HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 47-03 REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CS 47-03 Date: December 1 , 2003 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate SeNices & Treasurer Subject: 2004 Interim Spending Authority Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 47-03 from the Director, Corporate SeNices & Treasurer be received; and that: 2. the 2004 Interim Operating Expenditures be approved at 50% of the prior years' budget including exceptions as contained in Attachment 1, pending approval of the formal 2004 Current Budgets by Council; 3. the Treasurer be authorized to transfer to the Ajax Pickering Transit Authority (APTA) a maximum of 50% of APTA (City of Pickering's share) prior years budget, pending approval of the formal APT A 2004 Current Budgets by Council; and, 4. the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Not applicable Financial Implications: Adoption of interim current operating appropriations does not constitute approval of a formal budget but rather is required to provide funding authorization for the payment of salaries and wages and such other accounts as may be necessary for normal day-to-day operations of the City. At the conclusion of the Budget process, all interim current operating appropriations are nullified and replaced with the detail appropriations as approved by Council. Background: Each year, pending approval by City Council of the annual Operating Budget, it is necessary to provide expenditure authority respecting the payment of accounts for the interim period from January 1 until the Budget is adopted by Council. Report CS 47-03 Date: December 1, 2003 Subject: 2004 Interim Spending Authority Page 2 Such authority is in the form of interim current operating appropriations to meet estimated expense requirements of the individual departments, agencies and boards. The 2003 Current Budget was considered by Council in March 2003. Fiscal year 2004 may prove to be as challenging as 2001 to 2003 due mainly to Bill 140 and its impact on taxation. As of 2003, we are still making adjustments to the property taxes affected by re-classification and some of these taxes were paid as far back as 2001. Therefore, we are seeking approval to provide for interim spending authority for up to the first six months of 2004 or when Council approves the 2004 Budget, whichever occurs first. At the conclusion of the budget process, all interim appropriations are nullified and replaced with the detail appropriations as approved by Council. Appropriate adjustments have been made in the departmental appropriations listed as Attachment 1 where the spending patterns indicates that something greater than 6/12's will be necessary for the first six months of 2004 such as snow clearing (Roads). The Interim Appropriations as listed are based upon the former administrative structure of the City and being the basis upon which the 2003 Budget was presented and approved. With the transfer of the Public Transit and Specialized Services to the Ajax Pickering Transit Authority (APT A), we continue to exclude this expenditure from the City of Pickering's budget. Instead, the City of Pickering's share of APT A's expenditures is addressed separately in Recommendation 3. Any capital projects proposed prior to the approval of 2004 Capital budget will require specific approval by Council. Attachments: 1. 2004 Interim Appropriations for Current Budget Operating Expenditures Report CS 47-03 Date: December 1, 2003 Subject: 2004 Interim Spending Authority Page 3 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ~~~ Caryn Kong Senior Financial Analyst ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ - ~Iis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City,Co~ll1ci~\ It' ,"'-' ""..:;.':f~< \ -J ....,,/ /i.- '}""~! I ""'........,~,...,.~------...., .. ATTACHMEr-n 11-1 "" #. ~..:i 7-05 CITY OF PICKERING 2004 INTERIM CURRENT OPERATING APPROPRIATIONS 2004 (Jan 1 - June 30) 2003 INTERIM DEPARTMENT BUDGET APPROPRIATION 2111 Mayor $ 159,791 $ 79,896 2113 Council 431,483 215,742 2121 CAO. Office 313,045 156,523 2129 Customer Care Centre 129,461 64,731 2122 Clerk Office 478,758 239,379 2191 Elections 235,015 117,508 2198 Records Management 10,000 5,000 2199 Print Shop/Mail Room 371,156 185,578 2220 By-Law 439,048 219,524 2293 Animal Control 268,300 134,150 2743 LA.CAC. 2192 Corporate Projects and Policy 492,827 246,414 2241 Emergency Operation Control Centre 66,999 33,500 2139 Human Resources 542,394 271,197 2141 Safety & Training 91,109 45,555 2125 Legal Services 169,638 84,819 2127 Finance 1,762,391 881,196 2133 Supply & Services 294,533 147,267 2196 Information Technology 532,662 266,331 2190 Corp. License, Contracts & Services 354,715 177,358 2710 Operations & Emerg.Services-Admin. 306,590 153,295 2240 Fire Protection 8,517,505 4,258,753 2320 Roads 3,406,051 2,043,631 2290 Mun. Prop. & Eng. & Admin. 1,174,863 587,432 2132 Property Maintenance 312,020 156,010 2230 Crossing Guards 286,000 143,000 2325 Street Lights 482,800 241,400 2430 Solid Waste 1,519,315 759,658 2718 Parks 2,036,389 1,018,195 2315 Operations Centre-Municipal Garage 702,756 351,378 2124 Civic Complex 398,679 199,340 2572 Senior Citizens Centre 196,916 98,458 2711 Cult. & Rec. Admin. 805,423 402,712 2712 Programs 1,676,402 838,201 2713 Dunbarton Pool 251,353 125,677 2715 Don Beer Arena 863,442 431,721 2719 Community Centres 433,545 216,773 2731 Recreation Complex - Central Core 1,785,458 892,729 2733 Recreation Complex - Pool 620,360 310,180 2735 Recreation Complex - Arenas 614,964 307,482 2744 Museum 323,219 161,610 2610 Plan & Develop - Admin 738,111 369,056 2611 Planning 1,481,776 740,888 2612 Building Services 636,300 318,150 2613 Development Control 450,082 225,041 2745 Libraries 3,485,925 1,742,963 Various-Gen. Govt. 4,642,691 2,321,346 TOTAL $ 45,292,260 $ 22,646,130 APTA $ 4,089,726 $ 2,044,863