HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 17, 2008 eil,! o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Seaton Advisory Committee Thursday, January 17,2008 10:30 am Pickering City Hall, Main Committee Room Attendees: Absent: Rick Johnson, Regional Councillor, Chair Bonnie Littley, Regional Councillor, Vice-Chair Mayor Ryan Doug Dickerson, City Councillor Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy, Planning & Development Robert Starr, Supervisor, Development Control, Planning & Development Steve Gaunt, Senior Planner, Planning & Development Reg Webster, President, Sernas Associate Graham Martin, General Manager, Acquisitions, ORC Ash Kothiyal, ORC Bruce Fischer, Metrus Development Thomas Albani, Metrus Development Lloyd Cherniak, Executive Vice President, Lebovic Enterprises Dave Madeira, Mattamy Homes Tim Warner, Mattamy Homes Chris Matson, Matson, McConnell Ltd. Stephen Goldhar, Master Plan Management Limited Dorothy Skinner, Region of Durham Kathy McKay, Executive Director, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Jim McCafferty, Durham Catholic District School Board Gordon Willson, Whitevale Resident Renee Michaud, Recording Secretary John Connolly, Transport Canada Terry Justin, Transport Canada Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome Rick Johnson Councillor Johnson welcome and thanked everyone for attending this meeting. 2. Presentation of Seaton section of City's Website Tom Melymuk & Lynn Winterstein Lynn Winterstein introduced the new Seaton Community website which is part of the City of Pickering website. The site provides an interactive overview of Seaton Development. CORP0228-2/02 Page 1 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Tabs include: Home, Maps, Studies, Sustainability, Get Involved, Background, Links and Contact Us. All tabs have drop down menus to select items of interest. Sections will be further developed as more information becomes available. The Links tab can be expanded to include links to the individual land owners own website. From the Contact Us section, visitors can send an email directly to the Planning & Development Department. We have received several positive comments from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing. The site is scheduled to be launched on Monday, January 23rd. All hits will be tracked. Graham Martin stated that he is very impressed with the site. Councillor Dickerson commended the design team for this innovative site. Members inquired how the site would be maintained and kept up to date. Tom advised that the site updates will be done as part of their internal process, but that the City will also rely on input from outside organizations. 3. It was noted that the School Boards should be added to the link section. MESP Update - Public Information Centre #2 Reg suggested that the MESP information package from the recent public information centre should also be added to the website. The second Public Information Centre was held on January 10th, with a good turnout from staff, agencies and the general public. The next oversight meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 23rd. The committee is slightly behind schedule as not all background studies are completed. The Region has not yet provided a copy of the final Terms of Reference for their Master Class EA, and thus, the final scope of work for Phases 1 and 2 of the MESP cannot be determined yet. The NHS is also delayed. Reg indicated that they have recommended a change to the schedule for the first report to be available by March 1 st. The 3rd Public Information Centre will be held in April/May with full recommendations out in June and the submission ready for early Julv. CORP0228-2/02 Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Reg Webster Reg Webster to have staff forward digital version of package to City Page 2 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Councillor Johnson requested that information on community facilities should be shared with this committee in the near future. Reg advised that a comprehensive list should be made available in the next few months. Councillor Johnson noted that elected officials have expressed an interest to be involved in the discussion process for roads and facilities. Dorothy Skinner advised that the Region's Planning Committee will be submitting the information report to the tri-committees at the Region in order to keep Regional Council apprised. 4. Neighbourhood Planning Neil Carroll - Draft Terms of Reference (Presentation & Handout) Catherine Rose Catherine Rose provided a presentation on the Draft Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program. The Provincial, Regional and Developer Studies that are currently underway will be inputs to the neighbourhood planning program. Other studies will be required after (eg. Development Charges). The Development Process was broken down into three major steps; Policy Planning, Development and Engineering Review, and Construction. The Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program lies within the first stage, policy planning. The Terms of Reference are organized in 6 parts, consisting of: Background Study Detailed Description of Work Consultation - Community & First Nations Engagement Programs Deliverables Study Management The Study Management composition will be as follows: City Council, CAO, The Seaton Steering Committee will report through the CAO, to Council, assistance from the Consulting Team and the Technical Team. The Seaton Steering Committee will liaise with the Seaton Advisory Committee of Council. The suggested composition of the Study Steering Committee is: City Staff (4 Directors) Province - MMAH (1) Region (1) Developers (1) Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Ref# Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) TRCA (1) Their role will be to provide strategic advice and direction to consulting team and to liaise with the Seaton Advisory Committee. The Technical Support Team comprises of a core group of City Staff and key technical staff from review departments and agencies, e.g. Region, school boards, TRCA, etc., and other stakeholders as needed to address issues. The composition may vary based on meeting issues under discussion. Their role is to provide technical input and review to Steering Committee and Consulting team. Next steps include finalizing the draft Terms of Reference, sending them out for comments, updating them and forwarding them to the next available Planning Committee. Lloyd Cherniak questioned why the City would also be looking at major community facility locations/uses. He stated that the focus should be on finishing the MESP since it will identify the major community facility locations/uses. These can be reviewed before the final approval. This would ensure that there is no duplication of work with the City's neighbourhood planning program. Lloyd also mentioned that the, MESP that it is an expensive process, i.e. Environmental Assessment and Public Information Meetings. Reg Webster noted that we want to ensure that we have a consistent approach and deliver only one message to the public. Tom Melymuk indicated that it is not the City's intent to change facility locations as identified in the MESP unless new information arises through the Neighbourhood Planning Process. Councillor Dickerson enquired if the school boards know how many schools will be required and possible locations. Jim McCafferty advised that staff have looked at sites based on initial specs and drawings. Reg Webster indicated that this was also part of the CPDP. Ron Taylor advised that the UOIT is also interested in establishing a campus in the new Seaton Development area. It was suggested that they should be invited to the next meeting to be part of future discussions. Catherine Rose advised that the Terms of Reference should be approved by Council in the spring. It was noted that a special Planning meeting could be scheduled to expedite this very important process. CORP0228-2/02 Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Kathy McKay to provide a contact name to Recording Secretary. Catherine Rose to email document to Seaton Advisory Committee members and key stakeholders. Page 4 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) The information will be available via email and will be sent out to all Seaton Advisory Committee Members and key stakeholders asking them for review and comments within 7-10 days. 5. Update on Other Studies Fiscal Impact Study - Reg Webster advised that he is trying to arrange a meeting with the City. Discussions with the Region have started. There is no information to be shared at this time. Councillor Johnson expressed concerns that staff are consulting with developers and providing them with their view of what the City wants without any political direction or public input. Natural Heritage Study - Steve Gaunt advised that various consultations meetings were held in late November and early December. A draft report is anticipated in late February. The final report is expected to be released at the end of April or early May at which time we will be requesting formal comments from Council. 6. Other Business Councillor Johnson suggested that aD. "Employment Forum" session be held with the major stakeholders such as the Province, the Region, the City's Economic Development Department, the Ajax- Pickering Board of Trade, to develop a strategy to attract potential employers to develop the employment lands. Graham Martin suggested that the Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry of Transportation should also be invited. Tom Melymuk suggested that his Office will review this suggestion and report back to a future Advisory Committee meeting with a work plan. Servicing Employment Lands - Lloyd Cherniak stressed that we need to start advertising to attract potential businesses. The average price of land in Durham Region is almost one third less than in the other areas of the GT A, due the lack of infrastructure. The City and the Region have to commit funds to build the roads. Councillor Dickerson indicated that we need to get the provincial grants to start building the infrastructure required. Community Input - Gordon Willson stated that he is very impressed with the website. He commented that Seaton development of the industrial, commercial and residential areas should focus on a sustainable community theme and that it should also take into CORP0228-2/02 Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) · All All Tom Melymuk to review suggestion to hold an Employment Forum and report back to future meeting. Page 5 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) account the cultural heritage from Whitevale. Date of next meeting to be confirmed at a later time. Meeting Adjourned: 12: 1 0 pm Copy: Members of Council CAO Directors Department Heads City Clerk City Solicitor Page 6 CORP0228-2/02