HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 04-06 REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 04-06 Date: January 9, 2006 Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Historical/Architectural Designation - Willson House - 1505 Whitevale Road, Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 04-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the Executive Committee endorse the recommendation of Heritage Pickering for designation of Willson House; That the City Clerk be authorized to begin procedures to have the Willson House, municipally known as 1505 Whitevale Road, designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act; That the City Clerk, in consultation with Heritage Pickering, draft and forward an appropriate 'Notice of Intent to Designate' to the owners of the property, the Ontario Heritage Foundation, the local newspaper; and o Further, that the City Clerk be directed to draft the necessary by-law together with the reasons for designation for Council approval. Executive Summary: Heritage Pickering, at their meeting held on November 15, 2005, recommended that 1505 Whitevale Road be approved for heritage designation under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, and that City Council be requested to action accordingly. The purpose of this report is to commence the necessary proceedings to have the Willson House designated as a heritage property in accordance with Provincial legislation. The background information provided in this report has been provided by the Chair, Heritage Pickering. ort CS 04-06 Designation of Willson House January 9, 2006 Page 2 Financial Implications: There will be associated costs upon approval of the designation of the Willson House in the form of the purchase of a designation plaque at an estimated cost of $300. This cost is provided for in the 2006 current budget for Heritage Pickering. Background: Cultural Heritaqe Value: On October 16, 1843, Casper Willson purchased 50 acres in Lot 21, Concession 5 of the Township of Pickering from F.W. Heward, who had obtained a Crown Grant of 200 acres on September 24, 1840. The 1851 census showed Casper living on this property in a one-story frame house. The one and a half story brick clad house was built in 1861 as an addition to the front of the frame house. The original frame stood until the mid 1940's and was used as a kitchen, utility room and woodshed for the brick house. The property was passed on to Edward Willson in 1882, to Marie (Willson) Gannon in 1938, to Donald Willson in 1949 and, in part, to Douglas Willson in 1986, remaining in the Willson family until 2001. Born in 1814, Casper was the second child, and first son, of Asher and Susannah Willson, who settled land along Concession 5, Lot 22 in February, 1832 (the house is still located on the north side of Concession 5 to the west of this property). In Home District, Upper Canada on April 2, 1839, Casper married Elizabeth Hubbard (the granddaughter of Thomas Hubbard, one of the earliest and influential settlers in Pickering Township). They were married by Rev. Israel Marsh, pastor of second Baptist Church, Whitby, Ontario and witnessed by Thomas Hubbard and Nancy Sharrard. Elizabeth Hubbard was born in 1821. She and Casper had seven children. In addition to farming the land, raising livestock and crops, Casper played a significant role in community life; elected as a deacon of the Christian Church in 1842, became a charter member of the Sons of Temperance in 1850, was the superintendent of the Sunday School as early as 1851 and for many years after, and elected Committee-man for Ward 4 of the Pickering Agricultural Society in 1851. Elizabeth was active as a Sunday school teacher; she owned one of the first Bell organs in the community and loved to entertain. Their son, Edward (who was Township Assessor for many years) took over the farm before Casper's death and continued to farm the land until his son; Warren (who lived on Lot 20, Concession 4) took over the farm chores. The Willson family members have played key roles in Pickering Township's history. Casper's father, Asher Willson, served as Pathmaster in the early 1800's. Asher, along with two of his sons, Joseph and William, were involved in the 1837 rebellion and were imprisoned for their participation. Casper died in 1888 and is buried, along with other family members in the Brougham Cemetery. Douglas Willson, the last descendant to live in the home, was born on February 1, 1923 in Toronto, Ontario. He served in the military from 1942 to 1946 in the R.C.A.F. as a Radar Mechanic and was stationed in Gander, Newfoundland (overseas). In 1988, he restored and renovated the house, where he and his wife Margaret Phyllis Willson (new Campbell) lived until 2001. The Report CS 04-06 Designation of Willson House January 9, 2006 Page 3 Willson descendants have been successful, contributing members of society, many remaining in Pickering or the area - a true and lasting connection to the heritage of Pickering Township. The 1994 (Hough Stansbury) inventory report rates this property as a Class A, the highest possible score. .Heritage Attributes: The one and one-half storey brick house at 1505 Whitevale Road was built in 1861. Prior to that, form ca. 1843 to 1861, they had lived in a single-storey, frame, neo-Classical house on the same lot. This latter structure became the kitchen, utility rooms and woodshed for the new brick house. 'Features such as the segmentally arched window and door openings, the centre gable with lancet window, finial and pendant would have probably been added at that time (1861)...dicoromatic with quoins and arches picked out of buff brick.' ((Hough Stansbury Inventory, 1994) Casper Willson's grandfather-in-law, Casper Staats (also referred to as Stotts), was United Empire Loyalist. Yet the house built in 1861 reflects the fact that the two main streams of immigration into Upper Canada were melding into an Ontario identity. The 1994 inventory describes the interior: The interior features entry directly into the parlor where a wide enclosed stair leads via a winder section of the second storey. The formal dining room is entered through the doorway directly to the west of the main door. The wood trim is largely intact and features broad mouled door and window casings; a wainscoted dado of beaded boards in the parlor (to which the window casings finish) and a separate paneled dado treatment for the windows in the dining room with casing extending to the floor to which the high bases finish. The doors are of four-paneled design. This remains an accurate description of the interior of the property. To quote Marion MacRae and Anthony Adamson, 'The little vernacular house, still stubbornly Georgian in form and wearing its little gable with brave gaiety became the abiding image of the province. It was to be the Ontario Classic style. In plan this house is derivative of American copy-books, i.e. axial, stable virtuous; but the elements which push the design towards the picturesque are the polychrome-patterned brick details from industrial and lower-middle class Gothic Revival usages in northern England, southern Scotland and Ulster.' As Alan Gowans has written, so ...six years before Confederation the Willsons had had built for them an Ontario Classic style house in which they and two succeeding generations would live. (The earlier, neo Classical structure was replaced in 1988 with the extant entrance and family room). Situated on a knoll and facing the road as the house does, and with protecting trees around it, the house placement harks back to Casper-s boyhood home at 1390 Whitevale Road. In conclusion, of particular note are the high quality of the polychrome brickwork, the brick themselves which reportedly were kilned nearby and are of a remarkably uniform colour, the shutters which appear identical to those in the 1880 oil painting, the gently Report CS 04-06 Designation of Willson House January 9, 2006 Page 4 arched window heads, the roof-top finial, and the two entrance doors of the 1861 house with their distinguishing arched-head transoms. A number of images of the house have been preserved, for example: an 1880 painting of the Willson House by Southworth; a 1908 photograph of the Christian Ladies' Aid Social Evening. The house and grounds should be preserved to enable this significant heritage building to remain, at least partially, in its original contextual environment, that of an early example of an Ontario farmhouse. This house and the remaining property (2 remaining acres of the original 50 acres) deserve designation as a heritage site for the architectural merit and for the long and well-documented contribution of an original settler family of Pickering. Of particular significance is the continued dedication to the preservation of this property, in spite of expropriation, the Willsons remained loyal to their heritage. The Willson family and their descendants participated in the beginning and the maturing of the Pickering Township. Significance: The Willson House is of contextual significance as one of the earliest farmhouses in the Township. The remaining cultural landscape in the vicinity of the house and two acre property currently enables the original context to remain partially intact. Attachments: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Hough Stansbury (1994): Seaton Cultural Heritage Resources Assessment, Vols 1 & 2. Prepared by Hough Stansbury Woodland Naylor Dance Limited, D.R. Poulton & Associates and Andrew Scheinman, July 1994. The Susannah/Asher Saga written by Robert Alan Willson, pages 28-32. Descendants of Casper Willson document, November 12, 2005. North Pickering Planning Area Map showing location of Casper Willson homestead. Southworth 1880 painting of Willson House. Pickering-Ajax Digital Archives (PADA), Willson House c. 1970s. Pickering-Ajax Digital Archives (PADA), Sons of Temperance. Photograph of Casper Wilson and Christian Church. Photograph of Asher Willson. Photograph of the Christian Ladies' Aid Social Evening, 1908. Excerpt of obituary, Casper Willson, PADA, Pickering News, April 20, 1888. Photograph of Willson House, c. 2002-2005 Photograph of Willson House, North and West Elevation. Photograph of Willson House, North Window and East Elevation. Photograph of Willson House, South East and South Yard. Photograph of Willson House, North East Yard. .'Report CS 04-06 Designation of Willson House January 9, 2006 Page 5 49 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Debi A. Bentley __ City Clerk, in conjunction with Pamela Fuselli, Chair, Heritage Pickering Gillis A. Paterson (fl Director, Corporate Services & TreasUrer Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council --2'---/ ~.z"~ _.........41 ,,.,, ,...,. ' / ~ ~ d' . 'T.l~m~ J.-Quint, Chief .~dmini~Officer VOLUME Seaton Cultural Heritage Resources Assessment TECHNICAL APPENDIX Prepared for The Seaton Interim Planning Team (Ontario Ministry of Housing) By Hough Stansbury Woodland Naylor Dance Limited - Prime Consultants D.R. Poulton & Associates ~ Archaeological Assessments and Excavations Andr6 Scheinman ~ Heritage Preservation Consultant July 1994 ! I ! Location/Description Lot:. 21 Description: Property Type: Concession: IV Southwest comer of Whitevale Road and Mulberry Lane. Rural P, esidemial 51 II I i I ! I ! d Architectural/Historical Description 50 acres of this lot was purchased by Casper Willson in 1843, shortly after it was granted to F.W. Heward (1840). Casper, the oldest son of Asher Willson (see Lot 22, Concession V) was married to F2izabeth Hubbard, the granddaughter of Thomas Hubbard (see Lot 19, Concession V). They lived first in a log house constructed dose to a spring on their property~12 By 1851 they were living in a frame house with their five children. It is likely that the existing brick house incorporates the earlier frame structure into it, especially given that the brick is actually a veneer placed over wood sheathing. Features such as the segmentally arched window and door openings, the centre gable with lancet window, finial and pendant would have probably been added at that time. It is worth noting that the window openings only appear to be segmentally arched from the exterior. The brickwork is dichromatic with quoins and arches picked out in buff brick. The 'brick house' can ~ dated to 1851 when Casper borrowed 250 pounds from Asher while giving him a mortgage on the Lot.~ A drawing of 1880 presents its appearance at that time showing a hipped roofed rear verandah, flame addition and the picket fence along the front Interior The interior features entry directly into the parlour where a wide endosed stair leads via a winder sect/on to the second storey~ The formal dining room is entered through a doorway directly to the west of the main door. The wood trim is largdy intact and features broad moulded door and window casings; a wainscoted dado of beaded boards in the parlour (to which the window casings finish) and a separate panelled dado treatment for the windows in the dining room with casings extending to the floor to which the high base finishes, The doors are of four panelled design, The interior is typical of mid 19th century taste and essemially Greek Revival sensibility~ The cornices are a later addition to the main rooms. I i I.~mg Willson research Ibid. ,! ill '! 53 SEATON BUILT HERITAGE EVALUATION SHEET Name/Descr ipt ion: Location: :.--o~ Reference: Categories E VG G F/P Architecture (Max, 25) 1 Style 15 ~ 5 0 2 Construction 12 ~ 4 0 10 2 0 3 Age 4 Design 10 ~) 2 0 To t: Ag History (Max. 20) 5 Person 15 (~ 5 0 6 Event 10 7 ~ 0 7 Context 8 (~ 2 0 Tot: Environment (Max. 20) 8 Continuity 15 ~ 5 0 9 Setting 12 8(~) 4 0 10 Landmark 12 ~ 4 0 Tot: Integrity (Max. 20) 11 Site (~) 5 2 0 12 Alterations 12 (~ 2 0 13 Condition (~ 6 4 2 14 Outbuildings 10 6 4 (~ Tot: Feasibility for use 15 Compatibility i6 Adaptibility ]7 Cost (Max. 15) Tot: ~ 5 3 0 8 (~) 2 0 10 (~) 4 0 GRAND TOTAL: CLASS, Comment s: IATTACHMENT #., 2 CASPER WILLSON (son of Asher and Susannah) ., TO REPORT Casper was the second child bom to Asher and Susannah, in July, 1814. He married Elizabeth Hubbard, bom in 182 l, on April 2, 1839. Elizabeth was granddaughter of Thomas Hubbard, one of the earliest settlers in Pickering Township They established their home on the farm which his descendants still hold in the Willson family Casper lived until 1888, and was plagued by arthritis for the last few years of his life. He is remembered in family legend as a stem disciplinarian; it is recalled that he would place a "shiny red apple" within easy reach of his children, with instructions to them that they were not to touch ii Self- discipline and will-power were assumed to develop from such a test An incident recounted in ~eting describes church members Willson and Witter being summoned before the church congregation in November 1843 to compose their difference of opinion over a wandering chicken of Witter's which Casper had killed "on a Sunday". This had developed into harsh words between the two men. They had the courage---and humility--to repair their differences and shake hands before their friends. Prior to Casper's marriage, he probably lived with his parents on Lot 22, Picketing Township 5, from 1832. On October 16, 1843, he and Elizabeth purchased 50 acres of Lot 21, Pickering Township 4, from FH. Heward, to whom patent for the lot had been granted in 1840. The purchase is B/S 21643 in the Ontario Archives. "il~ .~ ,~:;~ There is family legend to the effect that they lived first in a log house by the flowing spring, and in a frame house on the site of the present brick house. Part of the frame house constituted the kitchen, utility rooms and woodshed for the brick house as recently as the early 1930's. The spring, although sometimes overgrown, still bubbles up merrily from the underlying sand, as it has for more than 150 years, in the southwest comer of the north half of Lot 21, Concession 4. 55 In January ! 842, Casper was elected a deacon of the Christian Church, which had resumed its services in 1840. He became a deacon on April 23, ibllowing a two-year "Mackenzie" hiatus~ during which there was n_9.o "foreign" church. In 1850, he became a charter member of the Sons of Temperance, Pickering Branch, along with thther Asher and brothers Elijah and William. It was July 24, 1850 when Casper and Calvin Sharrard t¥om Brougham Division 104 attended the quarterly session of the Sons of Temperance in Toronto at the Ontario Division Hall. At that time, there were 26 members in Brougham, which grew to 60 in two years. This must have been an active preoccupation, On February 1, 1851, Casper was elected Committee-man tbr Ward 4 of the Pickering Agricultural Society. He initiated a ploughing match for the spring--entrance fee to be 6D for men over 18, with neighbour Francis Ley as Chairman. And he was active in the community generally: tbr instance, raising money for building the Brougham town hall through sale of his vegetables. In the census of 1851, the Willsons were living in a one-storey house on Lot 21, Picketing ~Ibwnship 4. They were farming 50 acres of Lot 21 and an additional 50 of Lot 20 which they were likely renting, as sale was not completed tbr northwest 20 until October 18, 1855 from John Palmer. Of Lot 21, 40 acres were under cultivation--38 in crops, 2 in orchards and 10 more in woodlot. Of Lot 20, 34 were under cultivation, 32 in crops, 3 in orchards and 5 in woodlot. That same year saw Casper in the Fall Agricuture Show, where he won first prize for wheat and second prize for a stud horse, while sister-in-law Eliza won first prize for knitted socks. ]hey owned three cows, tbxee horses, twelve sheep, three pigs, and produced 500 pounds of butter and 100 pounds of cheese. There were 3 acres of peas, 12 of oats, 1/2 of corn, I of potatoes (which yielded 60 bushels) and some acreage in tumips. From 50 acres in wheat, there were 600 bushels taken. Eighty pounds of wool and 20 tons of hay were produced. At that time, their children were: Maria Melissa ~w~ Elizabeth Charles Isabella (Belle) Born 1838, age 13 Born 1840, age 11 Born 1844, age 7 Born 1847, age 5 Born 1849, age 2 The oldest three children were, at that time, attending school. Casper was then 38, Elizabeth - 31. They were both members of the Christian Church and ardent temperance workers. Casper was Sunday School superintendent in 1851 and his wife taught the infant class. He held that responsibility, still, in 1876. Elizabeth was active as a Sunday School teacher and was a popular, energetic, beloved woman. She owned one of the first Bell organs in the community, and apparently loved to entertain. Her friends and relatives ot~en stayed for periods of time with the Casper Willsons. The new brick house which they built in 1860 afforded ample accommodation for visitors. Elizabeth befriended a youngster of an Irish family of "squatters" living to the south of their farm, and made it a personal responsibility to see that he was presentable and delivered each Sunday to the Brougham Sunday School. Years later, his grandson sought out her grave in the Brougham Cemetery and honoured it with flowers, as his grandfather had apparently requested. In 1891, "Betsy" was presented with a scroll of honour in recognition of her 40 or more years of faithful service, and on the occasion of her presentation of an organ to the Church. This scroll is in the home of great-grandson Robert Willson (circa 1990). Jemima, widow of Walter Percy, who built (in 1932) the cairn which marks the location of the Christian Church in Brougham, was the granddaughter of Oliver Willson, and remembered Aunt Betsy with warm affection in 1960. It was in Elizabeth's home that Jemima's romance with Walter started. It was there he proposed and asked her to wait for him while he went to California for gold. She waited fbr seven years--and married hitn on his return. We may wonder what counsel Betsy and Casper gave her during those years! 5/08/96 It is interesting to note that~ Elizabeth was born as her older sisterj~Elizabeth (born 1843) died at age one. 57 In 1856, daughter Mafia married James Fuller, although only seventeen years of age. Grandmother Susannah did not live to see the wedding, for she died in 1851. In 1878 (approximately), Maria's younger sister Bella (or Isabel) married Neil Morton, with whom she had seven children. Later, Nancy Elizabeth was to marry teacher Sylvanus Phillips when she was 28 and he but 27; and Mellisa was to marry Charles Nash. Elizabeth and Sylvanus settled in Asher Willson's old house on Lot 22, south of Picketing Township 5. She died there in 1883, leaving children Elizabeth (Bessie) and Edward (Ted). The families of the community must have applauded the building of a permanent school house in Brougham in 1859~ S.H. Stevenson was the first Board Chairman and BT. Jackson the first Schoolmaster, at an annual salary of $400. The Casper Willson children may not have attended, for there was also a school on the 4th Concession. By 1861, the census showed Melissa to be 19, Elizabeth - 16 and Isabella - 10. Charles had died in 1859 at age 12. Edward was 7, born on June 3, 1853; Ella was 3, born in 1859; and Elmer, the baby, was not yet one year old. Casper was now 47 and Elizabeth - 39~ On March 16, 1861, Casper borrowed £250 from Asher, giving back to him a mortgage on Lot 21, which he discharged on November 15, 1866 (Mortgage 16609, discharge registered April 15, 1867)~ Ella and Elmer died in 1863. Their stones were still evident at the Lot 20 farm in the 1960°s; they were probably victims of small pox, which claimed many young lives at that time. Thus, Casper and Elizabeth knew tragedy. On January 17, 1866, they acquired 100 acres in the east half of Lot 20, Picketing Township 4 by reassigned patent, granted earlier (in 1848) to James Stewart. The lbllowing year on February 281h, Casper sold the southeast quarter of the lot to Matilda Post for *'200 (B/S 29897, Ontario Archives). They held the balance of the property until April 1, 1882, when they sold it to son Edward Meanwhile, on Lot 21, Casper and Elizabeth had built the brick-clad house (about 1860) which was owned by two following generations before Douglas and Phyllis Willson bought and restored it in 1988/89. 58 The census of 1871 shows Casper as being of "English" origin, which is interesting in light of lather Asher's death certificate indicating him to be born in Connecticut, U.S.A. At that time, Nancy Elizabeth, Isabella and Edward were still living at home. Melissa had presumably moved away, while Maria had married John Fuller and was living nearby. The Ontario Atlas of 1877 shows Casper and Elizabeth fanning Lots 20 and 21, Pickering Township 4; brother Elijah on Lot 19, Picketing Township 5; and Joseph on the northeast cluarter of Lot 22, Picketing Township 5 and Lot 22, northwest quarter, of Picketing Township 4, Near neighbours were W Robson on Lot 19 of Picketing Township 4, and Casper Stotts on Lot 18 of Picketing Township 4 On May 6, 1878, Joseph Ellicott borrowed $500 from Casper, giving him a mortgage on the south half of Lot 17--which was repaid and discharged on September 15, 1885 (Mortgage 3219, discharge 5772). Like his father Asher, Casper helped others as he could. On April 1, 1882, Casper sold the north halt' of Lot 20, Picketing Townstfip 4 to son Edward for $4000. Presumably, Casper and Elizabeth continued to live in the brick house, but Edward assumed the farm duties as Casper's health was succumbing to chronic arthritis. He registered his will on July 5, 1883, and by 1885 was badly crippled, able only to shuffle around his room. Jemima Dewhurst (later Percy) and °'Etta" Rountree helped with his nursing care From 1884 through 1887, the Presbyterian Church of Brougham was exchanging services with the older Christian Church in Brougham, which must have involved both Casper and Elizabeth. He died April 18, 1888, and was buried in Brougham Cemetery. His brother Joseph was beside him when he died. Elizabeth died October 16, 1896 at 75 years old, at the brick house on Lot 21 where she had been living with son Edward and his thmily. Casper's will (July 5, 1883) left parts of Lots 20 and 21, Picketing Township 4 to Edward, with other settlements for Edward's sisters 15,08/96 3 2 59 Descendants of Casper Willson 12 Nov 2005 FIRST GENERATION 1. Casper Willson was born on 18 Jul 1814 in Yonge T p., Ontario. His will was dated 5 Jul 1883. He was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. On Oct. 16, 1843 ** Casper purchased 50 acres in lot 21, con. 4, Twp. of Pickering. He was living on Lot 21 Con.4 Pickering Twp. in a one story frame house as per the 1851 census, and in 1861 built a one and a half story brick clad house as an addition on the front of the frame house. This property was passed on to Edward Willson in 1882, to Marie (Willson) Gannon in 1938, to Donald Willson in 1949, part to Douglas Willson 1986. This house still stands in excellent condition in 2005 at 1505 Whitevale Rd. City of Pickering Ont. On Oct. 18, 1855, Casper purchased property in west half Lot 20, Con 4, and in Jan.17, 1866 purchased property in East half of Lot 20, Con. 4, Twp of Pickering. This property was passed on to Edward Willson in 1882 and to Warren Willson in 1926. The one and a half story white frame house still stands on this property in excellent condition in 2005 at 1585 Whitevale Rd. ** Note- re property purchase- Inst.date Oct.16 1843- Registration date Oct.18 1843, Registration or B&S # 21043. Casper purchased this property from F.W.Heward who had obtained a Crown Grant of 200 acres on Sep.24 1840. He was married to Elizabeth Hubbard (daughter of Andrew Hubbard and Content Webb) on 2 Apr 1839 in Home District, Upper Canada? Married by Rev. Israel Marsh, pastor of second Baptist Church, Whitby, Ontado, and witnessed by Thomas Hubbard and Nancy Sharrard. Elizabeth Hubbard was born in 1821. She died on 16 Oct 1896 in Picketing Twp. Ontado. She was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. Casper Willson and Elizabeth Hubbard had the following children: +2 +3 4 +5 6 +7 +8 9 10 i. Maria Willson. ii. MelissaA. Willson. iii. Elizabeth Nancy Willson was born on 9 Jun 1843 in Pickering Twp., Ontario.. She died on 14 Aug 1844 in Picketing Twp., Ontario.. She was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. Old original headstone showed as Elizabeth Nancy daughter of Casper & Elizabeth Wilson, but the replacement headstone showed only as Elizabeth Willson,which was obviously an error. Old stone also shows age at 1 year 2 mo. and 5 days. This old stone is still on Casper's original property, along with another broken stone ( top half missing ) inscribed children of Casper and Elizabeth Willson which would be Ella and Elmer old stone. iv. Elizabeth Willson. v. Charles Willson was born in 1847 in Picketing Twp., Ontario.. He died on 28 Aug 1859 in Pickering Twp., Ontario.. He was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. vi. Isabella S. Willson. vii. Edward Dawson Willson. viii.Ella Willson was born in 1859 in Pickering Twp., Ontario.. She died on 25 Aug 1863 in Picketing Twp., Ontario.. She was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. ix. Elmer Willson was born in 1861 in Picketing Twp., Ontario.. He died on 4 Jul 1863 in Pickering Twp., Ontario.. He was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. SECOND GENERATION 2. Maria Willson was born in 1838/39 in Pickering Twp., Ontario. She died in 1923 in Mitchell, Ontario. She was buried in Mitchell, Ontario. She was married to James Chappell Fuller (son of Robert Fuller and Frances Elizabeth Chappel) in 1856. James Chappell Fuller was born in 1832. He died in 1920 in Mitchell, Ontario. He was buried in Mitchell, Ontario. Maria Willson and James Chappell Fuller had the following children: 1 Descendants of Casper Willson 12 Nov 2005 +11 i. Robert Fuller. +12 ii. Ida Fuller. +13 iii.Edward Charles Fuller. +14 iv. Ella Fuller. +15 v. Margaret Fuller. +16 vi. Alberta Eliza Fuller. 3. Melissa A. Willson was born in 1840 in Pickering Twp., Ontario.. She was married to Charles W. Nash. Melissa A. Willson and Charles W. Nash had the following children: 17 i. Zella Nash. 18 ii. Birdie Nash. 19 iii. Willson Nash. 5. Elizabeth Willson was born in 1845 in Pickering Twp., Ontario.. She died in 1883. She was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. She was married to Sylvanus Phillips on 5 Jan 1875 in Pickering, Ontario.. Sylvanus Phillips was born in 1847. He died in 1933. He was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. Elizabeth Willson and Sylvanus Phillips had the following children: +20 i. Edward Horace Ted Phillips. 21 ii. Elizabeth Bessie Phillips. 7. Isabella S. Willson was born in 1849 in Pickering Twp., Ontario.. She died on 18 Dec 1931 in Queensville, Ontario. She was married to Neal McArthur Morton (son of Darius Morton and Deborah) on 1 Jan 1878 in Pickering Township, Ontario. Neal McArthur Morton was born in 1855 in N. Gwillimbury Twp. Ont.. He died on 19 Mar 1911 in Queensville, Ontario. Isabella S. Willson and Neal McArthur Morton had the following children: +22 i. Howard McArthur Morton. 23 ii. Alice Marion (Lily) Morton was born on 3 Dec 1881 in N. Gwillimbury Twp. Ont.. She died on 3 Dec 1883. 24 iii. Laura Bell Morton was born on 15 Jun 1884 in Belhaven, Ont.. +25 iv. Edna Lillian Morton. +26 v. Myra Kathleen Morton. +27 vi. Bessie Marie Morton. +28 vii. Bruce Willson Morton. 8. Edward Dawson Willson was born on 3 Jun 1853 in Pickering Twp., Ontario.. He died on 19 Nov 1934 in Pickering Twp., Ontario..2 He was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. In 1882 Edward inherited the house his father Casper had built and owned on Lot 21 Con. 4 Pickering Twp. He lived on that site all his life.. He was married to Martha Ann Morton (daughter of Francis Morton (Martin) and Hannah Mann) on 9 Mar 1880 in N. Gwillimbury Twp. Ont..3 Witnessed by Robert Miller, Pickering, Ontario, and Lavina S. Morton. Their Golden Wedding Anniversary was celebrated on 8 March 1930 at the homestead upon which they lived for fifty years, "Rosemount Farm", and later at the home of their daughter Mrs. D. Gannon in Brougham, Ontario. Martha Ann Morton was born on 2 Dec 1859 in Queensville, Ontado. She died on 1 Aug 1941 in Brougham, Ontario..4 She w as buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. Edward Dawson Willson and Martha Ann Morton had the following children: Desce da_nts_ _Caspe r_ wi Ilson 1.2_ +29 i. Marie Estelle Willson. +30 ii. Warren CasperWillson. +31 iii. Elmer Ross Willson. 61 +32 iv. Donald FrancisWillson. THIRD GENERATION 11. Robert Fuller was born in 1857. He died in 1944. He was married to Emma Maria Barclay. Emma Maria Barclay was born in 1862. She died in 1938. Robert Fuller and Emma Maria Barclay had the following children: +33 i. Robert Miller Fuller. 12. Ida Fullerwas born in 1860. She died in 1926. She was married to John Charles Bell. John Charles Bell was born in 1855. He died in 1940. Ida Fuller and John Charles Bell had the following children: 34 i. Archie Bell. 13. Edward Charles Fullerwas born in 1862. He died in 1940. He was married to Elizabeth Winteringham. Elizabeth Winteringham was born in 1864. She died in 1947. 14. Ella Fullerwas born in 1866. She died in 1957. She was married to Thomas M. Ferguson. Thomas M. Ferguson was born in 1857. He died in 1941. 15. Margaret Fullerwas born in 1873. She died in 1934. She was married to John Forsyth. John Forsyth was born in 1875. He died in 1946. 16. Alberta Eliza Fuller was born in 1874. She died in 1955. She was married to William Stoneman. William Stoneman was born in 1871. He died in 1947. 20. Edward Horace Ted Phillips. He was married to Josephine Mabel Budd. Edward Horace Ted Phillips and Josephine Mabel Budd had the following children: +35 i. Edward Kent Phillips, 22. Howard McArthur Morton was born on 7 Jan 1880 in N. Gwillimbury Twp. Ont.. He was married to Georgina Milne. Howard McArthur Morton and Georgina Milne had the following children: +36 i. Allen Douglas Morton. +37 ii. Neil Alexander Morton. +38 iii. Marion Morton. 25. Edna Lillian Morton was born on 22 May 1886 in Belhaven, Ont.. 6 escendants of Casper Willson ..................... ._Nov 2oo She was married to Rev. Ralph English. Edna Lillian Morton and Rev. Ralph English had the following children: 39 i. Charles English. 26. Myra Kathleen Morton was born on 26 Jun 1888 in Belhaven, Ont.. She was married to Russel G. Collins. Myra Kathleen Morton and Russel G. Collins had the following children: 40 i. Jean Collins. 41 ii. Gordon Collins. 27. Bessie Marie Morton was born on 11 Jun 1891 in Belhaven, Ont.. She was married to Erwin Winch. 28. Bruce Willson Morton was born on 11 Dec 1895 in Belhaven, Ont.. He was married to Esther Brownsberger. 29. Marie Estelle Willson was born on 20 Jul 1883 in Pickering, Ontario.. She died on 14 Jan 1990 in Scarborough, Ontario. She was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. She was married to Daniel Gannon on 12 Oct 1910 in Pickering Township, Ontario. at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Willson, Rose Mount Farm, at 7.30 p.m. near Brougham Ontario They celebrated the 25 th Anniversary of Their Wedding at their residence at Brougham Ontario on Sat. Oct. 12. 1935. Daniel Gannon was bom on 27 Mar 1870. New Gravestone in Brougham Cemetery shows 28 Feb 1871. Vital Statistics shows 27 Mar 1870. He died on 2 Mar 1948 in Toronto, Ontario.. New stone in Brougham Cemetery shows 2 Mar. 1948. Old stone and newspaper obit shows 2 Mar 1947. He was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. In 1910 Daniel purchased property in Lot 25 Con. 5 Pickering Twp. This was their first residence after marriage. The One and a Half story red brick house is located at 1050 Whitevale Rd. Town of Picketing and is still in good condition in 1996. Marie Estelle Willson and Daniel Gannon had the following children: +42 i. Gladys Marie Gannon. +43 ii. Hugh Charles Gannon. She was married to Edwin Crocker. Edwin Crocker died in 1958. 30. Warren Casper Willson was bom on 11 Mar 1886 in Picketing, Ontario.. He died on 4 Dec 1966 in Picketing, Ontario.. He was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. In 1926 Warren inherited the property of Lot 20 Con. 4 Pickering Twp.from his father Edward, and lived in a One and a Half story frame house on that site until 1952, when he moved up to Brougham Ont..This white frame house and barn still stands at 1585 Whitevale Rd. City of Picketing Ont. in excellent condition in 2005.. He was married to Martha Rowson on 27 Mar 1912. Their Golden Wedding Anniversary was celebrated at Fairview Lodge, Whitby, Ontario,on 24 Mar 1962. Martha Rowson was born on 23 Aug 1886 in Pickering Twp., Ontario.. She died on 2 Feb 1965 in Picketing Twp., Ontario.. She was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. Warren Casper Willson and Martha Rowson had the following children: +44 i. George Edward Willson. +45 ii. Donald Ross Willson. +46 iii.Warren Francis Willson. 31. Elmer Ross Willson was bom on 27 Sep 1894 in Pickering Twp., Ontario.. He died on 28 Sep 1980 in Toronto, Ontario.. He was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. Descendants of Ca__sPer Willson He was married to Norma Evelyn St. Clair on 4 Oct 1916. Norma Evelyn St. Clair was born on 12 Aug 1896 in Toronto, Ontario.. She died on 29 Dec 1972 in Toronto, Ontario.. She was buded in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. Elmer Ross Willson and Norma Evelyn St. Clair had the following children: +47 i. Kenneth Ross Willson. 63 32. Donald Francis Willson was born on 5 Jul 1896 in Pickering Twp. Ontario.5 He served in the military in 1917/18 in Royal Flying Corps. He died on 8 May 1974 in Etobicoke Ontario? He was buried on 10 May 1974 in Park Lawn Cemetery, (Sect. T Lot 70), Etobicoke, Ontario. He was an Accountant 6 Jan 1919 to 31 Jul 1961 in C.N.R. Head Office, Toronto, Ont.. and retired as an Assistant Chief Clerk Donald was born in father Edward's house in Lot 21 Con. 4 Pickering Twp., then after marriage they resided at 9 Galley Ave.in West Toronto,at 4 Columbine Ave.in East Toronto,at 31 Barber Ave.{renamed Westholme Ave.}and in 1934 they moved in with Grandmother Reid at 62 Westminster Ave.in West Toronto before moving to their last address at 62 Claymore Drive, Etobicoke, Ont. in 1955. He was married to Edna McKenzie Reid (daughter of Robert William Reid and Ann (Annie) McKenzie) on 24 Oct 1917 in Toronto, Ontario..7 Married on Grenadier Road, home of Edna's parents by her Uncle, Rev. John Mckenzie. Edna McKenzie Reid was born on 24 Mar 1896 in Toronto, York Co., Ontario? She died on 13 Oct 1978 in Etobicoke, Ontario. She was buried in Park Lawn Cemetery, (Sect. T Lot 70), Etobicoke, Ontario. Donald Francis Willson and Edna McKenzie Reid had the following children: +48 i. Robert Alan Willson. +49 ii. Douglas Edward Willson. +50 iii.Gordon McKenzie Willson. FOURTH GENERATION 33. Robert Miller Fuller was born in 1894. He was married to Hannah Erb in 1919. following children: 51 i. 52 ii. 53 iii. Hannah Erb died in 1955. Robert Miller Fuller and Hannah Erb had the Jack E. Fuller. Robert A. Fuller. Nancy Helen Fuller died in 1943. He was married to Kathleen Kendall. 35. Edward Kent Phillips. He was married to Jessie Wille. Edward Kent Phillips and Jessie Wille had the following children: 54 i. Judith Josephine Phillips. 36. Allen Douglas Morton. He was married to Thelma Reid. Allen Douglas Morton and Thelma Reid had the following children: 55 i. Barbara Morton. 37. Nell Alexander Morton. Descendants of Casper Willson 12 Nov 2005 H~Wa~ mar~;i'e~l- -t(~ ~-g~-~'~o-~-nl- N~il Aie)mnde~ i~orto~ ~ Margaret-i~r~'ii~J ~h~"~0~l(~i~g c~l~i ..... 56 i. Margaret Jeanett Morton. 38. Marion Morton. She was married to Thomas Boaz. Marion Morton and Thomas Boaz had the following children: 57 i. Wayne Douglas Boaz. 42. Gladys Marie Gannon was born on 19 Jul 1915 in Pickering Twp., Ontado. She was married to Douglas Rennie Harrison (son of Kenneth J Harrison and Blanche E Rennie) on 5 Sep 1958. Douglas Rennie Harrison was born on 2 Oct 1929. 43. Hugh Charles Gannon was born on 23 Feb 1916 in Toronto, Ontario.. He died on 21 Mar 1997 in Oshawa, Ontario.. He was buried in Zion Cemetery, Mitchell's Corners, Ontario.. He was married to Bessie Florence Mountjoy (daughter of Everett Mountjoy and Gertrude Langmaid) on 28 Nov 1940. Bessie Florence Mountjoy was born on 5 Jun 1920. Hugh Charles Gannon and Bessie Florence Mountjoy had the following children: 58 +59 +60 +61 +62 +63 i. Linda Janet Gannon was born on 6 Oct 1941. She died on 6 Oct 1941. She was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. ii. Bonnie Sharon Gannon. iii. Larry James Gannon. iv. Donna Marlene Gannon. v. Janice Ann Gannon. vi. Jill Aileen Gannon. 44. George Edward Willson was born on 21 Feb 1914 in Pickering Twp., Ontario.. He died on 6 Jun 2005 in Ajax, Ontario. He was buried on 29 Jun 2005 in Elmwood Cemetery,Markham, Ont.. George lived in a One and a Half story frame house on the site of the Thomson's Tavern {Rebellion of 1837} until 1974 when the property was expropiated by the Ont. Govt. He then moved to Ajax Ont. This frame house is located at 1710 Whitevale Rd. Town of Picketing Ont., Lot 18 Con. 5, and is still in good condition in 2002. He was married to Gertrude Mabel Coakwell on 25 May 1940 in Whitevale, Picketing Twp,, Ont.. Gertrude Mabel Coakwell was born on 7 Aug 1915 in Markham, Ontario. George Edward Willson and Gertrude Mabel Coakwell had the following children: +64 i. Dorothy ElaineWillson. +65 ii. Bruce ArthurWillson. 45. Donald Ross Willson was born on 5 Jul 1917 in Pickering Township, Ontario. He died on 27 Jun 1999 in Perth, Ont.. He was buried on 29 Jun 1999 in Prospect Cemetery,Toronto, Ontario. He was married to Jessie Marion Clark on 18 Jul 1943. Jessie Marion Clark was born on 11 Oct 1919 in Toronto, Ontario.. She died on 17 Jul 1994 in Westport, Ontario? She was buried on 19 Jul 1994 in Prospect Cemetery,Toronto, Ontario. Donald Ross Willson and Jessie Marion Clark had the following children: +66 i. Ruth Ellen Willson. 46. Warren Francis Willson was born on 7 Feb 1925 in Pickering, Ontario.. He was married to Ruby Alice White on 3 Feb 1951 in Pickering United Church, Pickering, Ontario.. Ruby Alice 65 Descendants of Casper Willson 12 Nov 2005 Wl~i~--~a-s-~'rn- ~n-~:4 i~e-6 ~-j~ 1:si~,k~l. ingl Ontari~i~ ~he 'clj~d orl ~ §'~ ~ol~-'ir~-'Li-rl~y~-~nti~'-~ii~-~-s~b~ r~d on 13 Sep 2002 in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. 47. Kenneth Ross Willson was born on 14 Aug 1921. He died on 3 Jul 1986 in Toronto, Ontario.. He was buried in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. He was married to Hilda Marion Edwards on 20 May 1944 in England. Hilda Marion Edwards was born on 9 Sep 1919 in North Wales. She died on 11 Sep 1998 in Toronto, Ontario.. She was buried on 14 Sep 1998 in Christian Cemetery, Brougham, Ontario. Kenneth Ross Willson and Hilda Marion Edwards had the following children: +67 i. Margaret Carol Willson. +68 ii. Keith Edward Willson. 48. Robert Alan Willson was born on 7 May 1918 in Toronto, Ontario.. He died on 25 Nov 2000 in Calgary, Alberta. He was educated, at St. John's Public School, west Toronto 1923 to 1926, then at Strathcona Public School, west Toronto 1926 to 1929, then Humberside Collegiate 1929 to 1934. He took extension courses at University of Toronto 1935 to 1936. He was a. personnel employee 1934 to 1942. First at Canada Life 1934 to 1935, then Lever Bros. 1936 to 1942. Personnel Manager 1942 to 1961, first Massey Ferguson 1942 to 1946, Dept. of Labour 1946 to 1948, Studebaker Corp. 1948 to 1954, General Foods, 1954 to 1961. He was then a Management Consultant 1961 to 1975 as follows: private practice 1961 to 1963 & 1969 to 1975; Univ. of Minnesota 1963 to 1965; Banff School of Fine Arts 1965 to 1969. He was Chairman, Northland Bank, Calgary, 1975 to 1984. He was also Chairman, Board of Governors, Univ. of Calgary 1984 to 1990. He received Honorary Doctor of Law Degrees at Sir Wilfred Laurier University and University of Calgary. After marriage Robert & Margaret lived on Indian Trail, Toronto 1943-1945, then at Balfour St., Brantford 1945-1946, The Queensway, Etobicoke, 1947-1948, Jerseyville Rd., Ancaster 1948-1954, Islington Ave., Etobicoke 1954-1963, Minneapolis 1963-1965,Banff 1965-1969, Calgary 1969-1974, Millarville, Al. 1974-1991, Priddis, Al., 1991-1997, then at Calgary Al. 1997 to present. He was married to Florence Margaret Wickett (daughter of David Emest Wickett and Lillian May Hyland) on 24 Sep 1943 in Toronto, Ontario.. at the home of the bride- 73 Pearson Ave., by the Reverend Philip Duncan. Their Golden Wedding Anniversary was celebrated at a "Brunch in the country" at the Priddis Village Hall, Priddis, Alberta, on Sunday October 3, 1993, 11.30 a.m. Florence Margaret Wickett was born on 7 Sep 1921 in Toronto, Ontario.. She was educated at Fern Ave. Public School & Parkdale Collegiate in Toronto, Ontario.. Robert Alan Willson and Florence Margaret Wickett had the following children: +69 i. Roderick Laird Willson. +70 ii. Gary David Willson. +71 iii. Martha Ann Willson. 49. Douglas Edward Willson was born on 1 Feb 1923 in Toronto, Ontario.?° Douglas was bom when parents were living at 4 Columbine Ave. in East Toronto, then family moved to 31 Barber Ave.later renamed Westholme Ave.in West Toronto until 1934 when family moved in with Grandmother Reid at 62 Westminster Ave. in West Toronto, after Grandfather Reid died. He was baptised on 30 Sep 1923 in High Park Church, Toronto, Ont.. He s erved in the military 12 Nov 1942 to 19 Feb 1946 in R.C.A.F.. Trained in Clinton, Ontario, as Radar Mechanic and was in Gander, Newfoundland (overseas) 4 Oct 1943 to 4 Oct 1945. He was an employee 8 Apr 1940 to 1 Jul 1986 in Ontario Hydro Head Office, Toronto, Ontario. Was first employed as a Learner Draftsman in 1940, and held various Drafting positions including Supervisory, then Scheduling Officer until retirement in 1986. After marriage Douglas & Phyllis lived with Phyllis's parents at 23 Ridley Gardens, Toronto, 1948-1951, then at 41 Trueman Ave. Etobicoke 1951-1956, 30 Elderfield Cres. Etobicoke, 1956-1964, 15 Trailsmoke Cros. Etobicoke 1964-1988 before renovating and moving to his Groat Grandfather Casper's house at 1505 Whitevale Rd. City of Pickering in 1988. They enjoyed their stay there until Sep.25,2001 when they reluctantly sold the old family homestead and moved to Unit 324-80 The Boardwalk Way, Markham, Ont. He was married to Margaret Phyllis Campbell (daughter of Alexander Park Campbell and Edith Florence Adams) 6 6Descendants of Casper Willson 12 Nov 2005 on 8 Sep 1948 in Erskine United Church, Toronto, Ontario. Married by the Rev. William M. Grant. Witnessed by N. Joyce Irons and Robert A. Willson. Their Golden Wedding Aniversary was celebrated on Sunday Sept. 13, 1998, at Applewood, the Shaver Homestead, The West Mall, Etobicoke, On. with an open house from 2 to 5 pm. Margaret Phyllis Campbell was born on 21 Jun 1925 in Grace Hospital, Toronto, Ont.. Phyllis was born when her parents lived at 23 Ridley Gardens, Toronto, Ont. She was baptised on 27 Sep 1925 in Church of the Epiphany, Anglican, Toronto, Ontario. She was a Secretary. Douglas Edward Willson and Margaret Phyllis Campbell had the following children: +72 i. lan Douglas Willson. +73 ii. PatriciaAnn Willson. +74 iii. David Michael Willson. 50. Gordon McKenzie Willson was bom on 23 Nov 1925 in Toronto, Ontario.. He was christened in Toronto, Ontario.. He was educated, at Strathcona Public School, West Toronto 1930 to 1934, at Fern Ave. Public School, Toronto 1934 to 1939, at Parkdale Collegiate Institute, Toronto 1939 to 1945, then at University of Toronto,1945 to 1947. After marriage Gord and Ruby lived at 15 Galley Ave. Toronto 1947-1953, at 78 Calvington Dr. Downsview 1953-1958, at 63 York Rd. Weston 1958-1967, at 15 Damude Dr. Fonthill 1967-1968, at 3610 Golden Orchard Dr. Mississauga 1968-1985, at 90 Cook Dr. Pottageville, 1985-1996, then at 61 Brown St. Barrie 1996 to present. He was married to Ruby Reseda McGill (daughter of Roger Alexander McGill and Gracieuse Babienne Lavigne) on 30 May 1947 in Toronto, Ontario.. Their Golden Wedding Anniversary was celebrated on Saturday May 31, 1997 at Westminster Court, Mississauga, Ontario from 2 to 4.30 p.m. Ruby Reseda McGill was born on 27 May 1927 in Toronto, Ontario.. She was christened in Dec 1936 in Oakwood United Church, Toronto, Ontario. Gordon McKenzie Willson and Ruby Reseda McGill had the following children: +75 76 +77 +78 i. Karen Elizabeth Willson. ii. Valerie Ann Willson was born on 12 Oct 1951 in Toronto, Ontario.. Women's College Hospital, Toronto, Ontario She was christened on 30 Mar 1952 in Erskine United Church, Toronto, Ontario. iii. Robert Douglas VVillson. iv. Cheryl McKenzie Willson. Prepared by: Phyl & Doug Willson 324-80 The Boardwalk Way Markham, Ont. Canada L6E 1B8 905-472 2402 dp.willson@sympatico.ca Descend~nts of ~asper Willson .................................................. l_2N_ov 2 SOURCES 1. Home District Marriage Register, Vol. 2, Page 89, Record group 8, Series 1-6-A. 2. Ontario Death Cert. Reg. # 1934-05-025519. 3. Ontario Marriage Cert. Reg. # 1880-05-012921. 4. Ontario Death Cert. Reg. # 1941-05-027953. 5. Ontario Birth Cert. Registration # 1896-05-026689. 6. Ontario Death Cert, Registration # 1974-05-021736. 7. Ontario Marriage Cert. Reg. # 1917-05-005345. 8. Ontario Birth Cert. Reg. # 1896-05-042772. 9. Death notice - Toronto Star 19 July 1994. 10. Ontario Birth Cert. Reg.# 1923-1-350. 67 Descendants of Casper Willson 42 Nov 2005 DEX Deborah... 2 Adams Edith Florence ... 7 Barclay Emma Maria... 3 Bell Archie ... 3 John Charles... 3 Boaz Thomas... 6 Wayne Douglas... 6 Brown Margaret... 6 Brownsberger Esther... 4 Budd Josephine Mabel... 3 Campbell Alexander Park... 7 Margaret Phyllis... 8 Chappel Frances Elizabeth... 1 Clark Jessie Marion... 6 Coakwell Gertrude Mabel... 6 Collins Gordon... 4 Jean... 4 Russel G .... 4 Crocker Edwin... 4 Edwards Hilda Marion... 7 English Charles... 4 Rev. Ralph ... 4 Erb Hannah ... 5 Ferguson Thomas M .... 3 Forsyth John ... 3 Fuller Alberta Eliza... 2, 3 Edward Charles... 2, 3 Ella... 2, 3 Ida... 2, 3 Jack E .... 5 James Chappell... 1 Margaret... 2, 3 Nancy Helen... 5 Robert... 2, 3 Robert... 1 Robed A .... 5 Robert Miller... 3, 5 Gannon Bonnie Sharon... 6 Daniel... 4 Donna Marlene... 6 Gladys Marie... 4, 6 Hugh Charles... 4, 6 Janice Ann... 6 Jill Aileen... 6 Larry James... 6 Linda Janet... 6 Harrison Douglas Rennie... 6 Kenneth J... 6 Hubbard Andrew... 1 Elizabeth... 1 Hyland Lillian May... 7 Kendall Kathleen... 5 Langmaid Gertrude... 6 Lavigne Gracieuse Babienne... 8 Mann Hannah... 2 McGill Roger Alexander... 8 Ruby Reseda... 8 McKenzie Ann (Annie) ... 5 Milne Georgina ... 3 Morton (Marlin) Francis... 2 Morton Alice Marion (Lily) ... 2 Allen Douglas... 3, 5 Barbara ... 5 Bessie Marie... 2, 4 Bruce Willson... 2, 4 Darius... 2 Edna Lillian... 2, 3 Howard McArthur... 2, 3 Laura Bell... 2 Margaret Jeanett... 6 Marion... 3, 6 Martha Ann... 2 Myra Kathleen... 2, 4 Neal McArthur... 2 10 Neil Alexander... 3, 5 Mountjoy Bessie Florence... 6 Everett... 6 Nash Birdie... 2 Charles W .... 2 Willson... 2 Zella... 2 Phillips Edward Horace Ted... 2, 3 Edward Kent... 3, 5 Elizabeth Bessie... 2 Judith Josephine... 5 Sylvanus... 2 Reid Edna McKenzie ... 5 Robert William... 5 Thelma... 5 Rennie Blanche E... 6 Rowson Martha... 4 St. Clair Norma Evelyn... 5 Stoneman William ... 3 Webb Content... 1 White Ruby Alice... 6 Wickett David Ernest... 7 Florence Margaret... 7 Wille Jessie... 5 Willson Bruce Arthur... 6 Casper... 1 Charles... 1 Cheryl McKenzie... 8 David Michael... 8 Donald Francis... 3, 5 Donald Ross... 4, 6 Dorothy Elaine... 6 Douglas Edward... 5, 7 Edward Dawson... 1, 2 Elizabeth... 1,2 Elizabeth Nancy... 1 Ella... 1 Elmer... 1 Elmer Ross... 3, 4 Gary David... 7 Desce_ndant_s__o_f__ as_P.e.r willson 27_o?_2005 George Edward... 4, 6 Gordon McKenzie... 5, 8 lan Douglas... 8 Isabella S .... 1,2 Karen Elizabeth... 8 Keith Edward ... 7 Kenneth Ross... 5, 7 Margaret Carol... 7 Maria... 1 Marie Estelle... 3, 4 Martha Ann... 7 Melissa A .... 1,2 Patricia Ann... 8 Robert Alan ... 5, 7 Robert Douglas... 8 Roderick Laird... 7 Ruth Ellen ... 6 Valerie Ann... 8 Warren Casper... 3, 4 Warren Francis... 4, 6 Winch Erwin... 4 Winteringham Elizabeth ... 3 69 O~ ! Pti Pll ~OOll¥ 0 IATTAI:HMENT # -~ TO REPORT # 17~e old jartnl~ott.~e, O~l~'tt~al p-a~ne bn~:k,-clad butldt~g built ~V ¢i?a.¥~er Will,~'ott and wiJ'e BetSy aboul t~(~0 Pada: Picketing/Ajax digital archive. 72 IATTACHMENT # b Page 1 of 2 Home I Last results I About I Contact Us I Sign.TM Images Thumbnail Browser Search by Keyword Browse by Year Browse by Name Browse by Topic Browse by ]rem type Browse by Fonds Browse by Subject Books Browse all titles Search by Keyword Browse by Year Browse by Name Browse by Topic Browse by Item type Browse by Fonds Browse by Subject Newspapers I Browse Pickering-Ajax Newspapers Births, deaths and marriages Browse Birth, Death, Marriages by Name Browse Birth, Death, Marriages by Date, Cemeteries Browse by Name Search by keyword Browse by Cemetery Architectural Evaluation of the North Pickering Project and the Toronto Area Airports Project Sites - residences. Pickering Public Library [96301605] Topic: Buildings/Dwellings Fonds: North Pickering Project Dated: 1972 Item type:Photographs Condition :-Not Applicable Size: 12 x 9 cm. Storage:Local History room on the shelf. Institution: Provenance: Rights: g.m.yost associates limited. Contribute feedback for this item, View feedback for this item. View image as scanned. Jmage :[86: - Black and white photograph of a patterned brick residence. Suitable for housing. Tnformation from Doug Willson. "Casper Willson and Elizabeth Hubbard house. This picture shows original brick clad house built in :[861 by Casper Wilson and frame additon built by grandson Donald Willson in 1967. Tn October 1843 Casper purchased 50 acres Lot 21, Con 4, Pickering. The :L85:L census shows Casper and family living in a one story frame house and the :[861 census shows them as living in the brick clad house as an additon on the front of the frame house. The original frame house was removed in the mid 1940's and replaced by small frame addition by Donald Willson in 1967. Tn 1988 Douglas Willson enlarged the frame addition at the rear to its present size along with a new garage--both of which still stands to-day in 2005. Casper's house and property was passed on to Edward http://www.pada.ca/images/details/?id= 1086&keywords=image+ 186 11/30/2005 Pada: Picketing/Ajax digital archive. Page 2 of 2 Willson in 1882, to Marie Willson Gannon in 1938, to Donald Willson in 1949 and to Douglas Willson in 1986. Names associated with this item. Gannon, Marie; Hubbard, Elizabeth; Wilison, Casper; WiiIson, Donald; Willson, Doug; Willson, Edward; Willson, Marie; Subjects associated with this item. Archite~.:ture ~- Gntario -- Picketing Dwellings ~- Picketing North Pic~(ering Project Willson family Copyright i~ 2003 Pickerin~ P~blic library and Ajax Public Library. All Rights Reserved. Contact Us 73 http://www.pada, ca/images/details/?id= 1086&keywords=image+ 186 11/30/2005 Pada: Pickering/Ajax digital archive. Page 1 of 3 I ATTAOHMENI # w TO REPORT # ow- e Home I Last results I About I Contact Us I Sign-In Books Browse all titles Search by Keyword Browse by Year Browse by Name Browse by Topic Browse by Item type Browse by Fonds Browse by Subject Newspapers Browse Pickering-Ajax Newspapers Births, deaths and marriages Browse Birth, Death, Marriages by Name Browse Birth, Death, Marriages by Date. Cemeteries I Browse by Name j Search by keyword Browse by Cemetery Images Thumbnail Browser Search by Keyword Browse by Year Browse by Name Browse by Topic Browse by Item type Browse by Fonds Browse by Subject Sons Of Temperance. Pickering Public Library r2000-00909] Topic: -Not Applicable Fonds: Miller Dated: 1850 Item type: Monograph Condition : -Not Applicable Size: Storage: Box 3, Miller Collection. Institution: Provenance: Robert Miller to PPL Courtesy of the Pickering Public Library. View pages. View image as scanned. Wall document, 38 x 50 cm., Sons Of Temperance GRAND DIVISION OF CANADA WEST. To all to whom these Presents shall Come, Greeting' Know Ye that we the Grand Division of Canada http://www.pada.ca/books/details/?id=504 10/11/2005 Pada: Pickering/Ajax digital archive. Page 2 of 3 West have granted and do grant unto Casper Willson, William Bentley Calviv Sharrard, Charles Major William. C. Proctor, Henry Barnum ,loesph Warner, David Matthews James L. Bently, William Willson Asher Willson, David P. Crawford Robert G.Barnum, William Sharrard Robert Brown, Jacob Fike Joseph Eade, Joseph Crawford [?] Gamble, Elijah $. Willson This Charter, Fully constituting them a Division of the Son's of Temperance under the title of Brougham Division No. 104 Son's of Temperance, of the Province of Canada West, located in Pickering County of York with full powers to perform all the duties and ceremonies appertaining to the same, whilst they shall conform to the Rules and Usages of the Order otherwise this Charter may be declared null and void. In witness whereof, We have caused this to be signed by our G.W.P., and G.S and the Leaf of the Grand Division to be affixed in the town of Brockville, this fifteenth day of April One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty 75 G. Scribed G.W.P. Names associated with this item. Barnum, Henry Barnum, Robert Bentley, James Bentley, William Brown, Robert Crawford, David Crawford, Joseph Eade, Joseph Fike, Jacob Gamble, Unknown Major, Charles Matthews, David Proctor, William Sharrard, Calvin Sharrard, William Warner, Joseph Willson, Asher Willson, Casper Willson, Elijah Willson, William http://www.pada.ca/books/details/?id=504 10/11/2005 . Pada: Pickering/Ajax digital archive. Page 3 of 3 7 Subjects associated with this item. Brougham Temperance Society Independent Order of Good Templars (Temperance society) -- Ontario -- Brougham Sons of Temperance Copyright ~ 2003 Picketing Pub!ic Library and Ajax Public Library. Al! Rights Reserved, Contact Us http://www.pada, ca/books/details/?id=504 10/11/2005 77 ( :aspcr Willson I ATTACHMENT# ~ TO REPORT CTtristian Church, 1859~193 L (above) Grandfather Casper Wi#son, son of Asher and Susannah, husband Oj Betsy, falher of Edward Willa'on. (right) 78 IATTACHMENT# '~ , TO REPORT Asher ~ll~'ot~ ('ontu:ctu:ut. Marrted Susannah Staats~ I ATTACHMENT # 79 Christian CImrch Ladies' Aid Social Evening at Edward Willson ~s house ~ t90~). The original reed o~an, dating J?om 1890. was given to tile Church fly Mrs. Ca3per Willson, attd had a long life oj'sen,ice in the Brougham Church., It was sold to ,~bx. ~fl Dttttt:alt of (]teen River flttd tel,/at:ed by a Baldwin electronic Page 01, (.71rt,~ltan C.hun:h Ladies AM, !90& t , trthut l'etx:v ' IV[Il Brown Ina Phdlips Maud ftarclav 0 I.itv tlollbv 7 Lena Ell[colt Mt:~ Bo?l Bulk R~m R.~;. Engli,~h I0 I.ihl tlat~:hlv 1t. Fred St¢n'enson ?I COtu Ell~cou ~t EOner WdlKon 12 Mane ~lllsotl ?7. C~u*ie I'hilt~s 32. Mrs. [;d. Wi~Ikon L3. Walter Stevenson ~3, l,ou~a lqubbelrd 33. Katie t'hillip~ I4 Edward Willson 2,t Milton Burk 34. Mrs. Jim Ilogle 15 Nellie Petty ?5. Robert Phillips 3.5. Mrs. E. Itoh~v 10. b'ene ,,I,~jbrd )0 Donald ~[(illsol~ ~0 lJeau'ice ,4lger 17. Rendat Ellicott ?Z r;r,u~t Ma&olin ~7 Nel,a l~ennctt 18. Zita lloltbv ?,h'. Hlanclw Mecltin ttg. Mrs ltobe~t I'Ililhp.~ 19 Howard ~tdcoltn ~9 Jack ( ochrane ~9 ~inton White ~0 M,mte EllU:ott ~0 Wamcn Willson lO. Lad tIogb~ .il .lean Bennct, ~!-:i)~¥OL.-VII.-: ...... :~ ' PICKERiNG, ONT.,~FR1DAY, APRIL ~0,--1888. G. F, ~APMAN, WHITBY, ONT, O= ~dav hst, ~he ~h i~t., ~e Rev. d the ~o tou m~ow r~ ?' Miss A, E. ~o~lt~ Prof. of.Music, T IA'rrACHMENT# ~,~ TO REPORT #, o~--~, 82 ~ TO ~i ~ TO REPORT i~ TO REPORT · ATTACHMENT#,/~ TO 85