HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 12-04 007 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM March 29, 2004 To: Anne Greentree Deputy Clerk From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Council Referral A 15/03 - Sunoco (Block B, Plan M-1024) Southwest corner of Brock Road & Pickering Parkway 1800 Brock Road North City of Pickering At the March 8, 2004 Council meeting, Resolution #36/04(a) referred Council's consideration of Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 15/03 (Sunoco) to April 5, 2004. Staff were directed to coordinate discussions between the applicant and the Region of Durham to explore possible funding by the applicant toward the cost of introducing an additional southbound traffic lane on Brock Road running south from Pickering Parkway to the 401 'on-ramp'. The Region of Durham advise that the Environmental Study Report for Brock Road is currently in its commenting period, and closes on April 5, 2004. A third southbound lane on Brock Road is included in this study, however construction is currently not within the Region's five year forecast. The proposed future works are a Regional Development Charge project. The Region has confirmed that no works can be done until the completion of the Environmental Study Report. Further, should partial project construction be considered, a minimum improvement section would consist of the full length of Brock Road from Pickering Parkway to Highway 401. The Region clarified that the development of an additional southbound lane would cost approximately $75,000 for only that section of road directly fronting the Sunoco property. This estimate does not include design works, relocation of utilities, or road improvement south of Sunoco to Highway 401. 008 Council Referral A 15/03 - Sunoco March 29, 2004 Page 2 The proposed third southbound lane must be extended in its entirety from Pickering Parkway to Highway 401 as one project and cannot be limited to the Sunoco property frontage. The Region has advised that a very rough estimate of the cost to extend the southbound lane from the Sunoco site to the Highway 401 ramp is approximately $400,000 for road works only. . City staff have also discussed this matter with the applicant. A representative of Sunoco acknowledges the concerns of Council, but feels strongly that the proposed additional retail space on the site will not exacerbate current traffic issues on Brock Road, as supported by their traffic report. Further, Sunoco noted that their business operation is not the only commercial facility that contributes to Brock Road traffic. It is Sunoco's position that the Region of Durham and City of Pickering are responsible for required road improvements as identified through the Regional Environmental Study Report. Consequently, Sunoco is not prepared to financially contribute toward Regional/City projects. City staff continue to support the recommendation contained in Report PO 12-04. MD:ld mduff/A 15-03 - Sunoco/Memorandum Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Citlf o~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 12-04 Date: February 20, 2004 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 15/03 Sunoco Inc. (Block B, Plan M-1024) Southwest corner of Brock Road & Pickering Parkway 1800 Brock Road North City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 15/03, be APPROVED to add 120 square metre accessory retail store to the existing commercial automotive use, on lands being Block B, Plan M-1024, City of Pickering, submitted by Sunoco Inc. 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 15/03, as set out in Appendix I to Report PO 12-04, be FORWARDED to City Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The applicant is requesting a change to the existing CNA-Commercial Automotive zoning on the subject lands to permit the establishment of a convenience retail use, associated with the existing gas bar facility, as an additional use on the site. The subject property is located on the southwest corner of Pickering Parkway and Brock Road (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The proposed convenience retail use associated with the gas bar will be compatible with the existing development of the subject property and consistent with the development of service stations with associated retail throughout the City of Pickering. Financial Implications: proposed development. No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the Report PO 12-04 Date: February 20,2004 Subject: Sunoco Inc. (A 15/03) Page 2 Background: 1.0 Comments Received 1.1 At the November 20, 2003, Public Information Meeting Numerous residents appeared at the meeting to raise concerns regarding traffic safety issues associated with the proposed By-law amendment (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #3 and #4). 1.2 Written submissions following the Information Meeting Residents in the neighbourhood west of the subject property and business owners directly abutting the property expressed objection to the application. Along with individual submissions, a petition was submitted with approximately 300 signatures opposing the application (see Attachment #5). All submissions received cited variations of the following reasons for opposing the proposal: . Large volumes of traffic already associated with Sunoco Service Station and Tim Horton's; . Safety issues associated with increased traffic volumes; . On-site pedestrian danger associated with cars queuing at the Tim Horton's; . Already severe traffic issues caused by the redevelopment of the Metro East Trade Centre. 1.3 Agency Comments Veridian Connections No objections subject to the applicant fulfilling certain conditions prior to receiving a building permit (see Attachment #6); Region of Durham - The proposal is permitted by the policies of the Durham Region Official Plan; Municipal water supply and sanitary sewer service are connected; - The Region has no objection to the proposal, but may impose further access control as a condition of future site plan approval (see Attachment #7). Report PO 12-04 Date: February 20, 2004 Subject: Sunoco Inc. (A 15/03) Page 3 1.4 City Departments Development Control No objection; Municipal Property and Engineering Fire Services No objection; No objection. 2.0 Discussion The proposal complies with the City's Official Plan designation The City's Official Plan designates the subject property "High Density Area", within the Village East Neighbourhood. This designation permits, amongst other uses, retailing of goods and services. The proposed by-law amendment to add retail use (which would permit a convenience store) implements the City's Official Plan policies and contributes to the retail / commercial nature of the designation. Modernizing and Updating the service station to current standards Current zoning on the property limits the permitted use to an Automobile Service Station - Type 'A' and Restaurant Drive-Thru Take Out. This zoning was established in 1984 and does not fully implement the current Official Plan designation or provide appropriate flexibility of uses. Within the City of Pickering and throughout Ontario, service stations have evolved to now include an associated convenience store as a standard component of a gasoline retail outlet. Proposed development will not further disrupt existing traffic movements on or off the site A traffic report, prepared by the applicant's consultant, supports the proposal and concludes that the addition of an associated convenience store use will not further impact the already congested site. The report was reviewed by Municipal Property & Engineering staff who concur with the findings of the report. A retail use will not generate sufficient additional traffic to merit the refusal of the application based on safety and traffic requirements. A retail use, though minor, at approximately 50 square metres, is currently operating from the gas station 'kiosk' and does not appear to be impacting the function of the property. Increasing the retail/convenience floor space to 120 square metres will not generate sufficient additional traffic to impact site functioning. Report PO 12-04 Date: February 20, 2004 Subject: Sunoco Inc. (A 15/03) Page 4 Both the Region of Durham and City Staff acknowledges that the current site conditions are not ideal in terms of traffic congestion and pedestrian and vehicle interaction. However, introduction of an expanded retail facility will require the reconfiguration of buildings on the site. This change will require site plan approval and will provide the opportunity to better address existing traffic conditions. Existing high traffic volumes will remain after construction of the proposed expanded facility, but should not worsen. The Site Plan Review process will address appropriate site functioning A Site Plan Application has recently been received by the City and has been reviewed at a Development Application Review Team (DART) meeting. Through the DART meeting it has been determined that the proposed site reconfiguration will assist in improving internal traffic problems by clearly defining drive-thru lanes, relocating the garbage enclosure, and generally formalizing traffic flow routes (see Attachment #2). The existing By-law requires that the site provide a minimum of 5 parking spaces. The applicant does not propose to provide additional parking spaces for the increased retail floor area. The consultant report indicates that additional parking is not required due to minimal increase of customers attending the site solely for shopping needs. Staff concurs with this position. On-site movement of vehicles may be improved through a revised site plan which the proposed 120 square metre development. However, any floor area increases over 120 square metres may result in traffic flow issues. As such, the By-law should restrict the area of any retail/convenience use to 120 square metres. It is recommended that the application be approved and the amending by-law be forwarded to Council for enactment. APPENDIX: Appendix I: Draft By-law Report PO 12-04 Date: February 20, 2004 Subject: Sunoco Inc. (A 15/03) Page 5 Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Conceptual Site Plan 3. Text of Information Meeting Report 4. Minutes from Statutory Public Information Meeting 5. Community Comments 6. Veridian Comments 7. Region of Durham Comments Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ~ Neil Carro, C ,RPP Director, Planning & Development \ Ct- ¿ð\ . Lynda Taylor, M , RPP Manager, Development Review MD:ld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 12-04 DRAFT BY-LAW ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 15/03 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. DRAFT Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1840/84, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, (Block B, Plan M-1024) 1800 Brock Road North, City of Pickering. (A 15/03) WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to change the zoning of the lands to permit a retail store, on the subject land, being; (Block B, Plan M-1024) 1800 Brock Road North, City of Pickering. AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1840/84, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: (1) TEXT AMENDMENT (1 ) Section 4. DEFINITIONS of By-law 1840/84, is hereby further amended by re-alphabetizing section 4 and by adding thereto the following: "Retail Store" shall mean a building or part of a building in which goods, wares, merchandise, substances, articles or other things are stored, kept and offered for retail sale to the public. (2) Section 5(1) of By-law 1840/84, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following under (1) Uses Permitted ("CA(A)" Zone) heading: (c) retail store (only when ancillary to a automobile service station - type 'A') (3) Section 5 of By-law 1840/84, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following under (2)(b) Uses Permitted ("CA(A)" Zone) heading: (vi) GROSS LEASABLE AREA OF RETAIL STORE USE: 120m2 (2) EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this ,2004. day of rAFT 7flAFT Bruce Taylor, Clerk tTTACHMEtJT # I TO RFJR1#PD 1'1--úl . p..'< 0 CJ fT1 B a::: 0 0 a::: 0:: 0 0 0 '0::: 0 >- I ~ 0 0 0::: CD PICKERING PA KWAY AO'\ City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PARCEL B-1, SECTION M-1024 BEING BLOCK B PLAN M.1024 OWNER SUNOCO INC. DATE JULY 28, 2003 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. A 15/03 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY MD l' ill PN-9 PA- ATTACHMENT' Z TO REPORT # PO /2- -0'7 I E . a I § lit !!p~L Ii B i i ". lœ: ' . i B¡H1~ I J~I!! d ~ j ~ i \š !I ~¡¡ 3 a i ~ i U Iirm! Z== !i, ¡¡~ ~ ~ ~, I R ~ f .i ~ ~ If III: I. ~g t:: ~ i j j t!i ~g '¡j¡j~"'íI ~~.ii .111~U i ¡ ~ i ~ ~! ':~ iU ~~~~; '~;i ì!~ .a._~~, ..-o¡ <ð"i t ~IL .1 ~I! I ~il ¡~ r n.1 ~ i I~ ðr i i~' i I I; II. ! 11 II i HI e dlll~':~!1 I 171 ,"g i§pll . 1 !Ii! 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Q3S0dO~d :o'¡il Q ~.LN9:J~TN¿~~~~ :¡O9¡OJ ¡ "'1 f'.CHMErJT # .:1 TO L¡fv,;<r#PD /2-04 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 19-03 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF OCTO8ERR 16th, 2003 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 15/03 Sunoco Inc. 1800 Brock Road North Block B, Plan M-1024 City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is situated at the south-west corner of Brock Road and Pickering Parkway; - the site currently contains a Tim Horton's drive-thru facility, service station with ancillary sales of merchandise, and associated parking; - surrounding land uses include residential properties to the west of the subject site and a large-scale commercial development on the east side of Brock Road (see Attachment #1). 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to amend the existing CA(A) - Commercial Automotive (Type A) zoning on the subject lands to an appropriate site specific zone that will permit the addition of a 110m2 convenience store (see Attachment #2). 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Reç¡ional Official Plan - the Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the property as being within the 'Living Area' designation. 'Living Areas' should be developed predominantly by a wide variety of housing forms; 3.3 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Information Report No. 19-03 i.. ~1 Þ,:;;'::: '.¡.f,,:' 11 3," « hL'Jr<'t'pu ..I2..-,Qtj Page 2 convenience stores, which are compatible with their surroundings, are also permitted within the 'Living Area' designation; - the applicant's proposal appears to comply with this designation; 3.2 PickerinQ Official Plan the Pickering Official Plan identifies the subject property as being designated 'Urban Residential Areas - High Density Area' within the Village East Neighbourhood; - this designation, among other uses, permits the limited retailing of goods and services; land uses, including limited retailing of goods and services, are intended to take place for serving the local area; . Zoninq By-law - the subject property is currently zoned "CA(A)" - Commercial Automotive - Type 'A' and restaurant drive-thru /take out by By-law 3036 (and amended by By-laws 1840/84 & 4549/95). The current zoning permits only sales of merchandise that is ancillary to the automobile service station; an amendment to the zoning By-law is therefore required in order to implement the applicant's proposal for adding a convenience store to the subject property. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments no resident comments have been received to-date; Aqency Comments no agency comments have been received to-date; Staff Comments in reviewing the application to-date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: . the impacts of realigned traffic flow within the site boundaries and the ability to adequately provide safe and suitable access to existing and future development; . the appropriateness of the proposed relocated garbage bin enclosure on the surrounding area. The impact of its visibility to abutting neighbours and passing vehicular traffic needs to be addressed; . Information Report No. 19-03 ATTACHMENT # .j TO REPORT 1/ PO /2 -ùtf Page 3 . a comprehensive review of the traffic report submitted by the applicant to determine whether it adequately addresses traffic flow issues and to assess its findings and results. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 6.1 OTHER INFORMATION Appendix No. I - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received - full scale copies of the Applicant's Submitted Plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; - a traffic report prepared by Paul Hill Consulting is available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; Company Principal 6.3 - the applicant is Stephen Lerner, of Suncor Energy Products Inc., who has advised that he is working on behalf of the owner, Sunoco Inc. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Mike Duff Planner II Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager - Development Review MD:jf Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development ATTACHMENT I 3m REPORT' PO /2. -04 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 19-03 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1 ) none received to date; COMMENTING AGENCIES (1 ) none received to date; COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1 ) none received to date; 7. 8. ATTACHMENT # if. TO REPORT tI PO /2. -at. . Excerpts from Statutory Public Information Meeting Thursday, October 16, 2003 7:00 P.M. The Manager, Development Review, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (I) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 15/03 SUNOCO INC. 1800 BROCK ROAD NORTH BLOCK B, PLAN M-1024 1. Mike Duff, Planner II, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #19-03. 2. Steve Lerner, Suncor Energy Products Inc., advised that the items to be added would be those similar to what is sold in most service stations. He further advised that new pumps are being installed that will provide the convenience of paying at the pump rather than having to enter the store, this speed up the process and alleviate some of the traffic problems. 3. Paul Hill, Traffic Consultant, advised that a traffic study ahs been completed which concludes that 85% of the traffic is due to Tim Horton's. Reorganization of the site should help the traffic flow and lessen the traffic on Pickering Parkway. 4. Preet Singh, 25 Rotherglen Road North, advised that this development will create more traffic congestion on Brock Road which will inevitably cause more accidents and back-up. Another convenience store is not required in the area and with the build-up of businesses across the street all needs are addressed. 5. Carolyn Oliver, 1655 Pickering Pkwy., Unit 514, advised that there is a solid stream of traffic on Brock Road now and another convenience store is not needed which will just increase the problem. 6. Raymond Ada, 1655 Pickering Parkway, advised of his opposition to the convenience store stating that the service station will loose business if the traffic congestion gets any worse. Percell Thompson, 1566 Alwin Circle, stated his opposition to the application adding that the traffic is already overly congested. Lynda Taylor, Manager, Development Review, advised that comments are still to come from Property & Engineering, Development Review and various agencies. ATTACHMENT' 5 TO REPORT I PO /2 - {)Lj. N eighbourhood Memo to Sunoco: Your proposed store is not a "convenience"! ! We, the undersigned, oppose the construction of a convenience store by Sunoco on their property at Brock Road and Pickering Parkway because: . there are already tremendous traffic congestion problems at the site involving both Sunoco and Tim Horton's customers; . this congestion already sometimes endangers other motorists and pedestrians using Pickering Parkway and other adjacent streets; . customers will face potential danger while entering and departing the convenience store by being forced to navigate between automobiles awaiting service at Tim Horton's drive-through service; . construction of the larger retail complex at the site of the former Metro East Trade Centre already exaggerates traffic problems in the community, and this store will simply contribute to difficulties without delivering any substantial benefit to customers or the neighbourhood; . ATTACHMENT # 5 TO REFOR111 PO 12 :QL-,.... NEIGHBOURHOOD "FIGHT" STATEMENT It is time to see development and its affects on neighbourhoods in a full perspective that includes cause-and-effect consideration in great detail. Sun OillSunoco's proposed convenience store on their property at Brock Road and Pickering Parkway will contribute to further major traffic congestion and endanger pedestrians and drivers alike as a result. Safety will continue to be further compromised, with the potential for personal injuries and property damage escalating greatly. It is not a question of if accidents will happen but, as with the redesigned nearby intersection dealing with much greater traffic volumes and changes, only a question of how many accidents and how bad. Residents in the immediate area emotionally oppose the expansion of the retail cluster because there is no apparent advantage and numerous dangerous and frustrating results that will evolve from the development. Local politicians also oppose the development and police voice personal concerns about growing traffic hazards in the immediate area. It is time that politicians and business leaders in the community recognize the cause-and-effect results that follow decisions permiting development that everyone wants... but which must meet the needs and desires of the larger community. The residential streets streaming off Pickering Parkway already suffer from higher traffic flow and dangerous driver complacency that is a result of the growing truck and automobile flow that accompanies growth. The Tim Horton's retail outlet already on the site daily creates stand-still overflow traffic at all hours of the day that unpredictably (1) stops traffic altogether on Pickering Parkway, (2) blocks traffic flow as a result, (3) often backs up traffic turning from Brock Road and (4) has repeatedly caused accidents and near-accidents that sometimes has involved pedestrians. ATTACHMENT' .5 TO REFOATI PO /2 -eLf The retail expansion already underway in the expanding plaza property that once was the Metro East Trade Centre and Pickering Flea Market has created traffic flows that move three lanes of traffic westbound into two lanes coming eastbound off Pickering Parkway. Completion of the construction on the site and the opening of the retail outlets will only expand these problems. , , ATTACHMENT ,- LTO REFúRT fJ PO /2 -DII- PE'fl'TION AG¡\J f~S'r C~()NS'11.{U(J~'.1.~'I~ .. OF SUNO(~() (:()NVltINEN(~E s'r()I{~< --. .-.'.--h.. .._..... .---..---_._-~~-'.--___h--.'.~"--.--',~.,."."."..",...,--""."--h."."..-- NAJ\rIE ¡\ IJ I) I{ I':SS F~'1tr\ ~': . . . . ~3.4"..44(3d<A'1(/(1Æ. .. ... , q DdJ 8' "f}39tfJ QLtlf~- -~~¡~~~~¿21 ;r~~~(b;\tTiš , l. :]);t-,'Sl,,- -- _l~Y...J~JJ.~~,Ù~. _._..~.v.c (~ q 0 '\ - Y Q. ~ - (0 ì J 1 ^ ..', .'. 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NAIVIE .'-~ SLO -bt Budvvc as' AfT AGHMENT #,--.--L TO RHI.iHl # PO---LZ-:D'i PETITION AGAINST CONSTRUCTION OF SUNOCO CONVEINENCE STORE NAME . ¡tv1 66b ADDRESS PHONE (kJf- I b)q G ¡¿'Î.4 J (\. '-/-1 b 'Lì;)~ iI 03 + I 'u f^'~~. ¡:l!c¿ ó c; - 'f J J -70'i'8 911 Lt!/e¡Z~ðDL (:J fOj'---ðJt-(jl/lf5 ") : ;J \ L-'-' (k/-1/L ~ ~ l" ~--~ lye..C¡.,C?,.et? ~,:r: C¡bJ- '12[[- 7/ rTj /; /'1 '1 (j- c!(Q; s: '(V q " /' (7 \':> , (f) b "0 'r- \L ç,..-' I.D s;;, .::, - "'" 9D\- - ýùl-o¡!;)~" '^ " '. í \ /1 f5 , ~~:Ç5 G~ CcY- ATTACHMENT#_--5 TO BEt vHì # PO, I L -O'f ,",.-. "-" M', '-"'-'"". ,,'.' PETITION AGAINST CONSTRUCTION . OF SUNOCO CONVENIENCE STORE NAME #(J)f~l ' R~~ , VQ,n heLl ::S~ <~fJ:J .T r<âi1,~' UWrVL Ît?O 2.. IJ I ' / I (p 5:,) 70S 11'6- 7o'¿o çrz '-t :? ()tl C(" ) ([/0 3~' <:;27-~:2 OJ (: 0 5 ~"i:l$ -;¡ 8 ¡l1 l~ ~4. I.f 7 f~..o ~;l,UJ.J~. l;). lc" L C{ . S D~VV\CLr /ßQ¿' '3¡4DB~ K - Lf 2/t; 7! 15 q" 4."}/P - 41-ú b ~\~.' .qå-s~ (/~1) {¡¡rI1 ¡/(7~j(7/'" . /., 'I' 't . D \tJ l1~ C /ÿ(-:'! 1?, (3 :;¡--{:y) 5, -¿J " . { /g iJlw ì VL C1 rcl.£ <':5 û. V\ e ~, ~', G f--e ú\ tlV\Q (' o'J'\ C^-AJ\JI) /I i' .k.~/' tJ~:Ø{fl-.~}ôlt?5 I " f r "'"F~' \,' ¡ ¡IYh (;J¿Ej.IJ1t1 ¡¿ A1p~z:. ~/-'- "/"'~ //.¡",~ "~' " ';;"'r'~\ ,-",'" ..;7) ./ V,--,"" A !iJ\GHMENT # =~- -i.. TO ~ff ,Ail 11 PO.- Il-l!.t{ PE1'lrrIONAC;AINsrr CONSlltucrrl()N OF SUNOCO CONVEINENCE srr()I{E .....---.-. . _. _. -.-..-u.--........u. .---- - -'--"-.-'-'----0- --.- ----"'-"-'--'_U_-.""."----'.-'- N A ¡VI E ADDHESS PIIONE .. . .-----... -----.. -.. --_"0._..- . Av-~. Y.... . _:t.,'.IC<.;.'C'po", ,( \;\, J lnê-li~ ~ I" "-«. ø. ~~7 . ~ i f 1., þ ~ ~ i ,e- l ~ 7 f ' ..\4.LÙ1 (/_~r. ---_._.__._..JjQ~_<?~~'.?_~ ~ ; Ù <\1'1 1 ['[)8 ;) 1\( ",i I (,'..-d f' l "105_'1)..: 50 '" 3 '4~ ! qt~ - 2fi- q\~. . ----r-'----""""" ...----_u......- 0..... i l' ë>f1¡":' G~.!.. . (2tj T""'-",L'bil - ---____j\llbt/?S c]}l¿ -Æ?c¡¿ ,c ,:;, "" AJoN 1-18"'1: ~oo¡~-".i:-"u~j?~:::.9</ ,°.ò . t-~ I'tÓO¡Îh.e &¡)",{)o.J¿~_l~~_-t:ll..:'J.!+W' . ~. .~ . ~, hQ5..~~,Uf J 6 ~ 3 J;;.w /2 b a-~- ----- ~' . ~\ 5~~.o::..~ I~ çS ri ekel'-;.v f2k'v !jIb - S"Oõ ..- 'I () £ b .......---....-...........- i '1 'ÇS' .. ~ G fJ rvv1-fL __I ~V -~~~ l <f' G1 llts.",~~1cl¿_.."....", ..gQ.S..'~6,8Q..'œS9( í p 9 5 Q / ß ?, 0- ~ h fL/2J2 .~.__--('i!f22_~.l..B_-:' .~ 7/ 5 , /6ð;Z . I ~ . i æc ;"t¿- . .._ff!L=_'Ii!1=1~ 13 i '--.< 5 ~ro '~ r;¡ 'I PD~ ,a-:9£..- PETITION AGAINST CONSTRUCTION it:-- ' OF SUNOCO CONVEINENCE STORE '0'1\ NAlVIE -' ,." 7'\. ^ " C:r>~' tf,,) L' \} '>,j AD DRESS PHONE -') ii ,""- r ~ (, ",.~'C l'::;' Ic:r<" ' '0 :'-,) \::J.t:) ""'-' i Þ,\,- "'- ,!2f}n12 ( I' /2¡ ,¡;.f I vYf I 1 ')5-' ft C{t$5í>1.iW¿.. t'~1lk '-V J¡.~- ¡ ~ 19 - 7 t G Z Kel-..1 . '"'\"7 Pta m 0 'AiL ~ '/:.}1) ,~ 9JO1JVA,.'¡4 .IJ/< /.: ,~j I; 'I..J ('~Jv>Pi'¿l(p .J)l'l.(lY'/1 . /:\.. \) e,l ~J \~V\ ~\k~) CCl . J~J-<-- ,$ 7?t£. rûr;? c5 <-I )7- 6')7 I t/2:1 -&&80 , I b' -2!l¡-6icl I . Ici¡ I &!») -Ylý!> c?ø¿ ~~ ß./r/l¿'V¡>G'~' fi71;tJ , f I I l .. \. J ð go b grg"l- .!Jz. l6 ";) ? (c-~h P(::ld I 101) -l( Z-14f/z .'-- l ~')~,c.C~- ~j , . I / ~ /S~ íJ LhJ V1A 4<L \ '2-D I 9 ö:; - 6?f 5'-~ j/ 2 Š ATTACHMENT #~~.-i-TO '1H ,JRI 1/ PO /2 . 0,/ PETITION AGAINST CONSTRUCTION OF SUNOCO CONVEINENCE STORE -- l,l 13 ¡ít 51e¿.~rJ- c"""'" ~/?L..t$-1 ADDRESS ""'7/' /J/' ~ ~;:. r I~J > .", wI) ( "'-' ¡ « ¿QA Q, r~ fOtqÚr:ND is;;) ~LLète(='S'T .Or( (~iiO Pi C~ê;(, (Î~ f ( \C I~O Altùl nG'1,¡((> fê 1~Sf;)O :Á'{LÙ ¡ VI c: í re- l-e- , LJ..¡ '1 / It5l£J "'(11 tiJ rt Cif<:>{(:;" PHONE i ~ ÝZ&-'jl'lf / ' .~ -~ á5 ~ þ/~ l' -,~$'U -- \, C(ð{ -QJd-/tl'J f. . I t¡-- ~~ 5' - b ~7 '5 L¡I{; ;X:¡-tJ 2 J / 1"" C«J-z 22 ~ f(ß"-l) g~~ '?1ý.s Cì oS' (, b ~, ô15j gas- B:S:':( - <CòC1 C4 itS 12~53cr2 cyes 4IJÆ 5-'3. c{/6 C¡:C 42 {;, s- S7 2- "': ;';'i ¡; '1'<1jj~~~;~~ì~!;¡~ ' ' .~~,¡rF¡\;;~ÊrrlTION AGAINST CONSTRUCTION """ /\,),\0.,," . ,"',," ". ' ,. ,,<,,",}l~Ølf.;SUNOCO CONVÊINENCIl: srrOI{E ATtACHMENT Q_-LTO RHCiHJ II PD. /2. "'O¥ ..",__.n._'_- ,,--- ..----- ...,'..-- . ----------- """;i'::',i), :":,'..1.' ";" . ',,' . ,. .. , , ADDIUGSS , I'IIONE -- "..-..-----.---__--__--n._..--__'------"---"" .,.... 9oç-y;t-ltLfJ. -- ---"'--------"'- - -~~;~--~--~..~?:...~,_'45l¥1. J 511 j'tZ Y¿U¡' V1 (IV',. -~c-~-.- '. I q () í)?mn rm Rd - _flo~}~f"3 - $) gr ---- C9 Q2.J(Q19~J ð <i{() ~' I ~ , ) j) 1.:"'-- ¡-l /hI'?.. ~ßI/¡J en . _?££_--~]J,---ç-~lt C' Î<-~ 6 (J at LIL C<6J"- .' ç;' ð 6c¡ì «0 . _Z!?...---------.-------- ~n{yYð e?c;,\ - c"\Œ;'lo~~'i~O' ';;I!!~,i.1!,:!r\'i,,~;.:>1.~,:\,i,:;,\.;..'.,:";í' , : ATTACHMENT'- - - .2-TO RH~¡R1 # PO /2. - 0'1 ---- PErrrTION A(~¡\ II~srJ' C:()N~rI11{ tJ~:' ~'~~,'I~ -OF SUNOC() (:()NVltINI~N(~II: Sl'()HJ( '- --,--, -- -.. - -..------,--------------------. ,----,---' ____h'..__._---"--- - -- ---.. ,- - - - - - - -, - - - - - NAJVII¡: ¡\1)1)ltll:SS PU1 H'H~ ~\t 'S)' ~~hD.JJ1(ÇR¡;spJJd q(î , (9 c?j Lf¡)L(F( ~ í9 Ja ía Êeic/ __1fl._? I!lqçeé/~ 0 r<' s ¥/¿., $1>1 Þ 9/;25'- . , / i fÇ 'ì t~ I)) l3.-7-.-j)o;;J.I"!'!'!=_- (Ð) 6 ¡ ~ - '1 9 ") 1- . ,~ . Jr'j -_J~b 5f};ll<:c £" (l:J:1V L'1 P k.,.,. '1 0 5' - ~2. Co - {¡if (1.. t~l/ t)~ÞL- ,- ---_..,-- ,f!~ :~~ì'""GAv '1 â 5 -.. '/7 r.;~ 7 s (; <- " )~' -,' ik.2Lí?+",,/L9i'Ji4;y I 4.:6 f'2¿ 21/'2- , - 'iõåì~ 1f\ ~ - ..i 5§5...fu~--"JéL~;' _1,- ~,-é'ß - U:;(; 4. '18'6 ,.QS :~~ ~ .' ~-f{\<!' ~.l'ð~~,_.~U._i~__~._- -,- q 0 "5 -~<a6 ~'\ ~ - ,- ¿:¿:ob';'~ ~ .6Ð La.. J ~ I-I 9 los-' D Ë t.J /v\~~<;_--__~fJ.- ~o s- h ~3 9 (3 2.. ,"-,:'-_.\,,:,"'¡:,::(,J):;,~':;:";'-;:-¡;'¡-'-- --, .. -----..-----"-..--..-------':-- - ;~,:, ' ': ',¡:~,~(,:~f;)~; iJ',:'<:,\'i,.;,!;, 2::3 ß~"t&~rcLhr--' L( / C -Â?t1' {-If Lit' - -' '_:~~'fYfi_'; ',°.', - - 2- \6: ~1~V\__; ,,-;==41~-~~1~ ~ cr 6 Cf - "'é;'~.".'$L'_.""_._:,;;,'\n,...._.o_,.:-'.-/._'- '/\ .' {:)C¡'i t2J-IvvL.-. L//l 5?ô 17()J. lD,:;/,Li~ ttÁ. v le-- --' - - m..'" ~--- =.===---~.--c-~,._~--~~._._------."..--..- ...-.."" - -.. --- - --! .. ---- _._-,.,.,-~....._....-,,-,.__...=---. , - " ,- , ,'-- ;:'" A flAGHMHH #7,o'~TG.5,c.,~T(J: -m ,¡hi 1/ PO ~.....L,¿.,:Q_~'L,_..-.=-, PETITION AGAINST CONSTRUCTION , OF SUNOCO CONVENIENCE STORE NAME ADDRESS )J ,... j)'.'" ,.'" ,.....;:, !-l } ,r-,,"'," Bii,',Ý- ¡;;, ",~:> /- .... ¡-')il~"'" ,,"':'""' ,¡;:- aC- e:¡<:.. .s ) > I-,~ ",:> PHONE - ft}¿f- (; (;;~ 1) '10 E u/S ."'--, ' '."\'") .t:Lt IlV .. '-;;11 fC'þ¡"---'" I :"" r"j... Þ- -,) 'C¡"/J= 4/6 - g/~ -" æ 9~;ì ;' L./7/ H ð ~ÎH1 A ~'V\t\ ý~ <"/?'"',4,P'/b'Y" -/'- ï-ù ' f,./ ",," 'r.O " 6'1' ,J{ð:J1 / 90 \~ ~2~ gs-¿c: c¡o\ C, ¿ 8: C1 f Ç-( qo\- ~t&:l~fl '7 I b -- r: cr f -" fLIer ( DOS -- Lt~ (¿, ~ ¡cr (p Co 9 () S-- '-L-{ '¿r; --{ '7 (¡ c: Z f V/ ¡ 7 . - Zvr {ll.! 5 ,-'Ii iACh!\i.ENT IL.~-,./5~f!J 1f' .,,- 11 PO 12-0,/ " un I ~~-~~u.=-~,~,' PETITION AGAINST CONSTRUCTION 'OF SUNOCO CONVENIENCE STORE ., ADDRESS PHONE \~ D qoi\ hð1o-K h t . LS fþ~VV\Q(' R. í) 4t ,Coo ! +<. Qr ...~~ 160 :;j-, (b ö r:r- ~ l::t ( rrJLY\' 602d h14'Ø/ C/1C'ce- :5ê~ t Q G. Le{(ln nG" ~ , O~11 ( JOll-\¡ " i C( í 5~ c:Î2e~ ~../' Kc\ -'1 o-S - C:: ~ - 7:> ?:ss'-r L-l~ a~'l'- ~o~~ ~ ¡':,; 0) - 7 '20 ,-<~ ':;;2 67 I\,;¡-::'.I\..I\'; 5- .if ' ", I 7- -9t.f PI~'-rITION AGAINsrr CONSrrl{lJ(~rrl()N OF SUNOCO CONVEINENCE srr()I{E ..... ..--........... ......-. .""--"'---""'-'.'-"..'.""'..'....."'-"""'..'.". NAIVIE ADDRI~SS PHONE -. _...... .-. .. . -.... ..... ... ..... ."".. u. .... ~) s::_\~ 'N. - ~ - ~/ ,. '" --~\ ~ '" ,-;; "'-, w.. ,:~ ~-( ~~-~"l:,~_:_\ ~ \ \.0 I II </3 ~ I, {) _C¡Çl-y-._..J__...9.-:) ~....'lJ.( -9 9 J cP ~~~1ft~!~~~~ .----'--j'-"'.'-'--."...'" .... .............. ......... . . ?rl_¡;/h-""~~ A;~I~~==-f2~-ðYr? I G 5' S Gi'1A-- CtKCL (~ J_~.L~_..=.~~_: 5" ~ /5 I ? . I í ¿. 6 Ó f t)ý I/o-,,? .4 Cß ! 9 o¡ «:)3770 b ~. -/---------..-...--...--.-..- h e "::!.2..!:~ tð'" 0 l ~ d/' . !1,j.~g-JI[~- z.s- g .s I '... C {.. ~--_.__.._.. C~flte<J I~S- .... I . .. ..... 1----- ._~. . PP--~~;'- ')-'~-7¡:¡~-="-'-':~' tFrLþð j:~I{' (/8' 13------::/,j:~-'---/~-.-......"'~~.c. "~__'h:;;'~~__"'--"'-"- -'-~. '-~XSì;.~:'?<i.~ Þ' / ~ (,þ"" ,) é~>, .. C - ( ¡, ¿_-------- .... ArTACHIVII:.fVT # .c cc."~ ..T() HEf uin II PO,~~j4~P'l'" PETITION AGAINS'r CONS'rRUC1~ION OF SUNOCO CONVEINENCE S'rORE NAME ADDRESS PHONE :kiLL I I 1 () -- 7 '1--6 6 Pt It¡ ~~o -e; CdLCL-1 ~o)-~~í-cl'ðL í v:;~ l P\-L \)..\ . J ~'Lbt: (. L Gig ~ -4-L1 - )'!"l L /f?!( (9 1Mbí\lAje c~q ()SLl~{igcrq ~ /& 77 BCióu;1,c, &Æ Ie; ò5 -r'}j 7 ~ f7/ij,¿9 /637 Æ~,.J C¿,¿lÆ! 905 -~JÇ_.¿:¿:,2~ J I ALL /1/ r / r7J/r/57¿- 0>-... 6( r (3 ø f; 6 --. -- t.\rTACHI\Œrn d...... "_.:..~"jU ;"iHvFU # PO_~_.jL...Q!i~."-- PETITION AGAINST CONSTRUCTION OF SVNOCO CONVEINENCE STORE NAME CI1//S fif1C{JUIJy ß c Ie 1,1:1< ) t A \)+- """ ~ L ~\ ;.-1 ~ ß ¡~.~ch tY¿ -1tL ç'&MJ2) e ç (]I(e(> ~')I"t.JN I;'"...... "Si;fPIlj.:J rKíï)H Y êather- I1)C£ûo --r - Elcl J~, vr1 fiJ~l-¡'v ¿ ?.t,4~IJ¡Ck Lv!lC/t.,E-!( --::cv ,'A£~ \<;1C) , ) .1 i .. 'I /L ~f k;]eøtì mtJ/if. ~ ,--;-::¡ k A \~l~S' . .\-1 /Ar::\, I Pi :::.r @.:::, ¡-H ADDRESS PHONE I;; 0 ¥ ,1Lt.t./,/v C. ¡'/(C hE ç¡o,? A (: l<Í:i-.e,'V\. . (.1 v1. .f - L, I U-;? w J.., Ãf 2. [?- ? ¡ r 3 , /60'1 jJ;( /iGI(.¡'¡3 0 v¡'t 4/6 89 /- '5() ð2- " 1665-- éçm c",(. &Ií/-r 7"t ð S; 'tÞ/1(,o """I" ,,: 1'. ($J r't: t'fA/V \ \,.¡) (J jÁ) () /ì /65 /1) K F:- riJ ;.!<' C~ j 570 GelD- (,(de 1. - r'l , l~ g[ () , c- ~- 2L CLQ~-,u.:~ ~L- fC?š- '(:ct612.t,.Jt:; 'f,kw Ý t'{ì'- 29 ç - )? s ;;Y' 44( ~~Mt9R óM:: RD, cro Ç£$~ - 7<+7-0 q {A-4!2 f.p- q::; ;3 q '/)3'- J.o / (§ pc? ..,.--", I ß~'( f-~.r 11 i , Q~~ \ \< \'(\I'd3Aí1<- \'-- é',f!..c,~ c e" + 0\ 9 40- 96 {¡-I I bo1- " Or/; 6'g6 ~(8I}1 'i""H"'I" \f)li S'L ",,1,\:... hlLoU 7/",-"J"" 10 ,Aì¡ ;if PD.^"_.iJ.,,:ç¿!i..^,.,~~^,, PErrlTION AGAINSrr CONS~rHJJ(:l~I()N OF SUNOCO CONVEINENCE Sl'(JllE , ___m--,_,__,--,-,«"-",---,,,-, '~"'---7-=-'- \, ADDRESS PirONE '" ,=------". (11fi [) f5Ý'L//Y? /}rC 'lio--:#- ï sz..- «---~-~:- ,,' "". ""« .. ...,...~ Pi <-f<.<ZR \.AÁr ~ý\...:f - C:j ~-~--~?:,?- 2.-"7 '7.:5 , ',' I!oS'S ~\c:l~r\Î\5~()J ~ ~ .. r- Ot 1 ~e¿~ ~ W ; Toi ~r~~ :~f)~ ~:- t;;~~bð~<)} ~ ~ /7/) Òþ'A)'YIIIY{ ~ . (/, L I óg " - ~ ," ) æn b6AJ /JCVG¿ ¿II/-Jil I 1ðr;" r{/56-óC;So< 5ú ~. V 'V /~::~ f' ~~w6;¡~' -~~fi~~¡~3 636. ~:~';\ ;:Vì I ~Ç5 ~~~:::;tt ~-'j-~~~-~ ;~~ ~~ I 16)9 (¡-€~~~~~ ,~ ;;:[fiì6!f~fð, I é, a¡ I ILL,:~ L4R~L '- fi é) --~ ~~~~@ ~ ~ : t ~ /~ly'{ e¿/((2~ "/ ~ 1Ó/i-b 6h- /(pc 3- . _.,--,_._--,..,_.,--"...._,..__.., . ! f \ (\j1¿:'L1 Jb'7 3 Df!:.;--y(j¿:£: c-er..Î 7ð~..:.~_~~._' 5-71'-6 ~~ ~~tIT=~&:i~~~ r' . ., . I - ;'-{o \. q, '\ . '-1l'X:L:1sl1 c 7 NAIVIE ., £4',.;; ¡¡,';¡') " 5 i :'?L: 'n;.: 12,....°,/. PETITION AGAINST CONSTRUCTION OF SUNOCO CONVEINENCE STORE /IJ~ 7/ /t/ ' %~ &:./~ /~hr;AkJ/¡,) fí /¿ C-L6/ f4;/- 31' '%/0 16' 4l G- 2§ 7 '-84 J C; "'6~/ ,. c.¡1-1" Ýìó" . ¡) /" -'</-z..7.:'L?6' /2- /?;j~ y;J;r -q} 71~ ?tJ s) q~) -¡f;¿Y þ~- /1'" , è,,;;:,',;- -;i; ,.ni -:1 5", 12.. -0'-/ PETITION AGAINST CONSTRUCTION OF SUNOCO CONVEINENCE STORE NAME ADDRESS L quJY) . :;)d o'~V1/~, bi--l ~ C\ O\ (QJ~ G\.À.\Ly\ ICj(S Ue ~r f}J PHONE 0 ~ \,{ Clil:; '\ ."fl'Af'H"rEN'r f. '. .5. '"I"~ ,. ...!VI 1... ... ..'. .,,1 , qE' ,.,. .fI PO 'L -ou ;. J~.n¡ "W.""...~~~,,.L'l.~,.~..,....., . PETITION AGAINST CONSTRUCTION OF SUNOCO CON\'EINENCE STORE NAME ADDRESS PHONE ~ y ( V&J VVl K.A L-vN4 1 fÞ.-J v11~ L& U4Jrt~ I CjC¡:j ~ ~ e6Å QC(s4w ¿{ ~ fJ @ s G-teJoß L~~ L€./j{i)W Cd 7. ~cß'~ ~()' lL oU 237 ~ß~ .rf'Vlt'j Q fd J ~~¡ðJ c1 s / 7 rJ\:¡ if Î i"cf 3 fuel' ( 7 " ~ f?f~ -~ ?J2 c¡~ -- yz.\- ~ 9 J l. D~ - £¡l ~ - {r J ¿ I b - 320 -g:gð13 h- 9?- S"p-'¿ b- b b f] - 77/-£ ~~ 8J7--~¿ LI!b-C¡]8'~ V/b ~ ~J8 -, I;}f& (iJ ~ YJ&- £~ ~ ttffo - '32 - ~ ~ Yð 6~ L 7/~~7r¡q-,) I 90'S - 6<73- }é/!ót:¡ C\ÚS (cAq-:)\ Li ~ qlll ~6~\\ \9\\ stf ~ v:iM\d s w ~ ß A1t ¿ Ut4- 6=h ~ ~. ) t) Gìxforo c v- \ ~'--\\ À rrhCH!IJ;EN ì ) .5 , '~[¡. 'i' liOn,! ")" -OLI }"¡,A.."" .,,""~, T, PETITION AGAINST CONSTRUCTION 'OF SUNOCO CONVENIENCE STORE NAME ADDRESS "f" J' " ,,~, ""I' I" . I'J' i ~" ,.. ..J .-An /'/1\ ;" l~ J ,) /) ¿,. .(,1Il.J,}j"þ \, l""v \ ~,' ( ,/\", SJy~( Y I UV rI i 10 t;ì ':) (~--",'-: Jï.. ¡l~, :, ,,// ,,;;:~ð.:i;l L' L.d. V / '. . /v '- /7 ¿,. , PHONE (Jt ¡ r't'ftl . '-1"1 ,"', - ) ¡LV" '/ t 7' ,,' 1 ,-,-~ tyctlLCrðC, ~ tV ([;.. /1'1/1 ¡ r //1 ~ ~,/V;;~ ~\¡cht¿1 te 1'-0. (~ /i./ ')()f'¡ i S U ') {}i¿r Þ L j I<ClAl, 1-lff ~~( Ií~ð(¿ , !u ,/\ (I d'C l-e ~ ~Uv~ T~fPPy 8JffLlr í V IfAJ ..R ~ ~i7 "t:J c;C,~ - t~ 73 () -"'" q{)6 --4-2"' 7 b 90?"f./29-'} 97 b :'"¡,. ¡I";"/ 5.Hi ;, ;,,)0 /L ~(Yf PETITION AGAINST CONSTRUCTION . OF SUNOCO CONVENIENCE STORE NAME ADDRESS PHONE W/A.../ , ~~£ -- W:sCs .~ t¡ y,lLr"" /.fr;u~ r()5'...qQ(~)9(,c, /? ./9 /)E;L/¡/Y7A;:¿ flJ ~{)5 -- "f9?- r/11 ,J «11-; I / ¿ <- ¿:;7.,¡; ~ - {-{ ~ - Y'? Lf5' f>¡CK¡;R,N4 <?~. ., \ 9c~_C¡~ð.-;)¡;;tk Lr~1 ~~Il 6úR .~ 5 Ih . otl PETITION AGAINST CONSTRUCTION 'OF SUNOCO CONVENIENCE STORE .~~ ('ot fÌ}-erc e' - , ' 'j)E(J P.i?rc9!vdJ ~ ,j"' .' ",j 0,\ v pI 10\V\ \~~ ',./'- ..Yé- \ I, J~:q ~1 '4-uff r- ro Y\ \ «- f\J€ W rr:t1y( Q;'þ~ NAME ( ~r7 ADDRESS Cfr¡1- Dhf\1ta- '1 !/7 P,I ~v.y¿~ PHONE qor;"" CJ > "Jgq-)( 9- 3C(. 117iJ ~"vtJja- ~~ ~Ù lit 90S --1f}CI-: ~ OJ ....:,325-,10 ~ /1 1:- L/.",~ì /~ ,- :J~" Qj'j (/../ ,'/'(/ v _J ;(/ 1 !,So / --t-- 'A-./~ Ie¡ ¡is V.en.Yh6lv lRd 011) ¡"- ¿ y,,- 0 t" ;)¡\â 7£/ / (,(/Øj}t-' 1./ v C¡û .5~- Vcl r " 2? sq Û '""'\ '"ì ('"'j é' í...-..........,' -- r-J ,,/) '-" ( ,\T'-T l'- !YY:r?, "~ J"'"1.--.)) ," l/'- ,./ .r /:'--"1/1 1,,/ -....----"'" .---- c:.¡¡(; - .~. 9_5 -Ç; ,,/ 7C~ '-1 J(j;ì -- 7;)4~ d-~ I ~ ve QoS<) Cl'lfl -,-¡I)' YD' -C:¡"<;l7 ~" ~o .~ cYo -'; -- øø(/;' ,- 9(J6 /05.- ~ "6 S ~ 6~JS~j ~-' ..':\:'.\: 5 .m 'n /2 -0'1 ~o' \;Jh OyY\ '\ '-\- yY) C\ ~ Concern -T Qrfì C\ \,e s \dent ~ n -\-'n\ S \R~ 5h'oor"cod \ \)Ot\J e '~ovr c'~\ \dren \,tJ\'o \}\~S\'-\- '-\-y,e. COnven;ence S'-\o\E:- \(\ '+hl"S' ç>\o:ZQ. \~\'s store \ S ve{'~ ace ~ss;lo e --(òr Yì\~ c~; kh--~\"Î J r Ç>erSCJnOl 1l:J ~~e.\ i.\-- wou Id De Ve'f'Y dqr1geîOUS -fer -\ hem +0 9°-to a ;e 'fV ì c .e s-\c:.. 1--î 0 Y) W ; 1-n a \ \ '-\- h 'è -\-ro .off ì c \yì 1.~ où+ o{' -\-'ne(' -e So \ QyY) s+rongl" ) \'? as $.\" ~ ,~ c. 0 \! .eV'l \' e. () + sA-o Y' e b €.. ex'(!:,W ,Y"'I Q. ~ ~ -\-o..-\- \' 0 n . \/ 00 í +Y'ù \ -1 ~ )~ '711~ qo~- 4;),8- 8SC?ö ATTACHMENT #_= ..5.. TO oqrr',¡-'"r'l nr~ ti':-Ò'l TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Monday, October 20, 2003 I could not attend the hearing last Thursday about the rezoning application submitted by Sunoco for construction of a convenience store at Pickering Parkway and Brock Road. Any suggestion, as stated by a consultant on behalf of the company, that there are no traffic problems associated with the property due to the Tim Hortons outlet other than peak periods is absolutely wrong. The congestion, and resulting accidents and potential to personal injury, can and do occur at all hours of the day due to the existing traffic volumes. This neighbourhood is also enduring traffic problems brought about by the development of the First Pro shopping centre on the northeast corner of Brock Road and Pickering Parkway. These problems will be expanded by the Sunoco construction. There is also no visible need for the convenience store, other than great profit for the company. The neighbourhood must come first. ~~ John J. Dunlop 12-1655 Geta Circle Pickering Ll V 3B5 905-426-2551 ATTACHMENT#..... 5. HH JHI tI PO '12 :'¿;i.¡ J ...~... "-"'.. To whom it may concern, I am a homeowner at 1655 Geta Circle, a town house complex adjacent the intersection of Brock and Pickering Parkway. As it pertains to the application to place another convenience store at the aforementioned intersection, I humbly submit my disapproval. I have resided at my current address for the last five years and in the last two years, I have seen the traffic situation grow to an unmanageable impediment. Oftentimes, it takes minutes to leave the circle to go north unto Pickering Parkway. Outside of the inconvenience, the increased traffic poses a considerable risk to pedestrians, many of which are small children. Within the last six months I have heard of two accidents, involving motor vehicles, one involving a small boy, and have witnessed several close calls. I am wary of the safety of my own children, in regards to the seemingly growing vehicle abundance in the area. Another convenient store in the area would surely worsen the problem. Please, contact me at (905) 426-7160 if you require any further feedback on my part. Thank you, Dale Sammy >:L~( r-=-- CEIVED (. W'r 'i '7 ')Ulfj':i j 'J, ,- .' ~. --~J CiTy' OF P¡C¡<:EHING FI.J,NNiNG AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ,,^. t,TTACHMENT #_..-~TO REf OAT # PO -12.-o!1 VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW ~ PROJECT NAME: Sunoco Inc/Stephen Lemer II 1800 Brock Road MUNICIPALITY: Pickering REF. NO.: A 15/03 SUBMISSION DATE: Sept. 26, 2003 1. The Applicant must make direct appJication to the Co,tpomtion to obtain specific approval of the electrical service arrangements and related wo.tk for this project. An electrical consultant or electrician is strongly recommended to co-ontinate servíce details. The applicant is cautioned that tenders, contt:acts, or wo.tk initiated prior to ob1:ainmg specific approval will be subject to change. 2. The existing service to this building may be inadequate. Details.regarding a servíce upgrade can be obtained from OU! offices. 3. All wo.tk from the pubJic road allOWlltlce to the servíce enttance and the metering attangements must comply with the Co,tporation's .requitements and specifications. 4. Prior to obtaining a building permit, the AppJicant shall, by agreement, confum acceptance of the temlS and conditions of providing electrical service. 5. I will not be attending the scheduled City of Pickering DART Meeting for this development. 6. Veridian Connections has no objection to this proposed zoning change. Technical Representative - Don Bamett Telephone 427-9870 Ext.- 3253 / The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 1615 DUNDAS ST. E. 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER WEST BUILDING PO BOX 623 .~WHITBY ON L1N6A3 ( )ANADA '. 905-728-7731 Fax: 9Ò5-436-6612 Email: planning@ region.durham.on.ca www.region.durham.on.ca . A.L.Georgleff, MCIP, RPP Comrrii$sioner of Planning ATTACHMWT II. . 7 oro. . REf IÌR11I PO. /2 -oct . ---~..- '--""--"-""'- October 6, 2003 RECEIVED OCT 0 9 2003 Mike Duff, Planner /I Planning & Development Department One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Dear Mr. Duff: Ae: Zonin mendment Application A 15/03 ASunoco.lnc./Stephen Lerner . L Part of Lot 19, Concession 1 .' unIcipality: City of Pickering' We hå.vel'êviêW$C!<thiSå.þplication and the following comments are offeredwithtl3spectto the Durham Regional Official Plan, the proposed methoåolsetV¡clng, and the delegated provincial plan review responsibilitie§. . The application proposes to rezone the subject property to permit a convenience store use. Durham Reaional Official Plan The subject lands are designated "Living Area" in the Durham Regional Officia.l Plan. Convenience stores, which are compatible with their surroúndings, are permitted within this designation. MUhicipal Servicing The subject property is connected to full municipal services. Transportation Access to the site from Pickering Parkway has an impact on the. functioning of the Brock Road/Pickering Parkway intersection. If the capacity and/or traffic operations of this entrance demonstrate the need for higher orders of control, the Region reserves the right to impose furtheraccess control, as a condition of site plan approval. @ 100% Post Consumer '" !f . ¡ I.. 7 -..I!J RH\.iRl U PO I~-D'f Page 2 Provincial Plan Review Responsibilities The application has been screened in accordance with the provincial plan review responsibilities. No provincial interests are affected by the proposal. . . If you havE:! any questions or require additional information, please call me. . ;¡.." 90' Y-ours truly, ., .'Û. ... .......n./..~ /~,~. Ray.Davies, Planner . Current Operations Branch. cc. Rob Hoy, Durham Region Works Department R:\traininglrdlzoning\pickering a.15-03,doc \