HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 11-07 Citlf 0# REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 11-07 " 0" Date: February 26, 2007 UO'r From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Pickering Museum Village Request to Deaccession Artifacts - . File: A-2130-001-07 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 11-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the request to deaccession Pickering Museum Village artifacts be received; 2. That the deaccessioning of the Pickering Museum Village artifacts listed in Attachment 1 be approved; and 3. Further, that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The Pickering Museum Village Collections Management Policy requires approval from Council to deaccession artifacts that no longer fit within the mandate of the Pickering Museum Village. The Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee approved the list of artifacts to be deaccessioned at their meeting on May 30,2006. As per the Collections Management Policy, approval by Council is now required before these artifacts can be deaccessioned. Financial Implications: As outlined in the Collections Management Policy, City staff are required to follow a process to deaccession artifacts. City staff will first make every reasonable effort to advise the original donor and provide them with an opportunity to retrieve the item if so desired. Next, City staff will notify local heritage organizations that these items are available for donation. If the item is still not retrieved, City staff may then offer the item to the public for sale. E ~ - ;; ];' (j - on on CD ~ CD 0 CD :!l '" 0 0 -~ ~ '" '" 0 '" on ... CD 0 0 .,; 00 ..: on .,; on ..: ..; .,; .,; on N CD on ... 0 N on 0 .. '" CD .., CD 0 .., ... on ~ ",' 0 ",' on .: ..: ",' .,; 0 ... ~ '" 0 ~ CD ... ... 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U) ~ 'C Cl '" Z Z ~ 0'" " 0 -I U) w Oll. c ~ '0 U U .,j e. in z 0 j:! :J: u. m l- I>: N .. 2 z z w Cl >= !!!. + ~ ~ U) :> Q:e ~ .. 0 .. u w 0 C) C) .0 C1 I>: Ui iij g; C) u z 0 in 15 ~ U) !Eli ~ w 0 ii: ~m z is ::.! w ~ > u .. r..i -I oJ z a!"g oJ g -I :!: < m 0 >= :; a a ~ 0 ..J ZeGl ::J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ W :J: :J: iE :g I-W U ~ ~ caw~ .. .. .. .. f? 0 g 0: U) U) ~ ~ 0" g z w ii: Ul ... ... ... ... u ... ... l- I- I-e. u 0: W~GI I-- ~GjQ. ~ w Q:Q:~ !: C1 ~ -I ~ Z < m u a w u. :J: - ., Report OES 11-07 February 26, 2007 Subject: Pickering Museum Village - Request to Deaccession Artifacts Page 2 "0...1"'. 1...5 Cl~) In all of these cases, the responsibility to remove and relocate artifacts is the sole responsibility of the interested party not the City of Pickering. If artifacts are sold, the City of Pickering will generate revenue. Sustainability Implications: The Pickering Museum Village is a living history museum that educates our community about the life of Pickering's early settlers through first person interpretation and the use period artifacts. Assessing the artifact collection and deaccessioning of those items that no longer fit the Museum's mandate is an example of responsible development. Deaccessioning these artifacts improves the available space on site and the programming opportunities for staff to provide a more authentic experience to our community. As per the Collections Management Policy, the Museum's methods to deaccession the artifacts is an example of healthy environment. The goal is to relocate the artifact to be enjoyed by others in our community. This is an attempt to sustain our social history and keep our environment healthy. Background: As per the Collection Development Policy, artifacts belonging to the Pickering Museum Village may be assessed and deemed to not fit within the mandate of the Museum. After such assessment, the artifact may be recommended for deaccessioning by the Education & Collections Officer. As per the Collections Management Policy, this recommendation must be approved by the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee and then forwarded to Council for approval. In 2006, the Education & Collections Officer recommended the deaccessioning of a specific list of artifacts. The Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee approved the deaccession of artifacts, listed in Attachment 1, at their meeting on May 30, 2006. Council approval is required to deaccession the list of artifacts as recommended by City staff and approved by the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 11-07 February 26, 2007 Subject: "s.n U ,0 Pickering Museum Village - Request to Deaccession Artifacts Page 3 Attachments: 1. List of Artifacts Recommended to be Deaccessioned 2. Collections Management Policy 3. Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Minutes dated May 30,2006 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ~ (~isa Carpino .... Supervisor, Culture & Recreation Everett B sma Director, Operations & Emergency Services C....--.W.-..-"......".. / ...l,,,., ~,i' -:----.....-..."...... -. ~.~ -, . ' Z:':. ... .. . ,~I r-" ( . . \.. .. 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Once accepted into the collection, the artifact will be entered into the Collections Register, giving the date of accessioning, the artifact number, a brief description of the object and the name of the donor. 4. As part of the acquisition of any artifact, a donor form signed by the donor will be completed to establish the Museum's ownership of the object. In the case of a purchase, the purchase receipt or copy will be kept in the master file. 5. A master file will be kept for each donation or purchase. It will contain: - the original documentation of the purchase or donation along with any notes on the provenance of the object(s). Such provenance must be capable of verification. Where such information is not verifiable, due note must be made. - a catalogue tracking form that is used to ensure all steps of the process are completed. any other documentation provided by the donor, such as pictures, evaluations, etc. 6. Two cataloguing systems will be maintained, one for the "core" collection and a separate inventory for the "program" collection. In order to differentiate the systems, all "core" artifacts will have a number beginning with "X" and all "program" artifacts with an "R". ......... # ",.ar:::s I \ -0 -, puqe Jc1'~ 7. All new acquisitions will be catalogued using the Access to Collections software provided through the Ontario Museum Association and using the Chen hall nomenclature for classification. d... " Q. !"' ;~. 0,;) 8. A photographic record will be kept of all new acquisitions as part of the cataloguing process. 9. Previously accessioned artifacts will also be entered into this system. Photographic records will be created as they are added into the electronic catalogue system. 10. A hard copy of all catalogue records will be maintained in the storage area of the Puterbaugh Schoolhouse and the electronic records will be backed up on the City of Pickering computer server that is accessible to the Museum. 11. Catalogue numbers will be affixed to artifacts in a manner that will prevent damage to or deterioration of the object. Canadian Conservation Institute guidelines for marking different materials will be used for this process. 12. As part of the recording system, a location file will be kept for each building and storage area and cross-referenced on the catalogue entry for each artifact. 13. Loans to other recognized institutions may be approved for a set period of time providing the institution can ensure handling, storage and display will meet requirements to safeguard the artifacts. This will include proper environmental controls and security precautions for both storage and display and returning the objects as packaged by Pickering Museum Village. The borrowing institution will be responsible for the cost of packaging, shipping and adequate insurance coverage. 14.lncoming loans will be discouraged except for the purpose of a temporary exhibition or a specific research or educational project. 15. For both outgoing and incoming loans, a condition assessment, with photographic documentation, will be required by Pickering Museum Village at the time of the loan. 16. Where applicable, the Museum will follow all guidelines and maintain records required by municipal, provincial or federal statutes, such as for firearms or hazardous materials that may be held in the collection. 17. The Collections Officer will ensure that all staff and volunteers employed in the cataloguing process have been trained in the purpose and proper procedures of the system. e90 .Q( OC::S 11-07 paCt e 3. "i 18. Using the Statement of Purpose and the parameters set out in the Collection Development Policy, artifacts may be assessed and deemed to not fit the mandate of the Museum. After such assessment, the artifact may be recommended for deaccessioning by the Collections Officer. Such recommendation must be approved by the Advisory Committee and then forwarded to Council for approval. (see Disposal of Artifacts for steps to be followed once an artifact is deaccessioned.) 19. Artifacts which are of specific significance to recognizable cultural, ethnic or religious groups may be returned to such groups upon their request under specific guidelines. Such groups must be able to assure the Museum that the object is integral to the beliefs or culture of the group and that they are able to provide proper care of the object according to accepted conservation methods. Return of such objects will be approved by the Museum Advisory Committee and approved by Council. 20.A catalogue of deaccessioned artifacts will be maintained and will contain the original catalogue information, documentation of the reason(s) for deaccessioning and approval, and documentation of the disposal of the artifact. Note will be made with the original entry in the Collection Register of the date of deaccessioning. Disposal of Artifacts: Once an artifact has been deaccessioned according to the Guidelines of the Collections Management Policy, the following procedure for disposal will be used: * a) The Museum will make all reasonable efforts to inform the registered donor or family (if donor is deceased) that the object is to be disposed of and that they will be given one month from the date of notice in which to reply if they desire the object returned to them. b) Following such period, other local museums will be notified of the object's availability and c) The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation's Museum Section will be given the option of including the object on the Provincial Donor's List. Providing all of these steps have been followed, the object may then be offered for sale to the public by whatever vehicle the Collection Committee sees as necessary. No member of the Collection Committee, the Museum Advisory Committee or the Museum staff will be allowed to purchase the object. *If however, an artifact is in a total state of disrepair as determined by a professional conservator, then the artifact may be destroyed. Citlj o~ 3 065 tl..(n fOSt'> l (,'13 Minutes I Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee May 30,2006 6:00 pm Redman House Program Centre I Site Meeting Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair Bill Weston Bill Gosse Paul Savel Stephen Reynolds Kim Kranc Katrina Pyke Rose Cowan t~.O.f~ c ;).1 Regrets: Bill McLean, Regional Councillor - Ward 2 Absent: Pat Dunnill Bill Utton Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Site Tour Visited the Steam Barn and Harold gave a tour and an update on what has been happening Visited various buildings and made a list of items that require attention, prior to upcoming events 2.0 Welcome Laura provided "congratulations" on the Easter Parade and award for "Best Theme" 3.0 Approval of Agenda & Minutes (June 28 & October 5) Motion Moved by Bill Weston Seconded by Paul Savel . That the minutes from the January 31 meeting be accepted CARRIED 4.0 Budget Updates Steve provided budget.updates CAPITAL: -1 st portion of funds were approved by Council for Phase 3 of the Hotel Restoration Project Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item I Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) '-' 0 l' \) - Architect has been retained to begin working on drawings and specifications Oddfellows hall repair was approved Log replacement in log barn approved Replacement of windows in Administration Building were approved Chimney work approved Electrical connections were approved Steve advised that a landscape crew would be on site over the May long weekend to ge~ site back together to repair MDK work City is looking into possible funds i.e. grants to work on Accessibility from Administration Building to path 5.0 Committee Re orts a) Special Events b) Steam Barn - Harold provided updates on Steam Barn c) Collections . Sorting of Oddfellows hall will begin on Monday . Katrina passed out chart for approval of items to deaccession . Summer staff, along with Katrina will begin sorting items . Ones that pertain to specific buildings will be moved to those buildings, hotel items will be set aside, other items will be deaccessioned . City maintenance staff will be required to assist in lifting some of the larger items . Trailer will be rented to store items that we are keeping . Laura asked for a Motion to accept the list of items to be deaccessioned MOTION Moved by Paul Savel Seconded by Bill Weston . That the items identified be deaccessioned CARRIED CORP0228-2/02 C) Collections Backwoods players will be moving out theatre flats Shelters and signs will be removed and Katrina will advise which items are for the foundation - all items will be removed from oddfellows hall prior to Tapestry event on June 11. Auger is required to dig post holes it-Ol Action Items I Status (include deadline as appropriate) Kim to follow up with Rob Gagen in Parks to find out date to be com leted Page 2 ~^ '... '. ,,, litem / Details & Discussion & Conclusion ,- -, .... I j Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 6.0 New Business Cultural Planninq Seminar . Attended by Katrina, Laura and Kim K '" n" ~,-' ;:J.~', 2011 = Museum's 50th Anniversary - could get a $2 million grant for Museum Programs Open Doors Pickering - 15t big project - Library involvement Foundation to look at Honor Board in Administration Building to be updated updating and adding to the Honor Board Volunteer Resource Centre of Durham - Katrina would like to be registered - they will connect volunteers throughout Durham Region to our site - Would be beneficial to P.MV. - Will channel people's interests i.e. in gardening, history etc. - Cost per year is about $75 - $125 - Cultural Groups are members of this organization also 7.0 Pickering Museum Village Foundation Review . June 21, 2006 at Redman House Program Centre I 8.0 Next Meeting Thursday, October 19, 2006 7:00 pm Pickerinq Civic Complex - Tower Meetinq Room 9.0 Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm 3 065 11-07 Page 3 CORP0228-2/02