HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 3, 2004 Citq {1~ Minutes I Meeting Summary PICKERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY June 3, 2004 7:00 PM Chair - Councillor Pickles Attendees: Councillor David Pickles Joe Mitschang, Durham Regional Police Services Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Debbie Kearns, Committee Coordinator Guests: Sam Agu Ida Fogo Greta Rutty Jennifer St. Aubyn Alvin Adams Regrets: Jacqueline Moriarty Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Introductions Councillor Pickles welcomed members and guests to the meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity Committee. 2. Collaborative Opportunities a) Canadian Tapestry Event Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee provided the background and an update on the joint venture of the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee and the Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity entitled 'Canadian Tapestry - Weaving the World Together. She advised that volunteers are required for greeting at the entrances and to MC the events at the bandstand. b) Essav Writinq Competition Councillor Pickles provided an outline of an Essay Writing Competition event in conjunction with schools. This competition would encourage students to write an essay on the overall subject of discrimination with various topics for students to chose from. Page 1 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline 8S appropriate) The launching of this competition would take place in October and would finish in mid January. An adjudication committee would then review, over the next month, the essays submitted and a presentation would be made to the winnerlwinners at the March 21st "International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination" event. 3. Review of Committee Literature Councillor Pickles advised of his intent to prepare a Report to Councillor Pickles to Council on the activities and successes of the Race Relations & prepare report. Equity Committee. A lengthy discussion took place concerning the Mandate, Terms of Reference, and Race Relations Policy. The following are comments and suggestions put forward by Committee members: Kirk suggested that demographics of the community are needed to properly address issues and identify who is being employed and where they are coming from. Kirk expressed the need for Council's presence at events and their personal involvement. A number of sources were suggested for acquiring information and demographics: ; a) Ted Shaw, Ontario Human Rights Commission - how many complaints of racial discrimination over past year, past two years, past five years. What actions have been taken on hate crimes. b) Urban Alliance on Race Relations - Current statistics. c) North York, Scarborough, etc. - get a copy of their Annual Marisa to acquire. Report . d) Canadian Race Relations Foundation - Unequal Access Report-2000. 4. Possible Event Opportunities a) Kirk made the following suggests with respect to a youth forum: }r- a one day event from 9 am to 3 pm }r- food and drinks would be provided )r the event would consist of speakers and workshops }r- who can be identified as leaders in the schools and Page 2 Item I Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) community Joe will gather information on other forums. 5. Other Business a) Joe will contact Alvin with information concerning '0 Joe to contact Alvin Tolerance' - Safe School Act. b) Kirk commented on the new infusion of money to the school boards and questioned what the Durham Regional Schools are doing to address students at risk. c) Alvin asked for the list of diversity trainers employed by the Marisa to provide City for new staff. 6. Next Meeting July 8th, 2004 - To be confirmed Meeting Adjourned: 9:30 PM Copy: 1. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Page 3