HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 20, 2006 I) II) III) IV) V) VI) VII) Council Meeting Agenda Monday, February 20, 2006 Council Chambers 7:30 pm INVOCA TION Mayor Ryan will call the meeting to order and lead Council in the saying of the Invocation. DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST ADOPTION OF MINUTES PAGE Regular Council Meeting of February 6, 2006 "In Camera" Council Meeting of February 6, 2006 1-14 Under Separate Cover PRESENTATIONS DELEGA TIONS 15 CORRESPONDENCE 16-24 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT Executive Committee Report EC 2006-03 25-28 Executive Committee Minutes "In Camera" Executive Committee Minutes 29-35 Under Separate Cover 36-38 VIII) REPORTS - NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS IX) MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTIONS X) BY-LAWS XI) OTHER BUSINESS XII) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW 39-40 41 XIII) ADJOURNMENT . Minutes of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity dated January 12,2006 . Minutes of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee dated January 17, 2006 CiÚf (J~ Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 6, 2006 7:30 pm 001 PRESENT: Mayor David Ryan COUNCILLORS: K. Ashe M. Brenner D. Dickerson B. McLean D. Pickles R. Johnson - Absent ALSO PRESENT: T. J. Quinn N. Carroll G. Paterson D. Bentley C. Rose D. Shields - Chief Administrative Officer - Director, Planning & Development - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - City Clerk - Manager, Policy - Deputy Clerk I) INVOCA TION Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order and led Council in the saying of the Invocation. II) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor McLean Regular Council Meeting of January 16, 2006 CARRIED 2. Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 6, 2006 7:30 pm III) 1. CORRESPONDENCE CORR. 3-06 ELIZABETH MCLAREN ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING 777 Bay Street, 14th Floor Toronto. Ontario Submitting for Council's information a copy of the proposed modifications to the proposed development plan developed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and requesting written submissions to be submitted to the Ministry by March 3, 2006. Resolution #05/06 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Pickles That CORR. 3-06 from Elizabeth McLaren, Assistant Deputy Minister Planning and Development Division, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, be referred to Director, Planning and Development to report; and Further, that a copy of the correspondence be provided to the Chair, Seaton, Net Benefit Committee. CARRIED CORR. 4-06 P.M. MADILL REGIONAL CLERK REGION OF DURHAM 605 Rossland Road East Whitby. Ontario Advising that at a meeting held on January 25, 2006, the Council of the Region of Durham considered Report #2006-F-4 and adopted a resolution with respect to Bill 206, Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System. Resolution #06/06 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Pickles 003 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 6, 2006 7:30 pm That CORR. 4-06 from P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, be received and referred to consideration of Item 2 of New Business, Report HR 01- 06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and Division Head, Human Resources. CARRIED 3. CORR. 5-06 P.M. MADILL REGIONAL CLERK REGION OF DURHAM 605 Rossland Road East Whitby. Ontario Advising that at a meeting held on January 25, 2006, the Council of the Region of Durham adopted a resolution requesting that the City consent to endorsement of a by-law relating to the residential solid waste collection in the Town of Ajax. Resolution #07/06 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Brenner That CORR. 5-06 from P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham be received; and That the City of Pickering consents to Regional Municipality of Durham By-law 53-2005 with respect to residential solid waste collection in the Town of Ajax. CARRIED 4. CORR. 6-06 P.M. MADILL REGIONAL CLERK REGION OF DURHAM 605 Rossland Road East Whitby. Ontario Advising that at a meeting held on January 25, 2006, the Council of the Region of Durham adopted a resolution with respect to a Well Interference Protocol. 004 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 6,2006 7:30 pm Resolution #08/06 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Brenner That CORR.6-06 from P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham be received for information. CARRIED 5. CORR. 7-06 PICKERING-AJAX CITIZENS TOGETHER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT (P.A.C.T.) David Steele, Chairperson c/o 966 Timmins Garden PickerinQ. Ontario Submitting correspondence writing to the Honourable Minister Laurel Broten, Minister of Environment, requesting that the Minister issue a "Part II Order" and bump up of the Environmental Assessment to that of an Individual Environmental Assessment under the provisions of the Environmental Assessment Act (EM). Resolution #09/06 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That CORR. 7-06 from Pickering-Ajax Citizens Together for the Environment dated January 27,2006 be received and referred to Item 1 of New Business, Report PD 12-06 of the Director, Planning & Development. CARRIED IV) REPORTS Executive Committee Report EC 2006-02 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 03-06 672003 Ontario Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-1919 1298989 Ontario Inc. Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 6, 2006 7:30 pm 005 CiÚf (J~ 2. 3. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1969 Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision That By-laws be enacted to: 1. Dedicate Blocks 33 and 36, Plan 40M-1919 as public highways; 2. Assume roads and services within Plan 40M-1919 (save and except from Lot 10, Block 30 and those parts of Block 35, being Parts 1 and 7, 40R- 19037) and Plan 40M-1969 (save and except from Blocks 124, 129, 130, 131 and 132); 3. Amend By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) to include the roads within Plans 40M-1919 and 40M-1969; and 4. Authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreements from title relating to Plan 40M-1919 (save and except from Lots 10, 11 and Block 30) and Plan 40M-1969. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 08-06 Lease of City of Pickering lands to The Rockport Group Block 16, 40M-1231 & 40R-7765, Part 26 (Eastern half of the City lands located on the southwest corner of Valley Farm Road and The Esplanade South) City of PickerinQ 1. That the request by The Rockport Group to lease City land at the southwest corner of Valley Farm Road and The Esplanade South for construction staging/storage purposes associated with the development of a seniors project at the southeast corner of Valley Farm Road and Diefenbaker Court be approved; and 2. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign a lease agreement with The Rockport Group involving City lands, substantially on terms set out in Section 2.1 of this Report. PD 08-06 of the Director, Planning & Development. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 09-06 Places to Grow - Better Choices. Brighter Future. Proposed Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe November 2005 EBR ReQistrv Number: XR05EOO02 - Informational Notice Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 6, 2006 7:30 pm That Pickering Council receive Report PD 09-06 on the Proposed Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, prepared by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal, dated November 2005; 1. 2. That Pickering Council advise the Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal that it continues to support: (a) (b) (c) (d) a growth plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe; Pickering's inclusion within the sub-area that includes the Greater Toronto Area and Hamilton; the identification of downtown Pickering as an urban growth centre; and protection of designated employment lands from conversion to non-employment or major retail land uses; 3. That Pickering Council request the Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal to: (a) (b) amend the final Growth Plan to identify the Cherrywood Community as a designated greenfield area and to coordinate with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing the removal of this area from the Greenbelt Plan; and respond in writing to Pickering Council regarding the Minister's rationale for his decision on this matter; That Pickering Council request the Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal to incorporate the following recommended changes into the final Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, such that: 4. (a) (b) the adequacy of the designated urban land supply in the Growth Plan is reviewed at least every five years; lower-tier municipalities, in addition to the upper and single-tier municipalities, are formally consulted on the: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) reviews of the population, household and employment forecasts; undertaking of sub-area assessments; delineation of the built boundary; identification of the boundary for and scale of development in Pickering's urban growth centre; determination of the timing for and location of future designated greenfield areas; (v) 007 (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 6, 2006 7:30 pm the content of sub-area assessments are refined to focus on regional scale infrastructure, economic development, transportation and transit, and urban boundary expansion matters and that the identification of the natural system, prime agricultural and rural areas are the responsibility of upper, lower and single-tier municipalities; a schedule identifying the sub-areas is re-introduced; a new policy is added to section 2.2.3 - General Intensification, allowing the Minister to permit achievement of the 40% intensification in Durham Region at a point in time after the year 2015, following review of the current intensification opportunities and supply of existing approved greenfield developments; the term "municipality" in policy 2.2.3 2., (which requires those municipalities currently achieving an intensification ratio of higher than 40% within their built-up area to continue to achieve that ratio), is clarified to refer to an "upper or single-tier municipality" only, and that it is not to be applied at the lower-tier municipal level; the employment to population ratio is increased to 50% (one job for every two persons) for Durham Region; the employment areas along Highways 407 and 401 within Durham Region are recognized and identified as provincially significant in the Growth Plan; the transportation system is revised to: (i) (ii) add a proposed higher order transit route along Taunton Road and Kingston Road; add a proposed higher order transit route on the CP Belleville rail line through Durham Region; add a proposed higher transit route from the Pickering GO Station to the Highway 407 transitway; and extend Highway 407 easterly to Highway 35/115 in the pre- 2031 timeframe, and add a proposed higher order transit route on Highway 407 through Durham Region; (iii) (iv) That Pickering Council continues to request that, prior to finalizing the Growth Plan, the Province release details of the fiscal, regulatory and other tools that will be made available to properly implement the Growth Plan policies at the local level; 5. That Pickering Council authorize staff to prepare and bring back to Council for authorization, terms of reference for a "Downtown Pickering Urban Growth Centre Study" to determine the scope, scale and nature of the 6. Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 6, 2006 7:30 pm downtown centre, in consultation with the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal and the Region of Durham; and 7. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 09-06 to the Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Region of Durham, Durham area municipalities, and Wayne Arthurs, MPP, Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge. 4. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 07-06 illmQjntment to Enforce the ParkinQ By-law on Private Property 1. That Report CS 07-06 respecting the appointment of Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law on private property be received; and 2. That Council approve that the City Clerk be authorized to bring a By-law directly to Council with no report due to the fact that the amendments are only housekeeping in nature. 5. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer CS 09-06 Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information That Report CS 09-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer concerning Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information be received for information. 6. Confidential Matter That the recommendations contained in Item #1 of the "In Camera" minutes of January 24, 2006 with respect to the confidential memorandum of the City Solicitor dated January 20,2006, be adopted. Resolution #10/06 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Brenner That the Report of the Executive Committee EC 2006-02, dated January 24, 2006, be adopted. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 6, 2006 7:30 pm 009 V) REPORTS - NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Report PD 12-06 of the Director, Planning & Development Class Environmental Assessment Environmental Study Report on the Acquisition of Oak Ridges Moraine Lands in Richmond Hill and the Sale of Disposal and Severance of Lands in Pickering (Seaton) Prepared by Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited on behalf of the Ontario Realty Corporation Dated January 2006 EBR ReQistrv Number XN06EOO01 Further to discussion held on this matter it was the consensus of the Council that CORR. #5 be included as an Appendix to Report PD 12-06 of the Director, Planning and Development to ensure stakeholder input. Resolution #11/06 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Brenner 1. That Pickering Council receive Report PD 12-06 on the Environmental Study Report on the Acquisition of Oak Ridges Moraine Lands in Richmond Hill and the Sale or Disposal and Severance of Lands in Pickering (Seaton), prepared by Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited, on behalf of the Ontario Realty Corporation, dated January 2006, EBR Registry Number XN06EOO01. That Pickering Council endorse the findings of the Report Peer Review for ORC Class EA ESR, prepared by Dillon Consulting Limited on behalf of the City, dated January 2006 (see Attachment #1 to Report PD 12-06) and advise the Minister of Environment that, 2. (a) Pickering has serious concerns with the technical quality of the Environmental Study Report (ESR); (b) the issues identified, individually and in combination, are of significance; and (c) the issues must be fully resolved to the satisfaction of the City before the undertaking proceeds; 4. Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 6,2006 7:30 pm 3. That, to ensure the concerns identified in the Dillon Peer Review Report are adequately addressed, Pickering Council request the Minister of Environment to issue a Part II Order (a "bump-up" to a Category D - Individual Environmental Assessment), as it is warranted under Chapter 7.0 of the ORC Class EA for the following reasons: (a) there are significant omissions to the "alternatives to" and "alternative methods" considered in the EA; (b) there are significant errors in the analysis of "alternatives to" and "alternative methods" that could result in significant negative environmental impacts; and (c) the undertaking has the potential for significant negative environmental impacts and consequently, the errors and omissions are of major concern. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 12-06 to the Minister of Environment, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ontario Realty Corporation, the Project Director for the North Pickering Land Exchange Team, the Region of Durham, and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. CARRIED Report HR 01-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and Division Head, Human Resources Bill 206, Ontario Municipal Emplovees Retirement System Act 2. Resolution #12/06 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Dickerson 1. 2. That Report HR 01-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and Division Head, Human Resources be received; That Council support the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)'s position in opposition to Bill 206, an Act to revise the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act; Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 6, 2006 7:30 pm 0111 3. That the following Resolution be adopted by Council: WHEREAS the provincial Standing Committee on General Government is currently debating Bill 206, An Act to revise the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act; and WHEREAS the OMERS pension fund is currently equal to approximately 8% of Ontario's annual GDP; and WHEREAS the OMERS pension fund serves approximately 900 employers and 355,000 diverse employee groups including, current and former employees of municipal governments; school boards; libraries; police and fire departments; children's aid societies; and, electricity distribution companies; and WHEREAS Ontario's municipalities and their employees depend upon the prudent management of the $36 billion plan and to ensure that employees and employers are paying for benefits they can afford; and WHEREAS OMERS employer and employee members are facing an increase in OMERS contributions in 2006 of approximately 9% as a result of a significant deficit in the OMERS fund; and WHEREAS the Bill includes significant, potentially costly and unnecessary changes to the governance structure of OMERS including a Sponsors Corporation structured to be governed by arbitration; and WHEREAS the Bill mandates the creation of expensive Supplementary Plans to provide optional enhanced benefits that will impose new collective bargaining obligations on municipalities, the operating costs of which cannot yet be fully assessed; and WHEREAS the Province has responsibility to study the potential impact of the changes it is proposing and to share the results with employers and employee groups; and WHEREAS AMO and others have urged the government to consider the potential implications of Bill 206 and to ensure the proposed policy changes protect the interests of employers, employees and taxpayers; and 01-2 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 6, 2006 7:30 pm WHEREAS the Government is moving in haste with a Bill, which in its current form raises significant technical, public policy and economic issues; THEREFORE BE IT RESOVLED THAT the Corporation of the City of Pickering does not support Bill 206, and requests that the Government of Ontario reconsider the advisability of proceeding with Bill 206 in its current form; and FURTHER IT BE RESOVLED THAT Dan McTeague, MP Pickering- Scarborough East, Mark Holland, MP Ajax-Pickering, Wayne Arthurs, MPP Pickering-Ajax Uxbridge, the Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, Leader of the Opposition and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario be advised that this Council does not support proposed changes to the OMERS Pension Fund contained in Bill 206. CARRIED VI) MOTIONS 1. Request from Councillor Pickles on Behalf of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations & EQuity to Proclaim February 19-25. 2006 as HeritaQe Week Resolution #13/06 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Brenner THEREFORE, The Council of the City of Pickering do hereby proclaim Heritage Week as February 19 - 25, 2006 in celebration of the rich cultural diversity in the City of Pickering and the awareness of the leadership of the municipal government to foster equality, respect and diversity. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 6, 2006 7:30 pm 013 VII) BY -LAWS 6618/06 6619/06 6620/06 6621/06 6622/06 6623/06 A by-law to permit the implementation of Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2005-02 containing 12 detached dwellings. This by-law implements the September 19, 2005 resolution of Council for the approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2005-02 and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/05 to permit the development of 12 detached dwellings on 12 metre frontage lots along the extension of Wingarden Crescent and Shade Master Drive, on lands being Part of Lot 21, Plan 819 (40R-20799, Parts 1, 8,9& 10), Pickering. A by-law to appoint Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officers to enforce the Parking By-law at 1100 Begley Street and 1775 Valley Farm Road, Pickering. This by-law implements the recommendation contained in Item #4 of the Executive Committee Report EC 2006-02. [Report CS 07-06] A by-law to dedicate Blocks 33 and 36, Plan 40M-1919, Pickering as public highways.. This by-law implements the recommendation contained in Item #1 of the Executive Committee Report EC 2006- 02. [Report PD 03-06] A by-law to assume the roads as public highways and the services within Plan 40M-1919 (save and except from Lot 10, Block 30 and those parts of Block 35, being Parts 1 and 7, 40R-19037) and Plan 40M-1969 (save and exceptfrom Blocks 124,129, 130, 131 and 132) under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering. . This by-law implements the recommendation contained in Item #1 of the Executive Committee Report EC 2006-02. [Report PD 03-06] A by-law to amend By-law 1416/82 providing for the regulation and licensing of places of amusement. . This by-law implements the recommendation contained in Item #1 of the Executive Committee Report EC 2006-02. [Report PD 03-06] A by-law to authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreement from title respecting Plan 40M-1919 (save and except from Lots 10, 11 and Block 30), Pickering. This by-law implements the recommendation contained in Item #1 of the Executive Committee Report EC 2006-02. [Report PD 03-06] 014 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 6,2006 7:30 pm 6624/06 A by-law to authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreement from title respecting Plan 40M-1969, Pickering. This by-law implements the recommendation contained in Item #1 of the Executive Committee Report EC 2006-02. [Report PD 03-06] THIRD READING: Councillor Ashe, seconded by Councillor Brenner, moved that By-law Numbers 6618/06 to 6624/06, be adopted and the said by-laws be now read a third time and passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED X) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-law Number 6625/06 Councillor McLean, seconded by Councillor Brenner, moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering at its "In Camera" meeting of February 6, 2006 and its regular meeting of February 6, 2006. CARRIED XI) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8: 15 pm. DATED this 6th Day of February, 2006 MAYOR DAVID RYAN DEBIA.BENTLEY CITY CLERK CitJ¡ D~ 015 DELEGA TIONS a) P.C. Petzold, Durham Regional Police Service Re: Possession of Replica and Imitation Firearms By-law (Refer ~R. 8-06 from the Township of SCUQOQ) Ciú¡ ,,~ 016 CORRESPONDENCE 1. CORR. 8-06 KIM COATES, CLERK TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG 181 Perry Street Port Perry. Ontario Motion for Direction Advising that at a meeting held on January 9, 2006, the Council of the Township of Scugog adopted a resolution regarding a by-law with respect to the possession of replica and imitation firearms and requested that Municipalities within the Region of Durham endorse the notice of motion and adopt the same By-law. 2. CORR. 9-06 DAVID CAPLAN MINISTER MINISTRY OF PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL 900 Bay Street, 6th Floor, Mowat Block Toronto. Ontario Receive for Information Acknowledging receipt of the City of Pickering's request to have the Provincial Development Facilitator's involvement in the Provincial Central Pickering Development Plan. 017 CO"". 8 .o~ TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG ( 8 ( PERRY STREET BOX 780, PORT PERRY ONTARIO L9L (A7 Phone: 905-985-7346 I'lain Office Fax: 905-985-9914 www.township.scugog.on.ca January 23, 2006 RECEIVED CITY OF PICKERING JAN 2 ï 2006 CLERK'S DIVISION The Town of Ajax 65 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax, ON L 1 S 2H9 AU: Mr. Martin de Rond, Clerk Re: Replica and Imitation Firearms Dear Mr. De Rond: Please be advised that at a regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Scugog held January 9, 2006, the following resolution was enacted: RESOLUTION NO: 06-026 Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Hodgson Councillor Drew WHEREAS the sale of replica and imitation firearms is at present uncontrolled; and WHEREAS the possession of replica and imitation firearms is at present uncontrolled; and WHEREAS the sale of replica and imitation firearms is not restricted to any age; and WHEREAS the possession of replica and imitation firearms is not restricted to any age; and ;/:firl/ ~~{g~~å fY\o+\ on ~ í 0 i f'e.C::--\-~ C> r'\ 018 WHEREAS replica and imitation firearms so closely resemble real firearms that they can easily be confused, even upon close inspection; and WHEREAS Police Officers are trained to make split second decisions in response to any occurrence involving a firearm, with the consideration of the application of deadly force; and WHEREAS replica and imitation firearms have been used on the streets of the Township of Scugog in the commission of criminal offences; and WHEREAS some of the persons involved in the criminal activity are children as defined as the Youth Criminal Justice Ac~ and WHEREAS the Township of Scugog recognizes its responsibility in protecting the safety of its citizens and children; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Corporation of the Township of Scugog shall enact a By- Law to protect the public by regulating the sale and possession of replicas and/or imitations of firearms; and FURTHER THAT the Township of Scugog put forward the message through its web site and bulletin board; and FURTHER THAT the Township of Scugog respectfully requests that all Municipalities within the Region of Durham endorse this notice of motion and adopt the same By-Law; and FURTHER THAT the Township of Scugog encourages the Attorney General, Mr. Michael Bryant to bring forward at the Legislature of Ontario, a revised Bill 67, an Act to Protect the Public by Regulating the Sale and Possession of Replicas and/or Imitations of Firearms. Carried . 01P Also enclosed is a copy of By-Law No: 02-06 to regulate the Sale and Possession of replica and imitation firearms in the Township of Scugog. The Township of Scugog respectfully requests your support of this resolution and that consideration be given to adopting a similar by-law in your municipality. P.C. Todd Petzold of the Durham Regional Police Service has been instrumental in bringing this matter to the forefront as a result of numerous incidents involving these firearms in the Township of Scugog. P.C. Petzold has kindly offered to make a presentation before your Council regarding this potentially serious matter. P.C. Petzold can be reached at 905 579 1520 ext. 2695 or by email - tpetzola ({!) drps.ca Should you require anything further in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, ~~~ Kim Coates, AMCT Clerk Enc!. cc: Mr. G. Graham, Clerk - Administrator, Township of Brock Ms. S. Kranc, Clerk, City of Oshawa Ms. D. Bentley, Clerk, City of Pickering V' Ms. D. Leroux, Clerk Township of Uxbridge Mr. P. Jones, Clerk, Town of Whitby Ms. P. Barrie, Clerk, Municipality of Clarington Ms. P. Madill, Clerk, Region of Durham P.C. T. Petzold, Durham Regional Police Services Mr. V. Trimm, Municipal Law Enforcement Officer Councillor L. Hodgson i . II I'. I, I I I ~. 020 . II II THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG BY-LAW NUMBER 02-06 BEING A BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE SALE AND POSSESSION OF REPLICA FIREARMS AND IMMITATION FIREARMS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG. WHE=REAS Section 130 of the Municipal Act, 2001. S.O. 2001, c.25. as amended, permits municipalities to pass by-laws related to the health, safety and well-being of the inhabitants of the municipality. AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Scugog has determined that the purchase, sale, possession and use of Replicas of Firearms are activities having the potential to negatively effect the health safety and well-being of the inhabitants of the Township. AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Scugog has determined that the regulation of the purchase, sale. possession and use of Replicas of Firearms is related to the health, safety and well-being of the inhabitants of the Township of Scugog. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog enacts as follows: SECTION ONE - DEFINITIONS 1.1 In this by-law: (a) "Criminal Record" means any conviction under the Criminal Code and includes any amendments thereto; (b) "Firearm" means any barrelled weapon from which a shot. bullet or other projectile can be discharged by means of rimfire or centrefire ammunition. (c) "Identification" means a valid driver's license issued by the Province of Ontario or any other Ontario Government issued photo identification. (d) "Imitation Firearm" means any device that is designed or intended to resemble a Firearm or Replica Firearm or may be reasonably mistaken as a Firearm or Replica Firearm and shall include a device that with limited modification may be reasonably mistaken as a Firearm or Replica Firearm. (e) Municipal Law Enforcement Officer" means a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer appointed to enforce the By-laws of the Township of Scugog. (f) "Officer" means a Police Officer and/or a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer. (g) "Person" includes a Person as defined in accordance with the Interpretation Act. R.S.O. 1990. c. 1.11, as amended. (h) "Police Officer" means a Police Constable sworn in and for the Province of Ontario and shall include a Constable of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Page 1 of 3 . . 02- (i) "Police Report" means a Criminal Information Request received from the Durham Regional Police Service. Ontario Provincial Police Service and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Service and such Police Report shall be current to within six (6) months. (j) "Purchaser" means the purchaser of a Replica Firearm or Imitation Firearm and includes a Person. (k) "Replica Firearm" means any barrelled weapon from which a shot, bullet or other projectile can be discharged by means other than rimfire or centrefire ammunition. (I) "Township" means the Township of Scugog. . (m)"Vendor" means the seller of a Replica Firearm or Imitation Firearm and includes a Person. SECTION TWO - GENERAL REGULATION 2.1 No Person shall purchase, sell, possess or use a Replica Firearm or Imitation Firearm in the Township except in accordance with this By-law. SECTION THREE - REGULATION OF SALE 3.1 No Person shall sell a Replica Firearm or Imitation Firearm to any Person who is less than 18 years old and confirms, by way of Identification. that the Purchaser is not less than 18 years old; SECTION FOUR - REGULATION OF PURCHASE 4.1 No person shall purchase a Replica Firearm or Imitation Firearm unless that person confirms, by way of Identification, to the Vendor, to the satisfaction of the Vendor, that the Purchaser is not less than 18 years old; SECTION RVE - REGULATION OF POSSESSION AND USE 5.1 No person who is less than 18 years old shall possess a Replica Firearm or Imitation Firearm while on public property or on private property to which the public has general access. . 5.2 No Person shall use a Replica Firearm or Imitation Firearm in a manner that is reasonably likely to cause harm or damage to another person or property. 5.3 No Person shall use a Replica Firearm or Imitation Firearm in a manner that is reasonably likely to instil fear in or intimidate any other person. 5.4 Any person who is found in contravention of Section 5 shall forthwith surrender such Replica Firearm or Imitation Firearm to an Officer. Page 2 of 3 I' . I . I ~ . . . ,'i 022 -/ II I SECTION SIX - ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT 6.1 The Municipal Law Enforcement Officer shall be responsible for the Administration of this By-law. 6.2 The Officer will be responsible for the Enforcement of this By-Law. SECTION SEVEN - OFFENCE 7.1 Every Person who contravenes any provision, section or paragraph of this By-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine or penalty for each offence, exclusive of costs. as prescribed by the Provincial Offences Ac~ R.S.O. 1990, c. P.33. as amended. SECTION EIGHT - SEVERABIUTY 8.1 If a court of competent jurisdiction should declare any section of this By-law, or part thereof, to be invalid. such section or part of a section shall not be constructed as having persuaded or influenced Council to pass the remainder of this By-law as having being invalid and is hereby declared that the remainder of the By-law shall be valid and shall remain in force. SECTION NINE - NON-APPLICATION 9.1 This By-law shall not apply to the possession or use of a Replica Firearm or Imitation Firearm for. or in connection with. the lawful use thereof in motion pictures, television and stage productions, the historical displays or educational programs of a public museum or duly constituted sporting events. SECTION TEN - SHORT TITLE 10.1 The short title of this By-law shall be the "Replica Firearm By-law" SECTION ELEVEN - DATE EFFECTIVE 11.1 This By-law shall come into effect on the day of its passing. Read a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this 9th day of January. 2006 Page 3 of 3 r- " I 'I L 023 . Mlpistry of Public .'¿;~astructure Renewal Ministère du Renouvellement de I'infrastructure publique Co~ft. q. O" ~ FN!CEIVED CITY OF PICKERING FEB ~9 2006 Minister 6th Floor, Mowat Block 900 Bay Street Toronto ON M7A 1 L2 TeL: 416325-0424 Fax: 416325.3013 www.pir.gov.on.ca Ministre 6' étage, édifice Mowat 900, rue Bay Toronto ON M7A 1L2 TéL: 416325-0424 Téléc. : 416325-3013 www.pir.gov.on.ca Mailing Address: 777 Bay Street 4th Floor, Suite 425 Adresse postale : 777, rue Bay 4' étage, bureau 425 CLERK'S DIVISION PIR1826MC-2005-69 February 3, 2006 Ms. Debi A. Bentley, CMO, CMM III City Clerk City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 ~ :._~:iT¡~!;I~}(;:::~- 0 ~.I~ ION L ÀA' 1 I.I[.'~.¡~:..:': 'rTi,E í,ÙY[Ü:~~?~~~ ~~- rj .:ë:;T:' .. "=::::.-¡---LEGAL SERVI,fËS..C:j r:, 'LIBRARY' !- " ~~~~:..~.,(.l..i..;.~.;.'..:.',-.~.-.';~t~::, ii~,,',.',:. ' , V f: L. . -- SUPPlY:~ 3-:;::'",,-+.. (g~h;:¡lES -I:C~^.:", .. Dear Ms. Bentley: Thank you for writing to me to inform me of the City of Pickering's resolution rega . the Provincial Central Pickering Development Plan. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is the lead ministry for the province in land use planning matters in many of the issues you have raised. I am informed that you have been in contact with the Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and that he responded to you on November 23,2005. I trust the minister's response was helpful. I have noted your request for the Provincial Development Facilitator's involvement in tillS matter. I understand that, on October 5,2005, a dialogue began between His Worship David Ryan, Mayor of Pickering, Pickering City Council, municipal staff, representatives from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and land owners involved in the land exchange. I agree with Minister Gerretsen's suggestion that is the most appropriate vehicle for addressing the issues identified by the city. As you know, the Places to Grow Act was passed in June 2005. Under the Act, I recently released a Proposed Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe for public comment. The Proposed Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe aims to identify where and how the region should grow and what features should be protected over the next 25 years. I look forward to receiving the City of Pickering's comments on the plan. .. ./2 C ~ðL 13 ) 024 -2- Thank you again for bringing your concerns to my attention. Yours sincerely, David Caplan Minister c: The Honourable John Gerretsen 0:25 Ciú¡ D~ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT Executive Committee Report EC 2006-03 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 04-06 Release and Abandonment of Easement Part of Lot 8, Plan 40M-2164, being Part 8, Plan 40R-22163 Storm Drainage Purposes Registered as Instrument DR202450 File: RE0520 That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute, for the purpose of registration, a Release and Abandonment of Easement registered as Instrument DR202450 relating to that part of Lot 8, Plan 40M-2164, being Part 8, Plan 40R-22163. 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 06-06 - Danlu Holdings Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-2093 - 1490737 Ontario Inc. Plan of Subdivision 40M-2099 Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision By-laws should be enacted to : 1. Assume the roads and services within Plans 40M-2093 and 40M-2099 (save and except from Blocks 36 to 38); 2. Amend By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) to include the roads within Plans 40M-2093 and 40M-2099; and 3. Authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreements from title relating to Plans 40M-2093 and 40M-2099. 3. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 02-06 Green River Community Centre Horizon House, Where Heaven and Earth Meet Lease Renewal Agreement - File: A-2130-001-06 1. That Report OES 02-06 be received; and G:2:ß 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal lease agreement to permit the Horizon House, Where Heaven and Earth Meet to continue their use for church purposes at the Green River Community Centre from April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2007 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 4. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 03-06 Management Agreement with Claremont Lions Club Claremont Community Centre - File: A-2130-001-06 1. That Report OES 03-06 be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal management agreement to permit the Claremont Lions Club to continue to provide management services to the Corporation at the Claremont Community Centre from April 1, 2006 to March 31,2009 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 5. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 05-06 West Shore Community Centre Gingerbread Co-operative Nursery School (Pickering) Inc. Licence Renewal Agreement - File: A-2130-00 1-06 1. That Report OES 05-06 be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal Licence Agreement to permit the Gingerbread Co-operative Nursery School (Pickering) to continue to operate a co-operative nursery school at West Shore Community Centre from April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2009 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 6. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 06-06 Pickering Recreation Complex Pottery Studio Licence Renewal Agreement - File: A-2130-001-06 1. That Report OES 06-06 be received; and 027 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal Pottery Studio Agreement to permit Guida Pirita and Ana-Paula Leandro to continue to operate pottery programs at the Pickering Recreation Complex from April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2009 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 7. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 07-06 Nuclear Waste Management Peer Review of NWMO Final Report - File: A-2130-001 1. That Council receive Report OES 07-06 concerning the peer review of the Nuclear Waste Management Organization Final Report; 2. That Council urge Nuclear Waste Management Organization to address the list of outstanding issues related to their Final Report as identified in the Acres- Sargent & Lundy Peer Review Report; 3. That Council be on record as continuing to support the work that the Nuclear Waste Organization (NWMO) is conducting and that the Federal Government be urged to promptly begin addressing the recommendations of NWMO Final Report; and 4. That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Federal Minister of Natural Resources, Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities, and Ontario Power Generation. 8. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 11-06 Bill 51-Amendments to the Planning Act and the Conservation Land Act - First Reading Ontario Municipal Board and Planning Act Reforms EBR Reaistration Number AF05EOO01 1. That Pickering Council receive and endorse Report PD 11-06 on Bill 51, an Act to amend the Planning Act and the Conservation Land Act and to make related amendments to other Acts, EBR Registration Number AF05EOO01. 2. That the City Clerk submit the following comments to the Environmental Bill of Rights registry respecting Bill 51 (Registration Number AF05EOO01): (a) The City of Pickering is supportive of the direction of Bill 51, including elements that give more authority to municipalities and increase local control over development; 0.28 9. 10. (b) The requirement to host a public open house, for all development applications, as proposed through amendments to Sections 17 and 34, is unnecessary and will add additional application review process; and (c) The requirement to update official plans should apply to all municipalities that currently have an official plan and not be limited to those as set out in Subsection 17(13). 3. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 11-06 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Appointments to the Civic Awards Selection Committee That Mayor Ryan, Councillor Ashe, Councillor Johnson and Councillor McLean be appointed to the Civic Awards Selection Committee for 2006. Confidential Matter Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 10-06 Taxicab Driver Licence Application That the recommendation contained in Item #1 of the "In Camera" minutes of February 6, 2006 be adopted. [}:29 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, February 13, 2006 8:00 pm Chair: Councillor Brenner PRESENT: Mayor Ryan COUNCILLORS: K. Ashe M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. McLean D. Pickles ALSO PRESENT: 1. J. Quinn E. Buntsma N. Carroll G. Paterson D. Bentley D. Shields - Chief Administrative Officer - Director, Operations & Emergency Services - Director, Planning & Development - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - City Clerk - Deputy Clerk (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Dickerson Meeting of January 24, 2006 "In Camera" meeting of January 24, 2006 CARRIED (II) 4. Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, February 13, 2006 8:00 pm Chair: Councillor Brenner MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 04-06 Release and Abandonment of Easement Part of Lot 8, Plan 40M-2164, being Part 8, Plan 40R-22163 Storm Drainage Purposes Registered as Instrument DR202450 File: RE0520 That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute, for the purpose of registration, a Release and Abandonment of Easement registered as Instrument DR202450 relating to that part of Lot 8, Plan 40M-2164, being Part 8, Plan 40R-22163. 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 06-06 - Danlu Holdings Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-2093 - 1490737 Ontario Inc. Plan of Subdivision 40M-2099 Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision By-laws should be enacted to : 1. Assume the roads and services within Plans 40M-2093 and 40M-2099 (save and except from Blocks 36 to 38); 2. Amend By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) to include the roads within Plans 40M-2093 and 40M-2099; and 3. Authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreements from title relating to Plans 40M-2093 and 40M-2099. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 02-06 Green River Community Centre - Horizon House, Where Heaven and Earth Meet - Lease Renewal Agreement - File: A-2130-001-06 1. That Report OES 02-06 be received; and @3.1' Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, February 13, 2006 8:00 pm Chair: Councillor Brenner 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal lease agreement to permit the Horizon House, Where Heaven and Earth Meet to continue their use for church purposes at the Green River Community Centre from April 1, 2006 to March 31,2007 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 5. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 03-06 Management Agreement with Claremont Lions Club - Claremont Community Centre - File: A-2130-001-06 1. That Report OES 03-06 be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal management agreement to permit the Claremont Lions Club to continue to provide management services to the Corporation at the Claremont Community Centre from April 1, 2006 to March 31,2009 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 6. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 05-06 West Shore Community Centre - Gingerbread Co-operative Nursery School (Pickering) Inc. Licence Renewal Agreement - File: A-2130-00 1-06 1. That Report OES 05-06 be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal Licence Agreement to permit the Gingerbread Co-operative Nursery School (Pickering) to continue to operate a co-operative nursery school at West Shore Community Centre from April 1, 2006 to March 31,2009 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 7. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 06-06 Pickering Recreation Complex Pottery Studio Licence Renewal Agreement - File: A-2130-001-06 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, February 13, 2006 8:00 pm Chair: Councillor Brenner 1. That Report OES 06-06 be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal Pottery Studio Agreement to permit Guida Pirita and Ana-Paula Leandro to continue to operate pottery programs at the Pickering Recreation Complex from April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2009 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 8. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 07-06 Nuclear Waste Management Peer Review of NWMO Final Report - File: A-2130-001 1. That Council receive Report OES 07-06 concerning the peer review of the Nuclear Waste Management Organization Final Report; 2. That Council urge Nuclear Waste Management Organization to address the list of outstanding issues related to their Final Report as identified in the Acres- Sargent & Lundy Peer Review Report; 3. That Council be on record as continuing to support the work that the Nuclear Waste Organization (NWMO) is conducting and that the Federal Government be urged to promptly begin addressing the recommendations of NWMO Final Report; and 4. That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Federal Minister of Natural Resources, Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities, and Ontario Power Generation. Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That the Committee adopt the recommendations set out in Item Nos. 1 to 9, inclusive, save and except Item Nos. 3 and 9 thereof. CARRIED @33 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, February 13, 2006 8:00 pm Chair: Councillor Brenner 3. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 11-06 Bill 51-Amendments to the Planning Act and the Conservation Land Act - First Reading Ontario Municipal Board and Planning Act Reforms EBR ReQistration Number AF05EOO01 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Pickering Council receive and endorse Report PD 11-06 on Bill 51, an Act to amend the Planning Act and the Conservation Land Act and to make related amendments to other Acts, EBR Registration Number AF05EOO01. 2. That the City Clerk submit the following comments to the Environmental Bill of Rights registry respecting Bill 51 (Registration Number AF05EOO01): (a) The City of Pickering is supportive of the direction of Bill 51, including elements that give more authority to municipalities and increase local control over development; (b) The requirement to host a public open house, for all development applications, as proposed through amendments to Sections 17 and 34, is unnecessary and will add additional application review process; and (c) The requirement to update official plans should apply to all municipalities that currently have an official plan and not be limited to those as set out in Subsection 17(13). 3. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 11-06 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. CARRIED Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, February 13, 2006 8:00 pm Chair: Councillor Brenner 9. Appointments to the Civic Awards Selection Committee The Chair outlined the process for the nomination of the Members of the Civic Awards Selection Committee. Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Mayor Ryan That the following Members of Council be appointed to the Civic Awards Selection Committee: Mayor Ryan Councillor Ashe Councillor Johnson Councillor McLean CARRIED (III) OTHER BUSINESS 1. The following matters were considered prior to the regular meeting: (a) 1. Confidential Matters Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 10-06 Taxi Cab Driver Licence Application - City Clerk to Update 2. Verbal Update - Labour Relations Matter - CUPE - CAO to Update Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Ashe That Committee move into an 'In Camera" meeting of Committee in order to discuss a personal matter about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees and labour relations or employee negotiations. CARRIED Refer to the "In Camera" minutes of the Executive Committee dated February 13, 2006. (.} 3) 5 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, February 13, 2006 8:00 pm Chair: Councillor Brenner Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Pickles That Committee rise and ratify the actions taken at the 'In Camera' session. CARRIED (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Pickles gave notice that he would be presenting two Notices of Motions with regards to Opportunities for Energy Projects and the Nuclear Liabilities Act. (V) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm. Oil¡ o~ €l3B REPORTS - NEW AND UNFINISHED PAGE 1. Public Meeting Notice of Intention to Pass a By-law to Submit A Question to the Electors. By-law 6632/06 37-38 A public meeting is being held for the purpose of considering proposed By-law 6632/06, being a by-law to submit a question to the electors. a) Certification from the City Clerk that the provisions of the Municipal Elections Act have been complied with and that proper notice has been given. b) Comments from the general public with respect to the proposed by-law. c) Council consideration of By-law 6632/06. 037 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PASS A BY-LAW TO SUBMIT A QUESTION TO THE ELECTORS TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering will consider a by-law at the February 20, 2006 meeting, that if approved, will place the following question on the November 13, 2006 municipal election ballot. Should the Council of the City of Pickering approve the following resolution? IlThat the Government of Ontario make a regulation requiring that the Chair of the Regional Municipality of Durham be elected by general vote. 11 YES NO Under provisions of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended, referendum results will be binding on the municipality, subject to some exceptions, if at least 50 per cent of eligible electors vote on the question. If this question receives a binding "no" result, Pickering Council will not consider or pass another resolution asking th~ Province to enact such a regulation during the 2006-2009 term of Council. The costs of implementing the results of the question, whether the result is in the affirmative or negative, are considered to be negligible. APPEAL PROCESS Should Pickering Council approve the by-law authorizing placement of the question on the ballot, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and any other person or entity may appeal to the Chief Election Officer of the Province of Ontario on the grounds that the question: i) is not clear, concise and neutral, and/or ii) is not capable of being answered by either the "YES" or "NO" options provided. The Clerk shall give notice of the passage of the by-law to the public and the Minister. Such notice will provide further instructions with respect to the appeal process. A Notice of Appeal must set out the objections to the by-law and question and the reasons in support of the objections. Dated at Pickering, Ontario, this 6th day of February, 2006. Ð'38 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6632/06 Being a by-law to submit a question to the electors at the next regular municipal election (Approve Council Resolution with respect to the Direct Election of the Regional Chair) WHEREAS the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (S.O. 1996, Ch. 32, S. 8), as amended, provides that the Council of a municipality may pass a by-law to submit to its electors a proposed by-law requiring their assent or a question not otherwise authorized by law but within the Council's jurisdiction. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. There shall be submitted to the electors at the regular municipal election to be held on November 13, 2006, the following question: Should the Council of the City of Pickering approve the following resolution? "That the Government of Ontario enact a regulation requiring the direct election of the Chair of the Regional Municipality of Durham. 11 YES NO 2. The Clerk of the Corporation of the City of Pickering shall sum up the number of votes in the affirmative and in the negative on the said question and declare and post the results of the vote pursuant to the requirements of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 20th day of February, 2006. David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk 039 Ciú¡ o~ MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTIONS 1. Councillors Pickles and Ashe gave notice that they will at the next or subsequent meeting of Council present the following motion: Nuclear Liability Act WHEREAS the Nuclear Liability Act was proclaimed by Parliament in December 1976 with the purpose of establishing a compensation and civil liability regime in the event of a nuclear accident with third-party consequences; and WHEREAS the Act only requires nuclear operators to carry seventy-five million dollars in third-party liability insurance per facility; and WHEREAS most property insurance policies (home, business, etc.) specifically exclude coverage for losses that are due to nuclear accidents; and WHEREAS a major nuclear accident, albeit highly unlikely, could cause damages that impose billion of dollars in losses; and WHEREAS the international average for nuclear operator liability ranges between five hundred and seven hundred million dollars; and WHEREAS several years ago Natural Resources Canada staff was mandated to review the current Act and are proposing amendments to increase the liability and insurance amounts for nuclear operators and other wording changes that improve the potential application of the Act; and WHEREAS the City of Pickering Council passed resolutions in 2001 and 2003 that called upon the Federal Government to amend the Nuclear Liability Act and increase the amount of coverage that is required; and WHEREAS the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities endorsed the following resolution at its annual meeting in 2004. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Minister of Natural Resources be advised that the City of Pickering encourages the Government of Canada to amend the Nuclear Liability Act to increase the requirement for nuclear operator insurance coverage and liability to at least meet international standards of coverage. 0':40 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be circulated to all members of parliament and members of provincial parliament whose ridings host nuclear facilities, the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities, and Ontario Power Generation. CitJ¡ o~ BY -LAWS 6626/06 6627/06 6628/06 6629/06 6630/06 6631/06 6632/06 0'41 A by-law to appoint Animal Services Officers as Municipal law Enforcement Officer for the purpose of enforcing the by- laws of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. A by-law to appoint Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing parking restrictions on private property. A by-law to dedicate those parts of Lot 88, Plan 350, designated as Part 1, Plan 40R-23440 and part 4, Plan 40R- 22695 and Block 24, Plan 40M-1392, Pickering as public highways. (Refer to Land Division Application LD 072/05 and LD 073/05] A by-law to assume the roads as public highways and the services within Plan 40M-2093 (save and except from Blocks 36 to 38) under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering. (Refer to Report PD 06-06] A by-law to amend By-law 1416/82 providing for the regulation and licensing of places of amusement. (Refer to Report PD 06-06] A by-law to authorize the release and removal of the Subdivision Agreement from title respecting Plan 40M-2099, Pickering. (Refer to Report PD 06-06] A by-law to submit a question to the electors at the next regular municipal election (Approve Council Resolution with respect to the Direct Election of the Regional Chair) CiÚf (J~ Minutes PICKERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY January 12, 2006 7:00 PM Chair - Councillor Pickles Attendees: Guests: Regrets: Councillor David Pickles Fred Gibson, Community Appointee Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Margaret Lazaras, Glengrove Public School Joe Mitschang, Durham Regional Police Service Kim Kranc, City of Pickering Debbie Watrous, Committee Coordinator Rowena Kirk Dale Lynch Jacqueline Moriarty, Community Appointee Malvina Ram, Community Appointee Nazneed Dindar, Durham District School Board Lisa Anne Rae, Durham Catholic District School Board 2. 3. Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Welcome & Introductions Councillor Pickles welcomed members and guests to the meeting. Minutes Minutes of the December 1,2005 meeting were approved. Joe commented on the concern recorded in the minutes that the Police do not reflect the diversity of the community. He advised that the numbers are increasing but there is a problem with getting applicants. He stated that he will provide some statistics at the next meeting. 2006 Committee Events Heritaae Day Kim advised that participants and booths have been confirmed for the Heritage Day events scheduled for February 18th, 2006. She requested volunteers to provide coverage for the booth. Kirk offered his services from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) . Joe to provide information. Members to advise Kim. Kirk suggested that a representative of the Raptors be invited to Kim to contact. artici ate in this event. Page 1 Essay Competition and Forum Kim confirmed that the information on the essay writing contest and forum has been distribution. Councillor Pickles advised that he has been in contact with Dr. Karen Mock who has agreed to be the Keynote Speaker at the Forum. Councillor Pickles suggested that committee members provide their suggestions on the points or theme that Dr. Mock should address. Members to action. Tapestry 2006 Event The next meeting of the Sub-committee is scheduled for February ih, 2006 at 7 pm at the Recreation Complex. Volunteers are needed to assist in the organizing of the event. Rowena suggested that an Aboriginal Component be considered for this event as well as Heritage Week. Councillor Pickles requested that Cynthia Mearns, CEO, Pickering Public Library be approached and requested to provide contact information for the First Nations Chief. Kim to action. 4. Cultural Banner Presentation Councillor Pickles advised that the Cultural Banners recognizing customs and traditions of other cultures was well received. It was suggested that faith leaders be requested to participate in future events. 5. Other Business a) Councillor Pickles commented on Kirk's suggestion to survey the community on issues important to them. The following points were made: . contact faith leaders and cultural organizations and determine the issues, the concerns. how to meet their needs, etc. . this should be done in an informal setting . more outreach needs to be undertaken . determine how to best communicate with a diverse community Members were requested to consider the objective of this Page 2 survey. b) Kirk questioned the status of the report, which will be prepared by Councillor Pickles. Councillor Pickles advised that will include stats, what the Committee has done, outcome of survey, Christmas initiatives, etc. Councillor Pickles requested that a library representative be Kim to action. requested to gather statistics on the demographics of Pickering and be invited to the next meeting to provide the Committee with this information. c) A Planning representative will be invited to attend a future meeting to advise of what is planned for Pickering with respect to Seaton, Growth Management Study, etc. Kim to action. 4. Next Meetin Wednesday, February 15,2006, 7:00 PM - Main Committee Room ALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS ARE ASKED TO CONFIRM THEIR ATTENDANCE Meeting Adjourned: 9:05PM Copy: T. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Page 3 CitJ¡ (J~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee January 17, 2006 7:00 PM Attendees: Pamela Fuselli, Chair Shawna Foxton John Sabean Gordon Zimmerman Karen Emmink Brenda Rappos Debbie Watrous - Recording Secretary . Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary discussion) . 1. Minutes Moved by Gordon Zimmerman That the minutes of the November 15, 2005 meeting be adopted. CARRIED 2. Business Arisin 2.1 Brochure Development . A number of Heritage Pickering Logo examples were presented to the Committee for review. . The Committee concurred unanimously with Example #5. . No update on the brochure at this time, Shawna requested further details on what the Committee would like included. . The following suggestions were made: . introduce the Committee and how it was established . how a property gets designated . various architectural styles . examples of homes-brick, board and batten, stone . cemeteries, churches, barn, etc. 2.2 ReQional HeritaQe MeetinQ . Pam attended the November 29 meeting in Oshawa and was provided with a number of resources, which she forwarded to Karen for inclusion in Heritage Pickering's resource library. . Pamela advised that Mike Marcolongo is the new contact at the Ministry of Culture. Shawna to continue to monitor. Karen to file in Heritage Pickering's Resource Library. Page 1 2.3 Consultants . Debbie advised that a member of the Committee cannot provide service for pay but could resign their position on the Committee and then be hired by the Committee to undertake a certain task. 3. Other Business 3.1 HeritaQe District Extension and DesiQnations Pamela provided an update to the Committee on the reports, which went before Council on the designation of the Glen House and the Willson House. Council directed the City Clerk to proceed with the designation process. Pamela further advised that the province has no problem with designating the Glen House nor would there be a problem designating it nationally. 3.2 Municipal Election Year A discussion ensued concerning the final year of term and vacancies and it was determined that it would be in the best interests of the Committee to have an advertisement placed in the paper for new members to fill the vacant positions for the remainder of the term. 3.3 2006 BudQet Pamela requested the Recording Secretary to provide her with a copy of the 2006 Proposed Budget. The City Clerk will forward a copy to Pamela. 3.4 ORC Ontario HeritaQe Database Pamela distributed a copy of a Notice of Completion of Environmental Study Report regarding the acquisition of lands on the Oak Ridges Moraine. Pamela requested that Committee members forward a request to the Minister of the Environment to issue a "Part II Order". If this request is granted, this would "bump up" the Environmental Assessment. 4. NeVIl Business a) John advised that he would like to apply to have the Glen House designated nationally and is in the process of attempting to retrieve the material which was confiscated by the RCMP from Andrew Glen. He has been advised that it could be located at Queens University. b) John and Gordon stated their wish to attend the CHO Conference. Pamela advised of a re uest received concernin the c City Clerk to proceed. City Clerk to action. City Clerk to action. Pamela and Gordon to prepare. John to follow up. Page 2 d) Pickering Heritage Database. John advised that he is in possession of four different lists and will provide these for Brenda who will cross-reference. A request has been received to erect a plaque at the corner of Valley Farm Road and Concession 3 in recognition ofthe Mohicans. February 18th is Heritage Day and volunteers are required to cover Heritage Pickering's table. John advised that the Davidson Stone, which is located behind an old school house, must be removed and protected. George Duncan's resume will be placed on a future agenda. Brenda to cross- reference. e) f) g) 5. Next Meetin Februa 21, 2006 at 7pm in the Tower Room. Meeting Adjourned: 8:55 pm Copy: Mayor Ryan Councillors 1. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Directors and Division Heads Page 3