2008 Wiggles'n Giggles Twelve - 30 minute classes $60.00 $62.00 N August 1, 2008 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION " .., il ! ,') q Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee Current Fee Applicable User Fee or Charge (Excluding GST) ( Excluding GST) Effective Date (Y/N) Tumble Tots Twelve- 45 minute classes $75.00 $78.00 N August 1, 2008 Bouncin' Buddies Twelve - 45 minute classes $75.00 $78.00 N August 1, 2008 Jumpin' Jax Twelve - 45 minute classes $75.00 $78.00 N August 1, 2008 Junior Gym Twelve - 1 hour classes $89.00 $92.00 N August 1, 2008 Parent & Tot Skate Twelve - 30 minute classes $72.00 $74.00 N August 1, 2008 Beginner Pre School Skating Twelve - 30 minute classes $72.00 $74.00 N August 1, 2008 Advanced Skating Twelve - 45 minute classes $87.00 $90.00 N August 1, 2008 Creative Steps Twelve - 30 minute classes $59.00 $61.00 N August 1, 2008 Pre-Ballet Twelve - 45 minute classes $75.00 $77.00 N August 1, 2008 Rhyme Time, PMV Six - 60 minute classes $36.00 $42.00 N August 1, 2008 Kids Cookinq (NEW) Four - 1 hour classes $45.00 $45.00 N Auqust 1, 2008 Kids Nia (NEW) Eight - 45 minute classes $40.00 $40.00 N August 1, 2008 Salsa Babies (NEW) Six - 45 minute classes $67.93 $67.93 Y August 1, 2008 Salsa Tots (NEW) Six - 30 minute classes $60.00 $60.00 N August 1, 2008 Children & Youth ProQrams Creative Steps Twelve - 30 minute classes $59.00 $61.00 N August 1, 2008 Pre-Ballet Twelve - 45 minute classes $75.00 $77.00 N August 1, 2008 Dance - Primary Ballet Twelve - 45 minute classes $75.00 $77.00 N August 1, 2008 Hip Hop Dance Twelve - 45 minute classes $75.00 $77.00 N August 1, 2008 Jazz Twelve - 45 minute classes $75.00 $77.00 N August 1, 2008 Children's Art Ten - 1.25 hour classes $65.00 $67.00 N August 1, 2008 Youth Art Ten - 1.5 hour classes $71.00 $61.00 N August 1, 2008 (does not include supplies) Wild Life Art (NEW) Ten - 1 .25 hour classes $67.00 N August 1, 2008 Jewellery Making Five - 1.5 hours classes $57.00 $59.00 N August 1, 2008 Babysitting Training Course Eight - 1.5 hour classes $57.00 $59.00 N August 1, 2008 Home Alone Four - 1.5 hour classes $30.00 $31 .00 N August 1, 2008 Breakdancing Ten - 1 hour classes $57.00 $59.00 N Auaust 1, 2008 Youth Leadership Nine - 1.5 hour classes $54.00 $54.00 N No Increase Mad Science Eight - 1 hour classes $95.00 $98.00 N August 1, 2008 Children's Guitar - Level 1 Eight - 1 hour classes $62.00 $64.00 N August 1, 2008 ...,. c:, I ") ~l CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee Current Fee Applicable User Fee or Charge (Excluding GST) ( Excluding GST) Effective Date (Y/N) Children's Learn to Sew Eight - 2 hour classes $84.00 $87.00 N August 1, 2008 Girlz Night Seven weeks - 2 hour $57.00 $59.00 N Aug ust 1, 2008 classes Karate 3 months - 1 hour classes $41.00 $85.00 N August 1, 2008 Badminton Twelve - 1 hour classes $51.00 $53.00 N August 1, 2008 Summer Assistant Counsellor Minimum 2 sessions or 4 $72.00 $75.00 N August 1, 2008 weeks Auoust 1, 2008 Summer Youth Leadership Nine - 3 hour classes $115.00 $119.00 N Ten - 3 hours classes $125.00 $130.00 N August 1, 2008 Recreational Basketball Clinic Eight - 2 hour classes $44.00 $45.50 N August 1, 2008 Recreational Volleyball Clinic Eight - 2 hour classes $44.00 $45.50 N August 1, 2008 Ball Hockey Ten - 1.5 hour classes $54.00 $56.00 N August 1, 2008 The Drama Club Ten- 1.5 hour classes $130.00 $135.00 N August 1, 2008 Pickleball (NEW) Five - 1.5 hour classes $24.00 $24.00 N No Increase Adult Proarams $77.14 Y Auoust 1, 2008 Art Ten 2 hour classes $74.53 Art - Acrvlics Five 3 hour classes $97.17 $71.43 Y Auoust 1, 2008 Evenino Watercolour Six - 3 hour classes $97.17 $86.67 Y Auoust 1, 2008 Adult Guitar Eight - 1 hour classes $58.50 $60.95 Y August 1, 2008 Ballroom Dance Ten 2 hour classes $85.84 $88.57 Y Auoust 1, 2008 Bellydance Twelve - 1 hour classes $69.81 $72.38 Y August 1, 2008 Scraobookino One 2 hour class $24.53 $25.71 Y Auoust 1, 2008 Spanish, Beoinnerllnt. Ten 2 hour classes $70.76 $73.33 Y Auoust 1, 2008 Photoaraohv, Beoinner Six 2 hour classes $45.28 $46.67 Y Auoust 1, 2008 Sewino Ten 2 hour classes $93.40 $97.14 Y Auoust 1, 2008 Cake Decorating Eight - 2 1/4 hour classes $72.64 $60.00 Y August 1, 2008 Karate Three months - 1 hour $60.38 $83.81 Y August 1, 2008 classes Skating Twelve - 45 minute classes $81 .13 $83.81 Y August 1, 2008 Men's Power Hour Twelve - 1 hr. classes $41 .51 $42.86 Y August 1, 2008 Badminton Twelve - 1.5 hr. classes $62.26 $64.76 Y August 1, 2008 Vollevball, Competitive Ten 2 hr. classes $66.04 $68.57 Y Auoust 1, 2008 Volleyball, Recreation Twelve - 1.5 hr. classes $59.43 $61.90 Y August 1, 2008 Older Adult Proarams Keep Fit Twelve - 1 hour classes $33.96 $35.24 Y August 1, 2008 Keep Fit Twelve - 1 hour classes $33.96 $35.24 Y August 1, 2008 Line Dancing Twelve - 1 hr. classes $27.36 $28.57 Y August 1, 2008 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION 1 36 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Art (Beg. & Adv.) Twelve - 2 hour classes $46.23 $47.62 Y August 1, 2008 Summer Fit Eight - 1 hour classes $27.36 $28.57 Y August 1, 2008 Stretch & Strengthen Twelve - 1 hr. classes $33.96 $35.24 Y August 1, 2008 Pickleball Ten - 1.5 hour classes $32.08 $33.34 Y August 1, 2008 Scrapbooking Ten - 1.5 hour classes $23.58 $52.38 Y August 1, 2008 CloG DancinG Ten - 1 hr. classes $27.35 $28.57 Y AUGust 1, 2008 Museum Proarams Introductory SketchinG One - 3 hr. class $37.74 $37.74 Y No Increase Paper Handicrafts (Quillinq) One - 2.5 hr. class $34.74 $36.19 Y April 1, 2008 Bread Makinq One - 2.5 hr. class $29.25 $30.48 Y April 1, 2008 Chocolate: An Edible History One - 5 hr. class $3774 $38.10 Y April 1, 2008 Kids in the Village Summer One - 2 hr. class $3.00 $4.76 Y April 1, 2008 Craft & Games Program Hearth and Home NEW) One - 2 hr. class $19.05 y April 1,2008 Learn to Crochet (NEW) One - 2 hr. class $19.05 Y April 1, 2008 Paper Crafts (NEW) One - 2 hr. class $19.05 y April 1, 2008 Yes You "Can"! (NEW) One - 2 hr. class $19.05 Y April 1, 2008 Chocolate Tea (NEW) One - 2 hr. class $19.05 Y April 1, 2008 Jane Austen Tea (NEW) One - 2 hr. class $19.05 Y Aoril 1, 2008 Victorian Tea (NEW) One - 2 hr. class $19.05 Y Amil 1, 2008 An Evening of Temperance One - 1.5 hr. class $14.29 Y April 1, 2008 (NEW) Christmas Craft Club (NEW) One - 2 hr. class $14.29 y April 1, 2008 Imaaine! Create! ( NEW) Two - 2 hr. classes $38.10 Y April 1 , 2008 Mother's Dav Tea NEW) One - 1.5 hr. sittina $14.29 Y April 1, 2008 Star Gazina (NEW One - 2 hr. class $19.05 Y April 1, 2008 Summer Solstice Suppers One - 3 hr class (weeknight $38.10 y April 1, 2008 (NEW) Summer Solstice Suppers One - 3 hr. class $42.86 Y April 1, 2008 (NEW) (Weekend) Integrating the Hot New Trends One - 1.5 hr. class $15.24 Y April 1, 2008 in Gardening (NEW) Heritage Gardening Hints One - 1.5 hour class $15.24 Y April 1, 2008 (NEW) Planning for Fall Colour (NEW) One - 1.5 hour class $15.24 Y April 1 , 2008 How to Get a Five-Bloom One - 1.5 hour class $15.24 Y April 1, 2008 Rating (NEW) PA Day Heritage Camp One - 6.25 hr. class $28.57 y April 1, 2008 (NEW) PA Day Heritage Extend-a- One - 3.75 hr. class $28.57 Y April 1, 2008 Camp (NEW Carnes March Break Came Extend a Camp 5 Davs $58.00 $60.00 N November 1, 2008 Full Dav Proaram 5 Davs $147.00 $152.00 N November 1 , 2008 Half Dav Camp 5 Davs $76.00 $79.00 N November 1, 2008 Museum Pioneer Camo 5 days $147.00 $152.00 N March 1, 2009 Pioneer Camo 9 days $252.00 $261.00 N March 1, 2009 1 Iy 7 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) Applicable Effective Date (Y/N) Pioneer Camp 10 davs $280.00 $290.00 N March 1, 2009 Pioneer French Camp (NEW) 5 days $152.00 N March 1, 2009 Pioneer French Camp (NEW) 10 days $290.00 N March 1, 2009 Summer Camps - Adventure/Art/Snorts Full Day Proqram 5 Davs $147.00 $152.00 N March 1, 2009 9 Davs $252.00 $261.00 N March 1, 2009 1 0 Days $280.00 $290.00 N March 1, 2009 Camp Mini Pidaca Half Day Proqram 5 Days $76.00 $79.00 N March 1, 2009 9 Davs $127.00 $131.00 N March 1, 2009 10 Days $147.00 $152.00 N March 1, 2009 Extend-a-Cam p 5 Days $58.00 $60.00 N March 1, 2009 9 Days $102.00 $106.00 N March 1, 2009 10 Days $111.00 $115.00 N March 1, 2009 Mad Science Camp FULL Dav Proaram 5 Davs $195.00 $195.00 N No Increase Memberships: PickerinQ Recreation Comnlex Health Club Adult, full Annual $420.00 $441.00 Y Seatember 1, 2008 Seasonal $188.23 $197.64 Y Seatember 1, 2008 Adult, daytime Annual $315.79 $331.58 Y Seatember 1, 2008 Seasonal $126.07 $132.37 Y Seatember 1 , 2008 Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 members $378.00 $396.90 Y September 1, 2008 Annual, over 15 members $357.00 $374.85 Y September 1, 2008 Adult, daytime, corporate Annual, under 15 members $270.68 $284.21 Y September 1, 2008 Annual, over 15 members $255.65 $268.43 Y September 1, 2008 Youth Annual $170.88 $179.42 Y Seatember 1 , 2008 Seasonal $92.89 $97.53 Y September 1, 2008 Squash Adult Full, Annual $518.56 $518.56 Y No Increase Full, Seasonal $223.04 $223.04 Y No Increase Adult Davtime, Annual $387.21 $387.21 Y No Increase Daytime, Seasonal $160.86 $160.86 Y No Increase Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 members $471.70 $471.70 Y No Increase Annual, over 15 members $448.28 $448.28 Y No Increase Adult, daytime, corporate Annual, under 15 members $336.91 $336.91 Y No Increase Annual, over 15 members $320.68 $320.68 Y No Increase Youth Annual $198.36 $198.36 Y No Increase Seasonal $86.81 $95.49 Y September 1, 2008 Family Annual $946.02 $946.02 Y No Increase Racauetball Adult Full, Annual $445.42 $445.42 Y No Increase Full, Seasonal $186.42 $186.42 Y No Increase Adult Daytime, Annual $334.37 $334.37 Y No Increase Daytime, Seasonal $132.87 $132.87 Y No Increase CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION ...., 7 ,"\ I:) () Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 members $400.86 $400.86 Y No Increase Annual, over 15 members $378.59 $378.59 Y No Increase Adult, daytime, corporate Annual, under 15 members $286.59 $286.59 Y No Increase Annual, over 15 members $270.68 $270.68 Y No Increase Youth Annual $198.44 $198.44 Y No Increase Seasonal $86.81 $95.49 Y Seotember 1, 2008 Familv Annual $856.04 $856.04 Y No Increase Combination Adult Full, Annual $548.32 $548.32 Y No Increase Full, Seasonal $296.82 $296.82 Y No Increase Adult Daytime, Annual $410.26 $410.26 Y No Increase Daytime, Seasonal $170.56 $170.56 Y No Increase Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 members $498.49 $498.49 Y No Increase Annual, over 15 members $473.57 $473.57 Y No Increase Adult, daytime, corporate Annual, under 15 members $356.65 $356.65 Y No Increase Annual, over 15 members $363.74 $363.7 4 Y No Increase Youth Annual $198.45 $198.45 Y No Increase Seasonal $92.89 $102.18 Y Seotember 1, 2008 Family Annual $1,004.46 $1,004.46 Y No Increase Tennis Adult Resident, Full, Annual $445.41 $467.68 Y September 1, 2008 Resident, Full, Seasonal $187.52 $196.90 Y September 1, 2008 Adult Resident, Daytime, Annual $320.88 $336.92 Y September 1, 2008 Resident, Daytime, $127.62 $134.00 Y September 1, 2008 Seasonal Youth Resident, Annual $198.44 $208.36 Y Seotember 1, 2008 Resident, Seasonal $86.81 $95.49 Y Seotember 1, 2008 Familv Resident, Annual $855.54 $898.32 Y Seotember 1 , 2008 Tennis Adult Non-resident, Full, Annual $503.84 $529.03 Y September 1, 2008 Non-resident, Full, $211.83 $222.42 Y September 1, 2008 Seasonal Adult Non-resident, Daytime, $378.20 $397.11 Y September 1, 2008 Annual Non-resident, Daytime, $151.54 $159.12 Y September 1 , 2008 Seasonal Youth Non-resident, Annual $219.93 $230.93 Y Seotember 1, 2008 Non-resident, Seasonal $92.60 $101.86 Y September 1, 2008 Family Non-resident, Annual $1,014.08 $1,064.78 Y September 1, 2008 Golden Adult Full, Annual $992.25 $992.25 Y No Increase Full, Seasonal $416.74 $416.74 Y No Increase ,., Z 9 I ,) . CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Adult Daytime, Annual $744.93 $744.93 Y No Increase Daytime, Seasonal $298.97 $298.97 Y No Increase Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 members $940.52 $940.52 Y No Increase Annual, over 15 members $890.91 $890.91 Y No Increase Adult, daytime, corporate Annual, under 15 members $638.51 $638.51 Y No Increase Annual, over 15 members $603.04 $603.04 Y No Increase Youth Annual $396.89 $396.89 Y No Increase Seasonal $166.69 $166.69 Y No Increase Family Annual $1,904.00 $1,904.00 Y No Increase Fitness Class Memberships Fitness Memberships Annual $329.70 $329.70 Y No Increase 3-Month $133.35 $133.35 Y No Increase Youth Annual $141.34 $141.34 Y No Increase Family Annual $699.60 $699.60 Y No Increase Memberships: Pickerina Rec. Complex and Dunbarton Indoor Aauatic Memberships Adult Annual $136.20 $143.01 Y September 1, 2008 Family Annual $257.69 $270.57 Y September 1, 2008 Youth/Disabled/Senior Annual $98.17 $103.08 Y September 1, 2008 Adult Seasonal $60.11 $63.12 Y September 1, 2008 Family Seasonal $96.93 $101.46 Y September 1, 2008 Y outh/Disa bled/Senior Seasonal $41 .72 $43.81 Y Seotember 1, 2008 Pickerinq Museum Villaae Membership Season, Family $45.28 $47.62 Y April 1, 2008 Pre-teen Dance Membership Membership Three Pass $39.62 $28.95 Y September 1, 2008 Admissions & Passes Combatants Room Our Special Place Sinqle Admission $4.25 $4.25 Y No Increase Fitness Admissions Fitness Class Single Admission $7.43 $7.80 Y September 1, 2008 Fitness Class Five-Pass $37.10 $38.96 Y September 1, 2008 Fitness Room Sinqle Admission $10.59 $11.12 Y September 1 , 2008 Fitness Room Five-Pass $52.50 $55.13 Y Seotember 1 , 2008 Fitness Room Ten-Pass $105.00 $110.25 Y Seotember 1, 2008 Arena Admissions Public Skating Single Admission - Youth $2.86 $2.86 Y No Increase Ten-Pass - Youth $22.86 $22.86 Y No Increase Single Admission - Adult $3.81 $3.81 Y No Increase Ten Pass - Adult $30.24 $30.48 Y Seotember 1, 2008 Family Pass $9.52 $9.52 Y No Increase Family 10 - Pass $47.14 $47.62 Y 01/09/2008 Parent & Tot Single Adult Admission $1.90 $1.90 Y No Increase Senior Skate Sinqle Admission $0.95 $0.95 Y No Increase Shinny Sinqle Admission $4.76 $4.76 Y No Increase CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION I 4:J Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date 20 - Pass $75.48 $76.19 Y September 1, 2008 Special Promotion: Familv Dav & Saturdays Youth Skate $1.90 $1.90 Y No Increase Family Skate $4.76 $4.76 Y No Increase Racauet Sports Admissions Squash/Racquetball Prime Time $11.68 $12.26 Y Seotember 1, 2008 Non-Prime- Time $9.41 $9.88 Y September 1, 2008 Tennis Prime Time $27.49 $28.86 Y September 1, 2008 Non-Prime- Time $21.60 $22.68 Y September 1, 2008 Family Day Activity Passport $4.76 Y January 1, 2008 Swimmina Admissions Pre-Teen Swim Single Admission $2.12 $2.23 Y September 1, 2008 Youth/Senior/Disabled Single Admission $2.23 $2.23 Y No Increase Youth/Senior/Disabled Ten-pass $18.87 $18.87 Y No Increase Adult Single $3.22 $3.22 Y No Increase Adult Ten-pass $28.31 $28.31 Y No Increase Family Single $6.44 $6.44 Y No Increase Family Ten-pass $55.66 $55.66 Y No Increase Special Promotion: (Familv Day & Saturdays) Youth Single $1.90 $1.90 Y No Increase Family Single $4.76 $4.76 Y No Increase Museum Admissions Adults Single Admission $3.77 $4.76 Y Aoril 1, 2008 StudenUSenior Single Admission $2.36 $3.81 Y Aoril 1, 2008 Children Single Admission $1.89 $2.86 Y April 1, 2008 Family Single Admission $11 .32 $14.29 Y April 1 , 2008 School Tours - Basic Half day/student $5.66 $6.43 Y Auqust 1, 2008 School Tours - Christmas Half day/student $5.66 $7.14 Y August 1, 2008 in the Village School Tours - School Days Half day/student $6.43 Y April 1, 2008 (NEW) School Tours - Stencilling (NEV\i Half day/student $6.67 Y April 1, 2008 School Tours - Wonderful Wool Full day/student $5.66 $6.43 Y AUGust 1,2008 School Tours - Candlemaking Full day/student $10.85 $11 .43 Y Auqust 1, 2008 School Tours - Dairy Dav Full day/student $10.85 $10.95 Y Auqust 1, 2008 School Tours - Weaving Full day/student $11.56 $11.67 Y Auqust 1, 2008 Birthday Parties 12 child max, 2.5 hours $113.21 $161.90 Y Aoril1, 2008 Multi Day Tours 2 days, per student/day $10.38 $12.38 Y AUGust 1, 2008 School Tours - Conflict Full day/student $10.38 $10.48 Y August 1, 2008 and Change School Tours - Wordsmiths Full day/student $10.38 $10.48 Y AUGust 1, 2008 School Tours - Toys, Games Full day/student and Leisure Activities $10.38 $10.48 Y August 1, 2008 School Tours - StencillinG (NEV\i Full day/student $10.38 $10.48 Y AUGust 1, 2008 School Tours - Blacksmithing Full day/student $12.26 $12.38 Y AUGust 1, 2008 Rental Fees: Pickerina Rec. Complex and Don Beer Ice Rental Rates PickerinG Youth Affiliate Prime time $146.23 $152.38 Y July 1, 2008 Non-Prime time $108.49 $114.29 Y July 1, 2008 Adults & Residents Affiliate Prime time $165.09 $171.43 Y Julv 1, 2008 Non-Prime time $122.64 $128.57 Y Julv 1, 2008 Commercial & Non-Resident Prime time $188.68 $195.24 Y Julv 1, 2008 1 L~ 1 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Non-Prime time $146.23 $152.38 y Julv 1, 2008 Elementary Schools Prime Time $146.23 $152.38 y Julv 1, 2008 Non-Prime Time $66.04 $68.57 y Julv 1, 2008 HiQh School/Industrial Prime time $165.09 $171.43 y Julv 1, 2008 Non-Prime time $94.34 $100.00 y Julv 1, 2008 Summer Ice Prime Time $183.96 $190.48 y June 1, 2008 Pad Rental Leaques Hourlv Rate $66.04 $68.57 y Aoril 1, 2008 General Flat Rate, Full Dav $1,574.77 $1,574.76 y No Increase General Hourlv $70.75 $73.33 y April 1, 2008 Pickerin~ Museum Villa~e Schoolhouse (rentals available vear round) Resident (NEW) Flat Rate, whole day $404.76 y Aoril 1, 2008 Non-Resident (NEW) Flat Rate, whole day $485.71 y Aoril 1, 2008 Resident (NEW) Hourlv rate $142.86 y Aoril1, 2008 Non-Resident (NEW) Hourly rate $171.43 Y Aoril 1, 2008 Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of $268.87 $271.43 y April 1, 2008 renta I Non-Resident (NEW) Flat Rate, 2 hours day of $323.81 Y April 1, 2008 rental Daytime Business, Resident Flat Rate, business hours $247.62 y April 1, 2008 (NEW) Daytime Business, Non- Flat Rate, business hours $304.76 y April 1, 2008 Resident (NEW) Community Group (NEW) Flat Rate, max. 4 hours $114.29 y April 1 , 2008 Chaoel (rentals available from Aoril to October, before Resident (NEW) Hourly rate $152.38 y Aoril 1, 2008 Non-Resident (NEW) Hourly rate $182.86 Y Aoril 1, 2008 Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of $268.87 $271.43 y April 1, 2008 rental Non-Resident (NEW) Flat Rate, 2 hours day of $323.81 y April 1, 2008 rental Odd Fellows Hall (rentals available from Aoril to Octobe Resident (NEW) Flat Rate, whole day $404.76 y Aoril 1, 2008 Non-Resident (NEW) Flat Rate, whole day $485.71 y Aoril 1, 2008 Resident (NEW) Hourlv rate $104.76 y Aoril1, 2008 Non-Resident (NEW) Hourly rate $123.81 y Aoril 1, 2008 Resident (NEW) Flat Rate, 2 hours day of $190.48 y April 1, 2008 rental Non-Resident (NEW) Flat Rate, 2 hours day of $228.57 y April 1, 2008 rental Community Group (NEW) Flat Rate, max. 4 hours $114.29 Y April 1, 2008 Bandstand (rentals available from April to October, (before dusk) Resident (NEW) Hourly rate $133.33 y April 1, 2008 Non-Resident (NEW) Hourly rate $160.00 y April 1, 2008 Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of $245.28 $247.62 y April 1, 2008 renta I Non-Resident (NEW) Flat Rate, 2 hours day of $295.24 y April 1, 2008 rental Grounds for Photos (rentals available from April to October, before dusk) Resident (NEW) Hourlv rate $52.38 y Aoril 1, 2008 Non-Resident (NEW) Hourlv rate $61.90 y Aoril 1, 2008 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION " A t') ! '-t L Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of $78.30 $90.48 y April 1, 2008 rental Non-Resident (NEW) Flat Rate, 2 hours day of $109.52 y April 1, 2008 rental Daytime Business, Resident Flat Rate, business hours $285.71 y April 1, 2008 (NEW) Daytime Business, Non- Flat Rate, business hours $342.86 y April 1 , 2008 Resident (NEW) Community Group (NEW) Flat Rate, max. 4 hours $113.29 y April 1 , 2008 Grounds for Picnics/Social Gatherings rentals avail. from April to October, before dusk) Resident (NEW) Flat Rate, whole dav $404.76 y April 1, 2008 Non-Resident (NEW) Flat Rate, whole dav $485.71 y April 1, 2008 Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of $78.30 $90.48 y April 1, 2008 rental Redman House (rentals available from April to October before dusk) Resident Flat Rate, whole dav $292.45 $290.48 y April 1, 2008 Non-Resident Flat Rate, whole dav $344.34 $347.62 y April 1, 2008 Resident Hourly rate $49.06 $57.14 y Aoril 1, 2008 Non-Resident Hourly rate $64.15 $71.43 y Aoril 1, 2008 Resident (NEW) Flat Rate, 2 hours day of $90.48 Y April 1, 2008 rental Non-Resident (NEW) Flat Rate, 2 hours day of $109.52 y April 1, 2008 rental Daytime Business, Resident Flat Rate, business hours $190.48 y April 1, 2008 (NEW) Daytime Business, Non- Flat Rate, business hours $228.57 y April 1, 2008 Resident (NEW) Community Group (NEW) Flat Rate, max. 4 hours $114.29 y April 1, 2008 Chairs (up to 100 chairs) per chair $1.33 y April 1, 2008 (NEW) , PMV Education Kits one week rental $25.58 $23.81 Y April 1, 2008 Pickering Rec. Complex & Dunbarton Indoor Pool Pool Rentals Private Rental-Rec Complex Hourly, max 19 $90.67 $93.39 y September 1, 2008 Private Rental-Dunbarton Pool Hourly, max 19 $79.15 $79.15 y No Increase Private Rental-Rec Complex Hourly, max 50 $110.00 $113.50 y September 1, 2008 Private Rental-Dunbarton Pool Hourly, max 50 $94.58 $94.58 Y No Increase Synchronized Pool Rental- Hourly, non prime (DIP) $61.65 $62.23 y September 1, 2008 Synchronized Rental-Rec Hourly, diving well (RlC) $34.95 $34.95 y No Increase Complex Pickering Swim Club- Hourly, prime time (RlC) $59.63 $59.63 y No Increase Pickerina Swim Club- Hourly (DIP) $62.23 $62.23 y No Increase Master Swim Proqram- Hourly (DIP) $79.16 $79.16 y No Increase Extra Lifequard Hourly $18.50 $19.06 y September 1, 2008 Instructor Hourly $22.61 $23.29 y September 1 , 2008 Board of Education Hourly $50.37 $51.88 y September 1, 2008 Swim Meet Hourly $96.63 $116.81 Y September 1, 2008 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION ~ l} ~ ! t Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Pickerina Rec. Complex Facilities Combatants Room Off Court Trainina Hourlv $18.69 $19.62 Y September 1, 2008 Martial Arts Hourly $2337 $23.37 Y No Increase Bovz and Girlz Birthdav 2 Hours $160.00 $168.00 Y September 1, 2008 After Hour Tennis Rentals Four Courts Hourly rate $56.08 $83.02 Y September 1, 2008 Pool Meetina Room Swim Party Rental Flat rate, 1.5 hours $33.60 $33.60 Y September 1, 2008 Meetina Room 1 Resident Flat rate, Whole Dav $149.10 $149.10 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Dav $193.20 $193.20 Y No Increase Resident Hourlv rate $28.35 $28.35 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourlv rate $40.95 $40.95 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate, Business Hours $93.45 $93.45 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non- Flat rate, Business Hours $127.05 $127.05 Y No Increase resident Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 hours $27.00 $29.70 Y September 1, 2008 Meetina Rooms 1 & 2 Resident Flat rate, Whole Dav $242.55 $242.55 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Dav $330.75 $330.75 Y No Increase Resident Hourlv rate $40.95 $40.95 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourlv rate $57.75 $57.75 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate, Business Hours $127.05 $127.05 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non- Flat rate, Business Hours $170.10 $170.10 Y No Increase resident Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $55.00 $60.50 Y September 1, 2008 Meetina Rooms 1, 2 & 3 Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $396.90 $396.90 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $496.65 $496.65 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $60.90 $60.90 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourlv rate $80.85 $80.85 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate, Business Hours $181.65 $181.65 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non- Flat rate, Business Hours $247.80 $247.80 Y No Increase resident Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $58.00 $63.80 Y September 1, 2008 New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate, Whole Day $788.55 $788.55 Y No Increase O'Brien Meetina Room A or B Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $210.00 $210.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $264.60 $264.60 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $40.95 $40.95 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourly rate $60.90 $60.90 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate, Business Hours $87.15 $87.15 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non- Flat rate, Business Hours $127.05 $127.05 Y No Increase resident CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION I . 1 44 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $32.00 $35.20 Y September 1, 2008 O'Brien Meetina Rooms A & B Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $424.20 $424.20 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $518.70 $518.70 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $8085 $80.85 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourly rate $115.50 $115.50 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate, Business Hours $181.65 $181.65 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non- Flat rate, Business Hours $254.10 $254.10 Y No Increase resident Tournament bookinqs Flat rate, Der dav $212.30 $212.30 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $58.00 $63.80 Y September 1, 2008 New Year's Eve Flat rate, Whole Day $840.00 $840.00 Y No Increase PickerinCl Rec. Complex East or West Salon Resident Flat rate, Whole Dav $630.00 $630.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $819.00 $819.00 Y No Increase Friday, resident Flat rate, Whole Day $473.00 $473.00 Y No Increase Friday, non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $614.00 $614.00 Y No Increase Sunday, resident Flat rate, Daytime $378.00 $378.00 Y No Increase Sundav, non-resident Flat rate, Daytime $473.00 $473.00 Y No Increase Children's Banquets Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $110.00 $121.00 Y September 1, 2008 New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate, Whole Day $1,386.00 $1,386.00 Y . No Increase New Year's Eve, non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $1,524.60 $1,524.60 Y No Increase Pickerina Recreation Complex East & West Salons Resident Flat rate $1,165.00 $1,165.00 Y No Increase - Non-resident Flat rate $1,418.00 $1,418.00 Y No Increase Friday, resident Flat rate $866.00 $866.00 Y No Increase Friday, non-resident Flat rate $1,063.00 $1,063.00 Y No Increase Sunday, resident Flat rate (Daytime) $709.00 $709.00 Y No Increase Sunday, non-resident Flat rate (Daytime) $866.00 $866.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate $2,10000 $2,100.00 y No Increase New Year's Eve, non-resident Flat rate $2,310.00 $2,310.00 Y No Increase Petticoat Creek Community Centre Paris or Franklin MeetinCl Room Resident Flat rate $347.00 $347.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate $525.00 $525.00 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate $89.00 $89.00 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non- Flat rate $121.00 $121.00 Y No Increase resident Communitv Group Flat rate $28.00 $28.00 Y No Increase Resident Hourlv rate $44.00 $44.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourlv rate $77.00 $77.00 Y No Increase Paris & Franklin MeetinCl Rooms Resident Flat rate $630.00 $630.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate $820.00 $820.00 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate $165.00 $165.00 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non- Flat rate $249.00 $249.00 Y No Increase resident 1 /t ~) CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Community Group Flat rate $28.00 $28.00 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $77.00 $77.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourly rate $110.00 $110.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate $1,273.65 $1,273.65 Y No Increase Don BeerlWest Shore Community Centre Banquet Halls Resident Flat rate $473.00 $473.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate $578.00 $578.00 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate $165.00 $165.00 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non- Flat rate $232.00 $232.00 Y No Increase resident Sunday to Thursday, resident Hourly rate $50.00 $50.00 Y No Increase Sunday to Thursday, non- Hourly rate $55.00 $55.00 Y No Increase resident Friday, resident Flat rate $354.00 $354.00 Y No Increase Friday, non-resident Flat rate $433.00 $433.00 Y No Increase Sunday, resident Flat rate (Daytime) $347.00 $347.00 Y No Increase Sunday, non-resident Flat rate (Daytime) $473.00 $473.00 Y No Increase Children's Banquets, resident Flat rate $110.00 $121.00 Y September 1, 2008 Tournament Rate Flat, daily, Don Beer only $236.50 $236.50 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate $946.00 $946.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, non-resident Flat rate $1,156.00 $1,156.00 Y No Increase East Shore Community Centre Rentals Room 2 or Room 4 - MeetinCl Resident Hourly $25.00 $28.35 Y September 1, 2008 Non-Resident Hourly $35.00 $40.95 Y September 1, 2008 Gvmnasium - MeetinCl/Sports Resident Hourly $35.00 $35.00 Y No Increase Non-Resident Hourly $45.00 $45.00 Y No Increase Room 2 and Room 4 - Social Resident Flat rate $200.00 $200.00 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate $275.00 $275.00 Y No Increase New Years Eve - Resident Flat rate $400 00 $400.00 Y No Increase New Years Eve - Non-Resident Flat rate $550.00 $550.00 Y No Increase Gvmnasium- Social Resident Flat rate $400.00 $440.00 Y September 1, 2008 Non-Resident Flat rate $500.00 $550.00 Y September 1, 2008 New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate $800.00 $880.00 Y September 1, 2008 New Year's Eve, non-resident Flat rate $975.00 $1,100.00 Y September 1, 2008 Community Room Dailv Flat rate $250.00 $275.00 Y September 1, 2008 MeetinQ - Resident Hourly $30.00 $30.00 Y No Increase MeetinQ - Non-Resident Hourly $40.00 $40.00 Y No Increase Social - Resident Hourly $50.00 $50.00 Y No Increase Social - Non-Resident Hourly $60.00 $60.00 Y No Increase Rental Extra Fees ListinCl Community Groups 12 bookinQs $110.00 $121.00 Y September 1 , 2008 Administration Fee $28.03 $35.00 Y September 1, 2008 Maintenance Fee Hourly $28.03 $28.03 Y No Increase Damage/Security Deposit Refundable $200.00 $200.00 Y No Increase (Refundable) CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION ;' At 6 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Damage/Security Deposit (Jack $500.00 $500.00 & Jill Parties) (NEW) Performing Rights tariff Without Dancing-Banquet Hall Flat Rate $61.69 Y No Increase Performing Rights Tariff - Without dancing West Salon, East Salon, Don Beer, O'Brien Rooms, Westshore Community Flat Rate $29.56 Y No Increase Performing Rights Tariff - Without dancing O'Brien Room A 0, Brien Room B, East Shore Community Centre, Community Room, Petticoat Creek Paris Room, Petticoat Creek - Franklin Room Flat Rate $20.56 Y No Increase Performing Rights Tariff-With Dancing Banquet Hall Flat Rate $123.38 Y No Increase Performing Rights Tariff-With Dancing West Salon, East Salon, Don Beer, O'Brien Rooms, Westshore Community Flat Rate $59.17 Y No Increase Performing Rights Tariff-With Dancing O'Brien Room A, O'Brien Room B, East Shore Community Centre Community Room, Petticoat Creek Paris Room, Petticoat Creek- $41.13 Y No Increase Franklin Room Events Pre-teen Dance Single Admission $6.67 $690 Y September 1 , 2008 Poinsettia Tea Single Admission $4.72 $476 Y April 1, 2008 Bia Band Single Admission $4.72 $4.76 y April 1, 2008 Big Band (Seniors Month) Single Admission $2.83 $2.86 y April 1 , 2008 Seniors Month) Museum Events Adults $4.72 $5.71 y April 1, 2008 Museum Events Students/Seniors $3.77 $476 y April 1, 2008 Museum Events Children $2.83 $3.81 y Amil 1, 2008 Museum Event Family $14.15 $17.14 y April 1, 2008 A Spirit Walk Single Admission $14.15 $14.29 y Auaust 1, 2008 A Spirit Walk (NEW) Student Performance $7.14 y Auaust 1, 2008 A Spirit Walk (NEW) Single Admission $2.86 y Auaust 1, 2008 Miscellaneous Replacement Access Card $9.43 $9.43 y No Increase Museum Filming/Photo Shoots Set Dressing & Clean Up, $70.75 $70.75 y No Increase Hourly Museum Filming/Photo Shoots Shooting Time, Hourly $141.51 $141.51 y No Increase Kindergym Birthday Parties $105.66 $109.52 y September 1, 2008 Creative Play Birthday Parties $135.85 $135.85 y No Increase Proaram Administration Fee GST will be added to $9.43 $9.43 y No Increase Applicable Programs Membership Administration $35.00 $35.00 y No Increase Fee NSF Charae Per cheque $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase Additional Receipt Charae Per Family $472 $472 y No Increase Marketina Promotions City Brochure Advertisina Full page $610.50 $620.00 y June 1, 2008 Half page $440.00 $440.00 y No Increase FIRE SERVICES 1 47 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/Nl Effective Date Multi-Residential Inspections $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Legal Inspections. (Generally requests from legal $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase firms) File Searches, (Searches from our existing filing $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase network). Sales of Supra Kev Boxes $80.00 $80.00 N No Increase Malicious False Alarms $350.00 $350.00 N No Increase Garbaae container Fires $350.00 $350.00 N No Increase Occupancv load Inspection $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase False Alarm Penalty $350.00 $350.00 N No Increase Commercial Inspections $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Industrial Inspections $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Dav Care Inspections $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Standby for movie -shoots Actual costs Actual costs N No Increase Fuel tank inspections $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Fire Works Permits $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Fire Display inspections $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Federal Property $300.00 $300.00 N No Increase "Canadian Pacific Railway Lands for Fire Actual costs Actual costs N No Increase Services LLBO Permits $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase File Searches, (Searches from our existing filing $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase network) False Alarms due to failure to maintain a fire alarm system or emergency system, per fire vehicle $350.00 $350.00 N No Increase dispatched Fire Truck on scene of a Motor vehicle accident $350.00 $350.00 N No Increase and/or fire MTO Rates .. Request for reimbursement for railway company for costs for overtime vehicles and staff PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 1 A q ! '~ 1.1 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date These fees are imposed under the authority of thePlannina Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL Curb Cut - new development on roads not Min charge $185.05/m Min charge $207.00 Y July 1, 2008 assumed by municipality (5.5m or less) (5.3m or less) $33.64/m (5.5m plus) $39.00/m (5.3m plus) Y July 1, 2008 Municipal Consent Fee $300.00/application $300.00/application N No Increase Curb Infill $144.B6/m $175.00/m Y Julv 1, 200B Sidewalk Repair $233.64/m $230.00/m Y Julv 1, 2008 Pre-installed Storm Sewer Connection Contract cost + admin Contract cost + admin Y No Increase fee fee Fill/Topsoil Permit One Year Permit $500.00 + $500.00 + N No Increase $1 OOO.OO/hectare to a $1 OOO.OO/hectare to a max $4500.00 max $4500.00 One Year Extension $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Newspaper Box Pad Permit Application $50.00/box $50.00/box N No Increase Newspaper Box Installation $250.00-$500.00 $250.00-$500.00 N No Increase Newspaper Box Annual Maintenance $15.00/box $15.00/box N No Increase Road Cleanino Contract cost + 15% Contract cost + 15% Y No Increase Damage Deposits Pool $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Water/Sewer Connection $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Residential Building Permit-Rural $1,500.00 $1,500.00 N No Increase Residential Building Permit-Urban $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N No Increase Commercial Buildinq $2000.00-$5000.00 $2000.00-$5000.00 N No Increase Residential Development Review Fee $40.00/unit $50.00/unit N Julv 1, 200B Storm Water Maintenance Fee $1600.00/hectare $1600.00/hectare N No Increase Development Inspection Fee Based on total cost of Based on total cost of N No Increase works works < $500,000.00 = 4.5% < $500,000.00 = 4.5% N $500,00000-$1 mil = $500,000.00-$1 mil = N 4% 4% > $1 million = 3.5% > $1 million = 3.5% N Pool Enclosure Permit $150.00 $150.00 N No Increase PLANNING DOCUMENTS Pickerino Official Plan $100.00 $150.00 N Julv 1, 200B Official Plan Compendium $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Development Guidelines $5.00-$10.00 $5.00-$10.00 N No Increase Special Studies $10.00-$20.00 $10.00-$20.00 N No Increase Zonino Bv-Iaws $5.00-$10.00 each $5.00-$10.00 each N No Increase Summarv Residential Applications $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase Mappino $5.00-$25.00 $5.00-$25.00 N No Increase Address Booklet $25.00-$50.00 $25.00-$50.00 N No Increase Fiche Prints Price Varies Price Varies N No Increase Special Mappino Requests $46.73/hr $46.73/hr Y No Increase Photocopies - 6 or more paqes $.50 each $.50 each Y No Increase PLANNING APPLICATIONS Minor Variance Accessory Structure $200.00 $200.00 N No Increase Existing Building . $350.00 $350.00 N No Increase 1 49 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Vacant Land $1,500.00 $1,500.00 N No Increase Application Tabling $200.00 $200.00 N No Increase Special Meetinq $750.00 $750.00 N No Increase Zoning By-law - Amendment $5,000.00 $5,000.00 N No Increase Zoninq By-law - Recirculation $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Oak Ridqes Moraine Premium $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Zoninq By-law - Removal of Holdinq $2,225.00 $2,225.00 N No Increase Zoning By-law - Extension of Temporary Use By $2,225.00 N July 1, 2008 law Minister Zoning Order Amendment Minor $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase Maior $1,600.00 $1,600.00 N No Increase Pickerinq Official Plan - Amendment $8,000.00 $8,000.00 N No Increase Pickering Official Plan - Recirculation $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Oak Ridqes Moraine Premium $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Regional Official Plan - Amendment $5,000.00 $5,000.00 N No Increase not part of a Pickerinq OPAl Land Division Comments $700.00 $700.00 N No Increase Clearance of Conditions $300.00 $300.00 N No Increase Draft Plan of Subdivision Base Fee $10,000.00 $10,000.00 N No Increase Per Unit Fee $135.00 $135.00 N No Increase Agreement Fee $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Y No Increase Approval Package Fee (Release to Registry $350.00 $500.00 Y July 1, 2008 Off) Assumption Package Fee $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Y No Increase Clearance Release Fee $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase Recirculation $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Amending Subdivision - Major $1,200.00 $1,200.00 Y No Increase Amendinq Subdivision - Minor $400.00 $400.00 Y No Increase Draft Plan of Condominium $6,500.00 $6,500.00 N No Increase Recirculation $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Clearance Release Fee $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase Approval Package Fee (Release to Registry $500.00 $500.00 Y No Increase Off) Conversion $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase Revisions to a Draft Approved Plan $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase (Red Line Revisions) PLANNING APPLICATIONS Site Plan Residential $2500.00 + $175.00 $2500.00 + $175.00 N No Increase per dwelling unit per dwelling unit Commercial $250000 + $850.00 for $2500.00 + $850.00 for N No Increase each 2,000m2 each 2,000m2 Industrial $2500.00 + $500.00 for $2500.00 + $500.00 for N No Increase each 2000m2 each 2000m2 Minor Revision $750.00 $750.00 N No Increase Maior Revision $2,500.00 $2,500.00 N No Increase Clearance $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase Minor Revision to Approved Condo Site Plan $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase (by unit owner i.e. decks, sheds, fences) Agreement Fee (Standard Form) $750.00 $900.00 Y July 1, 2008 Agreement Fee (Custom Form) $1,500.00 Y July 1, 2008 Amendinq Site Plan Aqreement $400.00 $400.00 Y No Increase PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 1 ~) U Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Part Lot Control By-law Base Fee $500.00 $500.00 Y No Increase Per Unit Fee $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase Secondary ProcessinQ Fee $100.00 $100.00 Y No Increase AGREEMENTS, BY-LAWS & PROCESSES License Letter $50.00 $50.00 Y No Increase Development - Major $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Y No Increase Development - Minor $1,000.00 $1,000.00 y No Increase Development - Amendment - Major $1,200.00 $1,200.00 y No Increase Development - Amendment - Minor $400.00 $400.00 y No Increase Combined Site PlanlDevelopment Agreement $3,000.00 y July 1, 2008 Assumption PackaQe Fee - Major $1,000.00 $1,000.00 y No Increase Assumption PackaQe Fee - Minor $500.00 $500.00 y No Increase Model Home Aqreement $750.00 $750.00 y No Increase Riqht of Re-entry Letters $150.00 $150.00 y No Increase Road Dedication/Naminq By-law Proc. $300.00 $300.00 y No Increase Road Closing Process (Preparation of all $500.00 $500.00 y No Increase documents to stop-up and close i.e. Notices, RTC, By-laws) Transfer of Land/Easements $150.00 $150.00 y No Increase Miscellaneous Agreements (Road $1,200.00 $1,200.00 y No Increase Improvements/Servicing, etc.) - Major Miscellaneous Agreements (Road $750.00 y July 1, 2008 Improvements/Servicing, etc.) - Minor Release of Agreements - Development Related $300.00 $300.00 y No Increase Release of Agreements $100.00 y July 1, 2008 Encroachment/Licence/M iscellaneous Release of Easements (Preparation and $200.00 $200.00 y No Increase I processing of By-laws, RTC, Resolutions) Search Fee Process - Per PIN $15.00 y July 1, 2008 Document Download-Teraview (Per Document) $5.00 y July 1, 2008 Transfer Release & Abandonment $150.00 $150.00 y No Increase Administration Fee - Letter of Credit Draw $250.00 y July 1, 2008 Insurance (Per Draw) Miscellaneous Reporting/ Disbursement Fees $75.00 $150.00 y July 1, 2008 Letter -1 ;~\ '1 I ..J ! AlTACHMENT#2.. TO REPORT # C 'S li-i:)~\ 2008 Current & Capital Budgets & A Financial Overview 2008 - 2011 2012 - 2015 Executive Committee Apn110. 2008 Budget Goals · Financial Sustainability · Financial Flexibility · The City undertakes longer range financial planning in both its Current & Capital Budgets 2 1 r- n ~) L The Need for Financial Planning · Revenue Challenges · Expenditure & Debt Pressures · Lack of Assessment Growth · City's infrastructure - current pressures (repairs & replacement) & growth related pressures (Duffin Heights & Seaton) 3 Update from January 15th Strategy Session April 2007 Projection 7.70% January 15th Current Levy Position Deferred Fire Dispatch (CAO) Utilities Adjusted for Actuals Expenditure Review Revenue Review 10.0 -12.5% (2.0) (0.5) (2.2) (0.6) Proposed City Levy 5.9% 4 -1 r- "7 ! '-,\ ,.j ...._1 2008 Budget Objectives CAO and Department Heads · Undertook a review of all cost centres within the budget. · Limited number of new positions or complement expansion. · (Net) City Increase 3.5%. · Capital budget focused primarily on replacement or repair of City's existing assets. 5 . 2008 Draft Budqet Summary Current City Budgetary Increases 2.4% Add: Winter Control 1.1 Net City Inc. 3.5 2007 Debt Chges for Capital 1.5 Capital from Current Inc. 0.9 Proposed 2008 Levy Inc. 5.9% 6 Explanation of Winter Control Increases Explanation of Winter Control Increases Salt, Sand & Gravel Senior Snow removal Overtime Vehicles Repairs & Rentals Total $260,000 75,000 47,000 35,000 $417,000 7 Property Tax Impact Summary What will the residential taxpayer see on their tax bill? Assessment 2007 2008 Increase % 280,000 $ 1,004.93 $1,064.22 $ 59.29 5.90% Pickering increase equates to $1.14 per household or $0.50 per person per week. Total Bill (Reqion, School Board & City) 280,000 $ 3,787.35 $3,953.15 $ 165.80 8 1 5 4 1 ::~) 5 Where Do Your Tax dollars Go? Durham Region 54.0% 9 How Does Pickering Compare with Other Durham Lakeshore Municipalities Municipality Budgetary Avg. Reg. Property Inc.% Assessment Taxes ($) 5.90 $280,000 1,064 3.25 $280,000 1,093 6.60 $280,000 1,215 4.45 $280,000 2,048 Pickering Ajax Whitby Oshawa 10 Multi Year Fiscal Plan 2007 - 2012 Current Budget Assumptions - annual increases Utilities (water, hydro & gas) Building Repair and Maintenance Debenture Debt Charges: 2009 2010 2011-2015 Departmental Revenues Annual Operating Surplus Other Operating Costs Assessment Growth 7.5% 5.0% 1.8% 2.1% 7.5% 1.5% $500,000 1.5% $200,000 Additional costs associated with Duffin Heights assumed to start in 2010 with assessment growth commencing in 2012. 11 Financial Proiection 2008 to 2011 2008 Submitted BUDGET 2007 Levy Projection Revised Projection 7.70% 5.90% 6.70% 2011 Proforma 5.70% 5.5 .6.5% 7.10% 2009 projection excludes the following costs: Fire Dispatch, Duffin Heights and Seaton. Service enhancements or expansion can only be accommodated by increasing the projected levy. 12 "1 r~ f "') '....: ..., I 7 I ~) ! Financial Proiection 2012 to 2015 2012 Proforma BUDGET 2013 Proforma BUDGET 2014 Proforma BUDGET 2015 Proforma BUDGET 2007 Levy Projection Revised Projection 5.70% 7.0 -8.0% 5.70% 6.0 - 7.0% 5.50% 5.5 - 6.5% 5.70% 5.5 - 6.5% Total Reserve Draw for the years 2008 to 2015 is $13.0 million. Service enhancements or expansion can only be accommodated by increasing the projected levy. 13 Summary If the projections prove correct: · Stable, predictable tax increases · Fund balances replenishment commences · Long term strategic planning for the end of future (greenfield) growth If they do not prove correct: · Loss of financial flexibility and sustainability . Depletion of remaining fund balances · Increasing debt · High tax increases 14 " r" n I :) fJ Emerging Financial Issues · Resolution of outstanding collective agreements (both past and future) with the Fire Association. · Pickering considering the purchase of surplus Toronto owned land in Pickering. . (Approximately 700 acres). · Entering a period of economic uncertainty that could have a negative impact on assessment growth and Pickering community's financial health. · Fire Dispatch Communications - Future Direction and significant cost. · Duffin Heights & Seaton 15 2008 Fees & Charges Every year, staff review fees & charges to ensure that the higher cost of delivering the program is partially reflected in the current fees schedule. Proposed 2008 Fees & Charges schedule is to be reviewed by Council at this meeting. The Fees & Charges schedule was included in Council's budget package. 16 1 59 Where We Want To Be Lonq Term Financial Strategic Goals 1 . Promote affordable and competitive City property taxes. 2. Reduce reliance on Debt financing and move towards increasing "Capital from Current." 3. Continue to focus on cost control. 4. Continue to maximize user fees & other revenues. 17 Late Breaking News Announcement 1. City receives $1.0 million of M(III) funding for Rec Complex expansion. (Second highest funding within the Region.) 2. City receives $1.055 million towards roads and bridges as announced in the 2008 Provincial budget. 3. Library receives good news that they have been successful in obtaining Provincial funding from the Library Service Development Fund (LSDF) in the amount of $42,750. 4. Unanticipated severe winter has caused damaged to Greenwood Library branch (Presentation by CAO & CEO). 18 -'l ! () d 2008 DRAFT CAPITAL BUDGET 19 2008 Capital Budget Summary 2007 2008 Approved Increase Submitted BUDGET (Decrease) BUDGET Mayor, Council & Council Support $70,000 -$70,000 Admin, Dept Office of Sustainability Corporate Services 493,360 240,570 $733,930 Operations & Emergency Services 7,313,796 2,994,784 10,308,580 Planning & Development 1,641,400 1,304,000 2,945,400 Libraries 186,750 52,150 238,900 Rec Complex Expansion 4,500,000 4,500,000 Total ~705_ 306 $9021 504 ~1!U2lL810 20 ",', /1 ,,) Capital Budget Summary 1995 to 2008 $20,000,000 Proposed 200 Capital Budget $17,000,000 COMRIF $14,000,000 Third Ice Pad $11,000,000 \ $8,000,000 $5,000,000 10 r-- m (") 10 r-- .... m m m 0 0 0 0 m m m 0 0 0 0 .... .... .... N N N N 21 2009 Capital Budget Forecast 2008 2009 Submitted Increase Forecast BUDGET (Decrease) BUDGET Mayor, Council & Council Support Admin. Dept. Office of Sustainability Corporate Services $733,930 183,930 $550,000 Operations & Emergency Services 10,308,580 1,278,780 9,029,800 Planning & Development 2,945,400 52D6.04G 8,151,440 Libraries 238,900 178,740 60,160 Rec Complex Expansion 4,500,000 4,500,000 Total $18,726,810 -$935410 $17,791 ,400 22 '1 n j t) I~ Capital Budget Financing Summary 2003 to 2009 $19,000,000 $16,000,000 $13,000,000 $10,000,000 $7,000,000 $4,000,000 $1,000,000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 I D Cash !!III R~~e~~~__12J Donation;. Gov G,!s_~~ 23 2008 & 2009 Debt Financed Projects & Impact on Tax Levy Incremental Cost 2009 2010 2010 2008 Debt Finance Capital Proiects 5 Year Debt $ 183,997 10 Year Debt (Heavy Rescue Vehicle) $132,698 10 Year Debt (DC Funded Projects) 214,635 15 Year Debt 122,718 15 Year Debt (Rec Complex Expansion) 235,996 (1) Total $521,351 2009 f'tOjifcte(J Debt Finance Capital Proiects 5 Year Debt 10 Year Debt (Projects Completed in 2009) 10 Year Debt (Projects Completed in 2010) Total 204,442 ~~679 $ 422,520 $ 854,815 Projected 2009 Tax Levy Impact r hnp?ct 1.8% Footnotes (1) k IS anticipated that the Rec Complex debt charges will be offset by the incremental aerobic revenues 24 -1/ "1 I t) ,) For Council's Consideration (~~~rrent __ Position 5.90% ~ Two Directions for Council Proposal Infrastructure Levy of 1.0% Levy would address: Roads backlog, District par~____~ Maintain Status Quo 5,90% Any projects funded from above would require Council's approval in 2009. 25 City of Pickering Annual Debt Charqes 2001 to 2015 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 ~ $2,000,000 $0 ~" ~":J ~':> ~ ~Oj ,," ,,":J ,,':> ~ ~ f),1\:5 f),1\:5 f),1\:5 ~ ~ ~ -A- Principal & Interest -- 2008 & 2009 Capital Budgets -- Estimated By 2009, 10% of the City's tax levy will be used for debt payments. 26 Government Grant Funding Used for 2008 Capital Budget Federal Gas Tax Funds 2008 Provincial Budget M(III) Grant Transportation Infrastructure Grant Frenchman's Bay Entrance Grant Move Ontario Fire Training Grant TOTAL $2,456,000 885,000 1,000,000 845,000 300,000 300,000 41,000 $5,827,000 The City received $1.055 million from the recently announced Provincial Budget. 27 2008 Provincial Budget Announcement City is to receive $1,055,505 to be used for roads and bridges. Staff are recommending that these funds be used to reduce the 2008 debt financed roads as proposed in this budget. Budget report to Council will address the housekeeping issues that are attached with the grant. 28 'I 6 t1 "1 {' ~ I,,} '- 2008 Maior Capital Proiects Rec Complex Expansion $ 4,500,000 1,600,000 1,500,000 1,200,000 800,000 700,000 550,000 475,000 Sheppard Ave- Altona Rd. Dunbarton Pool Renovations Heavy Rescue Vehicle (Fire) Don Beer Arena - Floor Rep. Artificial Turf - Kinsmen Park Sideline 4, Conc 5 to midpoint of Hwy 7 T oy Ave 29 2008 Budget Meeting Agenda Capital BudQet Second half Binder - page 6 Current BudQet User Fees (Violet colored document) General Government - page 1 Departmental Submission - page 53A 30