HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 37-06 ¡; 4 i ,. ¡ -..,' -L - REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 37-06 Date: June 12, 2006 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Durham Regional Official Plan Review Proposed Amendments for Population, Employment and Urban Land Recommendations: 1. That Council RECEIVE Report PO 37 -06 as the City's comments on the Supplementary Attachment to the Proposed Amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan for Population, Employment and Urban Land, dated April 25, 2006; 2. That Council REQUEST the Region to revise the Proposed Amendment for Population, Employment and Urban Land of the Durham Regional Official Plan to incorporate the revisions as set out in Appendix I to Report PO 37-06, which among other matters, would include the following: - (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) ~ identify the lands around Kinsale as an Urban Study Area instead of a Living Area on Schedule 'A' - Map A4 - Regional Structure; identify the lands east and south of Greenwood located outside the Greenbelt Plan, within the Urban Area Boundary and as an Urban Study Area on Schedule 'A' - Map A4 - Regional Structure, instead of Major Open Space; adopt a policy for the Kinsale and Greenwood Urban Study Areas to permit redesignation of the study area lands for urban uses following further review; identify the Cherrywood Community as a Future Urban Policy Area on Schedule 'A' - Map A4 - Regional Structure; adopt a policy for the Cherrywood Future Urban Policy Area similar to the following: "Regional Council acknowledges that the Provincial Greenbelt Plan and other legislation restricts urban designation of the Cherrywood Community, in the City of Pickering, at this time. However, should such restrictions be removed in the future, the Region intends to pursue urban designations for the Cherrywood Community, and, to this end, has identified the Cherrywood Community as a Future Urban Policy Area." , 4 n . , C -,. Report PD 37-06 Date: June 12, 2006 - Subject: Proposed Amendments for Population, Employment and Urban Land Page 2 (vi) revise the population and employment forecast table to increase the share for Pickering (and Whitby) reflecting a reallocation of the surplus Ajax population and employment forecasts to Pickering (and Whitby); and (vii) reduce the net (developable) land area ratio to at least 50% of the gross (total) land area to reflect current development and environmental protection standards; and, if necessary, conduct a study of recent development standards as back-up; and, 3. That the City Clerk FORWARD a copy of Report PD 37-06 to the Region of Durham and to local municipalities in Durham Region. Executive Summary: The Region of Durham, as the last part of its Official Plan Review process, released the Supplemental Attachment to the Proposed Amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan to incorporate policies and designations respecting Population, Employment and Urban Land. - While City staff is satisfied with most of the proposed Regional Official Plan amendments for this component, staff has concerns with five important parts of the proposed amendment. Three of the concerns were raised previously by the City in its comments submitted in Report PO 24-06 (see Attachment #1 - Region's summary of Pickering comments and the Region's responses on Recommended Directions Report for Population, Employment and Land Supply). The outstanding concerns relate to the: · Cherrywood Community; · assumptions used to allocate surplus population from Ajax; and · assumptions used to calculate net land available for development. Two concerns are new, and arise from the proposed designations in northeast Pickering (see Attachment #2 to this Report, Pickering section of the proposed Regional Structure - Map A4, from the Amendment). The concerns relate to the: · lands east and south of Greenwood; and . lands around Kinsale. The Region is requested to incorporate the changes discussed in this Report, and set out in Appendix I. - Financial Implications: Not Applicable. Report PO 37-06 Date: June 12, 2006 r 4 ) '- ., .- Subject: Proposed Amendments for Population, Employment and Urban Land Page 3 1.0 BackQround: 1.1 Staff previously commented on the 2006 Recommended Directions Report for Population, Employment and Urban Land components of the Regional Official Plan, which formed the basis for the proposed amendments In January 2006, the Region of Durham released the Recommended Directions Report for the Population, Employment and Urban Land components of the Durham Regional Official Plan. The City of Pickering provided comments on the Directions Report in April 2006 through Report PO 24-06. After reviewing all comments received, the Region released Report 2006-P-39 with the Supplementary Attachment to the Proposed Amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan that incorporates the amendments for Population, Employment and Urban Lands, authorized staff to proceed with the statutory consultation process and forwarded the Report to area municipalities and others for comment. .- Copies of Commissioners Report 2006-P-39 and its attachments are available in the Planning & Development Department and can also be viewed by accessing the Region of Durham website at http://www.reqion.durham.on.ca. 1.2 Staff and the public are now requested to comment on the proposed Regional Official Plan Amendments for Population, Employment and Urban Land The Region has requested comments from area municipalities and other interested parties by July 7, 2006. The statutory public meeting is scheduled for June 27, 2006 at the Regional offices. The Recommended Amendment dealing with all parts of the Regional Official Plan is to be forwarded to Regional Planning Committee on August 29,2006 with Regional Council adoption anticipated for September 13, 2006. 2.0 Discussion: The proposed amendment implements most of the same proposals contained in the Recommended Directions Report for Population, Employment and Urban Land components. As set out in Report PO 24-06, the City was in support of most of the proposed directions. The Amendment also made a number of changes in response to the comments of Pickering, other area municipalities and - stakeholders. However, it did not make all the changes requested. Attachment #1 to Report PO 37-06 is an extract of the comments made to the Region by Pickering Council, and by others about lands in Pickering, respecting the Recommended Directions, and the Regional staff response. U44 Report PO 37-06 Date: June 12,2006 - Subject: Proposed Amendments for Population, Employment and Urban Land Page 4 City staff's detailed comments on, and suggested revisions to, the Proposed Regional Official Plan Amendment for Population, Employment and Urban Land are outlined in Appendix I. The main areas of concern are discussed below. 2.1 Land Surrounding the Hamlets of Greenwood and Kinsale should be included in the urban area and designated as Urban Study Areas in order to properly evaluate the future development options In response to the City recommendation that the lands in northeast Pickering be included within the urban area boundary and be designated a Urban Study Area, Regional staff designated the lands north of Highway 7 as Living Area and Employment (Employment straddling the 407 route, and Living Area to the north) and retained the designation of the lands south of Highway 7, outside of the Protected Countryside designation in the Greenbelt Plan, as Major Open Space, with a new Living Area designation around Kinsale. - The Employment designation north of Highway 7 and the retention of Major Open Space east of Greenwood conform to Transport Canada's request to not permit sensitive uses (residential, active parks etc.) within the noise sensitive areas of the 25 NEF identified by the Federal Government to protect for the future airport. The lands around Kinsale proposed as Living Area are outside the 25 NEF noise zone but still within Greater Toronto Airports Authority's Interim Airport Protection Area proposed in its 2004 draft airport plan. Other potential urban uses, non-noise sensitive, do not need to be restricted. For the Greenwood area, staff requests the inclusion of the area outside the Greenbelt, within the Urban Area Boundary as an Urban Study Area. This approach recognizes that potential noise constraints would occur should an airport be constructed and that noise-sensitive uses (such as residential) should be carefully considered. Further review will be necessary, taking into consideration the status of the airport. For Kinsale, staff is concerned that the designation of a small area of Living Area will create a somewhat isolated neighbourhood, removed from the main community services and facilities that would be planned to the north of the Employment Area. Thus, staff recommend the Amendment be revised to change the Living Area designation around Kinsale to Urban Study Area. - 045 Report PD 37-06 Date: June 12, 2006 - Subject: Proposed Amendments for Population, Employment and Urban Land Page 5 2.2 The Region's amendment should now indicate support for the urban development of Cherrywood at such time in the future as Provincial policy may change to permit such development Lands in Central Pickering were examined for potential urban development through the City's Growth Management Study. The results of that study concluded that some of the lands west of West Duffins Creek north of the CPR tracks were appropriate for urban development. In April 2006, Regional Council passed a resolution in light of the study's results and requested the Province to remove the Cherrywood Community from the Greenbelt Plan and identify the area as a "designated growth area" under the Provincial Places to Grow Plan. - In comments on the earlier Recommended Directions report, Pickering requested that the Cherrywood Community be identified as a Future Urban Policy Area in the Regional Official Plan now with its disposition as an urban area to follow removal of Greenbelt Plan controls upon these lands. The Regional staff response is that such designation would be contrary to the Greenbelt Plan and therefore 'of no effect' and that re-designation could occur in the future if the Greenbelt Plan is amended. However, a policy recognizing the current Greenbelt Plan restrictions yet stating Regional support of future Urban Area designation when/if the Greenbelt Plan and other legislative restrictions are removed, would provide a clear statement of the Region's future intent while also respecting the Greenbelt Plan. Staff recommend that the Region identify the Cherrywood Community on Schedule "A" - Map A4 - Regional Structure and as a Future Urban Policy Area with an associated policy similar to the following: "Regional Council acknowledges that the Provincial Greenbelt Plan and other legislation restricts urban designation of the Cherrywood Community, in the City of Pickering, at this time. However, should such restrictions be removed in the future, the Region intends to pursue urban designations for the Cherrywood Community, and, to this end, has identified the Cherrywood Community as a Future Urban Policy Area." - At the time of writing this Report, Regional Planning Committee had supported the inclusion of an Appendix to the new Regional Plan identifying lands currently identified as Greenbelt that had Regional Council support for urban uses. The Cherrywood Community was among the areas identified (see Attachment #3 - Report 2006-P-51). While this approach is better than no recognition, staff believes an appropriately worded policy could be included in the Amendment that would not contravene the Greenbelt Plan/Act. C Lh~port PO 37-06 Date: June 12,2006 - Subject: Proposed Amendments for Population, Employment and Urban Land Page 6 2.3 As Pickering previously recommended, the Region should reallocate the surplus Ajax population to Pickering (and Whitby) to support Pickering's role as the western anchor and an Urban Growth Centre Despite Pickering's previous comments on the Recommended Directions Report for Population, Employment and Urban Land, the Region continues to propose to allocate the surplus Ajax population and employment (equal to about 49,000 people/19,OOO jobs) to lands already designated as Living Area in Oshawa and Clarington. - Although the Region has now recognized the shortage of urban land in Pickering by proposing to expand Pickering's Living Area to include northeast Pickering, the Region has not adjusted the population and employment forecasts to account for earlier achievement of the forecasts. The Region's proposed amendment does not assign sufficient population and employment forecasts to accommodate the increased population and employment numbers mandated by the recently released Provincial Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP) for Seaton. In addition, Provincial adoption of the CPDP has now removed the restriction on designation of further Living Area that has restricted Pickering growth over at least the past five years. Since the calculation of the population and employment forecasts is based on historical growth, the table should now be revised to reflect this new potential, not the last five years of low growth. Development of the Oshawa/Clarington lands first does not respect sustainable development principles as it adds more urban development at the edge of the GTA, leaving intervening pockets of undeveloped land, dispersal of scarce infrastructure investment over a larger area and contributes to greater traffic congestion than would earlier development in Pickering. 2.4 The calculation of land needs for urban expansions for residential/commercial uses should be further adjusted downward to reflect current standards of environmental protection and community uses _. The Region's assumption on the net amount of land available for development (i.e.: excluding lands for open space valleys, roads, schools, parks and stormwater ponds) remains too high at 55%, although this is a reduction from the previous Recommended Direction (which used 63%). For example, the City figures for Seaton show that approximately 55% of the total land area will be set aside for Natural Heritage System and a further 40% of the remaining land should be set aside for schools, parks, roads and stormwater ponds. As a result, less than 30% of the total land area is available for residential and commercial uses. Employment lands would have a slightly higher percentage remaining as they do not require lands for schools and parks. Report PO 37-06 Date: June 12, 2006 C47 - Subject: Proposed Amendments for Population, Employment and Urban Land Page 7 Assuming a higher percentage of the total land area is developable results in an underestimation of the amount of land needed to accommodate the forecasted population. Accordingly, staff recommend that the Region further reduce the developable land ratio to 50% or lower and reevaluate urban land needs to determine whether the development of Cherrywood is required sooner. The Region may wish to undertake a review of more recent developments to further verify the gross to net ratio. APPENDIX: Appendix I: Pickering Staff Comments on the Supplemental Attachment to the Proposed Amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan Attachments: 1. Comments received by the Region on Recommended Directions for Population, Employment and Urban Land Respecting Pickering Issues - Pickering Portion of proposed Regional Structure - Map A4 in the proposed Regional Official Plan Amendment 3. Report 2006-P-51 , dated June 6, 2006, of the Regional Commissioner of Planning 2. Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ,.,.,--) ,g. ¿ d- £<.Q . t~~·~..~ Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner Neil Carr, , RPP Director, Panning & Development ¡:¿ ,'-' -,~ ( ~/t'r--' ~8r:_/.... Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Manager, Policy SG:ld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of ,- Pickering City I ouncil - - ,,,,..... c4R APPENDIX I TO REPORT PD 37-06 Pickering Staff Comments on the Supplemental Attachment to the Proposed Amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan u49 Pickering Staff Comments on the Supplemental Attachment to the Proposed Amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan ,- Proposed Region of Durham Amendments SECTION 7 REGIONAL STRUCTURE Population And Employment Forecasts 1 7.3.1 (as it affects the Cherrywood Community) Item # Staff Comments I Revisions The components of the Reqional Structure The Regional Staff Response to are desiqnated on Map 'A'. Pickering's submission that the Cherrywood Community be identified as a Future Urban Policy Area, once necessary amendments to Greenbelt Plan occur, is inadequate. Regional Staff responded that the Greenbelt Act and Plan would render a Future Urban Policy Area for Cherrywood of no effect and that re-designation could be considered if the Greenbelt Plan is subsequently amended. Proposed Amended Map lA' proposes to redesignate lands on the west side of West Duffins Creek from Permanent Agricultural Reserve to Prime Agricultural Areas, and continue to only permit mainly agricultural uses. - - The Greenbelt Plan would not prevent the Region from including a policy stating a future intent to pursue urbanization of Cherrywood once the Greenbelt Plan is amended. It is recommended that the Regional Plan be amended to identify the Cherrywood Community within the Urban Area Boundary and as a Future Urban Policy Area and include a policy for the Future Urban Policy Area similar to the following: "Regional Council acknowledges that the Provincial Greenbelt Plan and other legislation restricts urban designation of the Cherrywood Community, in the City of Pickering, at this time. However, should such restrictions be removed in the future, the Region intends to pursue urban designations for the Cherrywood Community, and, to this end, has identified the Cherrywood Community as a Future Urban Policy Area." C 3C} - Item # Proposed Region of Durham Amendments 2. 7.3.1 (as it affects the Greenwood Area and Kinsale Area) - The components of the Reqional Structure are desiqnated on (proposed) Schedule A. Lands east of the Hamlet of Greenwood, outside the Protected Countryside designation in the Greenbelt Plan maintain the designation as Natural Heritage Area. Lands surrounding the Hamlet of Kinsale are redesignated from Permanent Agricultural Preserve and Major Open Space to Living Area 3. 7.3.2 .- The components of the Reqional Structure are desiqned to accommodate the followinq populations and emplovment forecasts. TABLE Municipalitv Pickerinq Year 2011 2021 2031 Population 105,100 149.500 205.900 Emplovment 38.200 67.600 93.400 Staff Comments I Revisions In response to the City Recommendation that the lands in the northeast area of Pickering (outside the Greenbelt) be designated within the Urban Area Boundary and as an Urban Study Area, Regional staff responded by designating the lands north of Highway 7 as Living Area and Employment while retaining the lands south of Highway 7 as Major Open Space. The Regional staff response is to not change the designation of the area south of Highway 7 due to the Federal Government request to not permit sensitive uses within the 25 NEF noise contour, including the lands east of Greenwood. It is recommended that the lands south of Highway 7 and east of Greenwood be designated within the Urban Area Boundary and as an Urban Study Area, requiring further review taking into consideration the status of the airport. City staff considers that the proposed Living Area designation boundary around the Hamlet of Kinsale will create an isolated neighbourhood removed from community services and facilities that would be planned north of the Employment designation. It is recommended that these lands also be designated as an Urban Study Area. Regional staff continue to reallocate the surplus Ajax population to the already designated residential lands in Oshawa/Clarington, despite Pickering's recommendation to reallocate the Ajax surplus (49,000 population/19,OOO jobs by 2031) to support Pickering's new role as a Growth Centre. .~ Item # - Proposed Region of Durham Amendments 4. 7.3.12 .- Expansions to the Urban Area boundaries shall only occur throuqh a comprehensive review of this plan that shall have reqard for the followinq: ... (e) the population and emplovment forecasts established by this Plan; C51 Staff Comments I Revisions The approved Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP) proposes a population of up to 70,000 with 35,000 jobs. These figures are higher than the Region's assumption of a population of 54,000 and 27,000 jobs. Approval of the CPDP releasing long constrained Provincial lands for development, the increased population designation of the northeast part of Pickering provide designated lands capable of absorbing significant portions of the surplus Ajax population/employment numbers. Further, as a designated Growth Centre in the proposed Places to Grow Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Pickering will be required to accommodate increased population and employment, which should also be accommodated by allocation of increased population and employment forecasts. Accordingly, Regional staff should reallocate the surplus Ajax growth to Pickering (and Whitby), amend the population / employment forecast table, and then recalculate urban land needs. This may demonstrate that lands in the Cherrywood Community are required for urban growth within the 30 year horizon of the new Regional Plan. The City commented that the previously suggested ratio of 63% of land as the developable area was out-of-date: 50% would be more representative of the net developable area once all required open space conveyances to public bodies are accounted for. The Region agreed to a further reduction to 55% to reflect more detailed open space mappinq by local municipalities. ! r;.) \,.. v'-- -. Item # - ¡~ Proposed Region of Durham Amendments Staff Comments I Revisions The revision to 55% moves the ratio in a realistic direction, but 55% is still too high to reflect all lands necessary to provide open space protection and municipal / community land needs (roads, parkland, school sites and open space). Accordingly, it is recommended that the Region adjust the developable land ratio to 50% or lower, and, if necessary, conduct a study to reassess the actual amount of designated Living Area land available for development and determine whether development of Cherrywood Community should come on stream sooner. This may demonstrate that lands in the Cherrywood Community are required for urban growth within the 30 year horizon. - ~ U) o Q) 'f-:J rn rn t:~ .2 C) ...t: (.).- Q) ~Q) ~ c~ .- "Cc.. Q)C) "Ct: t: ._ Q)'" E (.) E8. o rn (.) Q) Q)O::: 0:::"C t: t: ~oj = t: .2 ea C).c Q) ~ o:::=> Q)"C .s::::t: ...ea ~... .ct: Q) "CE ~~ .- 0 Bã. Q) E O:::w ~¿ t: 0 Q).- E1U E"'5 00. u~ - ~ Q) c. co c.. c o U) U) :::I o U) C "C C co ..J C co .c ~ :) ~-g Q) co 'S; ... Q) C D:::Q) C E co>. - 0 c..- c. co E 'õW !Ec 00 -+i co co c- o :::I ._ C. 0)0 Q)c.. D:::E o ~ .... U) c o U) U) E .c :::I (/) 0) C "C C co ... 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I¡ _ \_.6;;7'1'??1i~i' (:J ~ '. "'..........-..."1 I I I I : I I '¡ 1 i I , : ,,--..........----------.................,...----.. í-" ---/' , . t I : : I I ,/ ~ ¡ -...... .)t ~ J ~ l i I " : I \ ". o o ~ I/") ~ \<~- ~ - ~ 2· ~ ~. T' fl_Æ TO "'L'21 - O~.,__..__ U62 - The Regional Municipality of Durham To: The Planning Committee From: Commissioner of Planning Report No.: 2006-P-51 Date: June 6, 2006 SUBJECT: Approach to Addressing Region's Request for Greenbelt Plan Changes in the Regional Official Plan Review, File: L 14-03-06 RECOMMENDATION: THAT Commissioner's Report No. 2006-P-51 be received for information. REPORT: 1. PURPOSE - 1.1 On April 4 and 25, 2006, Planning Committee considered Commissioner's Reports 2006-P-33 and 2006-P-38 presenting information on various matters raised by Committee on the Greenbelt Plan, including details on the relevant provisions of the Greenbelt Act and Plan and opportunities to initiate amendments. 1.2 The purpose of this report is to respond to a further,request by Planning Committee, at its May 16 meeting, to outline the approach being taken to address the Region's request for changes to the Greenbelt Plan in the Regional Official Plan (ROP) Review. 2. GREENBEL T PLAN IMPLEMENTATION 2.1 As reviewed in detail in Commissioner's Report No. 2006-P-33 that was considered by Committee on April 4, 2006, direction given throughout the ROP Review process has been to ensure that the proposed amendment brings the ROP into conformity with the Greenbelt Plan, as required by Provincial legislation. Specifically, Planning Committee has directed, as follows: .- Ü63 - '':;'' '11i_wY TO f.i>,~:¡í, ì 1-1[:_",,,.;1 1- ck_~ Report No.: 2006-P-51 Page NO.2 - - 2.2 · February 15, 2005, authorized proceeding with the preparation of draft amendments to implement the commercial and rural components of the Recommended Directions Report, including considerations for Greenbelt Plan conformity (Commissioner's Report 2005-P-13); · March 8, 2005, directed that the Greenbelt Plan approach to agricultural designations be implemented through the ROP Review (Commissioner's Report 2005-P-24); · May 10, 2005, authorized proceeding with the preparation of draft amendments to implement the environmental component of the Recommended Directions Report, including considerations for Greenbelt Plan conformity (Commissioner's Report 2005-P-40); and · November 15, 2005, authorized the release of the proposed amendment for the ROP Review, including amendments to address Greenbelt Plan conformity (Commissioner's Report 2005-P-92). Adoption of an amendment contrary to the Greenbelt /ict and Plan would render the amendment (including all of the other unrelated policies addressing, for example, urban development) to be of no effect and in violation of these Provincial instruments. This approach complies with the following provisions of the Greenbelt Act and Plan: · the Greenbelt Act requires municipalities to amend their official plans to conform to the Greenbelt Plan through the 5-year review provisions of the Planning Act (Section 9.(1 )); · the Greenbelt Act provides that all decisions or applications "commenced" on or after December 16, 2004 must conform to the Greenbelt Plan (Section 24.(2)). The Greenbelt Act defines the commencement date for an official plan or its amendment or repeal as the day the by-law adopting the plan, amendment or repeal pursuant to the Planning Act, is passed (Section 24.(4)); t ""¡;C,i, .:an #~.._^ª_TQ ,.,., , ".'( ,QP ;j 1 0" ~)'."J. ¡¡~ tf r ~ j ..... ".; ,",. ....... - - ,-- '-'-"-'''.'''.-' U64 - Report No.: 2006-P-51 Page NO.3 . the Greenbelt Plan does not allow for settlement areas outside the Greenbelt to expand into the Greenbelt (3.4.2(3)). All of the Lake Ontario shoreline urban areas are outside the Greenbelt; and . the Greenbelt Act provides that the Greenbelt Plan prevails in the case of a conflict between the Plan and an official plan (Section 8.(1 )). 2.3 As such, in accordance with the direction of Committee, the proposed Amendment developed for the ROP Review and currently subject to public consultation, has been crafted to bring the ROP into conformity with the Greenbelt Plan. 3. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE REQUESTED GREENBELT PLAN CHANGES 3.1 Since Regional Council can only approve amendments in conformity with the Greenbelt Plan, the recent changes sought by the Region to the Greenbelt Plan, cannot be incorporated directly into the ROP Review Amendment. ,- 3.2 However, Regional Council's request can be appended to the ROP as an expression of Council's desire for certain amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. This approach will also ensure continued awareness of the changes being sought by the Region. Should the Minister amend the Greenbelt Plan as requested, new amendments to the ROP will be initiated to implement Council's direction. 3.3 The proposed Appendix is Attachment 1 to this report. The Appendix includes Council's resolution initiating the request for changes to the Greenbelt Plan, followed by the submission to the Minister and the Greenbelt Council detailing the request. The Appendix also indicates Regional Council's intent to pursue these changes and initiate subsequent amendments to the ROP, if and when the Minister makes the necessary enabling amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. 3.4 The Appendix will be presented as part of the ROP Review documents prepared for consideration by Planning Committee on August 29, 2006. The Appendix, however, will not form part of the Actual Amendment to the ROP. - I: 6 ~l 3 3" 7 -cJ.c .- Report No.: 2006-P-51 Page NO.4 The Legal Department has verified that this approach should not have the effect of invalidating the actual amendment to the ROP. /f A.L. Georgieff, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Commissioner of Planning RECOMMENDED FOR PRESENTATION TO COMMITTEE - Attachment: 1. Appendix 3 to the Regional Official Plan H:\1-2\agendas\2006\06-06-06\Greenbelt & OP Review.doc - 3" 3']-00 ,"'6['\ ~. 0 "---- Attachment 1 Appendix 3 (Not part of the Regional Official Plan) Requested Changes to the Greenbelt Plan This Appendix is included with the Regional Official Plan for information purposes only and does not form part of the Plan. This Appendix confirms Regional Council's intent to pursue specific changes to the Greenbelt Plan necessary for the effective implementation of the Plan by the Region of Durham, expressed in the following resolution adopted on May 10, 2006: "a) THAT staff be directed to forward a submission to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Greenbelt Council that incorporates the Region's issues with the Greenbelt Plan, as identified in Report #2006-P-33 of the Commissioner of Planning, and the following issues as set out in parts b) through e); .- b) THAT the lands located between Audley Road/Lakeridge Road from Highway 401 to Taunton Road, in the Town of Ajax be designated future development area subject to the final alignment of the 401/407 Link and subject to removal from the Greenbelt Plan; c) THAT the lands located in the Townline Road area of the Municipality of Clarington which are bounded by Townline Road, Pebblestone Road and the existing Courtice Urban Area Boundary also be designated future development area subject to removal from the Greenbelt Plan; d) THAT the lands located on the north east corner of Nash Road and Hancock Road, in the Municipality of Clarington also be designated future development area subject to removal from the Greenbelt Plan; and e) THAT the lands located north of Brawley Road, in the Town of Whitby, be removed from the Greenbelt Plan to reflect the draft Greenbelt Plan area as shown in Attachment #5 to Report #2006- P-38 of the Commissioner of Planning." - If and when the Province makes the necessary amendments to the Greenbelt Plan, it is Regional Council's intent to initiate amendments to the Durham Regional Official Plan to give effect to the above resolution. c6'l -? 37- (jo .- Regional Council's requested changes to the Greenbelt Plan are further detailed as follows: i) Lands to be Removed from the Greenbelt Plan Area Regional Council is concerned that the extent of the Greenbelt in Durham Region had increased in area by some 4,000+ hectares (10,000+ acres) with approval of the final Plan. In total the Greenbelt covers over 80% of the Region's land base. In particular, Regional Council has identified five areas that should not have been included in the Greenbelt: 1. Pickering - Cherrywood Community the subject of a Growth Management Study undertaken by the City of Pickering and identified as suitable for future urban expansion in Pickering. This is consistent witt) Regional Council's April 13, 2005 submission to the Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal on the Draft Growth Plan requesting that the Province remove this area from the Greenbelt and identify it as a "Designated Growth Area"; - 2. Ajax - Audley and Lakeridge Road area added in the Final Plan. This area is no longer considered a viable agricultural area by the farmers owning the land as a result of the advancement of nearby urban development, the diminished agricultural land base in the area and the potential impacts from the future alignment of the Highway 401/407 link currently the subject of an Environmental Assessment; 3. Whitby - north of Brawley Road area added in the Final Plan. This area is the subject of an application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to permit a golf course and a resort/conference centre; 4. Clarington - Townline and Pebblestone Road area. These lands are located immediately adjacent to full municipal services in the City of Oshawa that can be easily extended to support urban development in the Courtice urban area; and 5. Clarington - Nash and Hancock Road area added to the Final Plan. This area is the subject of a request to expand the Courtice Urban Area Boundary as part of the Regional Official Plan Review. (Refer to Illustrations 1 and 2 attached for specific locations.) - 3 .::)'/ -Cll..' j, U~;J _ 0 These lands should continue to be governed by the municipal official plans. .- , ii) Settlement Area Expansions In its submission to the Province on the Greenbelt Draft Plan, the Region requested that the Plan be sensitive to the need for growth in our TownsNillages (ie Uxbridge, Port Perry, Sunderland, Cannington and Beaverton) located within the Greenbelt. This is particularly crucial when considering expansions to accommodate employment uses in a timely fashion. The Greenbelt Plan is unnecessarily restrictive in limiting the opportunity for expansions to the 10 year review or the conformity exercise opportunity provided by policy for these settlements. The Greenbelt Plan must be amended to provide opportunity for expansions to Towns and Villages when the need and opportunity arises. Hi) Rural Emplovment Areas Planned rural employment areas are focal points for the rural economy. The approved Greenbelt Plan does not allow for the designation of new or expansions to existing rural employment areas. _ To allow for mO,re diverse employment opportunities in rural communities, the Greenbelt Plan must be amended to permit the designation of new Rural Employment Areas or the expansion of existing Rural Employment Areas, in accordance with policies contained in upper-tier official plans. iv) Servicinq of Orono In its submission to the Province on the Greenbelt Draft Plan, the Region raised a concern with the policy prohibiting the extension or expansion of Great Lakes based water and sewer systems to settlement areas within the Protected Coùntryside, particularly Orono. The Region requested that the Plan allow the opportunity to provide lake-based services to Orono. This is consistent with the policies of the Regional Official Plan, approved by the Province in 1993, that express a long-term intent to investigate the provision of full, lake based, municipal services to that relatively large rural community. The absence of this opportunity in the Greenbelt Plan severely restricts the servicing options for that settlement area. .- The Greenbelt Plan must be amended to permit the further consideration of extending full, lake based, municipal services to Orono. t'6Q 3 ~~ l-c;.-:k~ ,- v) Urban Separator In its submission to the Province on the Greenbelt Draft Plan, Regional Council requested that Plan recognize an open space separator between the Courtice and Bowmanville urban areas including lands that have not been identified for future settlement expansion. Unlike the other Greenbelt Plan issues discussed above, the inclusion of this area within the Greenbelt would have the effect of increasing the total Greenbelt Plan area by 750 hectares (1,860 acres)(see Illustration 2). Regional Council intends to pursue the above changes the Greenbelt Plan immediately and through subsequent reviews of the Greenbelt Plan by the Province, or other means. - .~, Appendix 3 - Illustration 1 ~ ~I ~r· 81 : r 'i ' § I '. ' ! [THORNTON RDi ¡ ! ,; ~î~R~~~_~-:r= -~" ~_~l =C_~lli -'-~~--GARRA~D RD + - .~~~=-- ¡.....-....... · i I! I ' i --¡--l 1 i THICKSON RD I i I I ¡ , :__·--:--[=~=---i·----r·_-L--I ~--- i'-\ --, . ! -', I ANDERSON ST i ~ I I I HOPKINS ST I!i! t---<:::.:--l------ -1--' -r-¡. :OC'-r-r-'T--Tf¡ , '¡" I I:!:""", i CI I I I::'! .1 GARDEN ST I -:>, ¡ if GARDEN ST I i f?! I r-- .~.. r->~-"T-~---¡I--7 8f i I I > OJ ! Z ! I : I i "'-- ~l __!.. ~ I BROCK ST ¡---.J I _.,__-¡...........~..-........~a-__.. I .,..- I I i 0 0 'Ii . 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I ·1' .. - -. ,. .----:.-. · ...-_fIII' \ l.,_._.... .- . . · .;t 10 '''" · /J- Area to be Included in the Greenbelt Plan Area Areas Requested to be Removed from the Greenbelt Plan Area .: :. ORM Boundary rzz¡ D Greenbelt Boundary Urban Area Boundary o 0,5 2 3 4 Kilometres - - Municipal Boundary Road ,":\c.'-'oPr(,i\Pi,Ii'-'yH(;~n(:h\( ~ÎN'nl:¡(J!I\c;rN~nlwIIP ;~nS'JI'JI11is~j(jn\i\pr")n(lix3Mar;¿.¡nX(J