HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 19, 2004 Council Meeting Agenda Monday, April 19, 2004 7:30 PM ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of April 5, 2004 Special Meeting of April 5, 2004 (11) 1. RESOLUTIONS To adopt the Executive Committee Report EC 2004-06 dated April 13, 2004. To consider Planning & Development Report PD 17-04 concerning Land Severance Application LD 218/03, 388270 Ontario Limited (Runnymede Development Corporation Limited). To consider Planning & Development Report PD 20-04 concerning Request for Proposal for Professional Consulting Services. To consider Corporate Services Report CS 04-04 respecting 2003 Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees to Boards, Agencies and Other Bodies. PAGE 1-4 5-12 13-18 19-27 (111) BY-LAWS By-law Number 6318/04 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1699/83, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2, in the City of Pickering. (A 25/03) By-law Number 6319/04 Being a by-law to exempt those parts of Blocks 7 and 13, Plan 40M- 1599, Pickering, designated as Parts 1 and 5, Plan 40R-21767 from part lot control. 28-30 31-33 -1- Council Meeting Agenda Monday, April 19, 2004 7:30 PM By-law Number 6320/04 34 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation - 1890 Valley Farm Road, 1822 Whites Road, 1100 Begley Street and 1865 Kingston Road.) By-law N umber 6321/04 35-36 Being a by-law to amend By-law Number 3665/91 to govern the proceedings of Council, any of its committees, the conduct of its Members, and the calling of meetings. (IV) OTHER BUSINESS (V) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW (VI) ADJOURNMENT -2- RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the Executive Committee Report dated April 13, 2004, be adopted. CARRIED: MAYOR Appendix I Executive Committee Report EC 2004-06 That the Executive Committee of the City of Pickering having met on April 13, 2004, presents its sixth report to Council and recommends: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 18-04 CITY INITIATED APPLICATIONS TO AMEND THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN OPA 02-03/P AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 19/02 TO PEMIT ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS IN EXISTING DWELLING UNITS That Council direct staff to schedule and advertise a formal public meeting on the proposed amendment to the City of Pickering Official Plan and amendments to the City's zoning by-laws to permit accessory dwelling units in the City of Pickering; and That following the formal public meeting, staff bring forward a report that responds to the issues identified at the public meeting on the proposed amendments to the City of Pickering Official Plan, Zoning By-laws and a recommendation on a registration by-law all related to accessory dwelling units. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 16-04 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 25/03 2050 DIXIE ROAD (SOUTHPART OF LOT 25, CONCESSION 2) That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25/03 be APPROVED, subject to conditions outlined in Appendix I to Report PD 16-04, to amend the zoning of the subject property to an 'A' - Rural Agricultural Zone to 'S2' - Single Detached Dwelling Zone in order to permit future residential development with minimum lot frontages of 13.5 metres, on lands being, South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2, City of Pickering, submitted by the owner/applicant Harry Gerlach. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25/03, as set out in Appendix II to Report PD 16-04 be FORWARDED to City Council for enactment. -5- O03 Appendix I Executive Committee Report EC 2004-06 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 05-04 CONFIRMATION OF COMPREHENSIVE CRIME INSURANCE FOR 2004 That Report CS 05-04 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer concerning Confirmation of Comprehensive Crime Insurance for 2004, be received and forwarded to Council for information. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 07-04 CASH POSITION REPORT AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2003 That Report CS 07-04 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer concerning Cash Position Report as at December 31, 2003, be received for information. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 13-04 QUOTATION NO. Q-18-2003 QUOTATION FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS UPGRADE PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX That Report OES 13-04 regarding the Fire Alarm Systems Upgrade at the Pickering Recreation Complex, be received; and That Quotation Q-18-2003 submitted by Siemens Building Technologies for the replacement of the existing fire alarm system with a two stage fully addressable fire alarm system in the amount of $90,118.0 plus GST, be accepted; and That the total gross project cost $104,451.26 and a net project cost of $97,618.00 including quotation amount and other project costs identified in the report, be approved; and 4. That staff at the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. -6- OO4 Appendix I Executive Committee Report EC 2004-06 CLERK'S REPORT CL 19-04 TRANSFER OF RESIDENTIAL WASTE COLLECTION RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE REGION OF DURHAM That Clerk's Report CL 19-04 regarding the transfer of the City's power relating to residential waste collection to the Region of Durham, be received; and That the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby consents to Region of Durham By-law Number 23-2004 which provides for the transfer of all the lower-tier power relating to residential solid waste collection from the City of Pickering, to the Region effective January 1, 2004. -7- (.)05 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY 1. That the informational revisions to Map 14, Neighbourhood 4: Brock Industrial, of the Pickering Official Plan, to reflect a revised tertiary road network, as illustrated on Attachment #3 to Report PD 17-04, be APPROVED. CARRIED: MAYOR PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: PD 17-04 Date: April 6, 2004 From: Nell Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Informational Revision #12 to the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood Map Land Severance Application LD 218/03 388270 Ontario Limited (Runnymede Development Corporation Limited) Part of Lots 15 and 16, Range 3, B.F.C. (1901 - 1949 Bayly Street) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That the informational revisions to Map 14, Neighbourhood 4: Brock Industrial, of the Picketing Official Plan, to reflect a revised tertiary road.network, as illustrated on Attachment #3 to Report PD 17-04, be APPROVED. Executive Summary: Runnymede Development Corporation Limited (Runnymede) submitted a land severance application (LD 218/03) proposing to create a 23.7 hectare parcel of land on the west side of Church Street, to support the development of a 66,543 square metre warehouse / distribution facility. The proposed land parcel has frontage on Copperstone Drive, Silicone Drive and Church Street, south of Bayly Street in the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood (see Attachment #1 - Location Map). The severance application was approved on February 9, 2004, subject to various conditions. The Pickering Official Plan - Neighbourhood 4 - Brock Industrial Map 14 illustrates a possible tertiary road design for this neighbourhood and identifies various potential new road connections in the vicinity of the Runnymede severed parcel. The Runnymede development proposal brought about the need to re-evaluate the tertiary road structure identified on Map 14. Given the size and configuration of the Runnymede proposal and the environmental conditions which effect the retained Runnymede lands, staff has concluded that the tertiary road network identified over these Runnymede lands is no longer justified or necessary to accommodate orderly development. Traffic circulation for this neighbourhood will be improved with the extension / connection of Chumh Street and Clements Road. Revisions to the tertiary road design of Brock Industrial Map 14 are recommended for approval, as reflected in Attachment #3 to this report. Report PD 17-04 Subject: 388270 Ontario Limited (LD 218/03) Date: O0? April 6, 2004 Page 2 Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the informational revision to the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood Map 14. 1.0 Discussion: 1.1 1.2 Land Severance Application LD 218/03 was submitted to accommodate a Large Industrial Development. Runnymede Development Corporation Limited submitted LD 218/03 to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee to sever a large parcel of land from their total land holdings in the vicinity of Church Street and Bayly Street (see Attachment #1 - Location Map). The Planning & Development Department forwarded comments to the Land Division Committee in support of land severance application, subject to conditions. The conditions of the severance address matters such as servicing, conveyances for road widenings, the submission of a functional servicing report and the requirement for a development agreement to address required construction and upgrades to Church Street and Clements Road. The land severance application was submitted in support of a large industrial development. Following the land severance application, the City received site plan application S 12/04, proposing the development of a 66,543 square metre warehouse / distribution facility on the proposed severed lands. The proposed land severance and industrial development require revisions to the tertiary road pattern identified in the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood Plan. The Brock Industrial Neighbourhood Plan (Map 14) forms part of the City's Official Plan. It reflects a possible tertiary road network to accommodate development and traffic flow within the Neighbourhood. Neighbourhood maps are included in the Official Plan for information purposes and may be changed by Council resolution without a formal amendment. Map 14 identifies two future road connections that are directly impacted by the proposed land severance and associated industrial development (see Attachment #2 - Existing Road Pattern). Firstly, Map 14 identifies a proposed east-west road at the north end of proposed severed Runnymede lands that is intended to connect Squires Beach Road with Church Street. This road was intended to provide access to and facilitate development of the retained Runnymede lands located on the south side of Bayly Street between Squires Beach Road and Church Street. Report PD `17-04 Subject: 388270 Ontario Limited (LD 2'18/03) Date: April 6, 2004 Page 3 1.3 1.4 The second impacted road is a 'looped' connection of Copperstone Drive and Silicone Drive within the severed lands, and connection of this loop to the east-west road noted above. The intent of this road was to eliminate the dead end conditions of Silicone and Copperstone that exist today, and to provide an alternate means of access to the Copperstone / Silicone Drive area. The "looped" connection of Copperstone and Silicone Drives is still required and will be implemented through construction of a connecting street at the terminus of the two existing cul-de-sacs. This construction will be a condition of the development agreement with Runnymede. The deletion / modification to the proposed road network is a direct result of the Conservation Authority's requirement to protect natural features located within the Runnymede retained lands. Through its review of the land severance application the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) identified two wetlands and a significant woodlot within the proposed retained lands. TRCA has indicated that these natural features must be protected, thereby prohibiting development of the retained lands and construction of the majority of the east-west road identified on Map 14 (connecting Squires Beach Road and Church Street). There is no need for a road to service lands that are not developable due to environmental conditions. As a condition of the land severance application, TRCA has requested the conveyance of a significant portion of the retained lands to a public agency, to protect the existing woodlot and wetlands. Runnymede has agreed to convey the lands to a public agency and this will be a condition of the develgpment agreement with the City. Proposed Improvements to Church Street and Clements Road will improve traffic circulation within the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood. The City identified the extension and urbanization~ of Church Street in its development charge by-law, with a target date of 2005. The Runnymede development proposal requires the extension of services southward along Church Street which would best be undertaken simultaneous with road improvements. The applicant has agreed to front-end the City's costs to reconstruct Church Street to Clements Road, thereby enabling construction to occur in 2004. A separate report to Council will be forwarded in the near future to address this initiative and associated costs. Report PD 17-04 Subject: 388270 Ontario Limited (LD 218/03) 00,9' Date: April 6, 2004 Page 4 1.5 Recommended Road Pattern Revisions to the Brock industrial Map 14 are supported by staff. The Planning & Development Department is supportive of the deletion of the east-west road connection from Squires Beach Road to Church Street, as it is no longer necessary to serve lands within the area. The connection of Copperstone and Silicone Drives is to be maintained with a minor westward shift of the proposed link. The large scale of the proposed Runnymede development eliminates the need for a 'finer' local road network in this sector of the Brock Industrial Area. Further, the proposed extension of Clements Road to Church Street and the required improvements to Church Street will provide improved traffic circulation for this area. Should the Runnymede development not proceed, staff will report back to Council with further recommended revisions to the tertiary road structure on Map 14. Staff are supportive of the revised tertiary road pattern identified on Attachment #3 to Report PD 17-04. Attachments: Location Map- Applicant's Land Holdings Existing Road Pattern - Brock Industrial Neighbourhood Plan Proposed Road Pattern - Brock Industrial Neighbourhood Plan Senior--Planner- Site Planning Approved / Endorsed By: Neil Carroll,S; RPP Director, Planning & Development Lynda Tayl~,, MCI~, RPP Manager, De~blep~ent Review TB:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Picketing City Council Thomas J. QuiB,n, Chi~ Admin~S~e BAYLY STREET > - ~ , · LANDS ~ TO TAL LAI~ID~**-,~* ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ SILICONE DRIVE m ~ '~ I CLEMENTS ROAD City of Pickering Planning & Development Depa~ment PROPER~ DESCRIPTION PART LOT 15 & 16, RANGE 3 BROKEN FRONT OONOE~ION, 40R-2458 PART OWNER 388270 ONTARIO LTD. (RUNNY~EDE DEV OORP LTD) DATE ~AR. 23, 2004 DRAWN BY FILE No. REVISIONS TO BROCK INDUSTRIAL P~N SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-4 AP ~LI( ~AN~ TO FALI. AAID~.~ H,DLD lNG5 ~ PD~ ~XISTING FIOAD PATTI:FIN NI::IGHBOUFIHOOD 4: BROCK INDUSTFllAL MAP 14 LEGEND NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) DETAILED REVIEW AREA C~TY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JUNE, 2005 SYMBOLS NEIGHBOURHOOD f~ ~I BOUNDARY COMMUNITY CENTRE SCHOOL ARENA i~ HISTORIC VILLAGE [] FIREHALL C CIVIC COMPLEX ~I~ GO--TRANSIT STATION ~ CENTRAL LIBRARY I-~ ~ RECREATION SENIOR CENTRE COMPLEX LAWN BOWLING NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS APPEAR ON SCHEDULE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 3: Chapter Eleven -- Urban Neighbourhoods 157 012 PROPOSED ROAD PATTERN NEIGHBOURHOOD 4: BROCK INDUSTRIAL MAP 14 LEGEND SYMBOLS NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS NEIGHBOURHOOD ~] (PROPOSED) I BOUNDARY COMMUNITY CENTRE DETAILED REVIEW AREA A PLACE [~ OF WORSHIP PARK I~ PUBLIC ELEMENTARY ~] SCHOOL MARINA E~ SEPARATE ELEMENTARY r'~ SCHOOL ARENA CITY OF PlCKERING ~LANNING A OEVELOPMEN~ DEPARTMENT JUNE, 2003 MISTORIC VILLAGE GO--TRANSIT STATION LAWN BOWLING FIREHALL CIVIC COMPLEX ~: CENTF~AL LIBRARY RECREATION COMPLEX 'NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS APPEAR ON SCHEDULE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 3: Chapter Eleven - Urban Neighbourhoods 157 013 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Council direct staff to prepare and issue a Request for Proposal for Professional Consulting Services to undertake works that will result in the formulation of draft plan of subdivision and zoning by-law amendment applications for Council's consideration, respecting City owned lands in the Duffins Heights Neighbourhood. That following the receipt of Proposals, staff bring forward a report to Council with a recommendation on the preferred consultant and an estimate of the cost of the consulting work. CARRIED: MAYOR 014 PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: PD 20-04 Date: April 14, 2004 From: Nell Carroll Director, Planning & Development SUBJECT: Request for Proposal for Professional Consulting Services City Property in Duffin Heights City of Pickering Recommendation: That Council direct staff to prepare and issue a Request for Proposal for Professional Consulting Services to undertake works that will result in the formulation of draft plan of subdivision and zoning by-law amendment applications for Council's consideration, respecting City owned lands in the Duffins Heights Neighbourhood. That following the receipt of Proposals, staff bring forward a report to Council with a recommendation on the preferred consultant and an estimate of the cost of the consulting work. Executive Summary: This report seeks Council's authorization to issue a Request for Proposals for Professional Consulting Services to undertake necessary background work that will result in the submission of applications for draft plan of subdivision and amendment to the zoning by-law. The lands subject of this review are City owned lands located on the west side of Brock Road, north of the Third Concession Road. The objective of this initiative is to obtain draft plan approval and zoning for a residential plan of subdivision on specific City owned lands in the Duffin Heights NeighbourhOod. The City could then sell the lands for development in a 'draft approved' state, with appropriate zoning. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City will result from the issuing and reviewing of the Request for Proposals. Costs associated with the undertaking of any work that Council may approve respecting the formulation of a draft plan of subdivision and zoning by-law will be brought forward in a subsequent report and will be based on estimates provided by the preferred consultant. Included in that report will be a discussion from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer on costs, and their financing, pending potential revenue generated by the future sale of the land by the City. Report PD 20-04 Subject: Duffin Heights Request for Proposals ( 15 Date: April 14, 2004 Page 2 1.0 2.0 Background: The City of Pickering has various land holdings in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. Two adjacent City owned parcels, comprising an area of 29.5 hectares, are the subject of this initiative. These parcels are located on the west side of Brock Road, north of the Third Concession Road. The lands are designated for development in the City of Pickering Official Plan and are subject to the policies and provisions of the Council approved Duffin Heights Development Guidelines. The two properties (Property ID No. 305 being the small parcel that fronts directly onto Brock Road and Property ID No. 307 being the larger interior parcel) are shown on Attachment #1 that also shows the location of the subject properties in relation to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. The approximate limit of land appropriately designated for development in the Official Plan is shown on Attachment #2. More preCise development limits will be determined through the preparation and processing of the draft plan of subdivision. Bringing this land to the stage of draft plan approval and zoning is anticipated to facilitate and expedite the commencement of development in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. The City can determine the nature of development that is most appropriate for the lands, and bring forward required applications for draft plan of subdivision approval and zoning by-law amendment. Should Council proceed with a Request for Proposals and move forward with the formulation of a draft plan of subdivision and zoning by-law amendment, the City would then be in the position to offer the lands for sale in a state of draft plan approval (with conditions), and appropriate zoning. It is noted that the subject lands are covered by an Order made under the Ontario Planning and Development Act, ¢994 that established certain lands in Pickering as a development planning area. However, the City of Pickering and the Region of Durham have since approved the secondary plan' for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood setting out land use requirements for the area, without objection from the Province. Discussion The intent of the Request for Proposals is to hire a consultant that will assist City staff in investigating and designing a residential plan of subdivision for some of its land holdings in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. It is staff's objective to prepare a plan of subdivision that reflects innovative designl is marketable, and embraces elements of sustainable community. The consultant would assist in the 'visioning' of the development, public participation, technical requirements of subdivision planning, formal application submissions, and other functions as required. It is expected that the consultant will bring forward some leading edge sustainability and neighbourhood design concepts for the City's consideration. Innovative design considerations and performance standards selected for this project with help set the standard for other future development initiatives in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. 016 Report PD 20-04 Subject: Duffin Heights Request for Proposals Date: April 14, 2004 Page 3 At this time staff are seeking approval of Council only to issue the Request for Proposals. 'If authorization is approved, staff will advertise and issue a Request for Proposals for professional consulting services. After receipt of proposals, staff will review all submissions and bring forward a report for Council's consideration on the hiring of a consultant. At that time there will be a better understanding of the costs associated with the processing of applications for development on these City lands. It is anticipated that all costs incurred by the City for the hiring of the consultant and processing the applications will be recovered through revenue generated by the future sale of the land by the City. Attachments: 1. Location Map within Duffin Heights Neighbourhood 2. Anticipated Development Area Prepared By: Principal Planner- Development Review Approved / Endorsed By: Director, Planning & Development Lynda Taylor, MClP, RPP Manager, Development Review RP:Id Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council T~0mas J~ui~, Ch~f Admi~ative O~cer 017 0 > E REPORT ~ PD~ ~ o - 0 ~ SUBJECT THIRD CONCESSION DERSAN STREET 3.7 ha :12.2 ha ROAD City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION N/A OWNER CITYOF PICKERING DATE MAR. 18, 2004 DRAWN BY JB '"~, FILE No. ANTICIPATED DEVELOPMENT AREA SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY RP FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-15 PA- RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Council receive for information the Statement of the Treasurer respecting Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees for the year 2003. CARRIED: MAYOR 020 REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CS 04-04 Date: April 14, 2004 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2003 Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees to Boards, Agencies and Other Bodies Recommendation: 1. It is recommended that Council receive for information the Statement of the Treasurer respecting Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees for the year 2003. Executive Summary: Section 284(1) of the Municipal Act 2001 states in part that the Treasurer of every municipality shall, in each year, submit to the Council of the municipality, an itemized statement of the remuneration and expenses paid to each Member of Council. The statement must also include remuneration and expenses paid to any other person who has been appointed by Council to serve as a member of any body. Financial Implications: None Background: Over the last few years this report has evolved to include various categories of expenditures that have been interpreted to be required under the new Municipal Act and/or financial reporting requirements of the Province of Ontario or professional accounting bodies. While the old Act was rather vague, the new one clarifies some aspects but still leaves others open to interpretation. In the interests of Council wanting to provide clear and transparent reporting of these expenses as required under the Act, I have discussed the relevant section of the Act with several Treasurers in Durham, reviewed the report presented to Durham Region Council and consulted with representatives of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. As a result changes have been incorporated in this year's report. The reference in the Act to "...expenses paid...to ..." has been interpretated to also include expenses paid on behalf of a Member of Council or appointee. For example, assume two Councillors incur the same registration expense to attend the same conference. One puts in on his charge card and seeks reimbursement from the City Report CS 04-04 Date: April 14, 2004 Subject: Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2003 Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees to Boards, Agencies and Other Boards Page 2 while the other has the City billed directly. There should be no difference in the reporting treatment due to the method of payment and this interpretation will accomplish that. It also complies with what I believe is the intent of the legislation. The report excludes expenditures that are corporate in nature, for example school awards, promotional items and photography, and that are not directly associated with any individual Councillor. Council receptions, Committee meeting expenses and City Hall administration and overhead expenses are also excluded. Payments made by Veridian Corporation to Pickering Council appointees to the Board have been included. This comes about as a result of a review of the Act and enquiries made to Veridian and its legal counsel. While the Act refers to expenses paid, it is silent as to paid by whom. Furthermore, the Act also stipulates that any body to whom a Council appointment is made must provide the municipality with a statement of remuneration and expenses paid for the year. This has been interpreted to mean that this information must be included in the Treasurer's report to Council. It is my understanding the Treasurers of Ajax and Clarington are also including this information in their reports to their respective Councils. Several other bodies to which Council makes appointments have also been included as an "other body" as required under the Act. However, the many community committees and groups that Councillors are appointed to have been excluded as, to the best of my knowledge, no remuneration or expenses are paid. The Remuneration and expenses of City of Pickering Regional Councillors are paid and reported separately by the Region of Durham. Attachments: 1. Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council 2. Detailed Breakdown of 2003 Expenses 3. Remuneration and Expenses of Council Appointees 4. Remuneration and Expenses Paid by Veridian Corporation to Council Appointees 02'2 Report C$ 04-04 Subject: Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2003 Remuneration and Expense Payments to Members of Council and Council Appointees Date: April 14, 2004 Page 2 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Avril PayrCe--''~ Audit Analyst GAP:ap Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ATTACH MEN'!" ~ 'TL; REPORT #_~_0,../. 0,..J 0 0 ~00000 ~00000 ~00000 0 0 U) W I-' 0~4 STATEMENT OF TREASURER COUNCIL APPOINTEES 2003 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES Remuneration Expenses (8) $ Committee of Adjustment (1) K. Ashe (Jan-Oct/03) 960 67 C. Young 880 163 T. Mohr 1,120 41 M. Billinger (9) 1,120 850 E. Newton (9) 960 27 C. Braney (7) - B. Utton (7) - D. Johnson (7) - Total $ 1,027 1,043 1,161 1,970 987 5,040 1,148 6,188 Fenceviewers/Property Standards Committee (2, 4) D. Mohr B. Young A. Burtney (9) M. O'Connor (9) P. Scott (9) G. Fernandes (9) R. Fleming (7) 4O 8O 4O 8O Livestock Valuers (3) J. Laider A. Singh (7) S. Wideman (9) 898 898 54O 54O 1,438 1,438 APTA Board of Directors (5) W. Arthurs M. Brenner (9) D. Pickles (9) D. Ryan (7) Remuneration Expenses (8) $ Total $ Pickering Public Library Board (6) M. Holland - D. Pickles - 80 80 D. Ryan - - Wm. Boyes 153 153 H. Guscott - - - J. Foster (left Nov./01) - - K. Rathee (Jan./02) (9) - - S. Steele - - S. Trepanier - - K. Ashe (7) - - D. McLean (7) - - K. Cummings (7) - - J. Duncan (7) - - P. Iwrin (7) - - J. Lucas (7) - - P. Savel (7) - - H. Van Leeuwen (9) - - 233 233 NOTES TO COUNCIL APPOINTEES: All payments are authorized under Council's adoption of the 2003 Current Budget. (1) Authority: By-law 5242/98 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (2) Authority: By-law C-1 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (3) Authority: By-law 6211/03 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (4) Authority: By-law C-1 Building Code Act Section 15.6 (5) Authority: By-law 5873/01 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (6) Authority: By-law 5784/00 Municipal Act, 2001 Section 283 (7) Council appointees for new term commencing December 1,2003 (8) Expenses include conferences, travel and meeting expenses (9) Continuing member 02'7, ,~TTACHIViENi' #~TO REPORT # er ~/ STATEMENT OF TREASURER COUNCIL APPOINTEES VERIDIAN CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2003 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES Remuneration Expenses (4) Total $ $ Veridian Corporation (1,2) Board of Directors (3) W. Arthurs 7,833 - 7,833 M. Brenner (5) 2,125 - 2,125 R. Johnson 9,958 293 10,251 J. Mason 12,517 4,409 16,926 J. Randolph 9,808 - 9,808 R. Sutton 9,958 3,505 13,463 52,199 8,207 60,406 NOTES TO VERIDIAN CORPORATON BOARD OF DIRECTORS: (1) The above information was provided by the Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Veridian Corporation. (2) Remuneration and expenses are paid by Veridian Corporation as may be established by the Board of Directors. The term of office for the Board follows the calendar year therefore, the above expenses are for 12 months ending December 31,2003. (3) Appointed by Council under City of Pickering By-law 5784/00 (4) Expenses include conferences, meals and mileage (5) City's Interim Mayor upon W. Arthurs resignation 02'8 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1699/83, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Picketing, Region of Durham, South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2, in the City of Pickering. (A 25/03) WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to rezone the subject property, being South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2, to an 'S2' zone in order to permit future residential development with minimum lot frontages of 13.5 metres; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1699/83, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: TEXT AMENDMENT (1) Section 5. (1) (b) (xi) of By-law 1699/83, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following: C Despite the provisions of Section 5. (1) (b) of By-law 1699/83, the one-storey detached dwelling existing on the lands zoned "S2" on Schedule I attached hereto, on the date of passing of this by-law, known as 2050 Dixie Road (South Part of Lot 25, Concession 2), shall be deemed to comply with the provisions of By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1699/83. Any alterations, additions, or new development on the lands shall comply with the provisions set out herein. (2) Section 5. (1) (b) of By-law 1699/83, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following: (x/i) Uses Permitted "(H)" Holding Symbol Despite the provisions of Section 5. (1) (a) of By-law 1699/83, while the "(H)" Holding Symbol is in place preceding the "S2" zone designation as outlined on Schedule I attached hereto, no person shall use the lands for any purpose other than a one-storey detached dwelling, as per Section 5. (1) (b) (xi) C of By-law 1699/83. (x/ii) Removal of the "(H)" Holding Symbol Prior to an amendment to remove the "(H)" Holding Symbol preceding the "S2" zone designation, the lands zoned "(H) S2" on Schedule I, shall be consolidated with Block 114, Plan 40M-1350; and an appropriate agreement respecting development of the lands shall be registered with the City. SCHEDULE "1" AMENDMENT Schedule 'T' to By-law 1699/83 is hereby revoked and replaced with Schedule "1" attached hereto. -2- AREA RESTRICTED By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1699/83, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as set out in Section 1 above, and as set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and subject matter not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by the relevant previsions of By-law 3036. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this April ,2004. 19 day of David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, City Clerk O30 82 G HYDRO $2 S3 S3 S2 CRESCENT MAURy S1 SHERMAN 153.7m 1§7.Bm NP BENTON G RNCH CORRIDOR CRESCENT $3 S2 COLONIAL S2 S3 19ENToN S3 : SD-SA 72.7m SD-SA AVENUE SCHEDULE T_ TO BY-LAW 6318/04 AMENDED BY BY-LAW 1699/83 PASSED THIS ]9th DAY OF April 2004 S3 MAYOR CLERK PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 031 April 5, 2004 To: From: Subject: Bruce Taylor City Clerk Denise Bye Coordinator, Property & Development Services Part Lot Control By-Law - Glen Eden Developments Ltd. - Part of Blocks 7 and 13, Plan 40M-1599, Picketing designated as Parts 1 and 5, Plan 40R-21767 - File: PLC.40M-1599 The above-mentioned lands are being developed in accordance with the appropriate Zoning By-Law in such a manner to allow the construction of a pair of semi-detached dwelling units thereon. Attached hereto is a location map and a By-law, enactment of which will exempt these lands from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act, thus permitting transfers of those units into separate ownership. This By-law is attached for the consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for April 19, 2004. DB:bg Attachments Denise Bye ¢ 032 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6319/04 Being a By-law to exempt those parts of Blocks 7 and 13, Plan 40M-1599, Pickering, designated as Parts 1 · and 5, Plan 40R-21767 from part lot control. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of section 50 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, the Council of a municipality may by By-law provide that section 50(5) of the Act does not apply to certain lands within'a plan of subdivision designated in the By-law; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Section 50(5) of the Planning Act, R.S.O, 1990, chapter P.13, does not apply to the lands described as follows: Those parts of Blocks 7 and 13, Plan 40M-1599, Pickering, designated as Parts 1 and 5, Plan 40R-21767. This By-law shall remain in force and effect for a period of one year from the date of the passing of this By-law and shall expire on April 19, 2005. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk --:~ b__J---d I' w, ~'"'¢ ROWNTREE J ' ~ -,~!o~. ': _ ~ U~° " s t -- ---w ~ CRESCENT z- -- I L , - .... .-r~M5 ' ¢ i '' o~ /'E-'%o4"'<-/-/ /-/TFFIIlq%'--1--1--F imam ~X',J_k//t//~ ~~) -~ ----¢-~'~ ~% ...... Il IA --r ~ I"--'~ \ \ '<~zi --z--~-- -- 0 ~ ;/x v~---%-- ~---,_~.l.;;.LEE/~ //7'x~ Iv.>'' : ¢,....-'~ City of Pickodn~ ~lanning & Dovolopmont Dopartmont PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF BLOCKS 7 & 13, PLAN 40M-1599, DESIGANTED AS PARTS 1 & 5, 40R-21767 OWNER GLEN EDEN DEVELOPMENTS LTD. DATE APRIL 5, 2004 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. PART LOT CONTROL SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY DB FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-10 PA- THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. ~320/04 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation- 1890 Valley Farm Road, 1822 Whites Road, 1100 Begley Street and 1865 Kingston Road.) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(0 of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the following persons be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as: a) 1890 Valley Farm Road: Vincent McNally b) 1822 Whites Road, 1100 Begley Street and 1865 Kingston Road: Jill Jacqueline McMurter The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. These appointments shall expire upon the person listed in section l(a) ceasing to be an employee of Tag & Tow Group Inc. or upon Tag & Tow Group Inc. ceasing to be an agent for 1890 Valley Farm Road, or upon the person listed in section l(b) ceasing to be an employee of Securitas Canada or upon Securitas Canada ceasing to be an agent for 1822 Whites Road, 1100 Begley Street or 1865 Kingston Road, or upon whichever shall occur first. By-law 6288/04 is hereby deleted and By-law 6301/04 is hereby amended by deleting Jason Nicholson. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor C. Anne Greentree, Deputy-Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6321/04 Being a by-law to amend By-law Number 3665/91 to govern the proceedings of Council, any of its committees, the conduct of its Members, and the calling of meetings. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law Number 3665/91 on February 18, 1991, to govern the proceedings of Council, any of its committees, the conduct of its Members, and the calling of meetings; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CiTY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Section 12, Order of Business, of By-law Number 3665/91 is hereby amended by adding "Invocation" as a new item of business to be conducted immediately following "Meeting Called to Order". Section 14, Duties of the Mayor, is hereby amended by adding the following duties: 14. "(o) to make presentations to any charity, organization, government, or person on behalf of Council, (p) to accept all presentations to the City of Pickering, and (q) to recite the Invocation." Section 31(b)is hereby deleted and substituted as follows: 31. "(b) With respect to Meetings of Committees, persons desiring to verbally present information on matters of fact, (or to make a request of Council), on an item not included on the agenda may be heard on leave of the Committee but shall be limited in speaking to not more than ten minutes and shall notify the Clerk no later than 4:30 pm on the day of appearing before Committee and state the nature of the issues they wish to address." By-law 3665/91 is further amended by adding in the following: "31.1 (a) (b) PRESENTATIONS Charities, organizations or individuals wishing to address Council to inform members of special events or achievements, and to seek Council's recognition of the event or achievement, shall request the opportunity to be granted presentation status. The request for presentation status shall be submitted to the Clerk, in writing, no later than fourteen days preceding the meeting at which the presentation is to be made." O36 BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 2004. David Ryan, Mayor C. Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk