HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 5, 2001 LJ 3w:'.... b d l > tJ "AV AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING Anne Greentree Supervisor, Legislative Services MARCH 5, 2001 AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 5, 2001 (1) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of February 19, 2001 (II) PRESENTATION 1. Pat Olive, representing the Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO), will present to Councillor Johnson the President's Award for his support of EDCO and his support of tourism and economic development over the years. (IIII DELEGATIONS 1. The following delegations will address Council concerning the Proposed Increase to Taxicab Fares and Decrease in Transfer Fee: a) Bhupinder Singh Bajwa b) Glen Campbell c) Aruen Bissell d) Sean Donalson e) Surinder Kumar 0 Gurbax Singh g) Kewal Mandcha h) Bawider Baim i) Sagir Ahmed j) Arif Rana k) Wazir Ahmed 1) Parminder Singh m) Sanjeev Kumar n) Jamal Ahmed (IV) RESOLUTIONS PAGE 1. To adopt the Executive Committee Report dated February 26, 2001. 1-3 2. To consider Planning & Development Report 08-01 - Liverpool Road South Area 4-27 Detailed Review - City-initiated Official Plan Amendment. 3. To consider Clerks Report 04-01 - Proposed Increase to Taxicab Fares and Decrease 28-36 in Transfer Fee. This Item was Deferred from the February 12th Executive Committee Meeting 4. To consider Clerks Report 10-01 - Appointments to Pickering Youth Partnership 37-43 Initiative. --2-- M BY-LAWS By-law Number 5806/01 44-46 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2920/88, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 21 and 22, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering. (A30/00) By-law Number 5807/01 47-48 Being a by-law to amend By-law Number 2206/86 for the licensing, regulating and governing of taxicab drivers, owners and brokers. By-law Number 5808/01 49 Being a by-law to appoint persons to the Pickering Youth Partnership Initiative. (VI) NOTICE OF MOTION 1. Moved by Councillor Brenner 50 Seconded by Councillor Johnson WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to establish a guideline for staff and Council for the preparation of the 2001 Current Budget for the City of Pickering which will have an effect on the City's portion of the property taxes; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby directs staff that, excluding Fire Services and excluding assessment growth, the net increase to the 2001 Current Budget shall not provide an increase to the City's portion of the property tax in excess of 3% over the Year 2000. (VII) CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. To consider a financial matter. 51-67 (VIII) OTHER BUSINESS (IX) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW (X) ADJOURNMENT 001 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the Report of the Executive Committee dated February 26, 2001, be adopted. CARRIED: MAYOR --2-- 3. Pre-budget approval be given in the amount of $175,000 for Planning Studies stated below and as outlined in Attachment #3: (a) the amount of $75,000 for Planning Studies related to the Liverpool Road South Detailed Review, and the East Duffins Area Land Use and Design Study; (b) the amount up to $100,000 for a Planning Review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, with anticipated private sector matching funding of approximately $40,000 - $50,000 from landowners/developers within the quadrant, with staff being direted to seek funding from landowners/developers within the northeast quadrant for the Planning Review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, and that the Review not proceed unless adequate private sector funding is secured; 4. (a) Pre-budget approval be given for the construction of Phase II of the Millennium Trail and Boardwalk Project for the Phase II components at a cost not to exceed $600,000; and (b) the Tender be awarded to Miwel as per pricing of Tender T-9-2000, received and approved in part by Resolution #93/00, for Phase II works; 5. Financing be included in the 2001 Current and Capital Budgets; and 6. The appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. 4. CLERKS REPORT #08-01 YEAR 2001 ANIMAL CONTROL BUDGET That the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby approves the Year 2001 Animal Control budget estimates as recommended by the Pickering, Ajax and Whitby Joint Animal Control Committee at its meeting of January 31, 2001. 5. PROCLAMATION "RED CROSS MONTH" - MARCH, 2001 "DAY OF MOURNING" - APRIL 28, 2001 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: 003 "Red Cross Month" - March, 2001 "Day of Mourning" - April 28, 2001 Citq a? I` I I I I R FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development REPORT TO COUNCIL 005 DATE: February 23, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: PD 08-01 SUBJECT: Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review - City-initiated Official Plan Amendment and, Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 99-004/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/99 Pickering Harbour Company Part of Lot 23, Range 3, B.F.C. (west side of Liverpool Road, south of Wharf Street) City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Council direct staff to commence a City-initiated Official Plan Amendment for the entire Liverpool Road Waterfront Node, and hold an associated Statutory Public Information Meeting on April 19, 2001, to consider potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan to implement the results of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review. 2. That Council lift from the table Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 99- 004/P and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/99 (tabled by Council on June 19, 2000), submitted by Pickering Harbour Company, and refer these applications back to staff for further review and consideration concurrently with the City-initiated Official Plan Amendment for the entire Liverpool Road Waterfront Node (initiated through adoption of Recommendation 1. above) and the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review. ORIGIN: A request from Mayor Arthurs directing staff to prepare a report for the March 5, 2001 Council Meeting to provide recommendations to Council regarding certain planning matters within the Liverpool Road South Area. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed recommendations. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The final part of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review is commencing, and it is anticipated that several recommendations for active planning matters within the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node will be forwarded to Council for consideration in June, 2001. A required City-initiated Official Plan Amendment to establish the policy framework within the Pickering Official Plan for guidelines being established through the Detailed Review has not yet commenced. PLANNING REPORT NUMBER PD 08-01 Date: February 23, 2001 Subject: Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review, and Page 3 O ?? Pickering Harbour Company Development Applications The historic "Fairport Village", the Hydro Marsh, the Front Street Park, the East Spit and Beachfront Park also fall within this Node (see Location Map - Attachment #1). 1.3 City-initiated Official Plan Amendment Direction to staff to commence a City-initiated Official Plan Amendment is required from Council to consider amendments to the Pickering Official Plan necessary to implement the results of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review. Certain amendments to the Pickering Official Plan are required to help implement the vision and objectives established in development guidelines for the Area, and to provide a strong policy foundation for future development within the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node. Potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan resulting from the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review were provided to Council for discussion in Appendix V to Report Number PD 26-00, considered by Council on June 19, 2000. At their June 19, 2000 Meeting, Council passed Resolution #96/00 which, among other things. directed staff to hold a Statutory Public Information Meeting following Part 2 (of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review) to discuss potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan required to implement the recommendations of the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1 - Phase 2 Report". The potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan outlined in Appendix V to Report Number PD 26-00 were amended by Council. A copy of the text of Report Number PD 26-00, a copy of Appendix V to that Report and a copy of Council Resolution #96/00 are included as Attachments #2 to #4 respectively, to this Report. 1.4 Pickering Harbour Company Development Applications Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications (OPA 99-004/P and A 22/99), submitted by Pickering Harbour Company in July, 1999, were tabled by Council on June 19, 2000. These applications proposed phased development consisting of 40 townhouse units (adjacent to Liverpool Road and Wharf Street) in the first phase, and a mixed-use block (adjacent to the waterfront) including the potential development of a marina, a 140 unit hotel/apartment complex, restaurant, retail, entertainment and offices uses, and a public walkway in the second phase. Planning & Development staff recommended to Council that the first phase of development proposed was an appropriate and desirable form of development, and recommended approval in principle of that proposed development, subject to various conditions (including the adoption of the City-initiated Official Plan Amendment). Staff recommended that the second phase of development proposed was premature in the absence of required information and technical reports. Staff recommended that the second phase of the proposed development be deferred pending Council's consideration of a City-initiated Official Plan Amendment for the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node, that the proposal be revised to reflect the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines and that appropriate supporting information be submitted. 1.5 Current Review Since June, 2000, the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review has progressed from Part 1 (focusing mainly on land use issues within the Waterfront Node) to Part 2, involving theme generation for the Area and consideration of resultant design guidelines for both private development and public initiatives. Staff is currently working with stakeholders, landowners, community groups and the Study consultants to complete Part 2 of the Review. It is anticipated that Part 2 of the Review will be completed in the Spring of 2001, and recommendations will be considered by Council in June, 2001. PLANNING REPORT NUMBER PD 08-01 Date: February 23, 2001 Subject: Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review, and Page 5 9 Pickering Harbour Company Development Applications The Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review process is well advanced, with extensive public consultation completed, and to be continued throughout that process. It would be efficient and appropriate to encourage the review of related planning matters within the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node to occur concurrently. A concurrent review approach would be most expeditious, would avoid delays inherent to other potential options and would avoid duplication in efforts. Through recent stakeholder and resident workshops conducted through Part 2 of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review, there was clear support from both the major landowners within the Review Area and the representatives from the community groups, to proceed with the staff recommended option outlined above. Through these discussions it was concluded that considering all of the Pickering Harbour Company applications at one time in conjunction with the related planning matters arising from the Detailed Review was most efficient, resulting in the recommended modification to that original Option 2A. The City-initiated Official Plan Amendment would consist of full public participation, through both formal circulation and the required Statutory Public Information Meeting, and would be appropriately reviewed and considered in conjunction with Part 2 of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review. Public consultation and time commitments by stakeholders, residents and staff, although frequent in the short term, would be focused within the next three to four months, as opposed to sporadic and beyond 2001. Adopting the recommended concurrent review approach would allow Council to consider multiple related recommendations for development within the Waterfront Node in an efficient and timely manner. Although recommended to be considered in conjunction with other planning matters at one time, the Pickering Harbour Company development applications could still be considered in whole or in part, and all or some of the proposed development could be implemented with other development occurring within the Waterfront Node. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Text of Report PD 26-00 3. Appendix V to Report PD 26-00 4. Council Resolution #96/00 5. Planning & Development Department Memorandum Prepared By: Ron Taylor Planner 2 Approved / Endorsed !Z /. _/ Neil Carro , WP, P Director, P & Development Catherine Rose Manager, Policy RST/CLR/ph Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council n J. Ouin fC( of P/cr ATTACHMENT #_..__...2__T0 0 1 & ?9y REPORT # PU _d - -- REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll DATE: June 1, 2000 Director, Planning and Development REPORT NUMBER: PD 26-00 SUBJECT: Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1 - Phase 2 Report Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Council receive as background information the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review - Part 1 Phase 1 Report", prepared by the Planning and Development Department, and the consulting firms of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects and TCI Management Consultants Limited, dated May 12, 2000 (the document was previously distributed under separate cover); 2. That Council receive as background information the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review - Part 1 Phase 2 Report", attached as Appendix I to Report Number PD 26-00, prepared by the Planning and Development Department, and the consulting firms of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects and TCI Management Consultants Limited, dated June 8, 2000; 3. That Council adopt the "Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines" attached as Appendix II to Planning Report Number PD 26-00, as the City's strategy for detailed land use, urban design, and major street layout within the Liverpool Road South Area; 4. That Council endorse the "Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Revised Implementation Strategy", attached as Appendix III to Report Number PD 26-00, direct City staff to include the Implementation Strategy as an appendix to the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines, and direct City staff to review implementation matters annually and forward appropriate projects for Council's consideration during budget deliberations; 5. That Council adopt "Informational Revision No. 8 to the Pickering Official Plan" attached as Appendix IV to Report Number PD 26-00; 6. That Council direct staff to hold a Statutory Public Information Meeting on August 10, 2000, to discuss potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan required to implement the recommendations of the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1 - Phase 2 Report", as generally set out in Appendix V to Report Number PD 26-00; 7. That Council direct staff to commence with the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review - Part 2", as per the Council-adopted Terms of Reference for the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review; and 8. That Council direct the City Clerk to forward a copy of Report Number PD 26-00 to the City's Waterfront Coordinating Committee, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and the Region of Durham. ATTACHMENT # a TO REPORT # PD REPORT NUMBER PD 26-00 June 8, 2000 Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1- Phase 2 Report Page 3013 BACKGROUND: 1.0 History 1.1 Study Area The Liverpool Road South Study Area generally extends southward from Commerce Street on both sides of Liverpool Road to Lake Ontario. It extends west to include all of the properties south of Commerce Street having both access and exposure to Frenchman's Bay, including the water lots under the Bay. The study area includes the historic "Village of Fairport", Hydro Marsh, Front Street Park, the East Spit and Beachfront Park. Existing development in the area includes a mixture of housing, marinas, restaurant, boat storage, marina service, aquaculture, park, and natural open space uses (see Location Map - Attachment #1). 1.2 Development Applications In July 1999, the City received two major development proposals within the study area (the location of the lands subject to these applications is also shown on Attachment #1). The applications, submitted by the Pickering Harbour Company (OPA 99-004/P and A 22/99), and G. & A. Hilts (now 794582 Ontario Ltd.) (A 23/99), proposed a "marine village" concept consisting of townhomes, boat storage areas, and the potential for marinas, marina-supportive uses, commercial uses, and higher density residential uses. The applications were discussed at a Statutory Public Information Meeting held August 24, 1999. The Bay Ridges Neighbourhood Map of the Pickering Official Plan identifies the study area as being within a "Detailed Review Area", which indicates the need to establish comprehensive land use, urban design, transportation, and environmental management parameters for the area prior to major development occurring. With respect to the above-mentioned applications, there was considerable concern expressed by the City and members of the public that such a comprehensive plan should be developed before making any decisions on specific development applications. Accordingly, Council passed Resolution #181/99 in September 1999, which directed staff to prepare a terms of reference for a Detailed Review of the area. The resolution also stated that no recommendations were to be forwarded to Council on any major development proposals within the study area until the Detailed Review was completed. 1.3 Detailed Review Council endorsed a terms of reference for the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review in December 1999 (see Attachment #2). The Planning and Development Department was directed to initiate the study, and funding was established to undertake the work. Three consulting firms were retained by the City to provide professional assistance with marina development, urban design and market analysis. The firms are Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects and TCI Management Consultants Limited. Key personal from those firms combined with staff of the Planning and Development Department to form a study team to undertake the Detailed Review. As per the terms of reference, the Detailed Review consists of two parts. Part 1 focuses on land use, building mass and placement, and provides an appropriate context for the review of development applications. Once Council adopts the recommendations of Part 1, the study team will proceed with Part 2, which focuses on detailed design matters including the establishment of a "theme" for the area, architectural guidelines, and landscape guidelines. ATTACHMENT P 2? TO REPORT # PO REPORT NUMBER PD 26-00 Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1- Phase 2 Report June 8, 2000 Page 5 2.0 Discussion 2.1 Public Consultation Summary The Public Consultation Summary identifies the formal consultation sessions held during Part 1 of the Detailed Review. Also summarized are the main issues identified during a public meeting held May 16`h, 2000, to discuss the Part 1 - Phase 1 Report. A detailed staff response is provided for each of the issues. Briefly, the main issues discussed in the Public Consultation Summary are as follows: • several people expressed concern with the potential loss of marina activity if all lands adjacent to Frenchman's Bay were development for other purposes; staff agree and have revised the development guidelines and drafted Official Plan policy to establish a "Waterfront Use and Amenity Area" adjacent to the Bay, in which uses of a primarily waterfront-related nature will be permitted; • concerns were raised regarding the potential for new development to have a detrimental impact on the area's natural features; staff agree that it is important to consider these impacts; several Official Plan policies provide guidance on this matter; • the "Pickering Ajax Citizens Together" group has taken the position that no bay-filling be permitted; staff suggest that to prohibit bay-filling may preclude opportunities to improve certain segments of the Frenchman's Bay shoreline; such improvements may also be appropriate to accommodate public amenities, such as a waterfront promenade; • people were concerned with the prospects of increased traffic in the neighbourhood resulting from additional development; staff point out the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines do not contemplate a "regional scale" level of development, as the corresponding intensity of development would be inappropriate for this area; the traffic situation will be monitored and mitigative actions taken if necessary; and • several people objected to the suggestion that certain existing and future roads should accommodate on-street parking, and were concerned that there may not be enough parking; staff point out that the parking strategies included within the Development Guidelines, are a "package" of opportunities, suggesting both on- and off-street parking; all will likely be required to accommodate future parking demand in this area of limited available land; nevertheless, the parking situation will also be monitored over time. 2.2 Revised Land Use Plan The purpose of the detailed land use plan is to provide a basis for preparing the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines. The revised plan remains quite similar to that appearing in the Phase 1- Part 1 Report, with one change of note. 015 The more substantial change is the addition of the "Waterfront Use and Amenity Area", which is a corridor stretching approximately 40 metres inland from the edge of Frenchman's Bay, running from the Front Street City Park through the Marina Mixed Use Area to Liverpool Road. Generally, the area is reserved exclusively for marine- related activities, including marinas, yacht clubs, marina-supportive facilities, mooring facilities, the waterfront promenade and other public activity areas such as parks, public piers and public squares. At Council's discretion, additional uses such as residential, commercial, retail, and office uses, could be considered within the 40 metres, provided that detailed development proposals make appropriate accommodations for marine- related activities and/or public activity areas (in addition to the publicly-accessible waterfront promenade previously identified in the Part 1- Phase 1 Report). ATTACHr:"EiJT TO REP"' . PG_D `d I O I 017 REPORT NUMBER PD 26-00 June 8, 2000 Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1- Phase 2 Report Page 7 separate from this Detailed Review, including a Statutory Public Information Meeting. Informational revisions to the Official Plan can be adopted by Council at any time. Informational revisions include the updating of the Neighbourhood Map for the Bay Ridges Neighbourhood, as well as informational text (detailed in Appendix IV to Report Number PD 26-00). Staff recommend that Council adopt "Informational Revision No. 8 to the Pickering Official Plan" attached as Appendix IV to Report Number PD 26-00. Certain amendments to the Pickering Official Plan are required to provide a strong policy foundation for future development within the Waterfront Node. A specific vision and set of objectives emerged through the Detailed Review. Proper Official Plan policy is critical to the realization of these goals. Staff have prepared "Potential Amendments to the Pickering Official Plan" attached as Appendix V to Report Number PD 26-00, for discussion purposes. Such amendments may include policies that: • recognize the uniqueness of the area and identify it as a "Waterfront Node"; • ensure that lands are developed at an appropriate scale with an appropriate mix of uses; • ensure that appropriate lands are secured for public access to the water's edge; • require certain waterfront-related uses next to Frenchman's Bay, and potentially allow other uses within this area if detailed development proposals contributes appropriately to a sense of public realm at the water's edge; • require that proponents of development enter to agreements with the City; and • encourage opportunities to rejuvenate the historic Village of Fairport by permitting small-scale commercial uses, subject to certain criteria and site-specific rezoning applications. As mentioned previously, amendments to the Official Plan will require a public consultation process separate from this Detailed Review. Accordingly, staff recommend that Council direct staff to hold a Statutory Public Information Meeting on August 10, 2000, to discuss potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan required to implement the recommendations of the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1 - Phase 2 Report", as generally set out in Appendix V to Report Number PD 26-00. 3.0 Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review - Part 2 We would like to thank everyone who participated in Part 1 of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review, including over 150 members of the public, area landowners, staff of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and Region of Durham, as well as the consulting firms of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects and TCI Management Consultants Limited. The Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1 - Phase 2 Report, provides a specific vision for future development within the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node, and establishes the framework necessary to review development applications. It is now appropriate to move forward with Part 2 of the Detailed Review, which will result with detailed architectural and landscape guidelines. Accordingly, staff recommend that Council direct staff to commence with the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review - Part 2", as per the Council-adopted Terms of Reference for the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review. Additionally, staff recommend that Report Number PD 26-00 be forwarded to the City's Waterfront Coordinating Committee, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and the Region of Durham. ATTACHMENT #! T+ REPOP7 * PD --a -o APPENDIX V TO REPORT NUMBER PD 26-00 019 POTENTIAL AMENDMENTS TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN ATIAMvliv REPpR i ?r pE,1G 021 (j) for development proposed within the Waterfront Node, consider requiring that proponents enter into agreements with the City regarding: (i) landowner funding for a control architect retained by the City to assist in the review of development proposals; (ii) accommodating public access to the water's edge; (iii) construction and provision of public roads; and (iv) any other matters Council deems necessary; (k) with respect to the provision of parking within the Waterfront Node, consider: (i) permitting landowners to enter into long term agreements with other landowners respecting the provision of required parking; and (ii) accepting cash-in-lieu of required parking; (1) encourage opportunities to rejuvenate the historic Village of Fairport as a "lakefront village", and to this end, shall consider site-specific rezoning applications to permit in conjunction with the residential use, activities such as tea rooms, craft shops, art studios, and professional offices, provided that: (i) the scale of the proposed use is compatible with surrounding uses; (ii) appropriate off-street parking is available either on the lot or in nearby public parking areas; (iii) the exterior of the home retains its residential character; (iv) signage is discretely accommodated; and (v) any other matters identified by Council are addressed appropriately; (m) when considering proposals for bay-fill, ensure the proposal is limited in scale, designed to facilitate waterfront public amenities and pedestrian access, and improves environmental conditions of Frenchman's Bay and its shoreline; VARIATION TO EXISTING Op (n) consider providing a municipal boat launch along Front Street near Commerce Street, or at the foot of Sandy Beach Road on the west side of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station; and EXISTING ?0 (o) encourage the use and operation of the Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail in a manner sensitive to the interests of the neighbouring residents, and provide local trail connections with the Waterfront Trail in appropriate locations. ATTACHMENT REPORT # PE) Drip 023 -2- 6. That Council direct staff to hold a Statutory Public Information Meeting following Phase 2 to discuss potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan required to implement the recommendations of the "Liveol Road South Area Detailed Review: Pant 1 rpo - Phase 2 Report"% as generall y set out in Appendix V to Report Number PD 26-00 as amended by deleting Clause (m) and substituting therefore the following: (m) Proposals for bay-fill shall be considered only in cases where bay-.fill represents the best environmental benefit to the watershed and when considering proposals for bay-fill, ensure the proposal is limited in scale, designed to facilitate waterfront public amenities and pedestrian access, and improves environmental conditions of Frenchman's Bay and its shoreline; and as further amended by deferring Clause (g) and Clause (h) for consideration in Phase 2 7. That Council direct staff to commence with the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review - Part", as per the Council adopted Terms of Reference for the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review; and 8. That Council direct the City Clerk to forward a copy of Report Number PD 26-00 to the City's Waterfront Coordinating Committee, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and the Region of Durham This resolution is sent to you for your information. //--? L - Bruce Taylor, City Clerk cc. T.J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT Mayor Arthurs REPORT # PG Ge?o Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review & February 6, 2001 Pickering Harbour Company Applications Page 2 Option 2A recognizes that the City may initiate its OPA for the entire Waterfront Node now (by resolution), and use the Statutory Public Meeting and subsequent review proces resolve issues that were apparent is Council's "approval in principle" of the Part 1 results s of the Detailed Review. At the same time, Council may lift, from the table, all 3 resolutions for the PHC applications, and adopt the staff recommendations. (Although the staff recommendations require that a by-law for the Phase 1 lands not be approved until the City's Amendment is adopted by Council, the Pickering Harbour Company can use the intervening period to prepare revised plans and required supporting documentation.) Thus, the process under Option 2A would proceed as follows (see diagonally-] ined squares on attached chart): - • Council commences, by new resolution, City-initiated OPA & lifts, from the table, the Pickering Harbour Company (PHC) resolutions and adopts the staff recommendations: late February/early March, 2001; • Council holds Statutory Public Meeting for City's OPA: April, 2001; • Council adopts results of Parts 1 & 2 of the Review in full & adopts City-initiated Amendment: June, 2001; • Council considers the PHC applications by passing a by-law for Phase 1, and considers a recommendation on the zoning change for Phase 2: September, 2001 - Phase 1; December, 2001 - Phase 2. Under Option 2A, it is anticipated that the City will complete all aspects of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review by the end of August, 2001. The Pickering Harbour Company applications could follow as quickly as the applicant is able to prepare revised plans and required documentation. Option 2B is concurrent consideration in part of the related planning matters. This option would follow the same general sequence as Option 2A, but recognizes that Council has the option to commence the City-initiated OPA for only a ortion of the lands within the Waterfront Node. For example, it could include all lands east of Liverpool Road (including the former Hilts and Coolwater Farms lands, plus all lands on the west side of Liverpool Road excluding the Phase 2 lands of the PHC). Under this option, various steps (such as the statutory public meeting) would have to be repeated for the remaining lands in the future. Alternatively, the entire amendment could be initiated, but, at the time of Council adoption, Council could adopt the amendment only as it affects certain lands. Similarly, Council, in considering whether to lift from the table all 3 PHC resolutions, may conclude that only lifting the resolution dealing with Phase 1 lands is appropriate. Recommendation The Department's recommendation is that Option 2A be pursued. Concurrent processing, in whole, of the related matters is the most expeditious, and avoids the delays associated with Option 1, and avoids the duplication in effort that will be necessary with Option 2B. Nevertheless, Option 2B provides Council with a fall-back position at any point in the process, but particularly if Council wishes to split the City's Amendment at the adoption stage, and/or lift from the table only the PHC resolution dealing with Phase 1 lands. Please let me know if you require additional information. CLR/jf CIrl1vm]rds\status2x.d. Attachment ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Catherine L. Rose 025 Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Planning & Development ATTACHMENT #_ S TO REPORT # PG Og_ o L__ Q w z F z O u O FU 00 a Ito a a O O x W? U a 3 w w a N w AW a x H O d a o° CIO 0.4 a z H a O z H I a? 0 4° a w ? 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FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: February 26, 2001 City Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 04-01 REVISED SUBJECT: Proposed Increase to Taxicab Fares and Decrease in Transfer Fee RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Clerk's Report CL 04-01 regarding a proposed increase in taxicab fares and a decrease in the transfer fee of taxicab owners' licences be received; and 2. That the draft by-law to provide for the following be enacted: a) An increase in the taxicab drop charge from $2.15, incl. GST, to $2.45, incl. GST, (14.0%), b) An increase in the kilometre charge from $1.20 per kilometre, incl. GST, to $1.30 per kilometre, incl. GST (8.3%), c) An increase in the fee for waiting from 30 cents per minute, incl. GST, to 40 cents per minute, incl. GST, d) A decrease in the transfer fee for owner's plates from $4,000 to $500. ORIGIN: Petition signed by taxicab owners and submitted to City at a meeting held on January 26, 2001. This petition was updated as of the Executive Committee Meeting of February 12, 2001. AUTHORITY: Section 232 of the Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Decrease in revenue of approximately $17,500 based on an average of five transfers per year and based on a decrease in the transfer fee of $4,000 to $500. EXECUTIVE SLTNIMARY: As a result of a request from taxicab owners set out in a petition, at its meeting of February 12, 2001, the Executive Committee considered a recommendation to increase the fares for hiring a taxicab effective March 1, 2001 and March 1, 2002. There was also a request made to lower the transfer fee of taxicab owners' plates from $4,000.00 to a lower amount which I have set at $500.00. Report to Council CL 04-01 Subject: Taxicab Fares & Transfer Fees Page 3 To put the proposed increases in perspective, the following are the charges that would be incurred if a person hired a taxicab to travel various distances: MUNICIPALITY FARE FOR TRAVELLING TWO KILOMETRES FARE FOR TRAVELLING SIX KILOMETRES FARE FOR TRAVELLING TEN KILOMETRES FARE FOR TRAVELLING TWENTY KILOMETRES Pickering resent $4.55 $9.35 $14.15 $26.15 Brampton $4.95 $10.55 $16.15 $30.15 Pickerin ro osed $5.115 $10.25 $15.45 528,45 Oshawa $5.05 $10.65 $16.25 $30.25 A' ax $5.15 $10.75 $16.35 $30.35 Markham, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Toronto $5.18 $10.55 $15.90 $29.30 Mississauga $5.40 $10.20 $15.00 $27.00 ci,¦ ugut un m Luc auuvc unarL MUM= Me lrJ I. As can be noted above, the combination of an increase in the drop charge and kilometre charge will result in an increase of 11.0% based on a two kilometre trip. It must be noted that there has been no fare increases since November 20, 1989. TRANSFER FEE Council passed the current Taxicab By-law in 1986 and limited the number of taxicab owners' plates that could be issued at 48. This was based on one plate being issued for every 950 population which was the standard in most GTA municipalities that limited plate issuance in 1986. At that time, Council also prohibited the transfer of owners' plates because there were 100 owners plates issued and Council wanted this number to drop to a figure that was close to 48. In 1987, the taxicab industry requested that transfers of owners' plates be allowed under certain strict conditions and Council amended the Taxicab By-law setting strict criteria for transferring plates, namely that the plate has remained valid for five years and upon payment of a fee of $4,000. The following is a chart which sets out the transfer fee charged by other municipalities and the population factor used to limit the number of plates issued: MUNICIPALITY TRANSFER FEE PLATES TO POPULATION RATIO Oshawa $50 1:1,500 Markham $100 1:1,500 Vaughan $400 1:1,200 Richmond Hill $500 1:1,500 Mississauga $1,600 Other formula used Brampton $3,000 1:1,800 Pickerin S47000 1:950 A'ax No transfer fee Not applicable Toronto No transfer fee Not applicable The number of plates that are active at present is 74. Although the Taxicab By-law still limits the number of plates to be issued at 48, based on the current population of the City of 88,000, a total of 93 plates could be issued based on the formula developed in 1987 of one plate per 950 of population. Date: February 5, 2001 0 3 1. woe e.4' . ATTACH MEN"-T i`U REPORT # Sly 04- c-) 1 033 e A16 S- t6 123 S? Taxi b e19 /-? 'XI .--73 33 '- P-- 3L p-Rq ?? ID P-36 - 39 P-31 p- 109. V/Y 10 N CHAN cL- ?NI?17"sM 0 1 ?DN? N YIMAJ::9? 4 f o 4`r///?C?"" ^ A ? r_ r f P fJ 7 /W 3 f ?? ??U 1- JC g JA 91 ?7? t -Ra P-J3, -P---7a 7 j A - Q? V?? ATl'ACHMEN? =r ?'. T= c.j. 04- CJI THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING 035 BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to amend By-law Number 2206/86 for the licensing, regulating and governing of taxicab drivers, owners and brokers. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law Number 2206/86 on May 5, 1986 to licence, regulate and govern taxicab drivers, owners and brokers; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to decrease the fee for transferring a taxicab owner's licence and to increase the rates and fares charged for hiring a taxicab; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Subsection (b)(iii) of Section 45 of By-law Number 2206/86, as amended by By-law Number 2473/87, is hereby deleted and the following is substituted therefore: (iii) upon payment to the City of a fee of $500.00; and 2. Schedule "B" to By-law Number 2206/86, as amended by By-law Number 3320/89, is hereby deleted and Schedule "I" attached hereto is substituted therefore. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5' day of March, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 0 37 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY 1. That Clerk's Report CL 10-01 regarding appointments to the Pickering Youth Partnership Initiative be received; and 2. That the draft by-law to make the following appointments to the Pickering Youth Partnership be enacted: a) b) Councillor Community representatives: Paul Pryce Suzanne Greenbury Marsha Quigley C) Pickering Youth Council: Brendon Bell Chantal Muia d) YMCA - Durham Employment Services: Tina Doyle e) Human Resources Development Canada: Cathy Twaites Sharon Little f) Public Library Board: Colleen Bolin CARRIED: MAYOR Report to Council CL 10-01 Date: February 28, 2001 Subject: Appointments to Youth Partnership Initiative Page 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council passed Resolution #3/01 at its regular meeting of January 15, 2001 to establish a Youth Partnership Initiative to work cooperatively with the Youth Council, youth organizations, community members and students to facilitate new programs, drop-in centres and activities aimed at giving greater opportunity for youth to participate in the community. The resolution also provides for representatives of various community groups and agencies to be represented on this committee and the purpose of this Report is to advise Council of persons wishing to sit on this committee. BACKGROUND: Please be advised that Council passed the following resolution at its regular meeting of January 15, 2001: WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Pickering has made an on-going commitment to youth and to providing positive outlets for youth to express themselves; and WHEREAS several meetings were held on an ad-hoc basis with community members and youth organizations where there was an expressed desire to see a broader opportunity for community input and facilitation of partnerships; and WHEREAS youth programs, youth centres and youth initiatives undertaken by not-for-profit organizations augment actions taken by the Corporation of the City of Pickering and greatly benefit our community as a whole; NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the City of Pickering establish a Youth Partnership Initiative to work co-operatively with the Youth Council, youth organizations, community members and students to facilitate new programs, drop-in-centres and activities aimed at giving greater opportunity for youth to participate in our community; and THAT the Youth Partnership Initiative be comprised of three community members, a student representative from the Youth Council, a representative from the YMCA, a representative from Human Resources Development Canada and one member of Pickering City Council; and THAT the membership of the Youth Partnership Initiative be determined by Council prior to February 15, 2001 and that subsequent representatives be selected by Council, along with other committee selections, in the beginning of each new term of Council. Attached to this Report is a copy of a Notice that was published in the News Advertiser on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 inviting residents to submit an application for appointment to the Pickering Youth Partnership Initiative. In addition to this Notice, letters were sent to the Pickering Youth Council, the YMCA-Durham Employment Services and Human Resources Development Canada. The following are applications received from the community and the agencies: 039 Report to Council CL 10-01 Subject: Appointments to Youth Partnership Initiative Prepared ruce Taylor Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council f?C,/il?'• C T omas J. Qui Chief Admi ' tra ' Offs er Date: February 28, 2001 Page 4 Q 41 ATTACHMENT # I TO REPORT # c 1- io - 6 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING 043 BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to appoint persons to the Pickering Youth Partnership Initiative. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #3/01 at its regular meeting of January 15, 2001 to establish the Youth Partnership Initiative; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The following persons are hereby appointed to the Youth Partnership Initiative for a term to expire on November 30, 2003: a) Councillor b) Community representatives: Paul Pryce Suzanne Greenbury Marsha Quigley c) Pickering Youth Council: Brendon Bell Chantal Muia d) YMCA - Durham Employment Services: Tina Doyle e) Human Resources Development Canada: Cathy Twaites Sharon Little f) Public Library Board: Colleen Bolin BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5t` day of March, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 045 4. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, if required. BY-LAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this day of , 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, City Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING 047 BY-LAW NO. 5807/01 Being a by-law to amend By-law Number 2206/86 for the licensing, regulating and governing of taxicab drivers, owners and brokers. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law Number 2206/86 on May 5, 1986 to licence, regulate and govern taxicab drivers, owners and brokers; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to decrease the fee for transferring a taxicab owner's licence and to increase the rates and fares charged for hiring a taxicab; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Subsection (b)(iii) of Section 45 of By-law Number 2206/86, as amended by By-law Number 2473/87, is hereby deleted and the following is substituted therefore: (iii) upon payment to the City of a fee of $500.00; and 2. Schedule "B" to By-law Number 2206/86, as amended by By-law Number 3320/89, is hereby deleted and Schedule "I" attached hereto is substituted therefore. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5t' day of March, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING 049 BY-LAW NO. 5808/01 Being a by-law to appoint persons to the Pickering Youth Partnership Initiative. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #3/01 at its regular meeting of January 15, 2001 to establish the Youth Partnership Initiative; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The following persons are hereby appointed to the Youth Partnership Initiative for a term to expire on November 30, 2003: a) Councillor b) Community representatives: Paul Pryce Suzanne Greenbury Marsha Quigley C) Pickering Youth Council: Brendon Bell Chantal Muia d) YMCA - Durham Employment Services: Tina Doyle e) Human Resources Development Canada: Cathy Twaites Sharon Little f) Public Library Board: Colleen Bolin BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5 h day of March, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 05. j CONFIDENTIAL RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED RY SECONDED BI' That Confidential Report to Council CL 9-01 regarding a request for financial assistance from the Pickering Aerials Crynuut-stic Club be received and that: 1. A grant in the amount of $28,231.79 be made to assist the Pick" Aerials Cy nnastics Club with the shortfall resulting ftom the December 27 , 1999 fire at their Club facility. 2. That this grant be charged to Account 2195 (Grants to Organizations and Individuals). 1. That the Clerk be directed to inform the Pickering Aerials Grymnastics Club that their request dated April 17, 2000 for financial support, with the shortfall resulting from the December 27'h, 1999 fire at their Club facility was denied. CARRIED: MAYOR