HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 45-07 CitJl o~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 11 0 Report Number: CS45-07 Date: October 9, 2007 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Tender / Contract Approval - Councils' Summer Recess Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 45-07 regarding tendering and contract approvals during Councils' Summer Recess be received; and, 2. Council pass a resolution ratifying the approval of the Tenders and Contracts by the Chief Administrative Officer contained in this Report during Council's summer recess being Tender No. T-1-2006, Cleaning Services, Tender No. T-4-2007 David Farr Park Dam Removal Project and Request for Proposal No. RFP-2-2007 Health & Safety Consultant Service, Standard Operating Procedures. Executive Summary: Not applicable Financial Implications: Not applicable Sustainability Implications: In accordance with sustainability initiatives and with the G.I.P.P.E.R.'s (Governments Incorporating Procurement Policies to Eliminate Refuse) Guide 3rd Edition, October, 2002, a waste management plan was requested by the City and received from the contractor undertaking the work for the David Farr Park Dam Removal Project, Tender T - 4 - 2007. Background: On May 21, 2002 Council passed Resolution #80/02 Item 4 authorizing the Chief Administrative Officer act in Council's approving capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council, which states in part: "2. That, subject to the Council approved Purchasing Policy & Procedures, the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to act in Council's approval capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council on the condition that: Report CS 45-07 Date: October 9, 2007 Subject: Tender I Contract Approval - Councils' Summer Recess Page 2 . . 11 1 (a) such actions are in compliance with the Purchasing Policy & Procedure as approved under Resolution 136/02; and (b) the costs thereof are within the budget previously approved by Council; and (c) a report respecting those approvals is subsequently submitted to Council." Circumstances were such that two Tenders and one Proposal required approval by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's summer 2007 recess. It is recommended that Council receive this Report for information and ratify the approval of Tender No. T- 1-2006 - Cleaning Services; Tender No. T-4-2007 - David Farr Park Dam Removal Project; and Proposal No. RFP-2-2007 - Health & Safety Consultant Service, Standard Operating Procedures. Therefore, under authority of the foregoing, the following was approved by the Chief Administrative Officer during the "summer recess" of Council: Tender No. T - 1 - 2006. Cleanina Services - Auaust 1. 2007 to March 31. 2009 Tender No. T - 1 - 2006 submitted by Arsenal Cleaning Services for cleaning services for the remainder of the contact term that being August 1, 2007 to March 31, 2009 be approved. 1. Total Net Tender Amount: T-1-2006 - Tender for Cleaning Services (remaining 20 month term) $290,968 2. Source of Funds: Year 2 (August 1/07 - March 31/08): Civic Complex 2124-2435 Works Centre 2315-2435 East Shore (Seniors) 2572-2435 Community Centres 2719-2435 Libraries 2745-2435 Recreation Complex 2731-2435 Year 2 Total $ 21,040 $ 8,320 $ 11,260 $ 20,172 $ 30,472 $ 23,760 $115,024 Year 3 (April 1/08 - March 31/09): Civic Complex Works Centre East Shore (Seniors) Comm.Centres Libraries 2124-2435 2315-2435 2572-2435 2719-2435 2745-2435 $ 32,184 $ 12,720 $ 17,226 $ 30,858 $ 46,608 Report CS 45-07 Date: October 9,2007 Subject: Tender / Contract Approval - Councils' Summer Recess Page 3 11 2 Recreation Complex 2731-2435 Year 3 Total $290,968 maximum over 20 months $ 36,348 $175,944 The total cost of the previous cleaning contractor (In-Pro) for the remaining 20 months was $272,865. An increase in cost for the current cleaning contractor (Arsenal) for the remaining 20 months in the amount of $18,103 will be reflected in annual operating budgets over the next two years. These higher costs will be budgeted accordingly in future Operating Budgets (2008,2009). Tender No. T-4-2007 David Farr Park Dam Removal Proiect Approved Budget Financing - 5780.0508.6129 - 5780.0627.6129 - 5311.0712.6181 $300,000 $150,000 $150,000 $ 50,000 Total Net Cost excluding GST Project Costs (over) under Approved Funds ~787 $117,213 Low tender No. T-4-2006 submitted by S&F Excavating Ltd. be approved. Proposal No. RFP-2-2007 Health & Safety Consultant Service, Standard Operatina Procedures Approved Budget Financing - 2711-2392 - 2290-2392 $35,000 $15,000 $20,000 Project Costs (over) under Approved Funds $2EU 30 $ 8,870 Total Net Cost excluding GST Highest scoring proposal submitted by Durham College School of Continuing Education be approved. Report CS 45-07 Date: October 9,2007 Subject: Tender / Contract Approval - Councils' Summer Recess Page 4 11 3 Attachments: 1. Operations & Emergency Services Memorandum July 5, 2007 2. Operations & Emergency Services Memorandum July 24, 2007 3. Correspondence Arsenal Cleaning Services Ltd. June 25, 2007 4. Operations & Emergency Services, Culture & Recreation Division Memorandum August 21, 2007 5. Resolution #80/02, Item #4 Prepared By: t \ i Approved I Endorsed By: d '*; .' Vera A. Felgemacher C.P.P., CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M., CMM III Manager, Supply & Services ~. ----. .-s;:5_ .' ~-~ Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 1 l / # , '-rACHMENT #Lro REPORT#: ..tiJiS-(j)p OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMEf\T 11 4 MEMORANDUM July 5,2007 ...-.b..,.....,..~.._':............,..:..--. To: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Tender T -4-2007 David Farr Park Dam Removal Project File: A ..2130 Tenders have been received for the above noted capital works construction project. Eight companies were invited to participate, of which seven acceptable bids were received. The following is a summary of the bids received. SUMMARY PST included, GST included Bidder Total Tendered After Calculation Amount $ Check $ S & F Excavatinq Ltd. 193,748.92 193,754.22 The Ontario Construction Co. Ltd. 199,534.40 199,534.40 R & M Construction 243,076.60 243,07'6.60 Dig-Con International Ltd. 263,162.97 26:),162.97 Royalcrest Pavinq Ltd. 268,899.44 26B,899.44 Eliroa Construction& Materials 328,228.13 32E?,228.13 Evans Contractinq Ltd. 375,111.74 ___~75, 111.74 Hollandia Land & Environmental UNABLE TO 810 Solutions -~~-~-~_._. + I., ;'" f ., ,,' d..tle' 'l ...'" /.! (! " .' I' ,.,.----: I . // I.)' / /':%!.. ;1 "'" 4 .../ I ./ , tl!J'l! /'f-"tt I.,'} (7' -t'i(j'i,'l(/) {..... . . " (",f ,(.i' '--:/1 '" ?:l, ",;. ...' /)/,,[; /_~.>: ,ji/,Y\.t,..}JUJ.." /LA::. .(e~-' ..7.1 b' L. L t-_ ;/-':1 .r I f:.'" . { i: ",-;)'j ~'~-.. .J I , . .t:-i . ..-.' ..,,/t.-,--r..l' L... L RECEIVED CITY OF PICKERING ,JUL 1 L 2007 SUPPLY AND SERVICES Subject: Tender. T-4-2007 David Farr Park Dam Removal Project July 5, 2007 Page 2 .-.--...'.--....., 11 5 1. That Tender T-4-2007 sub l'tted by S & F Excavating Limited for David arr Park Dam Removal Project at a cas - ~Slb. roved; ". ", Recommendations: 2. That the total gross project cost of $318,000 (GST included) including the tender amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $300,000 be approved; Financial Implications: 1. TENDER AMOUNT r T-4-2007 GST Sub-Total GST Rebate Total $182,787.00 10,967.22 193,754.22 (10,967.22) $182,787.00 , 2. APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS Parks Ca ital Bud et and Pro ert Maintenance Bud et Budqet Account Code Source of Funds Parks Cap 2005 5780.0508.6129 Parkland Res. Fund Parks Cap 2006 5780.0627.6129 Parkland Res. Fund Prop. Main2007 5311.0712.6181 Property Taxes FUNDS AVAILABLE Budqet 150,000 150,000 50,000 350,000 Required 150,000 150,000 0,000 300,000 3. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTING SUMMARY T-4-2007 - Tender for Dam Removal Project David Farr Park $182,787 Associated Costs Costs for Amphitheatre removal (works completed) Consultant Fees Materials Testing Miscellaneous Costs Costs for Associated Pathway Works Construction Contingency Total 10,500 50,000 5,000 5,000 11,000 35,713 $300,000 Subject: Tender. T-4-2007 David Farr Park Dam Removal Project July 5, 2007 Page 3 11 6 GST 18,000 $318,000 (18,000) $300,000 Total Gross Project Cost GST Rebate Total Net Pro'ect Cost Sustainability Implications: The dam removal and reconstruction of the watercourse will enhance the flow of fish passage by removing the obstacle. The dam removal will increase aesthetics and safety and continue to provide open space usage for the community, thereby satisfying the social and environmental lens of sustainability. Background: As part of the 2005 and 2006 Parks Capital Budget and the 2007 Property Maintenance Capital Budget, the David Farr Park Dam Removal was identified as a construction project. In 2006 the Amphitheatre was retrofitted into an ice skating rink at a cost of $10,500. The Dam Removal Project at David Farr Park includes the removal of the existing dilapidated concrete dam and gabion walls, reconstruct the Pine Creek water course with rock edge and ripples, restore the natural vegetation along the stream banks, create a wetland area, remove existing walkway and pave new one from Glenanna Road to the playground and introduce a butterfly meadow along Glennanna Road. Other associated pathway works at a cost of approximately $11,000 are not part of this Tender and will be carried out by a different contractor. Tender T-4-2007 was issued on Wednesday, June 6, 2007 and closed on Wednesday, June 20, 2007 with seven (7) bidders responding. The total gross project cost is estimated to be $ 318,000 for an estimated net cost to the City of $ 300,000 (net of GST rebate). S (~ F Excavating Ltd.'s bid and references have been reviewed and are deemed acceptable by Schollen & Company, the City's design consultant for this project. The Health & Safety Policy, current WSIB Council Amendment to Draft 7 (CAD-7), Certificate of Insurance as submitted by S & F Excavating Ltd. have been reviewed by the Coordinator, Health & Safety and are deemed acceptable. Financial information as provided by D & B for S & F Excavating Ltd. has been reviewed by the Purchasing Analyst and in conjunction with Schollen and Company's review of the contractor's previous work experience and the bonding available on this project, the tender is deemed acceptable. Upon careful examination of all tenders and relevant documents received, the Operations & Emergency Services Department, Municipal Property & Engineering Division recommends the acceptance of the low bid submitted by S & F Excavating Ltd. for Tender T-4-2007 in the amount of $193,754.22 (GST included) and that the total net project cost of $ 300,000 be approved. Subject: Tender. T -4-2007 David Farr Park Dam Removal Project July 5, 2007 Page 41 1 7 This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager of Supply & Services who concurs with the foregoing. Upon your approval for this tender and associated costs, we will proceed with an online requisition to issue a Purchase Order. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Supply & Services Memorandum, June 20, 2007 3. Schollen and Company Letter of Recommendation Prepared by: c)~_ qt;:el/ Selsky - ~ Supervisor Engineering & Capital Works Everett Buntsma Director Operations & Emergency Services K jrt. illi Paterson Director Corporate Services & Treasurer \ ! d>-/ Vera Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services /~ "/v7,~ Attachments DS:nw I . 11 8 MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING Attachment for Tender No. T-4-2007 DAVIDFARR PARK .;) I I () LJ I~ ~ ~ I~ 13 g z --1 (l l:oA:11 ~J ~_~.~ ~_. u'_ o <( o cr: LJ > o <{ o cr:: ) ) J) '-- ~ CAN80ROUGH MALDEN f'./ LL o -'LJ 1 .~.I cr 0' I PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: DAVID FARR PARK - Pine Creek Works (Phase II) . existing concrete dam and gabion walls are to be removed . reconstruct the Pine Creek water channel with rock edge and ripples . restore the natural vegetation along the stream banks . create a wetland area . remove existing walkway and pave new one . introduce a butterfly meadow along Glenanna Road w x o RIDGE-WOO P'-~' K\ E~__ ~~ ~(~ '\ LJ J- SUBJEc Z cr:: AREA ~. ii U . ~ Iii [!J Of'/iVf: I U:'N~ '--- --~ - ~ [ ~ v ~ LOCATION MAP ..J ..J <( (j) Z w I \- cr:: =:J o U MEMO .... _:-.::_ SCHOillN &. COMPANY INC. =='= 2,0 Duncan MlIll100d . SlAe 109 Don Mills. Ontario MJ8 JJ5 Teleo/"lolie< 416.441.3044 ,i:ocslmde. 416.J41.~O\a e.mail: de.sIQ"@1chollenc"dcompcny,ccm To: Ms Doris Chee Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development City of Pickering 11 9 From: Mark Schollen 'CHOIlIR l CompallY .IIC. Re: David Farr Park Dam Removal Tender No. T -4-2007 Recommendation for Award Date: 27 June 2007 Doris: Further to your request, the references provided by S + F Excavating Limited were contacted by the undersigned to confirm their capability to successfully complete the above noted project. The following references were contacted: Mr Steve Wilson - Town of Aurora Mr Bill Gould - Town of Newmarket Mr Bill McGregor - City of Barrie All three references were favourable with respect to the contractor's performance related to scheduling, quality of work and timely rectification of deficiencies. All three references stated that they would not hesitate to retain S+F Excavation limited to undertake other projects in the future. In response, we recommend that the contract for the David Farr Park Dam Removal project be awarded to S+F Excavation Limited. Should you require additional information related to the reference check please do not hesitate to contact me. Cc: Mr Darrell Selsky, City of Pickering Schollen & Company Inc. Landscape Architects and Environmental Restoration Consultants 120 MEMO SCHOUEN ~~ COMPANY INC. 220 :JUf'1con M~~ 10Cd . Sune 109' Den Mtj.;, Omc;lD MJ93,:; Tel~crCf"a' Jl,~'.~Jl.JOA4 FoC3It'I"'llle. 4'6,''/41 "60!O ..mcil: ';.&$I(,;r'~,'K;hclk:U'~ardcomponv.ccm To: Ms. Doris Chee Coordinator, Landscape and Parks Development City of Pickering From: Mark Scholl en SCHOUEN & COMPANY INC. Re: David Farr Park Dam Mitigation Project Tender Evaluation Project Number: 26032 Date: June 27, 2007 Doris: . Further to your request, Schollen & Company Inc has competed a comparative evaluation of the bids received for the David Farr Park Dam Removal Tender (T-04-2007). We have prepared the attached matrix that provides a summary of the bids in comparison to each other as well as the pr'9liminary cost estimate prepared by our firm based upon the evaluation. S&F Excavating Limited was confirmed to have provided the lowest bid for the contract We have reviewed their prices and have found them to be consistent with those within our database. We have also checked all of the bids for arithmetic errors and have confirmed the accuracy of the totals. We have not had the opportunity to work with S&F Excavating Limited in the past and therefore cannot ofier an opinion on the expertise or capability of this firm to perform the specified wok. VI/e recommend that a reference check be completed to confirm the capability and reputation of the firm prior to award of the contract as a precautionary measure. We will be pleased to contact the references listed in the tender form on the City's be'1alf with your approval. Should you require additional information or have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, SCHOUEN & COMpANY INC. c-::"" . ]'D'7"r7~ r.~::~~.,...r..--~"_."-_::> Mark Schollen, BLA, OALA, CSLA Principal c.c. Mr. Darrell Selsky, City of Pickering CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEivlORANDUiVl 1 21 June 20, 2007 To: Richard Holborn Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Darrell Selsky Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works From: Barbara Tran Buyer Subject: Tender No. T-4-2007 Tender for Dam Removal Project David Farr Park CLOSING: Wednesday, June 20, 2007, Tenders have been received for the above project. Seven companies were invited to participate. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser and on the City's Website yielding interest from additional bidders and a total of 10 companies picked up a tendering package for a non-refundable fee of $50.00. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tenders shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions; unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly, which has been done. All deposits other than the low three bidders may be returned to the applicable bidders as provided for by Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03(w). Therefore, the copies of bids from the low three (3) bidders are attached for review. T-4-2007 Tender for Dam Removal Project Juna 20, 2007 Page 2 I . 122 SUMMARY (PST included, GST included) Bidder Total Tendered After Calcul,ation Amount $ Check $; S & F Excavating Ltd. 193,748.92 193,754.22 The Ontario Construction Co. Ltd. 199,534.40 199,534.40 R & M Construction 243,076.60 243,076.60 Dig-Con International Ltd. 263,162.97 263,162.97 Royalcrest Paving Ltd. 268,899.44 268,899.44 Elirpa Construction & Materials 328,228.13 328,228.13 Evans Contracting Ltd. 375,111.74 375,111.74 Hollandia Land & Environmental Solutions UNABLE TO BID Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 21, the following will be requested of the low bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call. E'lease . advise Supply & Services as soon as possible if we are to proceed in this direction. (a) a copy of the Health and Safety Policy to be used on this project; (b) a copy of the current Workplace Injury Summary Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Workplace Injury Summary Report document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); (c) a copy of the current Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; and (d) the City's certificate of insurance completed by the bidder's agent, broker or insurer. Include the following items in your Report to Council: (a) if items (a) through (d) noted above, are acceptable to the Safety & Training Co-ordinator; (b) any past work experience S & F Excavating Ltd. including work location; (c) without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (d) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged: (e) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (f) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (g) related departmental approvals; (h) any reason(s) why the low bid of S & F Excavating Ltd. is not acceptable; and (i) related comments specific to the project. T-4-2007 Tenderfor Dam Removal Project June 20, 2eO? Page 3 123 Schollen & Company Inc. as the consultants en this .project will be reviewing submissions and making recommendations to you. The consultant should also review carefully all submittal information based on tendering instructions. If the consultant notices any infractions or information missing during the evaluation, please contact a member of Supply & Services as soon as possible. Duplicate copies of the bids are attached for the consultant's use. Please do not disclose any information to enquiries. Bidders will be advised of the outcome in due course. If you require further information, please feel free to contact If you require further information, please feel free to contact me or a member of Supply & Services. cJRJ&t~ Barbara Tran Ibt Attachments Copy for: Director, Operations & Emergency Services CITY OF PICKERING RECORD OF TENDERS OPENED AND CHECKED Tender Description: Dam Removal Project - David Farr Park Bid I Agreement I Addendums Total Amount Deposit to Bond No. % Tendered acknowled ed y,y. V/ \/ Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 Time: Approx.2:15pm Bidder Name Dig-Con International Ltd. Elirpa Construction & Materials Evans Contracting LJd. .~ v/ S & F Excavating Ltd. C/TY ~i,a!f~resent .' q)V-1 I Ak!) Pj L . / . \ j // I j.\, /~ . \ >1 ! \ . f ,,' I "1Lf . / \ {p;.AJ/ /, '- L./ ,/ ........1 ~i ,/"7 s:.. \ , // l../ ~'_ . \ // 1'-)"'-' .,."" --.,... /" . '. .-..f' 'J'~ 'i ,/ /.,......",z/ . ( ,.( ....."'" t... " . . iF -.', '. _,.__.. ; Tender No.: T -4-2007 BIDDER'S SIGN IN i ~... '- (j) .~ , /" k:tendpay/recOid of tenders opened doc. Other -..--- ~ N ~ COMMENTS .-i J ATTACHMENT # ,..&-, TO REPORT # J.2."iK-,f>l OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 5 MEMORANDUM July 24, 2007 From: Everett Suntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services r-~ ~~t;:EIVEO !!~~.E To: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Saba Gajadharsingh Division Head, Human Resources ,J:~~AVOR ; COU~lt ~G ':~Eclc;T.Q~ : CORP SERV , PLAN & DEV l,OPER & EMERG , CUL & REC ;:IRE Andrew C. Allison City Solicitor !\i:PF Subject: Heath & Safety Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) File: A-4600-001-07 Please be advised that responses have been received from three bidders with respect to the Re uest for Proposals to engage a consultant to complete SOP' ~j~ the . y. he low bid received from Durham College in the am nt of $26,130.00 plus GST / n c~mmend that they be engaged immediately to co enc_ wor ou Ined in the RFP. Pending satisfactory performance of this phase of the work program, we will be recommending that Durham College also be engaged to conduct "Train the Trainer" education in order to prepare or the ro ut" of the new SOP's. is requested. ~ '// /' . ~ /Z Sab' a' harSingh-#;/ ES:ks Attachments ~ c-- L THOM,AS , . CHIEF '''JI' "1""0-,:; ,"1' '" (' '7i/~ <f-/ v7 ,.~ ""--"~-'~-""""'""."'''-~''.'~"''-'~-'~'<''-- 126 CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTM~I""~~~~~ ,1 I 8NINi\i'ifld i 1ISNIi!:l1'.! MEMORANDUM rl -'T"~)31l S3:)1^~3S 3'dl::J.J L i 's3c:~~'~~n'~L '~N3'i'dol:1d'NnV'Jj i I ,,::.:?''i.~L:J L I ':)3i:l "5 '1i1:) ,I ~i >!t1:rJ51-1 'o"rf.::;ll · l'JN7i05'i I l::lOAI:NI.! :0.1 Ad 00 I GJIi\::l J Everett Buntsma j _.._~. :01 'A3,.l\i! Director, Operations & Emergency Servicer--,.. . ~~ :'o~ ~- ~~-'I i----~. 1.13 ILl Vera A. Felgemacher L...L__._.7_...._._.1~.~.~~~:~:~=_~JJ Manager, Supply & Services . ';LXJ!A.lGS I' :)c.:;~)JeL'.j::: ~i! SU'Jl+:::;i,,-,::-!() j _~_"_~_,,,,"""'."......._n,'w~.~..... ....m',.. ...~'".,...'."..,,,. ."J July 18, 2007 To: From: Subject: Request for Proposal - Health & Safety Consultant Service No. RFP-2-2007 Supply & Services released the above noted request for proposal on J1uly 7, 2007 inviting five companies of which three companies submitted proposals by the closing date and time of Tuesday, July 26,2007. A copy of the summary memorandum issued by Supply & Services is attached. Evaluation committee members individually reviewed and scored each proposal completing the evaluation form based upon the evaluation criteria in the terms of reference. The committee convened on Friday, July 13, 2007. An averagE~ total score of each proposal was calculated by the committee creating a shortlist for review and consideration. A copy of this summary is attached for information. The proposal submitted by Durham College School Continuing Education received the highest score. The evaluation committee recommends the acceptance of proposal No. RFP-2-2007 submitted by Durham College School Continuing Education to develop approximately 39 Interdepartmental Procedures and approximately 28 Standard Operating Guidelines for the City, subject to acceptability of the health and safety documentation. The Health & Safety documentation submitted by Durham College School Continuing Education will be reviewed by Susan Kamin, Coordinator, Health & Safety for acceptability and will advise accordingly. This review is standard procedure.. In accordance with Purchasing Policy PUR 010.001 Item 04.09 a proposal award between $26,500 and $53,100 requires the approval of the Chief Administrative Officer. If you re uire further information, feel free to contact me. cA Vera A. Fe~emacher Manager, Supply & Services vaf attachments CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 127 July 4, 2007 To: Susan Kamin Coordinator, Health & Safety ~(Q)(P)W From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Subject: Request for Proposal - Health & Safety Consultant Service No. RFP-2-2007 Terms of reference for the above request for proposals were provided to five (5) consulting firms. Three (3) proposals have been received by the deadline of 2:00 PM Tuesday, June 26,2007. A preliminary review to ensure the "Mandatory Submission Requirements" appear in a submission has been undertaken. Each item is to be reviewed more closely by committee members and scored to reflect each item's relevance and value. In accordance with Terms of Reference Item 4: Submissions will be reviewed by an evaluation committee consisting of a Coordinator, Health & Safety, the Division Head, Human Resources, the Manager, Supply & Services and the Supervisor, Infrastructure Management, and evaluated according to the criteria described in the proposal document. The committee to rank the submissions lowest to highest score will tabulate an average score per submission. The evaluation committee for consideration and approval will recommend the highest scoring submission. I will leave it with you to determine an appropriate date and time to arrange a meeting for the evaluation committee, to review the submissions and evaluation criteria. One copy of each proposal is being provided directly to you with a copy of this memorandum. Please do not disclose any information to enquiries. Bidders will be advised of the outcome in ue course. If you require further information or assistance feel free to contact me. C_.....i Vera A. Felgerrfacher bt attachments /U/ ,""\..J,' .:..',/V' o () / :2.'i I 0 i L 6: t 7 F:~:\ F' T N.'\NCF. [) S PT @OOl.il)Ol ,..~. . A 1$ LLcrl ."f & 1 2 8 .~~.~~ ~I"l"':- ',. El ...:J.:1:- ,---=~ " ... ridtTRINC - A TTkC." ,3 REPORT #.c5-dJ S ~ 07 f'ilk:~ln!;; Ci"!~~ c~ Ie p\:'( ur,e Tke EJpiJr:'.l'.l~ Plc"er1ns, (~~".t~l:,~_: C,l1.HJJ l,.. "'-. D, r,~=C .~cu:::,~.;J05. 4-'2,(,). -j~' :(~:.' 'ToU J:r~l~ ~.;'36(~.(~:i3 l- jC' d ty~rrFi(~=(: c~ S.:::-;:,,; COlzrOR......fF SERV1CES DFP:\[(.TtvlcNT D.?p:".tm~:'It 905.42Q4(,:iO\ ~'~Il.t~' Pid,er'!t'8' 9US.663.~j60 "';;:,imile 9G.:'.'!205JIJ c'J,?se;v:[t:CilypiclV\lg. F=~tsimile 416.321.2522 June 25, 2007 George Kandelas, President RECElVED CITY OF PICKERING JUN 2 6 2007 SUPPLY AND SERViCES <C~)~W Arsenal Cleaning Services Ltd. 80 Nashdene Road Unit 7 Toronto, ON M1V 5E4 Subject: Tender No. T.1-2006 Tender for Cleaning Services ....--...--.'- -.--- ---" The purpose of this correspondence is to solicit a response from you to the following questions for the City's review at this time. Please select one, sign, and return at your earliest convenience. ~ The tender sLlbmitted by Arsenal Cleaning Services Ltd, dated January 31, 2006 for tllG above project is available for acceptance by the City without any change to the terms, conditions, specifications and pricin';l, with a possible start date of August 1, 2007 OR o The tender submitted by Arsenal Cleaning Services Ltd. datecl JanualY 31, 2006 for the above project is available tor acceptance by thE' City without any change to the terms, conditions, specifications and pricing except as detailed on Appendix A, with a possible start date of August 1 i ?007. fr:~;'~:!c-/~k.s - t;:' ./?:-,ltl~j c::j,1:'~~~;;)~) Ver A. Folgemacher, C.P.P., CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M., CMM III Manager, Supply & Services Copy: Division Head, Culture & Recreation supervisor, Facilities Operations APPROVED ~~~:: Gillis A. Paterson, C.M-A. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer 0'7 ~,.,..,<.."".,~.,':",'-' __/~)-t · ,~_... i. ~,,_.~~~~.~~~;~~{~~{:~;:':~.:..~>;\it>:} ;:~:\,,'.~:-'..' . ~-i~""" '-,J ~/-cy1[C,! L -~-- .-- -~ ..-- ~ ATTAChj"l 4- REPORT#..cs... 4~ - 0 '1 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION MEMORANDUM 129 August 21, 2007 To: Stephen Reynolds, Division Head, Culture and Recreation From: Len Hunter, . Supervisor, Facilities Operations Subject: In-Pro Cleaning Contract Termination In-Pro Cleaning Systems Incorporated's contract with the City of Pickering to clean various facilites was terminated on August 1, 2007 for various reasons. In-Pro Cleaning Systems has been the successful bidder for cleaning services for the past two contracts, beginning on March 1, 2003 for a three-year term and then again in 2006 for a further 3-year term. Small problems have arisen over the years but since the current contract was awarded in March of 2006, the problems had increased to a point that was unacceptable to the City. These problems generally had to do with the cleanliness of our buildings, lack of supervision of staff, inattention to detail and staff turnover. With facility and library staff members in attendance, monthly meetings were held with the owners of In-Pro Cleaning Systems in 2007 to discuss the problems. Lists of problems were given to the In-Pro owners and monthly cheques withheld as per the specifications of the contract (April, May, June and July). A detailed chart was prepared by staff listing dates and problems that arose in 2007 and reoccurred over and over. A final letter was sent by the Manager, Supply and Service, dated July 6,2007, to In-Pro Cleaning Systems, advising that due to the ongoing problems with no corrective action being taken by this company, the decision was made to terminate the contract with In-Pro Cleaning Systems Inc. effective August 1,2007. The City then awarded the contract to Arsenal Cleaning Services effective August 1, 2007. Arsenal Cleaning Services' bid was the 2nd lowest received in the 2006 tender and they have agreed to take over the remainder of the contract at the same tendered costs submitted in 2006. In addition to all facilities in the current cleaning contract, the new addition at Fire Hall #5 was added to the contract at this time. """""_""x,_"_~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,""'",^,,".,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,""""""''-'~''''''''''''''"-'''''_ In Pro Cleaning Contract Termination August 21, 2007 1 3 0 Page 2 All outstanding invoices have been paid to In Pro Cleaning Systems but thel $50,000.00 performace bond has been retained to cover all additional expenses incurred due to the termination of the contract. A smooth transition has taken place at this point and Arsenal Cleaning Services are performing to the City's satisfaction and as per the terms of the contract. LH:bw ,... ).,'11A"'1 j. r:- ..:.'2 {~FORT #.0:.~ V D '7 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT CLERK'S DNISION 1 31 ;r RIl'i'""'C -,. 'i 7"f "~,,. '" fI!""' ,,,, lI."..:, -'I'; ~''''''' !iIt 'leu. eu' L.. . '.- ~ ..1 CITY OF ....:I.,:..;...~""~~.. -"", J r '. \.. ." f ,...1 L:1 i' ~ r MEMORANDUM MA Y 1. b 2002 ,..,c....p I.J,JH ORATE ::,tY;\/lCf.8 May 27, 2002 TO: Tom Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Oil Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer FROM: Bruce Taylor, Clerk SUBJECT: Referrals from Council Meeting of May 21, 2002 Please be advised that the Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #80/02, Item #4, at the Council Meeting of May 21, 2002, as follows: I, That Report to Council CAO 04-02 seeking authorization by the Chief Administrative Officer to act in Council's approval capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council be received; and 2. That subject to the Council approved Purchasing Policy & Procedure, the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to act in Council's approval capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council on the condition that: a) such actions are in compliance with the Purchasing Policy & Procedure as approved under Resolution 136/01; and b) the costs thereof are within the budget previously approved by Council; and c) a report respecting those approvals is subsequently submitted to Council. 3. That appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. ."j "t." // // I/ r /.i/-/ .., //'-/ 1---/ / . Bruce Taylor / .' L____. BT:dk Copy: T.J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer