HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 47-05PICKERING REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 47-05 Date: June 7, 2005 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: 2005 APTA Budget Recommendation: That Report CS 47-05 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be approved and that: a) Pickering Council reconfirm its 2005 financial commitment for the funding of APTA: Current Budget in the amount of $3,760,939 and Capital Budget in the amount of $2,092,838 for a total of $5,853,777 be approved; b) the funding for 2005 APTA capital includes the Region of Durham assuming progress payments in the amount of $1,178,006 when title to the new buses is transferred to the Region of January 1,2006; c) the Treasurer be authorized to fund Pickering's share of any over expenditure or shortfall in revenue in APTA's operations by a transfer from the Transit Reserve; and, 2. the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: When Pickering Council approved the City's 2005 budget on May 2, 2005, Council approved the funding limits or parameters regarding the 2005 APTA Budget. The APTA budget at this time, was in its final draft stage awaiting a few minor revisions. On May 24th, the APTA Board approved its 2005 budget. Between May' 2 and May 24, expenditure and revenues totals did not change, however there were a few "last minute" adjustments to reflect the recently negotiated settlement. These adjustments did not change the expenditure or revenue totals. Therefore Council is being presented the final 2005 APTA Budget (with expenditure and revenue details) for its approval. Financial Implications: Not applicable Report CS 47-05 Date: June 7, 2005 Subject: 2005 APTA Budget Page 2 Background: City of Pickering Council Report (CS 30-05) outlined the expenditure and revenue strategy and funding of APTA for 2005. As stated above, the total APTA funding requirements has not changed since Council approved the "budget report" on May 2, 2005. The attached APTA budget and corresponding budget report is being presented to Council for its approval. As Members of Council are aware, on January 1, 2006 the Region of Durham will be responsible for transit. Therefore, 2005 could be viewed as a transitional year from a financial and perhaps, even managerial perspective. This transitional year has created another approval requirement whereby Regional approval is required for any capital purchase that creates a liability beyond December 31, 2005. To put another way, Regional Council approval is required for any purchase whereby the Region will assume a payment obligation beyond December 31, 2005 as per the Region Transit By-law. Bus purchases and the actual physical delivery of the bus usually takes over 12 months due to time involved in constructing the vehicle. It is anticipated that APTA will place the purchase order in late fall 2005 and the vehicle will be received in 2006. When buses are ordered, a progress payment schedule or plan is required as part of the purchase agreement with the manufacturer. It is anticipated that APTA will be responsible for 5% of the initial bus cost and remainder of the payment would be the responsibility of Durham Region. Recommendation lb) indirectly complies with the Durham Region Transit By-law "clause m" by stating that APTA must have written confirmation. APTA management has already written the Region of Durham in April asking the Region to confirm their acceptance of the transit bus purchase strategy. As of June 6, 2005, no answer has been received from the Region. It is staff's understanding that the Region is waiting to receive all of the 2005 lower tier transit bus purchase plans before providing individual comments. APTA Board of Management report (APTA 04-05), recommendation 7 specifically directs staff only to order buses after receiving written Durham Region Council approval. Attachments: APTA Report to the Board 2005 APTA Budget Report CS 47-05 Subject: 2005 APTA Budget Date: June 7,2005 Page 3 Prepared By: Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: Stan Karwowski Manager, Finance & Taxation Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:sk Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tho~'J. Qui~ Ch(~Admini~ve Offi~r JAx AUTHORITY ATTACHMENT#,,, I TO REPOR,T#.,C'$ REPORT TO THE BOARD FROM: Gillis A. Paterson DATE: Treasurer, Ajax Pickering Transit Authority REPORT NUMBER: May 17, 2005 APTA 04-05 SUBJECT: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Report APTA 04'05 of the Treasurer, Ajax Pickering Transit Authority be received and that: the APTA Board of Management approve the APTA 2005 Current and Capital Budgets; the APTA Board of Management approve the deletion of the following 2004 capital projects/expenditures: four replacement computers (04-2910-003-02) and bus route schedule program (04-2910-003-04); the (Acting) General Manager and Treasurer be authorized to renew the property, liability and any other insurance at the discretion of the Treasurer, effective July 1, 2005 on essentially the same terms and conditions, and report back to the APTA Board of Management in the fall; Report APTA 04-05 and the recommendation of the APTA Board of Management be forwarded to the Councils of Ajax and Pickering for approval; the APTA Board of Management forward 2005 proposals for service expansion, conventional bus purchases and new staff to Durham Region for approval (as per the requirements of the Durham Region Transit (Transfer) By-law 85-2004); the APTA Board of Mangement direct staff that no caPital purchases proceed for those expenditures that were applied for under Recommendation #6, without written Durham Region approval to assume 95% of the progress payment liability (net of Provincial Subsidy) per bus; APTA Board of Mangement direct staff that no service expanSion or proposed new staff proceed as applied for under Recommendation #6, without written approval from the Region of Durham; and, Report to, Board 04-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: May 17, 2005 Page 2 That the appropriate officials of the Ajax Pickerinq Transit Authority be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. ORIGIN: Treasure,r, Ajax Pickering Transit Authority AUTHORITY: · Not Applicable FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Municipal Cost Sharinq Ajax Share -~ Current 44.97% Capital 50%: Total 2004 Current and Capital Contribution: Total 2005 Current and Capital Contribution: Total Change: Percentage Change: -6.23% $3,614,780 3,389,749 ($ 225,031) Pickering Share - Current 55.03% Capital 50%: Total 2004 Current and Capital Contribution: Total 2005 Current and Capital Contribution: Total Chs~nge: Percentage Change: -5.66 % $4,27'7,911 .. 4,03;5,863 ($ 242,048) Total 20(]~5 Budget: Total 2004 Current and Capital: Total 2005 Current and Capital: Total Change: Percentage Change: -5.92% $7,892,691 7,425,612 ($ 467,079) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The 2005 Current and Capital Budgets provide base-level funding to sustain current transit service levels and remain fully eligible for matching Capital funding from the Report to Board. 04-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: May 17, 2005 Page 3 Ontario Transit Vehicle Program (OTVP) and the Provincial Gas Tax Subsidy Program. Once again in 2005, APTA will receive repatriated funds from the Region of Durham. Region of Durham By-law 85-2004 providing for the transfer of Ajax Pickering Transit Authority effective January 1, 2006 requires municipalities to obtain Regional approval on several projects that are proposed in the APTA 2005 Capital and Current Budgets. APTA has sent correspondence to the Region requesting approval of the 2005 projects that are impacted by the Region By-law. APTA will not proceed on these 2005 Budget projects until the Region of Durham provides formal approval. Later this year, outstanding capital projects and expenditures will be reviewed. Any projects not required or needed this year (excluding bus purchases) will be presented to the APTA Board in a similar manner as Recommendation #3. Proposed New Transit Service Regional approval is required to continue these services beyond January 1st, 2006. Audley South Expanded Service Morning rush hour service'- 6:00 am to 9:00 am Targeted Start Date - June 1, 2005 Shoal Point Mid-day Service Mid-day service - 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Targeted Start Date - June 1,2005 Additional School Special (Shuttle) Service 3 crews, morning & afternoon service Targeted Start Date - September 6th, 2005 Community Bus Service - North-East Ajax 2 Buses, ali day service - 6:00 am to 10:00 pm Targeted Start Date - June 1, 2005 = Evening Dial Service Expansion - North-East Ajax Evening late night service - 10:30 pm to 1:30 am Targeted Start Date - June 1,2005 Proposed New Staff Regional approval is required to hire the recommended full-time staff. Full-time Mechanic Required to meet the demands resulting from increase in fleet Targeted Start Date - July 4th, 2005 Report to Board 04-05 Subject: ;2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: May 1 7, 2005 Page 4 2. Scheduling/Runcutting Inspector Required to manage the increase in crews resulting from increased service Targeted Start Date - July 4th, 2005 3. Shop/Yard Clean.Up Position Required to meet the demands resulting from increase in fleet Targeted Start Date - July 4th, 2005 Bus Purchase - Contractual Obligations Extending Beyond January 1, 2006 As APTA Board Membem are aware, bus manufacturing/delivery usually takes at least 12 months from the time the order is placed. Therefore buses ordered in the fall of 2005 will be delivered by the manufacturer sometime in late fall 2006. In order to comply with the requirement to continue with the capital acquisition programs as defined in the local area municipal transit forecasts, our proposed purchase of eight (8) conventional buses in 2005 will require APTA to enter into a financial contract with a vendor that will extend beyond January 1st, 2006. Approval from the Region to accept responsibility for the progress payment invoices received in 2006 is therefore required in advance of placing 'the order as per Durham Region By-law 85-2004, clause 'm". Recommendations #6 and #7, to comply with the requirements of the Region By-law. 2005 Curlrent Budget Cost Pressures: Total 200~5 Current Budget Expenditures exceed 2004 by approximately $1.8 m. This increase is partially offset by additional revenue in 20,05 of approximately $566,380. 1100 Salaries and Waqes -9.7% Increase The increase of $505,077 includes a provision of approximately $246,000 for 2005 negotiated wage increase including a ($65,000) bOnus pay for $500 per employee. In addition there were additional staffing costs for the, following activities: 9 additional hours per day for Durham College/UOIT; increase in. staffing levels for additional buses stored at APTA for GO Transit, and.annualization of 2004 additional staff and part time hours. 1400 Employer Contributions - 8.53% Increase The $125,895 year-to-year increase includes the increased cost of part-time and full- time benefit coverage as well as additional costs, associated with the negotiated contract which in-turn increase benefit costs such as OMERS and EHT. 2210 Advertisinq - 206.33 % Increase The $18,570 includes $5,000 in Special Olympics Sponsorship and $5,000 in Ajax 50th Anniversary transit related expenses. These new projects have been pre-approved by · the APTA Board. Provisions for photography expenses and TV commercials have also been added in 2005. Report to Board ,04-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: May 17, 2005 Page 5 2340 Seminars and Education -83.76% Increase The $16,045 increase Provides for the Fall A.P.T.A. Conference, the · Conference and additional Operations supervisory training. Fall C.U.T.A 2370 Insurance Premium- 15.37 % increase The $33,422 increase reflects the cost of 5 additional used buses added to our fleet in 2005 and a general, increase to reflect anticipated market conditions. 2392 Consultinq and Professional- 104.61% Increase The additional $42,264 includes $25,000 for preparation of a mandatory Ridership Growth Management Plan required for Gas Tax Subsidy. This cost is funded 100% by Gas Tax revenues. An additional $10,000 has been added for Regional merger consultation and approximately $9,000 has been added to refleCt actual cost increases for APTA Employee Assistance Program. 2396 Photo, Mapping, Printing - 55.51% increase This account has been increased by $27,200 in 2005 to permit an additional $17,500 for transit route maps and $6,750 for transit shelter advertising. 2399 Outside Agency Services - 787.81% increase This account has been increased by $55,140 in 2005 to provide $4,800 for temporary office overflow, $19,500 for contracted technical support and an additional $36,840 for contracted inventory system maintenance. 2435 Building Repairs and Maintenance - 55.79 % increase This account has been increased by $26,500 to include a provision for the increased cost of cleaning additional office unit space and approximately $20,000 for the increased cost of municipal building maintenance services as reflected in the 2004 actuals. 2457 Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance - 33.44 % Increase This account has been increased by $169,122 to reflect the significant year-to-year increase in the actual cost of parts. APTA will operate an additional four (4) conventional buses and 1 flag bus in our 2005 fleet. Eleven (11) of our buses will operate beyond their normal age of retirement to provide the necessary additional fleet resources to operate the Durham/UOIT revenue contract. Additional maintenance costs have been provided for wear on our buses servicing the proposed expanded routing. 5900 Gas, Oil, Tires - 53.81% Increase This account has been increased by $476,781 in 2005. An additional six (6) GO Transit buses will be stored and fueled under our service contract. We will be fueling and servicing a total of 11 GO buses in 2005. The additional GO buses account for $376,800 of the year-to-year increase in fuel costs. The additional costs are more Report to, Board 04-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: May 17, 2005 Page 6 than offset by additional revenues. The fuel budget has been increased by approximately 12% to reflect a continued trend toward rising fuel costs. 5901 Contracted Fuel- 12.00 % Increase The contracted fuel account has been increased by $24,800 or 12%. This increase provides for a continued trend toward the rising cost of diesel fuel purchased from Pickering by APTA. ATTACHIVlENTS: 1. 2005 APTA Budget (under separate cover) 2. Correspondence to Ted Galinis, Region of Durham Prepared / ,~.pproved By: Nell Killeri~/ Ajax Pickering Transit Authority :ting) General Manager Approved / Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson, Treasurer Ajax Pickering Transit Authority ATTACHMENT #~TO REPORT#_ TA AJAX PiCKERING AUTHORITY As Approved by the APTA Board of Management, May 24, 2005. APTA 2005 CURRENT & CAPITAL BUDGETS TABLE OF CONTENTS CURRENT Summaries Administration Maintenance Go Transit Service Conventional Special Services Transitional Costs Additional Requirements CAPITAL Summaries Administration Maintenance Conventional Special Services Transitional Costs DEPT.# 2910 2920 2925 2930 2940 2945 2947 2910 2920 2930 2940 2945 PAGE NO. 8 14 18 20 23 25 27 31 33 35 37 39 41 AJAX PICKERING TRANSIT AUTHORITY FINANCIAL OVERVIEW 2005 BUDGET 2004 INCREASE BUDGET (DECREASE) 2005 BUDGET Expenditures: APTA CORE Add. Requirements Sub-Total $9,710,747 $1,560,372 $11,271,119 32,511 371,932 404,443 $9,7431258 $1,932,304 $0 $38,500 170,849 (170,849) $9,914,107 $1,799,955 ($4,183,340) ($696,380) (130,000) 130,000 ($4,313,340) ($566,380) $11,675,562 $38,500 $11,714,062 ($4,879,720) ($4,879,720) $6,834,342 $6,029,000 $6,029,000 (1,843,324) $4,185,676 $11,020,018 Transitional Excess Expenditures Over Revenue Total Expenditures Revenues: Bus Fare & Other Estimated GST Rebate Total Revenues Total Net Current Expenditures CAPITAL: Core Transitional Sub-Total Ontario Transit Vehicle Program Subsidy Total Capital Total Request Percentage Change - Current and Capital $5,600,767 $1,233,575 $2,394,925 $3,634,075 425,000 (425,000) $2,819,925 $3,209,075 (528,001) (1,315,323) $2,291,924 $1,893,752 $7,892,691 $3,127,327 39.62% Percentage Change 18.t6% 22.03% 82.63% AJAX PICKERING TRANSIT AUTHORITY 2005 BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL CURRENT BUDGET SUMMARY EXPENDITURES % CHANGE 2004 2004 INCREASE 2005 2005 VS. ACTUAL BUDGET (DECREASE) BUDGET 2004 2910 Administration 2920 Maintenance 2925 Go Transit Service 2930 Conve~ntional 2940 Special Services CORE Expenditures 2947 Additional Requirements Sub-Total Expenditures 2945 Transitional Costs Excess Expenditures over Revenue $ 1,262,329 $ 1,303,137 $ 194,839 $ '1,497,976 14.95% 3,230,851 3,020,450 438,148 3,458,598 14.51% 267,757 158,810 377,190 536,000 237.51% 4,774,009 4,528,662 484,563 5,013,225 10.70% 617,032 699,688 65,632 765,320 9.38% 10,151,978 9,710,747 1,560,372 11,271,119 16.07% 32,511 371,932 404,443 1144.02% 10,151,978 9,743,258 1,932,304 1'1,675,562 19.83% 38,500 38,500 NA 170,849 (170,849) NA Total Expenditures $10,151,978 $9,914,107 $ 1,799,955 $11,714,062 18.16% 2910 2920 2925 2930 2940 REVENUES Administration $ Maintenance Go Transit Service Conventional Speciel Services Sub-Total Revenues Estimated GST Rebate 330,546 $ 313,220 $ 4,500 $ 317,720 1.44% 1,926 - NA 368,142 220,000 426,000 646,000 193.64% 3,897,413 3,591,460 263,540 3,855,000 7.34% 66,510 58,660 2,340 61,000 3.99% 4,664,537 4,183,340 696,380 4,879,720 16.65% 130,000 (130,000) NA Total Revenues $ 4,664,537 TOTAL NET CURRENT EXP. $ 5,487,441 $4,313,340 $ 566,380 $ 4,879,720 13.13% $5,600,767 $ 1,233,575 $6,834,342 22.03% 2 AJAX PICKERING TRANSIT AUTHORITY 2005 PROVINCIAL GAS TAX SUMMARY Current Budget Transitional Costs Account - 2945.2392 New - Asset Management Plan New- Ridership Growth Management Plan Sub-Total Additional Req. Account - 2947 Option 1 Option 5 Option 6 Option 7 Option 8 Option 10 Full Time Mechanic Audley South Rush-Hour Route - New Service Shoal Point Mid-Day Route - Expanded Service School Specials (3) - Expanded Service Community Bus Service - NE Ajax (2) - New Service Evening Dial-A-Bus - Ajax - Expanded Service Sub-Total Total Current Capital BudRet (Bus Vehicle Purchases) Conventional - Progress Payments Account - 2930 05.2930.001.06 05.2930.001.07 2005 - Expansion - Conventional Transit Bus (5%) 2006 - Expansion - Conventional Transit Bus (95%) 2005 - Expansion - Conventional Transit Bus (5%) 2006 - Expansion - Conventional Transit Bus (95%) Total Capital $15,000 10,000 25,000 48,895 13,382 43,491 77,999 185,571 17,398 386,736 $20,667 392,667 20,667 392,667 $411,736 826,668 Total 2005 Provincial Gas Tax Subsidy Explanation of Proqress Payments Bus construction period is approximately 12 months. 5% Progress Payment when bus ordered Remainder of payments will occur in 2006 as buses are constructed. 2O05 $41,334 $1,238,404 2006 INOTE #2 Gas Tax transfer to the Region for balance of bus order payable in 2006. 3 AJAX PICKERING TRANSIT AUTHORITY 2005 BUDGET FUNDING SUMMARY RECONCILIATION Total Request $11,020,018 Current Budget Transitional Additional Requirement..; 2005 Provincial Gas Tax Subsidy 2005 ProvinCial Gas Tax Subsidy (25,000) (386,736) Capital Budget Conventional 2005 Provincial Gas Tax Subsidy (5%) 2005 Provincial Gas Tax Subsidy (95%) Regional Assumption of Progress Payments in 2006 (41,334) (7'85,334) (2,356,00_~ Total OVERVIEW OF AMOUNTS PAYABLE IN 2006 BY THE REGION OF DURHAM ON THE 2005 BUS ORDER $7,425,612 Remaining balance of bus order progress payments reflects outstanding liability in relation to assets transferred to Region on Jan. 1/06. Refer to Clause "j" of Regional By-l.aw; "as of the Effective Date, the lower tier municipalities shall be relieved of all liabilities in relation to any assets transferred to the Region. 2005 BUS ORDER (Flleet Replacement/Expansion) Outstanding Liability OTVP Gas Tax Net Balance Owing Sub-Total Replacement Buses (6) 3:534,0~)0 ('1,177,998) 2,356,002 Sub-Total Expansion Buses (2) 1,178,000 (392,666) (785,334) IToh= 4,712,000 (I ,570,664) .(.7.8 ~5,374) 2,356,002.._._. Note 2 ~ Note 1 NOTE #1, I APTA wil be responsib e for the 5% initial pregtess payment at the time the order is placed. The Region of Durham will be liable for the net balance after subsidieS. NOTE fi2 Gas Tax transfer to the Region. 4 ALLOCATION OF 2005 APTA BUDGET CURRENT & CAPITAL BUDGETS 2004 INCREASE 2005 Percentage BUDGET (DECREASE) BUDGET Chan~le Ajax Ajax's Share Current $2,468,818 $405,394 Ajax's Share Transitional 17,313 2005 Provincial Gas Tax Subsidy (11,242) Ajax's Share Additional Requirements 181,878 2005 Provincial Gas Tax Subsidy (173,915) Sub-Total Current $2,468,818 $419,428 Ajax's Share Capital $1,145,962 $946,876 2005 Provincial Gas Tax Subsidy - (413,334) Regional Assumption of Progress Payments in 2006 - (1,178,001) Sub-Total Capital $1,145,962 ($644,459) Total Contribution $3,614,780 ($225,031) Pickering Pickering's Share Current Pickering's Share Transitional 2005 Provincial Gas Tax Subsidy Pickering's Share Additional Requirements 2005 Provincial Gas Tax Subsidy Sub-Total Current Pickering's Share Capital 2005 Provincial Gas Tax Subsidy Regional Assumption of Progress Payments in 2006 Sub-Total Capital TOTAL Total Contribution $3,131,949 $2,874,212 17,313 (11,242) 181,878 (173,915) $2,888,246 16.99% $2,092,838 (413,334) (1,178,oot) $501,503 -56.24% $3,389,749 -6.23% $385,238 $3,517,187 21,187 21,187 (13,758) (13,758) 222,565 222,565 (212,821 ) (212,821 ) $3,131,949 $402,411 $3,534,360 12.85% $1,145,962 $946,876 $2,092,838 (413,334) (413,334) (1,178,001) (1,178,001) $1,145,962 ($644.459) $501,503 -56.24% $4,277,911 ($242,048) $4,035,863 -5.66% $7,892,691 ($467,079) $7,425,612 -5.92% Cost Sharinq Summary Assumes All of APTA Capital Cost Shared 50%. 2002 - APTA Operational Exps. Cost Shared 57.47% Pickering & 42.53% Ajax. 2003 - APTA Operational Exps. Cost Shared 56.94% Pickering & 43.06% Ajax. 2004 - APTA Operational Exps. Cost Shared 55.92% Pickering & 44.08% Ajax. 2005 - APTA Operational Exps. Cost Shared 55.03% Pickering & 44.97% Ajax. APTA 2OO5 Current Budget APTA EXPENDITURES Run Date: 5/13J200511:43AM Report Name: Current Bud~let 20041 20041 INCREASE 2005 % CHANGEi ACTUALi BUDGETi (DECREASE)2005 VS. i ' ! 2004 1900 Uniforms 1100 Salaries & Wages ~ $5,384,8041 $5,206,853 $505,0771 $5,711,930{ 9.70°A 1200 Overtime ~ $174,755t $140,229 $10,131! $150,360i 7.22% 1400 Employer Contributions i $1,484,164 $1,475,8301 $125,8951 $1,601,725! 8.53% ' $53,874 $53,860 $2,0501 $55,9101 3.81% $6,2671 $5,170 2110 Travel 2122 Couder 2131 Cellular Phones & Pagers 2195 Charter Subsidies .... -4' 2210 Advertising ~ 2220 Subscription & Publications 2340 Seminars & Education 2370 insurance Premium 2371 Ins. Deductible 2392 Consulting & Professional 2399 Outside Agency Serv $6301 $5,800! 12.19% $8,104i $8,700 $200 $8,900! 2.30% $71,917i $74,985 $8,201 $0~_ $25,000; $0', $25,0001 0.00% $10,737i ~ 00-~ $18,570i $27,570'~ 206.33% $724i $1,0001 $5,220! $6,2201 522.00% $9,996[ $35,200i $83,186i 10.94% $19,155i $16,0451 83.76% $223,493i $217,500i $33,422! $250,9221 15.37% $17,742i $15,0001 $011 $15,000i 0.00% $56,021 $40,4001 $42,264. $82,664i $12,o5ol $3,950t $16,000! $5,2001 104.61% 32.78% 2394 Recpt, Prom & Sp Events $9,632 2395 Memberships $5,148 $0! $5,200! 0.00% 2396 Photo, Mapping, Printing $42,990 $49,0001 $27,200i $76,200i 55.51% I $1,000 $55,140i 787.71% 2440 Snow Removal 2435 Build Repairs &Mtce $34,734 $97,439 2457 Veh - Repairs & Maintenance 2458 Contract Labour 2459 Contracted Mechanical 2460 Vehicle Licences $7,0001 $62,1401 $60,0001 ($10,000)1 $50,000 -16.67% $47,5001 $26,500l $74,000t 55.79% $648,835 $505,7701 $169,122! $674,8921 33.44% $5,162 $44,0001 ($3,000)! $41,000t -6.82% $106,421 $123,250 $7,000 $130,250~ 5.68% ~1 602 $27,000 $3,2001 $30,200 11.85% $01 $4,300! $01 $4,3001 0.00% ~-1~0 $3,600 $9,280 $14,441 $17,200i 530O Stationery & Office Supplies 2478 Misc Equip Repairs 2478 Contracted Maintenance $13,180! $34,850! 11.52% 2635 Building Rentals , $84,5~ $84,595i $84,595i 0.00% 2657 Rental Vehicle ~2-0~9861 $20,000 $2,0001 $22,0001 10.00% 2815 Leased Vehicles ' $0i $0 $01 $0i 0.00% 2819 Bank, Admin. Charges $10,000! $10,300i 3.00% 41.86% 5301 Printing Supplies 5305 Water Purifies Coffee Supplies $2,056i $3,100 $4,1361 $4,500 $3ool $7,200 $24,400 ($1,300) $1,800 -41.94% $o $4,5oo 0.00% $3,0oo 5510 Utilities -Water ' $2,509 $3,180 ($180)! -5.66% 5520 Utilities - Gas $41,503 $42,000 $6,300t $48,300i 15.00% 5530 Utilities - Hydro ~ $49,594 $50,160 $01 $50,1601 0.00% 5900 Gas, Oil Tires $982,047! $886,0101 $476,7811 $1,362,791! 53.81% 5901 Contracted Fuel $247,237i $206,6001 $24,800 $231,400! 12.00% 5902 Misc Equip & Tools (under $14,885t $6,0001 $0 $6,000 0.00% 5903 Shop Supplies ' $74,409 $60,7001 $9,300 $70,000! 15.32% 5905 Furniture & Equipment ' $12,014, $26,400 $15,854 $42,254 60.05% 5910 Property Taxes $69,7421 $68,300 $5,400 $73,700 7.91% 15.38% 5915 Commission/General 592O Miscellaneous Expense $0i $13,000i $2,000 $33,8021 $01 $0~ $15,0001 0.0o% APTA 2005 Current Budget APTA Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: Current Budcjel 2004 20041 INCREASE 2005 % CHANGE oo vs i i t 2004 Options $0 $32,51 l j $371,9321 $404,4431 1144.02% Total EXPENDITURES $10,151,978 $9,743,258t $1,970,804i $11,714,062i 20.23¥( REVENUES = i i~ 9940 Advertising ($310,411)t ($4,500) i ($305,720)i 1,49% 9950 Go Transit: Service ($368,142 9950 POS Revenue ($561,184) 9950 Farebox - Conventional ($1,149,534 9950 Farebox -Special Services ($66,510 995O Fare Integration Revenue ($1,136,945 ($301,220) ($220,000) ($483,485) ($426,000)i 193.64% ($46,515) ($1,074,000)f ($76,000) ($58_,660)~ ($2,340) ($1,05 i~ ~ -7-5~ ! .... (:~,§~-4~ ($646,000)i (~530,000)! 9.62% ($1,150,000)i 7.08% _(_$61 ,.00~ 3.99% 9990 Camp Revenue 9990 999O Net 9990 Interest Revenue Charters - DC / UOIT Commissions / General Misc. Maintenance Income Miscellaneous Revenue TOtal REVENUES 996O ($40~ ($685,00_0)~ $0 ($685,000)i 0.00% $o $oi o.oo% ($39,048)i ($35,000)i $0 ($35,000)i 0.00% ($266,713) ($200,000)i ($90,000)i ($290,000)i 45.00% ($4,000) ($4,000)[ $0i ($4,000) 0.00% ($5,266) ($8,000)I $0/ ($8,000)! 0.00% ($66,311) ($62,400)I _(_$. 2,60_~ ($65,000)I 4.17% _ ($4,682) $01 .... .$.~ $0i 0.00% ($10,868)) $01 ................ :~0! $0i 0.00% ($4,664,537)! ($4,183,340)! ($696,380)i ($4,879,720)I 16.65% $5,487,441 I $5,559,918t $1,274,424! $6,834,3421 22.92% 9952 9952 Local Charters 9950 Commission Fees 4.60% 9950 School Board Revenue ($690,124 9950 NSF Fees APTA 2005 Current Budget Run Date: 5/13r'zO0511:43 AM 2910 Administration Name: Current Budget ~ 2004i 2004i INCREASE 200 1% CHAN(~E ! ACTUALi BUDGETI (DECREASE)BUDGET 2005 VS. i i 2004 EXPENDITURES i I 1100 Salaries & Wages i $523,1301 $539,307i ($14,867) $524,440,, -2.76% 1200 Overtime i $1,333t ___ $2,0001 $220 $2,220! 11.00% 1400 Employer Contributions ! $157,4711 '$151,235! $3,390i $154,625! 2.24% 2110 Travel ! $6,267i $5,170i $630 $5,800i 12.19% 2122 Couder ! $8,104! $8,7001 $200t $8,900 2.30% 2131 Cellular Phones & Pagers i $71,917i $74,9851 $8,201 $83,186t 10.94% ' $01 $25,000 $0 $25,000 0.00% 2195 Charter Subsidies t $10,7371 $9,000 $18,5701 $27,570 206.33% 2210 Advertising 2220 Subscription & Publicationsj~ ~ ~ $~ $6,2201 --522.00% 2340 Seminars & Education i $7,494i ~ $~ 3,700! $22,3~] 158.38% 2370 Insurance Premium I $223,493T~ $33,032L $247,72_2_~_ .... $214,690! 15.39°/o 2371 Ins. Deductible i $17,742 ~-~-5~I $0' ~0~ 0.000/0 2392 Consulting & Professional I $56,0211 $40,4001 $3,764t $44,1641 9.32% 2394 Recpt, Prom & Sp Events $9,632i $12,050 $3,9501 $16,000! 32.78% 2395 Memberships $4,736! $5,200 $0i $5,200! 0.00% 2396 Photo, Mapping, Printing $42,990i $49,000 $27,200 $76,200i 55.51% 2399 Outside Agency Serv i $1,0001 $7,0001 $55,140' $62,140i 787.71% --i $3,600' $34,850 2478 Contracted Maintenancet $13,1801 $31,250 $300 11.52% 2819 Bank, Admin. Charges $9,280t $10,000 $10,300 3.00% 5300 Stationery & Office Supplies ~ $14,441i $17,200 $7,200i $24,400 41.86% 5301 Printing Supplies . $2,0561 $3,100 ($1,300)1 $1,800 -41.94% _5305 Water Purifies Coffee Supplies $4,136! $4,5001 $01 $4,500 0.00% 5905 Fumiture& Equipment . $0i $400! $21,289 $21,689 5322.25% 5910 Property Taxes t $69'7421 $68,300 $5,400 $73,700 7.91% 5920 Miscellaneous Expense ~ $6,702! - $0 $0 $0t 0.00% Total EXPENDITURES I $1,262,329! $1,303,1371 $194,839! $1,497,9761 14.95% REVENUES 9940 Advertising / ($310,411)! ($301,220)? ($4,500) ($305,720)l -- 1.49% 9960 Commissions / Generall~ ($4,000)i ($4,000)I $0 ($4,000) 0.00% 9990 Interest Revenue ! ($5,266) ($8,000) $0 ($8,000) 0.00% 9990 Miscellaneous Revenue i ($10,868)t $0 $01 $0 0.00% Total REVENUES t ($330,546)i ($313,220)1 ($4,500) 1 ($317,720) 1.44% Net $931 .$989,917t $190,339 8 2910 Administration APTA 2005 Background Information Run Date: 5113/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: Backqround tnf(~, with Totals 2005 BUDGET Expenses 2910.1100.00011 Salaries & Wages-F/T <-> Base Salaries and Wages Total 2910.1100.0001 2910.1100.0002 Salaries & Wages-P/T <-> Wages <-> Vacation Coverage <-> Sick Coverage <-> Part Time Vacation @ 6% <-> Part Time Payment in Lieu of Benefits ($3.24/hr) Total 2910.1100.0002 2910.1200.0001 Overtime - F/T <-> Office Staff Salaries & Wages-F/T Salaries & Wages-P/T Total 2910.I1200.0001 Overtime - F/T 2910.1400.0000 Employer Contributions <-> This item includes mandatory deductions ( CPP., El., EHT., ) and employer provided benefits such as dental and optical, includes full OMERS contribution. Total 2910.1400.0000 Employer Contributions 2910.2110.0000 Travel · <-> Travel allowance (increase from .437 to 53 cents/km) (7 employees) Total 2910.2110.0000 Travel 2910.2122.0000 Couder Services <-> Secur-Cor (Delivery of Bank Deposits) ($625 x 12 mos) <-> Purolator (Miscellaneous Courier charges) <-> Postage 2910.2131.0000 Telephone Total 2910.2122.0000 Courier Services Charges for 15 lines (APTA-East & West) Cellular (12) ($1,000 per mo.) Long r)istance Charges Telephone and line charges Contrected Repairs / Service - Bell & Telcorp Upgrade T-1 Data Link (APTA to Ajax Town Hall) ($1050/mo + taxes) T-1 Link (APTA to Picketing Civic) ($1,448/mo + taxes) Total 2910.2131.0000 Telephone 2910.2195.0000 CHARTER SUBSIDIES <-> Charter Subsidies 2910.2210.0000 Advertising Total 2910.2195.0000 CHARTER SUBSIDIES To provide brochure advertisement ($700 x 8) Radio Advertising ($399.00 x 6 spots) Bench Advertising Production Cost (3 x $400) New - Pickering Brochure Advertising ($555.00 x 3 editions + gst) New - Ajax Brochure Advertising ($4,~.1.00 + GST x 3 editions + gst) Personalized Motivations Wall Calendars (300 x $2.41) Ontado Special Olympics Sponsorship $468,070 $468,O7O $41,410 $3,500 $1,910 $2,810 $6,740 $56,370 $2,220 $2,220 $154,625 $154,625 $5,800 $5,800 $7,500 $600 $800 $8,900 $15,800 $12,000 $2,000 $12,200 $7,200 $13,986 $20,000 $83,186 $25,000 $25,000 $5,600 $2,500 $1,200 .$1,915 $1,522 $833 $5,000 2910 Administration APTA 2005 Background Information Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: Back,qround Info. with Totals 2005 BUDGET <-> Photography <-> TV Commercials (3 x $776 ea. + GST) <-> Town of Ajax 50th Anniversary Total 2910.2210.0000 Advertising 2910.2220.0000 Subscript'n & Publicat'n <-> Training Manuals <-> Customer Service Excellence Staff Manuals (20 x $128) <-> Specialized Service Manuals & CD's (20 x $128) <-> Instructor Training Manuals (4 x $150) Total 2910.2220.0000 2910.2340.0000 Education & Training <-> Computer Training (4 x $300) <-> Payroll Admin Courses (2) @ $500 ea. Subscript'n & Publicat'n <-> First Aid and Diploma Courses ( 2 persons @ $350 ea. ) <-> C.U.T.A. Spring Conference (2) Gatineau - June/05 <-> C.U.T.A. Winter Conference (2) Vancouver Nov/05 <-> O.C.T.A. Seminar - Spring Conference (2) <-> O.C.T.A. Marketing Meetings (3) <-> A.P.T.A Conference (2) Dallas Winter/05 Total 2910.2340.0000 Education & Training 2910.2370.0000 Insurance Premiums <-> Conventional Vehicles (54+1+6=61 vehicles) <-> Specialized Services Vehicles (12 vehicles) <-> Admin. (Building) <-> Increase to reflect anticipated market conditions (15%) <-> NEW. - Environmental Policy <-> Less GO Transit Storage Insurance Offset (Refer to Acct. #2925) Total 2910.2370.0000 Insurance Premiums 2910.2371.0000 Insurance - Direct Pymt. <-> Deductible Total 2910.2371.0000 Insurance - Direct Pymt 2910.2392.0000 Consult & Professional 2910.2392.0001 Consulting & Professional <-> Recruitment Fees (1. ad) (Loca! & On-Line only) <-> Warren Sheppell Employee Wellness ($450/mo. Plus $691/mo. reconciliation) Total 2910.2392.0001 Consulting & Professional 2910.2392.0002 Consulting & Professional - Legal <-> Audit Fees <-> Legal Fees - Labour Consultation/Representation <-> New -- Legal Fees - Contract Negotiations Total 2910.2392.0002 Consulting & Professional- Legal 2910.2394.0001 Spec Events/Photo/Prom <-> Transit Planning <-> Community Events <-> Ddver Awards <-> Pins/Hats $1,500 $2,500 $5,000 $27,570 $5OO $2,560 $2,560 $6OO $6,220 $1,200 $1,ooo $7oo $3,250 $6,000 $3,000 $1,200 $6,000 $22,350 $194,522 $15,700 $7,000 $32,000 $1,7oo ($3,200) $247,722 $15,000 $15,000 $2,000 $14,164 $16,164 $8,000 $10,000 $10,000 $28,000 $200 $1,350 $2,500 $650 10 2910 Administration APTA 2005 Background Information Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: Backqround Info. with Tctals 2005 BUDGET <-> Driver Day-Timers <-> Promotional/Incentive Awards <-> Advisory Committee P/R ($150 x 3 mtg) <-> .Plaques <-> Employee Recognition 2910.2394.0002 Meetings/Receptions <-> Transit Business Meetings <-> Chfistrnas Driver Appreciation <-> Staff/Driver Meetings Total 2910.2394.0001 Spec Events/Photo/Prom Total 2910.2394.0002 Meetings/Receptions 2910.2395.0000 Memberships <-> Canadian Urban Transit Association Member Fees <-> Canadian Heritage Foundation Total 2910.2395.0000 Memberships 2910.2396.0000 Mapping, Printing <-> Print Annual Report <-> Bus Pass Printing <-> Interior Bus Sign Printing <-> Bus Tickets <-> Bus Transfers ($650 x 8) <-> Service Brochures ( Dial-a-Bus, Flag, Charter, School, Co-Fare, New Residents) <-> Route Schedules ($600 x 6) (Re-prints for new schedule changes) <-> Re-Print Transit Route Maps / Schedules ($1.50 x 25,000 distribution <-> Transit Shelter Ads-- 5 Ad Faces x 3 x 150 production (8.25" x 68.25") <-> Shelter Route Maps for Ajax/Picketing Casings (150 x $30) <-> Survey (black fold trim carton 1,000 for $493) Total 2910.2398.0000 Mapping, Printing 2910.2399.0000 Outside Agency <-> Web-Site Maintenance (Web Hosting Fees & Domain Registration) <-> New -Temporary Office Overflow Administration (240 hours) <-> New - Contracted Technical Support (Graphics/Mapping) (300 hrs at $65/hr) <-> New - Inventory System Start-up and Management (1500 hours) Total 2910.23;99.0000 Outside Agency 2910.2478.0002 Contracted Maintenance <-> Coin Counter & Roller Maintenance <-> Photocopy, Fax, Emergency Repairs <-> Radio Licence Renewal <-> Trapeze Maintenance Contract - Payable @ $8,800/Yr. <-> Software Annual Licence Fees (Oracle @ $1,500, Novell @ $5,500) <-> Alarm Service Doors ($419/6 mos) <-> Extended Warranty & Computer Repairs/License Fees <-> Telcorps Maintenance Agreement ($975/yr + tax) <-> Warranty for the SQL and Scheduler Servers (Nov 19, 2004 - Nov 19, 2005) <-> CFA Invehtory System Maintenance Agreement Total 2910.2478.0002 Contracted Maintenance $65O $5,000 $450 $450 $1,500 $12,750 $1,000 $1,750 $500 $3,25O $5,1oo $1oo $5,200 $2,500 $9,00O $95O $6,500 $6,000 $2,500 $4,000 $37,500 $2,250 $4,500 $500 $76,200 $1,000 $4,800 $19,500 $36,840 $62,140 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $10,000 $7,300 $900 $2,500 $1,100 $4,050 $3,000 $34,850 2910 Administration APTA 2005 Background Information Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM R~port N~rne: Backqround Inf~ with Totals 2005 BUDGET 2910.2819.0000 Bank, Admin Charges <-> Service charges ($612/mo), On-iine Support - $1,818/Yr, Merchant Fees ($55/mo), Wire transfer of funds, etc Total 2910.2819.0000 Bank, Admin Charges 2910.5300.0.000. Stationary & Office Supp <-> General Stationery & Office Supplies <-> Coin Wrappers <-> Computer Related Supplies <-> Laminating Supplies <-> Miscellaneous Supplies <-> Security F. O. B. <-> New - Paper Stock (Photocopy & Printer) (Pickering Staff Relocation) Total 2910.5300.0000 Stationary & Office Supp 2910.5301.0000 PRINTING SUPPLIES <-> Lease for Photocopier -- 110 Westney 2910.5305.0000 Water Purifier/Coffee <-> Including Filter Inspection Total 2910.5301.0000 PRINTING SUPPLIES Total 2910.5305.0000 Water Purifier/Coffee 2910.5905,0002 Office Equip < $7,500 <-> Standard Ergonomic Chairs ($500 ea. x 5) <-> Scheduler (Palm Software) <-> Compact Easy Riser w/Secure Fit (3 x $247.50) <-> Installation of Easy Riser (3 x $60) <-> Software Upgrades (Macromedia, Adobe, Cor. el, Dreamweaver) <-> Tenex Anti-Static/Computer Chairmat <-> Hon 600 Series Shelf File, Closed, 6 Shelf, Legal ($840 ea x 2) <-> Fileworks Lateral File Cabinet Accessory ($20.49 x 10) <-> Metal Plate Dividers for Lateral File Cabinets ($15 x 6) <-> File Lock ($1 lx 6) <-> Obusforme Sport Edition Backrest with Travel Pillow ($40 x 2) <-> Logitech MX700 Cordless Optical Mouse <-> Logitech Cordless MX Duo <-> Presentation Display-Toshiba Satellite P25-S676 Notebook PC <-> eVGA GeForce FX 5700 LE Video Card Upgrade <-> Extended Computer Memory <-> Flash Memory Card (151x 2) <-> Olympus Camedia C-720 Ultra Zoom Digital Camera x 3 (BT, + 2 INSP) <-> Coroplast and Styrene Signs, Vinyl Decals <-> Full 8ft x 8ft pop-up booth (move to 2910-5905) Total 2910.5905.0002 Office Equip < $7,500 2910.5910.0000 Property Taxes <-> Property Taxes (110 Westney Facility - Increase 5.8%) Total 2910.5910.0000 Property Taxes 2910.5920.0000 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE Total. $10,300 $10,300 $6,300 $2,800 $4,700 $1,100 $3,200 $500 $6,000 $24,400 $1,800 $1,800 $4,500 $4,500 $2,500 $350 $743 $18o $2,8O0 $145 $1,680 $205 $90 $66 $80 $100 $15o $3,699 $2o6 $499 $3o2 $2,1oo $2,000 $3,794 $21,689 $73,700 $73,700 $1,497,976 12 2910 Adrninistration APTA 2005 Background Information Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: Backqmund Info. with Totals 2005 BUDGET Total Expenses Revenue $1,497,976 2910.9940.000Q Advertisina Revenue <-> AcJvertising Revenue on Buses (DPI) ($13,885/mo) <-> Advertising Space Revenue on Shelters (Pattison Ajax: $58,500) (Viacom Pickering: $50,000) <-> Advertising Space Revenue on Benches (COA) (Ajax - 68 (75) units: $1,275/mo) (Pickering - 60 (61) units: $900 (1,275)/mo) 2910.9960.0000 Commissions/General <-> Ajax Plaza 2910.9990.000'1 Interest Revenue <-> Bank Interest based on 2003 Actuals Total 2910.9940.0000 Advertising Revenue Total 2910.9960.0000 Commissions/General Total 2910.9990.0001 Interest Revenue Total. Total Revenues Net Expenses ($166,620) ($108,500) ($30,600) ($305,720) ($4,000) ($4,000) ($8,000) ($8,000) ($317,720) ($317,720) $1,180,256 t3 APTA 2005 Current Budget Run Date: 5/13t200511:43AM 2920 Maintenan ce R~. Name: Current Budc~et [ 2004i 2004i INCREASEI 2005 % CHAN(~E (DECREASE): BUDGET VS. i [ ACTUALI I BUDGETi i 20052004 EXPENDITURES ', ~ , 1100 Salaries & Wages ~ $824,8 $779,805i $79,175i $858,9801 10.15% r I 1200 Overtime ~ $49 6081 $27,500! $1401 $27,640i 0.51% 1400 Employer Contributions i $219,046[ $237,555i $18,880! $256,435i 7.95% 1900 Uniforms i $15,6741 $12,870 $1,520 $14,3901 11.81% 2340 Seminars & Education $1,171i $1,655 $845! $2,500' 51.06% 2435 Build Repairs &Mtce l $97,439i $26,5001 $74,000I 55.79%! 2457 Veh- Repairs & Maintenance I $648,795i $505,770 - $169,122i $674,892i 33.44% 2458 Contract Labour i $5,~ .... ~ --(~ $41,000t -6.82% 2459 Contracted Mechanical I .... ~106,4211 $123,250! $7,000t~$130,250i__ 5.68% 2460 Vehicle Licences t $21,602! $27,000i $3,2001__ $30,200i 11.85% 2478 Misc Equip Repairs i $01 $4,30~ -- $01 $4,300i 0.00% 2635 Building Rentals i $84,5~ $84,595! $0 $84,595i 0.00% 2815 Leased Vehicles i $0 $0i 850~ $0i 0.00% 5510 Utilities - Water I $2,509i $3,180!' ($1 $3,0001 -5.66°/~ --5520 Utilities - Gas i $41,5031 $42,000' $6,300 $48,300 15.00% 5530 Utilities - _Hydro i $49,5941 $50,160 $0 $50,160i 0.00% 5900 Gas, Oil Tires I $714,330 $730,010. $99,9811 $829,991 13.70% 5901 Contracted Fuel I $247,237 $206 600 $24,800i $231,400 12.00% 5902 Misc Equip & Tools (under I $14,885 $6,000 $0i $6,000 0.00% · 5903 Shop Supplies $74,409 $60,70QI $9,300 $70,000i 15.32% 5905 Furniture & Equipment $12,014 $26 0001 ($5,435)! $20,565! -20.90% Total EXPENDITURES ! $3,230,851 $3,020,450! $438,1481 $3,458,5981 14.51% -- ' $0 REVENUES ' I I 9950 Go Transit Service $0 $0 $0t , $0 0.00% 9990 Misc. Maintenance Income I ($1,926) -- $01 $01 0.00% Total REVENUES I ($1,926)i $01 $0! $0i 0.00% ~ t-- Net $3,228,925i $3,020,450! $438,148 $3,458,5981 14.51% 2920 Maintenance APTA 2005 Background Information Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: Backqround InfQ. with Totals 2005 BUDGET Expenses 2920.1100,0001 Salaries & Wages-F/T <-> Base Salaries and Wages <-> Shift Premium based on .80/hr <-> Tool AIl[owance in accordance with contract, @ $350 per year per licensed mechanic Total 2920.1100.0001 Salaries & Wages-FFr 2920.1100.0002 Salaries & Wages-PFr <-> Wages (Includes Vacation & Sick Coverage) (Based on 150 hrs/wk) <-> Part Time Vacation @ 6% <-> Part Time Payment in Lieu of Benefits ($3.24 x 8,120 hrs) <-> Summer Student Total 2920.1100.0002 Salaries & Wages-PFF 2920.1200.0001 Overtime - F/T <-> Mechanics (based on approval of add'l mechanic) <-> ServicE; Persons Total 2920.1200.0001 Overtime - FFF 2920.1400.0000 Employer Contributions <-> This item includes mandatory deductions (CPP., El., EHT.,) and employer provided benefits such as dental and optical, includes full OMERS contribution. Total 2920.1400.0000 Employer Contributions 2920.1900.0000 Uniforms <-> The following costs are as per the collective agreement -- 5 Full time Mechanics @ $375 ea. <-> 1 Part time Mechanic <-> 5 Full time Service Persons <-> 2 Part'Time Service Persons <-> Cleaning of Uniforms ($140/week) <-> Safety Shoes ($175 x 13 persons) Total 2920.1900.0000 Uniforms 2920.2340.0000r Education & Training <-> New Technology Training - new engines, electrical, computer, etc ($500 x 5) Total 2920.2340.0(;)00 Education & Training 2920.2435.0001 Building Repairs & Maint <-> Contracted H&S repairs, chemical residue removal, fire rescue, safety checks, sprinkler, hoist inspection, Ontario Hydro inspection, mat rental, NC repairs, Air Quality testing <-> APTA Headquarters Building maintenance - Plumbing, heat/air system repairs,, supplies and contracts,, structural repair, Grass cutting, Snow Removal (AJAX Charges) Total 2920.2435.0001 Building Repairs & Maint 2920.2435.0002 Janitorial <-> Based on $833/mo (Incl. Cleaning of Ajax Plaza & Modular Office Unit) Increased for new cost of prefab cleaning @ 4,000 Total 2920.2435.0002 Janitorial 2920.2457.0001 Parts - Admin Veh <-> Regular maintenance of 5 vehicles & 2 service trucks & 1 sweeper <-> Tires ($175 per tire) x 12 tires Total 2920.2457.0001 Parts - Admin Veh $643,525 $7,925 $2,100 $653,550 $162,320 $10,140 $26,310 $6,660 $205,430 $18,640 $9,000 $27,640 $256,435 $256,435 $1,875 $375 $1,875 $750 $7,240 $2,275 $14,390 $2,500 $2,500 $27,500 $32,000 $59,500 $14,500 $14,500 $5,5O0 $2,200 $7,700 2920 Maintenance APTA 2005 Background Information Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: Backqround Infg. with Totals 2005 BUDGET 2920.2457.0002 Pads - Conventional <-> Includes inventory parts & direct charges - 61 buses (incl. Flag) <-> Tires ( purchase, retread ) <-> Bus Washer- General Maintenance <-> Expense to move existing Bus Washer in Pickering to APTA-East Total 2920.2457.0002 Pads - Conventional 2920.2457.0003 Parts - Special Services <-> 11 Buses (to vedfy with 2004 Y/E) <-> Tires @ $215 per tire Total 2920.2457.0003 Parts - Special Services 2920.2458.0001 Con Labour-Admin Veh 2920.2458.0002 Con Lab - Conventional <-> Labour charge based on $55/hr. Pickering Operations Centre - to verify with Y/E <-> Emission Testing Total 2920.2458.0002 Con Lab - Conventional - 6 vehicles @ $300 ea. Emission Testing ( Ajax ) Total 2920.2459.0001 Con Mech - Admin Veh 2920.2459.0001 Con Mech - Admin Veh <-> Mufflers, A/C, compressor, etc. 2920.2459.0002 Con Mech - Conventional <-> Towing, breakdowns, NC, seat repairs, tire disposal / repair (based on Y/E acutal) <-> Rust proofing Program Total 2920.2459.0002 Con Mech - Conventional 2920.2459.0003 Con Mech-Special Services <-> Towing, breakdowns, A/C, seat repairs, differentials (based on Y/E actual) <-> Rust proofing @ $175 per vehicle Total 2920.2459.0003 Con Mech-Special Services 2920.2460.0000 Vehicle Licences <-> Vehicles Licensing, Ministry of Environmental Charges (7 add'l buses) <-> Licensing, Mechanics Total 2920.2460.0000 Vehicle Licences 2920.2478.0001 Misc Equip Repairs <-> Farebox Locks and Hardware <-> Two Way Radio Maintenance (Program 65 radios @ $40 ea.) <-> Recalibration - Tapley Metre, Torque Wrench, Beaumonk Brake Tester Total 2920.2478.0001 Misc Equip Repairs 2920.2635.0001 Lease Space (POS) 2920.2635.0002 Lease Space (Picketing) <-> Operations Centre utilities, office and bus storage costs for central core Total 2920.2635.0002 Lease Space (Pickering) 2920.5510.0000 Utilities - Water <-> Provision -- Water Supply for APTA-East Facility (reflects 5% increase) Total 2920.5510.0000 Utilities - Water 2920.5520.0000 Utilities - Heating <-> Reflects 15% increase over 2004 Total 2920.5520.0000 Utilities - Heating Reflects 10% increase over 2004 (Includes Plaza Terminal & NEW Modular Office Unit) 2920.5530.0000 Utilities - Hydro $548,192 $43,75O $6,25O $15,000 $613,192 $42,660 $11,340 $54,000 $35,000 ,$6,000 $41,000 $5,800 $5,800 $90,000 $20,000 $110,000 $12,000 $2,45O $14,450 $29,200 $1,ooo $3O,2OO $30O $3,000 $1,000 $4,300 $84,595 $84,595 $3,000 $3,000 $48,3OO $48,3O0 $50,160 t6 2920 Maintenance APTA 2005 Background Information Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: Backqround Info. with Totals 2005 BUDGET Total 2920.5530.0000 Utilities - Hydro 2920.5900.0001 Fuel/Lube - Admin Veh <-> Unleaded Gas/Oil Consumption (5+2+1 vehicles) Y/E forecast + price increase Total 2920.5900.0001 Fuel/Lube - Admin Veh 2920.5900.0002. Fuel/Lube-Conventional <-> Diesel/Oil Consumption (based on Y/E forecast + service growth + price increase) Total 2920.5900.0002. Fuel/Lube-Conventional 2920.5900.0003 Fuel/Lube-Special Service <-> Fuel/Oil Consumption - 11 buses (based on Y/E forecast + price increase) Total 2920.5900.0003 Fuel/Lube-Special Service 2920.5900.0004. GO Transit Fuel 2920.5901.0001 Contr Fuel - Admin Vett 2920.5901.0002. Contr Fuel-Conventional <-> Diesel/Oil Consumption (Pickering) (based on Y/E forecsat + price increase) Total 2920.5901.0002 Contr Fuel-Conventional 2920.5902.0000 Small Hand Powered Tools <-> Miscellaneous small tools & worn replacements Total 2920.5902.0000 Small Hand Powered Tools 2920.5903.0000 Shop Supplies <-> Shop Supplies, not included in inventory- verify Y/E <-> Lubricants (w/washer, anti-freeze, gear lube, etc.) Increase to petroleum based Total 2920.5,903.0000 Shop Supplies 2920.5905.0001 Furn & Fixtures <$7,500 2920.5905.0003 Plant Equipment <$7,500 <-> Band Saw <-> Box & Pan Brake & Shear <-> Slip Roll <-> Armature Growler <-> Replacement for Parts Cleaner <-> Hoist & Track for Tire Roo <-> Trailer for Sweeper Total 2920.5905.0003 Plant Equipment <$7,500 Total. Total Expenses Revenue 2920.9950.00011 GO TRANSIT SERVICE 2920.9990.0003 Miscellaneous Income 'Total. Total Revenues - Net Expenses $50,160 $2,800 $2,800 $753,191 $753,191 $74,000 $74,000 $231,400 $231,400 $6,000 $6,000 $50,000 $20,000 $70,000 $1,500 $1,300 $665 $600 $4,000 $5,000 $7,500 $20,565 $3,458,598 $3,458,598 $3,458,598 APTA 2005 Current Budget 2925 Go Transit Service Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: Current Bud~let i 2004i: 2004~', INCREASE 2005 % CHAN~E BUDGET i! ACTUALii (DECREASE)BUDGET 2005 VS. ~ 2004 EXPENDITURES .i 2370 Insurance Premium i $0! $2,8101 $390i $3,2001 13.88% 2457 Veh- Repairs & Maintenance ~ $40i $0i $0! $0i 0.00% 5900 Gas, Oil Tires i $267,717! $156,0001 $376,800i $532 800t 241.54% Total EXPENDITURES i $267,7571 $158,8101 $377,190! $536,0001 237.51% ;[EVENUES 9950 Go Transit Service I ($368,142)i ($220,000)i ($426,000)i ($646,000)i 193.64% Total REVENUES ! ($368,142)! ($220,000)I ($426,000)t ($646,000)! 193.64% Net ! ($100,385)I ($61,190)i ($48,8-~)i ($110,000), 79.77°~ 18 APTA 2005 Background Information 2925 Go Transit Service Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: Backqround Info. with Totals 2005 BUDGET Expenses 2925.2370.0000 Insurance <-> Additional premium charged to provide insurance coverage for the storage of GO Transit buses Total 2925.2370.0000 Insurance 2925.5900.0000 Fuel <-> Fuel & Oil Consumption - (based on 720,000 litres @ 0.74 cents per litre) Total 2925.5900.0000 Fuel 'rotal. Total Expenses Revenue 2925.9950.0000 Revenue <-> GO Bus service & storage (based on 720,000 litres @ 0.05 c,ents per litre + cost of fuel + storage and cleaning) Total 2925.9950.0000 Revenue Total. Total Revenues Net Expenses $3,200 $3,200 $532,800 $532,800 $536,0OO $536,000 ($646,000) ($646,000) ($646,000) ($646,000) ($11o,ooo) 2930 Conventional APTA 2005 Current Budget Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: Current Budget 20041 2004i INCREASEI 2005 % CHANGE ACTUAL! BUDGETi (DECREASE)l BUDGET{ 2005 VS. 2004 EXPENDITURES 9950 POS Revenue 9950 Farebox - Conventional 9950 Fare Integration Revenue 1100 Salaries & Wages i $3,574,1441 $3,371,138! $397,4371 $3,768,575i 11.79% 1200 Overtime $108,337! $105,729i $4,7711 $110,500! 4.51% 1400 Employer Contributions $994,591f $935 1951 $89,8251 $1 025 020i 9.60% 1900 Uniforms $33,772! $37,750! $5301 $38,2801 1.40% 2340 Seminars & Education $1,331! $5,850i $0! $5,850! 0.00% 2395 Memberships $0i $0! $0i $0i 0.00% 2440 Snow Removal $34,734! $60,000! ($10,000)i $50,000i -16.67% 5905 Furniture & Equipment i ~)I $0! ~ $0i 0.00% 5915 Commission/General $01 $13,0001 $2,000i $15,000i 15.38% 5920 Miscellaneous Expense ' $27,1001 $0! $0! $01 0.00% Total EXPENDITURES $4,774,009! $4,528,6621 $484,5631 $5,013,225i 10.70% REVENUES , ($561,184)i ($483,485)I ($46,515)i ($53o,ooo)I 9.62% ($1,149,534)i ($1,074,000)i ($76,000)i ($1,150,000)i 7.08% i ($1,136,945)! ($1,051,575 ($690,124)i ($685,0o0)I 9952 Charters - DC / UOIT ($48,425)1 ($1,100,000)! 4.60% $0i ($685,000)! 0.00% Net ($266,713)i ($200,000 9950 School Board Revenue 9950 NSF Fees , ($40)~ $0 $0! $0i 0.00% 9950 Commission Fees ' $15,242! $0 $0i $01 0.00% 9952 Local Charters , ($39,048)II ($35,000) $01 ($35,000)I 0.00% 45.00% ($66,311)i ($90,000)i ($290,000)] ($2,600) i ($65,000) 4.17% $0 9990 Camp Revenue ($62,400) 9990 Misc. Maintenance Income ($2,756)! $0 $0! 0.00% Total REVENUES 7.34% ($3,897,413)! ($3,591,460)i ($263,540)i ($3,855,000)i $876,5~-~I $937,2021 $221,0231 $1,158,2251 23.58% 2O 2930 Conventional APTA 2005 Background Information Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: BackRround Inf0. with Totals 2005 BUDGET Expenses 2930.1100.0001 Salaries & Wages-F/T <-> Base Salaries and Wages <-> Shift Premium based on .80/hr Total 2930.1100.0001 Salaries & Wages-FFF 2930.1100.0002 Salaries & Wages-PFF <-> Wages <-> Vacation Coverage <-> Sick Coverage <-> Provisiion for Add'l Service (Charters) <-> Coverage Wages - FT Defensive Driving Training (1 day x 43 drivers) <-> Coverage Wages - PT Defensive Driving (1 day x 28 drivers) <-> Follow-up Refresher (4 hrs x 20 drivers) <-> New C, asual Hires -- Training ( 10 days x 15 drivers) <-> Part Time Vacation @ 6% <-> Part Time Payment In Lieu of Benefits (3.24/hr x 52,664 hrs) Total 2930.1100.0002 Salaries & Wages-P/T 2930.1200.000'1 Overtime- FFF <-> Inspectors <-> Full Time Drivers 2930.1200.0007. Overtime - PFF <-> Overtime Total 2930.1200.0001 Overtime - FFF Total 2930~1200.0002 Overtime - P/T 2930.1400.000(:) Employer Contributions <-> This item includes mandatory deductions ( CPP., El., EHT., )and employer provided benefits such as dental and optical, includes full OMERS contribution. <-> Additional Benefit Cost due to 2004 settlement not yet paid Total 2930.1400.0000 Employer Contributions 2930.1900,0000 Uniforms <-> The following costs are as per the collective agreement - 43 FT & 28 PT Operators @ $400 ea. <-> 28 Casual Operators @ $150 ea. <-> Safety, Shoe ReplaCement (Avg. 15 @ $140 ea) <-> 3 Inspectors @ $360 ea. <-> Corporate Promotional Wear Total 2930.1900.0000 Uniforms 2930.2340.0000 Education & Training <-> Transit Supervision Level I, II, III x 1 Inspector <-> First Aid & Diploma Courses (3 @ $350 ea) <-> · Bus Route Scheduling- 1 Inspector Total 2930.2340.0000 Education & Training 2930.2440.000,0 APTA Snow Removal <-> APTA - Snow Removal - Contracted - Shelters & Bus Stops. Total 2930.2440.01:)00 APTA Snow Removal 2930.5915.0000 Commission/General 21 $2,359,720 $24,O05 $2,383,725 $813,290 $169,120 $107,410 $17,030 $8,88O $4,520 $1,740 $23,490 $68,730 $170,640 $1,384,850 $4,500 $52,000 $56,500 $54,000 $54,000 $1,015,020 $10,000 $1,025,020 $28,400 $4,200 $2,100 $1,080 $2,5OO $38,280 $2,40O $1,050 $2,400 $5,850 $50,000 $50,000 2930 Conventional APTA 2005 Background Information Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: Back,qrognd Infq. with Totals 2005 BUDGET <-> Paid to Points-of-Sale - based on 5% of Total Sales Total 2930.5915,0000 2930.5920.0000 Miscellaneous Expense Commission/General Total. Total Expenses Revenue 2930.9950.0001 POS Revenue <-> Monthly Passes - (Co-Fare/Adult/Student/Senior) & Multi-Rides/Tickets (Co-Fare, Adult, Student, Child) Total 2930.9950.0001 POS Revenue 2930.9950.0002 Farebox Revenue <-> Cash Fare - Co-Fare, Adult, Student, Senior, Child Total 2930.9950.0002 Farebox Revenue 2930.9950.0003 Fare Inteoration Revenue <-> GO Transit Fare Integration Total 2930.9950.0003 Fare Integration Revenue 2930.9950.0004 School Board Revenue <-> Student Busing-Revenue based on mthly pass rate of $37 per mth for 10 mths. Total 2930.9950.0004 School Board Revenue 2930.9950.0005 NSF Fees 2930.9950.0006 COMM. ON CONSIGN. SALES 2930.9952.0001 Charter Revenue <-> Claremont Service <-> Sav-A-Centre <-> Local Charters Total 2930.9952.0001 Charter Revenue 2930.9952.0003 DURHAM COLLEGE UOIT <-> Based on Core Service (3 buses x 8 hrs @ $60/hr) to DC/UOIT x 8 months Total 2930.9952.0003 DURHAM COLLEGE UOIT 2930.9990.0001 OTHER REVENUE (ORION) 2930.9990.0002 CAMP REVENUE <-> March Break <-> Summer Camps (Municipal) <-> Swim Service Total 2930.9990.0002 CAMP REVENUE Total. Total Revenues Net Expenses $15,000 $15,000 $5,013,225 $5,013,225 ($530,000) ($530,000) ($1,150,000) ($1,150,000) ($1,100,000) ($1,100,000) ($685,000) ($685,000) ($10,000) ($5,000) ($20,000) ($35,000) ($290,00O) ($290,000) ($2,400) ($57,600) ($5,000) ($65,000) ($3,855,000;) ($3,855,000) $1,t58,225 APTA 2005 Current Budget Run Date: 5/13/200511:43 AM 2940 Special Services Report Name: CurrentBud~let ! 2004t 2004i NCREASEi: 200'5 % CHAN~E i ACTUALi BUDGET (DECREASE)BUDGET, 2005 VS. I ; 2004 EXPENDITURES..__~ i ,i i' i 1100 Salaries & Wages i $462 6721 $516,603i $43,3321 $559,935i 8.39% 1200 Overtime ~ $15,478! $5,000i $5,0001 $10,0001 100.00% 1400 Employer Contributions i $113,0571 $151,845! $13,800! $165,6451 9.09% 1900 Uniforms ~ $4,428i $3,240! $0! $3,240t 0.00% 2340 Seminars & Education ! $01 $3,000 $1,500! $4,500i 50.00% 2395 Memberships i $412i $0 $0i $22,0$0'00 0.00% 2657 RentaIVehicle I $20,986i - $20,000I $2,000i . 10.00% Total EXPENDITURES i $617,032', $699,688i $65,6321 $765,3201 9.38% REVENUES i i I ! i -- 9950 POS Revenue i $0i $01 $0i $0i 0.00% 9950 Farebox - Special Services ! ($66 510)I ($58,660)I ($2,340)I ($61 ~00)i 3.99% 9952 Local Charters I $0! $0! $0I - $01 0.00% Total REVENUES I ($66,510)I ($58,660)l ($2,340)1 ($61,000)i 3.99% i $550,522i $641,028i. $63,292' 9.87% 23 2940 Special Services APTA 2005 Background Information Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:50 AM RePort Name: Backoround InfQ~ with TQ~ 2005 BUDGET Expenses 2940.1100.0001 Salaries & Wages-FFl', <-> Base Salaries and Wages <-> Shift Premium based on .80/hr Total 2940.1100.0001 Salariies & Wages-FIT 2940.1100.0002 Salades & Wages-P/T <-> Wages <-> Vacation Coverage <-> Sick Coverage <-> Specialized Training Wages (5 operators x 2 days) <-> Part Time Vacation @ 6% <-> Add'l coverage evenings & weekends <-> Coverage Wages for Defensive Driving Training (1 day x 6 drivers) <-> Follow-up Refresher (4 hrs x 2 drivers) ~-> Sensitivity Training (1 day x 6 drivers + 2 Dispatchers) <-> Part Time Payment in Lieu of Benefits ($3.24/hr) Total 2940.1100.0002 Salaries & Wages-P/T 2940.1200.0001 Overtime- F/T <-> Overtime Provision Total 2940.1200.0001 Overtime - F/T 2940.1400.0000 Employer Contributions <-> This item includes mandatory deductions ( CPP., El., EHT., ) and employer provided benefits such as dental and optical, includes full OMERS contribution. Total 2940.1400.0000 Employer Contributions 2940.1900.0000 Uniforms <-> The following costs are as per the collective agreement--6 Full time Operators @ $400 <-> 6 Safety Shoe replacements @ $140 ea. Total 2940.1900.0000 Uniforms 2940.2340.0000 Seminars & Education <-> Sensitivity Training (1 day x 20 10 Operators) <-> SS Operator Orientation/Training (2 days x 10 Operators) Total 2940.2340.0000 Seminars & Education 2940.2395.0000 Memberships 2940.2657.0000 Contracted Taxi Service <-> Contracted Evening & Weekend Accessible Taxis (Including Sunday service) Total 2940.2657.0000 Contracted Taxi Service. Total. Total Expenses Revenue 2940.9950.0002 .Farebox Revenue <-> Local Fare @ $1.90 <-> Out-of-Boundary Fare @ $3.80 Total 2940.9950.0002 Farebox Revenue Total. Total Revenues Net Expenses $381,015 $1,500 $382,515 $77,080 $35,660 $16,600 $1,740 $8,810 $13,010 $1,040 $170 $1,450 $21,860 $177,420 $10,000 $10,000 $165,645 $165,645 $2,400 $840 $3,240 $1,500 $3,000 $4,500 $22,000 $22,000 $765,320 $765,32O ($54,900) ($6,1oo) ($61,ooo) ($61,ooo) ($61,000) $704,320 APTA 2OO5 Current Budget Run Date: 5/13/200511:43AM 2945 Transitional Costs Report Name: Current B~l~el i 2004! 2004 INCREASE 2005 % CHAN~E ~' ACTUAL BUDGET! 2005 VS. i , i I ~ 2004 EXPENDITURES !'~ ii Ii i 2392 Consulting & Professional ! $0i $0i $38,500! $38,500i 0.00% Total EXPENDITURES i $0! $0I $38,500! $38,500! 0.00% Net ! $0! $01 $38,500! $38,5001 0.00% APTA 2005 Background Information 2945 Transitional Costs Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: Backqround Info, with Totals 2005 BUDGET Expenses 2945.2392.0000 Consultive & Professional <-> Consulting - Telephone System <-> New - Asset Management Plan - 2005 Gas Tax Funded <-> New - Ridership Growth Management Plan - 2005 Gas Tax Funded <-> New - Regional Transit Legal Consultation/Representation Total 2945.2392.0000 Consultive & Professional Total. Total Expenses Revenue $3,500 $15,000 $10,OO0 $10,OO0 $38,500 $38,5O0 $38,5O0 Total Revenues Net Expenses $38,500 26 APTA 2005 Current Budget Run Date: 5/13~2005 11:43 AM 2947 Additional Requirements Report Name: C, um~ntBud~let ! 2004! 2004J INCREASE' ;: : 2005 % CHAN(~E ~ ACTUALi BUDGETi (DECREASE)BUDGET 2005 VS. EXPENDITURES i ~ ' ~ i __ Options i $0! $32,511.i -$371,932i $404,443J 1144.02% Total EXPENDITURES i $01 $32,511t $371,932i $404,443j 1144.02% Net i $0i $32,511! $371,932f $404,4431 1144.02% APTA 2005 Background Information 2947 Additional Requirements Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: Backqround Info. with Totals 2005 BUDGET Expenses 2947.0001.0000 Option 1 <-> Deferred to 2005 - New Position - Full Time Mechanic and other costs - uniform and tools ( July 1, 2005 Start Date ) 2005 Gas Tax Funded <-> Benefits Total ;.~947.0001.0000 Option 1 2947.0002.0000 Option 2 <-> New Position - Scheduling / Runcutting Inspector ( July 1, 2005 Start Date ) <-> Benefits Total 2947.0002.0000 Option 2 2947.0003.0000 Option 3 <-> Deferred to 2005 - New Position - Full Time Shop Floor / Yard Clean-up Position ( July 1, 2005 Start Date ) <-> Benefits Total :.)947.0003.0000 Option 3 2947.0004.0000 Option 4 <-> OPG Charter - Shuttle service between (5) facilities - 10 hrs/day - Monday to Friday - June 1,2005 Start Date. <-> Cost Recovery - Charter Service based on $65/hr - 22% profit margin ($14/hr) Total 2947.0004.0000 Option 4 2947.0005.0000 Option 5 -- P1 <-> Audley South Expansion -- Meet Demand -- Residential Growth -- A.M. Rush Hour 6:00am to 9:00am -- 3 hrs/day -- Monday to Friday -- June 1, 2005 Start Date. 2005 Gas Tax Funded <-> Recovery - Conventional - Fares (50% R/C ratio) Total 2947.0005.0000 Option 5 -- P1 2947.0006.0000 Option 6 -- P2 <-> Shoal Point Mid-Day - Meet Demand - Residential Growth - 9:00am to 4:00pm - 7.5 hrs per weekday .- Monday to Friday - June 1,2005 Start Date. - 2005 Gas Tax Funded <-> Recovery - Conventional - Fares (35% R/C ratio) Total 2947.0,006.0000 Option 6 -- P2 2947.0007.000(:) Option 7 - P3 <-> School Specials - 3 crews x 6 hrs per weekday - Monday to Friday - Meet Overcrowding Issues - Sept. 6, 2005 Start Date. - 2005 Gas Tax Funded Total 2947~0007.0000 Option 7 - P3 2947.0008.0000 Option 8 - P4 <-> Cornmunity Bus Service - North-East Ajax - 2005 'Gas Tax Funded <-> Recovery - Conventional - Fares (35% PJC ratio) Total 2947.0008.0000 Option 8 -- P4 2947.0009.0000 Option 9 -- P5 <-> Community Bus Service - North Pickering (New Demand - Residential Growth - North Altona/Finch/BrocldSouthcott <-> Recovery - Conventional - Fares (35% P-JC ratio) <-> Deferred to 2006 Total 2947.0009.0000 Option 9 - P5 2947.0010.0000 Option 10 - P6 $36,515 $12,380 $48,895 $30,150 $9,830 $39,980 $21,862 $8,195 $30,057 $167,670 ($220,000) ($52,330) $26,764 ($13,382) $13,382 $66,910 ($23,4t9) $43,491 $77,999 $77,999 $285,494 ($99,923) $185,571 $285,494 ($99,923) ($185,571) APTA 2005 Background Information 2947 Additional Requirements Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Ret:~rt Name: Backqroun~l Infg. with Totals 2005 BUDGET <-> Evening Dial Service Expansion - North-East Ajax (3rd Zone) 3 hrs/day 10:30pm - 1:30 am - June 1,2005 Start Date. - 2005 Gas Tax Funded <-> Recovery - Conventional - Fares (35% R/C ratio) Total 2947.0010.0000 Option 10 - P6 2947.0011.0000 Option 11 -- P7 <-> Westney Expansion - Meet Demand - Residential Growth - A.M. Rush Hour 5:00am to 9:00am and 4:00pm to 7:00 pm - 7.5 hrs per weekday - Monday to Fdday - Sept. 6, 2005 Start Date. <-> Recovery - Conventional - Fares (50% R/C ratio) <-> Deferred to 2006 Total 2947.0011.0000 Option 11 -- P7 2947.0012.0000 Option 12 - P8 <-> Nottingham Mid-Day - Meet Demand - Residential Growth - 9:00am to 4:00pm - 7.5 hrs per weekday - Monday to Friday - Sept. 6, 2005 Star[ Date. <-> Recovery - Conventional - Fares (35% R/C ratio) <-> Deferred to 2006 Total 2947.0012.0000 Option 12 -- P8 2947.0013.0000 Option 13 - P9 <-> Community FLAG Bus Service Expansion - (South Pickering/PTC/Pickering Pkwy/BrockRd. Super Stores) - Enhanced frequency & greater area coverage - Rush Hour - 5:30am to 9:30am & 4:00pm to 7:00pm - 7.5 hrs/day - Monday to Fdday - May 2, 2005 Star[ <-> Recovery - Conventional - Fares (35% PJC ratio) <-> Deferred to 2006 Total 2947.0013.0000 Option 13 - P9 2947.0014.0000 Option 14 <-> TTC Link (Meet Demand - West Pickering) - Location tbd - Rush Hour - 5:30am to 9:30am & 4:Q0pm to 7:00pm - 7.5 hrs/day - Monday to Friday - Sept. 6, 2005 Start Date. <-> Recovery - Conventional - Fares (50% R/C ratio) <-> Defer to Regional Financing Total 2947.0014.0000 Option 14 2947.0015.0000 Option 15 <-> Whitby (Mutual/Shared) Link (Meet Demand - South-East Ajax/Bayly/Base Line) - 1/2 hour frequency - Rush Hour - 5:30am to 9:30am & 3:30pm to 7:30pm - 8 hrs/day - Monday to Fdday - Sept. 6, 2005 Start Date. <-> Recovery - Conventional - Fares (50% R/C ratio) <-> Defer to Regional Financing Total 2947.0015.0000 Option 15 2947.0016.0000 Option 16 <-> Service Standard Harmonization (Durham Region) - Weekday - Circuitous routes to 2-way direction - <-> Recovery - Conventional - Fares (35% R/C ratio) <-> Defer to Regional Standards Funding Total 2947.0016.0000 Option 16 2947.0017.0000 Option 17 <-> Service Standard Harmonization (Durham Region) - Saturday - early morning service - 3 hrs per Saturday - & increase frequency from hourly to 30-min service (double existing hfs of 169.5 hours) - January 1st, 2006 Star[ Date. <-> Recovery - Conventional - Fares (35% R/C ratio) $26,764 ($9,366) $17,398 $32,500 ($16,250) ($16,250) $32,500 ($11,375) ($21,125) $66,910 ($23,420) ($43,490) $32,500 ($16,250) ($16,250) $34,666 ($17,333) ($17,333) $1,537,530 ($538,135) ($999,395) $457,283 ($160,049) APTA 2005 Background Information 2947 Additional Requirements Run Date: 5/13/2005 11:43 AM Report Name: Backqround Info. with Totals 2005 BUDGET <-> Defer to Regional Standards Funding Total 2947.0017.0000 Option 17 2947.0018.0000 Option 18 <-> Service Standard Harmonization (Durham Region) - Sunday' - to match Saturday Service (increase from existing 20.75 hrs to 342 hrs) <-> Recovery - Conventional - Fares (35% R/C ratio) <-> Defer to Regional Standards Funding Total 2947.0018.0000 Option 18 Total. Total Expenses Revenue ($297,234) $278,410 ($97,445) ($180,965) $404,443 $404,443 Total Revenues NetExpenses $404,443 APTA 2005 CAPITAL BUDGET Expenditure Summary DEPARTMENT 2004 2005 2006 Total Administration - $ 147,925 $ 13,500 $ - $ 161,425 Maintenance 407,000 29,500 75,000 511,500 Conventional 1,540,000 5,656,000 7,026,000 14,222,000 Special Services 300,000 330,000 300,000 930,000 Transitional Costs 425,000 - 3,618,340 4,043,340 Total $ 2,819,925 $ 6,029,000 $ 11,019,340 $ 19,868,265 Financinq Summary 2004 2005 2006 Total Municipal Contribution - Picketing $ 1,145,962 $ 2,092,838 $ 4,120,617 $ 7,359,417 Municipal Contribution - Ajax 1,145,962 2,092,838 4,120,617 7,359,417 Ontario Transit Renewal Subsidy 528,001 1,843,324 2,778,106 5,149,431 Total $ 2,819,925 $ 6,029,000 $ tl,019,340 $ 19,868,265 APTA APTA 2004 - 2006 CAPITAL BUDGET Run Date: 5/10/2005 2:10 PM Reaort Name: Dept Capital 2004-2006 2004 2005~ 2006 BUDGET BUDGE']' BU DG ET EXPENDITURES,i 6157 Vehicles $2,165,0001 $5,986,000 $7,391,00C 6173 Furniture & Fixtures $10,400 $0 $0 6176 Office Machines and Equipment $137,525i $0 $0 6181 Other Fixed Assets $507,000 $43,000 $3,628,340 Total EXPENDITURES 152,819,925 $6,029,000 $11,019,340 REVENUES 1600 Municipal Contribution - Pickering ($1,145,962)! ($2,092,838)i ($4,120,617 1601 Municipal Contribution - Ajax ($2,092,838 ($4,120,617 1602 Ontario Transit Vehicle Program Subsidy Total REVENUES ($1,145,962)! ($2,819,925) ($1,843,324) ($6,029,000)1 ($2,778,106 ($11,019,340 APTA 2004 - 2006 CAPITAL BUDGET Run Date: 5/10/2005 2:10 PM 2910 Administration Report Name: Dept Capital 2004-2006 2004t :20105 2006 I BUDGET BUDGE BUDGET EXPENDITURES I 6157 Vehicles I $0 $0 $0i 6173 Furniture & Fixtures ! $10,400 $0 $01 6176 Office Machines and Equipment ~ $137,525 $0 $0 6181 Other Fixed Assets ~ $0! $13,500 $0 Total EXPENDITURES $147,925 $13,500. $0 REVENUES I I 1600 Municipal Contribution - Pickering ($73,963) ($6,750) $0 1601 Municipal Contribution - Ajax ($73,962) ($6,750)i $0 Tota~ REVENUES I ($~4Z'925)I ($~3,500)I $0 3:) 2005 Capital Expenditures Background Information 291 0 Ad ministration Ru. Date: 5/10/2005 2:21 PM Report Name: Cs ptial Proi - Exp. 2005 i" ~005 I Budget 6181 Other Fixed Assets Other Fixed Assets 05-2910-005-01 Other Fixed Assets <-> Backlit Signs, Coroplast Signs ! $13,500 Total 05-2910-005-01 Other Fixed Assets i $13,500 Total Other Fixed Assets $13,50(; Total 6181 Other Fixed Assets $13,50(; ~!~,~ , Total Expenditures ! $13,500 34 APTA 2004 - 2006 CAPITAL BUDGET 2920 Maintenance EXPENDITURES 6157 Vehicles 6181 Other Fixed Assets REVENUES Total EXPENDITURES 20041 BUDGET~ $0 $407,000 $407,000 1600 Municipal Contribution - Pickering ($203,500 1601 Municipal Contribution - Ajax ($203,500) Run Date: 5/1012005 2:10 PM Report Name: Dept Capital 2004-2006 2005 2006 BUDGET BUDGET $0 $65,000 $29,500 $10,000 Total REVENUES $29,500i $75,000 ($14,750)I ($37,500) ($14,750)/ ($37,500) ($407,000)1 ($29,500)1 ($75,000) 35 2005 Capital Expenditures Background Information 2920 Maintenance Run Date: 5110/2005 2:21 PM Report Name: Captial Pmi - Exp, 2005 2005 Budget 5181 Other Fixed Assets Other Fixed Assets 05-2920-005-02 Other Fixed Assets <-> Street Signage & Concrete Pads $10,000 Total 05-2920-005-02 Other Fixed Assets $10,000 05-2920-005-03 Other Fixed Assets <-> Painting Bus Wash Bay $9,500 Total 05-2920-005-03 Other Fixed Assets $9,500 05-2920-005-04 Other Fixed Assets <-> Relocate & Reinstall Bus Wash in Pickering using decommissioned parts $10,000 Total 05-2920-005-04 Other Fixed Assets $10,00C Total Other Fixed Assets $29,50C Deferred 05-2920-005-01 Other Fixed Assets <-> Repair and rebuild the underground waste collection system. $125,000 <-> Deferred to 2006 ($125,000) Total 05-2920-005-01 Other Fixed Assets $0 Total Deferred $0 Total 6181 Other Fixed Assets $29 $29 Total Expenditures 36 APTA 2004 - 2006 CAPITAL BUDGET Run Date: 5/10/2005 2:10 PM 2930 Conventional Repo. Name: Dept Capital 2004-2006 i 2004' : : 2005 2006 BUDGET i BUDGET BUDGE'r EXPENDITURES ! J 6157 Vehicles , $1,540,000 $5,656,000! $7,026,000 Total EXPENDITURES ! $1,540,000 $5,656,000 $7,026,000 REVENUES I 1600 Municipal Contribution - Pickering ($556,000) ($1,961,337) ($2,429,670) 1601 Municipal Contribution - Ajax ($556,001) ($1,961,337) ($2,429,670) 1602 Ontario Transit Vehicle Program Subsidy ($427,999) ($1,733,326) ($2,166,660) Total REVENUES ($1,540,000) ($5,656,000)i ($7,026,000) 3? 2005 Capital Expenditures Background Information 2930 Conventional Run Date: 5/} 0/2005 2:22 PM R~;)qrt Name: CaDtial PrQi - F~Xl;), 200 6157 Vehicles Vehicles 2OO." Budgel 05-2930-001-01 Vehicles <-> Replacement Bus - #2038 I $620,00C Total 05-2930-001-01 Vehicles $620,00C 05-2930-001-02 Vehicles <-> Replacement Bus - #2037 $620,00C Total 05-2930-001-02 Vehicles $620,00C 05-2930-001-03 Vehicles <-> Replacement Bus - #2036 $620,00C Total 05-2930-001-03 Vehicles $620,000 05-2930-001-04 Vehicles <-> Replacement Bus - #2035 $620.000 Total 05-2930-001-04 Vehicles $620,000 05-2930-001-05 Vehicles <-> Replacement Bus - ¢Y2032 $620,000 Total 05-2930-001-05 Vehicles $620,000 05-2930-001-06 Vehicles <-> Expansion - Conventional Transit Bus ( May be eligible for DC Funding ) $620,000 2005 Gas Tax Funded Total 05-2930-001-06 Vehicles $620,000 05-2930-001-07 Vehicles <-> Expansion - Conventional Transit Bus ( May be eligible for DC Funding ) $620,000 2005 Gas Tax Funded Total 05-2930-001-07 Vehicles $620,000 05-2930-001-08 Vehicles <-> Mid-Life Refurbishing - Bus #2012 $80,000 Total 05-2930-001-08 Vehicles $80,000 05-2930-001-09 Vehicles <-> Mid-Life Bus Refurbishing - Bus #2013 + $80,000 Total 05-2930-001-09 Vehicles $80,000 05-2930-001-10 Vehicles <-> Mid-Life Bus Refurbishing - Bus #2014 $80,000 Total 05-2930-001-10 Vehicles $80,000 05-2930-001-11 Vehicles <-> Replacement Bus - #2041 $620,00(2 Total 05-2930-001-11 Vehicles $620,00(; 05-2930-001-12 Vehicles <-> Replacement Pick-Up Truck for Vehicle #903 (1995 Ford Escort) $50,000 Total {;)5-2930-001-12 Vehicles $50,000 05-2930-001-13 Vehicles <-> Replace Driver Seats (10) $26,000 Total 05-2930-001-13 Vehicles $26,000 05-2930-001-14 Vehicles '<-> Transmission + Engine Rebuilds i $280,000 Total 05-2930-001-14 Vehicles $280,000 05-2930-001-15 Vehicles <-> Urgent Body Repairs $100,000 Total 05-2930-001-15 Vehicles $100,000 Total Vehicles $5,656,000 Total 6157 Vehicles $5,656,000 Total I:xpenciitures $5,656,000 38 APTA ' ' 2O04 - 2006 CAPITAL BUDGET Run Date ' 5/10/2005 2:10 PM 2940 Special Services Report Name: Dept Capital 2004-2006 2004 2005' 2006 , BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET EXPENDITURES 6157 Vehicles $300 000! $330,0001 $300,000 Total EXPENDITURES i $300'0001 $330,000i $300,000 REVENUES 1600 Municipal Contribution - Pickering ($99,999) ($110,001 ) ($100,000) 1601 Municipal Contribution - Ajax ($99,999) ($110,001) ($100,000) 1602 Ontario Transit Vehicle Program Subsidy ($100,002)! ($109,998), ($100,000) Total REVENUES i ($300'000)i ($330'000)i ($300,000) 39 2005 Capital Expenditures Background Information 2940 Special Services Run Date: 5/10/2005 2:21 PM Report Name: C~,ptial Pro - Exp. 2005 2005 Budget 6157 Vehicles Vehicles 05-2940-001-01 Vehicles <-> Replacement Bus #9010 (deferred from 2004) Total 05-2940-001-01 Vehicles $110,000 $110,000 05-2940-001-02 Vehicles <-> Replacement Bus #9007 (deferred from 2004) $110,000 Total 05-2940-001-02 Vehicles $110,000 05-2940-001-03 Vehicles <-> Replacement Bus #9006 (deferred from 2004) $110,000 Total 05-2940-001-03 Vehicles $110,000 Total Vehicles $330,000 Total 6157 Vehicles total Expenditures $330,000 $330,000 APTA ° ' 2004 - 2006 CAPITAL BUDGET Run Date: 5/10/2005 2:10 PM 2945 Transitional Costs Report Name: Dept Capital 2004-2006 2004 2005 200(~ , BUDGET BUDGET BUDGE7 EXPENDITURES 6157 Vehicles $325,000 $0, $0 6173 Furniture & Fixtures $0 $0 $0 6176 Office Machines and Equipment $0 $0 $0 6181 Other Fixed Assets $100,000 $0, $3,618,340 Total EXPENDITURES $425,000 $0i $3,618,340 REVENUES $0 1600 Municipal Contribution ~ Pickering ($212,500) ~ ($1,553,447) 1601 I~lunicipal Contribution - Ajax ($212,500) $0 ($1,553,447 1602 Ontario Transit Vehicle Program Subsidy $0 $0 ($511,446) Total REVENUES ($425,000) $0 ($31618,340) 2005 Capital Expenditures Background Information 2945 Transitional Costs Run Date: 5/10/2005 2:21 PM Report Name: Captial Proj - Exp, 2005 6181 Other Fixed Assets Deferred 05-2945-005-01 Other Fixed Assets <-> Deferred to 2005 - Building Expansion <-> De. ferred to Region for 2006 Total 05-2.945-005-01 Other Fixed Assets 05-2945-005-02 Other Fixed Assets 2005 Budget $1,495,000i ($1,495,OOO $0 <-> Deferred to 2005 - Building Expansion - Ajax Facility $589,000 <-> Deferred to Region for 2006 ($589,000) Total 05-.2945-005-02 (~b'her F-~xed ~.sse,~ $0 05-2945-005-03 Other Fixed Assets <-> Land Acquisition (2.106 acres @ $183,333 per acre) $390,000 <-> Deferred to Region , ($390,000 Total 05.2.945.005.03 Other Fixed Assets ' $0i 05-2945.005-04 Other Fixed Assets <-> GTA Farecard (Capital amt to be confirmed) $1,534,34(; <-> Deferred to 2006 ($1,534,34C Total 05-?.945-005-04 Other Fixed Assets Total Deferred I $0 Total 6181 Other Fixed Assets $0