HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 21-07 Ciiq o~ REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 21-07 Date: June 4, 2007 ... r.:: ,- .L ;) .) From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/07 811501 Ontario Limited 954 Dillingham Road Part of Lot 19, Range 3, B.F.C. (Part 1, 40R-3328) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/07 be approved to amend the permitted uses for the subject property to permit a gymnastics facility, on lands being Part of Lot 19, Range 3, B.F.C., Part 1, 40R-3328; 2, That a portion of the lands described as that part of Part of Lot 19, Range 3, B.F.C., Pickering, designated as Part 1, and Part 2, Plan RD-366 be declared surplus to the needs of the Corporation for the purpose of sale; 3. That the CAO be authorized to negotiate the sale of the subject lands exclusively with 811501 Ontario Limited, for incorporation into their property at 954 Dillingham Road for the purpose of providing additional area for vehicle parking; 4. That the CAO report back to Council detailing the exact location and dimensions of the lands for sale, the negotiated terms and conditions, and to seek authorization to effect the sale of the subject lands, and 5. Further, that the zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/07, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 21-07, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The applicant requests an amendment to the zoning by-law to add recreational use, including a gymnastics facility, as a permitted use on the lands, located on the west side of Dillingham Road in the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood. It is the applicant's intention to convert the existing one storey industrial building or redevelop the site to accommodate a gymnastics facility, known as the "Pickering Athletic Centre", with ancillary offices, viewing mezzanines and gymnasiums. The proposed facility will be approximately 1950 square metres in size. The recommended uses are compatible and appropriate for the subject lands and conform to the Pickering Official Plan. Report PO 21-07 Date: June 4, 2007 Subject: 811501 Ontario Limited (A 1/07) Page 2 The parking provisions of applicant's initial conceptual plan submitted with the application were considered inadequate. Through consultation with City Staff, the applicant now proposes to acquire surplus lands from the southerly abutting City property (Don Beer Arena), and incorporate these lands into the site for parking purposes. This action increases the number of parking spaces from 49 to 87 spaces, and addresses the increased parking demands associated with major events such as gymnastics competitions or tournaments. Issues pertaining to the ultimate site development and design will be addressed through the implementing zoning by-law, appropriate agreements and the required site plan approval process. It is recommended that this application be approved, that the draft by-law be forwarded to City Council for enactment, and that a Resolution be passed allowing the CAO to pursue the sale of the sodded portion of City-owned lands immediately along the northern boundary of the Don Beer Arena property at 940 Dillingham Road to 811501 Ontario Limited. Financial Implications: The City will obtain a financial benefit from the sale of a portion of the lands associated with the Don Beer Arena to the owner of the property subject of this application. The sale price for the land is unknown at this time. Sustainability Implications: This development proposal provides for the potential adaptive reuse of an existing building, and takes advantage of existing infrastructure within the City's urban area. The applicant has indicated a desire to achieve a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. The applicant's revised proposal generally represents a sustainable approach for the development of the subject lands. Background: 1.0 Comments Received 1.1 At the April 2, 2006 Public Information Meeting No public comments were received at the Public Information meeting (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #4 & #5). 1.2 City Department and Agency Comments Region of Durham Planning Department No matters of provincial interest are applicable to this application; Municipal water supply and sanitary sewer services are available to the subject property; Specific uses, such as a gymnastics facility may be defined in the city's zoning by-law. <Ii r.::::" 1. 0 '-t Report PO 21-07 Date: June 4, 2007 Subject: 811501 Ontario Limited (A 1/07) Page 3 .o! r.:'~ .L iJ3 other agency that provided any comments has any objection to the subject applications. 2.0 Discussion 2.1 Use and Compatibility 2.1.1 The proposed qymnastics facility complies with the Durham Reqional Official Plan and Pickerinq Official Plan desiqnation The applicant's proposal conforms to the Region of Durham Official Plan which designates the subject property 'Employment Area'. The subject property is designated Employment Area - General Employment in the Pickering Official Plan. This designation includes light manufacturing, assembly and processing of goods, warehousing, offices, community, cultural and recreational uses. Approval of the zoning by-law amendment to permit a gymnastics facility would conform with the City's Official Plan. 2.1.2 A qymnastics facility is an appropriate and compatible use within the Brock Industrial Neiqhbourhood Indoor recreational facilities, including gymnastics facilities, are space intensive uses that are compatible within the industrial area. These uses tend to operate outside of regular business hours of the surrounding industrial neighbourhood, therefore it is not anticipated that the vehicular traffic generated by a gymnastics facility would adversely impact the existing road network in the area. A gymnastics facility falls under the City's 'commercial recreational establishment' use definition. This definition also permits, amongst other uses, a bowling alley, roller rink, miniature golf, squash courts and indoor recreational facilities. Some of these uses generate a high demand for parking spaces. Due to the parking constraints associated with this property, it is recommended that the zoning be approved for a gymnastics facility only. 2.2 Additional Parking is required for the Gymnastic Use and may be accommodated by purchasing land from the southerly abutting property (Don Beer Arena - City Owned) The applicant's initial proposal illustrating 49 parking spaces, was included in Information Report prepared for the April 2, 2007 Public information Meeting (see Attachment #4). Report PO 21-07 Date: June 4, 2007 Subject: 811501 Ontario Limited (A 1/07) Page 4 of r.:: ..., ..t..;) U Following the Public Information Meeting, the applicant consulted with City staff to address staff's concern regarding available parking and submitted a revised conceptual site plan. The applicant's revised conceptual plan illustrates additional parking on lands to the south, that are currently under the ownership of the City of Pickering and that form part of the Don Beer Arena site (see Attachment #3). If the surplus City lands are sold and incorporated into the site, a total of 87 vehicle parking spaces could be provided. This level of parking is considered adequate for a gymnastics facility. The applicant's concept also illustrates appropriate pedestrian connections and the provision of sufficient area available for landscaping buffers. The applicant will be required to submit more detailed site plan drawings that reflect this conceptual plan through the Site Plan Approval Process. The plan must also address overall site design and function, including the provision of pedestrian connections, appropriate landscaping/buffering, garbage collection, and appropriate fire routing. 2.2.1 Sodded lands on the north side of Don Beer Arena should be declared surplus to the needs of the City A sodded strip of land approximately six metres wide currently separates the subject property from the north driveway of the Don Beer Arena site. Based on preliminary comments from the Municipal Property & Engineering Division, the sale of the above-mentioned sodded strip of land to 811501 Ontario Limited is acceptable. They advise that this land has no operational value to the arena function. It is recommended that this portion of the Don Beer Arena lands be designated surplus to the needs of the Corporation for the purpose of sale to 811501 Ontario Limited for the provision of additional parking. 2.3 Text Amendments to Zoning By-law 2511 should be enacted It is recommended that the zone requirements for the proposed development be regulated by way of text amendments to the "M2" Industrial Zone, By-law 2511, to include a gymnastics facility as a permitted use, and requiring parking to be provided at a rate of 4.0 spaces per 100 square metres for such use. In order to comply with this parking requirement the owner will need to acquire surplus City lands or significantly reduce the floor area of the proposed facility. Surplus City lands do not need to be re-zoned from their current M2-lndustrial zoning to permit use for parking purposes. The recommended conditions of approval for the implementing Zoning By-law are described in Appendix I to this Report. Report PD 21-07 Date: June 4, 2007 Subject: 811501 Ontario Limited (A 1/07) - r.: '.' .1..J{ Page 5 3.0 Applicant's Comments: The applicant is aware of the content in this Report. APPENDICIES: Appendix I: Recommended Conditions of Approval Appendix II: Draft Text and Schedule Amendments to By-law 2511 Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Applicant's Initial Concept Plan 3. Applicant's Revised Concept Plan 4. Text of Information Report 5. Minutes from Statutory Public Meeting Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: ~) .~ .-;t~t!// ,RPP g & Development ~~ //~ , L;L, /lltitt! Rick Cefaratti Planner II RC:jf J:\REPORTS\PLAN\2007\PO XX-07 - RC - 954 Dillingham Rd . 811501 Ontario Limited,doc Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council .1 #' ~ APPENDIX 1 TO REPORT PD 21-07 .. r.:"'" .1..J() Recommend Conditions of Approval for Implementing Zoning By-law Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/07 1. That the implementing zoning by-law: a) add a gymnastics facility as a permitted use on the property; b) require parking to be provided at a rate of 4.0 spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area. 4r.""'" _L.J;J APPENDIX II TO REPORT PO 21-07 DRAFT BY-LAW ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 01/07 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. ... F' . ..:... :, ; j Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 2511, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, on Part of Lot 19, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, (Part 1, 40R-3328), in the City of Pickering. (A 1/07) WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to permit a gymnastics facility in Part of Lot 19, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, (Part 1, 40R-3328), in the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 2511, as amended, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TEXT AMENDMENT Section 17 - Industrial Zone - "M2" is hereby amended by adding the following after subsection 17.4.4: 17.4.5 - Part of Lot 19, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, designated as Part 1, 40R-3328 (1 ) Provisions In addition to the provisions of Section 17.1 hereof, the lands designated "M2" on Schedule "I" to By-law may be used for the purpose of a Gymnastics Facility, in accordance with Section 17.2 provided that the following requirements are met: (a) the parking ratio shall be, 4.0 spaces per 100 square metres of gross leaseable floor area, or portion thereof. 2. BY-LAW 2511 By-law 2511, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 2511, as amended. " ('\ .!..ul 3. EFFECTIVE DATE - 2 - This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, if required. ~~~:t~o~ead a first, second, and third time and finally passnftA~taY of Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk ~~ ~~ ~-~ ....-...",....- --- ~~ ~~~ _.......- -~~ ~~ ~~~ ~-- (-~~~ \ \ I \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ I I I -~ ~c;t ;~ SSION \>.1'~\>.1 ONC'i: ;;~?'. f\>.ON1 ~I' ~O\>.~ e\>.0....t~01 \9. 1'~\>.1 \ \ I \ I I \ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ \ I \ I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ I \ I I \ \ \ I ; #c;t ~ SION 1'i>l'-1 \. CONCt~~;oo. \>.ON1 \>.1' \>: ....tN f ~ \9. e\>.01'i>l'-1'-0 NO\>.11-1 -~~ SCHEDULE I TO BY-LAW PASSED THIS DAY OF 2007 MAYOR - DAVID RYAN \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _4 ~~-- \ -,....- \ -- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _~J ~-~ ~-~ ~~ ~~ ~- ~~ ~- -,........ ~~~ ~- ~~~ -~ -~ ~- ~- -~ -- ~- ~~ -........-... ~~ ~~ ~~- ~~ () ~ C- -z. ~ ~ ~ ~ -~~ -..,~ _,.... I __.... I I I I \ \ \ I \ \ I \ \ I \ I \ \ I \ I I I I I I \ \ -- ~- ~- ~- l' N CITY CLERK - DEBI A. BENTLEY ,of G.'" .:... ."- ~- -- -- ~-<:-~ _....- \ I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I .:'3. I' ,')', I I ..,~ --- ---........ -. ... .......-......--; ! I I I \ ! i ::.:: I I i I u f H I 1- I 0 I a:: I ..,.-.", ::.:: QJ J..UJ ::0 ...J 0 <l: J> U1 0 I I I ! I I I I I / \.. 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(Part 1, 40R-3328) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject lands are located on the west side of Dillingham Road, immediately north of Don Beer Arena; - a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1); - a one storey industrial building currently exists on the subject property; - the subject property is surrounded by an automotive repair garage to the North, Don Beer Arena to the South, a vehicle collision repair facility to the East, and a Hydro Corridor to the West. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant has requested to add commercial recreational uses, including a gymnastics facility, to the list of permitted uses for the subject property; - the applicant's submitted plan is provided for reference (see Attachment #2); - a conversion of the existing building is proposed including exterior and interior alterations to accommodate commercial - recreational uses with ancillary offices; - approximately 48 parking spaces are proposed to be provided on-site. Information Report No. 02-07 ~ In',' P):.I Page 2 <f ,. ..:.0 , 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Reaienal Official Plan - the Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as Urban Areas - Employment Area; - the Durham Regional Official Plan permits community, cultural and recreational facilities in any designation except agricultural areas; encourages diverse, people oriented Urban Areas that meet the various needs of present and future residents of the Region, creates a sense of community and promotes social interaction; - the subject application will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Durham Region Official Plan during the further processing of the applications; 3.2 Pickerina Official Plan - the Pickering Official Plan designates the subject lands as Employment Area - General Employment within the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood; permissible uses within this designation include, community, cultural and recreational uses that are more appropriately located in the Employment Area; recognizes the important role that such facilities play in meeting the evolving needs of the community; supports and encourages the provision of cultural, athletic and recreational programs by the private sector; encourages indoor athletic and recreational facilities close to the Downtown Core; - the subject applications will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Pickering Official Plan during the further processing of the applications; 3.3 Zenina By-law 2511 - the subject lands are currently zoned "M 1" Storage and Light Manufacturing by Zoning By-law 2511; - the current permitted uses for this property permits indoor storage, light manufacturing or assembly of manufactured products, business and professional offices and various non-commercial recreational uses; an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to implement the applicant's proposal to add a commercial-recreational establishment to the permitted uses on the property; - the applicant has requested an appropriate zone that would permit a gymnastics facility on the subject property. 'f Information Report No. 02-07 / "C / Page 3 4.0 RESUL lS OF CIRCULA liON of G "', ..:... . ,i',) 4.1 Resident Comments no resident comments have been received to date on the application; 4.2 Aaency Comments none received to date; 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: . reviewing the application in terms of its level of sustainable development components; . reviewing the proposed development in terms of compatibility with, and sensitivity to, surrounding lands; . reviewing the building location, accessibility, massing and materials, and opportunities for landscaping; . reviewing the driveway/internal road pattern to ensure proper vehicle flow through the proposed development and in relation to abutting properties and the location of visitor parking; . reviewing the adequacy of on-site parking and the availability of off-site parking on adjacent properties, if required; . reviewing the proposed development to ensure that adequate information is provided, that technical requirements are met and that the proposed site design is appropriate; - the Planning & Development Department will conclude its position on the application and its design after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMA liON this application has been deemed complete in accordance with the Planning Act, - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council and/or a Committee of Council; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding either the proposed zoning by-law amendment application, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; 'f Information Report No. 02-07 ~;)/"'( "7 Page 4 1. G_:; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal a decision of the City of Pickering, you must provide oral comments at the public meeting, or written comments to the City before Council adopts for this proposal any zoning by-law amendment; - if a person or public body does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Pickering before the by-law is passed, such persons or public bodies are not entitled to appeal the decision of Council to the Ontario Municipal Board, may not be entitled to be added as a party to the hearing unless, in the opinion of the board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing the report; 6.2 Information Received - full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plans are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; - the City of Pickering has not received any technical information / reports on the proposed application; - the need for additional information will be determined through the review and circulation of the applicant's current proposal; 6.3 Company Principal Dennis Large, of Dalar Contracting Limited, on behalf of 811501 Ontario Limited, has submitted the Zoning By-law Amendment application. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Rick Cefaratti Planner II Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review RC:ld J:\REPORTS\INFOR\2007\X.X-07 - rc A 01-07,doc Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development f I ,~.. 7 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 02-07 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none received to date ::J ~ 7 J. ,,I', ':"' :';1. S' -,"/'> !>lr'.I'I""'-~!~, V !. ~ -PC..,~~ / -:.() ~L.__. Excerpts from the Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 2, 2007 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Pickles (II) PART 'A' - PLANNING INFORMATION MEETING 1. Information Report No. 02-07 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/07 811501 Ontario Ltd. 954 Dillingham Road Part of Lot 19, Range 3, B.F.C. (Part 1, 40R-3328) City of Pickerinq A public information meeting was helld under the Planning Act, for the purpose of informing the public with respect to an application submitted by 811501 Ontario Ltd. for property municipally k:nown as 954 Dillingham Road. Lynda Taylor, Manager, Development Review gave an outline of the requirements for a Statutory Meeting under the Planning Act. She also noted that if a person or public body does not make oral or written submissions to the City before a by-law is passed that person or public body are not entitled to appeal the decision of City Council to the Ontario Municipal Board, and may not be entitled to be added as a party to the hearing unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. No members of the public were in attendance at the public information meeting in support or opposition to application A 01/07. 1