HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 08-06 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 08-06 Date: February 27, 2006 From: Everett Buntsma Director Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan Request for Proposal Professional Engineeering Services RFP-13-2005 File: A-2130 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 08-06 regarding the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan, Hequest for Proposal for professional engineering services be received; 2. That the Proposal RFP-13-:2005 submitted by Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited to develop a Stormwater Management Master Plan for Frenchman's Bay be accepted; 3. That the total project cost of $144,855 including the proposal amount, project management services and other associated project costs identified in the report be approved. 4. That staff at the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: At the Council Meeting of October 17, 2005 Resolution #181/05 was passed authorizing City of Pickering staff, in conjunction with TRCA staff to issue an Expression of Interest to qualified consulting firms to provide professional services for the development of a Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan. Staff were also authorized to short list the interested firms to a maximum of four firms and issue a Request for Proposal. A Request for Proposal for Prequalification of Professional Engineering Services, Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan was issued as RFP-11-2005 and resulted in eight firms responding. An advertisement was placed on the OPBA, Bid Navigator and City Website. The selection committee evaluated the submissions and issued RFP-13-2005 Request for Proposal - Professional Engineering Services, Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan to the four firms that were rated the highest, based on the evaluation criteria and results of the evaluations. The final proposals from the four firms were received January 16, 2006, reviewed and evaluated by the selection comm¡¡ttee and each firm provided a presentation on February 15, 2006 as part of the overall evaluation. The selection committees' Q6~ (." '\) Report OES 08-06 Subject: Date: February 27, 2006 Page 2 unanimous decision was to recommE!nd the firm of Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited having received the highest score in the evaluation. Financial Implications: 1. PROPOSAL AMOUNT RFP-13-2005 Labour Disbursements GST Subtotal GST Rebate Total $111,905 4,450 8,145 $124,500 (8,145) $116,355 2. APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS 2005 Stormwater Management Budget 2410-6181 and 2410-6182 Description Project Code Source of Funds Budget Environmental Assessment for the Krosno Creek 05-~~41 0-005-04 Watercourse Easement Settlement Agreement Reserve $45,000 Frenchman's Bay Rehabilitation - Phase I 05-:;!41 0-005-03 Environmental Assessment Capital Paid from Property Taxes $100,000 FUNDS AVAILABLE $145,000 3.ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTING SUMMARY RFP-13-2005 Project Management Services (Gartner Lee Limited) Krosno & Pine Creek Gauge Maintenance, Calibration and Flow Data Evaluation Contingency Subtotal GST Total (Gross) Project Cost GST Rebate Total (Net) Project Cost $116,355 15,000 10,000 3.500 144,855 10,140 154,995 (10,140) $144,855 CORP0227-07/01 96· C) I.. \ Report OES 08-06 Subject: Date: February 27, 2006 Page 3 4. I Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds $145\ The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and concurs. Background: Council Resolution #181/05 at the regular meeting of October 17, 2005 authorized staff to commence a process to select a consulting firm to develop the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Mana~Jement Master Plan. The Master Plan will satisfy a minimum of the first two phases of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process and include public contact and consultation. City staff, TRCA staff and the project manager from Gartner Lee Limited prepared an Expression of Interest document which formulated a Request for Proposal for Prequalification of Professional En~lineering Services, RFP-11-2005 which closed on November 14, 2005. Eight submissions were received from the following firms. 1. Aquafor Beech 2. Marshall Macklin Monaghan 3. Phillips Engineering 4. Sabourin Kimble & Associates 5. Sernas Associates 6. The Municipal Infrastructure Group 7. Trow 8. TSH Engineers A selection committee consisting of two staff from the Municipal Property & Engineering Division, two staff from Supply ,& Services, one staff from Toronto & Region Conservation and the project Mana~ler from Gartner Lee met on November 29, 2005 to discuss and evaluate the prequalification submissions. The selection committee rated the submissions from the following four firms the highest and they were subsequently invited to submit proposals to provide professional engineering services through RFP- 13-2005. 1. Aquafor Beach 2. TSH Engineers 3. Philips Engineering 4. Marshall Macklin Monaghan RFP-13-2005 was an invitation to the four pre-qualified consulting firms to submit detailed proposals for the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan. The terms of reference contained more specific mandatory submission requirements, and the evaluation criteria to be used to rate the proposals. All four consulting firms submitted proposals by the closing date of January 16, 2006. CORP0227-07/01 '16"'1 l. . . ( Report OES 08-06 Subject: Date: February 27,2006 Page 4 The selection committee met on FHbruary 9, 2006 to score the proposals, with the exception of marking them for pr,esentations. Questions were prepared for the upcoming presentations that were held on February 15, 2006. The selection committee felt it would be valuable to have the representative from the City's Waterfront Coordinating Committee who will sit on the Master Plan's Steering Committee attend the presentations. The representative was given a copy of the four proposals and was actively involved in the presentation process. It should be noted, however, that the Waterfront Coordinating Committee representative was not a participant in the scoring of the presentation or the proposals, or asked to provide a recommendation. All four proposals and presentations were professionally done and were of high quality. It was the selection committees' unanimous choice to recommend acceptance of the proposal which scored the highest, submitted by Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited to develop the Frenchman's Bay Storrnwater Management Master Plan with a budget of $116,355 plus GST. Copies of the evaluation summaries for the prequalification process under RFP-11- 2005 and the request for proposal process RFP-13-2005 are attached to this report for reference. Upon approval of Pickering Council to retain Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited, the Master Plan will commence and is anticipated to be complete by December 2006. Included in the project cost is $10,000 to undertake maintenance and calibration of the two stream gauges in Krosno Creek and Pine Creek, and to establish a stage-discharge relationship based on the date collected over the years. This will provide valuable background information to the Master Plan undertaking for these creeks. This work will be undertaken by Ontario Hydrometric Services Ltd., who installed the gauges and have been collecting the information on a monthly basis. Attachments: 1. RFP-11-2005 Evaluation Summary of Average Total Scores 2. RFP-13-2005 Evaluation Summary of Average Total Scores CORP0227-07/01 ')6;~ Report OES 08-06 Subject: Date: February 27, 2006 Page 5 Prepared By: Vera A. Fel emacher Manager, Supply & Services RH:ds Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer A 4 0iThomas J. CORP0227-07/01 Everett B Director Operations & Emergency Services RFP-11-2005 i::rTACHMEN'T t.¡..,.,j (.1 REPORTtêQ.fS."Og-O(Ó _L ())--1--, ?6',9 ,.,,, Evaluation Prequalification of Professional Engineering Services Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan I Committee Member I Company Name I #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Average Ranking Score Aquafor Beech 85 100 100 90 93 84 92 1 TSH Engineers 79 96 93 82 77 85 85.3 2 Philips Engineering 73 97 97 75 84 82 84.7 3 Marshall Macklin Monaghan 74 88 95 82 83 85 84.5 4 I Sernas Associates 79 91 92 76 65 75 79.7 5 I Sabourin Kimble & Associates 66 90 82 75 60 70 73.8 6 -- Trow 70 80 88 66 55 64 70.5 7 The Municipal Infrastructure Group 67 85 74 62 55 70 68.8· 8 Summary IDf avera~e total scores Date - November 29, 2005 Evaluation Committee Members: ~~~ / /)" / '^ - V. Felgemather .....-.... . ',s' . OES Og-Q(Ó tr,' 7''''¡ Request for Proposal NCI. RFP-13-2005 ,;i» / ",",;ACH!1EI\¡, "z, -l, '.,¡ ,..L..>,~_, \...; L" Professionêll Engineering Services Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan Evaluation Summary - AveraQe Total Scores February 15, 2006 Company Name Committee Member #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Average Ranking Score Aquafor Beech Limited 72 76 75 85 73 67 75 2 Marshall Macklin Monaghan 84 80 75 86 90 77 82 1 Limited Philips Engineering Ltd. 67 63 69 80 71 53 67 4 TSH Engineers Architects 66 75 70 82 74 73 73 3 Planners Evaluation Committee Members: ,City f Pickering - '-i3L ~ ~ (" "J~ - D. Dunn, Citý-e.f-f?ie 'ng U{1i,::{ lA. ~~,: M. Gadsovski - T CA æ~rLee