HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 15-07 CiUI o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CS 15-07 Date: March 19, 2007 '"\ 6 u . ,-' From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2006 Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees to Boards, Agencies and Other Bodies Recommendation: That Report CS 15-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer regarding Statement of the Treasurer respecting Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees for the year 2006 be received. Executive Summary: Section 284(1) of the Municipal Act 2001 states in part that the Treasurer of every municipality shall, in each year, submit to the Council of the municipality, an itemized statement of the remuneration and expenses paid to each Member of Council. The statement must also include remuneration and expenses paid to any other person who has been appointed by Council to serve as a member of any body. Financial Implications: None Sustainability Implications: sustainability. This report contains no information pertaining to Background: Over the last few years this report has evolved to include various categories of expenditures that have been interpreted to be required under the new Municipal Act and/or financial reporting requirements of the Province of Ontario or professional accounting bodies. The reference in the Act to "...expenses paid...to ..." has been interpretated to also include expenses paid on b€!half of a Member of Council or appointee. For example, assume two Councillors incur the same registration expense to attend the same conference. One puts it on his charge card and seeks reimbursement from the City while the other has the City billed directly. There should be no difference in the Report CS 15-07 Date: March 19, 2007 Subject: Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2006 Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees (} 6 ,::10 Boards, Agencies and Other Boards Page 2 reporting treatment due to the method of payment and this interpretation will accomplish that. It also complies with what I believe is the intent of the legislation. The report excludes expenditures that are corporate in nature, for example school awards, promotional items and photography, and that are not directly associated with any individual Councillor. Council receptions, Committee meeting expenses and City Hall administration and overhead expenses are also excluded. Payments made by Veridian Corporation to Pickering Council appointees to the Board have been included. This comes about as a result of a review of the Act and enquiries made to Veridian and its legal counsel. While the Act refers to expenses paid, it is silent as to paid by whom. Furthermore, the Act also stipulates that any body to whom a Council appointment is made must provide the municipality with a statement of remuneration and expenses paid for the year. This has been interpreted to mean that this information must be included in the Treasurer's report to Council. Several other bodies to which Council makes appointments have also been included as an "other body" as required under the Act. However, the many community committees and groups that Councillors are appointed to have been excluded as, to the best of my knowledge, no remuneration or expenses are paid. The amounts paid by the Region of Durham to Regional Councillors are not included in this report. Attachments: 1. Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council 2. Detailed Breakdown of 2006 Expenses 3. Remuneration and Expenses of Council Appointees 4. Remuneration and Expenses Paid by Veridian Corporation to Council Appointees Report CS 15-07 Date: March 19,2007 Subject: Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2006 Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees to Boards, Agencies and Other Boards Page 3 l'\ 6"'~" , ,,) Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ') C'j. ......~.:)/"s:'.~ 7' )/~ G./'4 ..' \(.../' Avril Payne Audit Analyst v ---::;6---Q~:. c...",..,c:::::::::...~~-_..."._... '.. . .......p....,~~~-~ -- '~. ~~~ - ->_"'",;..-.,...~.,,;.~,:-.,..,.-- -_...~,'~~.;"-.-.",.~ - Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:ap Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ,.,' ,,,,,- ,/ '-" 6"" u~o f/) W f/) rx:..JZ w-w rx:Oc. ::JZ>< f/)::JW <(Oe wOz rx:)-<( I-!::z u.oo Ou.- !zo~ wCl)w :effiz Wm::J !;;(:e:e I-WW f/):erx: CD o o N 't:l_, Clll_ Ill....~ ..0_ C)I- ~I- Ill~ .. - I- CD (.) 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Wideman (5) 400 19 419 400 =- 19 419 ACHr1Ej\JT:#, ,_~TO REPORT#...c:.s.<JS""-- iJ7 STATEMENT OF TREASURER COUNCIL APPOINTEES VERIDIAN CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2006 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES '~ 6 '.' ( ..J' '-, \ Remuneration Expenses (4) Total $ $ $ Veridian Corporation (1,2) Board of Directors (3) D. Ryan (8) 9,954 25 9,979 M. Brenner (5) 11,250 11 ,250 D. Dickerson (7) B. McLean (8) 10,254 25 10,279 D. Pickles (8) 9,954 9,954 S. Trepanier (6,9) 9,954 5,673 15,627 51.366 5.723 57.089 NOTES TO VERIDIAN CORPORATON BOARD OF DIRECTORS: (1) The above information was provided by the Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Veridian Corporation. (2) Remuneration and eXpE3nSeS are paid by Veridian Corporation as may be established by the Board of Directors. The term of office for the Board follows the calendar year therefore, the above expenses are for 12 months ending December 31,2006. (3) Appointed by Council under City of Pickering By-law 6213/06. (4) Expenses include conferences, meals and mileage. (5) Appointed by Resolution #107/04 to replace Councillor Holland. Includes remuneration for appointment as Vice Chair. (6) Council appointees for term ending November 30, 2006 (7) Council appointees for new term commencing December 1, 2006 (8) Continuing member (9) The citizen appointment for new term commencing December 1, 2006 is deferred pending submission of names for nomination by Veridian Corporation. ,., rAi' l' (' ; Q , 1-, Remuneration $ Expenses (7) $ Total $ Pickering Public Library Board (3) K. Ashe (5) O. Chaudhry (8,9) K. Cummings (5) J. Duncan (5) P. Irwin (8) B. Littley (6) J. Lucas (8) B. McLean (5) J. O'Connell (6) J. Sabean (6) P. Savel (8) S. Van Steen (6) H. Van Leeuwen (8) 10 10 285 _295 285 295 NOTES TO COUNCIL APPOINTEES: All payments are authorized under Council's adoption of the 2003 Current Budget. (1 ) Authority: By-law 5242/98 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (2) Authority: By-law C-1 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (3) Authority: By-law 6213/06 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (4) Authority: By-law C-1 Building Code Act Section 15.6 (5) Council appointees for term ending November 30, 2006 (6) Council appointees for new term commencing December 1, 2006 (7) Expenses include conferences, travel and meeting expenses (8) Continuing member (9) By-law #6532/05 O. Chaudhry to replace K. Rathee (10) By-law #6597/05 J. Laider to replace A. Singh