HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 33-03 CitJ¡ a~ REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: OES 33-03 Date: September 8, 2003 From: Richard W. Holborn, P. Eng. Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: Consolidated By-law indicating maximum rates of speed for all highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering. Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 33-03 be received and 2. That in accordance with Resolution # 80/03, By-law 6181/03 be enacted and 3. That staff be authorized to order and install the necessary 40 kmh signs and associated hardware required to give effect hereto for the local and collector roads that are reduced in speed limit from 50 kmh Executive Summary: The Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #80/03 at the Council Meeting of June 2, 2003 directing staff to prepare a by-law that will lower the speed limit on all local and collector roads from 50 kilometers per hour (kmh) to 40 kilometers per hour (kmh); and to present the by-law to Council no later than September 15, 2003. The consolidated by-law has been prepared and is attached to this report. Also attached is Report 2003-W-1 06 prepared by Region of Durham Works Department staff providing information and comment on the implications on the reduction of speed limits to 40 kmh. City of Pickering staff concur with the report prepared by the Region of Durham and also have additional concerns and information that Council should be aware of in consideration of the by-law. Financial Implications: The costs associated with enacting this by-law, specifically for supply of 40 kmh signs, tabs, other speed limit signs, hardware and posts are not included in the 2003 Roads Current budget 2320-2409. Staff estimate the cost to purchase the necessary number of signs and posts is approximately $25,000. This does not include the equipment and labour, which would be provided by City Municipal Operations staff, however, it must be recognized that a project of this magnitude will deploy staff that would otherwise be undertaking other tasks and duties. Report OES 33-03 Date: September 8, 2003 Subject: Consolidated By-law indicating maximum rates of speed for all highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering. Page 2 Background: The Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #80103 (Attachment #1) at the Council Meeting of June 2, 2003. The Resolution directed staff to prepare a by-law that lowers the speed limit on all local and collector roads, in accordance with the Pickering Official Plan, that are under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering, from 50 kilometers per hour to 40 kilometers per hour. Further, it was directed that the by-law be in the form of a consolidated by-law that will replace by-law 265/75 and all amendments since then, thereby indicating the maximum rates of speed for all highways under the City's jurisdiction. The Ontario Highway Traffic Act, RS.O. 1990 Chapter H.8, Part IX regulates the rates of speed on highways. Under the Act, the council of a municipality may by by-law prescribe a rate of speed different than the statutory rate of 50 kmh on a highway within a local municipality or within a built-up area or 80 kmh on a highway not within a built-up area. The rate of speed must be 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 or 100 kmh, and with the exception of the statutory limits described above, no by-law passed under Section 128 becomes effective until the highway is signed in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act and the regulations. The attached by-law is consistent with the Council Resolution #80103 and the Ontario Highway Traffic Act and is a consolidated by-law requiring all previous by-laws to be repealed. In considering the consolidated, reduced speed limit by-law, the Council of the City of Pickering should be aware of other considerations and impacts of such a by-law. Attached is a report prepared by the Region of Durham's Works Department (2003-W- 106) outlining their concerns. (Attachment #2). City staff have identified other relevant issues and they are presented below. 1. Contravention of Safer Streets Traffic Manaqement Strateqy On February 3, 2003, Council received and endorsed the Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy Final Report including its tool kit of policies and measures that could be applied to better manage the safe and efficient movement of traffic on City Streets. Another goal of the study was to rationalize maximum vehicle speed limits on City streets and to protect certain streets against the arbitrary and ineffective lowering of speed limits. The 40 kmh reduced speed policy was adopted to govern the lowering of speed limits through an investigative evaluation process. Enacting By-law 6181/03 basically ignores the process that was adopted by Council seven months ago. Report DES 33-03 Date: September 8, 2003 Subject: Consolidated By-law indicating maximum rates of speed for all highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering. Page 3 2. Siqn Requirements As mentioned earlier in this report, all roads that are prescribed a rate of speed of 40 kmh must be signed in accordance with the Act and the regulations. A sign purchase of this magnitude will take several weeks for a supplier to manufacture and deliver. Also, a significant number of posts will also be required. City staff will have to predetermine field locations for all new signs and in order to excavate to install the posts, underground utilities will have to be located and marked. Based on the time of year and the magnitude of scope of work, it is unlikely all signs would be installed before winter freeze-up. Determining which neighbourhoods get completed first will be a difficult task. Many residents will oppose the positioning of signs in front of their house and the proliferation of signs on streets will not be desirable. 3. Cost The procurement of the signs, posts and hardware is estimated at $25,000, which was not included in the 2003 Roads Current Budget. Future years will require additional funds to be budgeted for maintenance, replacement and vandalism. 4. City Entry Siqns The City installed 16 entry signs at City limits and strategic locations to advise motorists of certain traffic by-laws and conditions. One such advisory is that speed limits on City streets are 50 kmh unless posted otherwise. This message will be misleading if the majority of streets are reduced to 40 kmh and posted as such. Modifications to these signs will be required, in a form to be determined. 5. Enforcement Like all by-laws, speed limit by-laws are only effective if they are regularly enforced. The resident expectation will be either compliance with the posted speed of 40 kmh, or periodic enforcement by Durham Police Services. It is not reasonable to expect the desired level of enforcement due to limited resources. 6. By-law Updates Council and staff will be inundated with the required number of updates to the consolidated speed by-law. Every new local or collector road will require a by-law to post a 40 kmh speed limit. Report OES 33-03 Date: September 8, 2003 Subject: Consolidated By-law indicating maximum rates of speed for all highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering. Page 4 7. Road Watch and Neiqhbourhood Traffic Watch Proqrams The reduction of speed limits from 50 kmh to 40 kmh will result in an increase in the number of vehicles that are in non-compliance to the posted speed. This may have an impact on the Road Watch and Neighbourhood Traffic Watch programs by increasing the demand for the resources required to deliver these programs. 8. Traffic Calming The City staff currently receive many requests for traffic calming measures to be installed on City streets to reduce speeding. Responding to these requests require staff time and resources. It is expected that as non-compliance to reduced speed limits increases, so too will requests for traffic calming. Attachments: 1. Resolution # 80103 2. Region of Durham Report 2003-W-1 06 3. By-law 6181/03 Prepared By: Everett Director Operations & Emergency Services RH:ds Attachments I: \CO UN CIL \0 ES3 3 -03 I.docSep-03 Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Director, Planning & Development Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Picke. ring City Coun . / 1 ~~ T mas J. au nn, Chief Administrative Officer ,~ , ;:,,' , A'J ACH MrT # , TO REPORT # ŒS ¡%i~1;~J",{/ fjút (l t ,./I!, I of :1..- I ê pi} {; ;) t L I ~lr¡f¡ltZiÓMINISTRATION DEPA. RTMENT, \ '\ CLERK'S DIVISION JUN ü: 5 WrJJ MEMORANDUM ,..., / c,/ It"""' ì"~/' / ¡f¡, r; ¿; v (/ / '/ June 4, 2003 TO: irector, Operations & Emergency serVices: , Bruce Taylor, CIty Clerk ' ,',:' ',:," FROM: Bruce Taylor, City Clerk ",;'""...,.."., , ¡.". ,;-", >':';"i:", SUBJECT: Referrals from the Council Meeting ofJ'l.lnEf2~:""2Ut)3L"",.".""...., """"'N",:,') Please be advised that the Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #80/03, at the Council Meeting of June 2, 2003, as follows: WHEREAS the Highway Traffic Act states that the statutory speed limit on all urban roads shall be 50 kilometers per hour unless set otherwise by by-law and posted by the municipality that has jurisdiction over such roads; and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law Number 264/75 on July 21, 1975 that lowered the speed limit on all existing residential and collector roads south of Highway 401 from 50 kilometers per hour to 40 kilometers per hour; and WHEREAS By-law 264/75 has been amended 23 times since 1975 to lower the speed limit on other roads north of Highway 401 from 50 kilometers per hour to 40 kilometers per hour; and WHEREAS the 40 kilometers per hour speed limit has worked very well in the Bay Ridges and West Shore communities since 1975; and ' WHEREAS a speed limit of 50 kilometers per hour on residential streets is not conducive to safe pedestrian activities because motorists tend to drive at least 10 kilometers per hour over the posted speed limit; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby directs staff to prepare a by-law that vlfill lower the speed limit on all local and collector roads in accordance to Pickering's Offi ci a! Plan under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering from 50 kilometers per hour to 40 kilometers per hour; and AT'ACHMENT#--L TO RE PO RT# (etl?S 33.-C:S 2., of 'L /~-2-- /' ;/ ,,' / .'/ /" ~~~;rRal;~?;:~~~;~ ~;~~;i;~~ ~h~¿: ~~~;~~~n~~~~= ~ Council no latrr thamSeptember/~i5i'<2Ø,e$. \ . \. . "'-",--",---- /'1 J///' / I~ ¡;~ \ " " BT:dk Copy: T.J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer . SUBJECT: Á ~ " ~';MENltí_L TOREPORT# ðE<; 33-D:> I of~ Regional Municipality of Durham To: The Works Committee From: Commissioner of Works Report: 2003-W-106 Date: June 25,2003 Information in Response to City of Pickering Resolution to Lower Speed Limits on Municipal Roads to 40 Kilometres per Hour RECOMMENDATION: a) THAT this Report be received for information; and b) THAT a copy of this Report be provided to the City of Pickering and to the Durham Regional Police Service. REPORT: Attachment No.1: Resolution #80/03 - Excerpt from City of Pickering Council Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2003 1. BACKGROUND On June 3, 2003, City of Pickering Council adopted a resolution including the following: ".. .the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby directs staff to prepare a by-law that will lower the speed limit on all local and collector roads in accordance to Pickering's Official Plan under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering from 50 kilometres per hour to 40 kilometres per hour..." This matter was discussed at the Regional Works Committee meeting of June 4, 2003, and the following motion was adopted: 'That staff be directed to prepare a report providing relevant information regarding the reduction of speed limits to 40 km/h." 1, ~1 - V..l. ~Î '~ÞCHMENT#_~", TOREPORT# ocS ~:3 -() 3 Å of --!d... Report No.: 2003-W-106 paqe NQ¿£ 2. DISCUSSION 2.1 Statutory Speed Limits and Sion!illLRequirements The Highway Traffic Act includes provision for statutory speed limits, which apply where no specific limit has been established by the responsible road authority. These limits are 50 km/h for "built-up", or urban areas, and 80 km/h for rural areas. These long-standing limits were established for two (2) primary reasons: firstly, to encourage uniformity of speed control across the Province so that motorists may expect the same limits for similar conditions wherever they travel in the Province; and secondly, to relieve the road authority of the necessity of by- lawing each and every road section under its jurisdiction and the burden and expense of installing sign age. Where a speed limit is established other than the statutory limits, signing must be installed in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act and the Ontario Traffic Manual. In this case, this would involve signing each and every street and street section where the 40 km/h limit applies, so that it is clear to motorists, enforceable and defensible in court. In Ontario, there is no ability to provide only "entry" signing to a community to advise of a blanket speed limit in the area. The cost to install a single speed limit sign varies from approximately $50 to $125 depending on a variety of factors, including whether a new post is required. Although the total number of signs required to implement the Council resolution cannot be determined at this time, it is likely that this initiative will cost the City of Pickering between $100,000 and $200,000. 2.2 Driver Behaviour Contrary to general belief, posted speed limits have very little effect on driver behaviour and actual operating speeds ona roadway. Rather, motorists tend to drive at a speed at which they are comfortable, based on a number of factors, including traffic volume, roadway design, the number of entrances and intersections, pedestrian activity, presence of on-street parking and vehicle characteristics. 152 ~ '\ '1 '\ - C ":7 I' 'I [:,CHMEN1#_~". TOREPORT# Dt:,) )~-)-c.' ') :~ of--L Report No.: 2003-W-1 06 Paqe No.: 3 2.3 2.4 Extensive research has consistently concluded that changes in the posted speed limit alone, without additional enforcement, educational programs or engineering measures, have only a minor effect on driver behaviour. While drivers' speeds may change when the speed limit is lowered, the changes are generally not large enough to be of practical significance, nor is there any definable improvement in safety. The arbitrary lowering of speed limits to unrealistic levels typically produces a wider range of operating speeds on the roadway and a less safe operating environment, due to increased driver frustration, leading to tailgating passing manoeuvres, and other aggressive driving patterns. Blanket application of a 40 km/h speed limit will also reduce any effectiveness existing lowered limits may have in areas of legitimate concern, including school zones, parks, narrow roads or other hazardous locations. Enforcement Ideally, speed limits should be practically self-enforcing. When the speed limit is consistent with the comfortable operating speed of the roadway (typically the 85th percentile speed - the speed at or below which 85% of the traffic travels), motorists will perceive the limit as appropriate, compliance rates will be high, and only the minority of motorists travelling at unsafe speeds will be targeted as violators, allowing for consistent and fair enforcement by police. Application of unwarranted reduced 40 km/h speed zones, and the public expectation that these limits will be enforced, places an additional strain on police resources. In order to serve the broader community, and have a positive. impact on road safety, police must dedicate enforcement resources to those locations with identifiable safety concerns, typically arterial roads with higher collision frequency. Police should not be expected to enforce limits that by their very nature will be violated by nearly every motorist. Durham Regional Police have extensive experience in this area, and consistently find that most residential speeding concerns are perceived only, and that most actual speeding can be traced to a few motorists who live in the neighbourhood. ~ng "Safer Streets Traffic Manaqement StrateQY" The Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy was approved by Pickering City Council at their regular meeting of February 3, 2003. The Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy (SSTMS) is a document that was specifically developed to help guide the municipality on the future application of standardized traffic control devices and the installation of traffic calming measures. 153 ~"~j~CHMENT# ~..TOREPORT# Gê:) 33-C~) J-\; of 11 Report No.: 2003-W~O6 PaQe No.: 4 3. The City's Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy (see Section 2.4) recognizes this and states "...given the existing legislation of the Highway Traffic Act it is currently unrealistic to by-law and post every urban street in the City of Pickering with 40 km/h reduced rates of speed'~ In addition, the SSTMS was designed as an educational tool to help residents, City Council and staff better understand the fundamental relationships between traffic movement and traffic safety. It includes a specific policy on the application of 40 km/h speed zones, including requirements for technical studies to be completed and for a specified level of resident support. CONCLUSION The City of Pickering proposal for the blanket application of 40 km/h speed zones on all local and collector roads under City jurisdiction: . Will not result in real reductions in vehicle operating speeds . May result in less safe conditions than already exist . Has an estimated cost of between $100,000 and $200,000 to implement . Is inconsistent with their approved Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy and 40 km/h Reduced Speed Policy . Is not enforceable and will burden police services, diverting resources away from more critical, legitimate public safety concerns . Will not meet driver expectations based on the roadway environment. J. . McCorkell, P. Eng. C missioner of Works TO4/cb IF''./I. v,q. ATTACHMENT. 3 TOREPORTI OE 5 33 -0":' I of "-ü THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO.6181/03 Being a by-law to authorize speed limits on highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering. WHEREAS Section 128 of the Highway Traffic Act (RS.O. 1990, Chapter H. 8) authorizes the Council of a City, Town or Village and the Trustees of a Police Village by by-law to prescribe a rate of speed for motor vehicles driven on any highway or portion of highway under its jurisdiction; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. When any highway or portion of highway set out in Schedule A, B, C, D and E appended hereto is marked in compliance with the regulations under the Highway Traffic Act, the maximum rate of speed thereon shall be the rate of speed prescribed in the Schedule. 2. The penalties provided in Subsection 14 of Section 128 of the Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this by - law. 3. By-law Nos. 264/75, 450/76, 840/78, 1172/80, 1333/81, 1342/81, 1575/82, 1595/82, 1705/83, 1724/83, 2032/85, 2150/86, 2389/87, 2461/87, 2530/87, 2619/87,2817/88,3412/90,3562/90,3602/90, 3865/91, 3911/92, 3987/92, 4104/92,4157/93, 4488/94, 4815/96, 4892/96, 5049/97, 5766/00, 6138/03 and any other inconsistent by - laws insofar as they apply to highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering are hereby repealed. BY-lAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2003. day of Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk HIGHWAY NAME Abbey Road Abbott Crescent Aberfoyle Court Abingdon Court Acorn Lane Ada Court Alanbury Crescent Albacore Manor Alder Court Alderwood Place Alliance Road Alpine Lane Altona Road Alwin Circle Alyssu m Street Amaretto Avenue Amberlea Road Amberlea Road Amberlea Road Amberwood Crescent Annan Woods Drive Annland Street Anthony Court Anton Square Antonio Street Appleview Road Arathorn Court Arcadia Square Ariel Crescent Ashfield Court Ashford Drive Ashwood Gate Aspen Road Atwood Crescent Audley Road Autumn Crescent Avonmore Square Baggins Street Bainbridge Drive ATTACHMENT # 3 TOREPORT# 2.. of ;),[) SCHEDULE A TO BY-LAW NO. 6181/03 DE:) 3~-O3 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED - 40 KM/H FROM 140m south of Halsey Lane Canterbury Crescent Highview Road Eyer Drive Brock Road Shadybrook Drive Lynn Heights Drive Tanzer Court Strouds Lane Colmar Avenue Sandy Beach Road Wildwood Crescent Kingston Road Denmar Road Krosno Blvd. Whites Road Highview Road Strouds Lane Napanee Road Foxwood Trail Somergrove Crescent Front Road Cowan Circle Liverpool Road Grenoble Blvd. Dunbarton Road Melman Street Amberlea Road Highview Road Fernam Street Beechlawn Drive Twyn Rivers Drive Strouds Lane Whites Road 140m south of Highway No.7 Strouds Lane Valley Farm Road Meriadoc Drive Kingston Road TO Abbey Road Canterbury Crescent South terminus West terminus Kodiak Street North terminus Blairwood Court South terminus South terminus South terminus South terminus Major Oaks Road South terminus Denmar Road Sandy Beach Road West terminus Napanee Road Highview Road Rosebank Road Foxwood Trail Somergrove Crescent Krosno Blvd. East terminus Liverpool Road Grenoble Blvd. Bonita Avenue North terminus Arcadia Square Amberlea Road East terminus Marshcourt Drive South terminus Spruce Hill Road Whites Road Highway No.7 East terminus Avonmore Square Melman Street Marshcourt Drive ATTACHMENT# 3 TOREPORT# OS'; 33-03 '3 of ~ HIGHWAY NAME FROM TO Balaton Avenue Lublin Avenue South terminus Balsam Road 350m south of Regional Regional Road 5 Road 5 Balsam Road Regional Road 5 160m north of Regional Road 5 Banbury Court Fairfield Crescent West terminus Barber Street Central Street North terminus Barclay Street Central Street North terminus Barnwood Square Wheatsheaf Lane Wheatsheaf Lane Barry Drive Sheppard Avenue Edmund Drive Batory Avenue Breezy Drive Vistula Drive Bayfield Street Whites Road Foxwood Trail Baylawn Drive Fairport Road West terminus Bayshore Court Batory Drive East terminus Bayview Street Front Street West terminus Beachpoint Promenade West Shore Blvd. East terminus Beare Court Middleton Street South terminus Beaton Way Major Oaks Road Duberry Drive Beckworth Square Foxwood Trail Beckworth Square Beechlawn Drive Pickering Parkway Marshcourt Drive Begley Street Bayly Street Tanzer Court Belinda Court Shadybrook Drive North terminus Bella Vista Drive Rodd Avenue Rosebank Road Bem Avenue Garvolin Avenue lator Avenue Benedictine Court Amaretto Avenue South terminus Bentley Lane Blue Ridge Crescent Blue Ridge Crescent Benton Crescent Lynn Heights Drive Lynn Heights Drive Bicroft Court Bowler Drive North terminus Birchwood Court Weyburn Square South terminus Blairwood Court Alanbury Crescent North terminus Bloomfield Court Valley Farm Road South terminus Blue Ridge Crescent Dellbrook Avenue Dellbrook Avenue Bonita Avenue Fairport Road Appleview Road Bovingdon Place Brock Road East terminus Bowler Drive Glenanna Road Finch Avenue Boxworth Place Timmins Gardens South terminus Boyne Court Saugeen Drive North terminus Braeburn Crescent Foxwood Trail Foxwood Trail Bramblewood Court Fieldstone Circle Fieldstone Circle Brands Court Fieldlight Blvd. East terminus Breda Avenue Sanok Drive Sanok Drive Breezy Drive Sunrise Avenue West Shore Blvd. Brian Court Broadgreen Street East terminus Briar Wood Gate Whites Road Shadybrook Drive Bridge Gate Crescent Maple Ridge Drive Bushmill Street ATTACHMENT#.!:> TOREPORT# (\t; 5 ..,.., -£"] ):1 'J t+ of Ì-C - q . HIGHWAY NAME FROM TO Bridle Path Circle Linwood Street Linwood Street Brimwood Court Ashwood Gate West terminus Brixton Lane Modlin Road Bem Avenue Broadgreen Street Whites Road Downland Drive Broadoak Crescent Strouds Lane Strouds Lane Broadview Street Liverpool Road Annland Street Bronte Square Glendale Drive Glendale Drive Bronwen Lane lator Avenue Krosno blvd. Brookridge Gate Altona Road Dalewood Drive Brookshire Square Glenanna Road Brookshire Square Brougham Road Highway No.7 Brock Road Browning Avenue St. Martins Drive Douglas Avenue Bundy Street Brock Road Claremont Street Burnside Drive Bainbridge Drive North terminus Bushmill Street Liverpool Road Maple Ridge Drive Butternut Court Valleyview Drive West terminus Byron Street Whitevale Road South terminus Callahan Street Whites Road West terminus Calvington Drive Strouds Lane Treetop Way Canborough Crescent Bowler Drive Bowler Drive Canso Drive Canterbury Crescent Abbot Crescent Canterbury Crescent Creekview Court West terminus Carmello Court Creekview Court West terminus Carpenter Court Acorn Lane North terminus Castle Street Lawson Street Wilcroft Court Cattail Court Edmund Drive North terminus Cecylia Court West Shore Blvd. North terminus Cedarcroft Crescent Maple Ridge Drive Maple Ridge Drive Cedarwood Court Maple Gate Road East terminus Chantilly Road T oynevale Road North terminus Chapleau Drive Haller Avenue Douglas Avenue Chapman Court Dellbrook Avenue South terminus Charlotte Circle Bronte Square Bronte Square Charnwood Court Rosebank Road East terminus Chartwell Court Bayfield Street East terminus Cherrywood Avenue Heska Road Speke Road Chickadee Court Sparrow Circle West terminus Chipmunk Street Sunrise Avenue Oklahoma Drive Chiron Crescent Amberlea Road Amberlea Road Churchwin Street Mill Street North Road Claremont Street 50m south of Bundy Lane North terminus Clearside Court Third Concession Road South terminus Cliffview Road Park Crescent North terminus Cloud berry Court Dunbarton Road East terminus Cobbler's Court Edgewood Road Edgewood Road ATTACHMENT#--) TOREPaRTI OCS 33 'i};) ~ I:) of 20 HIGHWAY NAME FROM TO Cognac Crescent Amaretto Avenue Amaretto Avenue Collingsbrook Court Craighurst Court North terminus Colmar Avenue Balaton Avenue Lublin Avenue Colonial Street Dixie Road Lynn Heights Drive Commerce Street Front Road Annland Street Conacher Crescent Southcott Road Southcott Road Concession Road, sixth Highway No.7 Highway No.7 Concession Road, third 460m west of Rosebank 220m east of Rosebank Road Road Concession Road, third Scarborough / Pickering Altona Road Townline Concession Road, third Altona Road 460m west of Rosebank Road Concession Road, third 220m East of Rosebank Whites Road Road Conmara Avenue Jodrel Road East terminus Copley Street Valley Ridge Crescent Thicket Crescent Copperstone Drive Clements Road East terminus Cornell Court Linwood Street South terminus Cortez Avenue Balaton Avenue Colmar Avenue Cottonwood Circle Linwood Street Linwood Street Cowan Circle Rosebank Road East terminus Craighurst Court Whites Road East terminus Creekview Circle Downland Drive Broadgreen Street Cricket Lane Aspen Road Strouds Lane Crossing Court Meriadoc Drive South terminus Culross Avenue Dixie Road Walnut Lane Dahlia Crescent T oynevale Road Rosebank Road Dalewood Drive Altona Road Rougemount Drive Darwin Drive Finch Avenue West terminus David Street William Street Brock Road Davidson Street Speke Road Heska Road Daylight Court Edmund Drive North terminus Deerbrook Drive Glenanna Road Silverthorn Square Deerhaven Lane Rosebank Road Wildflower Drive Deerhurst Court Sandhurst Circle South terminus Dellbrook Avenue Brock Road Valley Farm Road Delta Boulevard Kingston Road North terminus Denby Drive Major Oaks Road Dellbrook Avenue Dencourt Drive Charwood Court Fernam Street Denmar Road Pickering Parkway Kingston Road Denvale Drive Greenmount Street Strathmore Crescent Dersan Street Brock Road Tillings Road Diefenbaker Court Valley Farm Road East terminus Dillingham Road Brock Road 975m south of Brock Road A~"'ACHME"'l# 3 fOREPORT# Ù~? .s}.c.3 -7C)~f 2<., HIGHWAY NAME FROM TO Dixie Road Glenanna Road Kitley Avenue Dixie Road Kingston Road South terminus Donnalea Avenue Highway No.7 South terminus Douglas Avenue Browning Avenue Radom Street Dow Street Central Street David Street Downland Drive Whites Road Broadgreen Street Drava Street Reytan Blvd. Sandy Beach Road Dreyber Court Pickering Parkway West terminus Driftwood Court Saugeen Drive East terminus Duberry Drive Major Oaks Road Beaton Way Duberry Drive Denby Drive Major Oaks Road Duberry Drive Beaton Way South terminus Dunbarton Road Fairport Road Dixie Road Duncannon Drive Finch Avenue Fairport Road Dunchurch Street Dunbarton Road South terminus Dunfair Street Whites Road West terminus Dunn Crescent Nomad Road North terminus Dyson Road Rougemount Drive South terminus Eagleview Drive Glenanna Road Huntsmill Drive Eastbank Road Edgewood Road North terminus Echo Point Court Glenanna Road North terminus Edge Lane Eyer Drive South terminus Edgewood Road Shadybrook Drive Shadybrook Drive Edmund Drive Sheppard Avenue Steeple Hill Elvira Court Vistula Drive East terminus Engel Court Callaghan Street West terminus Eramosa Crescent Amberlea Road Amberlea Road Erin Gate Boulevard Finch Avenue Erin Gate Blvd. Escott Court Colonial Crescent North terminus Esplanade North, The Valley Farm Road Glenanna Road Esplanade South, The Valley Farm Road Glenanna Road Essa Crescent Batory Avenue Breezy Drive Evelyn Avenue Kingston Road South terminus Everton Street Rosefield Road West terminus Eyer Drive Hillcrest Road Oklahoma Drive Factory Street Whitevale Road South terminus Fairfield Crescent Bainbridge Drive Bainbridge Drive Fairport Road Kingston Road Finch Avenue Fairview Avenue Browning Avenue Douglas Avenue Falconcrest Drive Dunbarton Road Rambleberry Avenue Falconwood Way Bonita Avenue South terminus Fanshaw Place Krosno Blvd. Balaton Avenue Fawndale Road Riverview Crescent Littleford Street Faylee Crescent Fieldlight Blvd. Fieldlight Blvd. Feldspar Court Brock Road North terminus ATTACHMENT# .3 TOREPORT# Des 33 -0) "-1) . ¡ of ",'-' HIGHWAY NAME FROM TO Fernam Street Strouds Lane Charnwood Court Ferncliff Circle (north leg) Forest Park Drive South terminus Ferncliff Circle (south leg) Forest Park Drive West terminus Fiddlers Court Altona Road South terminus Fieldlight Boulevard Glenanna Road Valley Farm Road Fieldstone Circle Maple Ridge Drive Bushmill Street Finch Avenue Brock Road East terminus Flavelle Court Foxwood Trail East terminus Foleyet Crescent Walnut Lane Walnut Lane Fordon Avenue Modlin Road Krosno Blvd. Forest Park Drive Finch Avenue Linwood Street Forestview Drive Lawson Street Waterford Gate Foster Court Cowan Circle East terminus Foxglove Avenue Annland Street West terminus Foxwood Trail Strouds Lane Rosebank Road Franklin Street Central Street North terminus Frisco Road Montgomery Park Road South terminus Front Street Browning Avenue Annland Street Frontier Court Chantilly Road West terminus Fuschia Lane Grenoble Blvd. Modlin Road Gablehurst Crescent Brookshire Square South terminus (north leg) Gablehurst Crescent Brookshire Square West terminus (south leg) Gallant Court Atwood Crescent North terminus Gandalf Court Duberry Drive East terminus Gardenview Square Foxwood Trail Gardenview Square Garland Crescent Summerpark Crescent Summerpark Crescent Garvolin Avenue Modlin Road Krosno Blvd. Geta Circle Pickering Parkway Pickering Parkway Gillmoss Road Rosebank Road East terminus Gladstone Street Whitevale Road North terminus Glen Eden Court Dixie Road West terminus Glenanna Road Fairport Road Dixie Road Glenanna Road Dixie Road Listowell Crescent Glendale Drive Finch Avenue Kingston Road Glengrove Road Kingston Road Glenview Road Glenview Road Kingston Road Fieldlight Blvd. Glouchester Square Bowler Drive Gloucester Square Golf Club Road Whitevale Road South terminus Gossamer Drive Dixie Road East terminus Graceland Court Napanee Road East terminus Grafton Court Duncannon Drive West terminus Granby Court Altona Road West terminus Granite Court Whites Road Rosebank Road ATTACHMENT# 3 TOREPORT# DC <:> 330) \i., of ),C HIGHWAY NAME Grayabbey Court Greenburn Place Greenmount Street Greenridge Drive Greenvale Crescent Greenwood Road Grenoble Boulevard Greycoat Lane Grovedale Court Guild Road Gwendolyn Street Hadrian Court Haller Avenue Halsey Lane Hampton Court Hanworth Court Harrowsmith Court Harvest Drive Heathside Crescent Hedgerow Place Helen Crescent Helm Street Henry Street Hensall Court Heska Road Hewson Drive Highbush Trail Highview Road Highview Road Hillcrest Road Hillview Crescent Hogarth Street Holbrook Court Hollyhedge Drive Honeywood Crescent Hoover Drive Houston Court Howell Crescent Hoxton Street Hummingbird Court Huntsmill Drive Ilona Park Road Ingrid Road I ronstone Manor Jacqueline Avenue FROM Helm Street Concession Road 5 Valley Farm Road Westney Road Springview Drive Concession Road 5 Naroch Blvd. Vicki Drive Parkdale Street Kingston Road Rouge Valley Drive Southcott Road Liverpool Road Liverpool Road Eyer Drive Breda Avenue Major Oaks Road Maple Ridge Drive Glenanna Road Shadybrook Drive Modlin Road Voyager Avenue William Street Malden Crescent Martens Street Annland Street Old Forest Road Ariel Crescent Rosebank Road Hillview Crescent Park Crescent Woodview Avenue Bonita Avenue Major Oaks Road Deerbrook Drive Fawndale Road Cowan Circle Hoover Drive 140m west of Brock Road Sparrow Circle Finch Avenue Liverpool Road 130m west of Susan Drive Granite Court Eastbank Road TO North terminus North terminus Major Oaks Road West terminus Springview Drive Concession Road 6 Naroch Blvd. Sanok Drive North terminus Finch Avenue Fawndale Road East terminus Douglas Avenue Abbey Road West terminus North terminus West terminus Maple Gate Road Longbow Drive Eastbank Road South terminus South terminus Dow Street South terminus Cherrywood Avenue Foxglove Ave Old Forest Road Whites Road Ariel Crescent West Shore Blvd. Vicki Drive Pine Grove Avenue East terminus Denby Drive Deerbrook Drive Twyn Rivers Drive East terminus Hoover Drive Brock Road West terminus Glenanna Road Liverpool Road East terminus North terminus Spruce Hill Road HIGHWAY NAME Jaywin Circle Jodrel Road John Street Jomar Avenue Joseph Street Kate's Lane Kellino Street Kelvinway Lane Kimton Court Kingfisher Drive Kinsale Road Kirkwood Lane Kitley Avenue Kodiak Street Krosno Boulevard Lamour Road Lancrest Street Lane Street Larksmere Court Laurier Crescent Lawson Street Layton Court Leaside Street Lekani Court Lennox Lane Lightfoot Place Linwood Street Listowell Crescent Littleford Street Liverpool Road Liverpool Road Liverpool Road Liverpool Road Livingston Street Lodge Road Longbow Drive Lorn Street Lublin Avenue Luna Court Lutterworth Court Lydia Crescent Lynmar Court Lynn Heights Drive ATTACHMENT# 3 TOREPORT# oE:5 ~ 3--o:s ---3- of :J.ú FROM Denmar Road McKay Road Brock Road 100m west of Stonehurst Road Brock Road Shadybrook Drive Squires Beach Road Rambleberry Avenue Dunn Crescent Balaton Avenue Highway No.7 Highview Road Dixie Road Sideline 20 Liverpool Road Napanee Road Waterford Gate Brock Road Beechlawn Drive Foxwood Trail Oakburn Street Atwood Crescent Oklahoma Drive Mountain Ash Drive Avonmore Square Edmund Drive Liverpool Road Glenanna Road Altona Road Bushmill Street Annland Street Lake Ontario Finch Avenue Central Street Fieldlight Blvd. Healthside Crescent Central Street Alyssu m Street Liverpool Road Can borough Crescent Dixie Road Baggins Street Finch Avenue TO Denmar Road Conmara Avenue East terminus East terminus Franklin Street East terminus Church Street Rambleberry Avenue West terminus Colmar Avenue 1000m North of Highway No.7 Springview Drive Bowler Drive Acorn Lane Bayly Street Otonabee Drive Valleyview Drive East terminus North terminus Foxwood Trail East terminus East terminus Breezy Crescent North terminus Kingston Road South terminus Parkdale Street Storrington Street West terminus North terminus Bayly Street Annland Street Bushmill Street South terminus Poppy Lane Rambleberry Avenue Wellington Street Parkham Crescent East terminus West terminus Ridgewood Court West terminus 900m north of Finch Avenue ATTACHMENT#--Í_- TOREPORT# oC::S 33-c3 (0 of J.. C HIGHWAY NAME FROM TO Lynn Heights Drive 900m north of Finch Avenue Fairport Road Lytton Court T oynevale Road South terminus Madonna Court Abbey Road East terminus Maitland Drive Rosebank Road West terminus Major Oaks Road Brock Road Meriadoc Drive Malden Crescent Glenanna Road Bowler Drive Maple Gate Road Dixie Road Maple Ridge Drive Maple Hill Court Conacher Crescent West terminus Maple Ridge Drive Dixie Road Finch Avenue Mapleview Court Finch Avenue West terminus Marinet Crescent Hillcrest Road Hillcrest Road Marksbury Road Vicki Drive South terminus Marshcourt Drive Pickering Parkway North terminus Martins Street Heska Road Speke Road Maury Crescent Lynn Heights Drive Lynn Heights Drive McBrady Crescent Duberry Drive Duberry Drive McKay Road Squires Beach Road Jodrel Road McLeod Crescent Oakwood Drive North terminus McPherson Court Brock Road East terminus Meadowlane Crescent Maple Gate Road Maple Gate Road Meadowridge Crescent Falconcrest Drive Falconcrest Drive Meadowview Avenue Shadybrook Drive Edgewood Road Meldron Drive Sandhurst Crescent Pine Grove Avenue Melman Street Dellbrook Avenue Dellbrook Avenue Memory Lane Fieldlight Blvd. Everton Street Meriadoc Drive Major Oaks Road Dellbrook Avenue Merritton Road Kingston Road East terminus Middleton Street Major Oaks Road Pepperwood Gate Mill Street Whitevale Road Churchwin Street Millbank Road Parkside Drive Aspen Road Mink Street Chipmunk Street Breezy Drive Minstrel Manor Cobbler's Court North terminus Miranda Court Amberlea Road West terminus Miriam Road lator Avenue lator Avenue Modlin Road Tatra Drive Krosno Blvd. Monica Cook Place Liverpool Road West terminus Montclair Lane Saugeen Drive Highview Road Monteagle Circle Gloucester Square Bowler Drive Montgomery Park Road Sandy Beach Road Brock Road Montgomery Park Road McKay Road South terminus Montgomery Park Road 130m west of Susan Drive Frisco Road Moorelands Crescent Cowan Circle Cowan Circle Morden Lane Krosno Blvd. Reytan Blvd. Moretta Avenue Sanok Drive Sanok Drive Mossbrook Square West Creek Drive West Creek Drive ATTACHMENT# j TOREPORT# CES ~j-o"3 ---¡r-; . ').. D HIGHWAY NAME FROM TO Mountain Ash Drive Oakwood Drive South terminus Mountcastle Crescent Huntsmill Drive Huntsmill Drive Mulberry Lane Whitevale Road South terminus Mulmur Court Bowler Drive East terminus Napanee Road Finch Avenue Amberlea Road Naroch Boulevard Tatra Drive Modlin Road New Street Whites Road Cricket Lane Newmark Place Laurier Crescent West terminus Nipissing Court Napanee Road North terminus Nomad Road Rosebank Road Dunn Crescent Nordane Drive Pine Grove Avenue North terminus Norfolk Square Foxwood Trail Foxwood Trail North Road Whitevale Road 150m north of Whitevale Road Oakburn Street Pine Grove Avenue Lawson Street Oakwood Drive T oynevale Road Rougemount Drive Oberon Court Ariel Crescent North terminus Oklahoma Drive Whites Road West Shore Blvd. Oklahoma Drive West Shore Blvd. Breezy Drive Old Forest Road Sheppard Avenue Rosebank Road Old Orchard Avenue Douglas Avenue Liverpool Road Oliva Street Breezy Drive Lynx Avenue Orangebrook Court Brock Road East terminus Orchard Heights Drive Donnalea Avenue West terminus Orion Court Shadybrook Drive North terminus Otonabee Drive Amberlea Road Lamour Road Park Crescent West Shore Boulevard West terminus Parkdale Street Forest Park Drive Linwood Street Parkham Crescent Colmar Avenue Sandy Beach Road Parkside Drive New Street Pebble Court Parkside Drive Pebble Court Aspen Road Patio Lane Hillcrest Road Sanok Drive Patmore Lane Liverpool Road Naroch Blvd. Peachwood Lane Major Oaks Road Blue Ridge Crescent Pebble Court Parkside Drive West terminus Pebblestone Crescent Maple Ridge Drive Maple Ridge Drive Pepperwood Gate Major Oaks Road Chapman Court Petticoat Lane Broadgreen Street Creekview Circle Petunia Place Gwendolyn Street North terminus Pine Glen Drive Dixie Road Gossamer Drive Pine Grove Avenue Woodview Avenue Altona Road Pine Ridge Road Winette Road Rougemount Drive Pinecreek Court Kitley Avenue South terminus Pineview Lane Autumn Crescent East terminus Pleasant Street Annland Street Commerce Street ATTACHMENT#3 TOREPORT# DES 5-:;-[:3 i :L-of ~(; HIGHWAY NAME FROM TO Plummer Street Salk Road Brock Road Poppy Lane Fieldlight Blvd. Lodge Road Poprad Avenue Tatra Drive West terminus Portland Court Pickering Parkway West terminus Post Drive Strouds Lane Fernam Street Primrose Court Fairport Road East terminus Prohill Street Woodview Avenue Rockwood Drive Quartz Street Toy Avenue East terminus Quigley Street Dillingham Road Brock Road Radom Street Liverpool Road St. Martin's Drive Rainy Day Drive Edmund Drive Steeple Hill Rambleberry Avenue Dixie Road Rambleberry Avenue Rathmore Crescent Rawlings Drive Rawlings Drive Rawlings Drive Rambleberry Avenue Glenanna Road Rayleen Crescent Beaton Way Beaton Way Redbird Crescent Huntsmill Drive Huntsmill Drive Redwood Lane Linwood Street Parkdale Street Reesor Court Wildwood Crescent East terminus Regal Crescent Darwin Drive Darwin Drive Regan Place Reytan Blvd. East terminus Reytan Boulevard Drava Street Krosno Blvd. Richardson Street Hoover Drive East terminus Ridgewood Court Dixie Road East terminus Rigby Drive Liverpool Road West terminus Riverview Crescent Fawndale Road Fawndale Road Rockwood Drive Hogarth Street Pine Grove Avenue Rodd Avenue Dyson Road East terminus Rosebank Road Charnwood Road Strouds Lane Rosebank Road Sheppard Avenue Kingston Road Rosebank Road 100m north of Granite Court Rodd Avenue Rosebank Road 100m north of Concession Concession Road 3 Road 3 Rosebank Road Concession Road 3 80m south of Concession Road 3 Rosebank Road Kingston Road 100m south of Kingston Road Rosefield Road Glenview Road Finch Avenue Rosefield Road Finch Avenue Parkdale Street Rouge Forest Crescent Woodview Avenue Woodview Avenue Rouge Hill Court Rougemount Drive North terminus Rouge Valley Drive Fawndale Road Littleford Street Rougemount Drive Rosebank Road Kingston Road Rougemount Drive 275m East of Altona Road Altona Road Rougemount Drive Kingston Road 275m East of Altona Road Rowntree Crescent Rawlings Drive Rawlings Drive ATTACHMENT# j - TOREPORT# of: 5 3 :5-c 3 I -2 of '),0 HIGHWAY NAME Royal Road Salk Road Samford Lane Sandcastle Court Sandcherry Court Sandhurst Crescent Sandra Drive Sandstone Manor Sandy Beach Road Sandy Beach Road Sangro Lane Sanok Drive Saugeen Drive Secord Street Seguin Square Senator Street Shademaster Drive Shadow Place Shadybrook Drive Shay Drive Shearer Lane Sheppard Avenue Sheppard Avenue Sherman Crescent Silicone Drive Silver Maple Drive Silver Spruce Drive Silverthorn Square Simpson Avenue Somergrove Crescent Southcott Road Southcott Road Southcott Road Southview Drive Sparrow Circle Spartan Court Speke Road Spring Street Springview Drive Spruce Hill Road St. Martins Drive St. Martins Drive FROM Kingston Road Bayly Street Sanok Drive Park Crescent Thicket Crescent Pine Grove Avenue I ngrid Road Granite Court 350m north of Bayly Street 950m south of Bayly Street T atra Drive Hillcrest Road Amberlea Road Thicket Crescent Otonabee Drive Waterford Gate Wingarden Crescent Finch Avenue Strouds Lane Beaton Way Annland Street Whites Road Fairport Road Lynn Heights Drive Copperstone Drive Foxwood Trail Glenanna Road Dixie Road Browning Avenue Major Oaks Road 28m south of Conacher Crescent Concession Road 3 192m south of south Conacher Crescent Kingston Road Altona Road Appleview Road Cherrywood Avenue Brock Road Rosebank Road Finch Avenue Bayly Street Browning Avenue TO Finch Avenue North terminus West Shore Blvd. North terminus Sand cherry Court Pine Grove Avenue South terminus South terminus Bayly Street Montgomery Park Road Poprad Avenue Sanok Drive Highview Road Pine Grove Avenue Sequin Square Valleyview Drive South terminus South terminus Spruce Hill Road Beaton Way Balaton Avenue Edmund Drive Whites Road Lynn Heights Drive East terminus Strouds Lane Eagleview Drive Deerbrook Drive South terminus Major Oaks Road 192m south of south Conacher Crescent 28m south of Conacher Crescent South terminus South terminus Altona Road South terminus Martins Street Highway No.7 Springview Drive South terminus Radom Street 100m north of Browning /} -.7-,,'7 ATTACHMENT#:J TOREPORT# Dt.S ) ~ "U.) ¡ y. of ;)D HIGHWAY NAME FROM TO Avenue Starview Court Forestview Drive East terminus Steeple Hill Kingston Road Lightfoot Place Stonebridge Lane Eyer Drive Downland Drive Stonehampton Court Littleford Street South terminus Stonehurst Road Concession Road 3 South terminus Stonepath Circle Aspen Road Aspen Road Storrington Street Walnut Lane Glenanna Road Stover Crescent Fawndale Road Littleford Street Strathmore Crescent Denvale Drive South terminus Streamside Court Sandy Beach Road East terminus Strouds Lane Autumn Crescent Rosebank Road Strouds Lane Broadoak Crescent (East) Alder Court Strouds Lane Shadybrook Drive Spruce Hill Road Sturgeon Court Saugeen Drive West terminus Sultana Square Foxwood Trail Sultana Square Summerpark Crescent Wildflower Drive Wildflower Drive Sundown Crescent Edmund Drive Edmund Drive Sunrise Avenue Wesr Shore Blvd. Breezy Drive Surf Avenue Park Crescent West Shore Blvd. Susan Drive Montgomery Park Road South terminus Swan Place Erin Gate Blvd. West terminus Sweetbriar Court Hogarth Street East terminus Tanzer Court Begley Street South terminus Taplin Drive Fairport Road West terminus T atra Drive Liverpool Road Krosno Blvd. Tawnberry Street Dellbrook Avenue Melman Street Terracotta Court Wildwood Crescent East terminus Theoden Court Hollyhedge Drive North terminus Thicket Crescent Valley Ridge Crescent Valley Ridge Crescent Tillings Road 125m south of Dersan North terminus Street Tilson Court Strouds Lane North terminus Timber Court Maple Gate Road East terminus Timmins Gardens Batory Avenue Vistula Drive Tisha Road Brock Road Brougham Road Tomlinson Court Fiddlers Court West terminus Toy Avenue Bayly Street North terminus T oynevale Road Winette Road Rosebank Road T oynevale Road Rosebank Road East terminus Trailwood Court Maple Gate Road East terminus Tranquil Court Westcreek Drive East terminus Treetop Way Strouds Lane Strouds Lane Trellis Court Chapleau Drive East terminus Trimble's Lane Concession Road 6 South terminus ATTACHMENT# ,3 . TOREPORT# úfS 3:;L;:") f 5of .J-G HIGHWAY NAME FROM TO Tullo Street Marksbury Road West Shore Blvd. Twyn Rivers Drive Altona Road Hoover Drive Una Road Aspen Road New Street Underhill Court Bentley Lane North terminus Uxbridge / Pickering Sideline 30 Sideline 28 Townline Valley Gate Altona Road Riverview Crescent Valley Ridge Crescent Hogarth Street Thicket Crescent Valleyview Drive Waterford Gate North terminus Vicki Drive Hillcrest Road West Shore Blvd. Victor Court Broadgreen Street North terminus Victoria Street Central Street South terminus Victory Drive Vicki Drive Park Crescent Village Street Highview Road Arcadia Square Vistula Drive Batory Avenue West Shore Blvd. Voyager Avenue Fairport Road Grayabbey Court Walnut Lane Kingston Road Glenanna Road Waterford Gate Altona Road Oakburn Street Waterford Gate Oakburn Street Woodview Avenue Wayfarer Lane St. Martins Drive Tanzer Court Wellington Street Brock Road Lorn Street Welrus Street Fairport Road Spruce Hill Road West Lane Pine Grove Avenue Valley Ridge Crescent West Shore Boulevard Bayly Street South terminus Westcreek Drive Oakburn Street Westcreek Drive Westcreek Drive Westcreek Drive Pine Grove Avenue Weyburn Square Foxwood Trail Foxwood Trail Wharf Street 190m west of Liverpool East terminus Road Wheatsheaf Lane Bushmill Street Barnwood Square Whisky Gate Finch Avenue Armaretto Avenue White Cedar Drive Foxwood Trail Strouds Lane White Pine Crescent Valley Ridge Crescent Valley Ridge Crescent Whitevale Road Altona Road 200m east of North Road Whitevale Road 200m East of North Road 325m east of North Road Wilcroft Court Oakburn Street East terminus Wildflower Drive Woodsmere Crescent Rosebank Road Wild rose Crescent Maple Gate Road Maple Gate Road Wildwood Crescent Major Oaks Road Major Oaks Road William Street Brock Road Regional Road 5 Willowside Court Sandy Beach Road East terminus Windgrove Square Maple Ridge Drive Windgrove Square Winette Road Tonyvale Road Pine Ridge Road Wingarden Crescent Fairport Road West terminus Wixson Road Regional Road 5 Lane Steet ì ;.',T'rACHMENT;t.t._....~ TOREPORT# I,:E5 3?C~) J~ of -- ,').0 HIGHWAY NAME FROM TO Wollaston Court Walnut Lane South terminus Woodgrange Avenue Rougemount Drive South terminus Woodruff Crescent Aspen Road New Street Woodside Lane Highview Road Springview Drive Woodsmere Crescent Wildflower Drive Rosebank Road Woodview Avenue Twyn Rivers Drive Pine Grove Avenue Woodview Avenue Pine Grove Avenue Finch Avenue Woodview Drive Twyn Rivers Drive South terminus Yererni Street Oklahoma Drive Breezy Drive Zator Avenue Bern Avenue Krosno Blvd. ATTACHMENT#2" TOREPORT#_(s.2_33'-o'~ / 7 of ~ SCHEDULE B TO BY-LAW NO. 6181/03 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED - 50 KM/H t:;i'íACHMENT#~~ TOREPORT# () f S 33,{,IS ¡if:. ") /" "of <,..., SCHEDULE C TO BY-LAW NO. 6181/03 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED - 60 KM/H HIGHWAY NAME FROM TO Concession Road, fifth 100m west of Church Westney Road Street Concession Road, fourth Brock Road Taunton Road Concession Road, third Brock Road Ajax Border Dixie Road Kingston Road Glenanna Road Dixie Road Kitley Avenue Finch Avenue Rosebank Road 80m south of Concession Finch Avenue Road 3 Salem Road Concession Road 5 Highway No.7 Scarborough 1 Pickering Finch Avenue Taunton Road Townline Sideline 4 Concession Road 5 Highway No.7 Squires Beach Road McKay Road Bayly Street Uxbridge 1 Pickering Sideline 32 Sideline 30 Townline Westney Road Regional Road 5 Uxbridge 1 Pickering Townline Af1ACHMEN1#--':'2.. J"l') REPORT# LC,<:) :; =){-~ -13- of -~2(L SCHEDULE 0 TO BY-LAW NO. 6181/03 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED- 70 KM/H ~,rvÞCHiv' ENT#ì TO REPORT# (,/::S 3)~û) ,2.ú of ,9-,L, SCHEDULE E TO BY-LAW NO. 6181/03 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED - 80 KM/H