HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 18, 2004 Council Meeting Agenda Monday, October 18, 2004 (I) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan will call the meeting to order and lead Council in the saying of the Invocation. (11) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of October 4, 2004 (111) PRESENTATION Gary Bowen, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, will make a presentation to Council of a Special Volunteer Recognition Award for the Duffin Carruthers Watershed Working Group. {IV) DELEGATIONS Chad Beer and Jeff Goring, 1950 Denmar Road, will address Council with respect to the Sign By-law as it pertains to murals on walls of buildings. (V) RESOLUTIONS PAGE To adopt the Executive Committee Report dated October 12, 2004 1-4 To consider Operations & Emergency Services Report OES 31- 04 regarding the Supply and Delivery of High Pressure Hot Water System. 5-10 To direct staff to undertake a review of the land use planning policies to evaluate the appropriateness of institutional uses for all lands zoned "A- Rural Agricultural". 11-14 Refer to By-law Number 6385/04 -1- Council Meeting Agenda Monday, October 18, 2004 (VI) BY-LAWS By-law Number 6377/04 15 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of the renewal of a Licence Agreement between the Pickering/Ajax Italian Social Club and The Corporation of the City of Pickering respecting the portable structure owned by the Club on that portion of Park located on Block 92, Plan 40M- 1440 for the purpose of storing equipment and for the purpose of a meeting place for members of the Club. By-law Number 6378/04 16 Being a by-law to dedicate those parts of Lot 15, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, Pickering, designated as Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5, Plan 40R-22710 as public highway and name them "Clements Road". By-law Number 6379/04 17 Being a by-law to dedicate those parts of Lot 16, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, Pickering, designated as Parts & and 9, Plan 40R-22043 as public highway and name them "Heathside Crescent". By-law Number 6380/04 18-22 Being a by-law to amend By-law Number 3859/91 being the Alcohol Management Policy for City owned facilities. By-law Number 6381/04 23 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Lease Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Pickering and O. J. Muller Landscape Contractor Ltd. for the leasing of those lands consisting of a stone house and 6.074 acres located on Brock Road North, Pickering, and comprising those parts of Lot 19, Concession 3, Pickering, designated as Parts 2 and 3, Plan 40R-7012. -2- Council Meeting Agenda Monday, October 18, 2004 By-law Number 6382/04 24-26 Being a by-law to limit the gross vehicle weight of any vehicle or class thereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H. 8, as amended. By-law Number 6383/04 27-31 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended by By-laws 1699/83 and 6318/04, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, south Part of Lot 25, Concession 2, Parts 1 - 10, 40R-22692, in the City of Pickering. (A 10/04) By-law Number 6384/04 32-34 Being a by-law to exempt Block 38 on Plan 40M-2119, Pickering, from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act. By-law Number 6385/04 35-44 Being an "Interim Control By-law" passed pursuant to Section 38(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, for lands in the City of Pickering. (VII) OTHER BUSINESS (VIII) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW (IX) ADJOURNMENT -3- ( 01 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the Report of the Executive Committee EC 2004-15 dated October 12, 2004, be adopted. Appendix I Executive Committee Report EC 2004-15 That the Executive Committee of the City of Pickering having met on October 12, 2004, presents its fifteenth report to Council and recommends: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 38-04 LICENCE AGREEMENT - ONTARIO PARCEL AGREEMENT SUPPLY OF DIGITAL MAPPING CITY OF PICKERING AND THE REGION OF DURHAM That Council approve entering into an agreement with the Region of Durham for the supply of digital parcel mapping of Pickering for a five (5) year period at a total cost of $19,000.00 (plus applicable taxes) to be paid from the annual approved current budget for the Planning & Development Department. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 28-04 PICKERING/AJAX ITALIAN SOCIAL CLUB RENEWAL OF LICENCE AGREEMENT CENTENNIAL PARK BROCK ROAD That Report OES 28-04 regarding the extension of the Licence Agreement between the City of Pickering (Owner of Centennial Park located on Block 92, Plan 40M-1440) and the Pickering/Ajax Italian Social Club, be received; and That Council consider the request from the Pickering Ajax Italian Social Club to renew the Licence Agreement for an additional five years for the purposes of a meeting place for the Club's members and the sole beneficial Owner of a portable building, which the Club has placed in Centennial Park for the exclusive use by the Club subject to the terms and conditions as set out in the Licence Agreement; and That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to renew the Licence Agreement between the City of Pickering and the Pickering/Ajax Italian Social Club. Appendix I Executive Committee Report EC 2004-15 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 29-04 ALCOHOL POLICY OF THE CITY OF PICKERING 1. That Report OES 29-04 regarding the Alcohol Policy of the City of Pickering, be received; and That a by-law to amend the Alcohol Management Policy for City owned facilities, be enacted; and That staff at the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT 30-04 O.J. MULLER LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR LTD. RENEWAL OF LEASE AGREEMENT That Report OES 30-04 regarding a renewal of a Lease Agreement with O.J. Muller Landscaping Contractor Ltd., be received; and That the attached draft by-law be enacted to authorize the execution of a lease agreement (renewal for an additional year) with O.J. Muller Landscaping Contractor Ltd. to lease those lands consisting of a stone house and 6.074 acres, to use and occupy the property or the premises to cultivate the land for cash and to store market nursery stock. The property and premises are located on Brock Road North Pickering, and compromising those parts of Lot 19, Concession 3, Pickering, designated as Parts 2 and 3, Plan 40R-7012; and That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to give effect hereto. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 32-04 MUNICIPAL BRIDGE MAXIMUM GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS - BY-LAWS TO REVISE LOAD LIMITS That Report OES 32-04 regarding the establishment of safe load limits on municipal bridges be received; and That City Council pass the attached draft by-law limiting the gross vehicle weight of any vehicle or any class thereof, passing over certain bridges, under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. Appendix I Executive Committee Report EC 2004-15 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 34-04 2004 ANNUAL REPAYMENT LIMIT FOR DEBT AND FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS That Report CS 34-04 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, concerning the 2004 Annual Repayment Limit for Debt and Financial Obligations, be received for information. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 37-04 TENDER / CONTRACT APPROVAL - COUNCIL'S SUMMER RECESS That Report CS 37-04 reporting on tendering and contract approvals during Council's Summer Recess, be received; and That Council pass a resolution ratifying the approval of the Tenders and Contracts contained in this Report by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's summer recess (i.e., from June 28 to July 26, 2004 and from July 27, 2004 to September 13, 2004) being Tender No. T-5-2004, and the quotation for two (2) Chevrolet Cavaliers for Fire Services - Fire Protection Division. o PROCLAMATIONS "WASTE REDUCTION WEEK" "CHILD CARE WORKER & EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR APPRECIATION DAY" "BLOCK PARENT WEEK" That Mayor Ryan be authorized to make the following proclamations: "Waste Reduction Week"- October 18 - 24, 2004 "Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day" - October 27, 2004 "Block Parent Week" - October 24 - 30, 2004 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report OES 31-04 regarding the supply and delivery of a High Pressure Hot Water System, be received; and That the informal quotation submitted by Hazeland Manufacturing Inc. for the supply and delivery of a High Pressure Hot Water System in the amount of $23,785.00 (GST & PST extra), be accepted; and That the total purchase cost of $27,352.75 and a net purchase cost of $25,687.80, be approved; and That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project through an internal loan; and a) That internal loan financing not exceeding the amount of $25,000 for a period not exceeding five years, at a rate to be determined be approved and the balance of approximately $688 plus financing costs be financed from current fund; and b) That financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $5,775 be included in annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2005 and continuing there after until the loan is repaid; and -2- c) d) That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that this loan and repayment thereof falls within the City's debt and financial obligations approved annual repayment limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2004 as established by the Province for Municipalities in Ontario; and That the Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and That the appropriate staff at the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. ~ate: SeDtemOer ';,~ 200~ ~.ichard W. Hoiborn, ~ Division Head. Municioal Property & Engineering Subject: Supply and Delivery of High Pressure Hot Water System Informal Quotation Recommendation: That Report OES 31-04 regarding the supply and delivery of a High Pressure Hot Water System be received and that: The informal quotation submitted by Hazeland Manufacturing Inc. for the supply and delivery of a High Pressure Hot Water System in the amount of $ 23,785.00 (GST & PST extra) be accepted; The total purchase cost of $27,352.75 and a net purchase cost of $25,687.80 be approved; That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer to finance the project through an internal loan; a) b) c) d) Internal loan financing not exceeding the amount of $25,000 for a period not exceeding five years, at a rate to be determined be approved and the balance of approximately $688 plus financing costs be financed from current fund Financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $5,775 be included in annual Current Budget for The City of Pickering commencing in 2005 and continuing there after until the loan is repaid; The Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer has certified that this loan and repayment thereof falls within the City's debt and financial obligations approved annual repayment limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2004 as established by the Province for Municipalities in Ontario; The Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the forgoing: and The appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summaq.,: Not AoDiicabie Financial Implications: I. Approved Source of Funds: Account Proiect Code 2004 Capital Budget 2320/6178 04-2320-004-02 Debt (5 years) Total Approved Funds Amount $25,000.00 $25,000.00 Estimated Project Cost Summary High Pressure Hot Water System G.S.T. P.S.T. Total Project Cost G.S.T. Rebate Net Project Cost $23,785.00 $ 1,664.95 $ 1,902.80 $27,352.75 ($ 1,664.95) $ 25~687.80 Project & Cost Under (over) Approved Funds ($ 687.80) Overexpenditure is understated due to the GST 3%'rebate savings that was already captured in the 2004 Current Budget The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and concurs. The 2004 Capital Budget as approved by Council originally provided for the purchase to be debt financed. It is now proposed that due to the relatively small sum involved, this purchase be financed through an internal loan. Background: Municipal Operations removed its aging culvert steamer from service in 2003 for mechanical and health and safety concerns. An evaluation of this critical piece of .eauipment revealed that replacement/repair parts were no longer avaiiabie. A repiacement was identified in the 2004 Capital Budget and approved by Council. Through market research, Fleet Operations identified a system that will meet the City's requirements. The equipment also enhances the City's ability to more effectively CORP0227-07/01 respond to acts of vandaiism as the new "culvert steamer" delivers enough pressure to ,"id most surfaces of spray oaint applied by vandals. These functions can be pedormed safeJy as ::he system utilizes hot water as opposed to the antiquated method of iive steam. This is a much safer system for staff and represents a more prudent use of city resources because of its versatility. An additional benefit of the equipment is that it is also environmentally friendly as no harsh chemicals or detergents are required for paint removal operations. Based on the informal quotes received from three vendors and an in-field evaluation process it is the recommendation of the Municipal Property & Engineering Division that the City of Pickering proceed and approve the purchase of the High Pressure Hot Water System and quoted by Hazeland Manufacturing Inc. Attachments: 1. Not Applicable CORP0227-07/01 =repsred ~/: !~,~ .... Graht Smith ?/ Sr3pervisor, Fleet Operations Approved / E,~dorsed Bv: Everett Bdnts~ Director, Operations & Emergency Services Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services '(3illis A. Pat~'son Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer -Ri~ard Holb~rn -- /DiVision Head, /'MuniciPal Property & Engineering GS:vn Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Financial Analyst of Thomas J.;.;~Q'uinn, Ohief Administrative Officer 3ORP0227-07/01 HC RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That staff be directed to undertake a review of the land use planning policies to evaluate the appropriateness of institutional uses for all lands zoned "A - Rural Agricultural" in By-laws 3036 and 3037 in the City, including lands identified on Schedules I and II in the proposed Interim Control By-law with respect to zoning conformity with the current official plan designations, and uses to be permitted in the zoning by-laws. October 7', 2004 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT IvlEMORANDUM To: From: Subject: Bruce Taylor City Clerk Steve Gaunt Planner II Interim Control By-law to restrict Institutional Uses in Agricultural Zones in the City of Pickering BACKGROUND: Currently, a broad range of institutional uses are permitted on lands zoned.for agricultural uses located north of Highway #401 in Pickering. Zoning that permits institutional uses does not conform with Agricultural land use designations in the City of Picketing and Region of Durham official plans, and in South Pickering may frustrate the achievement of the City's planning objectives. Conformity With Official Plan The Planning Act requires lower-tier municipal official plans and zoning by-laws to conform with upper-tier municipal official plar)s. Although the City of Pickering official plan was amended in 1997 to conform with the Region of Durham official plan, a comprehensive revision of City zoning by-laws has not yet been undertaken. In order to move toward imp. lementation of the official plan, the City should evaluate whether institutional uses are appropriate on lands with agricultural zoning in rural and urban settings. In the longer term, the City should consolidate its zoning by-laws to ensure overall conformity with the two official plans and to implement uniform development standards for all parts of the City. Affected Lands Lands subject to evaluation should include lands zoned "A - Rural Agricultural Zone" ~ocatec' within the South Urban Area of Pickering, between Highway #40I and the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks (the northern edge of the South Urban ,= "' Ar..aj, and, witnir~ the Rurai Are~, except fo~: ,: l~nd'- :)wnec~ bt, the ='ecl. era~ Go',~ernrr~en'; flor airpo~'.~ lanes ~.,,~i,-.,-:. to Minister"s ~nnin,~ Orders #'i an~ #: wnlor~ ar, no' ~ermi' instkut~oha uses: and, Interim Control By-law for institutional Uses In Agricultural Zones October 7, 2004 Page 2 (: 13 INTERIM CONTROL BY-LAW: Section 38 (1) of the Planning Act allows that where a municipality has, by by-law or resolution, directed that a review or study be undertaken in respect of land use planning policies, Council may pass an "interim control by-law" to prohibit the use of land, buildings or structures within a defined area. In accordance with Section 38 (3) of the Planning Act, a Statutory Public Meeting or hearing is not required prior to the passing of an interim control by-law. However, notice of passing an interim control by-law must be given within 30 days of passing thereof. An interim control by-law is in effect for one (1) year from the date of passing, and can be extended by by-law for up to one (1) additional year. Should Council determine to pass an interim control by-law, another interim control by-law cannot be passed for the same lands for another three years. The Planning & Development Department has prepared an interim control by-law covering lands currently zoned "A - Rural Agricultural", for consideration by Council. The Interim Control By-law will still permit the use of lands, buildings and structures for the range of uses permissible by an Agricultural Areas designation in the Pickering Official Plan. These permitted uses include agricultural, recreational, business, home occupation, accessory residential, existing lawful uses and minor additions to existing uses. Adoption of the Interim Control By-law will not restrict Council's ability to amend the zoning by-law to permit institutional use for any specific property while the interim control by-law is in force. Please note that the Planning Act requires that a by-law or resolution must have been passed by Council, requiring that a study or review of land use policies be undertaken, prior to passing an interim control by-law. Consequently an Interim Control By-law should not be passed until after Council has passed an appropriate resolution directing that the study be undertaken. A workplan for a land use study to determine appropriate uses to be permitted on lands zoned "A- Rural Agricultural" is attached. RESOLUTION: order to ~rovide ti~e appropriate foundation for t~e passage of ar; interim Contro~ By-law, the foliowin9 resolution should be passed by Councii at the Oc~oi~er 18: 2004. meeting, prior To passin~ the at~ac~e~ interim controi by-iaw. staff be directed to undertake ~ review o? the land use ¢ianning pofi,,i,.~, to aluaL the a~propriatenes¢~,¢ institutiona~ use? for al? !ands zoned "~, - ~ra~' Interim Control By-law for Institutional Uses in Agricultural Zones October 7, 2004 Page 3 Shouid Council pass the above-noted resolution at their October 18, 2004 meeting, Council may consider the attached Interim Control By-law later at that same meeting. The purpose and effect of the Interim Control By-law is to allow the City of Pickering to prohibit the use of land(s), building(s) and structure(s) except as specified, in the Interim Control Area, while the City completes an Institutional Use in Agricultural Zones Study. Please note that this by-law may be given all three readings at the October 18, 2004 Council Meeting, provided Council passes the above-noted resolution earlier that same meeting. If you require further assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. I concur that this by-law be considered at this time. Dir~ctor,~m~i~& D~velOpment SG:Id Sx~/~rl~.oning/B~awMomoToGIorkfodntedmGontrolBylaw Attachments Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Copy: Solicitor for the City Being a by-iaw to authorize the execution of the renewal of a Licence Agreement between the Pickering/Ajax Italian Social C',ub and the Corporation of the City of Pickering respecting the portable structure owned by the Club on that portion of Park iocated on Block 92, Plan 40M-1440 for the purpose of storing equipment and for the purpose of a meeting place for members of the Club. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Section 110 of the Municipal Act, 2001, chapter 25, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to enter into the renewal of a Licence Agreement, respecting the use of a portable structure owned by the Pickering Ajax Italian Social Club within Centennial Park to be used by the Club for the purposes of storing equipment and for the purpose of a meeting place for Club members while using the bocce courts located within Centennial Park; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the renewal of a Licence Agreement between the Pickering/Ajax Italian Social Club and The Corporation of the City of Pickering for the purpose of using the portable building as a meeting place for the Club's members as set out in the terms and conditions in Schedule "A" attached for the period of November 15th, 2004 to November 15th, 2009. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 18 day of October, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk CORP0223-07/01 F:-E 3,gRP©RA'FION OF THE 31-F¥ OF ?IC',~ERING 3Y-~AW NO. 6378/04 Being a By-law to dedicate those parts of Lot 15, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, Pickering, designated as Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5, Plan 40R-22710 as public highway and name them "Clements Road". WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of those parts of Lot 15, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, Pickering, designated as Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5, Plan 40R-22710 and wishes to dedicate them as public highway; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Act, the Council of a local municipality may pass By-laws for giving names to or changing the names of highways. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Those parts of Lot 15, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, Pickering, designated as Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5, Plan 40R-22710 are hereby dedicated as public highway; and Those parts of Lot 15, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, Pickering, designated as Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5, Plan 40R-22710 are hereby named "Clements Road". BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 18th day of October, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk RoaQde~443 THE CORPORATION OF THE ',.,, ~ ¢' OF ?ICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6379/04 Being a 8y-law to dedicate those parts of Lot 16, Registrar's Compiled Plan No. 1051, Pickering, designated as Parts 7 and 9, Plan 40R-22043 as public highway and name them "Heathside Crescent". WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of those parts of Lot 16, Registrar's Compiled Plan No. 1051, Picketing, designated as Parts 7 and 9, Plan 40R-22043 and wishes to dedicate them as public highway; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Act, the Council of a local municipality may pass By-laws for giving names to or changing the names of highways. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Those parts of Lot 16, Registrar's Compiled Plan No. 1051, Pickering, designated as Parts 7 and 9, Plan 40R-22043 are hereby dedicated as public highway; and Those parts of Lot 16, Registrar's Compiled Plan No. 1051, Pickering, designated as Parts 7 and 9, Plan 40R-22043 are hereby named "Heathside Crescent". BYLAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 18th day of October, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Roadded. 442 Bruce Taylor, Clerk ~ :-=,-WV ,lC. 338i)/0A 3emg a by-;aw ,:o amend Syqaw .qumber 3859i91 being the Alcohol tVlanagement Policy for City owned facilities. WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering passed By-law Number 3859/91 on October 7, 1991, to establish an Alcohol Management Policy for City owned facilities: and WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it appropriate for the better management of such facilities to adopt ah amended Municipal Alcohol Policy applicable thereto; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: By-laW 3859/91 is hereby amended by deleting therefrom Schedule "A" and substituting therefore Schedule "A" attached hereto. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 18th day of October, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk CORP0223-07/01 September ?8, £00~ PURPOSE The ,~uruose of this policy is lo endeavor [o ensure the appropriate :'~anagement of the use and consumption of alcoholic beverages in ,'nunicipally owned facilities; to avoid related problems and to ensure the safety and well being of all participants and to protect the Corporation; its employees and volunteers. DEFINITIONS in this Policy, the term, (a) (b) "Licensed function" means a function for which a permit has been issued by, or is otherwise licensed by, the Liquor License Board of Ontario at which alcoholic beverages, may be consumed; "Closed private licensed function" means a licensed function determined by the Division Head of Culture and Recreation to be closed to the general public and of a p~ivate nature; (c) "Designated facility" means a City owned building, park, open space and associated parking lot designated by this policy as suitable for an indoor or outdoor licensed function; (d) "User" means a person, group or association to whom the City has granted written permission to use a designated facility for a licensed function and; (e) "Division Head" means the City's Division Head of Culture and Recreation or designate. 2. DESIGNATED FACILITIES (~) The following are designated facilities for indoor licensed functions: (a) Brougham Community Centre (b) Claremont Community Centre (c) Don Beer Sports Facility Community Centre (d) East Shore Community Centre (e) Front Street Centre (f) Green River Community Centre (g) Greenwood Community Centre (h) Mount Zion Community Centre (i) Picketing Civic Complex (j) Pickering Recreation Complex (k) Seniors Activity Centre (I) West Shore Community Centre (m) Whitevale Community Centre (n) Petticoat Creek Community Centre (o) Pickering Museum Village The following are designated facilities for outdoor licensed functions: (a) Claremont Community Park (b) Dunmoore Park (c) Kinsmen Park ,c) &Jex ~.ooe~son ,=ark e',, ~ckering Museum Village &il :iesigna'[ed ::aciiities defined in ':his ooiic¥ snail be deemed ?, '3uBiic sisce" and .ss such; n sccorcanca with ,Section 3'i of 'ihe L/quor _;csncs -~ct, R.S.C. ~990, s.L. *;9, no person snail have or consume .or seil iiquor in any ~esignated facility unless a iicence or permit is issue(] or unless specifically covered by an L.L.B.O. permit. SAFE TRANSPORTATION (2) Only those users implementing a safe transportation strategy (e.g., a designated driver program, an alternate home transportation option) to prevent intoxicated participants from driving will be permitted to use designated facilities for licensed functions. The Division Head may ~equire a potential user to demonstrate that such a strategy will be implemented by the user if written permission to use the designated facility for a licensed function is granted. NO ALCOHOL AND LOW ALCOHOL DRINKS (1) Only users offering a sufficient quantity of no alcohol and Iow alcohol drinks will be permitted to use designated facilities for licensed functions. (2) The Division Head may require a potential user to demonstrate that such a strategy will be implemented by the user if written permission to use the designated facility for a licensed function is granted. "STATEMENT OFINTOXICATION"SIGN (1) Users of designated facilities for licensed functions shall display prominently in the facility a sign or signs indicating that it is illegal to serve participants to a state of intoxication. Such signs shall read as follows: City of Pickering - Department of Operations and Emergency Services - Culture and Recreation Division Statement of Intoxication It is contrary to the Liquor Licence Act of Ontario to serve persons to intoxication. For this reason, servers in this facility are required to obey the law and not serve anyone to intoxication. Should you wish a no alcohol or Iow alcohol "breather" round, request a soft drink, coffee or smaller than usual portion of alcohol. (2) Signs shall be provided by the City to users for display by them in the designated facility during the licensed function. PARTICIPANT CONTROL (1) Only users providing sufficient controls to prevent underage, intoxicated or rowdy persons from entering the designated faciiity, to refuse service to such persons, and to remove such persons from the designated facility will be permitted to use designated facilities for licensed functions. (2) Such controls shall include the following: Having ~ suoervisor in c,qarge .~f the iicansed '.,"unction presem: ~ ~he designated facliitv st ail times during the .-'unction. 'unc'~ic~q ~'; a~i t:mes ;u;~g ~he 'uncdon: ,.'c; Accap;in,3 oniv .~n age 9f majority card. ~ photo :river's ice~*,se or ~ oassoo~ as identification for entry; (d) Having a monitor or monitors (other than entrance monitor) in the designated facility at all times during the function ~t ieast one monitor for every 200 participants; (e) Using monitors and servers who are 19 years of age or older; (f) Using monitors and servers who do not consume alcohol during the function; and (g) Providing a list of the names of supervisors, monitors and servers to the Division Head prior to the function. (3) (4) The Division Head may require a potential user to demonstrate that such controls will be imposed by the user if written permission to use the designated facility for a licensed function is granted. Closed private licensed functions are exempt from this section of the policy; however, users of designated facilities for closed private licensed functions shall be encouraged to impose voluntarily the controls set out above since they are not exempt from responsibility for compliance with the law and for the sobriety and safety of participants. SUPERVISOR~ MONITOR~ AND SERVER TRAINING (1) Only users providing sufficient numbers of supervisors, monitors and servers that have attended an appropriate training course in server intervention will be permitted to use designated facilities 'for licensed functions. (2) Such training should utilize the Addiction Research Foundation course material, and may be provided, at a reasonable cost, through the Division of Culture and Recreation. (3) The Division Head may require a potential user to demonstrate that sufficient numbers of supervisors, monitors and servers that have attended such a course will be provided by the user if written permission to use the designated facility for a licensed function is granted. (4) Closed private licensed functions are exempt from this section of the policy; however, users of designated facilities for closed private licensed functions shall be encouraged to provide voluntarily properly trained supervisors, monitors and servers since such users are not exempt from responsibility for compliance with the law and for the sobriety and safety of participants. 021 ()22 de.signar~eC f~ciiities for iicensea functions, The Division Head may require a potential user to demonstrate suc~ insurance coverage is in place before written permission use the designated facility for a licensed function is granted. · ~a~. ACCOUNTABIL!T~¢. Users of designated facilities for licensed functions snail display prominently in the facility a sign or signs informing participants of the following: (a) The name, address and telephone number of the user; (b) The name, address and telephone number of the representative of the user responsible for the function; (c) The address and telephone number of the nearest Police Station; (d) The address and telephone number of the Liquor License Board of Ontario; and (e) The address and telephone number of the Division of Culture and Recreation (2) A user that contravenes any City policy or procedure or any applicable law may be refused permission to use designated facilities for licensed functions, at the Division Head's Direction; (a) Indefinitely, or (b) Until the user can demonstrate to the Division Head's satisfaction that a further contravention shall not occur. 11. PROMOTING THE POLICY The Division of Culture and Recreation shall design and implement, in consultation with the Addiction Research Foundation, a strategy to orient all potential users to the requirements of this policy and to promote this policy to the community at large. .... ,37 RPC F,~TICN OF THE 3:T"f OF =~n', ..XE.~i. hG' "~ r'~ Being a ay-iaw !o authorize the execution of a Lease Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Picketing and O.J. Muller Landscape Contractor Ltd. for the leasing of those iands consisting of a stone house and 8.074 acres located on Brock Road North, Pickering, and comprising those parts of Lot 19, Concession 3. Pickering, designated as Pads 2 and 3, Plan 40R-7012. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of sections 110 of the Municipal Act, 2001, chapter 25, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Picketing may by By-law lease premises owned by the Corporation; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Lease Agreement in the form acceptable tothe City Solicitor for a one (1) year term ending December 31, 2005, between the Corporation of the City of Pickering and O.J. Muller Landscape Contractor Ltd. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 18 day of, October, David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, City Clerk 3eing a ~y-~aw to limit the gross './enJcie weight of any vehicle or ciass thereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Picketing pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.Q. ~990, c. H. 8, as amended. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 123 (2) of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. H8, as amended, the municipal corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge may by by-law, limit the gross vehicle weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over the bridge. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: In this by-law "gross vehicle weight" means the total weight in tones transmitted to the highway by a vehicle or combination of vehicles and Icad. No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over those bridges as set out in Column I of Schedule "A" to this by-law where the gross weight exceeds that set out in Column II of Schedule "A" to this by-law. This by-law shall not become effective until a notice of the limit of gross vehicle weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted in a conspicuous place at each end of the bridge. Any person violating the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine as provided in the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. H8, as amended from time to time. That the engineers' statement verifying the gross vehicle weight limit specified in Section 2 of this by-law are set out in Schedule "B", attached and forms part of this by-law. By-law Number 5976/02, 5977/02, 5978~02 and 5979~02 are repealed. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this ]8 day of October 2004. Dave Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, City Clerk 3rid~qe Location Sideiine 34, 0.4 km south of 8th Concession Road 8th Concession Road, 0.10 km west of Sideline 34 Pickering/Uxbridge Townline, 0.10 km east of Sideline 30 30LUMN il Maximum Gross Vehicle Wei.qht 11tonnes 15tonnes 11tonnes amendinq bvqaw /04 /04 /04 and ~ professions~ engineers of the consulting firm of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, have reviewed the restriction of the gross vehicle weight passing over the bridges as identified in the above ,qoted by-law. Efl:ec~ive as of the cate of approvai of this by-law, i agree with the recommended gross vehicle weight limit as set out in By-law No. /04 for a period of twenty-four (24) months. Signature Signature Dated: ViEMORANDUM 2004 From: Subject: Bruce Taylor City Clerk Perry Korouyenis Planner I Draft Amending By-law to Remove the "H" Holding Symbol from Zoning By-law 6318/04 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/04 Royal Heritage Homes Ltd. (1020, 1022, 1024, and 1026 Colonial Street) South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2 Parts 1 - 10, 40R-22692 City of Pickering Further to Council's approval of Zoning By-law 6318/04 on April 26, 2004, that designated the subject lands as "S2" with an "(H)" - Holding Symbol, this Department has prepared a draft amending by-law to remove the "(H)" - Holding Symbol from the subject lands (see attached Location Map). The draft amending by-law is attached for the consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for October 18, 2004. Prior to an amendment to remove the "(H)" Holding Symbol preceding the "S2" Zone designation on the subject lands, the owner is required to purchase and consolidate the City owned lands (Block 114, Plan 40M-1350) with the subject property (South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2), and enter into and register an appropriate agreement respecting development of the lands. The owner has consolidated the subject properties and has entered into and registered an appropriate agreement respecting development of the lands. Therefore, the property owner has satisfied the requirements for the lifting of the ,~. Holdina Symbol. :esicnadon -:.c :ermit :esiaendai ~eve!opment :or ~e',:acnec ~wei!ings having ~ minimum lot frontage of 13.5 metres and a minimum iot area of 400 square metres. :¢ ,,,,~rmcat~on, please do ..not hesitate to contact :~ you :sauire fur[her information or ~'~ '" ' me at extension 219~L. I concur that this by-law be considered at this time. P e r ry .Kar. au.y_~Js_.~.--~-- Planner I PK:jf pkorouyenistRe-zoningslGerlach-A25-O31memo to clerk to remove H-A10-04.doc Attachments Being a 3y-iaw cc amena RestricTed ,:,rea (Zoning) 3y-iaw 303,2, as amended by By-laws 1699/83 and 6318/04, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2, Parts 1 - 10, 40R-22692, in the City of Pickering. (A 10/04) VVHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable .~o cezone the' subject property, being.South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2, Parts i - 10, 40R-22692, to an 'S2' zon~e in order to permit residential development for detached dwellings; AND WHEREAS By-law 6318/04 includes an "(H)" Holding Symbol preceding the residential zoning on the lands, which has the effect of limiting uses on the subject property to those set out in Section 5. (1) (b) (xii) of By-law 6318/04 until such time as the owner purchases and consolidates the abutting lands (Block 114, Plan 40M.-1350) with the subject property (South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2), and enters into and registers an appropriate agreement respecting development of the lands; AND WHEREAS the owner has now satisfied the City respecting development of the land; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 6318/04, to remove the "(H)" Holding Symbol preceding the residential zoning on the subject lands is therefore deemed appropriate; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TEXT AMENDMENT Sections 5. (1) (b) (xii) Uses Permitted "(H)" Holding Symbol and 5. (1) (b) (xiJi) Removal of the "(H)" Holdinq Symbol of By-law 6318/04 are hereby repealed. 2. SCHEDULE 'T' AMENDMENT Schedule 'T' to By-law 6318/04, is hereby amended by removing the "(H)" Holding Symbol preceding the "S2" Zone designation on the subject lands as set out on Schedule I attached hereto. 3. AREA RESTRICTED By-law 3036, as amended by By-taws 1699/83 and 6318/04, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as set out in Section 1 above, and as set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and subject matter not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by the relevant provisions of By-law 3036. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this October ,2004. 18th day of David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk O30 GoLON~RL /t, ~~ SCHEDULE I TO BY-LAW 6318/04 AMENDED BY BY-LAW 6383/04 PASSED THIS 18th DAY OF October 2004 MAYOR CLERK 03i MAPLE gATE r~OAo HYDt~o CO~RIDo~ SHERMAN CRESCENT SQUARE MAPLE RIDGE DRIVE PEBBLESTONE FI N C H AVENUE :-I N C H AVEN U E ,~,~ of P,csenng Planning a Development Department SEPT 29, 2004~ 032 ~ziEMORA~:~!DUM Seutember 30, 2004 To: Bruce Taylor City Clerk From: Denise Bye Coordinator, Property & Development Services Subject: Request for Part Lot Control By-Law - Silver Lane Estates Inc. - Block 38, Plan 40M-2119 - File: PLC.40M-2119.38 The above-mentioned land is being developed in accordance with the appropriate Subdivision Agreement and Zoning By-Law in such a manner to allow more than one dwelling unit to be constructed on the block referred to. Attached hereto is a location map and a draft by-law, enactment of Which will exempt these lands from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act, thus permitting transfers of those units into separate ownership. This By-law. is attached for the consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for October 18, 2004. DB:bg Attachments Denise Bye (> 3 3 IE \\ ~U1-FERNUT CRT ST. GATE STARVIEW CRT. PLAN 40M-2119 3RE£CENT \ // STROUDS FOXWOOD PINEVlEW LANE C.N.R. AUTUMN CRESCENT -FWYN RIVERS DRIVE City of Pickering SHEPPARD AVENUE Planning & Development DepArtment PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BLOCK 38, PLAN 40M-2119 OWNER SILVER LANE ESTATES INC. DATE APPLICATION No. PART LOT CONTROL SCALE FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-10 PA- SEPT. 2, 2004 ! DRAWN BY JB 1:5000 CHECKED BY DB NO. $384/ Being a By-law to exempt Block 38 on Plan 40M-2119, Pickering, from the part lot control prov sons of the Planning Act. WHEREAS Silver Lane Estates Inc., the owner of Block 38, Plan 40M-2119, Pickering, intends to obtain approval of and register a common elements condominium plan; AND WHEREAS it is intended that the owner or owners of each of the dwelling units will own the potl on which his, her or their dwelling is located in fee simple, and will also be a member or members of the common elements condominium corporation; AND WHEREAS it is intended that the potls on which the dwellings are to be constructed will be subdivided by means of an exemption from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Section 50(5) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, shall cease to apply to Block 38, Plan 40M-2119 upon: (a) registration of this By-law in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Durham (No. 40); and (b) registration of a Restriction, pursuant to Section 118 of the Land Titles Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter L.5, requiring the consent of the Solicitor for The Corporation of the City of Pickering to the registration of any Transfer or Charge of Block 38, Plan 40M-2119 or any part or parts thereof in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Durham (No. 40). 2. This By-law shall remain in force and effect until December 31, 2005. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 18th day of October, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 40M-2119 38 2c:ober 7, 200~- ViEMOP. ANCU?,d From: Subject: Bruce Tayior 3itv ,. t.,ierK Steve Gaunt Planner II Interim Control By-law to restrict Institutional Uses in Agricultural Zones in the City of Pickering BACKGROUND: Currently, a broad range of institutional uses are permitted on lands zoned for agricultural uses located north of Highway #-401 in Pickering. Zoning that permits institutional uses does not conform with Agricultural land use designations in the City of Pickering and Region of Durham official plans, and in South Pickering may frustrate the achievement of the City's planning objectives. Conformity With Official Plan The Planning Act requires lower-tier municipal official plans and zoning by-laws to conform with upper-tier municipal official plans. Although the City of Pickering official plan was amended in 1997 to conform with the Region of Durham official plan, a comprehensive revision of City zoning by-laws has not yet been undertaken. In order to move toward implementation of the official plan, the City should evaluate whether institutional uses are appropriate on lands with agricultural zoning in rural and urban settings. In the longer term, the City should consolidate its zoning by-laws to ensure overall conformity with the two official plans and to implement uniform development standards for all parts of the City. Affected Lands Lands subject to evaluation should include lands zoned "A - Rural Agricultural Zone" located: within the South Urban Area of Pickering, between Highway #-401 and the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks (the northern edge of the South Urban Area); and, within the Rural Area, except for: o lands owned by the Federal Government (for airport use); o lands subject to Minister's Zoning Orders #! and #2, which do no[ permit institutional uses; and, o lands currently owned by the Province, in Seaton, or subject [o the Agricultural Assembly Zoning Order. Section 38, ;",) of the P!anning Act allows that where a municipality has, by by-law or !-esoiu~ion, directed .:hat a review or study be undertaken in ~'espect of iand use planning ¢oi~c,e.., Council may pass an "interim control ,3/-law tO prohibit the use of land, buildings or structures within a defined area. in accordance with Section 38 (3) of the Planning Act, a Statutory Public Meeting or hearing is not required prior to the passing of an interim control by-law. However, notice of passing an interim control by-law must be given within 30 days of passing thereof. An interim control by-law is in effect for one (1) year from the date of passing, and can be extended by by-law for up to one (1) additional year. Should Council determine to pass an interim control by-law, another interim control by-law cannot be passed for the same lands for another three years. The Planning & Development Department has prepared an interim control by-law covering lands currently zoned "A - Rural Agricultural", for consideration by Council. The Interim Control By-law will still permit the use of lands, buildings and structures for the range of uses permissible by an Agricultural Areas designation in the Pickering Official Plan. These permitted uses include agricultural, recreational, business, home occupation, accessory residential, existing lawful uses and minor additions to existing uses. Adoption of the Interim Control By-law will not restrict Council's ability to amend the zoning by-law to permit institutional use for any specific property while the interim' control by-law is in force. Please note that the Planning Act requires that a by-law or resolution must have been passed by Council, requiring that a study or review of land use policies be undertaken, prior to passing an interim control by-law. Consequently an Interim Control By-law should not be passed until after Council has passed an appropriate resolution directing that the study be undertaken. A workplan for a land use study to determine appropriate uses to be permitted on lands zoned "A- Rural Agricultural" is attached. RESOLUTION: In order to provide the appropriate foundation for the passage of an Interim Control By-law, the following resolution should be passed by Council at the October 18, 2004 meeting, prior to passing the attached interim control by-law. "That staff be directed to unde,,-take a review of the/and use planning policies to evaluate the appropriateness of/nstitutionai uses ~or sfl /ands zoned "A - Rural Agricultural"/n By-laws 3036 and 3037 in the City, including lands identified on Schectutes i and/I in the proposed interim Control By-taw with respec~ to zoning conformity With the current official plan designations, and uses to be permitted/n the zoning by-laws.' .::age $ ;_:houiC ]ouncii pass the above-no~ea resolution at :;heir OctoDer 18. 2004 meeting, uuunc I may consider the attached Interim Control By-law later at that same meeting. 'The purpose and effect of the interim Control By-law is to allow the City of Picketing to ~ronibit the use of and(s), building(s) and structure(s) except as specified, in the ~n~erlm .,,~nTrot Area, while the City completes an institutional Use in Agricultural Zones Study. Please note that this by-law may be given all three readings at the October 18, 2004 Council Meeting, provided Council passes the above-noted resolution earlier that same meeting, If you require further assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. I concur that this by-law be considered at this time. Dir~ctor,~Pi~trry& D~velOpment SG:Id SxgJAgricZoning/BylawMemoToClerkforlnterimControlBylaw Attachments Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Copy: Solicitor for the City City. of Pickering Planning & Development Department iNTERIM CONTROL AREA i AUG 23, 2004 Lane Use P!snning Study to Evaiuate Appropriate Lands Zoned ~A- ~urai Agricultural Zone' institutionai Uses Fcr ,,~e,., !Norkpian Ccmponent/Deiiverabie Target Date i !.0 Prior to Study Commencement ! !.1 Councii Enactment of Intedm Control By-law (ICB) October '18, 2004 1.2 ICB in force, if no appeals. November / December 2004 2.0 Conduct the Study Commence October 2004 Research appropriate institutional uses on all lands zoned 'A - Rural Agricultural Zone' by By-laws 3036 & 3037 (i.e.: not just the lands subject to the ICB*) to address following matters: · conformity with the Picketing Official Plan with Agricultural, Open Space, Rural Settlement and other designations in the rural area; · examine conformity with the Pickering Official Plan for any institutional uses considered appropriate in the respective urban land use designations in the South Urban Area; · summarize policy/regulation of surrounding municipalities on these matters; · formulate appropriate development standards for any institutional uses suitable to be permitted in the "A-Rural Agricultural Zone" · consider appropriate zoning regulation for the small number of existing institutional uses with 'A - Rural Agricultural' zoning as exceptions to any general new policy that may be proposed. 3.0 Study Conclusions and Recommendations Spring 2005 3.1 Prepare draft amendments to By-laws 3036 and 3037 to implement the study findings. 4.0 Implement Study Conclusions 4.1 Circulate study findings & notice of proposed May 2005 amendments to By-laws 3036 and 3037 for a Statutory Public Meetina fincludina newspaper advertisement~. 4.2 ;-JoJd Statutory Public Meeting to consider proposed June2005 ~mendments. ~ () 4 i) : ,~ecommend amendments '~o :3\/-;aws 30.36 & 203T for enactment; and, repeal Interim Control By-law. The interim control by-law applies to lands that do not currently have :'es[rictions imposed on institutional uses by other jurisdictions, including Federal ownership of airport use lands, Provincial Zoning Order restrictions for lands in the shadow of a possible future airport, Provincial ownership controls in Seaton and Provincial Agricultural Assernbly Zoning Order controls. Since all of these lands are also subject to City of Pickering zoning By-laws 3036 & 3037, general amendments that implement municipal-wide changes to permitted uses should also apply to the lands currently restricted by these other authorities. SG/Institutional/Stt~dyWorkplan 3Y-LAW NO. fi385/OA Being an "Interim Control By-law" passed pursuant to Section 38(1) of ~he Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, for lands in the City of Pickering WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering, pursuant to Section 38(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, has passed Resolution /04, directing that a review or study be undertaken in respect of land use planning policies for Institutional Uses in Agricultural Zones for various lands in the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS Section 38(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Council of a local municipality to pass an "interim Control By-law" to prohibit the use of land, buildings or structures within the municipality or within any defined area or areas thereof for, or except for, such purposes as are set out in the By-Law; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it appropriate to pass an "Interim Control By-law" for those lands designated Interim Control Area on Schedule I attached hereto; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: SCHEDULES I & II Schedules I & II attached to this By-law, with notations and references shown thereon, is hereby declared to be part of this By-law. AREA RESTRICTED The provisions of this By-law shall apply to those lands zoned 'A - Rural Agricultural Zone' and designated "interim Control Area" on Schedules I & II attached hereto. GENERAL PROVISIONS No building, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions and / or requirements of this By-law. DEFINITIONS In this By-law: (1) "Interim Control By-law" shall mean a by-law as defined in Section 38(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended; (2) "Interim Control Area" shall mean those lands crosshatched on Schedules I & ti attached hereto; and, ;PROVISIONS (1) Uses Permitted ("Interim Control Area") The following uses shall be permitted within the "Interim Control Area" identified on Schedules I & II attached hereto: -2- :bi ~ino.:- ~daitions :o existing !aWful uses; ,.-'or ianas su~)jec~, to Zoning By-iaw 3036: (i) agricultural uses as set out in Section 7.1.2; (ii) accessory agricultural residential uses as set out in Section; (iii) recreational uses as set out in Section 7.1.3; and, (iv) business uses as set out in Section in Zoning By-law 3036; and, (d) for lands subject to Zoning By-law 3037: (i) residential uses as set out in Section 6.1.1; (ii) home occupation uses as set out in Section; (iii) agricultural uses as set out in Section 6.1.2; (iv) accessory agricultural residential uses as set out in Section; (v) recreational uses as set out in Section 6.1.3; and, (vi) business uses as set out in Section of Zoning By-law 3037. (2) Zone Requirements ("Interim Control Area") No person shall, within the "Interim Control Area" identified on Schedules I & II attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure unless it complies with the zone requirements for "Rural Agricultural Zone A" set out in Sections 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 in Zoning By-law 3036 or Sections 6.2 and 6.3 of Zoning By-law 3037 respectively unless such uses legally existed on the day prior to the date of the passing of this by-law. BY-LAW APPLICABILITY Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this Interim Control By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of Zoning By-law 3036 as amended, and Zoning By-law 3037 as amended. o EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof and shall remain in effect for one (1) year from the date of passing hereof, unless repealed or extended in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. BY-LAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this t8 day of October ,2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk XVPV ._-I0 N~, -~o AJ. IO J ALT()NA INTERIM CONTROL AREA SCHEDULE T[ TO BY-LAW 6385/04 PASSED THIS 18 ___ DAY OF October 2004 MAYOR CLERK