HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 56-04PICKERING REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 56-04 Date: November 26, 2004 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Establishment of the Dedicated Gas Tax Reserve Fund Recommendation: It is recommended that Report CS 56-04 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received and that: Council authorize and approve the establishment of the Dedicated Gas Tax Reserve Fund; Council endorse the use of the 2004 gas tax funds to offset Pickering's share of the costs for funding the Ajax Pickering Transit Authority; 3. the attached By-law be read three times and passed; and, the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Council's formal approval is required to set up a separate reserve account for the receipt of Provincial gas tax revenues as per Ministry guidelines. Financial Implications: Not applicable Background: Council report CS 54-04 outlined the new Provincial Gas Tax Revenue program. Under this program, the Provincial Government will provide one cent a litre of provincial gas tax funding for public transit. This will increase to 1.5 cents in 2005 and two cents in 2006. Ajax and Pickering's share for the 12 month period (October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005) is estimated to be $1,176,793. The first payment of $294,198 is for the period October 1 to December 31,2004. These funds ($294,198) will be allocated between Pickering (55%) and Ajax (45%). As per the Provincial guideline, the 2004 gas tax funds can be used to fund transit costs. Recommendation 2 will provide the Treasurer the authority to apply the gas tax funds to offset Pickering's cost of funding APTA. Report CS 56-04 Subject: Establishment of the Dedicated Gas Tax Fund Date: November 26, 2004 Page 2 Under the Provincial guidelines, issued for this program, the City is required to establish a dedicated "gas tax fund". Funds received from the Province must be deposited into this account including any interest earned. Funds deposited into this account must be used only towards eligible public transportation expenditures. Ajax is taking similar actions and setting up a Reserve Fund. Attachments: 1. Dedicated Gas Tax Reserve Fund By-law 2. Ministry of Transportation "Dedicated Gas Tax Funds For Public Transportation Program - 2004 Guidelines and Requirements". Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: ~;tan Karwowski Manager, Finance & Taxation '--G~lis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for~e~~eration of Pickering C~ Thomas J. Ouinn,~,l~1ef A~,if~istrative Officer THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. /04 Being a By-law to provide for the establishment of a Reserve Fund to be known as the Dedicated Gas Tax Reserve Fund. WHEREAS under the Municipal Act, S.C., 2001 as amended, Section 417(1), the Council of the City of Pickering may establish and maintain a reserve fund for any purpose for which it has authority to expend funds. WHEREAS the City of Pickering passed By-law 5873/01 to execute the transit system merger agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Ajax and the Corporation of the City of Pickering that established the Ajax Pickering Transit Authority. WHEREAS the Council of the City of Pickering approved CounCil Report CS 54- 04 endorsing the City's participation in the Provincial Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program. WHEREAS it is desirable for the City of Pickering to establish such a reserve fund for the purpose of receiving funding from the Province for the paying of transit related expenses in 2004 and beginning in .2005 to pay for those expenses (capital and current) that are intended to increase ridership. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CoRpORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The establishment of a reserve fund known as the Pickering Gas Tax Reserve Fund is hereby authorized. The Dedicated Gas Tax Reserve Fund shall consist of such moneys paid by the Province for the specific purpose in 2004 for transit related expenses and beginning in 2005 for those expenditures (current and capital) that are intended to ~ncrease ridership together with investments made and earnings derived there from. 3. -This By-law shall come into force on the date of its enactment. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed the 20th day of December, 2004. Dave Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk ATTACHHENT#.~.~_TO ~POP, T #,.£.~ ~; c.- ~ ~ Ontario Ministry of Transportation Dedicated Gas Tax Funds For Public Transportation Program 2004 Guidelines and Requirements Issued October 2004 MTO/Urban & Rural Infrastructure Policy Branch TABLE OF CONTENTS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. DEDICATED GAS TAX FUNDS FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM DEFINITIONS INTRODUCTION ALLOCATION METHODOLOGY AND PROCESS ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS ACCOUNTABILITY AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS COMMUNICATIONS PAYMENT OF FUNDS ADJUSTMENT, WITHHOLDING AND REPAYMENT OF GAS TAX F. UNDING RECORDS AND AUDIT LIABILITIES AND INDEMNITIES WHERE TO REQUEST OR PROVIDE INFORMATION APPENDIX A 1. Reporting Forms 3 4 4 5 8 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 2 DEDICATED GAS TAX FUNDS FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM 2004 GUIDELINES & REQUIREMENTS 1. DEFINITIONS When used in these guidelines and requirements, the words set out below that import the singular include the plural and vice versa: "Asset Management Plan" means a long range plan developed by the municipality or transit operator to manage the capital assets used in providing its public transportation services. "dedicated gas tax funds" means the funds provided by the Ministry strictly towards eligible expenditures, in the opinion of the Minister, directly related to the provision of public transportation services. "dedicated gas tax funds reserve account" means an interest bearing account set up by a municipality to keep dedicated gas tax funds separate and apart from either municipal or any other funds, or both, for use strictly towards public transportation related eligible expenditures. "GTA Fare System" means the public transportation fare collection system between GTA municipalities to support more seamless use by public transportation customers and the collection of public transportation fares. "GTA Transportation Strategy" means a Greater Toronto Transportation Strategy developed by the province in consultation with GTA stakeholders for a blueprint for an innovative and integrated transportation system. "guidelines and requirements" means these guidelines and requirements entitled "Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program - 2004 Guidelines and Requirements", including Appendix A to these guidelines and requirements. "host municipality" means a host municipality as defined in Section 7. "Ministry" and "Minister" respectively means the Ministry of Transportation who is responsible for the administration of the Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program and the Minister responsible for the Ministry. "municipal own account spending on public transportation" means the funds a municipality contributes towards public transportation expenditures. These amounts include municipal contributions towards operating costs, passenger fare revenue, total public transportation capital costs, and local public donations. 3 "program" means the Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program set up by the Ministry to provide municipalities with dedicated gas tax funds subject to and in accord~ance with these guidelines and requirements. "public transportation" means any service for which a fare is charged for transporting the public by vehicles operated by or on behalf of a municipality or local board as defined in the Municipal Affairs Act, or under an agreement between a municipality and a person, firm or corporation and includes special transportation facilities for the physically disabled, but does not include transportation by special purpose facilities such as school buses or ambulances. "Ridership Growth Plan" means a plan developed by the municipality to increase public transportation ridership that include target markets (e.g. Colleges/Universities) and other municipal policies (e.g. land use and parking policies) that support public transportation ridership growth. 2. INTRODUCTION The province has a vision for a stronger Ontario built around strong communities, a vibrant economy and healthier, more liveable cities with increased access to public transportation, reduced commute times and cleaner air for all Ontarians. By providing a portion of the gas tax for public transportation, the province will assist municipalities become more self-sustaining in that regard. As of October 2004, the funds provided will be 1 cent/litre. That amount will increase' to 1.5 cents/litre in October 2005 and 2 cents/litre in October 2006. When fully implemented, the program will generate about $312 million per year for public transportation, which will be subject to change based on annual sales of gasoline. The program is an important element of the ongoing relationship between the .province and Ontario municipalities. Municipalities receiving dedicated gas tax funds must meet the requirements set out in these guidelines and requirements. 3. ALLOCATION METHODOLOGY AND PROCESS Based on the consultation with municipalities, public transportation operators and stakeholders, the province recognizes the varying needs of public transportation within Ontario municipalities including those related to large established public transportation systems and communities with different growth rates and levels of public transportation service. Consistent with the above, an allocation formula based on a combination of ridership and population has been established by the province. This formula balances the needs of large established public transportation systems, the growth needs of rapidly growing municipalities, and the needs of smaller municipalities that provide public transportation services. 4 The province is implementing an allocation based on 70% transit ridership and 30% municipal population. This means that when fully implemented 70% of about $312 million (about $218 million) will be distributed to municipalities on the basis of their public transportation ridership levels. Thirty percent (30%) of about $312 million (about $94 million) will be distributed on the basis of population levels. Public transportation ridership will include the totals of both conventional and specialized public transportation services. 2003 ridership numbers have been used in this initial calculation from the 2003 Ontario Urban T. ransit Fact Book, which is collected and produced annually by the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) on behalf of the ministry. Where 2003 CUTA ridership data was not available, data has been directly provided to the ministry by the municipality. Population data for 2003 has been provided by the Ministry of Finance based on estimates derived from 2001 Statistics Canada figures. Both ridership and population figures will be updated and revised annually for use in the calculation of dedicated gas tax funds. Dedicated gas tax funds provided to each municipality in 2004/2005 are not to exceed 75% of "municipal own account spending on public transportation" based on 2003 municipal public transportation spending data as provided in the CUTA fact book. Any amounts of moneys dedicated for but that remain undistributed through the program shall be re-allocated by the province in support of increasing public transportation ridership. The Minister will advise each municipality, on an annual basis, as to the amount of dedicated gas tax funds it is eligible to receive. The Minister, will send a letter of agreement to be signed by the head of municipal council and chief financial officer of the municipality to each municipality that provides public transportation services. The letter of agreement will set out the terms and obligations, upon which the dedicated gas tax funds will be released to the municipality and by which the municipality will have to agree to be bound. The province will undertake an annual review of the dedicated gas tax allocation methodology and eligibility requirements to ensure these funds support the desired outcome of increased public transportation ridership. Municipal public transportation spending will also be reviewed on an annual basis to determine if the limits of the dedicated gas tax funds need to be applied where the gas tax allocation may exceed 75% of "municipal own account spending on public transportation" 4. GENERAL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS The purpose for providing dedicated gas tax funds to Ontario municipalities are to ensure that local public transportation services continue and increase overall ridership through the expansion of public transportation capital infrastructure and levels of service. To be eligible to receive dedicated gas tax funds a municipality must contribute financially towards their public transportation service. 5 Beginning in 2005, only municipalities that have submitted their 2004 annual data survey to the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) will be eligible to receive dedicated gas tax funds. Municipalities that are not currently providing public transportation, but decide to begin providing such services will be eligible for funding, subject to the provision of a municipal by- law indicating their intent to provide public transit services. Notification of their intent to provide public transportation services will be required prior to October 1,2005 when the gas tax funds allocation for each municipality will be revised. Dedicated gas tax funding will be then available beginning the last quarter of 2005 and into 2006. A municipality receiving dedicated gas tax funds must ensure that all funds received are used exclusively towards the provision of public transportation service. Each municipality will be required to develop a Ridership Growth Plan and Asset Management Plan that sets out how the municipality is planning on using dedicated gas tax funds. These plans need to ensure that the achievement of municipal public transportation accessibility objectives are met according to local accessibility plans developed by all municipalities in response to the Ontarians With Disabilities Act (ODA). Municipalities will be required to provide an annual report of their spending on public transportation services it offers. Reporting templates for 2005 and 2006 will be provided by the Ministry to municipalities as soon as they are developed in consultation with municipal public transportation stakeholders. The Ministry may withhold payment of dedicated gas tax funds until reporting requirements are met. Beginning in 2005, gas tax revenues are intended to support increased municipal public transportation expenditures and not to reduce or replace current levels of municipal public transportation funding. Eligibility requirements for use of dedicated gas tax funds will be implemented in a progressive fashion recognizing the time required to develop and implement public transportation ridership growth strategies. Dedicated gas tax funds, including all interest earned, must be kept in a dedicated gas tax funds reserve account and remain the property of the Ministry pending payment of such costs for eligible expenditures. Funds deposited in the dedicated gas tax funds reserve account must be used only towards eligible public transportation expenditures. Interest on funds deposited in a dedicated gas tax funds reserve account must accrue on any carryover funds at the appropriate Chums One rate for an equivalent term. The interest must also be reported annually as set out in Appendix A and be applied towards eligible public transportation expenditures. (a) 0 Eligibility Requirements for All Dedicated Gas Tax Funds Received in 2004 In 2004 the municipality must use dedicated gas tax funds received exclusively for public transportation. 6 (b) o 'Eligibility Requirements for All Dedicated Gas Tax Funds Received in 2005 In 2005 municipalities must give priority to increased capital expenditures and then increased operating expenditures that support increased ridership. Municipalities that have already developed a Ridership Growth Plan and an Asset Management Plan should submit these plans in 2005 as part of the reporting requirements. - Development of the Ridership Growth Plan and an Asset Management Plan will be considered as an eligible expenditure. (c) O (d) Eligibility Requirements for All Dedicated Gas Tax Funds Received in 2006 Starting in 2006, dedicated gas tax funds will be required to be spent on: - Increased capital expenditures or increased operating expenditures that promote increased ridership - Incremental expenditures on public transportation (above a baseline public transportation expenditure level which will equal the average "municipal own account spending on transit" for the years 2001 to 2003. A Ridership Growth Plan and an Asset Management Plan will be required from municipalities and have to be submitted by the end of 2006 as a basis for receiving any future dedicated gas tax funds. - Development of the Ridership Growth Plan and an Asset Management Plan will be considered as an eligible expenditure. For GTA Municipalities: Regions of Durham, Halton, Peel Region, York, and Cities of Hamilton and Toronto Beginning in 2005, these municipalities will be required to: Develop Ridership Growth Plans that are aligned with the GTA Transportation Strategy. Demonstrate participation in the GTA Farecard project. Where municipalities are required to provide one-third of capital expansion costs for GO Transit expansion, demonstrate that these payments are current prior to the release of dedicated gas tax funds. The eligibility requirements for dedicated gas tax funds will be determined in accordance with applicable Ministry policies and guidelines, which may change from time to time. The eligibility for any dedicated gas tax funds is at the sole discretion of the Ministry. A municipality should consider consulting with Ministry staff when in doubt as to whether dedicated gas tax funds will be available prior to making expenditures or commitments involving the use of such funds. 7 5. ACCOUNTABILITY AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Municipalities will be accountable to use dedicated gas tax funds to achieve increased public transportation ridership. Municipalities will be required to report prior to March 31,2005 on how dedicated gas tax funds were spent during 2004 and thereafter on an annual basis. Where municipalities have already developed ridership growth and aSset management plans these plans should be submitted in 2005 as part of the reporting requirements. Each municipality will be required to develop a Ridership Grewth Plan and an Asset Management Plan by March 31, 2006 as a requirement for receiving future dedicated gas tax funds. Appendix A contains the reporting form required for submission prior to Mareh 31,2005. Reporting requirements using standardized reporting forms for 2005 and 2006 will be developed in consultation with municipal public transportation stakeholdere and provided to municipalities as part of the October 2005 Ontario Dedicated Gas Tax Funds Allocations. This will include the development of the main elements to be included in a Ridership Growth Plan and an Asset Management Plan. 6. COMMUNICATIONS Municipalities will be required to provide and implement dedicated gas tax funding communication and recognition events to be developed as part of their marketing and public event plans that should be included and support their Ridership Growth Plan. Details regarding dedicated gas tax funding recognition requirements are under development and will be provided to municipalities as part of the 2005 Ontado Dedicated Gas Tax Allocation Funds Allocation process. 7. PAYMENT OF DEDICATED GAS TAX FUNDS Payment of dedicated gas tax funds will be made based on the annual calculation by the Ministry of the allocation formula based on a combination of 70% ridership and 30% population. .Funds previded to each municipality in 2004/2005 are not to exceed 75% of "municipal own account spending on public transportation" based on 2003 municipal public transportation spending data as provided in the CUTA fact book. Any amounts of moneys dedicated for but that remain undistributed through the program shall be re-allocated by the province, in support of increasing public transportation ridership. Payment of dedicated gas tax funds to a municipality will only be made after receipt of a letter of agreement, provided by the Ministry to the municipality, signed by the head of the municipal council and chief financial officer, and a copy of a municipal by-law permitting the municipality 8 to enter into the letter of agreement. Any amount provided to the municipality under the program will be subject to adjustment as set out under section 8. In addition, any amount provided by the Ministry to a municipality will have to be used by the municipality exclusively for public transportation purposes and~ in accordance with eligibility and annual reporting requirements. If a municipality has an agreement with another municipality to provide public transportation services on behalf of both municipalities (the "host municipality"), dedicated gas tax funds will be flowed either to the host municipality or to each municipality that contributes financially towards the operation of the public transportation services. Prior to payment of dedicated gas tax funds being made by the Ministry, all the municipalities that contribute financial assistance towards the operation of the public transportation services provided by the host municipality will be required to provide to the Ministry with copies of the municipal by-laws and legal agreement clearly indicating which municipality will be receiving dedicated gas tax funds from the Ministry for the public transportation services provided by the host municipality. In the case where the host municipality and the other municipality wish to receive individual payments they will be required to provide to the Ministry an individual breakdown of 2003 ridership by municipality as well as their individual financial contribution towards the public transportation services provided. The Ministry will provide payment of annual gas tax funds on a quarterly basis. In addition, the payment of any dedicated gas tax funds is subject to annual appropriations of such funds by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Municipalities will be advised on an annual basis as to the amount of dedicated gas tax funds available for that year. 8. ADJUSTMENT, WITHHOLDING AND REPAYMENT OF DEDICATED GAS TAX FUNDS If, in the opinion of the Ministry, a municipality fails to comply with any ~3f the requirements set out in these guidelines and requirements, uses any of the dedicated gas tax funds for a purpose not authorized without the prior written consent of the Ministry, provides erroneous or misleading information or fails to provide information to the Ministry for any reason whatsoever ("unacceptable conduct"), including any related interest, will become immediately due and payable by the municipality. Any money due by a municipality in relation to the dedicated gas tax funds is a debt due. to the Crown of the Province of Ontario under the FinancialAdrninistration Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F.12, as amended, ("FAA") and, in addition to any remedy the Crown may have under the FAA, the Ministry may decide to withhold or adjust the amount of any current or future dedicated gas tax funding that may be provided to the municipality in an amount equal to such debt or have the amount of such debt deducted from financial assistance payable on any other project(s) of the municipality under any other initiative in which the province is involved (either current or future). 9 Any decision made by the Minister regarding dedicated gas tax funds is final. 9. RECORDS AND AUDIT A municipality receiving dedicated gas tax funds for public transportation must maintain separate records and documentation for funding received for a minimum of seven (7) years after the final settlement of accounts, i.e. once payment of dedicated gas tax funds has been made to the municipality and all requirements under these guidelines and requirements have been met. Upon request by the Ministry, the municipality must submit documentation, including all evidence of payment, relating to public transit expenditures to which such funds apply. The Ministry may require the assistance of an external auditor to carry out an audit of the records referred to above. If so, a municipality must upon request retain and pay for the cost of an external auditor acceptable to the Ministry. The municipality must ensure that the auditor who conducts the audit provides a copy of the audit report to the Ministry for its consideration at the same time as the audit report is provided to the municipality. 10. LIABILITIES AND INDEMNITIES A municipality receiving dedicated gas tax funds is responsible, in whole and in part, for anything that may adse directly or indirectly, in relation to the transit expenditures to which such funds apply. The Ministry's involvement in relation to the program is for the sole purpose of, and is limited to, the provision of the dedicated gas tax funds. As such, as a condition of receiving dedicated gas tax funds, a municipality must warrant and agree that under no circumstances will the municipality enter into any contract or commitment in the name of or on behalf of the Ministry, and the municipality must acknowledge that it is not through the Ontario Gas Tax Program or otherwise, granted any right or authority to assume or create any obligation or responsibility, expressed or implied, on behalf of or in the name of the Ministry or to bind the Ministry in any manner whatsoever. Furthermore, a municipality receiving dedicated gas tax funds must understand and agree that in no event whatsoever is the Ministry to be held liable for any bodily injury, death or property damage to the municipality, its employees, agents, contractors, persons responsible for controlling access and the like to the municipality's property or for any claim, demand or action by any third party against the municipality, its employees, agents, contractors or anyone responsible for controlling access and the like to the municipality's property, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing any users (including any member of the public, whether paying or not paying and/or using or being in any way on the municipality's property with or without the permission of the municipality or any body in a position of authority; this · includes any trespasser or the like), arising out or in any way related to funding received Under the program. 10 The Ministry will not be liable for any incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages or any loss of use, revenue or profit the municipality, its employees, agents or contractors suffers, arising out of or in any way related to funding received under the program. A municipality receiving dedicated gas tax funds must agree to indemnify the Ministry and hold . harmless Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario, 'Her directors, officers, employees and agents, from and against all suits, judgements, claims, demands, expenses, actions, causes of action and losses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal expenses and any claim other claims and for any and all liability for damages to property and injury to persons (including death), howsoever caused, as a result of any claim, demand or action arising out of or in any way related to funding received under the program. A municipality receiving dedicated gas tax funds must acquire, provide and maintain, at its own expense, appropriate insurance in order to protect itself and the Ministry and support the indemnification, as set out above, provided to the Ministry. 11.WHERE TO APPLY AND REQUEST OR PROVIDE INFORMATION Any questions regarding the program are to be directed to the Ministry Transit Policy & Programs Office at phone (416) 235-4204 or fax (416) 235-4180. Reporting requirement forms or information to be provided to the Ministry under these guidelines and requirements must be provided by personal delivery or mailed by first class registered mail, prepaid postage, or by transmittal by facsimile at the following address: Ministry of Transportation Transit Policy & Programs Office 3rd Floor, Building C 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, ON M3M 1J8 11 APPENDIX A 12 Ontario Transportation The Corporation of the A. Ontario Dedicated Gas Tax Funds Allocation Summary of Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program 2004 Reporting Template 1. Dedicated gas tax funds allocated in the fiscal year: 2004 B. Dedicated Gas Tax Funds Disbursements 2. Conventional public transportation capital costs 3. Conventional public transportation operating costs 4. Specialized public transportation capital costs 5. Specialized public transportation operating costs 6. Amount deposited in dedicated gas tax reserve account Sub-total Total disbursements C. Municipal Transit Expenditures ! Source of Funds Conventional Specialized = Total Public Transportation Public Transportation 8. Total operating expenses $ $ $ 9. Total capital expenses $ $ $ 10. Total public transportation expenditures (8 + 9) $ $ 11. Municipal contributions (where more than one, $ $ $ provide municipal names and individual amounts) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Provincial contributions $ $ $ 13. Federal contributions $ $ $ 14. Donations / other $ $ $ Treasurer's declaration I solemnly declare that the municipality is in compliance, in all material respects, with the Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program - 2004 Guidelines and Requirements as of ,20 Treasurer MT-O-16 (10/2004) · - ON-T-16