HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 07-06 From: SUBJECT: REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 001 Report Number: PO 07-06 Date: February 27,2006 Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-001/P Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/05 Amending By-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037 City Initiated: Oak Ridges Moraine Conformity Exercise City of Pickering 1. Recommendation: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. That Council RECEIVE Report PO 07-06 on Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-001/P (now Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan), and Zoning By-law Amendment Application 16/05, City Initiated: Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Conformity Amendments; (a) That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-001/P, initiated by the City of Pickering, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area, be APPROVED as set out in Exhibit "A" to Appendix I to Report PO 07-06; That the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, be FORWARDED for enactment to Council as set out in Appendix I to Report PO 07-06; That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/05, initiated by the City of Pickering, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area, be APPROVED as set out in Appendix II to Report PO 07-06; That the amending by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037, as amended, to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, be FORWARDED for enactment to Council as set out in Appendix II to Report PO 07-06; That the Oak Ridges Moraine Conformity Amendments, Amendment 15 and the amending by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037, be FORWARDED for approval by the City Clerk to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing; That Council ADOPT Informational Revision 13 as set out in Appendix III to Report PO 07-06 for inclusion in the Pickering Official Plan; That Council request the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to RESOLVE Deferrals 28 and 34 relating to the proposed Rural Hamlet designation and settlement policies for Altona and approve the Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage Area and Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside land use designations recommended in Amendment 15; (b) (a) (b) Date: February 27, 2006 0 0 ~eport PO 07-06 Subject: Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Amending By-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037 Page 2 7. That Council direct staff to update the City's Municipal Tree Protection By-law to reflect the natural features within the Oak Ridges Moraine, and that staff initiate a review of the existing Fill and Topsoil Disturbance By-law to determine whether new provisions for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine are required; That Council refer the request of Peter Wood, to further review the proposed Old Brock Road and Uxbridge-Townline Road realignment as shown on Schedule IV-10 - Settlement 10: Claremont and Area - North Section of the Pickering Official Plan, to be considered as part of the next Official Plan review; 8. 9. That the City Clerk FORWARD a copy of Report PO 07-06 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Region of Durham, the Town of Markham, the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, the Township of Uxbridge, the Township of Scugog, the Town of Whitby, and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Executive Summary: The Province, through legislation, approved the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan to guide land use on the Oak Ridge Moraine. The Provincial Plan is an ecologically-based plan to provide protection of key natural features and water resources on the Moraine. Municipalities are required to implement the Plan through their planning documents and when making decisions on development applications within the Moraine. The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing is the approval authority for the Oak Ridges Moraine conforming amendments. The recommended amendments to the Pickering Official Plan and Zoning By-law 3037 implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP). The main elements of the ORMCP have been integrated into the existing framework of the Official Plan including the Oak Ridges Moraine boundary and land use designations on the schedules. In addition, three new schedules have been added to reflect the Oak Ridges Moraine aquifer vulnerability, landform conservation areas, and natural features and hydrologically sensitive features. New Oak Ridges Moraine zoning categories and provisions that implement the new Official Plan designations are proposed for inclusion in Zoning By-law 3037. Wherever possible, the permitted uses proposed under the Oak Ridges Moraine zoning categories remain the same as the uses currently permitted in By-law 3037. Minor changes to the zone requirements and general definitions have been included to reflect the ORMCP. In addition, uses that legally existed on November 15, 2001 have been recognized. It is therefore recommended that Council adopt the amendments to the Pickering Official Plan and Zoning By-law 3037 to implement the ORMCP and forward the conforming ORM amendments to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval, and that Council adopt Informational Revision 13 to the Pickering Official Plan. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City. Report PO 07-06 Date: February 27, 2006 On'Î UJ Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Amending By-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037 Page 3 BACKGROUND 1.0 Municipalities are required to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan In December 2001, the Province of Ontario passed the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, (2001) and subsequently released the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP) in April 2002. Under the Act, municipalities are required to implement the Plan through their planning documents and when making decisions on development applications within the Moraine. The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has established March 31,2006 as the final deadline for the City to adopt official plan and zoning conformity amendments. If the amendments are adopted before the March deadline, the Minister's decision regarding the amendments is not appealable to the Ontario Municipal Board. PUBLIC CONSULTATION 2.0 Information Sessions and Statutory Public Information Meeting Held In April 2003, City staff along with its consultant Meridian Planning held a Public Open House and an Information Session at the Claremont Community Centre. Information regarding the implementation of the ORMCP and the implications on future land use for the lands affected by the Moraine was outlined and discussed. A formal Statutory Public Information Meeting was held on June 9, 2005, at the Claremont Community Centre. Information Report No. 12-05 provided the background and overview of the proposed land use designations and policies of the Pickering Official Plan, and new zoning by-law categories and provisions in By-law 3037 (see Attachment #1 - Text of Information Report). 2.1 Comments Received Approximately 35 to 40 people attended the Statutory Public Information Meeting. Questions were asked regarding the impact of the proposed Oak Ridges Moraine designations and zones on various properties (see Attachment #2 - Meeting Minutes). A total of three submissions through letters and emails were received from the public on the proposed Amendments (see Attachments #3 to #5). The City's response to all oral and written submissions is provided in the attached chart (see Attachment #6). Agency comments received indicated no objections to the proposed Amendments (see Attachments #7 and #8). Report PO 07-06 004- Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Amending By-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037 Date: February 27,2006 Page 4 DISCUSSION 3.0 The City's Oak Ridges Moraine Conforming Amendments to both the Official Plan and Zoning By-law 3037 implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Provisions The conformity amendment to the Pickering Official Plan includes the following schedule and policy revisions: . adds the legislated Oak Ridges Moraine boundary; . replaces the existing land use designations for all lands within the Moraine to reflect the ORMCP designations; . adds three new schedules and policies relating to aquifer vulnerability, landform conservation, and natural features and hydrological sensitive features; . the minor rounding-out of the hamlet boundary of Claremont to include an area of land north of Centre Street, west of the Brock Road By-pass; . deletes the "deferred" Rural Hamlet designation of Altona and related polices as Altona is not recognized as a settlement area in the ORMCP; . adds a new table relating to key natural heritage features, minimum areas of influence, and minimum vegetation protections zones; . adds a policy requiring development proposals in the Oak Ridges Moraine to obtain site plan approval. Agriculture and conservation uses would bß exempt from site plan control, and residential development of one or two dwelling units per lot may be exempt from site plan control if the development does not have an adverse impact of the ecological integrity of the Oak Ridges Moraine; and . adds a policy requiring second detached dwellings for housing farm help to be temporary, mobile or portable. The amendment to By-law 3037 includes: . new Oak Ridges Moraine zone categories and provisions; . new definitions for terms not currently defined; . general provisions to continue the use of any land, building or structure that was lawfully used on November 15, 2001; . zoning the environmental features identified in the ORMCP a non-development category; . special zoning to recognize existing legal uses such as the Altona Mennonite Church and Cemetery, the Stouffville Christian School, Claremont Union Cemetery and the Heather Glen Golf Course; and . new provisions requiring a second detached dwelling accessory to an agricultural operation to be temporary and capable of complete removal within 48 hours if requested by the City, and requiring all temporary dwellings to be located within 50 metres of the main dwelling on the property. Date: February 27, 2006 Report PO 07-06 Of) :.~. Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Amending By-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037 Page 5 3.1 4.0 4.1 4.2 The Minor Rounding-out of the Hamlet Boundary of Claremont to include a residual parcel of land abutting existing development on the east side of Claremont is appropriate The ORMCP permits, as part of the conformity exercise, the minor rounding-out of hamlet boundaries. However, once the boundary for any existing hamlets within the Oak Ridges Moraine have been established through the Official Plan Amendment, any future expansion of these areas will not be permitted until the next Provincial review of the ORMCP in ten years. The City is taking advantage of the ORMCP provision for a minor expansion of the hamlet boundary of Claremont. A residual parcel of land located north of Central Street (Regional Road 5) between the Brock Road By-pass and the existing hamlet boundary has been included for minor rounding-out. This limited expansion is consistent with the previous Development Plan (1985) for Claremont that included this area within the hamlet boundary. Development potential is constrained by natural heritage features that dominate the northern portion of the site. In addition, detailed reports in support of development applications will be required prior to any development proceeding. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Informational Revisions to the Pickering Official Plan are included to provide clarity to the new Oak Ridges Moraine designations and policies To complement and assist users with understanding the changes to the Official Plan text and schedules, revisions to the maps, explanatory text, and sidebars are recommended. These revisions are detailed in Appendix III to this Report. It is recommended that Council adopt Informational Revision 13 for inclusion in the Pickering Official Plan. An update to the City's Tree Protection By-law and review of the existing Fill and Topsoil Disturbance By-law are required for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine An update to the City's Municipal Tree Protection By-law and associated screening map is required in order to ensure the by-law accurately reflects, and provides for the protection of, the natural features within the Oak Ridges Moraine. In addition, a review of the City's existing Fill and Topsoil Disturbance By-law is required in order to determine whether new provisions are required regarding minor site alterations on lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine. 0 0 E~eport PO 07-06 Date: February 27, 2006 Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Amending By-law to amend Zoning By-law 3037 Page 6 APPENDICIES: I: Draft By-law to adopt Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan (Amendment included as Exhibit "A" to By-law) Draft Zoning By-law Amendments to Zoning By-law 3037 Informational Revision No. 13 to the Pickering Official Plan II: III: Attachments: 1. Text of Information Report No. 12-05 2. Minutes from June 9, 2005 Statutory Public Information Meeting Public Comments: 3. Durward Smith (received June 14, 2005) 4. Richard Palkowski (received June 20, 2005) 5. James Doyle (received June 21,2005) 6. Summary of Public Comments and City Response Agency Comments: 7. Bell Canada (received June 21,2005) 8. Greater Toronto Airports Authority (received July 5, 2005) Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: c~ A o~~ Carla Pierini - Planner II Neil Carr II, , RPP Director, anning & Development ~~ Catherine L. Rose, MCIP, RPP Manager, Policy GM:CP:ld Attachments APPENDIX I TO REPORT PD 07-06 DRAFT BY-LAW TO ADOPT AMENDMENT 15 TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN 007 003 mE CORPORATION OF}Ji~_~~OF PICKERING ,.',:,\ :' . ",': if BY-LAW NO¡ ",.,..,., .,) . ~,)¡ " Being a By-law to adopt Amendment 15 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering (OPA 05-001/P) WHEREAS pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.p. 13, subsections 17(22) and 21 (1), the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering may by by-law adopt amendments to the Official Plan for the area of the City within the Oak Ridges Moraine; WHEREAS pursuant to the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, R.S.O. 2001, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is the approval authority for the City's conforming amendments to the Official Plan if adopted prior to March 31,2006; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan for the City of Pickering, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", is hereby adopted; 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval, Amendment 15 together with any documentation required by the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, R.S.O. 2001; 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2006. day of David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk Exhibit "A" to By-law AMENDMENT 15 TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN 00;'; 010 AMENDMENT 15 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: LOCATION: BASIS: The purpose of this amendment is to bring the City of Pickering Official Plan (1997), as amended, into conformity with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (Ontario Regulation 140/02) as required by the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, 2001. The main elements of the ORMCP have been integrated into the existing framework of the Official Plan including the Oak Ridges Moraine boundary and land use designations on the schedules. In addition, three new schedules have been added to reflect the Oak Ridges Moraine natural features and hydrologically sensitive features, aquifer vulnerability, and landform conservation areas. Also, the Amendment resolves Deferrals 28 and 34 to the Pickering Official Plan relating to the deferred lands designated Rural Hamlet for Altona and the related settlement policies. This Amendment affects all lands located within the City of Pickering defined by the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (Ontario Regulation 01/02). Lands affected include Concession 8, Part of Lots A, 1,2,12,13-35 and Concession 9, all of Lots A, 15-27,32, 33,35, and Part of Lots 1-14, 28-31,34. On December 14, 2001, the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, 2001 received Royal Assent and was deemed to have come into force on November 16, 2001. The legislation provides for the establishment of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan by Regulation. On April 22, 2002, Ontario Regulation 140/02 - the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, was filed and deemed to come into effect on November 16, 2001. The Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan establishes a policy framework for protecting the ecological integrity of the Oak Ridges Moraine. Municipal Official Plans are required to conform to the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. Page 2 Oil Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan The Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1. Amending Schedule I - Land Use Structure by: . adding the boundary of the Oak Ridges Moraine, and adding "Oak Ridges Moraine Boundary" to the Land Use Structure legend; deleting the Rural Study Areas boundary line around the rural settlement of Claremont in its entirety, and around the rural settlement of Balsam where that line is within the Oak Ridges Moraine Boundary; resolving Deferral 34 by deleting the deferred "Rural Hamlet" designation and the word "Altona"; deleting the "Rural duster" designation located at the northeast corner of Regional Road 5 and Sideline 16 and the words "and .Area" after the word "daremont"; deleting the "E4" symbol located on the west side of Regional Road 23, north of Regional Road 5; designating lands within the boundary of the Oak Ridges Moraine from "Agricultural Areas", "Natural Areas", "Active Recreational .Areas", "Rural Clusters", and "Rural Hamlets", to: 0 "Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside 0 Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage .Areas 0 Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Core .Areas 0 Oak Ridges Moraine Rural Hamlets"; and adding the "Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside, Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage Areas, Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Core Areas, and Oak Ridges Moraine Rural Hamlets" designations to the Land Use Structure legend; as illustrated on Schedule 'A' attached to this Amendment. Amending Schedule II - Transportation System by: . deleting the word "Altona"; . deleting the words "and Area" after the word "daremont"; . adding the boundary of the Oak Ridges Moraine; and . adding "Oak Ridges Moraine Boundary" to the Transportation System Legend; as illustrated on Schedule 'B' attached to this Amendment. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: 2. 3. . . . . . . Amending Schedule III - Resource Management by: . deleting the word "Altona"; . deleting the words "and Area" after the word "daremont"; . revising the boundary of the Oak Ridges Moraine; and . deleting the "Shorelines and Stream Omi.dors", "Envirorunentally Significant Areas", and "Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest" designations for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine boundary; as illustrated on Schedule 'C' attached to this Amendment. 0 12Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Amending Schedule IV - 10, Settlement 10: Claremont and Area- South Section by: . minor rounding out of the hamlet boundary to include an area of land north of Regional Road 5, west of the Brock Road By-pass and establish "Hamlet Residential" designation within the area of minor rounding out; deleting the words "and Area" after the word "Oaremont" in the title; adding the boundary of the Oak Ridges Moraine; and adding "Oak Ridges Moraine Boundary" to the Legend; . . . as illustrated on Schedule 'D' attached to this Amendment. Amending Schedule IV - 10, Settlement 10: Claremont and Area- North Section by: . minor rounding out of the hamlet boundary to include an area of land north of Regional Road 5, west of the Brock Road By-pass and establish "Hamlet Residential" and "Natural Areas" designations within the area of minor rounding out; refining the "Natural Areas" boundary for an area of land located west of Brock Road, north of Hoxton Street; deleting the "Ouster Residential" designation on the lands east of Sideline 16, north of Regional Road 5; deleting the "Ouster Residential" designation from the Legend; deleting the words "and Area" after the word "Oaremont" in the title; adding the boundary of the Oak Ridges Moraine; and adding "Oak Ridges Moraine Boundary" to the Legend; . . . . . . as illustrated on Schedule 'E' attached to this Amendment. Amending Schedule IV - 11, Settlement 11: Spring Creek by adding a line identified as "Oak Ridges Moraine Boundary" and by adding "Oak Ridges Moraine Boundary" to the Legend as illustrated on Schedule 'F' attached to this Amendment. Amending Schedule IV - 12, Settlement 12: Balsam by adding a line identified as "Oak Ridges Moraine Boundary" and by adding "Oak Ridges Moraine Boundary" to the Legend as illustrated on Schedule 'G' attached to this Amendment. Deleting Schedule IV - 13, Settlement 13: Altona and renumbering Schedule IV - 14, Settlement 14: Forest Creek Estates to Schedule IV - 13, Settlement 13: Forest Creek Estates as illustrated on Schedule 'H' attached to this Amendment. Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 4 013 9. Adding Schedules to the Official Plan as follows: . Schedule V - Oak Ridges Moraine Key Natural Features and Hydrologically Sensitive Features; . Schedule VI - Oak Ridges Moraine Aquifer Vulnerability; and . Schedule VII - Oak Ridges Moraine Landform Conservation Areas; as illustrated on Schedules 'I', 'J', and 'K' attached to this Amendment. 10. Amending the text of the Official Plan as follows: 10.1 Amending section 2.28 - Identifying Rural Settlements by adding the words "Oak Ridges Moraine Rural HallÙets" as follows; "2.28 City Council shall identify within its rural area, concentrations of rural housing as either Rural HallÙets, Oak Ridges Moraine Rural HallÙets, Rural Ousters or Country ResidentiaL"; 10.2 Amending section 2.30 - Priority Rural Settlements for New Growth by deleting the reference to Claremont in subsection (a), and renumbering the existing subsections (b), (c) and (d) to (a), (b) and (c) as follows: "2.30 In preparing Rural Settlement Plans, and in accordance with the overall rural growth targets identified in section 2.22, City Council shall consider the following Rural Settlements as priority locations for growth, (a) W ill W Oaremont; Greenwood; Kinsale; and Balsam;"; 10.3 Amending section 2.32 - Minor Expansions for Growth Hamlets Without Amendment by deleting the reference to Claremont as follows: "2.32 Despite section 2.31, City Council may pennit without amendment to this Plan, minor expansions to the hallÙets of Oaremont, Greenwood, Kinsale and Balsam, providing, (a) (b) (c) ... , ... ; and ". ... , 014 Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 5 10.4 Amending Table 2 by adding "Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Core Areas", "Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage Areas", "Oak Ridges Moraine Rural Hamlets" to the Land Use Subcategories, and by adding the "Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside" Land Use Category after the Agricultural Areas column so that it now reads as follows: ........................................................................................................................................................................,............'........................................................................................................................,................ TABLE 2 r"""'" ,...... "LAND 'ij ši:"" """""""'T""""""" ouiË ÏUA'FO i"ï)E iïÙlliÏNÏNG"" ,...,.... T""" ........ LANo"usE" SUBCA ïi mRïË's""""""'" ¡ l.................. ~ ~~, ~ ~ Y.................. L................ ...'.............. ~,~,<?\:!.~ ,~~.~,~.................................. ..1............................... ...................................... .................................. ...........".. ¡ Open Space System ¡ The area's ability to withstand human ¡ Natural Areas ' , ¡ activity without impairing significant i Active Recreational Areas ~ ecological functions or endangering ~ Marina Areas i human life/property and locations i Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Core ¡ within the Oak Ridges Moraine ¡ Areas , ¡ ¡ Oak Ridges Moraine Natural ¡ .........,L..............................................................................,...................................,....1...~~~~!,~....~,~~..,.........,.................................................,........] ~ The location, scale and relative number ~ Local Nodes ! i of people served by the Mixed Use Area i Community Nodes ' ¡ ~ Mixed Corridors ¡ Specialty Retailing Node " ¡ Downtown Core ["'Regi õ na f Node š"""""""'" ¡"'ïbe'inteïiëïe,f(ö cuš'" ä n;:{ ïnix "õrüsë 'š" ;ïn<fT"Regiõnär N'õ,ië'" f"""""""""""""""""'" ............................ ~ ~ activities in the node ~ ! r"Empïõyme'iït"Arëas""""r"ïbe""inte'ndë(f"~ix"'oruses~"'operäriõïiärr'Genernf'EïnpÏõyment"""""""""""""""""""""""""') ¡ ¡ requirements, and design/petfonnance i Prestige Employment l........................,...."........................... 'standards of the area ........,.............................................l...~~~~4...~~P~(),,~~,':l.~............,................................... ¡ Uman Residential The minimum and maximum number ¡ Low Density Areas , Areas ¡ of residential dwellings pennissible in ~ Medium Density Areas , the a~~....................................,............................,................................1...:E:!~g,~..Pt:,':l.~,i.t:y..~.:1.~.................... ............................. The relative size, mix of uses, and ~ Country Residential ¡ character of the settlement and locations ¡ Rural Clusters ¡ within the Oak Ridges Moraine ¡ Rural Hamlets , ~ ~ Oak Ridges Moraine Rural Hamlets ~ ~ Freeways ä'nd"Maj'or"' "'ïbe""""'õppõrtïïï1ity:"""'"tõ""""ãc'ë'õïñïñõdäte"'r'ï>õtenriä'l MïïÏri~Üš'e"Areäš"""""""""""""""""""'1 ~ Utilities ! additional uses or activities in the area! Controlled Access Areas ¡ t:::~~~ ~ii~~,~:t~:~ ~::: :::::::t:~~~::~pp~~:~:~þ~~::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::: :::: :::::::::,::::: :::::::: ::::::::::::::::::t:::~?: :i~Þ:~ ~~:~~ ~ ~:~::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::J i Oak Ridges : not applicable i no subcategories ¡ ¡M~~ ¡ i ~ Count!:)':side ~ ! ¡"'Seatö'n Url)an"Stlïdy""' ""not"äppïië'ähÏe""""""""""""""""""""'".......... """""""""""f"""no"š'ïïhëãteiiorië'š""""""""" : Area ¡ i r'" þ'öie'iïtiafAiïp 0 rt" ......... ""I"'no t 'ä ppïië'ähÏe"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ...... """"rno" š'ïïhë ã teiio ri ë'š ,.................. ........................ ,...... l..,~,~~~......,.................................,...........,..,L....................,......,.................................................................................................1.................................................................................,.................,.,.. ¡ Study .Areas ¡ The location of the area, either urban or ~ Urban Study Areas : l........................,............................................L..~,~~..............................................,...............,..,........,.................,...............L..~~.~~..~.~.~Y.,~~,~...................................,..........................: >"'Mi~edijšë"Arëas"" ¡ Rural Settlements Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 6 015 10.5 Amending section 3.5 - Open Space System by adding the words "and Natural Core Areas and Natural Linkage Areas on the Oak Ridges Moraine" to subsection (a), deleting the word "and" at the end of subsection (a), deleting the period and adding a semi-colon at the end of subsection (b), and adding new subsections (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) as follows: "3.5 City Council, (a) shall recognize as Open Space System on Schedule I, the City's valley and stream conidors; shorelines; environmentally significant areas; areas of natural and scientific interest; wedands; significant forested areas; major parks, recreational and consetVation areas; major open space linkages, and other major blocks of land comprising natural core areas and conidors, and Natural Core Areas and Natural Linkage Areas on the Oak Ridges Moraine; ami (b) W ... ~ shall recognize as Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Core Areas on Schedule I. in accordance with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. lands with a high concentration of key natural heritage features. hydrologically sensitive features or landfonn conservation areas: shall recognize that the purpose of the Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Core Areas is to maintain and where possible. improve or restore the ecological integrity of the Moraine. and where possible. improve or restore the health. diversity and size of key natural heritage features. hydrologically sensitive features and the related ecological functions: within the Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Core Areas. ill shall require pennitted uses to be compatible with their su1T(mndings: and (ii) shall require studies in accordance with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan to support applications for development or site alteration. which identify planning. design and constmction practices that demonstrate that no buildings or other site alterations impede the movement of plants and animals among key natural heritage features. hydrologically sensitive features and adjacent lands: @ w 0 16 Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 7 ill shall recognize as Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage Areas on Schedule I. in accordance with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. lands identified as being part of a regional-scale open space conidor system that support or have the potential to support the movement of plants and animals among the Natural Core Areas. river valleys and stream conidors: shall recognize that the purpose of the Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage Areas is to maintain and where possible. improve or restore. the ecological integrity of the Moraine. and where possible. to improve or restore the open space linkages between key natural heritage features. river valleys and stream conidors: and within the Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage Areas. ill shall require that pennitted uses to be compatible with their sUlTOundings: and (ill will require that. within the Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage Areas. every application or site alteration shall be supported by infonnation which identifies planning. design and construction practices that demonstrate that no buildings or other site alterations impede the movement of plants and animals among key natural heritage features. hydrologically sensitive features and adjacent lands within Natural Core Areas and Natural Linkage Areas."; w ill Amending Table 3 by adding two new subcategories with lists of permissible uses for "Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Core Areas" and "Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage Areas" after the Marina Areas column so that it now reads as follows: 10.6 Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 8 017 ,....................................................................................................................................................................,...............................................................,......................................................................, TABLE 3 ,..............,.........................,..................,..,.........................,...............,........................,........................,..,.................................,........................................................,....,...................,........................., " . .' . : Open Space! Pennissible Uses I System ¡ (Restrictions and limitations on the uses pennissible, arising from other policies of ¡ Sub c a ~ ~~ ~.............. ¡ ....................................................... ~.~...~.l~~.:..~..~~ ..~~ ~~l~~ ,~~.. ~~~,~~.. ~ ~~~~ ~~.~!............ ......... .......... ................. ........1 Natural Areas i Conservation, environmental protection, restoration, education, passive i i recreation, and similar uses; ! ¡ Agricultural uses outside of valley and stream corridors, wetlands, j I environmentally significant areas, and areas of natural and scientific I I interest; I ¡ Existing lawful residential dwellings; a new residential dwelling on a vacant i , ..........................L.~~,~~..................................................................................................................................................................................................... I j Active ¡ All uses pennissible in Natural Areas; ~ Recreational Areas j Ac . . I . d I I d th I d '............................... .................... ...... ............I...........~~~...~~,~ ~ ~,~ ~~ ..'. ..~,~ ~ ~~,~.. ~~.... ..~, ~ ..~,~..., ~,~~, ~,'.. ~,~......~...... ,~,~..~.. ~,~.... ..~,~ ~,~,:.... ........., ¡ Marina Areas ! All uses pennissible in Natural Areas and Active Recreational Areas; ! Marinas, yacht clubs and ancillary uses; , ¡ Marina supportive uses, restaurants, limited retail uses; limited residential ¡ ! uses in conjunction with marinas and yacht clubs; , i Aquaculture and other related uses. ..,....................................."""".......... ¡ Oak Ridges i Moraine Natural , Core Areas j Conservation. environmental protection. restoration. educatIOn low. i i inte",i\)' recreational uses, and sinlliae uses; '. i i I Unserviced parks: j ¡ ¡ Agricultural uses. including fann vacation homes. outside of valley and ¡ ¡ j stream corridors. wetlands. environmentally significant areas. and areas of ¡ I I natural and scientific interest; ! ! ! Transportation. infrastructure. and utilities: ' ¡ ¡ Existing lawful residential dwellings: a new residential dwelling on a vacant ¡ lill; . I I Home business. home industries. and bed and breakfast establishments. ¡ r "'~k";¡d~ ~.~ """""""""""""'l"~~'~~~~" ~~:~~~~ ~ ~~ ..¡~. ~~.. ~k';¡ ~ ~~ ~...~~.: ~~~. ~:~~~..~~.. ~.~:.;............ """"""'1 j Moraine Natural j ¡ i Linkage Areas i Mineral aggregate operations and wayside pits. ,.....................................................................,...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................ Fish. wildlife and forest management; 0 18Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 9 10.7 Amending Table 11 by adding a new "Oak Ridges Moraine Rural Hamlets" subcategory with associated development and growth characteristics after the Rural Hamlets column so that it now reads as follows: ."...................................................................................................................................................................................................................."""""""""""""""""",,"""""""""""""""""""""""'. . . . . . . . . : TABLE 11 : . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .' . .' . .' . .' . .' . ¡ Rural Settlements ¡ Development and Growth Characteristics ¡ . Subcategory ¡ ¡ . . ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. . . . . . . I Omntry Residential I Large lot residential subdivisions on an internal road with no growth : :................................................................................,....~.~~.~~.~.~:................................................................................................................................. ..............................................1 . Rural Ousters i Distinct groupings of non-fann residential development, usually along i i, ¡ or beside an existing road, which may also include existing community, i I cultural and recreational uses; ¡ ¡ Growth potential limited to infilling and minor extension of one lot i .............................. ...,.. ..~i.~.i.~.. ~~.. ~~. ~.~l~~.~ ~ ~.. ~ ~ ~~.~~. ~ ~.~~~~.?'~.......... ...................... ............ ..................................................' Rural Hamlets ! Settlements with historic roots as social and service centres for the : i surrounding area, pennitting a variety of uses including residential, i : employment, commercial, community, cultural and recreational uses; . i.......................... .................... ...................... ............ L..~ ~~~.?'..~~.~.~~.. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~~.. ~.~~..~.~.~.. ~~ ~~.l ~~. ~.~.~ ~ ..i.~.. ~.~~ ..~~.~~..................................... . ! Oak Ridges Moraine! Settlements located on the Oak Ridges Moraine with historic roots as : i Rural Hamlets ¡ social and service centres for the surrounding area. pennitting a variety : : i of uses including residential. employment. commercial. community. : ¡ ! cultural and recreational uses: I L...............................................................................I....~~.~.~~~~~~.l..~~~i.~~..~~..~.~~.~~~~.~.~~nt..~.~.~..~~~~.i.~.~.~............ ..................! 10.8 Amending section 3.11 Agricultural Areas: Permissible Uses by deleting the word "and" at the end of subsection (b), deleting the period and adding a semi-colon at the end of subsection (c), and adding new subsections (d), (e), (f) and (g) as follows: "3.11 City Omncil, (a) (b) (c) @ ... , ... ; ami ... s shall recognize the Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside on Schedule I. in accordance with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. by. ill protecting prime agricultural areas: (.ii). providing for the continuation of agricultural and other mralland uses and nonnal fann practices: Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 10 019 (iii) maintaining the rural character of the Oak Ridges Moraine Rural HallÙets: and (iv) accommodating a trail system through the Oak Ridges Moraine with connections to other trail systems: despite Table U. on lands designated Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside. may pennit a second dwelling that is temporary. mobile or portable unit provided the applicant demonstrates that: ill the dwelling is required to house help that is needed on the fann operation on a seasonal or full time basis: (ill the dwelling does not require a consent under Section 50 or 53 of the Planning Act; (iii) the dwelling will not adversely affect the ecological integrity of the Oak Ridges Moraine: (iv) the severance of such a dwelling shall not be pennitted: despite Table U. on lands designated Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside. shall not pennit unserviced parks on prime agricultural areas as set out in the Durham Regional Official Plan: and major recreational uses on lands designated Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside shall be considered by amendment to this Official Plan and the Durham Regional Official Plan. and must confonn with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan.": w ill (gl 020 Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 11 10.9 Amending Table 12 by adding a new "Oak Ridges Moraine Omnttyside" designation with associated list of permissible uses after the Agricultural Areas column so that it now reads as follows: ."""""""""""""""""""""""'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""......................".""................."".."..""""..."............"""".,,......""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""". . . TABLE 12 . . . . . . . . . . ......................."..."......."".."...."...."......."."............".......""""."........................"..."..."..."""...."."."""."."................."""""""....""."............."."."....""."""...,,....,,..........""""""........."""""... . . . . . . . . . i i Pennissible Uses i Designation! (Restrictions and limitations on the uses pennissible, arising from other policies of tlùs i L"..".".."""""""."."""""..""""""...:""".....""""......""."."".""..."""""""""...~l.~.~~"~.~.~,,~.~.~.~~~.~,,i.~,,~.~~~.~.~~~.l.~.:~.~~""....""."......"""" """...""""""."" i Agricultural i Primary agricultural uses such as, . :".' Areas i Growing crops, including nursery and horticultural crops; ¡ Raising livestock and other animals, including poultry and fish; , I Aquaculture, agro-forestry, maple syrup production; I : Fann-related residential dwellings, existing lawful residential dwellings, a new: I residential dwelling on a vacant lot, home occupations. ' , Complementary and supportive agricultural uses such as, I Agricultural industries; I Home businesses; , : Fann-related businesses producing agricultural products from fann operations, : : such as value-added processing and packing operations of agricultural: : products, roadside produce stands retailing products from the fanning: : operation, fann vacations as part of a fanning operation, and cottage wineries: , . processing produce from local fanning operations; I i ! Other fann-related businesses, such as horse shows and riding schools and auctions ! I""."."""."..""""" ".""""""" """"".i ""~~.~~~,,~~~~~ ~ ~~~ .~. ~.~~~,,~.: ~~.~~~~. ~,,~ .~~.~~~~~~~. ~.~. ~ "~~~,, ~~~ ~ ~~"""""..J i Oak Ridges j All uses pennissible in Agricultural Areas: I : Moraine : Fish. wildlife and forest management: : i Countryside ! Conservation. environmental protection. restoration. education. low intensity i ! i recreational uses. and similar uses: ! , ¡ Transportation. infrastructure. and utilities: I i Home industries: : 1 Bed and breakfast establishments: I Unserviced parks: 1 Mineral aggregate operations and wayside pits: "",...".""."""""""..."..."""" ".."""....1...:' ~~~.~~.~" ~~ ~~ ,,~. ~.~~~~~" ~ .~~ "i.~~ .~.~.~.~ ~~.l" ~~.~.~.:......"""" """..."...""""..."""""....""""""""" ...""."""""., Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 12 021 10.10 Amending section 3.19 - Rural Study Areas {Hamlet Expansions} by deleting all the references to Claremont as a rural study area in that section; "3.19 City Council shall recognize as Rural Study Areas on Schedule I, lands surrounding the hawets of Oaremont, Greenwood, Kinsale and Balsam, and, (a) (b) ... , ... , (i) recognize the hawets of Oaremont, Greenwood, Kinsale and Balsam as priority locations for expansion, generally in the order listed; (ii) ... , (iii) ... ; (iv) ... , (v) ... ; and (c) ". ... , 10.11 Amending section 3.20 - Exceptions to Land Use Designations by deleting subsection {d} that relates to the exception "E4" for the Heather Glen Golf Course; 10.12 Adding a new section 4.20 - Municipal Roadways - Oak Ridges Moraine after section 4.19 as follows: "4.20 City ûmncil shall. w be satisfied that where new municipal roadways or major reconstruction of municipal roadways are proposed within the Oak Ridges Moraine. as shown on Schedule II. there are no reasonable alternatives that would not impact the Moraine and. once satisfied that such alternatives do not exist. shall ensure that the road is designed and constructed in such a manner so as not to adversely affect the ecological integrity of the natural heritage features and significant landfonn features of the Moraine by demonstrating that. ill the area of construction disturbance will be kept to a minimum~ (ii) right-of-ways widths will be kept to the minimwn that is consistent with meeting other objectives such as stonnwater management and with locating as many transportation. infrastructure. and utility uses with a single conidor as possible~ (iii) the roadway project will allow for wildlife movement:: (iv) lighting will be focused downwards and away from Natural Core Areas~ and 022 Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 13 (y) the planning design and construction practices adopted will keep any adverse effects on the ecological integrity of the Oak Ridges Moraine to a minimum."; Amending section 10.6 - Stormwater Management by deleting the word "and" at the end of subsection (b), deleting the period and adding a semi-colon and adding the word "and" at the end of subsection (c), and adding a new subsection (d) as follows: 10.13 City Omncil recognizes that its watercourses, streams, and lakes are important to the health of the City's natural and built environment; accordingly, Council shall, " 10.6 (a) (b) (c) @ ... , ... ; ami ... , (i) ... ; (ii) ... : and for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine. require stonnwater management plans in accordance with sections 10.6 and 15.43."; Amending section 10.10 - Wetlands, Environmentally Significant Areas, and Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest by deleting the word "and" after "(ESAs)" and adding the words "Oak Ridges Moraine Key Natural Heritage Features and Hydrologically Sensitive Features", and by adding a new subsection (b) and renumbering the existing subsections (b), (c) and (d) to (c), (d) and (e) as follows: 10.14 City Council recognizes the significance and sensitivity of Wetlands, Environmentally Significant Areas (ES&), ami Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSIs), Oak Ridges Moraine Key Natural Heritage Features and Hydrologically Sensitive Features and their inter-related systems of water resources, biotic habitat, natural and cultural heritage, and landfonn; accordingly, Council shall, " 10.10 (a) ill w @ W ... , designate the key natural heritage features and hydrologically sensitive features within the Oak Ridges Moraine (see Schedule V): ... , ... , ". ... , Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 14 023 10.15 Amending section 10.11 - Areas of Groundwater Recharged and Discharge by deleting the word "and" at the end of subsection (a), adding a new subsection (b), and renumbering the existing subsection (b) to (c) as follows: City Council recognizes that areas of groundwater recharge and discharge make significant contributions to the quality and quantity of groundwater and surlace water, and acknowledges that land uses and activities hold implications for this quality and quantity, both in the short tenn and cumulatively over time; accordingly, Council shall, " 10.11 (a) ill w ... ; ami designate areas of Aquifer Vulnerability within the Oak Ridges Moraine (see SchedtÙe VI): and ". ... , 10.16 Amending section 10.13 - Oak Ridges Moraine by replacing the existing subsections (a), (b), (c) and (d) with new subsections as follows: City Council recognizes that the Oak Ridges Moraine provides a wide range of environmental functions critical to the maintenance of healthy water resources and natural heritage values in the City and beyond; accordingly, Council shall, " 10.13 w ill w @ designate the Oak Ridge Moraine boundary in accordance with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan: implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. (Ontario Regulation 140/02) through this Plan: where questions of interpretation arise. regard shall be given to the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan: and implement a development control strategy that requires all development on the Oak Ridges Moraine to maintain the ecological integrity of the key natural heritage features. preserves the sensitive hydrologic features and maintains the significant landfonn features of the Moraine in accordance with Chapter Fifteen."; 10.17 Amending section 12.12 - Claremont and Area Settlement Policies by replacing the existing subsection (d) with a new subsection (d) as follows: 024 Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 15 "12.12 City Council shall, (a) (b) (c) @ (e) (t) ... , ... , ... , recognize that most of Oaremont is designated as Oak Ridges Moraine Rural HallÙet on Schedule I. in accordance with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. and accordingly. City Council shall. ill restrict applications for lot creation to limited infilling~ prohibit the boundary of the hallÙet to be expanded unless the hallÙet boundaries for Oaremont established by the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan are modified by the Province~ and require development or site alteration to be subject to the Oak Ridges Moraine policies as set out in Chapter Fifteen in addition to the policies of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan~ ...; and (ill ( iii) ". ... , 10.18 Deleting deferred section 12.15 - Altona Settlement Policies (Deferral 28) in its entirety and renumbering the Forest Creek Estates Settlement Policies from 12.16 to 12.15; Amending section 14.2 - Schedule Interpretation by deleting the word "and" at the end of subsection (g), deleting the reference to "Oaremont" and Schedule "IV- 10" in subsection (h), deleting the period and adding a semi-colon and the word "and" at the end of subsection (h) and adding a new subsection (i) as follows: 10.19 "14.2 City Council shall be guided by the following in intetpreting the Schedules to this Plan, (a) (b) ... , subject to the provisions of subsections (c) to (t) of this section, the following infonnation contained on Schedules I, II, III and IV-l to IV-13 to this Plan shall be changed only by amendment to the Plan except for lands that are designated in accordance with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. which cannot be amended unless first modified by the Province; Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 16 nO5 Ur.;" (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) ill (i) ... , (ii) ... , (iii) ...; and (iv) ... , ... , ... , ... , ... , ... ; ami despite 14.2(b), (d) and (g), and following consultation with the Region, minor expansions to the hamlets of daremont, Greenwood, Kinsale and Balsam may be pennitted without amending the hamlet boundary or land use designations on Schedule lor Schedules IY-5, IY-9, I¥--tG and IY- U: and the boundary of the Oak Ridges Moraine as identified on the Schedules of the Plan coincides with the boundary defined in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and cannot be amended."; 10.20 Amending section 14.4 - Open Space System Boundaries by adding the following wording: " 14.4 Except for lands that are designated in accordance with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. City Council shall detennine the exact boundaries of the Open Space System in consultation with relevant agencies including the appropriate conservation authority, and considering the results of any Environmental Report required by section 15.9." 10.21 Amending section 15.7 Rural Settlements: Supporting Information for Minor Hamlet Expansion by deleting the reference to "daremont" as follows: " 15.7 In accordance with sections 2.32 and 14.2(h) of this Plan, City Council may pennit minor expansions to the hamlets of daremont, Greenwood, Kinsale and Balsam without amendment to the Plan; when considering such applications, City Council shall require, in addition to any other applicable development review requirements, all applications to be accompanied by infonnation demonstrating to the satisfaction of the City in consultation with other relevant agencies, that, (a) (b) ... , ". ... , 0 26 Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 17 10.22 Amending section 15.11 - Environmental Report Contents by adding the words "and connectivity between features" to subsection (b) as follows: "15.11 City Qmncil shall require that the Environmental Report submitted in accordance with sections 15.8 and 15.9 include at least the following, (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) ... , a description of the landfonns, features, functions, and connectivity between features of the environment that may be affected, directly or indirectly, by the proposed development; ... , ... , ... , ... , ... , ... ; and ... , (i) ... , (ii) ...; and (iii) ..."; Amending section 15.22 - Subdivision Approval by deleting the word "and" at the end of subsection (b), deleting the period and adding a semi-colon and the word "and" at the end of subsection (c), and adding a new subsection (d) as follows: "15.22 City Qmncil, through participation in the subdivision approval process provided for in the Planning Act, shall, 10.23 (a) (b) (c) @ ... , ... ; and ... , (i) ... , (ii) ... , (iii) ... ; (iv) ...: and for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine. ill require plans of subdivision in the Hamlet of Claremont to provide for a laq;e. continuous open space block linking key natural heritage features and hydrologically sensitive features to ensure connectivity. and to design lots and new roads so as to minimize stream crossings and extensions into key natural heritage features: and Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 18 027 @ require. as a condition of draft approval. that the owner of lands maintain and restore natural self- sustaining vegetation for the long-tenn protection of any key natural heritage feature or hydrologically sensitive feature on the lot or lots created." ; 10.24 Amending section 15.23 - Site Plan Control by deleting the word "and" at the end of subsection (c), adding a new subsections (d), (e) and (f), and renumbering the existing subsection (d) to (g) as follows: "15.23 City Council recognizes the whole of the City as a proposed site plan control area and, (a) (b) (c) @ w ill w ... , ... , shall exempt the following types of development from site plan control, (i) ... , (ii) ...;and (iii) residential development of one or two dwelling units per lot. accessory structures. and site alteration on the Oak Ridges Moraine if it is deemed not to have an adverse impact of the ecological integrity of the Oak Ridges Moraine: and agriculture or conservation uses on the Oak Ridges Moraine: shall ensure that applications for site plan approval within 120 metres of any key natural heritage feature or hydrologically sensitive feature on the Oak Ridges Moraine. as set out in Table 18. require an Environmental Report in accordance with Section 15.9: may require. as a condition of site plan approval. the preservation. maintenance or establishment of vegetation buffers in order to mitigate the potential impact of the development and enhance the natural features and functions of the Oak Ridges Moraine: may require. as a condition of site plan approval. the submission of and compliance with a Construction Management Plan to the City's satisfaction. in support of proposed development to limit grading and the alteration of the natural landscape within the Oak Ridges Moraine: and ". ... , fu) 0 2 8Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan 10.25 Page 19 Amending section 15.26 - Land Severance by adding the words "Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan" to subsection (a), deleting the word "and" at the end of subsection (b), deleting the period and adding a semi- colon and the word "and" at the end of subsection (c), and adding a new subsection (d) as follows: "15.26 City Council, in commenting to the Regional land Division Committee regarding the consideration of land severances pursuant to the Planning Act, shall be guided by the policies of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, Durham Regional Official Plan, this Plan, and the regulations and requirements of the City's zoning by-laws; ... ; aM ... : and for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine. shall also require the following. ill pennit residential infilling and lot creation within the haßÙet boundaries of daremont: pennit lot creation only if there is enough net developable area on both the severed lot and retained lot to accommodate the proposed buildings. stnIcture and accessory uses without encroachment into key natural heritage features or hydrologically sensitive features as shown on Schedule V or as identified by an approved environmental report: require the applicant to enter into a site plan agreement or other agreement to establish conditions requiring that self sustaining vegetation be maintained or restored in order to ensure the long tenD protection of any key natural heritage features or hydrological sensitive features on the lots: and prohibit new lot creation within any part of a minimum vegetation protection zone of a key natural heritage feature and/ or hydrologically sensitive feature." ; (a) (b) (c) @ @ ( iii) (iv) Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 20 029 10.26 Amending section 15.39 - Livestock Facilities and Adjacent Development by deleting the word "or" and adding a comma, and adding the words "and Oak Ridges Moraine Qmntryside" as follows: " 15.39 On lands designated Agricultural Areas ø£~ Open Space System and Oak Ridges Moraine QmntIyside on Schedule I, City Council shall require any new livestock facilities, any expansions to livestock facilities, and all development adjacent to livestock facilities to comply with the provincial Minimrun Distance Separation Fonnulae as amended from time to time."; Amending Chapter 15 by adding new sections 15.40 - Landform Conservation Areas - Oak Ridges Moraine, 15.41 Key Natural Heritage Features and Hydrologically Sensitive Features - Oak Ridges Moraine, Table 18 - Minimum Areas of Influence and Minimum Vegetation Protection Zones - Oak Ridges Moraine, 15.42 - Groundwater Vulnerability - Oak Ridges Moraine, 15.43 - Stormwater Management - Oak Ridges Moraine after section 15.39 as follows: "15.40 City Council. in recognition of the need to maintain the significant landfonn conservation areas on the Oak Ridges Moraine as shown on Schedule VII. shall. 10.27 w limit the portion of the net developable area of the site that is disturbed to not more than 25 per cent. and limit the net developable area of the site that has impervious surlaces to not more than 15 per cent of the total area of site for areas shown as Category 1 Areas (see Schedule VII): limit the portion of the net developable area of the site that is disturbed to not more than 50 per cent of the total area of the site. and limit the net developable area of the site that has impervious surlaces to not more than 20 per cent of the total area of site for areas shown as Category 2 Areas (see Schedule VII): and require proponents of major development to include a landfonn conservation plan that. ill identifies slopes. significant landfonn features. water features. vegetation and existing and proposed grades: and (ill identifies appropriate planning. design and construction practices to minimize disruption to landfonn character including maintaining landfonn features. minimizing site alteration. and using innovative building design to minimize grading requirements. ill w. 0 3 a Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 21 15.41 Within the Oak Ridges Moraine. City Council shall. w prohibit all development and site alteration with respect to land within a key natural heritage feature (see Schedule V) or related minimum vegetation protection zone. or within a hydrologically sensitive feature (see Schedule V) or related minimum vegetation protection zone. except for the following: ill forest. fish and wildlife management @ conservation and flood or erosion control projects but only if they have been demonstrated to be necessary in the public interest after all alternatives have been considered: (iii) transportation. infrastmcture. and utilities but only if the need for the projects has been demonstrated and there is no reasonable alternative: and (iv) low-intensity recreational uses: recognize that Table 18 identifies minimum areas of influence and minimum vegetation protection zones related to the key natural heritage features and hydrologically sensitive features. and where features are not identified on the schedules. such as seepage areas and springs. these features shall be identified using criteria identified by the Province either on a site-by-site basis or through the appropriate study prior to undertaking any development or site alteration: require an environmental report to be completed in accordance with Section 15.11 of this Plan demonstrating that the impact of the development will not adversely impact the key natural heritage features and connectivity between those features where development occurs within the minimum area of influence but outside the key natural heritage feature and the minimum vegetation protection zone. and: implement a greater minimum vegetation protection zone than the minimum vegetation protection zone in the Oak Ridges Conservation Plan where required by an environmental report. and prohibit any site alteration within the greater minimum vegetation protection zone as established. ill w @ Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 22 n31 Table 18 Key Natural Heritage Features. Hydrologically Sensitive Features and Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (Earth Science): Minimum Areas ofInfluence and Minimum Vegetation Protection Zones mMiiùmum Area of ....................................m.........................................................................mm... Feature Minimum Vegetation Protection Influence Zone All land within 30 metresofãnypãrtof Wetlands . AïfLind WithinuOmeire s of any part of feature: feature. subject to Section 15.11 if a natural heritage evaluation is required: Significant portionsofhãhitat All land within 120 metres ASdetë ïrni n e(1 bÿ ã nãtiï ï=afïi e ri !age.. of endangered. rare and of any part of feature: evaluation carned out under Section threatened species 15.11: Fish habitat All land within..ï2Ömetres Au landwitWö 3Òmetreso(aöypart of any part of feature: of feature. subject to Section 15.11 if a natural heritage evaluation is I SlglliÍicaötvãÜeÿiandsm required: mAIl land.. withinÚÖmetres All land within 30 metresofsbbïe of stable top of bank: top of bank. subject to Section 15.11 ; if a natural heritage evaluation is required: .... Sigl1iÍicantwoodiandsm AIl land Within ... .....mm........................... AIfI:ïndwithin 3Òmetresofthebase 120 metres of any part of feature: of outennost tree trunks within the woodland. subject to Section 15.11 if a natural heritage evaluation is required: ............................... Significant wildlife habitat All land within 120 metres AIfdetëïmine cl . by ana tUï=afïieribge of any part of feature: evaluation carned out under Section 15.11: Pennanent and intennittent All land within 120 metres All iancl within3Ò metres of meander streams of meander belt: belt. subject to Section 15.11 and section 15.11 if a hydrological evaluation is required: Seepage areas and springs All land within 120 metres All land withil13Òmetreso{anypart of any part of feature: ; of feature. subject 15.11 if a hydrological evaluation is required: ... ...; 0 3 ~mendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan 15.42 Page 23 City Council shall. despite any other provisions of the Plan to the contrary. on lands designated High Groundwater Vulnerability Area. as shown on Schedule VI. shall prohibit the following uses: ill generation and storage of hazardous waste. liquid industrial waste. or any severely toxic contaminant listed in Schedule 3 to Ontario Regulation 347 RSO. 1990: (ill waste disposal sites and facilities. organic soil conditioning sites and snow storage and disposal facilities: and (iii) all underground and above-ground storage tanks that are not equipped with an approved secondary containment device.; City Council. in addition to the policies in Section 10.6 of this Plan. shall maximize the use of stonnwater management practices within the Oak Ridges Moraine area. and shall. 15.43 w w require that 80 percent of suspended solids shall be removed from stonnwater runoff as a long- tenn average: prohibit new stonnwater management ponds in key natural heritage features and hydrologically sensitive features: require. for any major development proposal. the submission of a stonnwater management plan that has particular regard to the following. ill maintaining groundwater quality and flow and stream base flow: (ill protecting water quality: (iii) protecting aquatic species and their habitat (iv) preventing increases in stream channel erosion: and M preventing any increase in flood risk: require an integrated treatment train approach that uses a planned sequence of methods of controlling stonnwater and keeping its impact to a minimum by using techniques such as. ill lot level controls such as devices and designs that direct roof discharge to rear yard ponding areas: (ill conveyance controls such as grassed swales: (iii) end-of-pipe controls such as wet ponds at the final discharge stage: and (iv) prohibit the use of new rapid infiltration basins and new rapid infiltration columns: ill ill @ Amendment 15 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 24 "13 w require every application for development or site alteration to demonstrate that planning. design and constnIction practices to protect water resources will be used such as. ill keeping the removal of vegetation. grading and soil compaction to a minimum: (ill keeping all sediment that is eroded during constnIction within the site: (iii) seeding or sodding exposed soils as soon as possible after constnIction: and (iv) keeping chemical applications to suppress dust and control pests and vegetation to a minimum: require every application for development or site alteration to reduce areas with impervious areas and increase areas retained in a natural undisturbed state. in order to minimize stonnwater volumes and contaminant loads: and require municipal development standards to incorporate planning. design and constnIction practices that. ill reduce the portions of lots and sites that have impervious surlaces:and (ill provide the flexibility to use alternative stonnwater management techniques such as directing roof discharge to rear year ponding areas and using grassed swales.". ill w The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: SCHEDULE j1 , EXISTING OFFICIAL PLAN ~ i - --~~WNSHIP ), OF (' UXBRIOGF " ""~OO, TOWNSHIP OF UXBRIDGE EXTRACT OF SCHEDULE I TO THE PI CKERIN G OFFICIAL PLAN LAND USE STRUCTURE OPEN SI'AC,,- SYSTEM NA TLJ PAl AREAS RURAL SETTLEMENTS AGRICULTURAL AREAS COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL - RURAL CLUSTERS ~:;i::t:t:j RURAL HAMLETS 3.20) FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTiLiTIES E::::::::~ CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS - ACTlvr RECREATIONAL AREAS OTHER DESIGNATIONS RURAL STUDY AREAS D2II DEFERRALS œ:J EXCEPTIONS (see section - - FEDERAL AIRPORT LANDS EDITION 4 - POTENTIAL AIRPORT SITE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEEAldM[ NT @ DECEMBER 2005 TH" MAP FORMS PA¡"- OF EOmON . OF THE PICKERlNe. m "CIAC PCAN AND MUST BE READ IN CQN.JUNCTION WITH THE OTHER SCHLOUII" AND THE TEXT. - , ~ T , ~ z ~ ~ l' tv AMENDMENT 15- OAK RIDGES MORAINE TOWNSHIP TOWN OF WH,"CHURCH- =OUF~m :0 z ~ ~ " ~ ~ SCHEDULE I TO THE PI CKERIN G OFFICIAL PLAN LAND USE STRUCTURE OPEN SPACE SYSTEM [',URAL SFTTI I-~Al N NATURAL AREAS AGRICULTURAL AREAS OAK RIDGES MORAINE COUNTRYSIDE RURAL STUDY AREAS COUNTR'( Rf:',II)f~,IIAI - RURAL CLUè:,TCRS ¡¡¡¡:Ž=t~~ RURAL HAMI E'TS ~ OAK RIU(;tcS MORAINE ~ RUr,AL HAMLETS EDITION '! .. ACTIVE RECREATIONAL ARleN" OAK RIDGES MORAINE NATURAL LINKAGE AREAS - ~~lfu~À~Gf'ðR~O~~~NA~ OTt IER DESIGNATIONS - POTENTIAL AIRPORT SITI - - FEDE?AL AIRPORT LANDS OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY [QI] DEFERRALS ŒÐ EXCEPTIONS (see section 3.20) FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES t:::::::::~ CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS CI1Y OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THIS MAP FORMS PART OF ~On',¿'~U.;"~~. ~.i'~~CKERING OFFICIAL PLAN AND MUST BE READ IN CON'UNcnON WITH THE OTHER SCHEDULES AND THE TEXT. TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG - F I { l' Po¡ -', C,.(,~ '" ., SCHEDULE '0' EXISTING OFFICIAL PLAN --~ towNsHIp TOWN OF WHIICHURCH STOUFFVILLE " N w z -' w 0 U1 ~ ~ pi w z j 0 U1 ~I~(C ~ <: I ~ 0: <: " z it w ~ 0 õ: ~~ £~ ~ . Vi X«:Ot'CESSION ROAD " N N N w Z :J w 0 Vi ~I w 0 Vi " 0 w Z :J w 0 Vi "' N 0 N z 3 0 I- " ... T Y 0: <: 2 '£ () 0 I>: ID w Z :J w 0 I .* w Z :J w ¿ EXTRACT OF SCHEDULE II TO THE EXISTING FUTURE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN FREEWAYS TYPE f\ ARTERIAL ROADS TYPE B A.RTERli\L ROADS ---- TYPE C ARTERIAI- ROADS EDITION 4 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM .:1'0':.. ON.J:þ'" LOCAL ROADS 0 FREEWAY INTERCHANGES ,~ I . ~, CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING &0 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THIS MAP FORMS PART o'P Eg,~~~M.E~~RTHE2~~~ERING OFFICIAL PCAN AND MUST BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE DTHER SCHEDULES AND THE TEXT. UNDERPASSES/OVERPASSES OF w z J w 0 ¡¡¡ , " ( UXBRIDGé: TOWNLINE ~ w z :J '" 0 ¡¡¡ 31 z :J w <:' EXISTING - Itttttttt ~ ŒJ N w 7 ~ W D ¡¡¡ ul I n U1 D <: 0 0: ----~~ ~ ~!.. \1 LI 7 ~ U1 W " , ;1 .. -~J ~:I'...J.;f <: "' 0 a 0: VI II w z J w a ¡¡¡ r ) ( ) > w z :n I,J < sl';vnJI ROAD D <: 0 0: w L J w 0 U1 tl ~ J ~ "' wi C\ z j [) IR ~ ~ ~ ~ " " """'~-I- ,~ RAILWAYS GO RAIL GO STATIONS TRANSIT SPINES CON({ ION ~ r( FUTURE +++- ttt- ~ TRANSIT FEEDER SERVICE DEFERRALS l' tv AMENDMENT 15 - OAK RIDGES MORAINE OF UXBRIDGE UXGRIDGE TOWN OF , WHITCHURCH-l s rOUf-FVILLE 0 I', ,.., II) " --- " ,.., :> ~ I ~ " ~ :> w z ::J w () U1 I eiGHTH .)< :f-' ¡: 0 ,.., ~ I ,-)< " 31 '>(0' ~I¿< q~ ~( .;< I ~ ~ " -~-- ROAD ~I g, I/) ~IGHTI" , " 0 () " -J- ROAU 7 6 r J15j IV " w z a 0 I/) 0 ~ 0 Or :;¡ I" Z a 0 ¡¡¡ I,' Z I I,' I) I/) Æ ~ I ~ " « :;¡ '" ¿ a Q U1 1,1 7 II: 0 I/) 0 ~ 0 0 ~ D40 :1 ,~ "' / ,-j I) [11 '" z "i u , ~l j ~\~ :, ~A - .. "";""'I~ ~ . '..' ~ .r I ~I ,,' ~-:t":i--} " J A JI EXTRA( 'T OF SCHEDULE n TO TilE '" ~ EXISTING FUTURE EXISTING FUTURE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN FREF-WAr", TYPE A ARTERIAl RO^,D', TYPE B ARTERIAL ROAIY, TYPE C ARTERIAL f'~OA[)S RAil WAYS EDITION '! TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM t-ttt+tt+t CO RAI L +++- tH- ---- ~ CO STATIONS ~ -~ o"~~, TRANSIT SPINES TRANSIT FEEDER SERVICE 0 FREEWAY INTERCHANGES (~I ~, lEI DEFERRALS LOCAL ROADS CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & OEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THIS MAP FOR"' PART OF ~o~:6~U:';~' ~i";,~CKERING omc",,- PLAN AND "UST 8E READ 'N CON.UNCTION Wn-H THE OTHER SCHEDULES AND THE TEXT. UNDERPASSES/OVERPASSES OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY l' tv .'-"', "'-" SCHEDULE r" EXISTING OI<'FICIAL PLAN T~ ',-- " " I '" Ir " " c. 0 z " 0 >- " "f '" Ir " " c, Z , W " U1 RUAI) i~-.-Lf..' 0 .; Z 'N' ~ ,i I , 10 {'< U1 I ~ w Z ::¡ w J w w EXTRACT OF SCHEDULE ill TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN UXBRIDG~ TOWNSHIP OF SGUGOG --- ,/ r Wit - Jf:' 'ETLAN~f CLASS 7 :¡Q z ' ::¡ w g IROAD ~ ~ <D '" u 0 Ir m w z ~I~l WETLANDS SHORELINES AND STREAM CORRIDORS (MAY INCLUDE HAZARD LANDS) - EDITION 4 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT AREAS OAK RIDGES MORAINE AREAS OF HIGH POTENTIAL MINERAL AGGREGATE RESOURCES AREA SHOWN ON THIS """ FORMER LAKE IROQUOIS SHORELINE -~, AREAS OF NATURAL AND SCIENTIFIC INTEREST l' Iv CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THIS MAP FORMS PART olf' Eg,~I~~M.E~~RTHE2¡;~~ERING ome"L PLAN AND MUS> BE READ IN eOH,¡UNeTIQN WITH THE OTHER SCHEDULES AND THE TEXT, TOWN OF WHITCIIURCII STOUFFYILLE ::¡ " I '" <r " ::¡ N w "'1, S w w Z 0 ~ EIGH~H: lL 0 13 è 'f ~ q/ /:~=;Ll. , , I ,II 1- , " I "I /" " / ) ~ ~ ') I,Jl EXTRACT OF SCHEIHJLE ill TO THE PI CKERIN G OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION '! RESOURCE MANAGEMENT -~- ~'" SH~N ON 'HOS ~ em f :I~lC:~~lN,\::'- CITY Of PICKERING PLANNING & DEVCCQPMENT DEPARTMENT THS "AP FOR"S PART OF ~D;;,~~U,A'b;' T~.i'<;'~CKERINO O""CIAL PLAN AND "UST BE READ '" CON'UNCTION Wlm THE OTHER SCHEDULES AND THE TEXT, AMENDMENT 15 - OAK RIDGES MORAINE UXBRIDGè I . TOWNSHIP OF SCUOOO ~I I~ I ~ - --~-j~ '"I ,; , U U 1t IT! ,d L ,j 0 II) I "I N w mEffiJ SHORELlNLS ANI) c, I Rc_AM CORRIDORS (MAY INCI UDI "A/MID LANDS) WETLANDS ENVIRONMENTAL I Y SIGNIFICANT AREAS AREAS OF HIGH POfENTIAL MINERAL AGGRLGATE RESOURCES OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY FORMER LAKE IROQUOIS SHORELINE AREAS OF NATURAL AND SCIENTIFIC INTEREST l' tv l . ~., EXISTING SCHEIJULE IV -10 SETTLEMENT 10: CLAREMONT AND AREA - SOUTH SECTION SCHEDULE 'V' /--1 . J' l, /Ij/ (II '1.. ,..'~/ : ~ ~ , ,~" ' I ì I I 1\ I! I!~ '\ ! w z ::; w 0 Ui LEGEND SYMBOLS 0 . ill ~ HAMLET RESIDENTIAL . PLACE OF WORSHIP .. PUBLIC SCHOOL [!J PARK ¡g COMMUNITY CENTRE [Q LIBRARY £] FIREHALL ¡sel SENIOR CENTRE HAMLET COMMERCIAL OPEN SPAC~ SYSrEM- NATURAL AREAS OPEN SPACE SYSTEM- RECREATIONAL AREAS RURAl SETTI FMENT BOUNDARY CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING '" DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DECEMBER, 2005 'â,~~~ ~~o~g :C~ ~f ~~O~N 'cg~J~~,'6~K~:,!~GTHE ="00 'c"mu~' ~O n« WIT - _~IPELI~ \~-" ~" l' N PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 4: Chapter Twelve -- Rural Settlements 241 '¡ r ,.., .j AMENDMENT 15 - OAK RIDGES MORAINE SCHED ULE IV - 10 SETTLEMENT 10: CLAREMONT - SOUTH SECTION -.'::"PELINE \_" --"'. .._~-- w z :J w 0 Vi "~"----~-~ LEGEND SYMBOLS 0 . D ~ HAMLET RESIDENTIAL ~LACE co" WORSHIP OPEN SPACE SYSTEM- NATURAL AREAS ... ... [!] ¡g [b] Œl [Sa ~uBUC SCHOOL HAMLET COMMERCIAL PA~V ~OMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN SPACE SYSTEM- RECREATIONAL AREAS BRAR' = RURAL SETTLEMENT BOUNDARY OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY e REe<ALL SE"'OR Ce:N~R[ CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING" OEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JANUARY. 200. ~';:~:~","~:":;O~6' :;~~ ~~ ~~O~N ?cg':;'3~~:6~K~~~GmE OTH'" 'CHWU"" AND TH' T=. PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION ?: Chapter Twelve .. ?ural Settlerner,ts 241 S CHEn ULE 'E' EXISTING SCHEI)ULE IV - 10 SETTLEMENT 10: CLAR"EMONT AND AREA - NORTH SECTION -- -- (./ ) OF ( TOWNSHIP e---.-- - -l ( - Ii \ <;: I I i', Ii] I'" I \1 ¡ 1 ,('"\ \ '1 \ \ g --- ~ ;?; ~ ~ ~ :/; :/; :/ :/ LEGEND rzJ ~ D [IJ HAMLET RESIDENTIAL Q HAM LET COMMERCIAL HAMLET EMPLOYMENT OPEN SPACE SYSTEM- NATURAL AREAS CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING '" DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DECEMBER, 2005 <§>,;~~ ~::';;O:,:'¿; ::~~ ~~ ~~o::. 'cg~~~~T,~'~K~~~GTHE =H'" .c"WU~' AHD ,.", T~T -- UXB:~IDGE /I // l Ii ~----- Ir-~ i II --~ :::---:: ~~ '\~) --- f-- I \; ~J '" I Zl "I ~! G:I «:1 dl I I I ~ SYMBOLS CLUSTER RESIDENT" L . PLACE OF WORSHIP NEW ROAD CONNECTIC NS (PROPOSED) .. PUBLIC SCHOOL SEFI,MEN' PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 4: Chapter Twelve -- Rural Settlements 240 0 . D [ill f~ ':; AMENDMENT 15 - OAK RIDGES MORAINE SCHED ULE IV - 10 SETTLEMENT 10: CLAREMONT - NORTH SECTION TOWNSHIP ¡/ OF BRIDGE -~------- -------- 0 N ! / ~---- I ¡ 1--- 3:: Õ :r '" r- r- ~ w Z :J ~ ;/ ;/ /:/ LEGEND SYMBOLS HAMLET RESIDENTIAL NEw .... HAMLET COMMERCIAL = RURAc SeTTLEMENT BOUNDAR, OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARv . PUBLIC SCHOOL HAMLET EMPLOYMENT OPEN SPACE SYSTEM- NATURAL AREAS CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JANUARY, 2006 ~';~ih ~~o:~g :~;g: ~~ ~~O~N ?cg::'~~¿~'6~K~'!,'~GTH' OTH'. SCH<OU'-ß AND THE T~T PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION ?: Chapter Twel/e -- Rural Sett'ercler,;s 240 SCHEDULE IF 039 AMENDMENT 15 - OAK RIDGES MORAINE SCHEDULE IV - 11 SETTLEMENT 11: SPRING CREEK CANADA ~E INE- ADD OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY '" z ::; '" " iii EIGHTH LEGEND []] COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL - RURAL SETTLEMENT BOUNDARY = OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY CI1'( OF PICKERING PLANNING ok DEVELOpMENT DEPARTMENT JANUARY. 200" ~F~~~~""':-O:.:'~ ~~ ~~ ~~O~ ?Cg~~~~T,7;~K~~;~CTME OTME" SCMECULES ,"0 TME TEXT. PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION ?: Chapter Twelve - Rural Settlements III >- w Z l- (/) W ~ '" z ::; '" 0 iii ADD OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY 243 040 SCHEDULE 'G' AMENDMENT 15 - OAK RIDGES MORAINE SCHEDULE IV - 12 SETTLEMENT 12: BALSAM '" z ~ iñ 0 0 - ~ CITY 0, PICKERING PLANNING'" OEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JANUARY. 20D6 ~~~~~.....:-O~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~O\'.. 7Cg,"~~~,:;;~K~~~~C'HE O'HE" SCHEOu'ES ""0 'HE TEXT. '" ADD OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY '" z a Q iñ z ~ '" 0 iñ LEGEND HAMLET RESIDENTIAL OPEN SPACE SYSTEM- NATURAL AREAS RURAL SETTLEMENT BOUNDARY OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY ADD OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION?: Chapter Twelve - Rural Settlements 245 SCHEDULE '9 n4l AMENDENT 15 - OAK RIDGES MORAINE SCHEDULE IV - 13 SETTLEMENT 13: FOREST CREEK ESTATES . ¡ ~ 1 ~ vi "' z ::; "' " iii ::J . LEGEND IT]] CIJ COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL OPEN SPACE SYSTEM- NATURAL AREAS - RURAL SETTLEMENT BOUNDARY ,-, ....~ SPECIAL INTEREST SITE - NEW RDAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING .. DEVELOpMENT DEPARTMENT "ANUARV. 2006 ~~:;;~~""¡;O~~ ~~ ~~ ~~O::. 'cg~.~~~T.'6~K~~'¡~GTHE OTHE" SCHEDULES "'<0 THE TEXT. PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION?: Chapter Twelve - Rural Settlements 251 N '" DIG '" w z :J w 0 ¡¡¡ w ¿ J w () ¡¡¡ N W J'" á z [) :J ¡;, ~ EIGI"H- 0 '" '" 7 ., I /1¡ w /' n /' If) /' /' / / / PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 15 - OAK RIDGES MORAINE UX8RIDGE PICKERING TOWNLINE () N '" N V N W z :J W 0 ¡¡¡ N N ROAD ---- ~ N N N W 7 J 0 if> W z :J W 0 ¡¡¡ -,"""- W L " "' n If) 0 ~ 0 " 0 N N ("LARHKW' ~ a(WSO?vMlON ~ rz ~ ,;j [) r w } :1(\ z . :J 1:1 ¡g 1 -1 4 [1 1,1 Z IJ 0 m ROAD T I: '-)W z :J 91 J wi CONCEtSlbN ~~ W L.'I ~ F ~ m '^ ~I - ~H- ,I 1,1 Z , w N N [1 N '" N y () 0 "' m w L :J W 0 ¡;, w Ij [) ~ "J Z ¡j 0 ¡;, w z :J w 0 If) W z a 0 -if) 1,1 7 I:; 0 ,¡;, U N W z :J W 0 ¡;, " "INSALE - '" , CREENWO OAK RIDGES MORAINE KEY NATURAL FEATURES AND HYDROLOGICALLY SENSITIVE FEATURES 0 OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY WOODLANDS OAK RIDGES MORAINE CREEKS FISH LAKES WETLANDS CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TI<IS """ FORMS PART OF ~a;!,~U:"i,¡;' '¿~~CK~>NG omc~ PCAN AND MU'" BE READ ON CON.>UNCTION WITH "'" OTI<ER SCHEDUUS ANa TI<E =<T. l' IV SCHED ULE 'I' r"~ , '.~ ~ AMEND MENT 15 - OAK RIDGES MORAINE UXBRIDGE N '" giG lu Z .j 0 If) ~ N '" / / / l) " () ~ "' L J [) A \'" T I æ 0 z / 't (;REE~ (~~ RIVER ('ROPOSED SClllmliLE TITO TilE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PICKERING ., '" '" '" .. '" c~~~ ~ :J w 0 ¡¡; w ;z :; w c ¡¡; CONCESSION w Z ]'WA"--~ N - N 1,1 7 " U N ~ If) ., N <0 N '" z I~ 0 If) ~I I ~i ~O"'-..":é;JN - 'WAD " N ro N ~ N w z :J w 0 Vi w Z :; W 0 Vi J TOWNSHIP / OF UXBRIDGE TOWNLINE "I L ~ ," u Vi 0 < () rr II C, 7 I If) W " ro lu Z j w 0 If) __1 EICH1H R9þD- ]-- Q '" @ , ~\ ! .:\1 <I n II' V) - (()"¡CESs!ION n " () rr 0 « - 0 - - '" p""",",W' C(W'<RVMION ~l íiJ ~ " z- WI I J ( ~R(){ !nøAiM ~I lu I / I;: l) -- If) IJ»- r w Z in w ~ - -,,~,-:nm~ 0 N " u 0 '" { ] 0 « 0 '" ., 'u z ~: 0 If) '" 7 3 0 ¡¡¡ w " 0 ir OAK RIDGES MORAINE AQlJIFER VULNERABILTY OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY HIGH LOW CITY OF PICKER'NG PLANNING '" DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENI ""S ""P FORMS PART OF ~I~~Ut"),} ,¿gOp~C"RINC N"C~ PI~ ~D MUST BE ""'" IN CúN.>UNCTION wm< n<£ OTN~ SCH£DU~S - mE ma. l' tv SCHEDULE 'J' c:; þ AMENDMENT 15 - OAK RIDGES MORAINE PICKERING TOWNLINE I'" ,,-- 0 N w I i J cc,=-+-- 1../ LL 0 ROAD EIGHTK 7' iš I 0 " 0 " 0 I)' " , .~.~ I)' ø ~ -< I '< I)' " 2 <U ,~ 1 1& j!J ~- ¡g ~ ~ (J 23 sË;\IEiHH (OWT7j,ON ROAD N N 0 " 0 I)' w z -, I,' [) v, j \ w z :J w 0 ,ii) '< U 0 I)' m ",° - - "",()p~S-"D--+ 4C>"-I¡cx:rc:":IS\"N I ,¡'D -- / I (;REEN RI\ER I' 1 ,/ KINSALI. '" i;, PROPOSIêD S( llEDLJLE m TO THE OAK RIDGES MORAINE LANDFORM CONSERVATION AREAS PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY d...-.v, CATEGORY 1 - CATEGORY 2 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ~:,s, 'I:' :~"¡¡' ~~.:Jg&~::t~ ~t:!C~u~C:iD ~ ~- l' IV SCHEDULE 'K' Ç) ~ DRAFT BY-LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 3037 APPENDIX II TO REPORT PD 07-06 045 046 ITY OF PICKERING BY-L Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3037, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham for all lands in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Area in the City of Pickering. WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering, as required by the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, deems it desirable to bring the Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3037, as amended, into conformity with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, the Region of Durham Official Plan and the City of Pickering Official Plan; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering has adopted Official Plan Amendment No 15 to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering has held public meetings in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. SCHEDULES Schedules I to IX inclusive, attached hereto with notations and references shown thereon are hereby declared to be part of this By-law. By-law 3037, as amended, is hereby further amended, by changing the zoning for all lands designated in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act in the City of Pickering so that the zoning as shown on Schedule A and B of By-law 3037 shall be amended as shown on Schedules I to IX inclusive. 2. AREA RESTRICTED The provisions of this By-law shall apply to all lands in the City of Pickering that are designated in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act as established by Ontario Regulation 01/02. 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS No building, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved, or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. F1 047 4. TEXT AMENDMENTS By-law 3037 is hereby amended as follows: Section 2. DEFINITIONS, is hereby amended by adding in new definitions, deleting and replacing some existing definitions and renumber all of the definitions in this Section so that the definitions are in alphabetical order as follows: (1 ) (a) (b) (c) (d) That Subsection 2.2 "Accessory Use" definition is hereby repealed and replaced with the following: "Accessory Use" shall mean a use of land, buildings or structures that is normally incidental or subordinate to the principal use, building or structure located on the same lot; That a new definition "Aqricultural Use" be added after Subsection 2.2 as follows: "Agricultural Use" shall mean the growing of crops, including nursery and horticultural crops, greenhouses, mushroom farms, apiaries, maple syrup production, aquaculture, raising of livestock, farms for the grazing, breeding, raising or training of horses or cattle, riding stables, and any other use customarily carried on in the field of general agriculture, including the sale on the premises of produce grown or raised on the premises. Facilities for the raising of fur-bearing animals, kennels and swill fed pigs shall not be permitted; That a new definition "Bed and Breakfast Establishment" be added after Subsection 2.5 as follows: "Bed and Breakfast Establishment" shall mean an establishment that provides sleeping accommodation (including breakfast and other meals, services, facilities and amenities for the exclusive use of guests) for the traveling or vacationing public within a detached dwelling that is the principal residence of the proprietor of the establishment; That a new definition "Conservation" be added after Subsection 2.11 as follows: "Conservation" shall mean the wise use, protection and rehabilitation of natural resources according to principles that will assure their highest economic, social and environmental benefits; 048 (i) U) . ~~.;., if"i!Ii' ," l~ I tJ " ¡f;" (e) That a new definition "Day Nursery" be added after Subsection 2.14 as follows: "Day Nursery" shall mean lands and premises duly licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Day Nurseries Act, or any successor thereto, for use as a facility for the daytime care of children; (f) That a new definition "Existinq-ORM" be added after Subsection 2.25 as follows: "Existing-ORM" shall mean a use, building or structure, lawfully in existence on or before November 15, 2001, and for greater certainty does not include a use, building or structure that is in existence on that date without being lawful; (g) That a new definition "Exterior Side Yard" be added after Subsection 2.25 as follows: "Exterior Side Yard" shall mean a side yard immediately adjoining a street or abutting a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street; (h) That a new definition "Farm Implement Service and Sales Outlet" be added after Subsection 2.26 as follows: "Farm Implement Service and Sales Outlet" shall mean an the use of land, building or structure for the sale, storage or repair of equipment and machinery directly associated with an agricultural operation; That a new definition "Farm Vacation Home" be added after Subsection 2.26 as follows: "Farm Vacation Home" shall mean an establishment that provides sleeping accommodation (including participation in farm activities, meals, services, facilities and amenities for the exclusive use of guests) for the traveling or vacationing public within a detached dwelling that is located on a farm and is the principal residence of the proprietor of the establishment; That a new definition "Financial Institution" be added after Subsection 2.26 as follows: "Financial Institution" shall mean a building or part of a building in which money is deposited, kept, lent or exchanged or where money management services are provided; (k) (I) (m) (n) (0) {#ir,'~ ' 'IJ' 049 That a new definition "Golf Course" be added after Subsection 2.31 as follows: "Golf Course" shall mean an area of land, and any ancillary building, structure, or part thereof, operated for the purpose of playing golf, and includes any associated recreational facility, such as a club house, snack bar, dining room, lounge, swimming pool and racquet sport court, operated in conjunction therewith; That a new definition "Home Industry" be added after Subsection 2.35 as follows: "Home Industry" shall mean a business that, (a) is carried on as a small-scale use that is accessory to a detached dwelling, provides a service such as carpentry, metalworking, welding, electrical work or blacksmithing, primarily to the farming community, may be carried on in whole or in part in an accessory building, and does not include uses such as an auto repair or paint shop or furniture stripping; (b) (c) (d) That a new definition "Low Intensity Recreation" be added after Subsection 2.45 as follows: "Low Intensity Recreation" shall mean outdoor recreational uses that require little terrain or vegetation modification and shall include non-motorized trail uses and walking trails; That a new definition "Minor Site Alteration" be added after Subsection 2.45 as follows: "Minor Site Alteration" shall mean activities such as filling, grading and excavation that would not adversely change the landform and natural vegetative characteristics of land; That a new definition "Nursinq Home" be added after Subsection 2.47 as follows: "Nursing Home" shall mean a building or part of a building where people are lodged, fed, cared and provided for, and may be aided in any or all daily activities, and may include the provision of nursing services, medical care or treatment, and ancillary administrative offices, which is operated by a private, public, religious, cultural or charitable organization, which is duly licensed pursuant to the laws of the Province of Ontario; 050 (r) (s) (t) ¡,i:fÞ" I ~, (p) That a new definition "Oak Ridqes Moraine Conservation Plan Area" and "Plan Area" be added after Subsection 2.47 as follows: "Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Area" and "Plan Area" shall mean the areas described in Section 2 of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan; (q) That a new definition "Personal Service Shop" be added after Subsection 2.49 as follows: "Personal Service Shop" shall mean an establishment in which a personal service is performed and which may include, but shall not be limited to, a barbershop, a beauty salon, a shoe repair store, a tailor or a dressmaking shop, or a photographic studio, but shall not include a body-rub parlour; That a new definition "Place of Reliqious Assembly" be added after Subsection 2.50 as follows: "Place of Religious Assembly" shall mean lands or premises where people assemble for worship, counselling, educational, contemplative or other purposes of a religious nature, which may include social, recreational, and charitable activities, and offices for the administration thereof; That Subsection 2.55 "Private School" definition be repealed and replaced with the following: "Private School" shall mean a school other than a school included under Subsection 2.94 and shall include a commercial school; That a new definition "Resource Manaqement" be added after Subsection 2.52 as follows: "Resource Management" shall mean the preservation, protection and improvement of the natural environment through comprehensive management and maintenance, under professional direction for both the individual and society's use, both in the present and the future, and shall also mean the management, development and cultivation of timber resources to ensure the continuous production of wood or wood products, the provision of proper environmental conditions for wildlife, the protection against floods and erosion, the protection and production of water supplies and the preservation of the recreational resource; (2) r". "...."w7}ffi. .'.' f; !! ~¡¡¡¡lfj Ii J 051 (u) That a new definition "Temporary Detached Dwellinq" be added after Subsection 2.60 as follows: "Temporary Detached Dwelling" shall mean a dwelling constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Building Code, excluding a permanent foundation that is designed and constructed so as to enable complete removal of the building within 48 hours of being required to do so; (v) That a new definition "Top of Bank" be added after Subsection 2.60 as follows: "Top of Bank" shall mean a point of line which is the beginning of a significant change in the land surface, thence from which the land surface slopes downward towards an abandoned or existing watercourse. Where two or more slopes are located together, the slope that is highest and furthest away from the watercourse shall be the slope considered the top of bank; (w) That a new definition "Wetland" be added after Subsection 2.60 as follows: "Wetland" shall mean land such as a swamp, marsh, bog or fen (not including land that is being used for agricultural purposes and no longer exhibits wetland characteristics) that is seasonally or permanently covered by shallow water or has the water table close to or at the surface, has hydric soils and vegetation dominated by hydrophytic or water-tolerant plants, and has been further identified, by the Ministry of Natural Resources or by any other person, according to evaluation procedures established by the Ministry of Natural Resources, as amended from time to time. Subsection 4.1 ZONES, is hereby amended by adding in new Oak Ridges Moraine Zones in the zones list by deleting and replacing the Zone list and by adding a new Clauses 4.1 (a) and (b) as follows: Zone Symbol Rural Agriculture Zone Oak Ridges Moraine Agricultural Zone Village Zone Village Residential Zone Oak Ridges Moraine Residential Five Zone Oak Ridges Moraine Residential Six Zone General Commercial Zone Oak Ridges Moraine Hamlet Commercial Zone Highway Commercial Zone A ORM-A V R5 ORM-R5 ORM-R6 C2 ORM-C2 C3 052 (3) (4) (5) (6) Oak Ridges Moraine Institutional Zone Storage and Light Manufacturing Zone Oak Ridges Moraine Industrial Zone Pit and Quarry Zone Public and Private Open Space Zone Oak Ridges Moraine Recreational Zone Oak Ridges Moraine Golf Course Zone Greenbelt-Conservation Zone Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Protection Zone ORM-I MI ORM-M1 Q 02 ORM-R ORM-GC G ORM-EP 4.1.1 Special Conditions - Oak Ridges Moraine A Special Condition permits additional uses or further restricts the use of specific land in various ORM zones or provides specific regulations applicable to uses of specific lands that differ from the regulations applicable to the standard ORM zone. 4.1.2 Conflict with Zoning Provisions - Oak Ridges Moraine Where there is any conflict between the provisions of an ORM zone and any other provision of this By-law, the provisions of the ORM zone shall apply, but in the event that an ORM zone is silent on any matter, then all other relevant provisions of this By-law shall apply. Clause 4.2.1 Symbols of Zones, is hereby amended by adding the symbols ORM-A, ORM-R5, ORM-R6, ORM-C2, ORM-I, ORM-R, ORM-GC, ORM-M1, ORM-EP" after the letter "G". Subclause 4.2.2(c) Boundaries of Zones, is hereby amended by adding the following after the end of the Subclause: "The boundary of the Oak Ridges Moraine Plan Area, as shown on Schedule A and B shall be the 245 metre contour elevation line." Subsection 5.16 is hereby amended by adding the following to the end of the subsection: "The above-noted policies do not apply to land within any zone with the suffix letters ORM." Clause 5.18 (d) is hereby amended by adding the letters "ORM-R5 and ORM-R6" after the letters "R5". (7) (8) 053 Clause 5.19 (5) is hereby amended by adding the following after subsection (p): the generation of or storage of hazardous waste, liquid industrial waste, or any severely toxic contaminant listed in Schedule 3 to Ontario Regulation 347 RSO, 1990. Section 5 is hereby amended by adding the following new subsections 5.32, 5.33, 5.34, 5.35, 5.36 and 5.37 following Subsection 5.31 as follows: (q) 5.32 Existing Uses Within the Oak Ridges Moraine (a) Continuation of Uses Within the Oak Ridges Moraine The provisions of this By-law shall not apply to prevent the use of any existing lot, building or structure for any purpose prohibited by this By-law if such existing lot, building or structure was lawfully used for such purpose on or before November 15, 2001, and provided that the lot, building or structure continues to be used for that purpose. Where the use ceases to exist for a period of two years, the use will be deemed to have been discontinued. (b) Permitted Extension and Alteration of Uses Within the Oak Ridges Moraine Any dwelling that is not permissible within the zone in which it is located, but that legally existed on or before November 15, 2001, shall be permitted to expand by a maximum of an additional 100 square metres in gross floor area after the date of the passing of this By-law, in accordance with the yard, height, coverage and dwelling unit requirements of Section 6.4.4 of this By-law. 5.33 A commercial, industrial, institutional or recreational building or structure that is not permissible within the zone in which it is located, but that legally existed on or before November 15, 2001, shall be permitted to expand by a maximum of an additional 10% of the existing gross floor area after the date of the passing of this By-law, in accordance with the provisions of the appropriate zoning ORM category of this By-law. Special Setbacks Within ORM Zones In addition to the other provisions of this By-law, within the area of the Oak Ridges Moraine as shown on Schedule A and Schedule B, and within zones having an ORM prefix the following setbacks shall apply: 054 5.34 5.35 (a) Watercourses All buildings or structures shall be located a minimum of 30 metres from the high water mark of any river, stream, creek or municipal drain. (b) Steep Slopes or Ravines All buildings or structures shall be located a minimum of 15 metres from the top of bank of a slope in excess of 25 percent. (c) Wetlands All buildings and structures shall be located a minimum of 30 metres from the edge of a wetland. Lots Having Split Zoning Within the Oak Ridges Moraine Where a lot is divided into more than one zone, each separately zoned portion of the lot shall be used in accordance with the provisions of that zone as if each separately zoned portion was a lot. However, where a lot is divided into more than one zone and a use is permitted in each zone, the zoning provisions of the most restrictive zone shall apply to the entire lot. No lot shall have more than one building containing a dwelling on the lot except as specifically permitted by this By-law. Lots Having Reduced Lot Area and/or Reduced Lot Frontage Within the Oak Ridges Moraine Lots may be used and a building or structure may be constructed altered or used on a lot having a lesser lot area and/or a lesser lot frontage than required by this By-law, provided that the lot has been held under distinct and separate ownership from the abutting lots or was legally created prior to the passing of this By-law, or created as a result of expropriation. The building, structures and use must conform to all other applicable provisions and regulations of this By-law. Lots that have been increased in size following the date of this By-law shall also be subject to this provision. 5.36 5.37 055 Non-Complying Buildings or Structures Within the Oak Ridges Moraine Enlargements, additions or alterations are permitted to buildings or structures which were lawfully non-complying prior to the passing of this by-law, provided that: a) the use of the lot and the building or structure is conforming to a permitted use; b) the extent to which the building or structure does not meet the requirements of this By-law is not increased. Home Industry Where a home industry is permitted as an accessory use to a detached dwelling, the following provisions shall apply: c) d) e) f) g) a) In addition to persons living on the premises not more than two (2) employees shall be engaged in the home industry; b) A home industry may be located in part of a dwelling or in any accessory building located on a lot on which a dwelling is in existence, provided the total gross floor area utilized by the home industry does not exceed a maximum of 140 square metres; There shall be no display, other than a non-illuminated sign having a maximum surface area of 1.0 square metre.; There shall be no outside storage of goods, materials or articles. Only motor vehicles associated with the home industry may be parked or stored on the lot in an interior side or rear yard. A boarding kennel shall not be permitted as a home industry. Home Industry uses shall not include the generation of or storage of hazardous waste, liquid industrial waste, or any severely toxic contaminant listed in Schedule 3 to Ontario Regulation 347 RSO, 1990. 056 (9) Section 6 is hereby amended by adding a new Subsection 6.4 following Subsection 6.3 as follows: 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 OAK RIDGES MORAINE AGRICULTURAL (ORM-A) ZONE No person shall within a Oak Ridges Moraine Agricultural (ORM-A) Zone, use any land or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following: Permitted Uses for Lots Equal to or in Excess of 4 Hectares i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) agricultural use detached dwelling farm vacation home home-based business home industry resource management temporary detached dwelling accessory to an agricultural use Regulations for Permitted Uses on Lots Equal to or in Excess of 4 Hectares iv) v) vi) vii) i) ii) Minimum Lot Area 4 hectares Minimum Lot Frontage 150 metres iii) Minimum Yard Requirements a) Front Yard b) Interior Side Yard c) Exterior Side Yard d) Rear Yard 15.0 metres 6.0 metres 7.5 metres 15.0 metres Maximum Lot Coverage Maximum Height 20% 12.0 metres Minimum Dwelling Unit Gross Floor Area 139 square metres Temporary Detached Dwelling Requirements a) A temporary detached dwelling shall be permitted on a lot with a minimum lot area of 40 hectares; b) A maximum of one temporary detached dwelling shall be permitted per lot; 1~' 057 c) Where a detached dwelling exists, the maximum distance between the detached dwelling and a temporary detached dwelling shall be 50.0 metres, and the temporary detached dwelling shall not be located in the front yard Special Regulations viii) a) A farm vacation home shall provide a maximum of three guest rooms 6.4.3 Permitted Uses for Lots Less than 4 Hectares i) ii) detached dwelling home-based business 6.4.4 Regulations for Permitted Uses on Lots Less than 4 Hectares i) Minimum Lot Area 0.8 of a hectare ii) Minimum Lot Frontage 60 metres iii) Minimum Yard Requirements a) Front Yard 12.0 metres b) Interior Side Yard 3.0 metres c) Exterior Side Yard 6.0 metres d) Rear Yard 12.0 metres iv) Maximum Lot Coverage 10% v) Maximum Height 12.0 metres vi) Minimum Dwelling Unit Gross Floor Area 139 square metres vii) Maximum Dwellings Per Lot 1 only viii) Special Regulations a) For lots in excess of 0.8 hectares the minimum lot frontage shall be increased by 3.0 metres for each additional 0.1 hectare, rounded to the nearest 0.1 hectare, to a maximum frontage of 150 metres. 058 (10) 6.4.5 Special Conditions ORM-A-1 a) In addition to the uses permitted in Subsection 6.4.3, a bed and breakfast establishment shall be permitted subject to the following requirements; i) A maximum of three guest rooms shall be provided within the dwelling containing a bed and breakfast establishment; A minimum of one parking space shall be provided on site for each guest room associated with a bed and breakfast establishment. ii) Section 7 is hereby amended by adding a new Subsection 7.5 following Subsection 7.4 as follows: 7.5 7.5.1 7.5.2 OAK RIDGES MORAINE INSTITUTIONAL (ORM-I) ZONE No person shall within any Oak Ridges Moraine Institutional (ORM-I) Zone, use any land or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following: Permitted Uses ì) cemetery ii) community centre iii) day nursery iv) municipal buildings v) nursing home vi) place of religious assembly vii) school Regulations for Permitted Uses i) ii) Minimum Lot Area 1.0 acre 45 metres iii) Minimum Lot Frontage Minimum Yard Requirements iv) v) a) Front Yard b) Interior Side Yard c) Exterior Side Yard d) Rear Yard Maximum Lot Coverage 9.0 metres 3.0 metres 4.5 metres 9.0 metres 25% Maximum Height 12.0 metres 7.5.3 059 vi) Minimum Landscaped Open Space 10% Special Regulations a) In any yard abutting a Residential Zone a planting strip of at least 3.0 metres shall be required. Special Conditions vii) ORM-I-1 a) Despite Subsections 7.5.1 and 7.5.2, a school shall only be permitted on the lands zoned "ORM-I-1", and all buildings or structures shall be setback a minimum of 30.0 metres from any "ORM-EP" zone. ORM-I-2 a) Despite Subsections 7.5.1 and 7.5.2, a cemetery, and any accessory buildings or structures, shall only be permitted on the lands zoned "ORM-I-2" subject to the following: A i) ii) Hi) Minimum front yard depth of 9.0 metres Minimum interior side yard width of 3.0 metres Minimum rear yard depth of 3.0 metres; B Despite subsection A above, a memorial stone or monument which is less than 3.0 metres in height, located a minimum of 3.0 metres from any front lot line and at least 1.0 metres from any side lot line, may be erected, altered or used; A mausoleum, columbarium or crematorium shall not be permitted; C 0 Despite subsection C above, a mausoleum or columbarium which does not exceed 2.0 metres in height and has exterior dimensions such that the volume enclosed thereby does not exceed 15.0 cubic metres shall be considered to be a memorial stone or monument; Cemetery administrative buildings, cemetery equipment buildings and one chapel shall be permitted only as ancillary to, and in conjunction with, a cemetery use; E 060 a) F G H (H) ORM-I-2 The floor area of any cemetery administrative buildings, cemetery equipment buildings or chapel shall not exceed 200 square metres in size The combined floor area of all cemetery administrative buildings, cemetery equipment buildings or chapel shall not exceed 500 square metres; Subsections 5.19.2 and 2.2.1 of By-law 3037, as amended, shall not apply; Despite Subsection, the following provisions shall apply to the lands knows as Concession 9, Part of Lot 14, 40R-20211, Part 2: A B While the "(H)" Holding Symbol is in place preceding the "ORM-I-2" zone designation, no person shall use any lands for any purpose other than those uses permitted in Subsection 6.4.1 ; Prior to an amendment to remove the "(H)" Holding Symbol preceding the "ORM-I-2" zone, the owner shall satisfy the City of Pickering with respect to the following: i) the completion and approval of a hydrogeological report; the satisfaction of all provincial guidelines applicable to cemetery developments; the completion of an archaeological site inventory on all of the lands zoned "ORM-I- 2" and approved by the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation; the owner obtaining site plan approval, and adhering to resultant approved site plans as stipulated in an appropriate agreement with the City of Pickering; and the establishment and form of required operating by-laws, trust funds and/or care and maintenance funds appropriate to govern the operation and administration of the cemetery. ii) Hi) iv) v) (11 ) 061 ORM-I-3 a) Despite Subsection 7.5.1, a cemetery and place of religious assembly shall only be permitted on the lands zoned "ORM-I-3". Section 8 is hereby amended by adding new Subsections 8.5 and 8.6 following Subsection 8.4 as follows: 8.5 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.5.3 OAK RIDGES MORAINE - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL FIVE (ORM-R5) ZONE No person shall within an Oak Ridges Moraine Hamlet Residential (ORM-R5) Zone, use any land or erect, alter or use any building or structure in accordance with the following: Permitted Uses i) ii) detached dwelling home-based business Regulations for Permitted Uses i) ii) iii) Minimum Lot Area 1390 square metres 22.0 metres Minimum Lot Frontage Minimum Yard Requirements iv) v) a) Front Yard b) Interior Side Yard c) Exterior Side Yard d) Rear Yard Maximum Lot Coverage 20% 9.0 metres 1.8 metres 4.5 metres 9.0 metres vi) Maximum Height Minimum Dwelling Unit Gross Floor Area 100 square metres 1 only 12.0 metres vii) Maximum Dwellings Per Lot Special Conditions ORM-R5-1 a) In addition to the uses permitted in Subsection 8.5.1, a day nursery shall be a permitted use on the lands zoned "ORM-R5-1" provided the lands and premises are duly licenced pursuant to The Day Nurseries Act, or any successor thereto, for use as a facility for the daytime care of not more than fifty-five (55) children at anyone time. 062 8.6 8.6.1 8.6.2 8.6.3 iv) v) vi) vii) viii) OAK RIDGES MORAINE - HAMLET RESIDENTIAL SIX (ORM-R6) ZONE No person shall within an Oak Ridges Moraine Hamlet Residential Six (ORM-R6) Zone, use any land or erect, alter or use any building or structure in accordance with the following: Permitted Uses i) ii) detached dwelling home-based business Regulations for Permitted Uses i) ii) Minimum Lot Area Minimum Lot Frontage 0.3 of a hectare 22.0 metres Hi) Minimum Yard Requirements a) Front Yard b) Interior Side Yard c) Exterior Side Yard d) Rear Yard Maximum Lot Coverage 20% 9.0 metres 1 .8 metres 2.7 metres 9.0 metres Maximum Height Minimum Dwelling Unit Gross Floor Area 12.0 metres 100 square metres Maximum Dwellings Per Lot 1 only Special Regulations a) No buildings or structures shall be erected within 10.0 metres of any Trans Canada Pipeline Easement Special Conditions ORM-R6-1 a) Despite Clause 5.18 (a) of By-law 3037, a detached garage shall be permitted in a side yard on the lands zoned "ORM-R6-1 ". a) ORM-R6-2 a) ORM-R6-3 063 Despite Subsection 8.6.2, for the lands zoned "ORM-R6-2" the following provisions shall apply: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) minimum lot area of 4,000 square metres minimum lot frontage of 35.0 metres minimum front yard depth of 12.0 metres minimum interior side yard width of 3.0 metres minimum exterior yard width 10.0 metres minimum rear yard depth of 12.0 metres maximum building height of 12.0 metres maximum lot coverage of 20 percent In addition to the uses permitted in Subsection 8.6.1, where a detached dwelling exists on a lot, a garden suite may be established on the same lot in accordance with the following: i) Despite the accessory building and use provisions of Section 5.18 of By-law 3037, a maximum of one garden suite, being defined as a dwelling unit which is detached from, but accessory to and sharing the same water and sanitary services as, a main detached dwelling located on the same lot; may be permitted per lot in the rear yard of any lot on the lands zoned "ORM-R6-3" in accordance with the rear yard depth, side yard width, exterior side yard width and lot coverage provisions of Section 8.6.2, and subject to the following provisions: A the maximum floor area of a garden suite shall be 65 square metres; B the maximum ground floor area of any structure containing a garden suite shall be 65 square metres; the maximum height of a garden suite shall be 5.0 metres, except where a garden suite is constructed as a second floor of a detached garage, in which case the maximum height of the entire structure shall be 6.0 metres; c 064 ,~(. :- 2()"- 0 the minimum separation between a garden suite and the main dwelling shall be 6.0 metres. ORM-R6-4 a) Despite Clause 8.6.2 i), for the lands zoned "ORM-R6-4" a minimum lot area of 0.2 of a hectare shall be provided. ORM-R6-5 a) Despite Subsection 8.6.2, the following shall apply to the lands zoned "ORM-R6-5"; i) b) no buildings or structures shall be permitted within 15 metres of a railway right-of-way; no buildings or structures including swimming pools, sheds, decks and other appurtenances shall be permitted within 1 0 metres of an "ORM-EP" Zone; Despite Clause 5.18 (a) of By-law 3037, a detached garage shall be permitted in a side yard. ii) ORM-R6-6 a) Despite Section 5.18 and Section 5.31 of By-law 3037, where a detached dwelling exists on a lot, a maximum of one accessory dwelling unit may be permitted on the second floor of a detached garage located in any side or rear yard of any lot on the lands zoned "ORM-R6-6" in accordance with the following: i) a detached garage, and any associated uncovered steps and platforms, may be erected in any side or rear yard, a minimum of 5.0 metres from any lot line; ii) the maximum residential floor area of the accessory dwelling unit shall be 90 square metres; iii) the maximum height of the detached garage shall be 9.0 metres; iv) a minimum of one parking space shall be provided and maintained on the lot to serve the accessory dwelling unit. (12) 065 Section 9 is hereby amended by deleting Subsection 9.3 replacing it with a new subsection 9.3 following subsection 9.2. as follows: 9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2 OAK RIDGES MORAINE - GENERAL COMMERCIAL (ORM-C2) ZONE No person shall within any Oak Ridges Moraine General Commercial (ORM-C2) Zone, use any land or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following: Permitted Uses i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) xvii) accessory dwelling unit automobile service station bake shop business office clinic day nursery dry cleaning and laundry collection station financial institution hotel parking station personal service shop place of amusement professional office public parking lot restaurant - type A retail store taxi cab stand or station i) Regulations for Permitted Uses ii) iii) Minimum Lot Area Minimum Lot Area For an Accessory Dwelling Unit Nil 695 square metres Nil Minimum Lot Frontage Minimum Yard Requirements a) Front Yard b) Interior Side Yard Interior Side Yard Abutting a Residential Zone c) Exterior Side Yard d) Rear Yard Nil Nil 7.5 metres 18.0 metres 7.5 metres 066 iv) v) Maximum Height Maximum Lot Coverage 12.0 metres 33% vi) vii) Minimum Landscaped Open Space 50% Accessory Dwelling Unit Regulations a) A maximum of one accessory dwelling unit shall be permitted within a building or structure containing the principle use; b) An accessory dwelling unit shall not be permitted within a building or structure containing an automobile service station use; c) the maximum floor area of an accessory dwelling unit shall be 100 square metres viii) Special Regulations a) In any yard abutting a Residential Zone a planting strip of at least 3.0 metres shall be required 9.3.3 Special Conditions ORM-C2-1 a) In addition to the uses permitted in Subsection 9.3.1, a maximum of four (4) dwelling units shall be permitted on the lands zoned "ORM-C2-1" subject to the following: i) a minimum of 1.25 parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit which contains one or less than one bedroom; a minimum of 1.75 parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit which contains more than one bedroom; ii) (13) Section 11 is hereby amended by adding a new subsection 11.3 following subsection 11.2 as follows: 11.3 OAK RIDGES MORAINE INDUSTRIAL (ORM-M1) ZONE No person shall within any Oak Ridges Moraine Industrial (ORM-M1) Zone, use any land or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following: 11.3.1 11.3.2 067 ,'. Permitted Uses i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) bakery business office creamery dairy dry cleaning pressing or laundry establishment farm implement sales outlet garage light manufacturing or assembly of manufactured products such as: a) apparel and finished textile or fabric products b) paper and allied products c) furniture and finished lumber products d) light metal products, such as precision instruments, watches and radios printing or duplicating shop professional office railway loading facilities retail sales accessory to a permitted use service or repair shop warehouse or distributing depot Regulations for Permitted Uses i) ii) iii) Minimum Lot Area Minimum Lot Frontage Nil Nil Minimum Yard Requirements a) Front Yard 12.0 metres Front Yard When the Opposite Side of the Street is a Residential Zone 30.0 metres 4.5 metres b) Interior Side Yard Side Yard When Abutting a Residential Zone 30.0 metres c) Exterior Side Yard 6.0 metres Exterior Side Yard When the Opposite Side of the Street is a Residential Zone 30.0 metres d) Rear Yard Rear Yard When Abutting a Residential Zone 7.5 metres 30.0 metres 068 (14) 13.4 13.4.1 13.4.2 iv) Minimum Landscaped Open Space 20% v) Maximum Height 12.0 metres vi) Retail Sales Regulations vii) a) retail sales accessory to a permitted use shall not exceed 20 percent of the gross floor area of the building or structure in which it is located Special Regulations a) All permitted uses shall be carried on within enclosed buildings or structures; b) In any yard abutting a Residential Zone a planting strip of at least 3.0 metres shall be required. Section 13 is hereby amended by adding new subsections 13.4 and 13.5 following subsection 13.3 as follows: OAK RIDGES MORAINE RECREATIONAL (ORM-R) ZONE No person shall within an Oak Ridges Moraine Open Space (ORM-R) Zone, use any land or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following: Permitted Uses i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) athletic fields badminton clubs bandstands bleachers bowling greens playfields playgrounds public park skating rinks swimming pools tennis courts Regulations for Permitted Uses i) ii) Minimum Lot Area Nil Minimum Lot Frontage Nil (15) 069 iii) Minimum Yard Requirements a) Front Yard b) Interior Side Yard c) Exterior Side Yard d) Rear Yard 9.0 metres 9.0 metres 9.0 metres 9.0 metres 12.0 metres iV) Maximum Height 13.5 OAK RIDGES MORAINE GOLF COURSE (ORM-GC) ZONE No person shall within any Oak Ridges Moraine Open Space (ORM-GC) Zone, use any land or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following: 13.5.1 Permitted Uses i) ii) golf course detached dwelling 13.5.2 Regulations for Permitted Uses i) Minimum Lot Area ii) Minimum Lot Frontage iii) Minimum Yard Requirements a) Front Yard b) Interior Side Yard c) Exterior Side Yard d) Rear Yard iv) Maximum Lot Coverage v) Maximum Height 4.0 hectares 150 metres 15.0 metres 6.0 metres 7.5 metres 15.0 metres 20% 12.0 metres Section 14 is hereby amended by adding a new subsection 14.4 following subsection 14.3 as follows: 14.4 OAK RIDGES MORAINE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (ORM-EP) ZONE No person shall, within any Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Protection (ORM-EP) Zone erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions: 070 14.4.1 14.4.2 14.4.3 5. Permitted Uses i) ii) iii) iv) conservation low intensity recreation resource management pump houses and buildings and structures for flood and erosion control detached dwelling on an vacant lot of record where a detached dwelling would have been permitted as of November 15, 2001 accessory buildings and/or structures, or minor site alteration associated with an existing-ORM use Regulations for Permitted Uses v) vi) i) a detached dwelling in accordance with Subsection 14.4.1 (v) shall be subject to the provisions of Subsection 6.4.4; No accessory buildings and/or structures shall exceed 10 square metres in area. ii) Special Conditions ORM-EP-1 a) In addition to the uses permitted in Subsection 14.4.1, a home-based business, a bed and breakfast establishment, and accessory structures shall be permitted on the lands zoned "ORM-EP-1 "; Despite Clause 5.19(6) of By-law 3037, a home-based business may occupy 25 percent of the finished floor area of a building to a maximum of 75 square metres; b) c) Despite Clause 5.19(7) of By-law 3037, a home-based business may be permitted within an accessory building or structure; Despite section c) above, a home-based business located within an accessory structure may occupy 100 percent of the floor area of the accessory structure to a maximum of 75 square metres. d) REPEAL OF BY-LAWS Upon this By-law being in force and effect, the following By-laws are hereby repealed: 1. 2. 3524 3643 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 6. BY-LAW - 27 - 071 1725/83 1784/84 1809/84 2031/85 2168/86 2209/86 2211/86 2325/86 2741/88 3992/92 4550/95 4805/96 4827/96 5654/00 5791/01 6021/02 6165/03 6413/04 6478/05 By-law 3037, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedules 1 to 9 inclusive, attached hereto. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 3037, as amended. 7. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act and the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this ,2006. day of t/? David Ryan, Ma~~~ Pi, Ç1 , .. .J; ~ Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk n t~J" U, ---- ~ ~ 25 ~ @5 ~ ~ ß ORM-A ~ @ SCHEDULE I TO BY-LAW -----~_n- PASSED THIS ~ ------- DAY OF _____2006 l' II¡ MAYOR -~----- - --n_- --~---- ~--~-~----,- CLERK SCHEDULE 1 of 9 n ,~!. \-' I . , ORM-A ) II II I I.! -L~:. ' I f SCHEDULE II TO BY-LAW ---- PASSED THIS DAY OF 2006 l' tv MAYOR CLERK SCHEDULE 2 of 9 :ì ~ \.. \ I " J@w[f!]~[x]D~ @~ [lJJM[~OOD@)@[g < ¿ eo a '- aRM-EP I! SCHEDULE m TO BY-LAW PASSED THIS ---- DAY OF 2006 l' IV ----~ MAYOR -----_u_., CLERK SCHEDULE 3 of 9 n.. 7" I I 1-' . I ~@\VAY7~~[):{JD~ @[? [1JJM[IDl~D[Q)@~ . . ~ rJr\.I\ JRM-A . 4 '\J ORM-A (\ ~ 00'" I \O~~~ ~~! -: A rt ~ LI::7 r 1 rõRM:Aì L"1 \ 'l~(,;P~ I l( ~ . "M" ~ /: ~ ~ \., 4MW t; P 'j A ~ r~mont ~ C""'u í n w ORM-A ~ -L « ~ 9 ~ ~¥ d d [f) r--"'" ~ , 0 II '-' V1 I ~ I ORM-E \ ~ 0 - ~ ~ iJ II --1 ,/ ORMR62 ~ '- 11 rt r nJYcp In TIltJ~fr f-.11~: 1: II "-- -1 ,.,O~-~ 1° . '!J!I'7liL- ~I~~æ ]~1~ I I l¿ ~~" ~ I ~ ~/ )-0,.;;-1 ~ " ....~ lliZ/A: ~] ~ -,¿ A ( ORMA ~ ~ oe~ -5Iì r) OJ SCHEDULE IS[ TO BY-LAW PASSED THIS DAY OF --- _2006 l' N MAYOR ------ CLERK SCHEDULE 4 of 9 '17 . \" ' , ClT@~¡m@[X]n[j") :\ ORM-EP 1 ORM-EP-1 < ¿ 0- 0 A z ) ORM-EP 0 <t 0 D::: ORM-EP ORM-A J >- W Z f- UJ w :s: JRM '62 I I ROAD 5 L ORM-A SCHEDULE Il TO BY-LAW__--- PASSED THIS ----- DAY OF 2006 l' IV MAYOR ----- ------ CLERK SCHEDULE 5 of 9 '\7 l. . i 'IT@\VAV7ù:!l~[gJn[?) @[? [lJJ¡:<Jfß[!;<n[Q)@~ ~ , ----- 0 <{ 0 'V ORM-EP .q- ) W ORM-A :;;' ~ LL 0 (j) >-- w Z I- (j) U ~ J n n -.J r<OAD 5 1O z I I ~I Vi I I (j) SCHEDULE :szr TO BY-LAW__- -- PASSED THIS ---- --------- DAY OF 2006 l' IV --------------- MAYOR --------- CLERK SCHEDULE 6 of 9 ""'1 . L: ( . Ciï"@\YiII7~~[}:[]D~ @[;S (1DM[IDffi3D[Q)@~ ORM-EP .q- « ORM-GC ~ 0:: 0 n ,..r ORM-A N I I r- L:.; 0 -- [{I SCHEDULE W TO BY-LAW__---- PASSED THIS DAY OF 2006 l' tv MAYOR CLERK :::---- :;:-;: ~ [= r=-1 25 ~ ~ @ ~ "-OJ ¡§ @ þ SCHEDULE 7 of 9 \... I \ / ~.~ ~)4~~~~ 1 /-.J ~ -L'~~ ~ ' ~ ,/ I ~ I ~ ~,~ fè 1// I : ~ ~~ I J I ~ I ORM-EP ~ ~ I : I I~::d~~ : - ORM-A OF ~ j .."J ~~\ \ \ , I~' \1 J , ORM-Ef}' ~ ',. -i I , -- f------' -- -- C RM-R5 , 1- I :~~- ~ : I' .~-¡f> ORM-R5-1 , Ii I ,~ ---- rl 1 - I !~ - OR iR\ '- I, I "" - ORM-Et~ , ~ I <d: Þ t' 0 IVI-P- J~ I I I' 'oi , ~ - I ~ ~ - , j - ~ b- !~ ' 01 O ~P 1P /1:: .~~ l ~ ~3Fr 11 liD l ~ :8~: ,'-'-'- ..,-,-,-,-,-- , -rl ~ ~TRAl ¡~ '\~' ORM-R6-3 ¡CK}:ENTR" ORM 1 f 1 1 3J -cinL~~ - ,ì'ilU~~ /~ ~ -- f- ~ I I '~ "'- ca:' I --f' .., ~ -i ELL"GTO~ ~ ~ -- ì ~..,: D~,_n,lt...g6 ~ ~MI H, .,-,: ~vií J ~ ! - ~ I I II ie,' JI"" I , ' ð ~- -II , "'" """" JIlt!'" I LA" 6 t. - L "a,:..{. I<:'~ 1.... I : Im- . 7'~\-ø" ...:., ,v M-EP I ~~u-- .............f/i:. :~ 1\ Hh -;' ~~ :\ '4J " ',,' f 'i ) , p ¡¡. I ORM-A ( SCHEDULE:szm TO BY-LAW PASSED THIS DAY OF - 2006 l' tv ------------- -- MAYOR ----- CLERK SCHEDULE 8 of 9 c~ ( l' r~ , <f ¿ cr: 0 0 <! 0 '" )RM-EP I I '" I u - :? I [¡) j I I ORM- ORM-A I I ---,- - SCHEDULE IX TO BY-LAW- PASSED THIS DAY OF _2006 l' Iv MAYOR --- CLERK SCHEDULE 9 of 9 INFORMATIONAL REVISION 13 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN APPENDIX III TO REPORT PD 07-06 081 082 INFORMATIONAL REVISION 13 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: LOCATION: BASIS: PROPOSED REVISION: The purpose of this revision is to change the informational text and maps contained within the Pickering Official Plan in order to provide clarity to the designations and policies implemented as part of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan conformity exercise. Numerous references through the Official Plan in both the explanatory text and maps. In reviewing the informational text and maps contained in the Official Plan, various housekeeping and technical revisions have been determined to be necessary and appropriate to complement and assist users with understanding the changes to the Official Plan text and schedules implemented through the Oak Ridges Moraine Official Plan Conformity Amendment. The Pickering Official Plan is hereby revised by: 1. On page 42, within the second sentence of the first paragraph of the informational text: delete the word "Ten" at the beginning of the sentence and replace with the word "Nme"; delete the words "and Area" after the word "Oaremont"; delete the words "and Altona (which is also partly in Uxbridge)" at the end of the sentence; and add the word "and" before the word "Balsam"; 2. On page 42, within the third paragraph of the informational text, delete the word "three" and replace with the word "four"; and add a comma and the words "Oak Ridges Moraine rural hanùets" after the words "rural hamlet" ; 3. On page 42, add the following paragraph within the informational text, after the paragraph describing Rural hanùets : Oak Ridgs M oraiœ rural harriers are existing hanùets or similar existing small communities that are generally long-established. They often contain a variety of land uses, and provide opportunities for growth only within the existing hanùet boundary. Page 2 Informational Revision 13 to the Pickering Official Plan 083 4. On page 42, within the RURAL SETTLEMENTS informational sidebar, add a new bullet point with the words "Oak Ridges Moraine Rural Hamlets" after the first bullet point; 5. Replace Map 2 as shown on Schedule a, adding the Oak Ridges Moraine boundary, adding the words "Oak Ridges Moraine Boundary" to the legend, deleting the words "AND AREA" after the word "CLAREMONT", and deleting the word "AL TONA", deleting the Shorelines and Stream Corridors within the Oak Ridges Moraine; 6. Replace Map 3 as shown on Schedule b, revising the Oak Ridges Moraine boundary, and deleting the words "AND AREA" after the word "CLAREMONT; 7. Replace Maps 4, 5, and 6 as shown on Schedules c, d, and e, adding the Oak Ridges Moraine boundary, adding the words "Oak Ridges Moraine Boundary" to the legend, deleting the words "AND AREA" after the word "CLAREMONT", and deleting the word "AL TONA"; 8. Replace Map 7 as shown on Schedule f, adding the Oak Ridges Moraine boundary and text, adding the words "Oak Ridges Moraine Boundary" to the legend, deleting the words "AND AREA" after the word "CLAREMONT", deleting the word "AL TONA", and deleting the natural systems within the Oak Ridges Moraine; 9. Replace Map 8 as shown on Schedule g, adding the Oak Ridges Moraine boundary and text, adding the words "Oak Ridges Moraine Boundary" to the legend, deleting the words "AND AREA" after the word "CLAREMONT", deleting the word "AL TONA", deleting the Rural Settlement boundary for Altona, and deleting the Rural Settlement boundary east of Claremont; 10. Replace Map 10, as shown on Schedule h, adding the Oak Ridges Moraine boundary, adding the words "Oak Ridges Moraine" to the legend, deleting the words "AND AREA" after the word "CLAREMONT", deleting the word "AL TONA", deleting the Rural Settlement cross-hatch for Altona, and deleting the Rural Settlement cross- hatch east of Claremont; 0 8 ~formational Revision 13 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 3 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. On page 53, within the Primary Land Use Categories informational sidebar, add a new bullet point with the words "Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside" after the eighth bullet point; On page 56, at the end of the first sentence within the second paragraph of the informational text, add the words "and the Oak Ridges Moraine"; and, at the end of the second paragraph of the informational text add the words "and Schedule V (Oak Ridges Moraine Key Natural Features/Hydrologically Sensitive Features)."; On page 56, add the following informational sidebar which relates to the ORM Natural Core Areas described in new subsection 3.5(c): Areas designated as Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Core Areas on Schedule I are lands designated as Natural Core Areas in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. On page 56 add the following informational sidebar which defines ecological integrity as referred to in new subsection 3.5(d): "Ecological Integrity", which includes hydrological integrity, means the condition of the ecosystem in which: (i) the stIUcture, composition and function of the ecosystems are unimpaired by stresses from human activity; (ii) natural ecological processes are intact and self-sustaining; and (iii) the ecosystems evolve naturally. On page 56, add the following informational sidebar, which relates to the ORM Natural Linkage Areas described in new subsection 3.5(f): Areas designated as Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage Areas on Schedule I are lands designated as Natural Linkage Areas in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. Informational Revision 13 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 4 '18, 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. On page 70, within the second sentence of the first paragraph of the informational text, delete the word "three" and replace with the word "four"; delete the word "and" and add a comma after the word "characteristics", add the words "and location on the Oak Ridges Moraine" before the colon, delete the word "and" after the words "rural clusters" and add a comma; and add the words "and Oak Ridges Moraine rural hamlets" at the end of the sentence; On page 70, at the beginning of the fourth paragraph of the informational text, add the words "and Oak Ridges Moraine rural hamlets" after the words "Rural haITÙets"; On page 70, under the lists of Pickering's Hamlets within the informational sidebar, delete the words "and Area" from the seventh bullet point; and delete the ninth bullet point and the word "Altona"; and, from the list of Pickering's dusters delete the fourth bullet point and the words "Oaremont Ouster"; On page 72, add the words "and Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside" after the words "Agricultural Areas" in the title; at the beginning of the first paragraph of the informational text, add the words "and Oak Ridges Moraine Cowuryside areas" after the words "Agricultural Areas"; at the beginning of the second paragraph of the informational text, delete the words "Agricultural Areas" and add the words "these areas" after the word "In"; On page 72, within the CITY POLICY informational sidebar for subsection 3.11, add the words "am Gtk Ridg;s Moraiœ O:m1trysiÆ' after the words "Agriadtural A æas"; On page 72, add the following informational sidebar, which relates to the ORM-Countryside described in new subsection 3.11(d): Areas designated as Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside on Schedule I are lands designated as Countryside Areas in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. On page 73, within the CITY POLICY informational sidebar for TABLE 12, add the words "am Gtk Ridg;s Moraiœ 0:m1tryside:" after the words "Agriadtural A æas"; 0816formational Revision 13 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 5 23. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. On page 93, add CITY POLICY Municipal Roadways - Oak Ridges Moraine within the informational sidebar adjacent to new subsection 4.20; On page 126, within the CITY POLICY informational sidebar for subsection 10.10, add a comma and the words "Q¡k R* Maraiœ Key Natural Heritaff! Features and HyirdcY¡jmlly Sensiti'1£ Features" after the words" Sr.ientific Interest"; On page 127, within the OTY POLICY informational sidebar for subsection 10.11, add a comma and the words "am Aquifer Vulœrabilitj' after the words "RWarg! and DisŒarg!" ; On page 205, at the beginning of the fourth sentence in the first paragraph of the informational text, delete the words "Schedules IV-l to IV-14" and replace with "Schedules IV-l to IV-13"; On page 205, delete the word "ALTONA" and the associated symbol from the informational insert map, and delete the words "AND AREA" after "CLAREMONT" on the insert map; On page 205, within the Rural Settlements informational sidebar, delete the words "and Area" after Claremont from Rural Settlement number 1 0; delete rural settlement number 13, "Altona" from the list; and, renumber Forest Creek Estates as number 13; On pages 238 and 239, delete the words "AND AREA" after the word "CLAREMONT" in the title for Settlement 1 0; On page 238, in the informational sidebar, delete the words "daremont duster" and the associated settlement population projection table; delete the words "daremont and Area::'" and the associated settlement population projection table; and, delete all asterisks and the note related to the asterisks; On page 238, within the informational text under the Description heading, delete all references to the "daremont duster" in the first bullet point so that it now reads as follows: Informational Revision 13 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 6 087 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. . The Hamlet of daremont is located arOtmd the intersection of Brock Road and Central Street (also known as Regional Road 5 or the Nmth Concession Road) 28. On page 238, within the informational text, delete the last bullet point under the Description heading in its entirety; 29. On page 239, delete the words "am Area" after the word "Œtrermnt" in the informational sidebar; On pages 246 and 248 delete all informational text and sidebars related to the Altona Settlement 13; On page 250, within the informational title, renumber Settlement 14 as SETTLEMENT 13: FOREST CREEK ESTATES; On page 285, add the following informational sidebar, which defines connectivity as referred to in subsection 15.11(b): "Connectivity" means the degree to which key natural heritage features are connected to one another by links such as plant and animal movement conidors, hydrological and nutrient cycling, genetic transfer, and energy flows through food webs. On page 307, add CITY POLICY Landform CanserwtionAæas - 01k Ridgs Moraiæ within the informational sidebar adjacent to new subsection 15.40; On page 307, add the following informational sidebar, which defines Landform Conservation Areas described in new subsection 15.40: "Landfonn Conservation Areas" on the Oak Ridges Moraine are areas consisting of steep slopes and represent landfonns that shall be protected for their contribution to the ecological integrity and hydrological function of the Moraine. Informational Revision 13 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 7 088 38. 39. 40. 41. 35. On page 307, add the following informational sidebar, which defines major development as described in new subsection 15.40: For the pwpose of section 15.40, "major development" means development consisting of the creation of four or more lots, the constmction of a building or buildings with a ground floor area of 500 sq. m. or more, and the establishment of a major recreational use. 36. On page 307, add OTY POLICY Key Natural Herita[f! Featurt5 am H~y Sensili'Œ Featurt5 - 01k Rid[f!S Moraine within the informational sidebar adjacent to new subsection 15.41; 37. On page 307, add the following informational sidebar, which defines the key natural heritage features described in subsection 15.41: "Key Natural Heritage Features" relate to wedands, significant portions of the habitat of endangered, rare and threatened species, fish habitat, significant valleylands, significant woodlands, and significant wildlife habitat. On page 307, add OTY POLICY TABLE 18: Minimum areas of influence and minimum vegetation protection zones - Oak Ridges Moraine within the informational sidebar above the new TABLE 18; On page 307, add OTY POLICY Grœrdlmter Vulærability - 01k RÌli[f!S Moraiœ within the informational sidebar adjacent to new subsection 15.42; On page 307, add the following informational sidebar, which defines aquifer vulnerability described in new subsection 15.42: Aquifer vulnerability refers to the susceptibility of the groundwater aquifer to contamination from both human and natural sources. On page 307, add OTY POLICY StarrrTlP.l11er Mana¡pænt - 01k Rid[f!S Moraiœ within the informational sidebar adjacent to new subsection 15.43; Informational Revision 13 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 8 089 42. On page 307, add the following informational sidebar, which defines major development as described in new subsection 15.43: For the pUlpose of section 15.43, "major development" means development consisting of the creation of four or more lots, the construction of a building or buildings with a ground floor area of 500 sq. m. or more, and the establislunent of a major recreational use. 43. On page 307, add the following informational sidebar, which defines rapid infiltration basins/columns as referred to in new subsection 15.43(d): "Rapid InfIltration Basins/o>lumns" means a basin/ column or system of basins at or below surface grade that is constructed in porous soil and punctures through a relatively impe11lleable layer to gain access to a more penneable sand or gravel layer, so as to rapidly infiltrate into the ground, at a single point or area of concentration, surlace runoff collected from impetVÌous surlaces. n(\ ~"J! ! Scheduh~ 'a' TER.g ¡¡O-~ ---; KL'SALF ES~ ŒK ATES r ~ ~ D TOWN OF "-'AX ~ MAP 2 WATERSHEDS, STREAMS & VALLEYS --- ------~--~- PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION ?: Chapter Two -- The Planning Framework ~ STREAM WATERSHED BOUNDARY SHORELINES AND STREAM CORRIDORS OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY l' N CITY OF PICKERING PLA",ING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT oANUARY. 2006 r¡¡F~~~~AC";:'..~O:;:~ :~~: ~~ ~~~bO~N 'cg~J~~~,~~~K;.7;~,G '"' a'",. SC"'Dc"S AND 'H' 'D' ------ 44 Scheduh~ 'b' 09; ~ ~ Ii ¡I ""'" TIL PLAI I " I 0 l~-~~~~~~~c~~~~---- ---~ ô/ K"'ALE N SAND PLAIN ~ TOWN OF MAX i ,OUAH< í ~ I I I _J ,.....ø MAP 3 C.P.A. PHYSIOGRAPHIC REGIONS '\. l' , a~ 'a '1'0 "'a CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JANUARY. 2Da6 '" THIS ~P FOAMS PAAT OF EDmON ? OF THE PlCKCA"G omc~u P~' AND MuST BC ACAD " caN"UNG"aN W"H THE DTHEA SCHEDucES AND THE TEXT PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION ?: Chapter Two.. The Planning Framework 45 :~ 0' l'v Schedule fe' UXBRIOGE TOWN OF AJAX MAP 4 FORESTS, FIELDS AND HEDGEROWS o,^'- 0* '0 "0 "'0 PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION?: Chapter Two -- The Planning Framework ~ ~ . FORESTS FieLDS HEDGEROWS .. FOREST REGION BOUNDARY (8"C ISOTHERM) OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY A GREAT LAKES-- ST. LAWRENCE FOREST REGION B CAROLl",AN FOREST REGIO", ~ ^ CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEYELO~MENT DE~ARTMENT JANUARY. 2006 ~F;~~AC"';.':..~O=::g ~~~; ~~ ~~~~O~,' C~~":~~T:6~K~7;~G THE OTHE" SCHEOuCES ~O mE "" _..._-..- 46 Scheduh~ 'd' (; 0' \~, .J. ' ~ ¡ " 0 "~ TOWN OF ""AX z ~ g f ~ ~ " MAP 5 KN OWN AREAS OF GROUND WATER RECHARGE AND DISCHARGE 'l/ GROUND WATER RECHARGE GROUND WATER DISCHARGE OAK RIDGES MoRAIr-.E Bo","OARY l' N CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELDPMENT DEPARTMENT ~;~~t~u.~~~~;; ::~~~ ~~ ~~:;'~O~N ?cg~J3~~,:ci~K~7~~G mE omER SCHEDULES ANO 'HE 'EX'. ----- PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION?: Chapter Two n The Planning Framework 47 :'.0, \~'.:J t Schedule Ie' MAP 6 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE AREAS AREAS OF ~Ar~RAL A~~ SCIENTIFIC INTEReST (A~SI) mm [IT] ~ ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT AREAS (ESA) WETLANDS (CLASSES 1 - 7) CANDIDATE ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT AREAS illllilli' OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY l' N lAKE ONr,wo CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JANUARY. 20D6 ~F~~~;'.L ~::...~o:::,g ~:~; ~~ ~~::~o';;.? C;;~J3~~T:6~K~~~G THC OTHCR SCHeDULes AND THC TCXT. PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION ?: Chapter Two -- The Planning Framework 48 Schedule 'f 09, . ., 0 0 -< TOWN OF MAX MAP 7 NATURAL SYSTEMS PLAN Q CORE AREAS ¡wj CORf"DORS . LINKAGES OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY l' N 0,'). O~ ^o", 0""0 CITY OF PICKERING I PLA"'NG AND DEVEl.OPMENT DEPARTMENT cANCARY. 20C5 ~~;~~:~~cA~3iE~~;)J T~~~~;2~T' C¿~':~~T~~~K;;:;~G. PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION ?: Chapter Two n The Planning Framework 49 ;1°, ~...:: " Schedule 'g' UXBRIDGE '" > ~¡ > ~ I ~ ~ 0 z ~ ~ OF AJAX MAPS ç u PICKERING'S URBAN SYSTEM LEGEND ~ OAK RIDGES MORAINE BOUNDARY o~~ l' tv C'TY OF P'CKER'NG PLANN'NG '" DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JANUARY. 2D06 . \'!F;~¿::"~':LA~o~~g ':;~~i ~~ ~~~~O~N ?cg~,~~~,:;;~K~~;~1 mE omCR SCHEDU"S AND THE TEXT -.---. ..--...-..-..---... .......u...............__..~--- PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION ?: Chapter Two n n',e Planning Framework 50 Schedule 'h' . ~ jì l. J I lVIAF' 1 0 PICKERING'S RURAL SYSTEM I ---~- ----- -- ---~~I I : -~w"",o LX3,'~GC ~. z , ~ :> 1 ~\ :> ~ 7 ~ g OF AJAX LEGEND . C '¡L'1A~ SLTTI.cMENTS .¡t.;RA,. ,Af-:)S OAK I¡UGtS MC-;"A"',- l' Iv I u DET'A~TMCNT --------- -- -- -- PICKERING OFFICI/IL PLAN EDITION ?: Chapter Two -- The Planning Frcmework 52 ATTACHMENT I I TO REPORT' PC ~ 098 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 12-05 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF June 9, 2005 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-001/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/05 City Initiated: Oak Ridges Moraine Conformity Exercise City of Pickering 1.0 AREA LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the proposed amendments apply to lands located within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area in the City of Pickering (see Attachment #1); - the boundary of the Oak Ridges Moraine Area is defined by Ontario Regulation 01/02; the area is traversed by a number of natural heritage features and hydrological features such as the Reesor, West Duffins, Wixon, Michell, and East Duffins Creeks; - the area is predominantly rural in character; most of the rural hamlet of Claremont and the deferred rural hamlet designation of Altona are in the Oak Ridges Moraine Area. 2.0 2.1 BACKGROUND General Overview in November 2001, the Province established the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP), which provides a framework for protecting the Oak Ridges Moraine's ecological and hydrological features and functions; municipalities are required to implement the ORMCP through their planning documents and when making decisions on development applications; - the City has retained the consulting firm of Meridian Planning to assist in the preparation of the official plan and zoning by-law amendments; in April 2003, the City and its consultant, Meridian Planning, held a Public Open House and Information Session at the Claremont Community Centre to provide residents with information relating to the implementation of the Province's ORMCP and to highlight the implications for future land use on those lands affected within the City; - this Information Report presents the proposed official plan amendment and zoning by-law amendment that would implement the ORMCP; ATTACHMENT#~TO REPORT # PO 01-010 Page 2 Information Report No. 12-05 2.2 099 3.0 3.1 3.2 Oak Ridaes Moraine ConservatlQn...Plan (ORM.,Ç,f} - the ORMCP Maps identify land use designations, key natural heritage features (such as wetlands and woodlands) and hydrologically sensitive features (such as kettle lakes and springs), landform conservation areas, and aquifer vulnerability areas; and the ORMCP policies permit land uses, resource uses and development that are compatible. OFFICIAL PLANS Durham Reaional Official Plan the Durham Regional Official Plan designates the Oak Ridges Moraine Area as Major Open Space System - Oak Ridges Moraine on Map 'A' - Regional Structure; Pickerina Official Plan - the Pickering Official Plan designates most of the Oak Ridges Moraine Area as Natural Areas and Agricultural Areas on Schedule I - Land Use Structure; most of the rural hamlet of Claremont and the deferred rural hamlet designation for Altona (Deferral 34) shown on Schedule I are located in the Oak Ridges Moraine; in addition, a rural study area designation is shown around the rural hamlet of Claremont; an Active Recreational Areas designation representing the Heather Glen Golf and Country Club is also shown on Schedule I; - the Natural Areas designation permits conservation, passive and similar recreational uses, and agricultural uses outside of valley and stream corridors, wetlands, environmentally sensitive areas, and areas of natural and scientific interest; - the list of permissible uses in the Agricultural Areas designation include primary agricultural uses, and complementary and supportive agricultural uses such as agricultural industries, home businesses, farm-related businesses and other farm-related businesses; certain lands in the Oak Ridges Moraine generally associated with waterbodies, valley and stream corridors, wetlands, and environmental sensitive areas in the Oak Ridges Moraine are designated Shorelines and Stream Corridors, Environmental Significant Areas, Wetlands, and Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest on Schedule 11/ - Resource Management; an Oak Ridges Moraine boundary is also shown on Schedule 11/ - Resource Management; - the Pickering Official Plan contains rural settlement policies and schedules for Claremont and deferred rural settlement policies and schedule for Altona; and - the Pickering Official Plan also contains policies recognizing the Oak Ridges Moraine as a significant geological and hydrological feature. ATTACHMENTI---1-TO REPORT I PO 07-Db Information Report No. 12-05 100 Page 3 4.0 CITY INITIATED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN 4.1 General Overview - the City of Pickering proposes to amend the Pickering Official Plan in order to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan; - the proposed amendment includes the following Schedule and policy revisions to the Official Plan (see Appendix I): 1. revise Schedule I - Land Use Structure as follows: . add the legislated Oak Ridges Moraine boundary; . replace the existing designations for all lands north of the new Oak Ridges Moraine boundary with four new designations and related policies being the Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside, Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Core Area, Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Linkage Area and Oak Ridges Moraine Rural Hamlet; minor rounding out of the hamlet boundary of Claremont to include an area of land north of Regional Road 5, west of the Brock Road By-pass; delete the deferred Rural Hamlet designation of Altona and related settlement policies; delete the Active Recreational Areas designation for the Heather Glen Golf and Country Club while continuing to recognize the existing golf course use in the amending zoning by-law; 2. revise Schedule II - Transportation System, to show the legislated Oak Ridges Moraine boundary; 3. revise Schedule 111- Resource Management, to delete the old Oak Ridges Moraine boundary and add the new legislated new Oak Ridges Moraine boundary and delete the Shoreline and Stream Corridor, Environmental Significant Areas, Wetlands, and Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest designations; 4. revise Schedule IV - 10, Settlement 10: Claremont and Area by adding the legislated Oak Ridges Moraine boundary and by minor rounding out of the hamlet boundary to include an area of land north of Regional Road 5, west of the Brock Road By-pass; 5. revise Schedule IV - 11, Settlement 11: Spring Creek and Schedule IV - 12, Settlement 12: Balsam by adding the legislated Oak Ridges Moraine boundary; 6. delete deferred Schedule IV - 13, Settlement 13: Altona and related rural settlement policies; 7. add three new schedules being Schedule V - Oak Ridges Moraine Key Natural Features and Hydrologically Sensitive Features; Schedule VI - Oak Ridges Moraine Aquifer Vulnerability; and Schedule VII - Oak Ridges Moraine Landform Conservation Areas; 8. add a new Table relating to key natural heritage features, minimum areas of influence, and minimum vegetation protection zones; and 9. add new environmental policies relating to landform conservation, stormwater management; and aquifer vulnerability. . . . Information Report No. 12-05 ATTACHMENT # ( TO REPORT # PO 07 -ofD Page 4 5.0 CITY INITIATED AMENDMENT TO ZONING BY-LAW 3037 101 5.1 General Overview - the City of Pickering proposes to amend Zoning By-law 3037 in order to implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and the City's proposed Oak Ridges Moraine amendment; - the draft zoning by-law amendment includes the following revisions to the Zoning By-law (see Appendix II): 1. establish new zone categories that are specific to lands covered by the ORMCP; 2. establish new definitions that are consistent with the definitions in the ORMCP; 3. replace the existing zoning in By-law 3037 for all the lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area with new zoning provisions that implement the new Official Plan designations and ORMCP as noted in discussion on the proposed Official Plan amendment; 4. recognize all of the environmental features identified in the ORMCP by zoning these lands in a non-development category; 5. establish special conditions within the proposed zoning categories to recognize existing legal situations; and 6. repeal numerous previous zoning by-law amendments that covered specific properties that are now covered by ORMCP and therefore now subject to this proposed zoning by-law amendment; properties affected by an environmental feature are proposed to be zoned Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Protection Zone (ORM-EP), which permits existing agricultural uses, legally existing uses and detached dwellings on an existing lot of record; - for the vast majority of the residential properties within Claremont that are not affected by an environmental feature, the draft zoning by-law amendment incorporates the same zoning provisions as currently exists; establish new general provisions for existing uses for all lands being rezoned that allows for the continuation of the use of existing lots, buildings or structures that were lawfully used for that purpose prior to November 15, 2001, and to permit minor alterations to existing dwellings that are not proposed to be recognized uses. 6.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 6.1 Resident Comments no resident comments have been received to date; ATTACHMENT I--L-TO REPORT # PO 0 ì -C:Io 10 2nformation Report No. 12-05 Page 5 6.2 Aaencv Comments 7.0 7.1 7.2 no agency comments have been received to date. PROCEDURAL INFORMATION Official Plan Amendment and Zonina Bv-Iaw Amendment Approval Authoritv - the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is the approval authority for the Oak Ridges Moraine Conformity Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment documents; General - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to be notified of Council's adoption of the conformity official plan and zoning by-law amendments, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; all written submissions received by the City of Pickering in respect of the proposed conformity official plan and zoning by-law amendments will be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for consideration; - the Minister may, after considering the submissions, approve all or part of the proposed amendments; modify all or part of the amendments and approve the amendments or part as modified; refuse to approve all or part of the amendments; or appoint a hearing officer to conduct a hearing and make written recommendations with respect to the proposed amendments. Information Report No. 12-05 ATTACHMENT '----1-10 REPORT I PO 07 ~O(o Page 6 103 8.0 OTHER INFORMATION 8.1 Appendices APPENDIX I: APPENDIX II: Draft Official Plan Amendment Draft Zoning By-law Amendment ORIGINAL SIGNED BY i)RrarNAL SIGNED BY Grant McGregor, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner - Policy Catherine L. Rose, MCIP, RPP Manager, Policy -- ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner - Development Review GM:RP:ld Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development ATTACHMENT # 2 TO REPORT # PO 0"7 -do Excerpts from Statutory Public Information Meeting Pursuant to the Planning Act Minutes Thursday, June 9, 2005 7:00 P.M. The Manager, Policy, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (I) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION OPA 05-001/P ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 16/05 CITY INITIATED: OAK RIDGES MORAINE CONFORMITY EXERCISE CITY OF PICKERING Jim Dyment, Meridian Planning, Consultant, retained by the City to assist in the preparation of the official plan and zoning by-law amendment, provided a power point presentation and an overview of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conformity Exercise, as outlined in Information Report #12/05. Jim Doyle, 5229 Brock Road, questioned why the ORM-A lands, now included in the Hamlet are not ORM-5 or ORM-6. Jim Dyment responded by stating that this Official Plan designation allows the owner to go through public process when filing an application but still provides for some restrictions. Jeff O'Byrne, 5100 Sideline 8, commented on the Province's plan for the Claremont area and noted that the lands currently designated as Open Space in the Official Plan north of his property are now proposed to be designated Countryside and he expressed his desire to have those lands designated and zoned environmentally protected. Charles Honeyman, 1742 Joseph Street, questioned if lands that have been added to the Hamlet designation in Claremont have had hydrological and traffic studies done for these properties. Jim Dyment advised that the required studies will be undertaken. Peter Wood, 5460 Old Brock Road, questioned if the ten year Oak Ridges Moraine moratorium on changing designations applies to both the Official Plan and Zoning. - 1 - ATTACHMENT' "Z-- TO REPORT # PO D ì -do Excerpts from Statutory Public Information Meeting Pursuant to the Planning Act Minutes Thursday, June 9, 2005 7:00 P.M. 105 Jim Dyment replied in the affirmative. Peter Wood further requested that the proposed Old Brock Road realignment through his property be removed. He further questioned what was the justification for the proposed road. Peter Wood also noted the existing traffic concern at the intersection of Regional Road 1 and Pickering-Uxbridge Townline Road and stated that the intersection is not safe and needs to be investigated. 6. Chris Kellar, 5022 Wixon Street, questioned what investigations have been undertaken in order to add the additional land to the Hamlet designation. 7. Mike Hoevenaars, 5047 Franklin St., questioned the "ORM-EP" zoning on his property and whether this zone was to reflective of his residential hedge row of trees. II ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm. - 2- 106 ATTACHMENT I 3 TO REPORT' PO 07 -~ Pym, Ross From: Pym, Ross Sent: June 14,200511:17 AM To: 'Durward_Smith@magna.on.ca' Subject: RE: Old Brock Road Property in Claremont[Message Scanned] The proposed 'ORM - EP' zone permits a detached dwelling on an existing lot of record where a detached dwelling would have been permitted on November 15, 2001. Therefore, if the subject property was capable of obtaining a building permit for a detached dwelling it would still be permitted. An environmental report would be required to ensure the construction of the dwelling is in a location that has the least impact on the property. The old zoning and the proposed zoning only permit one detached dwellings. Thanks, Ross Pym -----Original Message----- From: Durward_Smith@magna.on.ca [mailto: Durward_Smith@magna.on.ca] Sent: June 14, 2005 9:14 AM To: Pym, Ross Subject: Re: Old Brock Road Property in Claremont[Message Scanned] Ross, Thanks for following up. Does this change significantly affect potential uses for the property. Would someone be able to construct a house or two? Kind Regards, Durward Smith Business Development Manager Magna Advanced Technologies -----__-O._H. "-'--'-'-"---""-""'.___.._H.... n_.... .......__u... -'-'-.---........--... -......-..--... -... ................---.-.- Original Message ----- From: "pym, Ross" [rpym@city.pickering.on.ca] Sent: 06/14/2005 09:10 AM To: Durward Smith Subject: Old Brock Road Property in Claremont[Message Scanned] As a follow-up to our discussion at the Public Information Meeting held June 9, 2005 I can advise that he property you questioned (fronting Old Brock Road, north of Hoxton Street) is currently zoned as "A - Agriculture" in Zoning By-law 3037. The proposed zoning is "ORM - EP", being Oak Ridges Moraine- Environmental Protection. This proposed zoning is reflective of the lands that are delineated in the Official Plan on the Oak Ridges Moraine Key Natural Features Hydrologically Sensitive Features Schedule. Thanks Ross Pym Principal Planner - Development Review 14/0712005 ATTACHMENT # REPOR1 # PO L/. TO 07-0h 107 RECEIVED~ Pickering Planning & Development Department Proposed Amendment to the City of Pickering Official Plan Oak Ridges Moraine JUN 2 0 2005 CITY OF PICKEHING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT RE: Cone. 9, Part Lot 2, Pickering, 10 acre lot with 30' x 20' farm garage. Please consider the expansion of the ORM-A designation on this lot. Referring to page' A', 'Schedule 7 of 9' , you will see that a small portion of this lot is designated as ORM-A, and the rest ORM-EP. Referring to page 'B', you will see the area in question. It is not in any hydrologically sensitive area, nor is it in any woodland. Løoking at page 'B' I don't understand why the area is not ORM-A. There is plenty of setback from any wetland or woodland area. The narrowest portion is about 180 feet. This is an open area that has been previously farmed, (ploughed/cultivated), and part of which we have grown vegetables in the past. Thank you for your consideration. føIÆ . Richard Palkowski 232 Ravenscroft Rd., Ajax 905-427 -9779 rsp@sys-tech.ca ... (', ' l \! ' ¡:::\\ 1L~,,'~I' I, , I [I " " , ' 'I fA^(" / . (i--< l :'V "J Schedule 7of9 ~~",(Q)f; ~ " r.i ( (' (. 1\' - Cì ) ¿ C'\" ¿; , .- ~',l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ @ i "~ 1/ // ;' I¿~);~j v 1/ / \ ~-\ -/. ' ) 'v,~ /'" \\ :i \'1 "'- /./ C:---:/ ,~ " ,¡ .L ' ! .1 ~,. ~, ""'.W,~I.. J' - r~~ -- I I.JJ"~ . I, 1--""'."..,. '-. ----- .."...,. ----,-----------'-'--------- -,-- LJXBRIDGE / -~' JJI l-f "I V' }5i \_,-// / / b' i ' [J \ / -, "/7--, VI tV "< /i // i ,./ CO,.Jc£SSION '-/,"-"-""/-.------- / )1 ,; i OJ .: ¡ c; ì "I , "d '-, I 1\' ~jl " 1~ ¡,J' ('-" <:1 ", /'\J " _I, 1",-, Z ~II'" 3 to I" (J ~, ÌÍ! CONCr;~ ::::t---- --7~ /! 1M ""{i "r<o "" ",',', "\ I (\ . ' , -,/ , rOWNLINE $I}' >- rn tc r ~ ~! I, () ~. -,¡¡/t/ " '0,1 " :z 3! ,;j ~I ~ ,-J--{Î)-- -_~__~:L- () ~. IJ -~' * Ql-'1=:",j , co CES- ION ~ ROAD...(~ . , \ It/,;::/' --I , .t I ./ I~ A~::( , '// I'i I : // \ <, \\~il,)~(l j V1¡'\ IV',' gi\~,,(./6I' ,,'i :\3\):~;1' (\(1 .. (,::I\.& II ,) " O\-""..,rr,' 'I, ,0,1/;"1. ,: I 'If> ,-W, ,.,-;, II I ( '" "'(' --------. I",t \ A/I! " , \ cì~ ~:h) R, ROl,ì~,IA!M \ , '. 0.1 //' I "L,') " "~. '\ I ?\, ~, i, i I ',I \'4í I~"-:I \ 1,,/ ", ',\_.-1.~ \\.' " ~ -,-~:~-~I='.:."=-~~r~=i~~~~;iV-\:~~:;~ ~~~~~) l_,,__,. ~. "1=.. =,Xt ~~~,j -~~~:~,~\~~~~l=j,..:~~~ilt-==" -'JJK!_~S'~~IC II" -- OAK RIDGES MORAINE KEY NATURAL FEATURES HYDROLOGICAIJ.Y SENSITIVE FEATURES .. I:> ,; L /\ I / I: S =-"'=d"" -:::C""---." 1 ^"" II ¡ ,,¿~':\'.~ .' .. o,w' .1 1 ""',"""""\::::--=: 'I.' ",not. :1 ~':6'::;~ I :....~~,~------~.J - OAK r-i1IDGES !>.1URA,INr-, BOUNDARY WOODLANDS OAK r'<IUC;ES '.-10HAIN[ CI"[ë,KS WETLANDS CiTY OF PICKER ,.-; "',ANt""" '" DEVCLOP...",.T DECAlm.AC'" @ ",""'CH, 2<"" "'" U.AP -,,"", PAW" Wino" , '" H'f, "",,",--, ""K,^' ""'¡ A'." "v"T 8r ""'" '" """"".,c:n'", wrTH T'" on,.'-, .c..w,.r, -",0 >,,' "",' l' V -,------_,..___m'_--___--'-----,--_,,_---"------,-----,------ ".... _..,----_..----,---,---,-----~--'-~-' ---..-------""- -',--" ----, ,---' -.. () Î-r f-~c J\ Gi L( E Ç"-r~ T C /\) , 110 ATTACHMENT #_:5 TO REPORT # PO ð 7 - Çb RECE.I\fED JUN 7- Î 2005 CKERING C\TY 0 f ~k"ËLOf'Me.Ni PL¡\NN\~~PBp.RTMËNT ~~~~ ilz~~@ CITY OF PIC PICKERING OKNErRING , ARlO James V. Doyle 5229, Brock Road Claremont Ontario, L 1 Y 1A 1 June 16, 2005 Mr. Grant McGregor Planning and Development Department City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 Dear Grant, Re: Official Plan Amendment Ap~katwn CPA 05-001/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/05 Part Lots 17 and 18,COßCess~on 9, Pickering This letter is to officially record my separate comments to both you and to Mr. Jim Dyment (Meridian Planning ConsuJtants) at the Statutory Public Meeting held in Claremont on June 9,2005. The Existing Schedule IV -1 0 shows the current Rural Settlement Boundary. You will note that South of my property this boundaty runs North on the East s-ide of the Brock Road parallel to the road and then at my property the boundary goes East for approximately 90 meters and then runs North again across my property paralfel with the Brock Road. This existing boundary line is consistent with other plans used to show the existing R5 Zoning. Therefore the first approximately 90 meters of my property depth is currently Zoned R5 and has been for some time. I now refer you to Schedule 9 of the proposed zoning by-law amendment. On this schedu{e you w1H -note that ttte -proposed ORM-R5 boundary starts South of my property and is again shown running north across my property parallel to the Brock Road. However this boundary is now only approximately 50 meters from the front of my property. What this means is that if the amendment is approved l will have lost about 40 meters of depth off my existing R5 zoning designation. This is important to me because it impacts the value of my property. I my discussions with you, you both acknowledged this discrepancy and stated that you would amend the proposal. Thank you. Yours truly, ~e HName James Doyle Jim Doyle Mike Hoevenaars Charles Honeyman Chris Kellar Jeff O'Byrne ATIACHMENT I (() TO REPORT # PO 6t -0(0 SUMMARY OF PUBLIC COMMENTS AND CITY RESPONSE - questioned a discrepancy with the - proposed zoning boundary lines and dimensions on his property located on the east side of Old Brock Road, north of Lane Street; - questioned why lands currently zoned "Agricultural" in the Zoning By-law within the Hamlet of Claremont are not being zoned a residential zoning in the proposed ORM zoning by-law conformity amendment; - questioned the proposed ORM-EP - zoning on his property; - inquired if hydrological or traffic studies have been completed for the lands to be included as part of the minor rounding out of the Hamlet of Claremont; 111 Çi~yResponse City staff has confirmed that the proposed zoning boundary is consistent with the existing zoning boundary; - zoning was not amended as part of this conformity exercise except where an existing legal use is being recognized, or a natural heritage feature has been identified. A zoning by-law amendment would be required for any future land use change; the proposed ORM-EP zone is reflective of a natural heritage feature that has been identified in the ORMCP; - all required studies will be undertaken as part many development application and prior to any development occurring on the lands; - also questioned what investigations - see response above; have been undertaken for the minor rounding out of the Hamlet of Claremont; - questioned the proposed Countryside designation in the Official Plan for the lands located east of Westney Road, north of the C.P.R line, south of the Pickering-Uxbridge boundary, and recommended that the lands be protected through an environmental designation; - the City's Countryside designation is reflective of the ORMCP designation and cannot be changed; 112 ATTACHMENT '~TP', REPORT # PO D7 -0\0 . Richard Palkowski Durward Smith Peter Wood - requested that the ORM-A designation be applied entirely to his property located north of the Ninth Concession, between Sidelines 2 and 4; - inquired about the proposed zoning for a property fronting onto Old Brock Road, north of Hoxton Street in the Hamlet of Claremont and if a dwelling could be constructed on the property; - expressed a concern that the proposed Old Brock Road and Uxbridge-Townline Road realignment through the northeast corner of his property will adversely impact his property; - also noted a concern that the existing intersection of Brock Road and Uxbridge-Townline Road is - dangerous; - the majority of the property is to be zoned ORM-EP with a small portion zoned ORM-A; - the proposed ORM-EP zoning is reflective of the natural heritage features identified in the ORMCP and ensures the long-term protection of the features; - although the proposed zoning of the property is ORM-EP, a detached dwelling is permitted on an existing lot of record where a dwelling would have been permitted on or before November 15, 2001; - an environmental report may be required to ensure the construction of a dwelling does not impact the natural features on the property; - the proposed road alignment can not be addressed as part of the Oak Ridges Moraine conformity exercise, and will be examined through the next Pickering Official Plan review; the traffic concern was forwarded onto the Region of Durham Works Department for formal review; /"...." ..,..'" ATTACHMENT # REPORT # PO 7 TO D'? -o~ ~~u~~~~~~ _,,_-,,__"'f;':'~'""'~"'" Be(1 Right Of Way Floor 5, 100 Borough Drive Scarborough, Ontario M1P 4W2 Tel: 416-296-6291 Fax: 416-296-0520 CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING, ONTARIO City of Pickering Planning Department 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 RECEIVED JUN 2 1 2005 cnY °ci&~k~~L~~~~~ PLANNI~EPARTMENT C}~~ ~J- '\ (\ a ~ ~,~ ~~ ~ ~('I'i.. ~ ,/ ~~ ~~ ~1J %'() ~t.: ~ ~Q ~ ~ ~ ~- 13 Toll-Frée: 1-800-748-6284 2005-06-10 Attention: Bruce Taylor Dear Sir/Madam: RE: Official Plan Claremont Bypass and Brock Road Your File No: OPA 05-001/P A 16/05 Bell File No: 32745 Thank you for your letter of May 19, 2005 requesting comments on the above- referenced application. A preliminary review of the draft plan has been completed and a telecommunication facility easement may be required to service these lands. The draft plan has been forwarded onto our Engineering department for detailed review and to determine Bell's specific requirements. Until additional comments are issued by Bell Canada approval of the above- referenced application is premature. Should you have any questions please contact Yvonne Eddy at 416-296-6430. Yours truly Ik ft; dfI¿r ^'2/,."~ohn La Chapelle - MCIP, RPP U Manager - Right Of Way Control Centre " ,', ,..2-C" --';..-.......... ...~_":;":'-";<;"._. ...._1 ; ~~E--_E~:__¡-_+;UPPL\' (1 SER,/ ! '11 , HUMAN RES ::t=t::-----:-------J::j ~ l\ ATTACHMENT II REPORT # PO 8 TO 07-do RECEIVED JUL 0 5 2005 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GREATER TORONTO AIRPORTS AUTHORITY Airport Planning Olga Smid Manager Land Use Planning Tel: (416) 776-7355 Fax: (416) 776-4168 Transmitted by E-mail (gmcgregor@city.pirkering.on.ca) June 30, 2005 Mr. Grant McGregor, Principal Planning-Policy City of Pickering - Planning & Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Ll V 6K7 Dear Mr. McGregor: RE: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA OS-OOI/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/0S Oak Ridges Moraine Conformity Exercise City of Pickering We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the City of Pickering's proposed amendment to Official Plan and Zoning By-law 3037 to implement the Province's Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP) for lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area. While we have no comments on these amendments, I would appreciate receiving a hard copy of the Information Report that was referenced in your notice of the Public' Information Meeting. The link on your website to this document is not working so I was unable to download. Thank you in advance. y õf;~~ Olga Smid Manager Land Use Planning cc L. McKee - GT AA (¡rcater Toronto Airports.\utlloritv Joronto PearsolJ ¡IJll'I"ationaJ ¡\¡rporl l'.o.¡;",,6(J;( .,¡i] """",:])r;"" loroIJ(o',i\IJ.l)IJldlll'.la!l,llidi.SIILi: I'honc.(4I()} 776..1()()() lax. (416i77(¡.7746 www.glaa.luni