HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 05-08 REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 05-08 Date: February 4, 2008 1 () From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Request for funding support from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for Petticoat Creek Watershed Plan Recommendation: 1. That Council receive Report PO 05-08 of the Director, Planning & Development and Director, Operations & Emergency Services, regarding the funding request from Toronto Region Conservation Authority; 2. That Council approve the request for funding assistance; and 3. Further, that the amount of $10,000 be charged to account #2195-2712 as a Joint Funded Environmental Project. Executive Summary: Not-applicable. Financial Implications: 2007 Current Budget - Account 2195-2712 - $10,000 Sustainability Implications: Watershed plans and the resulting strategies are invaluable tools to maintain and enhance the ecological health of the watershed. The plan will identify the current environmental conditions on the lands and the waters in the watershed. A watershed study will provide strategies to preserve, maintain and enhance the environmental sustainability of the rural parts of the watershed. Also, the study will identify strategies to improve the sustainability and mitigate any identified environmental impacts in the urbanized portions of the Petticoat Creek watershed. Background: The Toronto Region Conservation Authority is commencing work on a Watershed Study for the Petticoat Creek watershed. The Study is intended to result in a Watershed Strategy to identify needs and opportunities, and develop an action plan to protect and enhance the watershed resources of Petticoat Creek. Report PO 05-08 February 4, 2008 Subject: Request for funding support from TRCA 2 n for Petticoat Creek Watershed Plan Page 2 Such a plan can include strategies to address, among other matters, erosion and flooding threats to properties and public infrastructure that may be identified in the watershed. Petticoat Creek watershed is the only remaining watershed in Pickering that has not already been studied or is not currently under study. Petticoat Creek watershed is split between the southern portion that is almost fully developed and the northern portion whose lands cannot be developed as they are located within the Agricultural Preserve. The City previously contributed funding to the Duffin Creek and Carruthers Creek Watershed study including preparation of a Management Plan and Implementation program. The request from TRCA is attached and indicates that funding assistance is also being requested from the Town of Markham and the Regions of York and Durham. Staff recommends approval of a $10,000 grant to TRCA to demonstrate Pickering's commitment to its sustainable natural heritage. Funding to meet this request was provided in the 2007 budget and has been secured for this purpose. Attachment: 1. Letter from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, November 29,2007. 2. Map of Petticoat Creek Watershed. Prepared By: j~~ Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner Approved I Endorsed By: ~ Catherine Rose, MCIP Manager, Policy Everett B sma Director, Operations & Emergency Services SG:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci!y Council /. '" Q-'L~CH,'.:~\rr #-1_~;O Ii Jij C 5' (_'< TORONTO AND REG/0Nt:'Y- onserva IO'') for The Living City November 29th 2007 Catherine Rose, Manager, Planning Policy Pickering Civic Centre One Tile Esplanade Pickering, ON, L1V 6K7 Dear Ms. Rose: Further to our meeting last month, when we discussed the merits of developing a watershed strategy for the Petticoat Creek watershed, I am writing to request a funding contribution of $10,000 from the City of Pickering. Funding for this watershed study will include financial contributions from the Regional Municipalities of York and Durham and the Town of Markham. TRCA has also received funding from the EcoAction Community Funding Program to undertake a stewardship program, the Healthy Headwaters Initiative, for the Petticoat Creek watershed. This stewardship project will commence in the New Year and will be complementary to the watershed planning exercise. We are currently working on the terms of reference for this study and the overall study design. Once we have completed internal reviews of these documents, copies will be forwarded to the City of Pickering for review prior to circulation to external stakeholders. It is our intention to have the watershed strategy completed within six months. As discussed, the Petticoat Watershed Strategy will be succinct, building upon the knowledgebase and management recommendations advanced in H:e neighbouring Duffins, Carruthers, and Rouge watersheds. A copy of the Authority resolution to undertake this study is enclosed for your information. If you have any questions regarding this study or the funding request, please contact me. Yours truly, Q I {\ i? :) ~ ,/()c\Jl~?)=y :{)JUJtJ1\. Gary S. Bowen, Specialist DuHins-Carruthers Watershed Spocialist Watershed Management Division GB:ad Ene!. iv1ember of Conservation Ontario ') 5horcharn IJrive, [)ownsview, Ontario M3N '154 (416) 661-6600 fAX (,(,1-(,i3c)(l www.trca.oll.ca ) 1 ..',(p\." q '" ~'w.~ '..'"~,., . ; tl . ')fl I ./ A'iACH:,P'1;1 j ro RE?ORT # ~D (.~ ( &: RES.#A239/07 - PETTICOAT CREEK WATERSHED (Watershed Mgt. Res.#D48/07) Moved by: Bonnie Littley Seconded by: Jack Heath THE MAIN MOTION, AS AMENDED, WAS CARRIED The resultant motion reads as follows: THAT WHEREAS the Petticoat Creek watershed located in the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, is experiencing a number of pressures resulting from urban and near urban pressures; WHEREAS interest has been expressed in developing a plan for the protection of the resources of the watershed; WHEREAS the undeveloped portions of the Petticoat Creek watershed are protected by the provincial Greenbelt designation, Rouge Park and previously by agricultural easements; WHEREAS there are a number of planning requirements to bring official plans into conformity with the Greenbelt designations; WHEREAS Petticoat Creek is geographically situated between the Dufiins and Rouge watersheds and whereas these adjacent watersheds have undergone extensive review in recent years and that it is reasonable to assume that many of the "lessons learned" in those processes may apply to this smaller watershed; THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT TRCA staff be directed to meet with interested councillors and the appropriate senior staff of the Region of Durham, City of Pickering, Region of York and Town of Markham to consider the opportunity of holding a one day forum/meeting to discuss the needs and opportunities and to develop an action plan to protect and enhance the watershed resources of Petticoat Creek within the context of the current planning opportunities and initiatives at the provincial, regional and loeallevel; THAT TReA staff discuss with these persons a cost sklring arrangement to support this effort including, but not limited to, a olle day forum/meeting, including development of any background reports, meeting facilitation and preparation of a strategic action plan/report with recommendations based on the forum outcomes; THAT staff report back within the first quarter of 2008 on these discussions including potential funding arrangements and timelines; AND FURTHER THAT staff provide the Altona Forest Stevvardship Cornrnittee with an overview of the South East Collector and subdivision development projE:)cts in the vicinity of Altona Forest. ;2. (>5 (" <;" . '-:> ') ..~ L._ " HIGHWAY 7 1 I HI~H\f'.:'AY 497 City of Pickering Map 1: Petticoat Creek Watershed "2:]~ LAKE ONTARIO ~ Plannin & Development Department _ Petticoat Creek Watershed ~ ataSources Teranet Enterprises Inc_ and its suppliers All nghts Reserved. Not a plan of survey 2006 MPAC and its su liers. All ri hts Reserved_ Not a Ian of Surve DATE: JAN, 17, 2007 SCALE: 1 :63,734 PN-