HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 14, 2006 (Special) Special Council Meeting Agenda Thursday, December 14,2006 Main Committee Room 10:00 am I) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST II) IN CAMERA MEETING PAGE Review of Applications for Appointment to Boards & Committees Under Separate Cover III) REPORTS - NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Regional Appointments 1 b) Appointments to City Boards and Committees 2-5 IV) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW V) ADJOURNMENT December 14, 2006 REPORTS - NEW AND UNFINISHED a) REGIONAL APPOINTMENTS i) Durham Environmental Advisory Committee One Citizen member appointed by the City of Pickering. Terms of Reference selection criteria for nominating individuals include residency, environmental technical expertise, community representation and availability. ii) Durham Trail Coordinatinq Committee One Member of Council* One Citizen member appointed by the City of Pickering. (*Terms of reference indicate that if a municipality is unable to appoint a Regional Councillor, then a local Councillor may be substituted). Next step for the DTCC is to facilitate the implementation of the approved Trail Network by identifying potential funding and partnership opportunities. iii) Land Division Committee One Citizen member appointed by the City of Pickering. iv) Conservation Authorities One Member to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority One Member to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority At the October 4,2006 meeting of Regional Council, the following policy was adopted: "THAT only elected officials be appointed to Conservation Authorities and further, that only members of Regional Council be appointed unless the municipalities have insufficient Regional Council representation they shall be permitted to appoint a local Councillor or appoint a citizen representative to the Conservation Authority." b) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES i) Accessibility Advisory Committee Role is to advise Council on its accessibility plan and review selected site plans and drawings for new building and development. One Member of Council Twelve Citizen Appointments (50% from the disabled community) ii) Actinq Mayor In accordance with Section 226 of the Municipal Act, appointment of a Councillor as an Acting Mayor on a rotating one year basis. Regional Councillors are appointed on a rotating one year basis. iii) Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity Role is to provide guidance and advice to the City to promote the full and equal access, opportunity and participation of all citizens in the social, cultural, economic and political affairs of the community and the City. One Member of Council Three Citizen Appointments iv) Animal Services Committee Role is to govern hearings of appeal under the Responsible Pet Ownership by-law. One Member of Council Two Citizen Appointments v) Audit Committee The Audit Committee was established through Resolution #209/05. The purpose of the Committee is to help Council meet its fundamental responsibilities of protecting the municipal assets. Mayor is an ex-officio member of this Committee. Three Members of Council vi) Civic Awards Committee Role is to review Civic Awards and approve successful applications for the annual award ceremony. Mayor is an ex-officio member Three Members of Council vii) Committee of Adiustment Established under the authority of the Planning Act and its purpose is to consider applications from property owners for minor changes or variances to the City's zoning by-laws. Five citizen appointments. viii) Durham West Arts Centre Board In a letter dated November 21, 2003, the Chair of the Durham West Arts Centre Committee asked that a Member of Council be appointed to sit on the Durham West Arts Centre Board. One Member of Council ix) Fenceviewers/Propertv Standards Committee Role will be to arbitrate fence disputes between neighbours and hear appeals from residents who have been given an Order to comply with the Property Standards by-law. Five citizen appointments. x) Heritaqe Pickerinq Established under the authority of the Ontario Heritage Act for the purpose of advising council on means of conserving heritage properties and areas to advise Council on programs to increase public awareness of heritage conservation issues. One Member of Council Eight citizen appointments. xi) Livestock Valuers Required to investigate livestock killed by dogs or coyotes and determine the value of the livestock that have been killed. One citizen appointment xii) Pickerinq Museum Villaqe Advisory Committee Role is to advise Council on matters related to the establishment, management and maintenance of the Pickering Museum. One Member of Council Ten citizen appointments xiii) Public Library Board Responsible for overseeing the management of the Pickering Public Library system. Seven citizen appointments ix) Rouqe Park Alliance This agency has requested that one Member of Council and an alternate be appointed as the Council's liaison to the Rouge Park Alliance. The Division Head, Corporate Projects and Policy, has been appointed as the alternate, however, a staff member does not have to be the alternate. One Member of Council Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy appointed as the alternate. xv) Site Plan Advisory Committee The Director, Planning and Development has been delegated the authority to approve site plans. The Site Plan Advisory Committee was established to provide the Director with political input on specific site plans. This Committee meets every two weeks and three Members of Council are appointed to this Committee. Three Members of Council xvi) Taxicab Advisory Committee The new Taxicab Licensing by-law 6702/06 which comes into effect January 1, 2007 creates a permanent role for the Taxicab Advisory Committee. The composition of the Committee will be discussed with the industry and the citizen appointments will be appointed at a later date. One Member of Council One Member of Council. xvii) Veridian Corporation Veridian Corporation has advised that the governance changes as recommended to each council in September 2006 are to be presented to an Orientation session to determine if there is support with at least three of the newly elected Councils. If there is support for the governance changes and the shareholders agreement is amended, then this would have a bearing on the Veridian director appointments that the City of Pickering and the other municipalities will make for the next term commencing in January 2007. At the present time, the City of Pickering is entitled to five members on the Board of Directors of Veridian Corporation. The Merger Agreement with the shareholders of Veridian Corporation provides that the Pickering appointees shall be the Mayor or his designate and no less than one person shall be a non-elected appointee. Therefore, Pickering may have up to four Members of Council, including the Mayor, on the Board or it may have up to four non-elected persons on the Board. The Mayor and the Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Nomination and the Proxy and Designation of Shareholder Representative forms and any other forms related to these nominations. xviii) Waterfront Coordinatinq Committee Role is to provide a forum for ongoing discussion amongst the various groups, agencies, interests and individuals involved in projects and initiatives along the waterfront, to help coordinate the implementation of approved waterfront projects, to provide technical advice and assistance on waterfront issues, to provide assistance in waterfront funding sources and fund raising efforts. Eight Citizen Appointments xvix) Winterfest Committee This Committee was established by Resolution #12/98 passed on January 19, 1998 and was originally known as the Festival of Lights Committee. The objective of the Committee is fund raising for and planning and preparation of the Winterfest events. One Member of Council