HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 6, 2006 Council Meeting Agenda Monday, March 6, 2006 Council Chambers 7:30 pm I) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan will call the meeting to order and lead Council in the saying of the Invocation. II) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST III) ADOPTION OF MINUTES PAGE Regular Council Meeting of February 20, 2006 1-12 IV) PRESENTATIONS V) DELEGA TIONS 13 VI) CORRESPONDENCE 14-26 VII) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT Executive Committee Report EC 2006-03 27 -34 Executive Committee Minutes [For information only] 35-48 VIII) REPORTS - NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 49-58 IX) MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTIONS X) BY -LAWS 59-64 XI) OTHER BUSINESS XII) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW XIII) ADJOURNMENT . Minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee dated January 25, 2006 . Minutes of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee dated February 21,2006 001 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 20, 2006 7:30 pm PRESENT: Mayor David Ryan COUNCILLORS: K. Ashe M. Brenner D. Dickerson B. McLean D. Pickles R. Johnson - Absent Due to Municipal Business ALSO PRESENT: E. Buntsma N. Carroll G. Paterson D. Bentley D. Shields - Director, Operations & Emergency Services - Director, Planning & Development - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - City Clerk - Deputy Clerk I) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order and led Council in the saying of the Invocation. II) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Brenner Regular Council Meeting of February 6, 2006 "In Camera" Council Meeting of February 6, 2006 CARRIED 1 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 20, 2006 7:30 pm III) DELEGATIONS 1. Possession of Replica and Imitation Firearms By-law (Refer to CORR. 8-06 from the Township of SCUqOq) P.C. Petzold and Inspector Douglas, Durham Regional Police Service, appeared before the Council to brief them on the Township of Scugog's by-law regarding the possession of replica and imitation firearms, the history behind the passing of the by-law and a request to endorse the by-law. P.C. Petzold requested that the City of Pickering investigate the options of approving a similar by-law. He stated that if the municipalities in Durham Region all passed a similar by-law enforcement would be more consistent across Durham Region. Inspector Douglas noted that the passing of these by-laws would be an added tool that the police could use in protecting children and the community. A detailed question and answer period ensued. IV) CORRESPONDENCE 1. CORR. 8-06 KIM COATES, CLERK TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG 181 Perry Street Port Perry. Ontario Resolution #18/06 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Council endorse the Township of Scugog's resolution regarding a by-law with respect to the possession of replica and imitation firearms and refer CORR. 8-06 to City Staff for further investigation into a similar by-law for public and Council input. CARRIED 2 0.·0,...· ~. .j Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 20, 2006 7:30 pm 2. CORR. 9-06 Receive for Information DAVID CAPLAN MINISTER MINISTRY OF PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL 900 Bay Street, 6th Floor, Mowat Block Toronto. Ontario Resolution #19/06 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Ashe That CORR. 9-06 acknowledging receipt of the City of Pickering's request to have the Provincial Development Facilitator's involvement in the Provincial Central Pickering Development Plan from David Caplan, Minister, Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal be received for information. CARRIED V) REPORTS Executive Committee Report EC 2006-03 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 04-06 Release and Abandonment of Easement Part of Lot 8, Plan 40M-2164, being Part 8, Plan 40R-22163 Storm Drainage Purposes Registered as Instrument DR202450 File: RE0520 That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute, for the purpose of registration, a Release and Abandonment of Easement registered as Instrument DR202450 relating to that part of Lot 8, Plan 40M-2164, being Part 8, Plan 40R-22163. 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 06-06 - Danlu Holdings Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-2093 - 1490737 Ontario Inc. Plan of Subdivision 40M-2099 Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 3 001 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 20,2006 7:30 pm By-laws should be enacted to : 1. Assume the roads and services within Plans 40M-2093 and 40M-2099 (save and except from Blocks 36 to 38); 2. Amend By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) to include the roads within Plans 40M-2093 and 40M-2099; and 3. Authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreements from title relating to Plans 40M-2093 and 40M-2099. 3. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 02-06 Green River Community Centre - Horizon House, Where Heaven and Earth Meet - Lease Renewal Agreement - File: A-2130-001-06 1. That Report OES 02-06 be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal lease agreement to permit the Horizon House, Where Heaven and Earth Meet to continue their use for church purposes at the Green River Community Centre from April 1 , 2006 to March 31, 2007 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 4. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 03-06 Management Agreement with Claremont Lions Club - Claremont Community Centre - File: A-2130-001-06 1. That Report OES 03-06 be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal management agreement to permit the Claremont Lions Club to continue to provide management services to the Corporation at the Claremont Community Centre from April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2009 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 4 ('to' .r.:; v .~ Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 20, 2006 7:30 pm 5. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 05-06 West Shore Community Centre - Gingerbread Co-operative Nursery School (Pickering) Inc. - Licence Renewal Agreement - File: A-2130-001-06 1. That Report OES 05-06 be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal Licence Agreement to permit the Gingerbread Co-operative Nursery School (Pickering) to continue to operate a co-operative nursery school at West Shore Community Centre from April 1 , 2006 to March 31,2009 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 6. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 06-06 Pickering Recreation Complex Pottery Studio - Licence Renewal Agreement - File: A-2130-001-06 1. That Report OES 06-06 be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal Pottery Studio Agreement to permit Guida Pirita and Ana-Paula Leandro to continue to operate pottery programs at the Pickering Recreation Complex from April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2009 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 7. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 07-06 Nuclear Waste Management Peer Review of NWMO Final Report - File: A-2130-001 1. That Council receive Report OES 07-06 concerning the peer review of the Nuclear Waste Management Organization Final Report; 2. That Council urge Nuclear Waste Management Organization to address the list of outstanding issues related to their Final Report as identified in the Acres- Sargent & Lundy Peer Review Report; 5 ...." O· ,-,. U·' ü Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 20, 2006 7:30 pm 3. That Council be on record as continuing to support the work that the Nuclear Waste Organization (NWMO) is conducting and that the Federal Government be urged to promptly begin addressing the recommendations of NWMO Final Report; and 4. That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Federal Minister of Natural Resources, Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities, and Ontario Power Generation. 8. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 11-06 Bill 51-Amendments to the Planning Act and the Conservation Land Act - First Reading Ontario Municipal Board and Planning Act Reforms EBR Reqistration Number AF05E0001 1. That Pickering Council receive and endorse Report PD 11-06 on Bill 51, an Act to amend the Planning Act and the Conservation Land Act and to make related amendments to other Acts, EBR Registration Number AF05E0001. 2. That the City Clerk submit the following comments to the Environmental Bill of Rights registry respecting Bill 51 (Registration Number AF05E0001): (a) The City of Pickering is supportive of the direction of Bill 51, including elements that give more authority to municipalities and increase local control over development; (b) The requirement to host a public open house, for all development applications, as proposed through amendments to Sections 17 and 34, is unnecessary and will add additional application review process; and (c) The requirement to update official plans should apply to all municipalities that currently have an official plan and not be limited to those as set out in Subsection 17(13). 3. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 11-06 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. 6 00'7 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 20, 2006 7:30 pm 9. Appointments to the Civic Awards Selection Committee That Mayor Ryan, Councillor Ashe, Councillor Johnson and Councillor McLean be appointed to the Civic Awards Selection Committee for 2006. That the recommendation contained in Item #1 of the "In Camera" minutes of February 6, 2006 be adopted. Resolution #20/06 Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Brenner That the Report of the Executive Committee EC 2006-03, dated February 13, 2006, be adopted, save and except Item 10. CARRIED 10. Confidential Matter Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 10-06 Taxicab Driver Licence Application Resolution #21/06 Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Brenner That the recommendation contained in Item #1 of the "In Camera" minutes of February 6,2006 be adopted. CARRIED ON A RECORDED VOTE YEA NAY Councillor Ashe Councilor Brenner Councillor Dickerson Councillor McLean Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan 7 ~.. "'. O· (' ! .. .'.... V "-' Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 20, 2006 7:30 pm VI) REPORTS - NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Public Meeting Notice of Intention to Pass a By-law to Submit A Question to the Electors. Bv-Iaw 6632/06 A public meeting was held for the purpose of informing the public with respect to a by-law 6632/06 being a by-law to submit a question to the electors. It was confirmed that the notice provisions were followed by the City Clerk. No members of the public appeared in opposition or in favour of the by-law. Mayor Ryan closed the public meeting and, with the consent of Council, requested that By-law 6632/06, being a by-law to submit a question to the electors at the next regular municipal election, be considered at this time. Resolution #21/06 Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That By-law 6632/06, being a by-law to submit a question to the electors at the next regular municipal election (Direct Election of the Regional Chair), be read a first and second time. CARRIED THIRD READING: Councillor Ashe, seconded by Councillor Dickerson, moved that By-law Number 6632/06 and the said by-law be now read a third time and passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. 8 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 20, 2006 7:30 pm 009 CARRIED ON A RECORDED VOTE YEA NAY Councillor Ashe Councilor Brenner Councillor Dickerson Councillor McLean Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan VI) MOTIONS 1. Nuclear Liabilitv Act Resolution #22/06 Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Dickerson WHEREAS the Nuclear Liability Act was proclaimed by Parliament in December 1976 with the purpose of establishing a compensation and civil liability regime in the event of a nuclear accident with third-party consequences; and WHEREAS the Act only requires nuclear operators to carry seventy-five million dollars in third-party liability insurance per facility; and WHEREAS most property insurance policies (home, business, etc.) specifically exclude coverage for losses that are due to nuclear accidents; and WHEREAS a major nuclear accident, albeit highly unlikely, could cause damages that impose billion of dollars in losses; and WHEREAS the international average for nuclear operator liability ranges between five hundred and seven hundred million dollars; and WHEREAS several years ago Natural Resources Canada staff was mandated to review the current Act and are proposing amendments to increase the liability and insurance amounts for nuclear operators and other wording changes that improve the potential application of the Act; and 9 (\ "1" V.tU Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 20, 2006 7:30 pm WHEREAS the City of Pickering Council passed resolutions in 2001 and 2003 that called upon the Federal Government to amend the Nuclear Liability Act and increase the amount of coverage that is required; and WHEREAS the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities endorsed the following resolution at its annual meeting in 2004. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Minister of Natural Resources be advised that the City of Pickering encourages the Government of Canada to amend the Nuclear Liability Act to increase the requirement for nuclear operator insurance coverage and liability to at least meet international standards of coverage. FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be circulated to all members of parliament and members of provincial parliament whose ridings host nuclear facilities, the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities, and Ontario Power Generation. CARRIED ON A RECORDED VOTE YEA NAY Councillor Ashe Councilor Brenner Councillor Dickerson Councillor McLean Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan VII) BY -LAWS 6626/06 A by-law to appoint Animal Services Officers as Municipal law Enforcement Officer for the purpose of enforcing the by- laws of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. 6627/06 A by-law to appoint Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing parking restrictions on private property. 6628/06 A by-law to dedicate those parts of Lot 88, Plan 350, designated as Part 1, Plan 40R-23440 and part 4, Plan 40R- 10 "'''''4 U'11 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 20, 2006 7:30 pm 22695 and Block 24, Plan 40M-1392, Pickering as public highways. (Refer to Land Division Application LD 072/05 and LD 073/05] 6629/06 A by-law to assume the roads as public highways and the services within Plan 40M-2093 (save and except from Blocks 36 to 38) under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering. (Refer to Report PD 06-06] 6630/06 A by-law to amend By-law 1416/82 providing for the regulation and licensing of places of amusement. (Refer to Report PD 06-06] 6631/06 A by-law to authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreement from title respecting Plan 40M-2099, Pickering. (Refer to Report PD 06-06] 6633/06 A by-law to authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreement from title respecting 40M-2093, Pickering. (Refer to Report PD 06-06) THIRD READING: Councillor McLean, seconded by Councillor Ashe, moved that By-law Numbers 6626/06 to 6633/06, be adopted save and except By-law 6632/06 and the said by-laws be now read a third time and passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED X) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Pickles gave notice that he would be presenting a Notice of Motion with regard to Airport Lands. X) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW Bv-Iaw Number 6634/06 Councillor McLean, seconded by Councillor Brenner, moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the 11 nl"~ \,j . ~'" Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 20, 2006 7:30 pm Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering at its "In Camera" meeting of February 6, 2006 and its regular meeting of February 6, 2006. CARRIED XI) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm. DATED this 20th Day of February, 2006 MAYOR DAVID RYAN DEBIA.BENTLEY CITY CLERK 12 CiÚf o~ DELEGATIONS a) Students of Pine Ridge Secondary School Launch of the Program I AM THE CHANGE b) Tracy Pederson YWCA Durham Re: 24th Annual Women of Distinction Award c) Roland Rutland Overview and Update with Respect to Kinark Child & Familv Services d) Sylvia Spencer 771 Sheppard Avenue, Pickering Re: Director. Planninq & Development. Report PD 13-06 013 March 6, 2006 C¿ú¡ o~ 01·4 March 6, 2006 CORRESPONDENCE Receive for Information 1. CORR. 10-06 JOHN GERRETSEN MINISTER MINISTER OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING 777 Bay Street, 1 ih Floor Toronto. Ontario Advising Council that Premier Dalton McGuinty announced the government's plan to propose legislative changes to the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and that if passed, these changes would extend the term of office for municipal councils and school boards for four years from three years with a view to strengthening local government. 2. CORR. 11-06 JOHN GERRETSEN MINISTER MINISTER OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING 777 Bay Street, 17th Floor Toronto. Ontario Receive for Information Advising Council that Bill 206 - An Act to Revise the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System, 2006 has received third reading and Royal Assent without any further amendments and further advising that new legislation is proposed that would mandate a future review focusing on the actual experience of the new governance model in practice. The proposed legislation, if passed, would take effect on or before June 30, 2006. 3. CORR. 12-06 BRYAN TUCKEY COMMISSIONER OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REGION OF YORK 17250 Y onge Street Newmarket. Ontario Receive for Information 015 4. Submitting a copy of correspondence sent to Elizabeth McLaren, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on March 2, 2006 with respect to the Proposed Modifications to the Proposed Central Pickering Development Plan. Mr. Tuckey respectfully requests an extension of the consultation period in order to provide the Ministry with Regional Council comments and further requests delay of the approval of the Cnetral Pickering Development Plan until Council provides its view on the proposed plan and the issues identified in his correspondence are addressed to the satisfaction of York Region. CORR. 13-06 GINA LIPTON GT A REGIONAL MANAGER CANADIAN LIVER FOUNDATION 2235 Sheppard Avenue East Unit 1500 Toronto. Ontario Motion to Declare Advising that the Canadian Liver Foundation is dedicated to promoting liver health and to reducing the incidence and impact of all liver diseases. During the month of March, the Canadian Liver Foundation chapters hold a variety of fundraising and educational events to raise public awareness of liver health and liver disease. Therefore, requesting that the City of Pickering proclaim the month of March 2006 'Liver Health Month'. Minister Of Municipai Affairs and Housing 777 Say Street, 17'" FIQor Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Tel. (416) 585·7000 Fax (418) 585·6470 ~1W.mah.Qov.on.ca Minlstre des Affaires munlcipales et du Lcgement pi ease Call 416-863 -2101 or /0 - Ob 1-8G6-3"-~ëEIVED CITY OF PICKERING tFEJJ{ :~ ;¿m)~ 016 CLERK'S DIVISION ~~ In Case of Transmission Difficulties, please Deliver To: City of Dickering Ti7. rue Bay.! 7· é!age TQronto ON M5G 2E5 Tél. (416) 58S·l000 T èléc (416} 585·6470 '!!.NWmal'ì.g,ov.M.Cói OlJ[;¡¡rIo ()t)·1$4Î Febl1lary 22, 2006 Dear Head of Council: "'Q ....~ 1 would like to infonn you of Si:;¡me of oW' govern.i'l1ent' s intentions related to extending the length of the term of offiœ Îor municipai councillors and school trustees. Yesterday,. at the Ontario Good. Roads Association-Rura! Ontario Municipal Association's annual meeting. Premier Dalton McGuinty announced our govenmlent's plan to propose legislative change.s to the Muni.cipal Elections Act, 1996. If passed, these changes would extend the term of office for municipal councils and school boards to four years from three with a view to strengthening local government. Over the last few years. we have listened to many municipal dedsion-m~tke:rs who have advocated for a longer term of office for local government representatives in Ontario. If the proposed legislation passes, municipal leaders and school trustees vfJl be elected for four-year terms. A four-year term would provide municipal councils and school boards with more time to plan and implement their agendas, in a similar fashion to the federal and provincial governments. If the legislation passes, Ontario would be in step with half of the provinces it!. Canada~ including Quebec, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and New ]ßrunswick~ which (.,"Urrently have four-year terms. As you know? the election cycle began January 1,2006. lfpassed, the legislation would make the change e,eCf've for the 2006 municipal election.s, and successful candidates in November's coming elec . ns QuId begin their four-year tenns on December 1. 2006. ... 1;/( Smcere,) , /....~ I', . ( ~~ ----. ------- Gerretsen inister \~OV '-^-60 '1 01'7 In Case of Transmission Difficulties. please Please Deliver To: city of Pickering Ca! 1 416-863-2101 or /1- Db 1-866-309-3REC EIVED CITY OF PICKERING .;: :L. \,-) ?7Î (11 " ;~ ~ Cu /~ &t iK,,¡IJ'lï M!nister of MuniCipal Mairs and Housing Mln/stre des Alfalras munlclpaleg et du Logljlment ORIGIN,{II TO:."""D, B:-~t-.\ coPY TO; ¡VISION 777 Say Street, 171/1 FloQr Toronto ON M5G 2E5 Tel. (416) 585-7000 Fax (416) 585·6470 wvlW.mah.çov.QI'I,ca 777, rue Sa)', 17"é!age Toronto ON M5G 2ES nl. (416) 565-7000 Tèléc (416) 585·6470 ......'IW. mah.qov .or.,C!!, ""'._"'~_._"""''''.'.,.-'..~ 06-1553 February 23, 2006 I Ij ......._.'_e····r'---¡ ; ,I ,...."'" ~,"::~'~.~ .., .-!",.._~~".¡ Dear Head ot' Council: 1 j ._~ RE: An Act 19 Revise tbe Ontario Mu!!içiØ\l Emp10yees Retirement Svstem. 2006 I am writing to update you on the rapid deve!opmems around our legislation that have oCt.î1rred over the past 24 hours. Bil1206 has received third reading and Royal Assent without any fi..uther amendments. We strongly believe we have strw:;k the right balance in our legîslation, and we are confident that it wiU prove to be solid public policy. We are also proposing new legislation that would mandate a futuIe review focusing on the actual expt:1Ìcnœ of dIe; U\;W goveman~t:: model in practice. The proposed legislation, if passed, would take effect on Or before June 30, 2006 and would provide for the following: "1.1 A commitment for the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to undertakel beginning no later than 2012, a review of the governance model for the OMERS Pension Plan put in place through the devolution process (Bill 206). 1.2 The review would focus on the actual experience of the OMERS govemanœ model in practice, and wQuld include (but not be limited to) the following areas: a) The ¢ffectiveness and fairness of the overall governance framework in representing the interes.ts of employees and employers and ensuring efficient governance and accountability of the OMERS pension plan; b) The efficiency and effectiveness of Sponsors Corporation dedsion-making" including any use of alternative dispute resolution; and ç) The effectiveness of the governance framework in ensuring the overall fairness of the plan and its overall financial stability) including ensuring that c-.ross-suosidization is not occurring between the primary pension plan and supplemental plans. n, \ C f2~ vc-'-þr 1~·rf^C~c.'0 018 "·2- 1.3 The review would explicitly not include the following: a) Reconsideration of the general principle of tr~nsfer of governance respofJsibHity to OMERS Sponsors; and b) Consideration of cCintinuation of any supplemental plans put in place 1.4 The review wíIl be conducted by an independent person mutually aCI..".eptabJe to the Minister and to the employer .and employee representative groups, with collective bargaining and pension exp~rtise. Failing mutual acceptability, to be appointed by the Chief Justice. 1.5 A report and any asso<CÌated recommendations will be provided to the Minist~! and made public within 30 days of the Minister receiving the report, The Mini:>ter will give serious consideration to the recommendations contained in the report. 1.6 There would also be provision that after the Ìirst full valuation and in any event no later than 2009, the Minister or his or her designate will consult with the employee and employer representative groups to assess progress in effectively implementing the legislation, including governance matters." We lo,>k forward to this future teyiew of the actual practices of the new OMERS governance model. We believe it will confinn the fairness, awountability and efficiency of our model. Sincerely, ~ Jotm Gerretsen Mirùsrer nl~J ¡ Z - Db gion BRYAN W. TUCKEY ./. ComtllLr¡Íøner Planning and Dllllrloþme1l1 StrfJÙe.r Depa,.tment March 2. 2006 Elizabeth McLaren Assistant Deputy Minister Planning and Development Division Ministry of Municipal affairs and Housing 777 Bay Street 14111 Floor Toronto Ontario M5G 2E5 Dear Ms McLaren: Re: Proposed Modifications to the Proposed Central Pickering Development Plan The following comments are provided in response to the Minister's modifications to the proposed Central Pickering Development Plan. Regional staff intend to report to Regional Council on Apri127, 2006; however to meet the deadline date for comment submíssion (M~ch 3, 2006) we are submitting this letter and respectfully requesting an extension of the consultation period in order to provide you with Regional Council's comments. Would you please delay the approval of the Central Pickering Development Plan until our Council provides its view on the proposed plan and the issues identified in this letter have been addressed to the satisfaction of York Region. This letter provides~ · A description of the changes to the Development Plan that occurred from the time Regional Council provided its comments in April 2005. · The recommendations of York Region that have not been sufficiently addressed by the proposed modifications and the impact this will have on York Region. · Further suggested modifications that would begin to address York Region's recommendations and issues. Plan Chanees The modifications issued by the Province on February I, 2006 are proposing a population of 70,000 persons and 35,000 jobs. In April 2005 when Regional Council provided recommendations to the .MMAH, the Development Plan was in its early stages and the planning area was anticipated to accommodate approximately 52,000 people and 33,000 jobs. The proposed modifications add 18,000 additional persons and 2,000 additional jobs compared to the The Regitmal Munidpølity of YD"k, 17250 Y"lIge St,.œt, NeIIm14rÎ:et, Ontario L3 Y 6Z 1 Tel: 905-895-1231, 1-B77-464-YORK. Fax; 905-895-3482 I1Jtmlef: wwuH'1Jgion.yo"k.on.(d Ematl' hryall.tlicleey@regtOl1'lWk.oll.ctil kcTc.-'\ V <:'- [ðr . _, ~,-fè!~~~~.\(.') n 020 March 2. 2006 2 Plan commented upon by York Region Council in April 2005, The modifications add an additional 10,000 persons and 5,000 jobs compared to the Plan released by the Province in July 2005, An important issue is the lack of transportation facilities in the southeast part of York Region to accommodate the proposed growth. The Transportation Study completed in support of the Plan only reflected the earlier proposed development level of 60,000 persons and 30,000 jobs. The Province's modifications propose a 17% increase in level of development without the conesponding transportation analysis. The previous transportation study only identified the road and transit improvements in the immediate development area and did not analyse transportation requirements external to the study area, including those within York Region. This is a very significant shortcoming of the CUlTent transportation analysis, which needs to be addressed prior to finalization of the Plan. Y q[k Remon's Ori2Jnal Recommendations In April200S Regional Council endorsed PJanning staffs recommendations which requested the following: 1. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) and Durham Region initiate a coordinated transportation infrastructure review to consider the impact of Seaton and the proposed Pickering airport on in1Ì"astructure improvements in York Region. Development proposed by Seaton will require, as a minimum, the following road and transit improvements: · Completion of the Markham Bypass 407 - 401 Link. · Modification of the Highway 407/9th Line and Highway 407/Markham Bypass interchanges to allow traffic ftom the south to access Highway 407. · Widening of 14tb Avenue from the York Durham Line to the Markham By-pass Extension. · Widening of the Y orklDurbaln Line from Stee1es Avenue to Highway 7. · Widening of Highway 7 from YorkJDurham Line to Highway 48 (currently under MTO jwisdiction). · Extension of the dedicated right-of-way rapid transit services heine planned along Highway 7. · Extension of local transit routes in Markham. · In the longer tenn. the construction of the northern Markham Bypass- Highway 404 link, identified in the York Transportation Master Plan which will connect Seaton to me 404 north area. · The long tcnn construction of the Highway 407 Transit way. 2. The transportation review was to provide an implcmentation plan that addressed phasing and fundine from the Province and/or a mechanism to enable York Region to construct and pay for the work required to accommodate the growth; March 2. 2006 021 3 3. An expeditious review of the EA for the Markham Bypass Highway 401 - 407 Link 4. MMAH to initiate and participate in a coordinated sanitary sewer infrastructure review with other Provincial ministries, York and Durham Regions to address the servicing options and provide an implementation plan that provides for phasing, funding and timely approvals from the Province. York Region's reconunendations are included in Attachment No.1 to this letter. The over.all intent of the Region's recommendations was to have the Province show leadership in coordinating, implementing and funding the necessary infrastructure required to serve a new community of 50,000 persons and 30,000 jobs. Minister's Modifications The Minister's modifications do not address the overall intent of York Region's recommendations. The modifications do not have the Province taking a leadership role in coordinating the cross boundary transportation impacts, do not acknowledge the road improvements in York Region that are required to support development of Seaton, and do not provide a mechanism to fund the required road, transit or servicing infrastructure. The Minister's modifications require the coordination of interregional transportation infrastructure by: "encouraging co-operation between provincial ministries, The Regional Municipalities of York and Durham and the City of Toronto to coordinate transportation planning decisions.... II (modification # 17) York Region requested the Province bring the stakeholders together to ensure a comprehensive transportation review was carried out and an implementation plan put in place. The implementation plan would link population thresholds with the completion of transportation infrastructure (phasing plan). Furthermore, the Province was requested to assist in the funding for the required transportation infrastructure or provide a mechanism for York Region to pay for this infrastructure which is needed to support the development of Seaton. The current Provincial modifications do not address this important issue. Modification #27 inserts a new policy that states: "Require that the Province, in making transportation infrastructure investment decisions that impact on the Development Planning Area, consult with affected municipalities to maximize the opportunity for aligning provincial and municipal capital priorities, within the context of achieving the intent of the proposed Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe." 022 March 2. 2006 4 However, this policy only requires consultations and does not provide the commitment to infrastructure implementation that is an absolute necessity. ModifICation # 31 does indicate that ".. .As part of the Master Environmental Servicing Plan, a phasing plan shall be prepared for the construction of major community facilities, trans po nation. links and slorm:water, water and wastewater servicing... It However, the modification fails to identify the major transportation infrastructure that is needed to support a population of 70,000 persons and 35,000 jobs and does not provide any funding, or funding mechani~m. Additional Modifications belnA' ProDOSed b", York Remon To ensure York Region's previous recommendations are included in the Central Pickering Development Plan additional modifications are being requested. The additional modifications are limited to the requirements for York Region. We will leave it to other municipalities to advocate for required modifications important to their jurisdiction. Would you kindly include the following additional modifications: 1. Add the following at the end of modification #17: "In recognil:ion of the importance of the movement of goods and people in this area, the Province will enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with York Region. Durham Region and the City of Toronto on transpOrtation infrastructure that is located outside of, but having a direct impact on. the Development Planning Area. The MOD will include the following: L A commitment of funding assistance to York and Durham Regions and the City of Toronto by the Province for: · Construction ofthe Markham BypassIMomingside Avenue Highway 401 . 407 Link. · The widening of Steeles Avenue from Y orklDurbam Line to Tapscott Avenue. · The widening of the Y orklDurbam Line from Steelcs Avenue to Highway 7. · The widening of 141h Avenue from the York Durham Line to the Markham Bypass Extension. · The widening of Highway 7 from York Durham Line to Highway 48 (c1l1Tently under MfO jurisdiction) it The following infrastmctuœ being included in the Provincial 10 year Capital Plan: · The widening of Highway 7 from York Durham Line to Highway 48 (currently under MTO jurisdiction) · Completion of the missing ramps at Highway 407/9f11 Line and Highway 407/Markham Bypass. 02~1 March 2. 2006 5 · Planning and environmental assessment work for the northern Markham Bypass Highway 404 link that will connect Seaton to the Highway 404 area, as identified in the York Transportation Master Plan. iii. Provincial commitment to ensure that the required transit services are implemented at the same time as development proceeds including: · Extension of local transit routes. · Extension of the dedicated right-of-way rapid transit services being planned along Highway 7. · Implementation of GO Rail services on the Havclock line. · Implementation of the Highway 407 transitway. iv. Acknowledgement of the importance of the Markham BypassIMomingside Avenue Highway 407 - 401 Link to the Seaton Development Planning Arca and suppon for the Regions of York and Durham in their efforts to have this vitalllilk constructed. 2. Add the following at the end of modification # 31: "The phasing plan shall ensure that residential and non residential development does not precede the required transportation improvements and occurs concurrently and incrementally as the transportation improvements arc constructed and put into operation. Conditions of draft plan approval for plans of subdivision located within the Development Plan Area will utilize triggers tkd to transportation and servicing infrastructure such that final approval and registration does not occur until 6 months prior to the infrastructure bein¡ in service. The phasing plan shall provide for the development of employment lands concurrent with the development of residential lands and provide the ability to meet the population to employment ratio of 1 job for every 1.97 to 1.76 residents. as identified in the Development Plan:' 3. Include the additional paragraph at the end of the Implementation seétion. as follows: "The Master Environmental Servicing Plan(s) shall be circulated to York Region for their review and comment and to ensure it is satisfactory to York Region. The expeditious approval of the expansion to the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant, which will provide the necessary servicing capacity for full build out of the Seaton Community and other approved planned growth in Durham and York Regions, is required prior to development occurring within the Development Plan area." Plans of subdivision within the Development Plan Area shall be circulated to York Region for their review. monitoring and comment. nn ...nn' I ~"".L..."""'''''~'-' ,..._,. March 2. 2006 6 0.24 If you require clarification or have questions regarding the above, please contact the undersigned, or Paul May, Director of Infrastructure Planning (905 830-4444 extension 5029). Sincerely, D -14' Bryan Tuckey M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Commissioner of Planning and Development Services Pb Attachment (Yark Region recommendations) COpy to: Michael Garrett CAO Bill Fisch. Regional Chair Jim Baird, Planning Commissioner, Town of Markham A. Georgieff, Planning Commissioner. Durham Region Clerk, City of Pickering Pat Boeckner. Director of Transportation Planning branch, MTO Brian Ogden. Urban Planning Office, MTO Susan Siopis. Director of Transportation &: Field Services, Durham Region Rod McPhail, Director of Transportation Planning, City of Toronto 1:\Development\D22-Growth Manaçemcn\\Seaton\Response to MMAH mod~.do(: 80'd ll::llOl 025 Report No.4 of the Planning and Economic Development Committee Regional Council Meeting of April 21, 2005 6 NORTH PICKERING (SEATON) DEVELOPMENT PLANS The Planning and Economic Development Committee recommends the adoption of the recommendations contained in the following report, April 6, 2005, from the Commissioner of Planning and Development Services and the Commissioner of Transportation and Works: 1. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that: 1. The Regional Clerk forward this report to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Durham Region, the City ofPickering~ the Town of Markham, and the City of Toronto for their consideration as preliminary comments on the plans for the development of North Pickering (Seaton). 2. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Durham Region be requested to initiate a combined and coordinated transportation inftastructure review that will consider the impacts of the new Seaton community and the GTAA's plans for the Pickering Airport on Durham and York Regions and the City of Toronto, specifically addressing the improvements identified in the York Region Staff Report, as well as any other necessary improvements. 3. The transportation review contain an implementation plan which addresses phasing and funding trom the Province and/or a mechanism to enable York Region to construct and pay for the work required to accommodate the growth in Durham Region, including a commitment from the Province to expedite the Environmental Assessment review and approval process for the Markham By-pass Highway 407 - 401 Link. 4. Regional Staffbe directed to meet with respective staff at Durham Region to discuss coordinated planning and infrastructure requirements. S. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to initiate and participate in a coordinated sanitary sewer infrastructure review with other relevant Provincial Ministries (such as MOE), Durham Region, and York Region that will consider the impacts of the new Seaton community and other proposed and planned developments, specifically addressing the available options and improvements required. 6. The sanitary sewer infrastructure review contain an implementation plan which addresses phasing, funding, and implementation commitments ftom the Province~ including a commitment ftorn the relevant Ministries to produce timely approvals. CANADIAN LIVER FOUNDATION ~ FONDATION CANADIENNE DU FOIE R'P . .,. ~ï("~ ijj, ,-~:o;m:a CITY 13 - 00 'j ~! ;;:' r'\ I ;:. ¡("" /JjJ C::;i/;:ŒRING t·? n :7 026 CLERK is DIVISiON The Corporation of the City of Pickering On the Esplanade Pickering ON L 1 V 6K7 Dear Mayor Ryan, City of Pickering Proclaiüatj(iJ!' ~:..'i;j¡TMÁ~~~ "Liver Health Month!;', ,,::<:~~_.~~-._~'._'~..~,.,.':..' -':~, ;' ", March 2006 ¡;::::f ¡\((ì._¡_",,_~.~.~_ ~ ,._._,,,,'- ...........,---·;1 1~ /' ""e,:J:-¡-~-C1JLl\T~~ ~ro: ~~ T"Q'l~~~~~j ""::'?:~-)}"}'7 L ;. .." ,.. ~ . '::";'1 February 13, 2006 -'~';~ r': ·....··~"'·,·~j""""··..'·~A ,.,.-...,.,.,....,.,~h·,·..·.,,·1 . ......·..,",.··.,......u.···..,.~ The Canadian Liver Foundation is dedicated to promoting liver health and to reducing the incidence and impact of all liver diseases. Founded in 1969 the Canadian Liver Foundation (CLF) was the first organization in the world devoted exclusively to providing support, research and education into hepatitis and other forms of liver disease. Through our extensive research program, the Foundation has been able to provide much- needed funding to liver specialists across the country. Also, the CLF has over 30 chapters across the country that provide liver health information and on-going support for liver disease patients and their families. The Canadian Liver Foundation has also opened a new chapter in the Durham Region and is hosting its first event in June 2006 called "Stroll For Liver" in memory ofKyla Ruttle, an 11 year old child who passed away due to liver disease. During the month of March, the Canadian Liver Foundation chapters hold a variety of fundraising and educational events to raise public awareness of liver health and liver disease. Therefore, we ask that the City of Pickering proclaim the month of March 2006 "Liver Health Month". With your help, the Canadian Liver Foundation can provide help to liver disease patients and their families and raise more funds to minimize the fourth leading cause of death by disease in Can.,aciCl ~triking men, women and children everyday. ....~". "'"'. If you have1any ~on' Ple.a.'..e,.,do not hesitate to contact me. SinCerelY'~ /d/h Gina LiptÒn IhJ .. . ....-... GT A Regional Manager Provides support for research and education into the causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the liver. Canadian Charitable Registration No. lO686 2949 RROOOl Organisme de soutien à la recherche et à l'éducation Quant aux causes, au diagnostic, à la prévention et au traitement des maladies du foie. N" d'enregistremcnt de I'organismc de bienfaisance : 106862949 RROOOI Suite 1500.2235 Sheppard Avenue East. Toronto, Ontario M21 5B5 . Tel: (416) 491-3353 . Fax: (416) 491-4952· Toll-free: 1-800-563-5483 Emai1: c1f@liver.ca· www.1iver.ca·Conrrie1:c1f@liver.ca 027 MARCH 6, 2006 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT Executive Committee Report EC 2006-04 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 07-06 Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-001/P Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/05 Amending By-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037 City Initiated: Oak Ridges Moraine Conformity Exercise City of Pickerinq 1. That Council receive Report PD 07-06 on Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-001/P (now Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan), and Zoning By-law Amendment Application 16/05, City Initiated: Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Conformity Amendments; 2. (a) That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-001/P, initiated by the City of Pickering, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area, be approved as set out in Exhibit "A" to Appendix I to Report PD 07-06; (b) That the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, be forwarded for enactment to Council as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 07-06; 3. (a) That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/05, initiated by the City of Pickering, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area, be approved as set out in Appendix II to Report PD 07-06; (b) That the amending by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037, as amended, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, be forwarded for enactment to Council as set out in Appendix II to Report PD 07-06; 4. That the Oak Ridges Moraine Conformity Amendments, Amendment 15 and the amending by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037, be forwarded for approval by the City Clerk to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing; 028 5. That Council adopt Informational Revision 13 as set out in Appendix III to Report PD 07-06 for inclusion in the Pickering Official Plan; 6. That Council request the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to resolve Deferrals 28 and 34 relating to the proposed Rural Hamlet designation and settlement policies for Altona and approve the Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage Area and Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside land use designations recommended in Amendment 15; 7. That Council direct staff to update the City's Municipal Tree Protection By- law to reflect the natural features within the Oak Ridges Moraine, and that staff initiate a review of the existing Fill and Topsoil Disturbance By-law to determine whether new provisions for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine are required; 8. That Council refer the request of Peter Wood, to further review the proposed Old Brock Road and Uxbridge-Townline Road realignment as shown on Schedule IV-10 - Settlement 10: Claremont and Area - North Section of the Pickering Official Plan, to be considered as part of the next Official Plan review; 9. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 07-06 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Region of Durham, the Town of Markham, the Town ofWhitchurch-Stouffville, the Township of Uxbridge, the Township of Scugog, the Town of Whitby, and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; 10. That the City of Pickering prepare a letter under the signature of the Mayor, to the Province of Ontario expressing the City's concern to the unfairness of how this legislation has been enacted, including the implementation process. 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 10-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/05 Wencray Holdings Limited 2000 Clements Road Part of Lot 15, B.F.C. Range 3 (40R-6080, Part 5) City of Pickerinq 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/05, be approved as set out in the draft by-law attached as Appendix I to Report PD 10-06, to amend the existing zoning on the subject lands to permit outdoor storage associated with a roofing supply business office and warehouse on lands being, Part of Lot 15, B.F.C. Range 3, (40R-6080, 5), in the City of Pickering. 02,9 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/05, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 10-06 be forwarded to City Council for enactment. 3. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 13-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/05 J. & B. Bayes and T. & A. Costar 823 & 827 Sheppard Avenue (Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C.) City of Pickerinq 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/05, be approved to permit the development of a maximum of eight townhouse dwelling units, as submitted by 816 Kingston Road (Pickering) Limited on behalf of J. & B. Bayes and T. & A. Costar, on lands being Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C., City of Pickering. 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/05, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 13-06, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. 4. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 14-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 24/05 Delco Homes Inc. Sparrow Circle (at Altona Road) (Block 17, Plan 40M-1827) City of Pickerinq 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 24/05 be approved to permit a freehold townhouse, common element road condominium development on lands being Block 17, Plan 40M-1827, City of Pickering, submitted by Delco Homes Inc. 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 24/05, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 14-06 be forwarded to City Council for enactment. 5. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 16-06 Direction on City Staff Involvement on an Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board Committee of Adjustment Decision on Application PICA 55/05 Pickering Auto Body Ltd. 1968 Notion Road (North Part of Lot 17, Concession 1) City of Pickerinq 1. That the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that City Council supports the decision of the Committee of Adjustment refusing the variance to reduce the required parking spaces for PICA 55/05 at 1968 Notion Road. O:JO 2. That the appropriate City staff attend the March 20, 2006, Ontario Municipal Board hearing in opposition of the application and to advance Council's support of the Committee of Adjustment decision. 6. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 17-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 27/05 Silverlane Estates Inc. South Part of Lot 32, Concession 1 (Blocks 39 and 46, Plan 40M-2119 and Part 4, 40R-11901) City of Pickerinq 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 27/05 be approved, to rezone two Blocks to match the zoning of abutting land, to permit development of a townhouse and a detached dwelling, on lands being Blocks 39 and 46, Plan 40M-2119, and; to rezone two additional Blocks to allow for open space uses, on lands being Part 4, Plan 40R-11901 (Blocks 16 and 18, Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2002-06) 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 27/05, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 17-06, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. 7. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 18-06 Proposed Modifications to the Proposed Central Pickering Development Plan Prepared by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Dated February 1, 2006 EBR Reqistry Number: PF05E0002 1. That Pickering Council receive Report PD 18-06 as its comments on the proposed modifications to the proposed Central Pickering Development Plan, prepared by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, dated February 1, 2006, EBR Registry Number: PF05E0002; 2. That, despite the City's continued opposition to the use of the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994 (OPDA), should the Provincial government approve a Development Plan for Central Pickering under that Act, (a) Council requests the Plan be further modified to include a policy specifying that prior to the completion of the first neighbourhood plan, the Minister will enter into appropriate Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and agreements with the City of Pickering, and other levels of government and agencies as may be required, to provide financial assistance in accordance with section 20 of the OPDA, for the purpose of implementing the policies and programs of the Plan, at a level to ensure achievement of the following: 031 · the provision of sufficient lands in acceptable locations for required municipal facilities, parks and open spaces, and other necessary community facilities such as places of worship, schools, nursing homes and childcare centres; · the early servicing of the Highway 407 employment lands; · adequate long-term funding to maintain and manage the natural heritage system; · the preparation of a heritage study of the Whitevale Road corridor east of the existing Heritage Conservation District as input to the neighbourhood planning process; · the provision of sufficient lands for the development of a university andlor college campus and a medical teaching hospital; · the provision of two new Highway 407 interchanges, the construction of the Brock Road by-pass and the Brock Road I Highway 407 interchange, the provision of appropriate regional and interregional transit service, the extension of GO-Transit service, the widening of Highway 7, the construction of the Whitevale By- pass I 14th Avenue connection, and the widening of Steeles Avenue; · the development of an integrated set of sustainability measures and benchmarks for Seaton; · the cost of providing services and facilities in Seaton will not be borne by the City's existing residents and businesses; · funding of all subsequent planning, design and technical studies or exercises; and · any other matters as may be determined; (b) Council requests the Plan be further modified to incorporate the changes set out in Appendices I and II to Report PD 18-06, which among other matters would result in: · retention of 135 hectares of Prestige Employment lands, which were converted to non-employment uses; · reclassification of Sideline 22 from a Type B Arterial to a Type C Arterial Road; · addition of policies requiring completion of the City's Financial Impact Study for Seaton ahead of the completion of the first neighbourhood plan, and completion of the Whitevale Road Corridor heritage study prior to the completion of the neighbourhood plans for the adjacent lands; · clarification of policies on funding, timing and preparation of studies to ensure that costs are not borne by the City but by the benefiting landowners; and · correction of editorial and technical matters; and 032 (c) Council authorizes City staff to meet with representatives of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing after the March 3, 2006 deadline to continue to discuss and provide input on the Provincial Development Plan and to report back to Council through the Net Benefits Committee; and 3. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 18-06 to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal, the Minister of the Environment, Project Director for the North Pickering Land Exchange Team, the Region of Durham and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. 8. Director, Operations & Emergency Service, Report OES 08-06 Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan Request for Proposal for Professional Engineering Services RFP-13-2005 1. That Report OES 08-06 regarding the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan, Request for Proposal for professional engineering services be received. 2. That the Proposal RFP-13-2005 submitted by Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited to develop a Stormwater Management Master Plan for Frenchman's Bay be accepted. 3. That the total project cost of $144,855 including the proposal amount, project management services and other associated project costs identified in the report be approved. 4. That staff at the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. 9. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 10-06 Construction Priorities for Regional Roads Within the City of Pickerinq That Report OES 10-06 regarding Regional Road construction priorities within the City of Pickering be received for information and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham. 10. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 11-06 Lease of City of Pickering lands to O.J. Muller Landscape Contractor Ltd. Renewal of Lease Agreement for those lands comprising those parts of Lot 19, Concession 3, Pickering, designated as Part 2, Plan 40R-7012, save and except Part 2. Plan 40R-14541 and Part 3. Plan 40R-7012 1. That Report OES 11-06 regarding renewal of a lease agreement be received. 033 2. That the request by O.J. Muller Landscape Contractor Ltd. to renew a lease for City land on Brock Road for the purposes of cultivating the land for cash crops and to store and market nursery stock that includes landscape materials be approved. 3. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign a renewal lease agreement with O.J. Muller Landscape Contractor involving City lands, substantially on terms set out in the form prepared by the City Solicitor. 11. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 12-06 Lease of City of Pickering lands to 1. Arnts Loam Supply Ltd. Renewal of Lease Agreement for those lands comprising those parts of Lot 19, Concession 3, Pickering, and comprising that part of Part 37 and 40, Plan 40R- 6934 1. That Report OES 12-06 regarding renewal of a lease agreement be received. 2. That the request by 1. Arnts Loam Supply Ltd. to renew a lease for City land on Brock Road for the purposes of carrying on the business of the storage, sale and supply of topsoil, sand, stone, pavers and related products be approved. 3. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign a renewal lease agreement with 1. Arnts Loam Supply Ltd. involving City lands, substantially on terms set out in the form prepared by the City Solicitor. 12. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 13-06 Lease of City of Pickering lands to 1317970 Ontario Inc. Renewal of Lease Agreement for those lands comprising that part of Parts 37 and 40. Plan 40R-6934 1. That Report OES 13-06 regarding renewal of a lease agreement be received. 2. That the request by 1317970 Ontario Inc. to renew a lease for City land on Brock Road for the purposes of carrying on the business of a golf- driving range located at least 85 metres west of Brock Road and at least 6.1 metres south of the northerly boundary of the premises and a miniature golf-putting facility located at least 6.1 metres south of the northerly boundary of the premises and an accessory parking area located between the golf-driving range and Brock Road and south of the miniature golf-putting facility be approved. 034 3. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign a renewal lease agreement with 1317970 Ontario Inc. involving City lands, substantially on terms set out in the form prepared by the City Solicitor. Executive Committee 035 Meeting Minutes Monday, February 27, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson PRESENT: Mayor Ryan COUNCILLORS: K. Ashe M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. McLean D. Pickles ALSO PRESENT: 1. J. Quinn - Chief Administrative Officer N. Carroll - Director, Planning & Development G. Paterson - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer D. Bentley - City Clerk R. Holborn - Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering C. Rose - Manager, Policy D. Shields - Deputy Clerk (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Ashe Meeting of February 13, 2006 "In Camera" meeting of February 13, 2006 CARRIED (III) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 07-06 Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-001/P Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/05 Amending By-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, February 27, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson City Initiated: Oak Ridges Moraine Conformity Exercise City of Pickerinq The Chair called for any delegations from the floor who may wish to speak to the Executive Committee with respect to this matter. Peter Wood, 5460 Old Brock Road, Claremont appeared before the Committee with respect to concern of a road proposed across his property, specifically the proposed Old Brock Road and Uxbridge-Townline Road realignment. He advised that in his opinion it did not fit within the intent of Section 10.1.2 of the Pickering Official Plan. Discussion ensued and Mr. Wood was advised that his concerns would be reviewed and considered as part of the next Official Plan review. Dan Barkey, 1658 North % of Lot 19, appeared before the Committee expressing his objection to the devalue of his farm. He stated that the Province should be providing compensation to farmers and as a farmer, he could not expand due to his property being considered environmentally sensitive. He further expressed concern that his cows were denied access to water due to the fact that it could disturb the banks of the water, as noted in the Marine Protection Act. Phil Givens, 5275 Sideline 4, appeared before the Committee requesting clarification for zoning boundaries as he owned 200 acres in the subject area. He further requested clarification on the vegetation zone and if the measurement is from the trunk of tree or drip line. He advised that the Region of Durham wanted to harmonize the Greenbelt Plan and these matters should be considered together. A question and answer period ensued. Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That Council receive Report PD 07-06 on Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-001/P (now Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan), and Zoning By-law Amendment Application 16/05, City Initiated: Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Conformity Amendments; 2. (a) That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-001/P, initiated by the City of Pickering, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Executive Committee Q37 Meeting Minutes Monday, February 27, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson Conservation Plan for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area, be approved as set out in Exhibit "A" to Appendix I to Report PD 07-06; (b) That the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, be forwarded for enactment to Council as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 07-06; 3. (a) That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/05, initiated by the City of Pickering, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area, be approved as set out in Appendix II to Report PD 07-06; (b) That the amending by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037, as amended, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, be forwarded for enactment to Council as set out in Appendix II to Report PD 07-06; 4. That the Oak Ridges Moraine Conformity Amendments, Amendment 15 and the amending by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037, be forwarded for approval by the City Clerk to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing; 5. That Council adopt Informational Revision 13 as set out in Appendix III to Report PD 07-06 for inclusion in the Pickering Official Plan; 6. That Council request the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to resolve Deferrals 28 and 34 relating to the proposed Rural Hamlet designation and settlement policies for Altona and approve the Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage Area and Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside land use designations recommended in Amendment 15; 7. That Council direct staff to update the City's Municipal Tree Protection By- law to reflect the natural features within the Oak Ridges Moraine, and that staff initiate a review of the existing Fill and Topsoil Disturbance By-law to determine whether new provisions for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine are required; 8. That Council refer the request of Peter Wood, to further review the proposed Old Brock Road and Uxbridge-Townline Road realignment as shown on Schedule IV-10 - Settlement 10: Claremont and Area - North Section of the Pickering Official Plan, to be considered as part of the next Official Plan review; 9. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 07-06 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Region of Durham, the Town of Markham, the Town ofWhitchurch-Stouffville, the Township of Uxbridge, the Township Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, February 27, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson of Scugog, the Town of Whitby, and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; 10. That the City of Pickering prepare a letter under the signature of the Mayor, to the Province of Ontario expressing the City's concern to the unfairness of how this legislation has been enacted, including the implementation process. CARRIED 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 10-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/05 Wencray Holdings Limited 2000 Clements Road Part of Lot 15, B.F.C. Range 3 (40R-6080, Part 5) City of Pickerinq The Chair called for any delegations from the floor who may wish to speak to the Executive Committee with respect to this matter. There were no members of the public present to address the Committee on this matter. Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/05, be approved as set out in the draft by-law attached as Appendix I to Report PD 10-06, to amend the existing zoning on the subject lands to permit outdoor storage associated with a roofing supply business office and warehouse on lands being, Part of Lot 15, B.F.C. Range 3, (40R-6080, 5), in the City of Pickering. 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/05, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 10-06 be forwarded to City Council for enactment. CARRIED Executive Committee Q39 Meeting Minutes Monday, February 27, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson 3. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 13-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/05 J. & B. Bayes and 1. & A. Costar 823 & 827 Sheppard Avenue (Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C.) City of Pickering The Chair called for any delegations from the floor who may wish to speak to the Executive Committee with respect to this matter. Sylvia Spencer, 771 Sheppard Avenue East, appeared before the Committee expressing her concerns with respect to this application. She stated that Block A should be semi-detached and with respect to Block B - Parkland, requested that this be completed now. Irene Moult, 838 Sheppard Avenue East, appeared before the Committee in opposition to block after block of townhouses. She requested clarification with the rezoning of the lands and if the existing dwellings would hold lawful non- conforming status. She further stated her objection to twenty-four driveways onto Sheppard Avenue and would have preferred to see driveways at the back or side of the subject property. She indicated that the subject application was not compatible with what is on Sheppard Avenue now, and further expressed concern with the enforcement of the speed limit in this area. Wilma Flavell, 734 Sheppard Avenue East, appeared before the Committee expressing her concern with respect to the parking problems that would ensue with this application and felt there were too many townhouses, She advised that there would be an increase in traffic and this was a concern to residents. She further advised that the construction had caused structural damage to her home and this was causing her great concern. In summary, she stated that semi- detached should have been built on this property, rather than a townhouse development. Lorelei Jones, a representative of the applicants appeared before the Committee and stated that she appreciated the concerns of the area residents. She outlined the proposed driveway configuration, which could allow for up to four cars to be parked. A question and answer period ensued. Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, February 27, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Pickles 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/05, be approved to permit the development of a maximum of eight townhouse dwelling units, as submitted by 816 Kingston Road (Pickering) Limited on behalf of J. & B. Bayes and T. & A. Costar, on lands being Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C., City of Pickering. 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/05, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 13-06, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. CARRIED 4. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 14-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 24/05 Delco Homes Inc. Sparrow Circle (at Altona Road) (Block 17, Plan 40M-1827) City of Pickerinq The Chair called for any delegations from the floor who may wish to speak to the Executive Committee with respect to this matter. Jim Keating, 355 Chickadee Court, appeared before the Committee and expressed concern with the traffic and parking problems that would be caused by this application. He stated that Option A with access onto Altona Road should be considered as traffic coming out of Sparrow Court would create a traffic bottleneck. Walter Dowd, 363 Chickadee Court, appeared before the Committee and expressed concern with respect to the overflow parking that would be created with this development onto Chickadee Court. He requested consideration of no parking signs within the area be installed. Gasper LaTona, 350 Chickadee Court, appeared before the Committee and expressed concern with the overflow of parking onto Chickadee Court. Executive Committee 041 Meeting Minutes Monday, February 27, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Mayor Ryan 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 24/05 be approved to permit a freehold townhouse, common element road condominium development on lands being Block 17, Plan 40M-1827, City of Pickering, submitted by Delco Homes Inc. 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 24/05, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 14-06 be forwarded to City Council for enactment. CARRIED 5. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 16-06 Direction on City Staff Involvement on an Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board Committee of Adjustment Decision on Application PICA 55/05 Pickering Auto Body Ltd. 1968 Notion Road (North Part of Lot 17, Concession 1) City of Pickerinq The Chair called for any delegations from the floor who may wish to speak to the Executive Committee with respect to this matter. There were no members of the public present to address the Committee on this matter. Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Brenner 1. That the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that City Council supports the decision of the Committee of Adjustment refusing the variance to reduce the required parking spaces for PICA 55/05 at 1968 Notion Road. 2. That the appropriate City staff attend the March 20, 2006, Ontario Municipal Board hearing in opposition of the application and to advance Council's support of the Committee of Adjustment decision. CARRIED Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, February 27, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson 6. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 17-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 27/05 Silverlane Estates Inc. South Part of Lot 32, Concession 1 (Blocks 39 and 46, Plan 40M-2119 and Part 4, 40R-11901) City of Pickerinq The Chair called for any delegations from the floor who may wish to speak to the Executive Committee with respect to this matter. There were no members of the public present to address the Committee on this matter. Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Brenner 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 27/05 be approved, to rezone two Blocks to match the zoning of abutting land, to permit development of a townhouse and a detached dwelling, on lands being Blocks 39 and 46, Plan 40M-2119, and; to rezone two additional Blocks to allow for open space uses, on lands being Part 4, Plan 40R-11901 (Blocks 16 and 18, Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2002-06). 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 27/05, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 17 -06, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. CARRIED DECLARATION OF INTEREST Councillor Ashe declared a conflict of interest in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act with respect to Item #2 of Report PD 18-06 of the Director, Planning and Development, due to his interest in the Whitevale Golf Club. Councillor Ashe did not part in the discussion or vote on Item #2. 7. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 18-06 Proposed Modifications to the Proposed Central Pickering Development Plan Executive Committee 043 Meeting Minutes Monday, February 27, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson Prepared by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Dated February 1, 2006 EBR Reqistry Number: PF05E0002 1. That Pickering Council receive Report PD 18-06 as its comments on the proposed modifications to the proposed Central Pickering Development Plan, prepared by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, dated February 1, 2006, EBR Registry Number: PF05E0002; 2. That, despite the City's continued opposition to the use of the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994 (OPDA), should the Provincial government approve a Development Plan for Central Pickering under that Act, (a) Council requests the Plan be further modified to include a policy specifying that prior to the completion of the first neighbourhood plan, the Minister will enter into appropriate Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and agreements with the City of Pickering, and other levels of government and agencies as may be required, to provide financial assistance in accordance with section 20 of the OPDA, for the purpose of implementing the policies and programs of the Plan, at a level to ensure achievement of the following: · the provision of sufficient lands in acceptable locations for required municipal facilities, parks and open spaces, and other necessary community facilities such as places of worship, schools, nursing homes and childcare centres; · the early servicing of the Highway 407 employment lands; · adequate long-term funding to maintain and manage the natural heritage system; · the preparation of a heritage study of the Whitevale Road corridor east of the existing Heritage Conservation District as input to the neighbourhood planning process; · the provision of sufficient lands for the development of a university andlor college campus and a medical teaching hospital; · the provision of two new Highway 407 interchanges, the construction of the Brock Road by-pass and the Brock Road I Highway 407 interchange, the provision of appropriate regional and interregional transit service, the extension of GO-Transit service, the widening of Highway 7, the construction of the Whitevale By- pass I 14th Avenue connection, and the widening of Steeles Avenue; Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, February 27, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson · the development of an integrated set of sustainability measures and benchmarks for Seaton; · the cost of providing services and facilities in Seaton will not be borne by the City's existing residents and businesses; · funding of all subsequent planning, design and technical studies or exercises; and · any other matters as may be determined; (b) Council requests the Plan be further modified to incorporate the changes set out in Appendices I and II to Report PD 18-06, which among other matters would result in: · retention of 135 hectares of Prestige Employment lands, which were converted to non-employment uses; · reclassification of Sideline 22 from a Type B Arterial to a Type C Arterial Road; · addition of policies requiring completion of the City's Financial Impact Study for Seaton ahead of the completion of the first neighbourhood plan, and completion of the Whitevale Road Corridor heritage study prior to the completion of the neighbourhood plans for the adjacent lands; · clarification of policies on funding, timing and preparation of studies to ensure that costs are not borne by the City but by the benefiting landowners; and · correction of editorial and technical matters; and (c) Council authorizes City staff to meet with representatives of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing after the March 3, 2006 deadline to continue to discuss and provide input on the Provincial Development Plan and to report back to Council through the Net Benefits Committee; and 3. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 18-06 to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal, the Minister of the Environment, Project Director for the North Pickering Land Exchange Team, the Region of Durham and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. CARRIED LATER IN THE MEETING (See Following Motion) Executive Committee 045 Meeting Minutes Monday, February 27, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Mayor Ryan That the main motion be divided in order to deal with Item #2 separately. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Pickles That Item #2 of the main motion be approved. CARRIED The Committee then had before it the main motion, save and except Item #2, which CARRIED. 8. Director, Operations & Emergency Service, Report OES 08-06 Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan Request for Proposal for Professional Engineering Services RFP-13-2005 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That Report OES 08-06 regarding the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan, Request for Proposal for professional engineering services be received. 2. That the Proposal RFP-13-2005 submitted by Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited to develop a Stormwater Management Master Plan for Frenchman's Bay be accepted. 3. That the total project cost of $144,855 including the proposal amount, project management services and other associated project costs identified in the report be approved. 4. That staff at the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. CARRIED \ ; Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, February 27, 2006 7:30 pm Council Cham bers Chair: Councillor Dickerson 9. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 10-06 Construction Priorities for Regional Roads Within the City of Pickerinq Discussion ensued with respect to Report OES 10-06 and the scheduled timing of projects by the Region of Durham. Staff were requested to contact the Region of Durham to determine the scheduled construction of Brock Road. Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Mayor Ryan That Report OES 10-06 regarding Regional Road construction priorities within the City of Pickering be received for information and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham. CARRIED 10. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 11-06 Lease of City of Pickering lands to O.J. Muller Landscape Contractor Ltd. Renewal of Lease Agreement for those lands comprising those parts of Lot 19, Concession 3, Pickering, designated as Part 2, Plan 40R-7012, save and except Part 2. Plan 40R-14541 and Part 3. Plan 40R-7012 Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That Report OES 11-06 regarding renewal of a lease agreement be received. 2. That the request by O.J. Muller Landscape Contractor Ltd. to renew a lease for City land on Brock Road for the purposes of cultivating the land for cash crops and to store and market nursery stock that includes landscape materials be approved. 3. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign a renewal lease agreement with O.J. Muller Landscape Contractor involving City lands, substantially on terms set out in the form prepared by the City Solicitor. CARRIED Executive Committee 04 ~1 Meeting Minutes Monday, February 27, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson 11. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 12-06 Lease of City of Pickering lands to T. Arnts Loam Supply Ltd. Renewal of Lease Agreement for those lands comprising those parts of Lot 19, Concession 3, Pickering, and comprising that part of Part 37 and 40, Plan 40R- 6934 Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That Report OES 12-06 regarding renewal of a lease agreement be received. 2. That the request by 1. Arnts Loam Supply Ltd. to renew a lease for City land on Brock Road for the purposes of carrying on the business of the storage, sale and supply of topsoil, sand, stone, pavers and related products be approved. 3. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign a renewal lease agreement with 1. Arnts Loam Supply Ltd. involving City lands, substantially on terms set out in the form prepared by the City Solicitor. CARRIED 12. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 13-06 Lease of City of Pickering lands to 1317970 Ontario Inc. Renewal of Lease Agreement for those lands comprising that part of Parts 37 and 40. Plan 40R-6934 Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That Report OES 13-06 regarding renewal of a lease agreement be received. 2. That the request by 1317970 Ontario Inc. to renew a lease for City land on Brock Road for the purposes of carrying on the business of a golf- driving range located at least 85 metres west of Brock Road and at least 6.1 metres south of the northerly boundary of the premises and a miniature golf-putting facility located at least 6.1 metres south of the northerly boundary of the premises and an accessory parking area 048 CiÚf o~ Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, February 27, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson located between the golf-driving range and Brock Road and south of the miniature golf-putting facility be approved. 3. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign a renewal lease agreement with 1317970 Ontario Inc. involving City lands, substantially on terms set out in the form prepared by the City Solicitor. CARRIED 13. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 14-06 Chanqes to Proposed Bodv Rub Parlour By-law Discussion ensued with respect to this matter. Based on the discussion, Members of Council were requested to provide further comments in writing to the City Clerk in order for any further revisions to be reviewed in co-operation with the City Solicitor and that this matter be referred to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Executive Committee. Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Johnson That Report CS 14-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be referred back to staff for two weeks for the purpose of further review of any written comments from Members of Council. CARRIED (IV) OTHER BUSINESS There were no items of Other Business presented. (V) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:34 pm. CiÚ¡ o~ 049 March 6, 2006 REPORTS - NEW AND UNFINISHED PAGE 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 20-06 Direction on City Staff Involvement on an Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 6/01 Glenda Winterstein 5015 Brock Road (South Part of Lot 18, Concession 9) City of Pickerinq 49-58 1. That City Council take no position on the appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board of Zoning By-law 6525/05 by the Region of Durham, to permit five dwelling units and one commercial unit at 5015 Brock Road North. 2. That the City Solicitor be directed to attend the OMB hearing to convey the City's position. 0'5 OCitJl o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: PD 20-06 Date: March 6, 2006 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Direction on City Staff Involvement on an Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 6/01 Glenda Winterstein 5015 Brock Road (South Part of Lot 18, Concession 9) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That City Council take no position on the appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board of Zoning By-law 6525/05 by the Region of Durham, to permit five dwelling units and one commercial unit at 5015 Brock Road North. 2. That the City Solicitor be directed to attend the OMB hearing to convey the City's position. Executive Summary: A zoning by-law amendment was approved by City Council as a result of an application by Glenda Winterstein for the property at 5015 Brock Road in Claremont. The application was to permit the existing building to have five residential dwelling units and one commercial unit. Staff recommended that the application be approved for only four residential dwelling units and one commercial unit as a private sewage system for the site can only accommodate four dwelling units. Council approved the application for five residential dwelling units and passed Zoning By-law 6525/05 to implement its decision. An appeal was filed by the Region of Durham on the grounds that five residential dwelling units cannot be properly serviced by the private on-site sewage system. The purpose of this report is to seek Council direction respecting its position on this matter at the OMS hearing scheduled for March 21, 2006. It is recommended that the City take no position at the OMB hearing, as the issue of the appeal is a technical matter related to the ability to provide appropriate private services to the subject property. The Region of Durham Health Department is the approval authority for private services, therefore the matter of the maximum number of dwelling units permitted on the subject property should be considered having regard to their comments. The City Solicitor will attend the hearing to convey the City's position. Report PD 20-06 Date: March 6, 2006 Q5,1. Subject: Glenda Winterstein (A 6/01 ) Page 2 Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed recommendation. 1.0 BackQround: Application The subject property is located on the east side of Brock Road, north of Central Street in the Hamlet of Claremont. The subject property currently supports a combination of a one storey and two storey building, which contains a commercial use (hair salon), five apartment units, and a detached garage located in the rear yard (see Location Map and Applicant's Submitted Plans, Attachments #1 & #2). The property is currently zoned 'C2' which does not permit residential apartment units. The only significant issue on the appropriateness of the application is related to the provision of private services. The applicant submitted a report titled "Sewage System Design Winterstein Residence," by Jagger Hims Limited, that indicates a sewage system design to accommodate the commercial use and four apartments can be implemented. The Region of Durham Health Department has advised that the proposed sewage system design can be implemented for the property containing the commercial use and four apartments only. The intensity of use of the property is constrained by the availability of space for a private sewage system. Staff recommended that the zoning amendment application be approved for only four residential dwelling units and one commercial unit, as a private sewage system for the site can only accommodate four dwelling units. This position was based on the engineering report submitted by the applicant and reviewed and recommended by the Health Department for the Region of Durham. However, Council approved the application for five residential dwelling units on June 6, 2005, and passed amending Zoning By-law 6525/05 on the same day. Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board The appeal has been filed by the Region of Durham on the grounds that five residential dwelling units cannot be properly serviced by the private on-site sewage system and therefore would not comply with the Durham Region Official Plan that requires all development in Hamlets to be serviced by private services and in compliance with the standards of the Region of Durham and Ministry of Environment. Q 5 ~eport PD 20-06 Subject: Glenda Winterstein (A 6/01) Date: March 6, 2006 Page 3 2.0 Analvsis Staff Position The issue that will be before the OMB is whether the subject property can support four or five dwelling units. The technical information that has been presented to date is that the proposed sewage system design can only support four dwelling units. It is anticipated that the Region of Durham will present professional opinion evidence that only four units can be serviced on the property. It is anticipated that no technicallprofessional evidence will be present to indicate that five dwelling units could be serviced on the property. Further, it is City staff's understanding that the Region is presently discussing a potential settlement with the applicant for a by-law which permits four dwelling units (and one commercial unit). If an agreement is reached a revised zoning by-law that permits four dwelling units will be submitted to the OMB for approval. It is recommended that the City Solicitor attend the OMS hearing set for March 21, 2006 to convey the City's position. City planning staff would only attend the hearing if requested by the OMB, or under subpoena. Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Plans 3. Copy of Zoning By-law 6525/05 4. Copy of the letter of appeal to the OMB from the Region of Durham Report PD 20-06 Date: March 6, 2006 053 Subject: Glenda Winterstein (A 6/01) Page 4 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Neil Carroll, , Director, Planning ROSSpe~pp~ Principal Planner - Development Review ,'" j ,I ___)Ýlldé~j" a, ¿, Lynda Taylor, MCIP. R Manager, Development Review RP:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering 7 cou_:~/ ,.' "/ , ~c-I;> Ie) 6- Officer 7 \ 0'5'1 ¡ "'-H'_~ ':._~~ .!ç~ v 1 I-- -!.: t- ~o o ~~~.. v ~ ~ n :! L Þ.NE STREET -L.l ~ ~ bl;r I~ :iõš PH I_5TAI;:E:~ L rï=iil D~ - - -L l~m~~mf CENTRAL. r~~~~¡;~~ J~¡m' \ù ot--iñ¡ ~===Z 0: I /" '5 - -1 I-- G ON !;j ïr-= g = 51- _ ~ ' I I . 0: o m UI z ð I ~ ACORN - LANE ~ <~/ r V I / F ,E. 1/ ~ .~ C...N¡ D IP!--.;.; - Z¡;=-- .1 TR~!:!.-ç;;;"·---· --\ tV I // ~~~ ~ CT. ·»~·MONT STREET ~J 11/ ì .. /J/ - _~!:1 0: 0( m I 1/ I þßf L----" f--- . Z I-g / ~ l/~ / - -- -- / --- --=- x·... ~ --- - -- ------- ~~ ---- L ,;:r. fi ø ~ BOVINGDON ¡ PLAC r- ~ . I 7 I ~ I City,of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 18, CONCESSION 9; PART OF LOT 2, PLAN 12 OWNER G. WINTERSTEIN DATE JAN 14,2001 DRAWN BY RC "^- I' APPUCATION No. A 06/01 SCALE 1 :7500 CHECKED BY TB FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-S10 PA· £:) « o a::: ~ ü o a::: ca ~', ,:~'I J¡ ./J Tn ¡L~~: ' :- H _~_~__ VI !.f "Jì:\i Ìi Pl: _27?.' . ,: f-, _ ...., INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN A 06/01 G. WINTERSTEIN E LO '<i co EXISTING 1 STOREY FRAME STRUCTURE 131.0m LOT 2 DECK EXISTING 2 STOREY FRAME STRUCTURE EXISTING GARAGE (HEAW TIMBER CONSTRUCTION) 132.4m LOT 1 , THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, . INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERVICES. APRIL 16, 2002. Q55 E co N IX) 056 :1 :1 \¡ " Ii II II " I' ,I 'I I, :1 !, II " !1 Ii II II \, II I, I II II I i , i , , \\ \1 !I I, ¡; \1 II ,I 'I II i I I II 'I 11 Ii II II ì¡ Ii j\ I' .I Ii \; Ii ,I II I' ,I Ii Ii Ii II " !: ii I I: I /1.3 TU . <" P ~õ /.'" (~.,' /, Ht¡'Jn I 11 . U :i.'.I. _ ..- THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICI<ERING BY-LAW NO. ('S'J '1/ n; Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3037, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham on the South Part of Lot 18, Concession 9, in the City of Pickering. (A 06/01) WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to permit a commercial use with five dwelling units on the subject lands, being South Part of Lot 18, Concession 9; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3037, as amended, is therefore deemed necessary; [\lOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICf<ERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TEXT AMENDMENT Section 9 - General Commercial Zone - C2 is hereby amended by adding the following subsection after subsection 9.3.3: 9.3.4 South Part of Lot 18, Concession 9 (5015 Brocl~ Road) In addition to the uses permitted in Subsection 9.1, for the lands known as Part of Lot 2, Plan 12, in the City of Pickering a maximum of five (5) dwelling units are permitted within a single building along with any other permitted use, subject to the following provisions: (1) Where the building on Part of Lot 2, Plan 12, contains any dwelling units, the following provisions shall apply: (a) Parking Requirements: (i) A minimum of 6 parking spaces shall be provided for the existing building that contains 5 apartment dwelling units and one commercial unit; (ii) Clauses 5.19.2 b), d) and k) of By-law 3037, as amended, shall not apply to this property; (b) Floor Space (i) The maximum commercial floor space in a building that contains residential dwelling units is 36 square metres. 2. BY-LAW 3037 By-law 3037 is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as set out in Section 1 above. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by the relevant provisions of By-law 3037, as amended. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from tile day of passing hereof subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, if required. BY-LAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this June 2005. day of nth ~. - . . .'------.... Da'¡ Ryao Mayoe , ~~<tl'·t Debi A. Bentley, Clerk The Regional Muriicipality of Durham' Planning Department 1615 DUNDAS ST. E. 4'HFLOOR, LANG TOWER WEST BUILDING PO BOX 623 WHITBY ON L 1 N 6A3 CANADA . 905-728-7731 ~<'x: 905-436-6612 mail: planning@ region.durham ,on. ca www.region.durharn.on.ca A.l. Georgieff, MCIP, FJPP Commissioner of Planning IIS~Jf~íiice EkceJiencE fo[,pur ComtT1unitiesll June 29, 2005 ATTACHMENl #_ i/- TO REPORl# PD· ,lð ct·) 057 Debi A. Bentley, CMP, CMM III City Clerk City of Pickering One The Esplande . . Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 RECEIVED JUL 0 52005 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Dear Ms. Bentley: NOTICE OF APPEAL Re: Appeal of the City. of Pickering Council's Decision to Pass Zoning By-Law 6525/05 . . File Number: A06/01 . Applicant Glenda Winterstein Municipality: City of Pickering Please be advised that the Regional MuniCipality of Durham appeals the decision of the City of Pickering, dated June 6, 2005, in the above noted matter. A cheque payable to the Minister of Finance in the amount of $125.00 is enclosed. . The subject property is located north of Central Street and east of Brock Road in the Hamletof Claremont. The applicant proposes to amend the existing commercial use in order to permit 5 existing residential apartment dwelling' units ínaddition to the commercial use. The reasons for this appeal areas follows: 1. . The proposed use does not conform to the policies of Durham R~gional Official, Plan (the "OfficiAl Plan"t SAction 13.3.5 of the, Official· Plan . ' . \. ~ permits development within hamlets to be serviced with private drilled wells and private sewage disposal systems where groundwater quantity and quality p~rmits, and in compliance with the standards. of the Region and the Ministry of the Environment. The engineering report by Jagger Hims Limited, as submitted by the applicant to Pickering City Council, concludes that the approved replacement sewage disposal system on the subject property is only capable of supporting a total design daily sewage flow of4,OOO iitres/day. Zoning By-Law 6525/05, as passed by Pickering City Council, allows the proposed building to generate 4,750 ¡itres/day which exceeds the maximum allowable sewage flow based on usable area and allotment of usage in the building and as such is not in compliancewith the standards of the Region. 05;8 ATT ACHMENT # 4- TO REPORT # PO ;l () . 0 ~... ____ 2. Such further and ot'he'r reasons as Counsel may advise and the Board may permit. Dated in Whitby this 29th Day of June, 2005 . ~ ~~b-rð NestorChornobav, M.C.I.P., R. .P,P. . . Director. . Strategic Planning Branch . cc: Legal Department - Cindy Boyd, Solicitor Health Department - Tony Wong, Manger of Environmental Health CitJ¡ (J~ BY-LAWS 6635/06 6636/06 6637/06 6638/06 059 March 6, 2006 A by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 2511, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, being Part of Lot 15, B.F.C. Range 3, (40R06080, Part 5) in the City of Pickering. The purpose and effect of this by-law is to permit outdoor storage associated with a currently permitted use, a roofing supply business office and warehouse. (A 23/05) [Refer to PD 10- 06, Pages 115-153 of Committee Agenda] A by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 27, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, City of Pickering. The purpose and effect of this by-law is to permit development townhouse dwelling units fronting onto Sheppard Avenue. (A 11/05) [Refer to PD 13-06, Pages 154- 178 of Committee Agenda] A by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 4645/95, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham in Block 17, Plan 1827, in the City of Pickering. The purpose and effect of this by-law is to permit the development of 25 units freehold townhouse, common element road condominium. (A 24/05) [Refer to PD 14-06, Pages 179-214 of Committee Agenda] A by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham on South Part of Lot 32, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering. The purpose and effect of this by-law is to coordinate the zoning of two Blocks with zoning of abutting parcels to the south for the development of a townhouse and a detached dwelling, and to rezone two Blocks for open space uses. (A27/05) [Refer to PD 17-06, Pages 247-263 of Committee Agenda] 06,0 6639/06 A by-law to adopt Amendment 15 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering. The purpose and effect of this by-law is to bring the City of Pickering Official Plan into conformity with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area. (OPA 05-001/P) [Refer to PD 07-06, Pages 1-114 of Committee Agenda] 6640106 A by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3037, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham for all lands in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Area in the City of Pickering. (A 16/05) ) [Refer to PD 07-06, Pages 1-114 of the Executive Committee Agenda] 6641/06 A by-law to dedicate that part of Lot 74, Registrar's Compiled Plan No. 1041, Pickering, designated as Part 5, Plan 40R- 23861 and that part of Block 32, Plan 40M-1987, Pickering, designated as Part 8, Plan 40R-23861 as public highway (Grayabbey Court) [This by-law implements conditions of LD 170/04 -172/04] 6642/06 A by-law to regulate the sale and possession of replicas andlor imitations of firearms within the City of Pickering. [This by-law implements Res # 18/06 of the February 20, 2006 Council meeting] [By-law attached for reference] By-law 6640106 (noted above) . In order to address the concerns raised at the February 27,2006 Executive Committee meeting regarding the uncertainty of where the setbacks from a proposed Environmental Protection Zone surrounding a woodland are measured from, an additional provision has been added to the proposed By-law stating that the minimum 30 metre setback is measured from the base of the outermost tree trunks within a woodland. In addition, a definition for a woodland has been added to the proposed by-law to provide further clarification. 061 DRAFT BY-LAW BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE SALE, PURCHASE, POSESSION AND USE OF REPLICA FIREARMS IN THE CITY OF PICKERING O·.6'·~" 0:' '/J ,- THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6642/06 Being a by-law to regulate the sale, purchase, possession and use of replica firearms in the City of Pickering WHEREAS Section 130 of the Municipal Act, 2001 permits municipalities to pass by- laws related to the health, safety and well-being of the inhabitants of the municipality; and WHEREAS Pickering Council has determined that the purchase, sale, possession and use of replicas of firearms are activities that may affect the health, safety and well-being of the inhabitants of the City. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering enacts as follows: Definitions 1. In this by-law, (a) "firearm" means a firearm as defined in section 2 of the Criminal Code (Canada); (b) "identification" means the identification set out in section 5 of the Imitation Firearms Regulation Act, 2002, S.O. 2000, c.37; (c) "person" includes a person as defined in section 29 of the Interpretation Act, RS.O. 1990, c.1.11; (d) "replica firearm" means any device that is not a firearm but is designed or intended to resemble a firearm or could reasonably be mistaken for a firearm, including any device that with limited modification could reasonably be mistaken for a firearm; and (e) "City" means the Corporation of the City of Pickering. General Regulation 2. No person shall purchase, sell, possess or use a replica firearm in the City except in accordance with this by-law. 063 Regulation of Sale 3. No person shall sell a replica firearm to a person who is less than 18 years old. 4. It is a defence to a charge under section 3 that the defendant believed the person purchasing the replica firearm to be at least 18 years old because the person produced identification showing his or her age and there was no apparent reason to doubt the authenticity of the document or that it was issued to the person producing it. 5. No person shall present as evidence of his or her age identification that was not lawfully issued to him or her. Regulation of Purchase 6. No person shall purchase a replica firearm unless that person is 18 years of age or older. Regulation of Possession and Use 7. No person who is less than 18 years old shall possess a replica firearm while on public property or on private property to which the public has general access. 8. No person shall use a replica firearm in a manner that is likely to cause harm or damage to another person or property. 9. No person shall use a replica firearm or imitation firearm in a manner that is likely to instill fear in or intimidate any other person. 10. Any person who is found to be in contravention of section 7, 8 or 9 shall forthwith surrender such replica firearm to the police or to the City. Enforcement 11. The provisions of this by-law may be enforced by a police officer pursuant to subsection 42(1 )(h) of the Police Services Act, RS.O. 1990, c. P.15 and municipal by-law enforcement officers appointed by the City pursuant to subsection 15(1) of the Police Services Act, RS.O. 1990, c. P.15. Offence 12. Every person who contravenes any section of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine or penalty for each offence, exclusive of costs, as prescribed by the Provincial Offences Act, RS.O. 1990, c. P.33. 05,4 Severability 13. If a court of competent jurisdiction should declare any section of this by-law, or part thereof, to be invalid, such section or part of a section shall not be constructed as having persuaded or influenced Council to pass the remainder of this by-law as having being invalid and is hereby declared that the remainder of the by-law shall be valid and shall remain in force. Non-Application 14. This by-law shall not apply to the possession or use of a replica firearm for, or in connection with, the lawful use thereof in motion pictures, television and stage productions, the historical displays or educational programs of a public museum or duly constituted sporting events. Short Title 15. The short title of this by-law shall be the "'Replica Firearm By-law". Date Effective 16. This by-law shall come into effect on the day of its passing. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 6th day of March, 2006. David Ryan, Mayor Debi Bentley, City Clerk Ciú¡ o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday January 25, 2006 7:00 pm Civic Complex - CAO's Boardroom Attendees: Councillor David Pickles Bill Boyes Kelly Collins Stephen Little Lori Murray (New Member) Chris Del Duca (New Member) Prem Noronha-Waldriff Absent: Sandy Stanton 2 new members were welcomed to the Accessibility Advisory Committee: Lori Murray and Chris Del Duca. Each gave a brief introduction. 2.0 2005 - 2006 Annual Accessibilit Plan: - Plan was reviewed and committee given updates. - Prem to e-mail doc. to Committee. Bill Boyes to work on re-formatting to be able to track progress. - Tim Horton's lack of accessibility (at their smaller locations) was discussed. Not meeting City Standards. - Prem to request Planning (Neil Carroll) to contact Tim Horton's and encourage them to update. 3.0 2006 Bud et Priorities: - Committee had no specific suggestions at this time. Would like to review staff suggestions for 2006 Priorities. Discussion on cataloging all items that have been completed, and items still to do. - Chris Del Duca: GO Station has no sidewalks along the side to get out. No pedestrian route (no safe exit). GO station manages that lot. Could be a larger issue with GO Stations. Prem to request GO contact information from Chantal Whittaker. - To follow up directl with GO. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 - Committee supports increase to $50,000 budget allocation. - Councillor Pickles requested that Steve Reynolds flag to Prem N-W if these funds are not going to be there. 4.0 3 Site Plans Plans: - Committee reviewed and commented on 3 Site Plans. 5.0 Other Business: Discussion on City Page I Website posting courtesy reminders regarding Parking; Curb Cut Ramps etc. Public Awareness - i.e. "Don't Park or Block Accessible Parking Spaces. Extend the courtesy of not parking there or ($$$) fines. - Spring - Bike Safety Winter - Snow Safety Stephen Little: Interested in Walking Trails in the City. What are the standards used to define access to the trails? 5.0 22,2006 Meeting Adjourned: 9: 15 pm Copy: Division Head, Culture & Recreation Supervisor, Culture & Recreation (Acting) CORP0228-2/02 Do they have a process to address concerns like this? Prem to submit memo of support to Steve R. cc to T.J. Quinn Prem to send comments back to Planning. Prem to talk to Tina T ays about inserting into Community Page I Website. Prem to invite staff person responsible trails to next meeting. Page 2 Citq o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee February 21,2006 Tower Meeting Room 7:00 pm Attendees: Pamela Fuselli (Chair) Shawna Foxton Karen Emmink Gordon Zimmerman Lynda Goldmintz (Recording Secretary) Absent: John Sabean Brenda Rappos 1.1 Brochure & Loqo Development · Logo was accepted by the Committee - signed off given · Pictures & text is being developed · Will contact Jane Buckles for permission to add line drawings as examples · Logo placement - use as icon located on the brochure back at bottom Shawna will bring a mock up of brochure next meeting 1.2 Heritaqe District Extension & Desiqnations · Pamela will meet with Neil Carroll prior to next Heritage meeting regarding drafting by-laws and advertising 1.3 Committee Membership · Vacancy advertised on February 15 & 22 1 .4 2006 Budqet · City Clerk provided Pamela with a copy of the 2006 Budget · Budget was approved with increase for conference · Pamela distributed a copy to Gordon (Treasurer) 1.5 ORC Database · Inventory reports have been copied and are available for Brenda to use to compare with ORC database listing Karen to place inventory reports in library Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 1.6 CHOIACO Conference · John, Brenda and Shawna are planning to attend 1.7 Class EA Request for Bump Up Letter · The Committee submitted a letter; along with the City of Pickering and Whitevale & District Residents Association other Business 2.1 Whitevale Heritaqe Conservation District Siqns · Couple of signs damaged and one missing · Richard Holborn submitted two examples of possible new signs - not accepted by Committee · The Committee concurred unanimously that white signs would be more appropriate 2.2 Central Pickerinq Development Plans · Central Pickering proposed modification development was discussed · The plan does not address some of the heritage aspects originally emailed to them · Emphasis should be placed on the Cultural landscape (Whitevale and Seaton Trail) The Committee purposed: · Connecting Seaton to Greenwood · Extend arterials by-pass Whitevale · Whites Rd. extension should swing around the knoll, making an underpass · Is it a possibility that developers could be asked to post a bond as a condition of sale when purchasing lands with a Heritage home on it? Gordon thought that Ajax had done this. 2.3 "Last Stand" - Pickerinq Airport Documentary · March 2nd - J.C. Richardson High School · Starts at 7:30 pm; tickets $10.00 · Library will be receiving a copy 2.4 Minister of Transportation - Letter · Lawrence Cannon new Minister · Pamela has drafted letter to new Minister to introduce their views CORP0228-2/02 Pamela to advise WDRA and Richard Holborn re: decision. Pamela to make revisions and send to committee for comment - deadline for submission is March 3rd Pamela to let Gordon Willson know. Pamela to send copy of letter to members. Page 2 2.5 Cherry wood Blacksmith House · This is the only designated house in Cherrywood · A concerned resident contacted Pamela regarding the renovations which have taken place · Owners want to put on addition · A deck and various other renovations have taken place The Committee would like to review the following: · Designation report/current by-law - Debi Bentley . Is the work legitimate? · Check zoning and building permit - Pam will talk with Tim Moore 2.6 Land Reqistry Office Fees - Waiver · Letter should be coming soon from the Ministry of Culture 2.7 CV Kim Leqate · Committee will keep her in mind for future projects 2.8 House Plans - Altona & Whitvale Roads · Committee reviewed pre-consultation plans for proposed house to be built on the corner of Altona and Whitevale Roads. 3. New Business · List of consultants were handed out by Gord Next Meetin . March 21st, 2006 at 7:00 pm in the Tower Room Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 pm Copy: Mayor Ryan Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads CORP0228-2/02 Debi Bentley to supply current by-law Pamela to talk with Tim Moore Pamela to forward comments to Tim Moore Page 3