HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 6, 2005 Cillf ,,~ Minutes I Meeting Summary PICKERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY January 6, 2005 7:00 PM Chair - Councillor Pickles Attendees: Councillor David Pickles Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Fred Gibson, Community Appointee Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Regrets: Joe Mitschang, Durham Regional Police Service Jacqueline Moriarty, Community Appointee Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Introductions Councillor Pickles welcomed members to the meeting. 2. Approval of Minutes and Business Arising Members reviewed minutes. Kirk Mark recommended one Marisa to make grammatical change and made a correction to the spelling of changes to minutes the name Zanana Akande. before distribution. Councillor Pickles will contact Yamoa Apea, Acting Coordinator Councillor Pickles to of Race Relations with the City of Toronto to discuss committee contact Yamoa Apea. reports. Marisa provided an update on the action items for Heritage Day. The event is scheduled for Feb. 19,2005 from 11am - 4 pm at PTC. The mall is booked, DJ booked, photographer booked. Marisa to follow up Letters of invitation went out in November 2004. Deadline to with Nazneen and respond is Jan. 10,2005 - but there is flexibility with this date. Robert to confirm Marisa will be conducting follow up calls this week to invited participation by the participants. We have 6 groups confirmed to participate to date School Boards. - we are on track. F red Gibson will provide Marisa with contact information for the Hummingbird Dance Group from Oshawa Club Carib. Page 1 Item I Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Marisa advised that the display is prepared and is same as last year. The literature for the committee mandate and terms of reference have been under review but have not yet changed- so the same information will be used in 2005. Councillor Pickles asked Marisa to email members and ask that any recommended changes to the mandate and terms of reference be brought forward right away. If not, the committee will continue to review them and make changes when appropriate. Action Items I Status (include deadline as appropriate) Marisa to email members. 2005 Committee Events Heritaae Day Update provided in Business Arising. Marisa asked committee members to let her know if they are interested in manning the booth for the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relation & Equity. Marisa to email Kirk Mark asked that the 2004 Heritage Day Line up be emailed members. to committee members for their reference. 3. Writina Contest Nazneen and Marisa worked to finalize guidelines and opening statement. Posters were produced and were provided to both School Boards. At least 2 posters should be at every school in the Durham Region. Marisa has been speaking with Tony Doyle of the News Advertiser. They will be running a story on this writing contest. The deadline to submit is Jan. 31,2005. Marisa has had two expressions of interest by teachers to date. Marisa will be calling Nazneen and Robert to follow up with schools and remind them of the initiative. Marisa advised the committee that contest judges still need to be confirmed. To date, the News Advertiser has confirmed 2-3 judges but that is all that has been confirmed.. Councillor Pickles recommended that we have 6 judges with no more then half made up by anyone group. Committee recommends that we ask Cynthia Mearns, Pickering Public Library CEO, Augustine Peters, Guidance Councillor in Toronto School Board and Pickering resident, Youssef Mroueh of Canadian Multicultural Forum and someone recommended by Durham West Arts Council. Committee members to advise. Marisa to follow up with Nazneen and Robert. Marisa to pursue potential judges. Fred Gibson will provide MCOD judging criteria and Kirk Mark Fred and Kirk to will provide judging criteria he has used before. Marisa will provide to Marisa by adapt them and provide to judges along with entries - after Jan. Jan. 20, 2005. Page 2 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) 31,2005. Race Relations Forum Marisa advised that we need to confirm a guest speaker for the Race Relations Forum in March. The committee agreed that we should ask Zanana Akande and confirm her fee. If she is not available, other potential speakers include Spider Jones or Rosemary Sadlier of the Ontario Black History Society. Marisa advised that an itinerary and guest list will need to be confirmed - who are we inviting to the Race Relations Forum. The committee recommended individuals/groups and discussed how the evening should progress. 4.0 Other Business Tsunami Relief Effort Councillor Pickles advised that a group of community organizations, with the support of local elected officials, are holding an event in January to show that the local community does support the Tsunami Relief Effort. The initiative is called "Durham Community Tsunami Relief' and there has been a bank account set up in that name with the Bank of Montreal. The money raised will go directly to the Red Cross. The Rotary Club has agreed to do all the administrative work and will be issuing charitable receipts to donors. The event is scheduled for January 29, 2005 at Deer Creek Golf and Country Club in Ajax. It will be a daylong event. The daytime portion will be free admission (donation accepted) and will include entertainment, food for sale, silent auction - it will be a family type event. The evening portion will be a ticketed event with refreshments, live and silent auction. The money raised will go to this account. Councillor Pickles asked the committee to pass this information along to any organization they know that may be interested in participating. They can call Pickering Council who is the contact for the "Durham Community Tsunami Relief'. People can also visit the website dctr.ca for more information. Councillor Pickles advised that he is involved in the community outreach component of this initiative and asked the committee if they would take on a supportive role. The committee agreed to support the initiative. Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Marisa to confirm guest speaker. Marisa will complete draft itinerary and guest list and bring to February committee for discussion. Page 3 Item I Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Wildfire Dance Troupe Joe Mitschang not in attendance to comment on. Debbie to add to next agenda. Other Business Marisa advised that she received a call from Garth Riley of Councillor Pickles will Rogers TV. They are interested in doing a live interactive show call Garth Riley to with youth asking them to discuss the issues they face in our discuss and will report community. He wasn't sure how the committee could be back at the Feb. involved but wanted to touch base. committee meeting. Kirk Mark advised that he will be working on a model to have a basketball tournament that supports community harmony. Upcomina Events January 15, 2005: Tsunami Fundraising Reception held at the Pickering Recreation Complex. This event is being coordinated by the owner of Bobcaygeon's restaurant. January 29, 2005: Durham Community Tsunami Relief event held at Deer Creek Golf and Country Club in Ajax. 5.0 Next Meeting Thursday, February 3, 2005 - 7 p.m. Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 9:10 PM Copy: 1. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Everett Buntsma, (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer Page 4