HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 17-04 Cif1¡ o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: PO 17-04 Date: April 6, 2004 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Informational Revision #12 to the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood Map Land Severance Application LD 218/03 388270 Ontario Limited (Runnymede Development Corporation Limited) Part of Lots 15 and 16, Range 3, B.F.C. (1901 - 1949 Bayly Street) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That the informational revisions to Map 14, Neighbourhood 4: Brock Industrial, of the Pickering Official Plan, to reflect a revised tertiary road network, as illustrated on Attachment #3 to Report PO 17-04, be APPROVED. Executive Summary: Runnymede Development Corporation Limited (Runnymede) submitted a land severance application (LD 218/03) proposing to create a 23.7 hectare parcel of land on the west side of Church Street, to support the development of a 66,543 square metre warehouse / distribution facility. The proposed land parcel has frontage on Copperstone Drive, Silicone Drive and Church Street, south of Bayly Street in the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood (see Attachment #1 - Location Map). The severance application was approved on February 9, 2004, subject to various conditions. The Pickering Official Plan - Neighbourhood 4 - Brock Industrial Map 14 illustrates a possible tertiary road design for this neighbourhood and identifies various potential new road connections in the vicinity of the Runnymede severed parcel. The Runnymede development proposal brought about the need to re-evaluate the tertiary road structure identified on Map 14. Given the size and configuration of the Runnymede proposal and the environmental conditions which effect the retained Runnymede lands, staff has concluded that the tertiary road network identified over these Runnymede lands is no longer justified or necessary to accommodate orderly development. Traffic circulation for this neighbourhood will be improved with the extension I connection of Church Street and Clements Road. Revisions to the tertiary road design of Brock Industrial Map 14 are recommended for approval, as reflected in Attachment #3 to this report. Report PO 17-04 Date: April 6, 2004 Subject: 388270 Ontario Limited (LD 218/03) Page 2 Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the informational revision to the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood Map 14. 1.0 Discussion: 1.1 land Severance Application lD 218/03 was submitted to accommodate a large Industrial Development. Runnymede Development Corporation Limited submitted lD 218/03 to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee to sever a large parcel of land from their total land holdings in the vicinity of Church Street and Bayly Street (see Attachment #1 - Location Map). The Planning & Development Department forwarded comments to the Land Division Committee in support of land severance application, subject to conditions. The conditions of the severance address matters such as servicing, conveyances for road widenings, the submission of a functional servicing report and the requirement for a development agreement to address required construction and upgrades to Church Street and Clements Road. The land severance application was submitted in support of a large industrial development. Following the land severance application, the City received site plan application S 12/04, proposing the development of a 66,543 square metre warehouse / distribution facility on the proposed severed lands. 1.2 The proposed land severance and industrial development require revisions to the tertiary road pattern identified in the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood Plan. The Brock Industrial Neighbourhood Plan (Map 14) forms part of the City's Official Plan. It reflects a possible tertiary road network to accommodate development and traffic flow within the Neighbourhood. Neighbourhood maps are included in the Official Plan for information purposes and may be changed by Council resolution without a formal amendment. Map 14 identifies two future road connections that are directly impacted by the proposed land severance and associated industrial development (see Attachment #2 - Existing Road Pattern). Firstly, Map 14 identifies a proposed east-west road at the north end of proposed severed Runnymede lands that is intended to connect Squires Beach Road with Church Street. This road was intended to provide access to and facilitate development of the retained Runnymede lands located on the south side of Bayly Street between Squires Beach Road and Church Street. Report PO 17-04 Date: April 6, 2004 Subject: 388270 Ontario Limited (LD 218/03) Page 3 The second impacted road is a 'looped' connection of Copperstone Drive and Silicone Drive within the severed lands, and connection of this loop to the east-west road noted above. The intent of this road was to eliminate the dead end conditions of Silicone and Copperstone that exist today, and to provide an alternate means of access to the Copperstone / Silicone Drive area. The "looped" connection of Copperstone and Silicone Drives is still required and will be implemented through construction of a connecting street at the terminus of the two existing cul-de-sacs. This construction will be a condition of the development agreement with Runnymede. 1.3 The deletion / modification to the proposed road network is a direct result of the Conservation Authority's requirement to protect natural features located within the Runnymede retained lands. Through its review of the land severance application the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) identified two wetlands and a significant woodlot within the proposed retained lands. TRCA has indicated that these natural features must be protected, thereby prohibiting development of the retained lands and construction of the majority of the east-west road identified on Map 14 (connecting Squires Beach Road and Church Street). There is no need for a road to service lands that are not developable due to environmental conditions. As a condition of the land severance application, TRCA has requested the conveyance of a significant portion of the retained lands to a public agency, to protect the existing woodlot and wetlands. Runnymede has agreed to convey the lands to a public agency and this will be a condition of the development agreement with the City. ' 1.4 Proposed Improvements to Church Street and Clements Road will improve traffic circulation within the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood. The City identified the extension and urbanizatioll, of Church Street in its development charge by-law, with a target date of 2005. The Runnymede development proposal requires the extension of services southward along Church Street which would best be undertaken simultaneous with road improvements. The applicant has agreed to front-end the City's costs to reconstruct Church Street to Clements Road, thereby enabling construction to occur in 2004. A separate report to Council will be forwarded in the near future to address this initiative and associated costs. Report PO 17-04 Date: April 6, 2004 Subject: 388270 Ontario Limited (LD 218/03) Page 4 1.5 Recommended Road Pattern Revisions to the Brock Industrial Map 14 are supported by staff. The Planning & Development Department is supportive of the deletion of the east-west road connection from Squires Beach Road to Church Street, as it is no longer necessary to serve lands within the area. The connection of Copperstone and Silicone Drives is to be maintained with a minor westward shift of the proposed link. The large scale of the proposed Runnymede development eliminates the need for a 'finer' local road network in this sector of the Brock Industrial Area. Further, the proposed extension of Clements Road to Church Street and the required improvements to Church Street will provide improved traffic circulation for this area. Should the Runnymede development not proceed, staff will report back to Council with further recommended revisions to the tertiary road structure on Map 14. Staff are supportive of the revised tertiary road pattern identified on Attachment #3 to Report PO 17-04. Attachments: 1. 2. 3. Location Map - Applicant's Land Holdings Existing Road Pattern - Brock Industrial Neighbourhood Plan Proposed Road Pattern - Brock Industrial Neighbourhood Plan Approved I Endorsed By: ,/ ~~ Neil Carrol . ,RPP Director, Planning & Development (-YJ~,Qe(~ Lynda TaylÓr" MCÌ'I?, RPP Manager, DevèlQR-ðnent Review TB:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council .' BAYLY 0 « 0 æ :c u « w OJ r.n w 0::: ::J a r.n CLEMENTS City of Pickering ATIACHM~'T I REPORT' PO 1'0 n -01+ STREET .. RETAINED LANDS ~ ~ ~ COPPERSTONE SILICONE ~ @ DRIVE w Z 0 f- r.n æ w (L (L 0 u I i i !~ !~ I@ !þ I .. ROAD Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART LOT 15 & 16, RANGE 3 BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION, 40R-2458 PART 1 OWNER 388270 ONTARIO LTD. (RUNNYMEDE DEV CORP LTD) DATE MAR. 23, 2004 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. REVISIONS TO BROCK INDUSTRIAL PLAN SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY TB FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY l' PN-4 PA- ft~.."... ¡'7-0y. EXISTING ROAD PATTERN NEIGHBOURHOOD 4: BROCK INDUSTRIAL MAP 14 i. t EEFORT # PO l' tv LEGEND ---- NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) SYMBOLS - NEIGHBOURHOOD ¡g BOUNDARY COMMUNITY CENTRE ... PLACE [!] OF WORSHIP PARK -" PUBLIC ELEMENTARY lMJ SCHOOL MARIt~A 6 SEPARATE ELEMEI~TARY ~ ARENA SCHOOL * HISTORIC VILLAGE [fJ FIREHALL c= !c/ll CIVIC COMPLEX GO-TRANSIT STATiON & CENTRAL LIBRARY Isci IRCI RECREATION SENIOR CENTRE COMPLEX IlBI LAWN BOWLING -- DETAILED REVIEW AREA CITY OC PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JUNE, 2003 ~.~~~, M~~A~D':~¿' ~~~i ~~ ~~::~D::, 'cg~",~~~TI~'~K£~::GTI'F O'HER SCHEDUCES AND 'HE 'EXL NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS I APPEAR ON SCHEDULE I PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAi'! EDITION 3: Chapter Eleven -- Urban Neighbourhoods 157 1_._3 - TO /7 -0 i PROPOSED ROAD PATTERN NEIGHBOURHOOD 4: BROCK INDUSTRIAL MAP 14 W:.¡,,~-l t PL l' IV LEGEND ---- NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) SYMBOLS - NEIGHBOURHOOD LÇ] BOUNDARY COMMUNITY CENTRE Â PLACE li OF WORSHIP PARK .. PUBLIC ELEMENTARY M SCHOOL MARINA Ó SEPARATE ELEMENTARY ~ ARENA SCHOOL * HISTORIC VILLAGE [f] FIREHALL c= ¡C/L! CIVIC COMPLEX GO-TRANSIT STATION & CENTRAL LIBRARY Isel IRCI RECREATION SENIOR CENTRE COMPLEX ILBI LAWN BOWLING -- DETAILED REVIEW AREA CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JUNE, 2DD3 @ 'HIS MAP FORMS PAR' OF ED',"ON 3 OF 'HE PICKERING ðF"C,^C PCAN AND MUS' BE READ ON CON'UNC,"ON W"H 'HE O'HER SCHEDUCES AND 'HE 'Ex<- NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS APPEAR ON SCHEDULE I PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 3: Chapter Eleven -- Urban Neighbourhoods 157