HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 7, 2007 Citq o~ Minutes PICKERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY June 7, 2007 7:20 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Cathy Grant, Pickering Public Library Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Adrian Rampersad, Dunbarton High School Ansar Siddiqui, Pine Ridge Secondary School Sharon Singh, Pine Ridge Secondary School Siobhan Saravanamuttu, Dunbarton High School Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Guests: Elizabeth Grane, Spanish Alliance of Ontario Lucila King, Hispanic Canadian Alliance of Ontario Ramesh Rajasingham, Durham Tamil Association Sherini Ramuite, Dunbarton High School Regrets: Councillor David Pickles - Chair Tanya Malika Foster, Community Appointee Mariyah Gonzales, Dunbarton High School Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Joanne Guindon, Durham District Catholic School Board Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Marisa welcomed members and guests and introductions were made around the table. She informed the committee she would be Chairing the meeting in the absence of Councillor Pickles. Marisa went over the agenda items. She informed the Committee that we would assign a deadline date for the workplan and finalize the community survey tonight. Page 1 CORP0228-2102 Marisa reviewed the action items from the previous meeting. As Mariyah was unable to attend this evening, the photos from the Annual Cultural Show will be available at the next meeting. Marisa handed out copies of the workplan to the members, explaining the need to finalize this. She went over each item explaining the Committees commitment and indicated those items which had been completed up to this point. She noted upcoming events and questioned whether we were missing any items. Other suggestions for celebrations which could be considered in the Multi-Faith Celebration were: Ayyam-Aha, Diwali and Chinese New Year. It was suggested we also include banners that commemorate other ethno-cultural celebrations that take place in November/December. It was noted the Committee would like to get a youth website up and running. It was also suggested that we include other diversity and equity initiatives led by the Pickering Public Library. Cathy Grant, Pickering Public Library, discussed what was available in children's programs at the Library. Marisa asked that comments regarding the Work Plan be provided to her by June 28th, at which time the final changes will be made in order to complete this. Community Survey Marisa indicated no comments had been received to date. She noted that this was to be piloted in 2007. She asked if there were any omissions in the documents, or any inclusions to be made? Marisa indicated this would be discussed later in the meeting and she would be looking for feedback. It was su ested we allow other members to comment via Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 email Marisa indicated the need for the workplan to go to Council StudentWritinContest Launch in September Marisa indicated that the photos had been emailed to Philip Howard to be posted on line Philip noted the Durham Digest newsletter is available on the public website. More teacher involvement The winners were posted as well as other entries. This should provide greater exposure to the schools Need to put together for September: . Have posters ready in early September - agreed the format was fine . Send a hard copy as well as in PDF format to Philip early in September for him to forward to all schools . Conduct outreach - was agreed it would be good to do a courtesy visit to schools . Emails could go out one month prior to deadline . Change deadline to December . To determine what a statement could be, should focus on issues of diversity and race relations Discussion ensued on how to begin essay. Further discussion respecting this was tabled, to confirm in September. Philip noted he would be back in the office in late August. 6. Canadian Ta est Event Marisa reminded everyone we are a partner in this event which is happening on June 9th from 12 - 4:30 pm' . She explained other organizations are involved with this event as well, and went over the program for the day, welcoming everyone to attend. She provided a draft of the program which will be distributed at the event. Discussion ensued on the types of events happening throughout the day. CORP0226-2102 Philip to provide link to Marisa Philip to circulate to teachers Committee to think about suggestions for statement Page 3 Community Survey: Marisa went over the details of the survey line by line and stated she wanted this survey to go out tomorrow. She requested comments and discussion ensued with various changes being made to the survey. Marisa made note of the changes and will send out the survey once the changes have been made. Marisa to make changes and forward to organizations Survey is to go electronically first, followed by a mailing with a covering letter. Will pilot this survey with five organizations to begin with. Adjournment: 8:35 pm Next Meeting - September 6, 2007 Page 4 CORP0228-2/02