HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 14, 2005Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, November 14, 2005 7:30 pm Chair: Councillor Dickerson (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of October 24, 2005 PAGE 1-4 (11) 1. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 40-05 Robotic Camera System Installation Agreement - Pickerin.q Civic Complex Council Chambers That Report OES 40-05 regarding the Robotic Camera System Installation Agreement be accepted; and That the City of Pickering enter into an agreement with Rogers Television for the installation of a robotic camera system in the Council Chambers at the Pickering Civic Complex with terms and conditions acceptable to the City Solicitor; and That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign such agreement. PAGE 5-6 Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 81-05 Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act - Adjustment to Taxes That Report CS 81-05 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; and That the write-offs of taxes as provided under Section 357~358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be approved; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. 7-9 Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, November 14, 2005 7:30 pm Chair: Councillor Dickerson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 82-05 Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, 1775 Valley Farm Road, 963 - 979 Brock Road S., 955 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1734, 1736, 1738 & 1739 Orangebrook Ct., 1655 Feldspar Court, 1840 & 1842 Clements Road, 885 & 895 Sandy Beach Road 10-21 o That Report CS 82-05 respecting the appointment of Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law on private property be received; and That the draft by-law to appoint persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whties Road, 1775 Valley Farm Road, 963 -979 Brock Road S., 955 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1734, 1736, 1738 & 1739 Orangebrook Ct., 1655 Feldspar Court, 1840 & 1842 Clements Road, 885 & 895 Sandy Beach Road, be forwarded to Council for approval; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 85-05 Application for Minor Variance to Sign By-law 2439/87, as amended 557 Kin.qston Road, Pickerin.q That the application for minor variance to Sign By-law 2439/87, as outlined in Clerks Report CS 85-05, submitted by DNS Signs Limited on behalf of Pickering Toyota, for property municipally known as 557 Kingston Road, Pickering, BE APPROVED. 22-27 OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT PICKER1NG Executive Committee 001 Meeting Minutes Monday, October 24, 2005 7:30 pm Chair: Councillor Brenner PRESENT: Mayor David Ryan COUNCILLORS: K. Ashe M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. McLean D. Pickles ALSO PRESENT: T. J. Quinn - Chief Administrative Officer N. Carroll - Director, Planning & Development S. Reynolds -Acting Director, Operations & Emergency Services D. Bentley - City Clerk T. Melymuk - Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy J. Hunwicks - Coordinator, Community Emergency Management D. Watrous - Committee Coordinator (11) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of October 11,2005 MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION (1) Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 42-05 Disposal of Lands Part of Lot 5, RCP No. 819, Pickering Part 2, Plan 40R-21838 Helm Street, Pickerin,q Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor McLean -1- 002 PICKER1NG Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, October 24, 2005 7:30 pm Chair: Councillor Brenner 1. That a by-law be enacted to: (a) stop-up and close that part of Lot 5, RCP No. 819, Pickering, being Part 2, Plan 40R-21838 as public highway; and (b) declare that part of Lot 5, RCP No. 819, Pickering, being Part 2, Plan 40R-21838 surplus to the needs of the Corporation for the purpose of sale by the Corporation; and (c) authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, Director, Planning & Development and the City Solicitor to obtain all relevant documentation and execute all documentation required to effect the sale of that part of Lot 5, RCP No. 819, Pickering, being Part 2, Plan 40R-21838 to the adjacent owner for nominal consideration, subject to any required easements. CARRIED (2) Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 43-05 Street Name Change Old Brock Road to Jenash Court Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor McLean That the request of Ronald Hinchliffe to change the name of a portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court, be denied. CARRIED (3) Chief Administrative Office, Report CAO 12-05 Public Alerting - Installation of Sirens and Related Matters Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That Report CAO 12-05, concerning the installation of public alerting sirens and related matters be received; and -2- PICK ,,IG Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, October 24, 2005 7:30 pm Chair: Councillor Brenner OO3 That the Commission of Emergency Management Ontario and the Region of Durham be advised that the City agrees with the Commissioner's proposal to have four sirens installed in the Pickering Contiguous Zone and to conduct an evaluation of their effectiveness as outlined in the Commissioner's letter to Mayor Ryan dated September 13, 2005; and o That the Region of Durham be requested to commence the process of installing the four siren design in the Pickering Contiguous Zone, as recommended by DPRNAercoustics, including detailed survey work, and that staff be authorized to grant municipal consent where required; and That the Province be requested to deal with the remaining nuclear public alerting issues (i.e. indoor public alerting and alerting within the 3-10 km area) only in the context of a comprehensive, community-wide public alerting system that addresses all types of potential community emergencies, and that staff be directed to work on this basis only with the Province and the Region on these issues; and That staff be authorized to request reimbursement from the Province and/or the Ontario Power Generation for the DPRA/Aercoustics re-design consulting costs that the City incurred; and o That a copy of this Report and Resolutions be forwarded to the Province of Ontario, Region of Durham, M.P. Dan McTeague, M.P. Mark Holland, M.P.P. Wayne Arthurs and the Ontario Power Generation. CARRIED (4) Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 80-05 Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 1355 Kingston Road and 1822 Whites Road Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor McLean That Report CS 80-05 respecting the appointment of Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law on private property be received; and 3 O04 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, October 24, 2005 7:30 pm Chair: Councillor Brenner (111) (IV) That the draft by-law to appoint persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1355 Kingston Road and 1822 Whites Road, be forwarded to Council for approval; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. OTHER BUSINESS CARRIED Councillor McLean referenced the proposed First Nations Museum and the need for land. He asked that staff approach First Nations and request the name of a contact to discuss the proposed museum. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:31 pm. 4 OO5 PICKERING REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 40-05 Date: November 7, 2005 From: Stephen Reynolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation Subject: Robotic Camera System Installation Agreement Pickering Civic Complex Council Chambers File: A-2130-001-05 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 40-05 regarding the Robotic Camera System Installation Agreement be accepted; and That the City of Pickering enter into an agreement with Rogers Television for the installation of a robotic camera system in the Council Chambers at the Pickering Civic Complex with terms and conditions acceptable to the City Solicitor; and 3. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign such agreement. Executive Summary: Rogers Television have requested to install an automated robotic camera system in the Council Chambers at the Pickering Civic Complex. The installation of this system will replace the portable cameras, wiring and cables currently used by Rogers. The Operations & Emergency Services Department recommend the City of Pickering enter into an agreement with Rogers Television for the installation of the robotic camera system with terms and conditions acceptable to the City Solicitor. Financial Implications: Rogers Television will invest approximately $80,000 - $100,000 for the purchase and installation of the robotic camera system. 0 0 6Report OES 40-05 Subject: Robotic Camera System Installation Agreement Pickering Civic Complex Council Chambers File: A-2130-001-05 Date: November 7, 2005 Page 2 The City of Pickering will be responsible for installing required power outlets, conduit, breakers and breaker panel (estimated to be approximately $10,000-$15,000). This may result in an over expenditure in Account #2124.2478. The over expenditure would be financed from the 2005 current budget. Background: Rogers Television have requested to install a robotic camera system in the Council Chambers at the Pickering Civic Complex. Rogers would use this system to record and/or broadcast certain Council sessions or other public meetings and events. This robotic camera system is similar to the system installed in the Council Chambers at the new Regional Municipality of Durham Headquarters. Rogers will install five (5) cameras to cover the Pickering Council Chambers. Two cameras will be installed on the columns behind where Members of Council sit. Two cameras will be mounted on the columns at the back of the room. The fifth camera will be located on the back brick wall centred above the sliding glass door. The control room will be located in the parking garage below the Council Chambers. This room was previously used by Rogers. Rogers will install a control desk along with all required monitoring and control equipment. Rogers staff will operate the cameras from the control room. The installation of this system will replace the portable cameras, wiring and cables currently used by Rogers. Rogers Television will cover the cost of robotic camera system equipment and installation (approximately $80,000 - $100,000). The City of Pickering would be required to install required power outlets, conduit, breakers, breaker panel and electrical cable (estimated to be approximately $10,000-$15,000 as per MDK Electric). Rogers will train City staff to operate the equipment for purposes of recording meetings and events for internal use. The timing of this installation is critical to Rogers Television. They are required to complete the installation of the robotic camera system by the end of the year (2005) in order to utilize current funds available. The Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the Division Head, Culture & Recreation recommend the City of Pickering enter into an agreement with Rogers Television for the installation of the robotic camera system with terms and conditions acceptable to the City Solicitor. CORP0227-07/01 Report OES 40-05 Subject: Robotic Camera System Installation Agreement - Pickering Civic Complex Council Chambers - File: A-2130-001-05 Date: November 7, 2005 Page 3 Attachments: Not Applicable. Prepared By: Division Head, Culture & Recreation SR:lg Director, Operations & Emergency Services Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering A..~I.~Council . .~ ., Th/O"m%s J. Quin~ Chief"Administra(ive-'~c?' .~ CORP0227-07/01 PICKERING REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 81-05 Date: November 14, 2005 0O7 Fro m: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act- Adjustment to Taxes Recommendation: 1. It is recommended that Report CS 81-05 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received and that: 2. the write-offs of taxes as provided under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be approved; and, 3. the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto, Executive Summary: Not Applicable Financial Implications: If approved, the write-off of taxes as contained in this report represents a gross cost of $207,177.02 with a net cost to the City of approximately $35,579.96, the balance being charged back to the Region of Durham and the School Boards. Pickering's share of the costs will be charged to the 2005 Current Budget allocation under General Government Provision for Uncollectable Taxes. (This account is used to write-off City cost or share of property taxes due to Minutes of Settlement, Assessment Review Board Decisions and Council approved Section 357/358 reductions.) The 2005 budget provision is $173,163 and $121,707.80 including the above has been spent to date. Background: The Municipal Act provides the Treasurer with various tax tools regarding the administration and collection of property taxes. Under the provisions of Section 357 of the Municipal Act, it allows for the reduction of taxes due to fire, demolition, exemption, assessment change or error and the tax reduction is applicable to the current year only. Section 358 of the Municipal Act allows for the reduction of taxes due to assessment error and this section can be applied to property taxes for the two preceding years (2003 & 2004). Report CS 81-05 Date: November 14, 2005 Subject: Section 357/358/354 of the Municipal Act- Adjustment to Taxes Page 2 Demolitions, and other physical changes to a property, such as removing or filling in a swimming pool, or damage caused by fire result in a reduction in assessment and taxes. Attachments: 1. Section 357/358 Adjustment to Taxes Prepared By: r~ P~rsons[ Tax Analyst GAP:tp Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci Council ," Approved / Endorsed By: Gillis A.'l~terson -~ ' ....... Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer ATTACHMEN'i' #_L_ TO REPORT# X o ~o Z Z LU Z LU Z uJ 009 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 82-05 Date: November 14, 2005 From: Debi A. Bentley City Clerk Subject: Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, 1775 Valley Farm Road, 963 - 979 Brock Road S., 955 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1734, 1736, 1738 & 1739 Orangebrook Ct., 1655 Feldspar Court, 1840 & 1842 Clements Road, 885 & 895 Sandy Beach Road. Recommendation: That Report CS 82-05 respecting the appointment of Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law on private property be received; and That the draft by-law to appoint persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road 1775 Valley Farm Road, 963 - 979 Brock Road S., 955 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1734, 1736, 1738 & 1739 Orangebrook Ct., 1655 Feldspar Court, 1840 & 1842 Clements Road, 885 & 895 Sandy Beach Road, be forwarded to Council for approval; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Not Applicable Financial Implications: None Background: Correspondence has been received from P.R.O. Security & Investigation Agency, Securitas Canada and Invar Building Corporation, requesting the appointment of persons as By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, 1775 Valley Farm Road, 963 - 979 Brock Road S., 955 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1734, 1736, 1738 & 1739 Orangebrook Ct., 1655 Feldspar Court, 1840 & 1842 Clements Road, 885 & 895 Sandy Beach Road. Report CS 82-05 Subject: Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, 1775 Valley Farm Road, 963 - 979 Brock Road S., 955 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1734, 1736, 1738 & 1739 Orangebrook Ct., 1655 Feldspar Court, 1840 & 1842 Clements Road, 885 & 895 Sandy Beach Road. Date: November 14, 2005 Page 2 011' Attachments: 2. 3. 4. Correspondence from P.R.O. Security & Investigation Agency Securitas Canada Invar Building Corporation Draft By-law Prepared By: Approved By: Debbie Watrous Committee Coordinator DB:dw Attachments Debi Bentley, - --iX,'" City Clerk Approved/Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson, ~ Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tl',~'r~s J. eu n~', Chi~.~dmini~~.~ RR.O. Security & Investigation Agency P. O. BOx 1855 Petertxxough, Ont.. K9J ?X6 Phone. 705.749-6944 Fax- 705-74~3423 Web AdClreSs - vww.pro~.curtty, ca Emait- info~1~r~rity.ca Fax Tmrmmitte. I Form To: Debl~ W~rous CC~ Fax: ~ BiIt H~n~ Number of ~ 2 Indusive Please submit the following al~Itlic~jon for by-I~w approml. Best Bill Hanna Pro Security 7O5-749-6944 013 Law Enforcement Officers This application is to be completed in full by the Security Company requesting the appointment of Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officarls. la~tal C~le Nama ~f ~tact /;:7 ~ z J /./~, ~ Telephone Numbe~ Please oomplete only the information requested, do not include personal information. The Municipal Freedom of Information Act stipulates that no personal information can be released without the permission of the indiVidual seeking approval. These applications are included in our staff reports, which become part of a public agenda. Please complete as outlined. Location/$,o~ Enfant. ,. '.. Name of ~iCer If you require the removal of an officer, please list the name and by-law which approved the appointment. Name, ~: By-law Number Date: 014 IATTACHMENT # TO REPORT 26 October 2005 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Attention: Debbie Kerns Dear Ms. Kerns, Securitas Canada Ltd. along with Simerra Property Management requests that the Corporation of the City of Pickering approve and recognize the following site for Private Property Parking Enforcement .This being for the property for DCECC182 located at 1775 Valley Farm Road in Pickering. Securitas Canada Ltd. along with Simerra Property Management also requests that the Corporation of the City of Pickering approve and recognize the following employees of Securitas Canada Ltd. as Private Property Parking Enforcement Officers for this property in Pickering. James Hunt Andrew Terry Allan Ronalds Charles McNaughton James Barr Tamara Craine Ingrid Patz Please contact me at 905 571 40404 if you should have any questions. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, "[hgr] d P.al-2 Administrator Securitas Canada 265 Ym'Mand Boulevard, 5tt' Floo~ Nonh'fi~rk, Ontario MZJ IS5 'lidt~phone: (416) 774 2500/(800) 268 0545 Fax: (416) 774 2544 08/12/05 11:37 FAX 416 293 5904 SI~{ERRA PROPERTY MGT, ~002 01,5 August 12, 2005 FAX: 1-905-571-0617 Ingdd Patza Securatis Canada Limited 909 Simcoe Street North Unit lC Oshawa, Ontario L1G 4W3 Dear Derek: Further to our telephone conversation of August 10, 2005, this is to confirm DCECC 182, 1775 Valley Farm Road wishes to engage the services of Securatis Canada Limited for tagging in the complex. The Corporation wishes to have random tagging done 3 times per week, with one weekend visit with emphasis being placed on the fire routes. Thank you for your anticipated co-operation and if you have any further questions or concerns please contact the undersigned at 416-293-5900. Yours truly, Simerra PropeKy Management Inc. Agent for and on behalf of DCECC 182 Dragan Stojkovic Property Manager 016 PICKERING Application for Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officers This application is to be completed in full by the Security Company requesting the ~ appointment of Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officer/s. Company Address Postal Code /~/~ ~/ Name of Contact Telephone Number Position of Contact / Province Fax Number ,7oJ~- ~7/- ~ d / ? Please complete only the information requested, do not include personal information. The Municipal Freedom of Information Act stipulates that no personal information can be released without the permission of the individual seeking approval. These applications are included in our staff reports, which become part of a public agenda. Please complete as outlined. If you require the removal of an officer, please list the name and by-law which approved the appointment. Date: Oj~ ~, Signature: 017 Application for Special Municipal Law Enforcemen_t Officers This application is to be completed in full by the Security Company requesting the appointment of Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officer/s. 5',~ C ~ P--/C°mpany 7",~- ~". C,n/q'/¢./9,'~ Name of Contact Position of Contact Address f'~',?' .:,',.,~ ~z: ~"z::,~'~ ~,.~,'/-/c Postal Code City Telephone Number Province Fax Number ~:-- £-71- Please complete only the information requested, do not include personal information. The Municipal Freedom of Information Act stipulates that no personal information can be released without the permission of the individual seeking approval. These applications are included in our staff reports, which become part of a public agenda. Please complete as outlined. Location/s of Enforcement Name of Officer If you require the removal of an officer, please list the name and by-law which approved the appointment. Name By-laW Number Signature: 018 To: ATTACHMEN? # m TO REPORT City of Pickering - Attn.: Debbie Watrous, Committee Coordinator From: Giovanna Cilia Date: October 25, 2005 Appointment of Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officers As discussed, enclosed you will find a completed application for Special Law Enforcement Officers. Please note that both gentlemen are in charge of all the buildings. If you have any questions, please call me. Thank you. Giovanna Cilia Encs. Giovanna Cilia Leasing Assistant INVAR BUILDING CORPORATION 220 Duncan Mill Road, Suite 301 North York, Ontario M3B 3J5 Tel: 416/441-9855 Fax: 416/441-0172 019 Application for Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officers This application is to be completed in full by the Security Company requesting the appointment of Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officer/s. Company Invar Building Corporation Address 220 Duncan Mill Rd., Ste.301 Postal Code M3B 3J5 Name of Conlact Giovanna Cilia City Toronto Telephone Number (416)441-9855 Posilion of Contact Leasing Administration Province Ontario Fax Number (416)441-0172 Please complete only the information requested, do not include personal information. The Municipal Freedom of Information Act stipulates that no personal information can be released without the permission of the individual seeking approval. These applications are included in our staff reports, which become part of a public agenda. Please complete as outlined. Location/s of Enforcement Name of Officer Duane Del Broccc(, . .-, 963-979 Brock Road S. 955 Brock Road 1735 Bayly St. 1734, 1736, 1738, 1739 Orangebrook Ct. 1655 Feldspar Ct. 1840, 1842 Clements Road 985 & 895 Sandy Beach Road if you require the removal of an officer, please appointment. Greg Miklas list the name and by-law which approved th( ,,N,ame By-law Number Date: October 25, 2005 Signature:~~~=:~ 020 I ATTACHMENT #_ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING N TO REPORT BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain Purposes (Parking Regulation -1822 Whites Road 1775 Valley Farm Road, 963 - 979 Brock Road S., 955 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1734, 1736, 1738 & 1739 Orangebrook Ct., 1655 Feldspar Court, 1840 & 1842 Clements Road, 885 & 895 Sandy Beach Road.) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(I) of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the following persons be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as: a) 1822 Whites Road: Steve Valentini b) 1775 Valley Farm Road: James Hunt Allan Ronalds James Barr Ingdd Patz Andrew Terry Charles McNaughton Tamara Craine c) 963-979 Brock Road, 955 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1734, 1736, 1738 and 1739 Orangebrook Ct., 1655 Feldspar Ct., 1840 and 1842 Clements Road, 885 and 895 Sandy Beach Road: Duane Del Broco Greg Miklas The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. These appointments shall expire upon the person listed in section l(a) ceasing to be an employee of P.R.O. Security & Investigation Agency or upon P.R.O. Security & Investigation Agency ceasing to be agents for 1822 Whites Road, or upon the persons listed in section l(b) ceasing to be employees of Securitas Canada or upon Securitas Canada ceasing to be agents for 1775 Valley Farm Road, or upon the persons listed in section 1(c) ceasing to be employees of Invar Building Corporation or upon Invar Building Corporation ceasing to be agents for 963-979 Brock Road, 955 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1734, 1736, 1738 and 1739 Orangebrook Ct., 1655 Feldspar Ct., 1840 and 1842 Clements Road, 885 and 895 Sandy Beach Road, whichever shall occur first. --2-- 021 BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21st day of November, 2005. David Ryan, Mayor Debi Bentley, City Clerk 022 PICKERING REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 85-05 Date: November 14, 2005 From: Debi A. Bentley, CMO, CMM III City Clerk Subject: Application for Minor Variance to Sign By-law 2439/87, as amended 557 Kingston Road, Pickering Recommendation: THAT the application for minor variance to Sign By-law 2439/87, as outlined in Clerks Report 85-05, submitted by DNS Signs Limited on behalf of Pickering Toyota , for property municipally known as 557 Kingston Road, Pickering, BE APPROVED. Executive Summary: An application for a minor variance to Sign By-law 2439/87, as amended, has been submitted by DNS Signs Limited on behalf of Pickering Toyota for property municipally known as 557 Kingston Road, Pickering. Financial Implications: Not applicable Background: An application has been received by DNS Signs Limited on behalf of Pickering Toyota who are municipally located at 557 Kingston Road, Pickering. The applicant is requesting a minor sign variance in relation to the 25' height restriction, as the proposed pylon sign is 30 feet in height. The pylon sign will be facing Highway 401 and subsequently, approval from the Ministry of Transportation is required. Approval has been granted by the Ministry of Transportation through Sign Permit #SG-2005-20T-232, noted as Attachment #3 to this report. Report CS 85-05 Application for Variance to Sign By-law November 14, 2005 Page 2 023 Pylon signs as defined in By-law 2439/87, as amended, means any sign the surface of which is at least three metres from ground level and supported by one or more poles or other structures. The Director, Planning & Development has reviewed the request submitted by Pickering Toyota and has no objections. In summary, the municipality is authorized to permit minor variances to their respective sign by-laws in accordance withy Section 99 (5) of the Municipal Act, which states as follows: 'The municipality may authorize minor variances from the by-law if in the opinion of the municipality the general intent and purpose of the by-law are maintained.' Attachments: 1. Application for minor variance to the sign by-law as submitted by DNS Signs Limited on behalf of Pickering Toyota. 2. Map showing the location of the proposed signage. 3. Ministry of Transportation approval for sign due to proximity to Highway 401. Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Debi A. Bentley City Clerk Debi A. Bentle~ - ,,~ (Acting) Director, ~ Corporate Services & Treasurer Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering~ ~ ~' I '/ T,.h,~ ~"J. ~Q u ir~/, Ch iof~('d min istra'~~ CORP0227-07/01 ~ Hov 08 2005 13:58 DHS SiGns Ltd. 905- 649-3713 p.2 02,4 Fax Exl~l;teur I From: Charles Violette Coordonnateur des Permt$ Permit Coo;dinator Tel: (506) 737-1777 Tel: (800) 561-9798 Fax: (506) 737-1735 cviolette~pattiso nsig n.com Date: 2005-11-01 Attention: DNS SIGNS ~ To: DN8 SIGNS and Pickerlag City Clerk's Office 906-420-9685 T61~copieur/Fax: 906-420-9685 Hombre de page~ /Number of pages: t Urg~t [~) Four r4~slo~ [~] S.V.P.C~mmanter D Tel que ;lemand~ [~] Original par courtier / Urgent /For review /Please mmmenl /As request,d ~ ~ =0urlar Commentalres ! Comments: Sign permit No. 05-278 - Pickering TOYOTA - 557 Kingston Rd - I:'ickering ON Att: Debbie Bentley Pi=kering City Clerk's Office Request for Sign Variance submittal of proposed "1030" TOYOTA pylon sign facing Hwy 401 al: above location. (Next Review Meeting November 15th). Pickering TOYOTA is opening early December 2005. Sign permit application was submitted late August 2005 to City of Picketing. Permit w~_s issued October 21st with notice that proposed 1030 D/F pylon cannot exceed 25'-0" in height. Unfortunately throughout permit process, no mention was made of the 25' height restriction. We were rabher requested to provide Engineer Sealed drawing (structure & base) of the 1030 pylon, which was submitted during City review process. Engineering review & approval has cost over $1000.00 and was submitted to City, of Picketing and MTO (Ministry of Transporation of Ontario) for sign permit approval. Charles Vi°lette 113, 44e Avenue, Edmundston, N.B., Canada E3V 3A4 · Tel. (506) 735-5506 · v~ww. patrL~onsign,com A Dlvisioe oFde Jim Pattiso;[ [adu~rie~ Ltd. w 025 02.6 / Mov 08 2005 14:29 DMS Signs Ltd. 905- 649-3713 p.3 027