HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 54-06 CitJl 0# REPORT TO AUDIT COMMITTEE 009 Report Number: CS 54-06 Date: October 3,2006 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: 2006 - 2008 Internal Audit Work Plan Status Report Recommendation: That Report CS 54-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information. Executive Summary: The following report provides a summary on the status of the 2006 - 2008 Internal Audit Work Plan for the current year. Financial Implications: None Background: At the June 19, 2006 Audit Committee Meeting, the 2006 - 2008 Internal Audit Work Plan was received for information. Providing senior management and the Audit Committee with periodic updates on internal audit activity's performance relative to the plan is considered a "best practice" and is specifically referred to in the standards promoted by the Institute of Internal Auditors. As the next Audit Committee Meeting is not expected until early next year, this update on the status of the Work Plan has been prepared. Attached is the 2006 Internal Audit Project Status Report, which shows the status of the 2006 - 2008 Work Plan for the current year. The Seniors Centre Theft and Wellness Centre Break-in and Theft investigations were completed earlier in the year. In all instances the report recommendations have been accepted and implemented by management. The city-wide Petty Cash/Change Floats audit is in the reporting stage and the Pickering Recreation Complex Cash Receipts and Revenues audit is in the fieldwork stage. The remaining three audits will commence in late 2006. Attachments: 1. 2006 Internal Audit Project Status Report n c - tJiU Report CS 54-06 Date: October 3,2006 Subject: 2006 - 2008 Internal Audit Work Plan Status Report Page 2 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: k)~ t<James Halsall Manager, Internal Audit & Control ,-/// ~~~.. "". ,..,,- ." c';" ..','.... .....- ..,,<:.-,-;;;;;;;2-:: ,- ,'. =.==..~,.........~~-... ~illis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:jh Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council - (0 o o N it) ,... ... Q) .c E - Q) .- - "Co. ::s Q) <Cen -- ca 0 E tn Q) ca -- c:_ - ... (00 00. OQ) Na: tn ::s - ca - en tn - c: Q) E E o o tn ::s - ca - en -0 -0 (]) (]) ..... ..... (]) (]) 0... 0... E E o 0 o 0 o o .s ~~(() _ "'cao tn Q)Q)- t :;:r:~ mOo~~"': c: 0. <c Q) .... 0... .- Q) ... Q) <( LLa:OI-O "C -Q) c: tn.~ "':O-Q) c.:;:; c: 0 Q)O.!!Q) O<ca.a: - o Q) .0' ... a. Q) -Q) tn:t::: ':;::""C =o::s ca 0. <c ... Q) 0 o a: I- c: "Co Q):;:; - Q) ca- E 0. .- E Q) '0010 woo :t::: "C ::s <c (() o - ..;t C\I >- eel :a: (() (() o 0 - - ,.... (I') C\I C\I ...: >- 0... eel <( :a: (() CD o 0 - - C\I CD ,.... ,.... ...: >- 0... eel <( :a: ~ ~ Z Z o-gg eel+: Oen~ en .... eel (]) 0 C ..... g ~ o c~-o .- (I)..... (I) Q) Ec:;:::~ - 2:' 1:: .- (]) Eo... eel eel en :!:: ::... .... 0... C -0 ....., o.o(])eel:Jo o :.J -0 0. <( 0. a: (()(()CD 000 --- ..;tl'-(() C\I ...... . ..... 0... 0>0...(1) :J (])".. <( en VJ ~ Z (]) c (]).:= >- ~o~(]) :::: c .- c ..c (]) (])1O(])1- a. () .g () c ~ ..... Ci5 o<S 0 c .- (]) .- _ -0 en 10 (I) 'v :J en E en .!: ;:::.:-Q o..c <( .... - (]) I .~ > o c~""'>-en .- .:= - eel en I ..c ~ c (]) (]) (]) (]) >- en 'v (]) ..c > .... > :!:: eel 0 enl->alcoou.. c u.. (() o - ,.... (I') 0> :J <( TTACH!"l <J 011 ,#L TO REPORT#..Qi..5 f ' 0 b (]) ..... eel (I) ..... eel (]) ..... eel (]) (]) (I) 000 c c c (]) (]) (I) E(()E(()E(() EoEoEo 000000 OC\lOC\lOC\l (]) 0> eel ..... en 0> c :e o 0... (]) a: II a: -0 c eel (]) 0> eel ..... en ~ .... o ~ -0 (]) u: II u.. (]) 0> eel U5 0> C C c eel a. II a. -0 (]) ..... (]) Q. E o o " o ..c-o eel 0 Ceel en c c 0 .Q E Oeel eel:!:: ~ a. en .- -0 <( 'S: C ..... :J 0<(:.0 C <( .... :J .Q x en ~ ~ 6 o<S <( 10 (]) 0.. c:J al a3 ,n:> 0' (I) 0....- '" :> .... .... E (]) (I) :!:: .0 :!:: ~ eel ..... o o>c-oc-o....-c (])o(l)(I)o:J:J:J(I)J)o a:oa:a:o<(o<(o__o