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Gillis A. Paterson
Director of Finance & Treasurer
SlJB.I Eel':
DATE: February 1,1999
1999 Interim Levy ami Interim Tax Installment Due Dates for: Rcsidential/Fann
Properties, Farmlands, Pipelines, Managed Forests and Payments in Lieu of
Taxes, Excluding the Federal Government Non-Residential Realty Class of
It is recommend that:
I. an interim levy be adopted for 1999, as permitted in lhe Fairness lor Property Taxpayers
Aet, 1998 (Bi II 79), applicable only to the Residential/Farm, Farmlands, Pipelines and
Managed Forests as defined under section 3, Ontario Regulation 282/98 under the
Assessment Act and to the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILs) excluding Federal nOI1-
residential properties,
for the 19CJCJ Interim Tax billing, the tax rates below, representing 50 per cent of the 1998
rales, be approveLl lor thc following realty classes as lollows:
Residential/Farm including PILs
Farmlands including PILs
Pipelines including PILs
Managed Forests including PILs
P,lyments in Lieu of Taxes:
COlllmereial Occupied
Commercial Vacant Unit
Commercial Vacant Land
Industrial Occupied
Industrial Vacant Unit
Industrial Vacant Land
Large Industrial Occupied
Office Building Occupied
Parking Lot
.0 1864847
3. the interim levy installment due dates bc February 26 and April 27, ]CJ99;
4. the attached by-law, providing lor the imposition of the tax rates approved under
Recommendation 2 above, be read thrce times and approved by Council; and
5. The appropr:ate Town of Pickering officials be authorizcd to take thc necessary actions
to give effect dlCreto.
Report to Counei I FINO 1-99
February I, 1999
Subject: 1999 Interim Levy and Interim Tax Instalment
Due Dates far Residentiallrarm Properties, rarmlands, Pipelines, Malwged
Forests and Paymcnts in Lieu ofTaxcs Excluding Federal Govcrnment
Non-Residential Really Class of Property
Page 2
Director of Finance & Treasurer
Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 as amcnded.
Fairness For Property Taxpayers Act, 1998 (Bill 79)
Ontario Regulation 282/98
Adoption of the recommendations will allow staff of the Finance Department to bill the 1999
interim levy to all properties except Iar the industrial, commercial, ll1ulti-residential realty classes
and the Federal payments in lieu of taxes (excluding non-residential.) The Town of Pickering
receives approximately 80 per cent of its tax levy from the residential and fann realty tax class.
For the 19lJ8 February installment interim tax bill, the Town of Pickering collected
approximately (gross) $21.5 million. By establishing the first installmcnt date for these classes
of property in February, as is usual, in contrast to a later time period, when the details of
industrial/eommereial/mulli-residential capping are known, the Town of Pickering is better able
to manage its cashDow. Passing of the by-law will assist the Town of Pickering to meet its
financial obligations and reduce any borrowing costs.
Each year, prior to the adoption o[ the estimates [or the year, Counci t authorizes the adoption of
an interim levy. This levy may not exceed 50 per cent of the amount that would be raised by
applying the tax ratc for all purposes [or the preceding year. Residential phasc-in adjustmcnts
will be reflected in both the interim and final tax bills. The tax levy raises [unds that are used
[or the continuing operations of the Town, Region and the School Boards.
This year's interim levy is made somewhat more complicated by the introduction in 1998 of the
current value assessment by the Province, the residential phase in program by the Region of
Durham; and the capping of industrial/eommercial/multi-residential increases in 1999.
The 1999 residential interim tax bill consists of two components - 50% of last years taxes and
5001., of the estimated 1999 residential phase-in adjustment.(The Region of Durham passed a hy-
1mI' 10 phase-in assesslllel/I relaled increases al/d decreases over a l/tree-year period). The
interim Tax Rate is 50 per cent o[ the rate used to calculate the linal 1998 property taxes. Last
year, the residential phase-in assessment adjustment (related increase or decrease) was applied
to the final tax bill. For 1999, the phase-in adjustment is being applied over the full year. The
1998 total residential phase-in was approximately $1.4 mi lIion and the 1999 residential phase-in
is approximately $] 25,000 o[which $62,500 is applied to the 1999 interim tax bill.
Report to Council FINO 1-99
February 1, 1999
Subject: 1999 Interim Levy and Interim Tax Instalment
Due Dates for Residential/Fanll Properties, Farmlands, Pipelines, Managed
Forests and Payments in Lieu of Taxes Excluding Federal Government
Non-Residential Realty Class of Property
Page 3
The interim levy is applicable to all really classes except for those impacted by Bill 79 such as
commercial, multi-residential and industrial. Bill 79 prevents the Town for levying taxes on the
other realty tax classes until all of the obligations under the Bill (ie. capping) arc satisfied. Bill
71) received Royal Assent on December 18, 1998. In January, 1999, the Minister of Municipal
Affairs and I lousing filed a 24 page Regulalion pertaining to Bill 79. In fact IS such Regulations
have becn fixed in the last two months with more to follow. These regulations explain in detail
how to apply the capping legislation for increases and to calculate the clawback of the decreases.
Finance staff anticipate that the revised tax bills associated with Bill 79 will be issued by mid-
March, depending upon the date of Regional Council's approval of a capping scheme. The rc-
billing of the 1998 taxes for these groups will be difficult due to the complexity of the
calculations and programming requirements for the computer system. A detailed
communications strategy is planned to assist the various stakeholders in understanding their
revised tax bill.
Furthermore, the Province is mandating the content of a standard, uniform communication to be
included with all such tax bills, specific to the particular property being billed. In addition, the
Region may also be considering some form of communications in this regard.
The interim instalhllent due dates lar 1999 arc simi lar to those in place since 1976.
I. By-law to establish the Tax Rates and 1999 Interim Installment Due Dates.
Prepared By:
Approved / Endorsed By:
'--Gillis A. Paterson
Director of Finance & Treasurer
Stan Karwowski
Manager of Finance
Recommended for the consideration of
Pickering Town Council
Beil/g a by-law to establish (/// II/terim Lel~Y for I999 for residel/tial,
farm. farmlal/ds. pipelil/es. I/Illl/agcd forests realty classes and for
Paymel/ts in Lieu of Taxcs excluding Federal Government 1/0//
residel/tial realty class propcrtics: al/(l to cstablish thc installmcnt due
datcs jor thc I999 Interim LCI:Y
WHEREAS Section 370, subsection (I) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended, provides
that the council of a local municipality may, before the adoption of the estimates for the year,
pass a by-law levying a separate Tax Rate, as specified in thc by-law on the assessment in each
property class, in the local municipality rateable for local municipality purposes; and
WHEREAS Section 370, subscction (3) ofthe Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, provides that the Tax
Rates to be levied under subsection (I) on a propcrty class must be set so that the total amount
raised, when thc Tax Rate is levied on the applicable assessment, rateable for local municipality
purposes, docs not exceed 50 per cent of the total amount raised for all purposes ill the previous
year by the levying of Tax Rates on all properties that, in the current year, arc in the property
class; and.
WHEREAS Section 370, subsection (4) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, provides that if a by-
law is passed under subsection (I) the Tax Rate levied under subsection (l) shall be levied on the
assessment according to the assessment roll for taxation in the previous year as most recently
revised; and
WIIEREAS Section 368.0.3, of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990 as amendcd by Bill 79, provides
the council of the municipality may not Icvy industrial, commercial, or multi-residential tax rates
1'01' 1999, if the 1998 levy for property taxcs on industrial, commcreial and multi-residcntial
realty classcs arc affected by an upper tier and the Council of the upper tier has not satisfied its
obligations under Subsection 3G8.0.0 (5) or (6); and
WIIEREAS the Town of Pickering passed by-law 5392/98 implcmenting the residential phase-
in for assessment related increases or decreases for the residential property class as detcll11ined in
accordance with Section 372 (1) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended and as adopted
by the Region of Durham; and
WHEREAS the residcntial phase-in schcmc is to be implemcnted over a three year period
beginning in 1998 and that the 1999 rcsidential interim tax bill include 50 per cent of the
estimated 1999 residential phase-in if applicable; and
WIIEREAS it is uecmcd expedient at this tilllc to fix the amount anu due dates for the paYlllent
of instalmcnts of the 1999 interim taxes for residential/fann, farmlands, pipelines, managed
forests and far Paymcnts in Licu of Taxes exclUding Fedcral Govel"l1l1ll.:nt non-rcsidential.
In the year 1999, the Tax Ratc, shall be as described under Seheuule A attached hereto Interim
Tax Rates - and are due and payable in two installmcnts on the 26th day of February, 1999 and
on the 27th day of April, 1999.
I. (a) Before the adoption of the estimates for 1999, there shall be levied as taxes on the
assessment of all residential, farm, farmlands, pipelines, managed forests property and for
Payments in Lieu of Taxes excluding I'ederal Government non-residential realty class
properties in the Town of Pickering rateable for municipality purposes according to the
assessment roll as most recently revised before this by-law is enacted for taxation in
1998, in amounts calculated by the Treasurer.
(b) For residential properties eligible for the 1999 phase-in adjustment of an assessment
rclated increase or decrease in taxes, 50 per cent of the total estimated 1999 phase-in
<Idjustment shall be included on the intcrim tax levy.
2. Taxes shall be payable to the Treasurer, Town of Pickering.
3. When not in default, the payment of taxes, or any instalment thereof, may also be made at
any financial institution permitted by the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.4S, as
amended, as designated by the Treasurer.
4. The Treasurer or Tax Collector may mail, or cause to be mailed, all notices of taxes
required in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.4S, as
amended, to the address of the residence or place of business of the person taxed pursuant
to this by-law. Notices will not be mailed to tenants. It is the responsibility of the person
taxed to noti fy and collect taxes from tenants or other persons.
The Treasurer or the Tax Collector shall be and they are hereby authorized to accept part
payment from time to time on account of any taxes due, and to give a receipt for such part
payment provided that acceptance of any such part payment docs not affect the collection
of any percentage charge imposcd or collectable under Section 399, Subsection (3) of the
Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, in respect to non-payment of any taxes or any class of taxes or
of any instalment thereof.
(J. The Treasurcr-Collector is hereby authorizcd to prepare and givc one separate tax notice
for the collection of 1999 taxcs, one notice being an INTERIM notice, with two
instalments, as follows:
lNTERIM'Tax Notice
- due date of the first instalment February 26, 1999
- due date of the second instalment April 27, 1999
7. Except in the case of taxes payable under Section 33 and 34 of the Assessment Act, R.S.O.
1990, c.A31, as amended, the percentage charge as a penalty for non-payment of taxes and
monies payable as taxes shall be added to every tax or assessment, rent or rate of any
instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day of default and on the first day of
each calendar month thereafter in which such default continues but not after December 31
of the year in which the taxes become payable, and it shall be the duty of a Tax Collector,
imlllediately to collect at once, by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the
applicable statutes all such taxes, assessments, rents, rates or instalments or parts thereof as
shall not have been paid on or before the several dates named as aforesaid, together with
the said percentage charges as they arc incurred.
8. In respect of taxes payable under Sections 33 and 34 of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990,
c.A.31, as amended, the percentage charge imposed as a penalty for non-payment of taxes
and monies payable as taxes shall be added to evelY amount of taxes so payable remaining
unpaid on the first day after twcnty-one days fj'Olll the date of mailing by the Treasurer or a
Tax Collector of a demand for payment thcreof and on the first day of each calendar month
thereafter in which default continues but not after December 31 of the year in which tlie
taxes become payable; and it shall be the duty of a Tax Collector immediately after the
expiration of the said twenty-one days to collect at once by distress or otherwise under the
provisions of the applicable statutes, all such taxes as shall not have been paid on or before
the expiration of the said twenty-one day period, together with the said percentage charges
as they are incurred.
Nothing herein contained shall prevent the Tax Collector from proceeding at any time with
the collection of any rate, tax or assessment, or any part thereof~ in accordance with the
provisions of the .statutes and by-laws governing the collection of taxes.
10. Whcre tenants of land owned by the Crown or in which the Crown has an interest are liable
for the payment of taxes and whcre any such tenant has been employed either within or
outside the municipality by the same employer for not less than thirty days, such employer
shall pay over to the Treasurer or Tax Collector on demand out of any wagcs, salary or
other remuneration due to such employee, the amount then payable for taxes undcr this by-
law and such payment shall rclieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the
amount so paid.
II. That this by-law is to come into clrect onthc I st day of January, 1<)1)<).
BY -LA W read a first, seeond and third time and finally passed this 1 st day of February 1999.
Wayne Arthurs, Mayor
Bruce Taylor, Clerk
By-Law No.
Schedule A
Town or Pickel"ing
1999 Interim Tax Rates
Rcalty Class
Managcd Forcsts
Paymcnt in Licu ofTaxcs
PIL CommcrcialOccupicd
PIL Commcrcial Vacant Unit
PIL Commcrcial Vacant Land
PIL IndustrialOccupicd
PIL Industrial Vacant Unit
PI L Industrial Vacant Land
PIL Largc Industrial Occupicd
PIL Officc Building Occupicd
I'lL Parking Lot
I'lL Multi-Rcsidcntial
Thc PIL ratcs for thc rcsidcntial, farmlands, pipelincs and managcd forcsts bc sct at
thc samc ratc as above in part A.