HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 36-04PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: PD 36-04 Date: September 16, 2004 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Aggarwal Land Transfer to the City of Pickering Part of Lot 15, Range 3, B.F.C., Pickering (Parts 2 and 3, Plan 40R-22710) Extension of Clements Road to Church Street City of Pickering Recommendation: That should the City determine in the future that there are lands surplus to its road allowance needs at the intersection of Clements Road and Church Street, the appropriate City staff be directed and authorized to initiate discussions with 1201262 Ontario Inc. (Sagar Aggarwal) respecting the potential conveyance/reconveyance of such lands for nominal consideration. Executive Summary: The City is currently involved in a substantial road construction project to extend Clements Road to Church Street, and to extend and reconstruct Church Street from Bayly Street to Clements Road. The design of the Clements Road extension being pursued by the City deviates from the existing original road allowance in order to avoid disturbance to an adjacent environmentally sensitive area. The deviation (a curved road alignment) requires the securement of land from the adjacent owner 1201262 Ontario Inc. (Sagar Aggarwal). Mr. Aggarwal is pursuing severance of the lands subject of the City's interest (LD 267/01) and has agreed to the City's land conveyance request subject to specific conditions. Firstly, should the City ever determine to construct Clements Road within its original road allowance, Mr. Aggarwal requests that the land he conveys to the City be returned. Secondly, should the curved road allowance design of Clements Road be determined to be permanent and the original road allowance deemed surplus to the City's needs, Mr. Aggarwal requests that the City give full consideration to disposing the surplus unopened Clements Road allowance and reconveying any excess lands to 120162 Ontario Inc. for nominal consideration. Mr. Aggarwal has further requested that Council indicate its support of these conditions. A drawing identifying the various Parts of Plan 40R-22710 is attached to this report (see Attachment #1 - Land Ownership - Location Map). Planning & Development staff and the Chief Administrative Officer have considered the conditions set out by Mr. Aggarwal and find them acceptable. Report PD 36-04 Subject: Aggarwal Land Transfer to the City of Pickering Date: September 16, 2004 Page 2 Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated. Financial implications would be considered when the City owned lands are declared surplus by City Council. Background: 1.0 Recent Development on Runnymede lands to the north has resulted in construction of Clements Road extension. A site plan application for a proposed warehouse development (known as the Kestrel Project), on the lands located north of the 1201262 Ontario Inc. site, has prompted the design and construction of the "curved" Clements Road extension to Church Street. Mr. Aggarwal has provided the City and the adjacent owner (Runnymede Development Corp.) with written permission to install the Clements Road extension across his lands. In addition, Mr. Aggarwal has orally committed to convey the lands necessary for the construction of the Clements Road to the City. 1.1 Applicant's request for City's commitment to convey excess road allowance based on ultimate road design supported by staff. Mr. Aggarwal has committed to convey, to the City, lands required (Parts 2 & 3, Plan 40R-22710 - see Attachment #1 - Land Ownership Location Map) for the curved alignment of Clements Road to Church Street. The conveyance will be completed with the understanding that the lands would be returned to Mr. Aggarwal if the City ever constructs Clements Road within its original road allowance (Parts 5 & 6, Plan 40R-22710). In addition, Mr. Aggarwal has requested that in the event the City determines that the curved road allowance design of Clements Road is to be the permanent connection to Church Street, that the City give full consideration to disposing the surplus unopened Clements Road allowance (Parts 5 & 6, Plan 40R-22710) and a portion of Part 3, Plan 40R-22710 to 120162 Ontario Inc. for nominal consideration. Planning & Development staff and the Chief Administrative Officer have considered the request made by Mr. Aggarwal, find it to be reasonable, and support the request. The ultimate design of this intersection will be influenced by the status of the Clements Road connection to the Town of Ajax through the review and approval of the Regional Official Plan. City staff will be able to negotiate a land exchange with the owner when the limit of Clements Road extension is defined. Once it is determined which lands are required for the permanent connection of Clements Road to Church Street, staff will prepare the appropriate report to City Council to address the disposition of any surplus lands. 012 ......... ~ ans,er ~o ~he City of PicXedng Date: Semember !6, 200~z i=age .'3 The permanent alignment of Clements Road will be determined through the Regional Official Plan review process. The existing Clements Road allowance allows for a future connection to Westney Road in the Town of Ajax. The Town of Ajax and the TRCA have expressed a desire to delete this connection and Ajax has removed this future connection from its Official Plan. The Region of Durham Mobility Study has maintained this connection for potential inclusion in the Transportation schedule of the Durham Official Plan. It is anticipated that this issue will be discussed at Regional Council through the Region's Official Plan review process. Should the Clements Road connection to Westney Road in Ajax be removed from the Regional Official Plan, then City Council may deem specific road allowance lands surplus to the needs of the City. It is anticipated that the Region of Durham Official Plan review process will be completed in early 2005. Attachment: 1. Land Ownership - Location Map Pre Tyle~ Senior Planner - Site Planning Approved / Endorsed By: / / Neil Carroll, ~,PP Director, Planning & Development Lynda T&ylor, MOl/P, RPP Manager, Development Review TB:jf Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended f,~Qr~the consideration of Pickering CityCebncil i Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMEI~I' f ] TO BAYLY STREET ° ° 135 -  COPPERSTONE DRIVE KESTREL !.~ NDS (.IIIII~ ~ED BY 1:>.0'1~26;>. O N[ IRIO INC 0 SILICONE DRIVE ~ r CHURCH/CLEMENTS m CURVE Z © ~ ~ TRUCK PART 1 ~ o FACILI'I3[ 40~ CLEMENTS ROAD ~//P~A R.'/' 4'/~'//~/~,4 R T 5 & ALLOWANCE / (C~T~ OWNEO) Gity of Pickoring Planning & Dovolopmont Dopartmont PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PARTS 1-6, PLAN 40R-22710 OWNER AGGARWAL & CITYOF PICKERING DATE AUG. 23, 2003 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. AGGARWAL TRANSFER TO CITY OF PICKERING SCALE 115000 CHECKED BY FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-4 PA-