HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 07/99 "'~ OF PiC ;O~ ~ :0. ~ ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL ,... FROM: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer DATE: December 3,1999 REPORT NUMBER: CS 07/99 SUBJECT: Financing ofTRCA Purchase of Property 927 Tullo St. Lot 81, Plan 345 RECOMMENDATION: That Report CS 07/99 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received and that: 1. Council support the acquisition of 927 Tullo St. (Lot 81, Plan 345) by the Toronto and Regional Conservation Authority; 2. 3. - 4. 5. 6. the Town's portion of the cost of the acquisition not exceed $118,750 or 50 per cent of the total cost; funding be provided by a transfer from the Parkland Reserve Fund, Account No. 4230 to the Capital Fund; the expenditure and financing be included in the Town's 2000 Budgets as a pre approved item; TRCA be requested to reimburse the Town proportionally should any funding assistance be received from the Province of Ontario or any other source; and, the appropriate officials of the Town of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. ORIGIN: Correspondence from the Toronto and Regional Conservation Authority (TRCA) dated October 29, 1999. AUTHORITY: Conservation Authority Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended FINANCIAL IMPLICA nONS: - The purchase price of $230,000 of which TRCA is seeking a maximum of 50 per cent funding, $115,000 depending upon the level, if any, of Provincial grant participation. The expenditure would be included in the 2000 Budgets of the Town with funding to be provided by a transfer from the Parkland Reserve Fund. Report to Council CS 07/99 Date: December 3, 1999 Subject: Financing ofTRCA Purchase of Property 927 Tullo St. Page 2 -- The Authority has also requested the Town's assistance in sharing 50 per cent of other associated costs (survey, appraisal environmental consulting). The total assistance requested is $118,750 m ax 1Il111m. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purchase of the property by TRCA is supported by the Planning & Development and the Operations & Emergency Services Departments as meeting their respective objectives. The property to be acquired represents significant acquisition as part of the Frenchman's Bay West Park Plan and will form part of the broader Waterfront Trail. While the attached letter from TRCA discusses two properties, this report deals only with the funding of one, the Naccarato property. The other Leonhardt property purchase is being funded by TRCA and the Rouge Park Alliance. BACKGROUND: - The subject land is known as 927 Tullo Street (Naccarato property) and is located in the West Shore Ncighbourhood, cast of West Shore Boulevard and adjacent to Buenavista Drive, in an area identified for the future Frenchman's Bay West Park. The subject land comprises an area of approximately .056 of a hectare (.14 acres), and presently supports a one-storey frame detached dwelling together with a detached single car carport. The subject land is zoned 'R4' - Detached Dwelling by Zoning By-law 2511, and is designated 'Active Recreational Area' in the Pickering Official Plan, forming part of the Town's Open Space System. Further, the land is identified as being located within an environmentally significant area in Scheduled III (Resource Management) of the Plan. Securement of the Naccarato property (927 Tullo Street) into public ownership is essential to the TRCA's control of the broader Frenchman's Bay West Park area and to the implementation of a comprchcnsive plan for the park. One additional lot, central to the park development, remains in private ownership. The park will also fonl1 an important node along the Pickering Waterfront Trail, as envisaged by both Town Council and the Mayor's Waterfront 2001 Task Force Report. This acquisition is in keeping with the recently passed Council Resolution #41/99 which clearly demonstrates Council's intent to partner with the TRCA to ensure the acquisition of waterfront lands in the Town of Pickering. The attached Authority request and report outlines the details of the acquisition and the request for funding assistance gives the details of the Authority request from the Town. This land will remain in the ownership of the Authority. - Report to Council CS 07/99 Date: December 3, 1999 Subject: Financing of TRCA Purchase of Property 927 Tullo St. Page 3 !IIf1IO- ATTACHMENTS: COlTespondence from TRCA to Thomas J. QUilUl dated October 29, 1999. Town of Pickering, Planning Department map dated 1999. Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: G.A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer ~~~ . Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services EB:mld Attachments "- Copy: G. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer E. Buntsma, Director, Operations & Emergency Services N. Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town Council Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer ,~ ~ ATTACHMENT#-L Te REPORT # LS 07~ V!~o~nTm~~~~o~~v,~!o~tQ~~~I~~(4~?~~;~'fhJ11?~ ~~~~~I~cn .-.. October 29, 1999 Mr. Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer The Corporation ot ihe Town af Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One the Esplanade Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7 Dear Mr. Quinn: Re: Frank Guido Naccarato propGrty 927 Tullo Street, Lot 81, Regl3tersd Plan 3.45, in the Town of PickerIng, Regional Municipality of Durham and Johannes Leonhardt and Waltraud Leonhardt property 539 Rodd Avenue, Part of Slock A, Registered Plan 233, Town of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham - We are enclosing for your information a copy of a staff report dated October 25, 1999, regarding the proposed purchase of the Naccarato property in the Frenchman's Bay area. Also enclosed is a copy of a staff report dated October 28, 1999, regarding the proposed purchase of the Leonhardt property in the Aodd Avenue area. Both properties are located in the Town's Ward 1. The following are the costs associated with these purchases: (1 ) Naccarato: Purchase Price Costs Total $ 230,000 S 7.500 $ 237,500 (2) Leonhardt: Purchase Price Costs Total $ 250,000 $7.500 $ 257,000 Total for the two Properties $ 495,000 Proposed funding: Town of Pickering (50% of the Naccarato property) Rouge Park (50% of the Leonhardt property) Authority (50% of Naccarato and Leonhardt properties) Total $118,750 $ 128,750 $ 247.500 $ 495,000 .. ./2 - WORf\ING TOGETHER FORrOMORROW'S GREENSPACE Ill}' '-'}.:,.--l _' _' . l 1. . I .' ~, 1-=':1 \'.'11 . ~ '..' I . ~ ,_ I ,... - 2 - We respectfully request funding assistance in the amount of $118,750 from the Town of Pickering to allow us to complete these two strategic acquisitions. 1 trust this Is sufficient for your purposes. However . you have any questions or require any further information please do not hesitate to cont ct either Don Prince at (416) 661-6600, extension 5221 or Mike Fenning at extension 522 ..:._-- Yours very truly, o :.1. Prince ager, Property/Asset Management End cc; Councillor Doug Dickerson - F:\FA\MI~\FIL.':S\ 121 01\QUINN. W?D - 1 \'_1' '~, .I..:.. L..' _' -' TO: Chair and Members of the Executive Committee, TRCA Meeting 1110/99, November 5, 1999 """ FROM: Don J. Prince, Manager, Property/Asset Management RE: GREENSPACE PROTECTION AND ACQUISITION PROJECT, 1996-2000 Lake Ontario Watertront, Pickering/Ajax Sector Johannes Leonhardt and WaJtraud Leonhardt CFN 12072 KEY ISSUE Purchase of property municipally known as 539 Rodd Avenue, located on the Lake Ontario shoreline, in the Town of Pickering. RECOMMENDA TION THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT 0.107 hectares (0265 acres), more or less, consisting of an Irregular shaped parcel of land, improved with a two storey stucco dwelling, be purchased from Johannes Leonhardt and Waltraud Leonhardt, said land being Part of Block A, Registered Plan 233, in the Town of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham, municipally known as 539 Rodd Avenue; ,~ THAT the purchase price be $250,000.00 together with payment of vendor's reasonable legal costs; THAT the Authority receive conveyance of the land required free from encumbrance, subject to existing service easements; THAT Gardiner Roberts, Barristers and Solicitors, be instructed to complete the transaction at the earliest possible date. All reasonable expenses incurred incidental to the closing for land transfer tax, legal costs and disbursements are to be paid; AND FURTHER THAT the appropriate Authority officials be authorized and directed to execute all necessary documentation required. BACKGROUND Resolution #A131/9S, adopted at Authority Meeting #4/95, held on May 26,1995, approved the Greenspace Protection and Acquisition Project. Negotiations have been conducted with the owner's representative William Dicker, William Dicker Real Estate and E. Dicker, Solicitor. The Director of the Watershed Management Division has reviewed the proposal and is in concurrence with the purchase of the property. Attached is a plan showing the location of the subject lands. - I IU' '-\_1,.. - 1. ~:-"" l l . \_I~. , '- ':.1 . '-" , ""'" RATIONALE The subject property falls within the Authority's approved master plan for acquisition along the Lake Ontario shoreline, and is in between Authority holdings. It represents one or NVO remaining residential properties within this reach of the Lake Ontario shoreline that controls the beach and it is, therefore, very important that the subject property be in public ownership. TAXES AND MAINTENANCE Taxes on the property were approximately $2,400 in , 999. The property is presently being rented by Mr. Leonhardt and it is proposed that the Authority continue to rent the property on an interim basis to offset the taxes and maintenance costs until such time as park development work at this location is carried out. FINANCIAL DETAILS At MeetiliQ #4/98, the Rouge Park Alliance supported in principle the acquisition of the remaining private lands in the Rodd Avenue area by adopting Res. #92/98 as follows: THAT the Rouge Park Alliance request that the Regions, local Municipalities, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, the Province and the Rouge Park Alliance investigate the purchase of the lands outlined in the original proposal for the Rodd Avenue area. Staff will approach the The Rouge Park Alliance tor funding assistance for this transaction. Funding for this acquisition will be charged to Account 004-12-502. Report prepared by: Ron Dewell, ext. 5245 For Information Contact: Don Prince, ext. 5221 Ron Dewell, ext. 5245 - Date: 1999.10.28 Attachment (1) F.\FA\MICH:ll7\WORK\EXECWO\L.EONHARD. WPO - I ".'" .-\ .\~ - l -':'::'~ l \.. ' '~'- _11'.'1' RE: GREENSf'ACE PROTECTION ANn ACQUISITION rnO.JEr:T, l!l!lfi-7QOO luko Ontt\fll' Wllltlrfront. PiCKorif1<]IAjl\X Sftclor Johannu:I LOOl1hnrdt linn Wnllrllut;i Loonhnrdt CFN '2012 - LAKE ONT ARlO ~ - ~ SC,,-E SU8JECT PROPERTY 539 ROOD AVE. /":"l ,( . . Fill liNE TeNONTO L REGIONS CONS(RvATrQN LANDS ~ ~ ~ --"-'".~ ... ---", uNOP:NED ROllO AlLOWANCE (Town of Pickering) ~ V-51Cn F I1MrJtne : RONDf:W6blXiN OcIOCcr.~~~I?!~J .---.. Te' Chair and Members of the Executive Committee. TRCA Meeting #10/99, November 5, 1999 .. FROM: Don J. Prince, Manager, Property/Asset Management RE: GREENSPACE PROTECTION AND ACQUISITION PROJECT, 1996-2000 Lake Ontario Waterfront, Pickering/Ajax Sector Frank Guido Naccarato CFN 12 i 0' KEY ISSUE Purchase of property municipally known as 927 Tullo Street, located in the Prenchman's Bay area, In the Town of Pickering. RECOMMENDATION THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT 0.140 acres, more or less, consisting of a rectangular shaped parcel of land, improved with a one storey frame dwelling together with a detached single car carport, be purchased from Frank Guido Naccarato, said land being Lot 81, Registered Plan 345, In the Town of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham, municipally known as 927 Tullo Street; - THAT the purchase price be $230,000.00 together with payment of vendor's reasonable legal costs; THAT the Authority receive conveyance of the land required free from encumbrance, subject to exIsting service easements; THAT Gardiner Roberts, Barristers and Solicitors, be Instructed to complete the transaction at the earliest possible date. All reasonable expenses incurred incidental to the closing for land transfer tax, legal costs and disbursements are to be paid; AND FURTHER THAT the appropriate Authority officials be authorized and directed to execute all necessary documentation required. BACKGROUND Resolution #A 131 /95, adopted at Authority Meeting #4/95. held on May 26, 1995, approved the Greenspace Protection and Acquisition Project. Negotiations have been conducted with the owner and his solicitor Murray D. Stroud. The Director of the Watershed Management Division has reviewed the proposal and is in concurrence with the purchase of the property. Attached is a plan showing the location of the subject lands. - 1 ~, , ,_'.':'" - l ~. '::,' l \ . . _, I '.:, "-,,. - Rf")NALE The subject property 1alls within the Authority's approved master plan for acquisition along the Lake Ontario shoreline, and is surrounded by Authority holdings. It represents one 01 the last remaining residential properties within the Authority's Watenront Project on the west side of Frenchman's Bay in the Town of Pickering. TAXES AND MAINTENANCE Taxes on the property are $2,501.88 In 1999. The property is presently being rented by Mr. Naccarato and it is proposed that the Authority continue to rent the property on an interim basis to offset the taxes and maintenance costs until such time as park development work at this location is carried out. FINANCIAL DETAILS Staff will approach the Town of Pickering for funding assistance for this transaction. Funding for this acquisition will be charged to Account 004.12.502. Report prepared by: Mike Fenning, ext. 223 For Information Contact: Don Prince, ext. 221 Mike Fenning, ext. 223 Date: 1999.10.25 Attachment (1) ":IF A\MICH317\WORK\EXEC\QQ\NACC..<.RA T.WPD - "- ,. r-- -- - .. - I. ~.~, , ~. ~~ ~' ~ i,l ~ h ~~ rn ~ Zi~ ~ ~ ~'g' "ll 2 ;0 tl ~ en rn :%J :< '_ .-.1 I '.' I' _ ,_, I I _. ,~.- I' , -" .' 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