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Gillis A. Paterson
Director of Finance
December 22, 1997
1998 Interim Levy, Tax Instalment Due Dates and Imposition of
Penalty and Interest for Non-Payment of Taxes
To provide for an interim levy and due dates, tentative final levy
due dates and to establish the rate of penalty and interest on the
non-payment of taxes and tax arrears.
It is recommended that:
1. an interim levy be adopted for 1998, not exceeding that permitted under
existing legislation, being a levy on the whole of the assessment
according to the last revised assessment roll, a sum not exceeding 50 per
cent, as described in the Fair Municipal Finance Act, 1997 (Bill 106 and
NO.2 Bill 149), and the dqtes be set as February 24 and April 27, 1998;
2. final levy due dates, subject to change, be set at June 25 and September
25, 1998;
3. the penalty for non-payment of current year taxes be increased from 12.0
per cent per annum to 15.0 per cent per annum, commencing March 1,
4. interest on tax arrears be increased from 12.0 per cent per annum to 15.0
per cent per annum, commencing March 1, 1998;
the appropriate by-laws, in the form attached, be read three times and
approved by Council; and
6. the appropriate officials of the Town of Pickering be authorized to give
effect thereto.
Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended
Fair Municipal Finance Act, 1997 (Bill 106)
Fair Municipal Finance Act, 1997 (No.2) (Bill 149)
December 22, 1997
Report to Council #TR 27/97
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Adoption of the recommendations will allow staff of the Finance Department to
bill the 1998 interim levy on the taxpayers of the Town and establish tentative
final levy due dates to finance the expenditures of the Town and to meet Region
and School Boards' levies. Increasing the penalty and interest rates from 12 to
15 per cent will result in an increase in revenue of approximately $200,000 in
Each year, prior to the adoption of the estimates for the forthcoming year,
Council authorizes the adoption of an interim levy. This levy, which may not
exceed 50 per cent of the amount that would be raised by applying the mill rate
for all purposes for the preceding year, provides funds to ensure the continuing
operations of the Corporation. It also includes sufficient funds for the Region
and School Boards purposes.
A penalty may be charged on the non-payment of taxes of up to 15 per cent per
annum for the period ending December 31 of the year in which the taxes are
payable. Following which interest may be charged at up to 15 per cent per
annum, until the taxes, penalties and interest are paid.
Interim Levv
In a typical year, our current situation would be clear, Le., the Town would
prepare an interim billing, for Town, Region and School Boards purposes, based
upon long established legislative authorities. With the introduction of a number
of new pieces of legislation, including the new Ontario Fair Assessment System,
on January 1, 1998 and with legislation, regulations and clarification yet to follow,
it is extremely difficult to be certain at this time as to exactly how events will
unfold. Hence, a certain lack of specifics in this report. However, we are
reasonably certain that an interim levy will be permitted and required for Town,
Region and School Board purposes. The timing of everything, including
Council's meetings in the early part of the new year, necessitates presenting this
report now.
The instalment due dates for 1998 are similar to those in place since 1976. The
dates have been set to allow a three business day grace period before a non-
payment penalty is applied on the first of the month following.
The amount of the interim levy is, under current legislation, limited to
approximately 50 per cent of the prior year's taxes for all purposes. In 1998,
under new legislation, with further clarification pending, the Business Occupancy
Tax (BOT) is disappearing as a separate tax and is being "rolled up" into the
commercial/industrial realty tax. Furthermore, the Farm Tax Rebate will
disappear to be replaced by a lower rate of tax. While it is hoped the tax
treatment from a billing perspective will be clear by the time the final bills are
sent out, this may not be so in the case of the interim bills.
December 22, 1997
Report to Council #TR 27/97
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Penaltv and Interest on Overdue Taxes
Taxes are due and payable at a place and manner and at such times as may be
approved by the Council of a municipality. When taxes are not paid in the year
in which they come due, a penalty is added. In the year following, and until the
taxes are paid, interest is added. Today, in most municipalities, the two rates are
the same.
Pickering currently charges 12 per cent per annum and the recommendations
are to increase the two rates to 15 per cent per annum each. Our reasons for
the recommendations are that the penalty is just that, a penalty for the non-
payment of a debt, that reflects not only the costs of financing but the internal
costs of handling overdue payments. Many businesses charge 2 per cent per
month and it is my understanding that all municipalities around Pickering charge
15 per cent per annum. Charge cards are typically 18 per cent per annum and
Pickering should not be seen as a source of financing, a lending institution, an
alternative source of financing to pay other higher interest bearing obligations,
nor be significantly out of step with the practices of the surrounding
Moreover, Pickering implemented a Pre-authorized Payment Plan, where each
year's payments are spread out over 10 months. Payments are accepted at a
number of financial institutions as well as at the Finance Department. With these
steps, Pickering has made the payment of taxes easier.
The date of March 1, 1998 was selected to coincide with the first due date in the
new year, thereby providing the requisite minimum 21 days notice.
By-law to provide for the addition of interest to tax arrears.
By-law to provide for the imposition of a penalty for non-payment of taxes.
By-law to establish Instalment Due Dates for the 1998 Interim and Final
~ Gillis A. Paterson
Copy: General Manager
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Being a by-law to provide for the addition of interest to
tax arrears
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter MAS, section
419(2). the Council of The Corporation of the TowlI of Pickering may by by-law require that the TowlI
Treasurer add to the amount of all taxes due and unpaid interest at such rate not exceeding 15 per cent
per anllum as Council determines, from the 31 st day of December of the year in which the taxes were
levied until the taxes are paid;
1. EITt:t:tive MardI 1, 1998, the Treasurer shall add to the amount of all taxes in arrears, which arc
due and unpaid, interest on same at the rate of 15.0 per cent per annum until the taxes are paid.
This By-law shall come into force on January I, 1998.
BY-LA W read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 22nd day of December, 1997.
Wayne Arthurs, Mayor
Bruce Taylor, Clerk
Being a by-law to provide for the imposition of a penalty for
non-payment of taxes
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter MAS, section
399(4), the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering may by by-law impose a percentage
charge as a penalty for non-payment of taxes not exceeding 15 per cent per annum, or such lower rate as
Council determines, from the date payment is due until it is made or until the 31 st day of December of
the year in which the taxes were levied, whichever is earlier;
1. As a penalty for the non-payment of taxes, ~I charge of 15.0 per cent per annum shall be imposed
for the non-payment of taxes, until payment is made or until December 3 I of the year in which
the taxes are levied, whichever is earlier.
The Treasurer shall give notice of the percentage charge imposed by section I, above, to the
persons taxed by causing notice thereof to be mailed to the address of the residence or place of
business of such persons.
3. This By-law shall come into force on January 1, 1998.
BY-LA W read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 22nd day of December, 1997.
Wayne Arthurs, Mayor
Bruce Taylor, Clerk
Being a by-law to establish Instalment Due Datesfor the
1998 Interim and Final Levy
WHEREAS By-law 354/76, enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering on
January 2, 1976, provides generally for the payment and collection of taxes; and
WHEREAS Section 370 o[ the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended by the Fair Municipal Finance
Act, 1997 and tbc Fair Municipal Finance Act, 1997 (No.2) provides that the council of a municipality
may, before tbe estimatcs [or thc fortbcoming year are adopted, pass a by-law levying taxes on thc
assessment of property in the municipality; and
WIIEREAS the said section 370, as amended, provides in subsection 9 thereof that the interim taxes
shall be levied "on the assessment according to the assessment roll, as most recently revised before the
by-Jaw is passed, [or taxation in 1997 in accordance with the following:
I. Taxes on residential and [arm assessment shall be set by levying a mill rate that does not exceed
the prescribed percentage (or 50 per cent if no percentage is prescribed) of the residential mill
ratc levied in 1997;
2. Taxes on commercial and industrial assessment shall be set by levying a mill rate that does not
exceed tbe mill rate that would raise, on all the commercial and industrial assessment rateable for
local municipality purposes in 1997, tbe prescribed percentage (or 50 per cent if no percentage is
prescribcd) of the total taxes raised on that commercial and industrial assessment in 1997
including all busincss taxes levied in 1997"; and
WHEREAS no pcrcentages have been prescribed for the purposes of the said subsection 370(9); and
WHEREAS it is decmed expcdient at this time to fix the amount and due datcs for the payment of
instalments of tbe 1998 interim and final levy.
The mill rate [or taxes on residential and farm assessment will not exceed 50 per cent of the
residential mill rate levied in 1997 on such assessment in the Town of Pickering.
2. Before the adoption of the estimatcs for 1998, there shall be levicd as taxes on the assessment of
all property in the Town of Pickering rateable for local municipality purposcs according to the
assessment roll as most recently revised before this by-law is enacted for taxation in 1997, in
amounts calculated by the Trcasurer.
3. Taxes shall be payable to the Treasurer, Town of Pickering.
When not in default, the payment of taxes, or any instalment thereof, may also be made at any
financial institution permitted by the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. MA5, as amended, as
designated by the Treasurer.
The Treasurer or Tax Collector may mail, or cause to be mailed, all notices of taxes required in
accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. MA5, as amended, to the
address of tbe residence or place of business of the person taxed pursuant to this by-law. Notices
will not be mailed to tenants. It is the responsibility of the person taxed to notify and collect
taxes from tenants or other persons.
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The Treasurer or the Tax Collector shall be and they arc hereby authorized to accept part
payment ti'Olll time to time on account of any taxes due, and to give a receipt for such part
payment provided that acceptance of any such part payment does not affect the collection of any
percentagc charge imposed or collectable under section 9 in respect to non-payment of any taxes
or any class of taxes or of any instalment thereof.
7. The Treasurcr- Tax Collector is hereby authorized to prepare and give two separate tax notices for
the collection of 1998 taxes, one notice being an iNTERIM notice, with two instalments, and one
being a FiNAL notice with two instalments, as follows:
iNTERIM Tax Notice
- due date of the first instalment February 24, 1998
- due datc of thc second instalment April 27, 1998
fiNAL Tax Notice
- due date of the first instalment June 25,1998
- due date of the second instalment September 25, 1998
8. Except in the case of taxes payable under section 33 and 34 of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990,
c. A31, as amended, the percentage charge as a penalty for non-payment of taxes and monies
payable as taxes shall be added to every tax or assessment, rent or rate of any instalment or part
thereof remaining unpaid on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month
thereafter in which such defnult continues but not after December 31 of the yenr in which the
tnxes become pnyable, and it shnll be the duty of a Tax Collector, immediately after the several
dates named in section 2 to collect at once, by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the
nppl icable statutes all such taxes, assessments, rents, rales or instalments or parts thereof as shall
not have been paid on or before the several dates named as aforesaid, together with the said
percentage charges as they are incurred.
In respect of taxes pnyable under sections 33 and 34 of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.
A.31, as amended, the percentage charge imposed as a penalty for non-payment of taxes and
monies payable as taxes shall be added to every amount of taxes so payable remaining unpaid on
the first day after twenty-one days from the date of mailing by the Treasurer or a Tax Collector
of a demand for payment thereof and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which
default continues but not after December 31 of the year in which the taxes become payable; and
it shall be the duty of a Tax Collector immediately after the expiration of the said twenty-one
dnys to collect at once by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the applicable statutes, all
such taxes as shall not have been paid on or before the expiration of the said twenty-one day
period, together with the said percentage charges as they are incurred.
10. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the Tax Collector from proceeding at any time with the
collection of any rate, tax or assessment, or any part thereof, in accordance with the provisions of
the statutes and by-laws governing the collection of taxes.
Where tenants of land owned by the Crown or in which the Crown has an interest are liable for
the payment of taxes and where any such tenant has been employed either within or outside the
municipality by the same employer for not less than thirty days, such employer shall pay over to
the Treasurer or Tax Collector on demand out of any wages, salary or other remuneration due to
such employee, the amount then payable for taxes under this by-law and such payment shall
relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount so paid.
12. This by-law is to come into effect on the 1 st day of January, 1998.
BY-LA W read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 22nd day of December, 1997.
Wayne Arthurs, Mayor
Bruce Taylor, Clerk