HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 9, 20012001 CLERK'S DIVISION PICKERING AGENDA PLANNING COMMITTEE Anne Greentree Supervisor, Legislative Services OCTOBER 9, 2001 Planning Committee Meeting Tuesday, October 9, 2001 7:30 P.M. Chair: Councillor Holland (Il) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of September 10, 2001 MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION~ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 35-01 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 17/01 COUGS (VALLEYFARM) LIMITED PART OF LOT 20, CONCESSION 1 (SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF KINGSTON RD. AND VAI ,I.EY FARM RD. PAGE 1-38 ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/01, submitted by Cougs (Valleyfarm) Limited, on lands being Part of Lot 20, Concession 1, City of Picketing, to amend the zoning to add detached dwellings to the permitted unit mix, and to revise zoning provisions primarily for the grade-related dwellings for the subject lands, be APPROVED as set out in the drat~ by-law attached as Appendix I to Report Number PD 35-01; and That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/01, as set out in draft in Appendix I to Report Number PD 35-01, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. 2 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Plaiming & Development DATE: October 1, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: PD 35-01 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/01 Cougs (Valleyfarm) Limited Part of Lot 20, Concession 1 (South-east comer of Kingston Road and Valley Farm Road) City of Picketing RECOMMENDATION: That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/01, submitted by Cougs (Valleyfarm) Limited, on lands being Part of Lot 20, Concession 1, City of Picketing, to amend the zoning to add detached dwellings to the permitted unit mix, and to revise zoning provisions primarily for the grade-related dwellings for the subject lands, be APPROVED as set out in the draft by-law attached as Appendix I to Report Number PD 35-01; and; That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By21aw Amendment Application A 17/01, as set out in draft in Appendix I to Report Number PD 35-01, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. ORIGIN: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/01 submitted to the City of Pickering. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The subject property is located on the south-east comer of Kingston Road and Valley Farm Road and is currently vacant (see Attachment #1 - Location Map). The previous landowner (Graywood Developments Ltd) submitted applications for the subject property to permit a residential development consisting of semi-detached, townhouse and apartment units. The applications were appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) by the previous owner and were subsequently approved. The written decision from the OMB contained a statement which permitted the parties involved, to pursue significant amendments to the approved plan through the OMB. Report to Council PD 35-01 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/01 Date: October 1, 2001 Page 2 3 The new landowner (Cougs (Valleyfarm) Limited) has reviewed the OMB approved plan (see OMB Approved Draft Plan of Subdivision - Attachment #2) and has decided to pursue amendments to the approved draft plan. The amendments to the approved draft plan are primarily a redesign of the internal road pattem and the introduction of single detached dwellings (see Applicant's submitted plan - Attachment #3). The introduction of the detached dwelling units is the primary impetus for this zoning amendment; however a number of technical amendments to the existing by-law are required to implement the proposed revisions to the draft plan of subdivision. It is recommended that Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/01, and that the draft amending zoning by-law set out in Appendix I to Report Number PD 35-01, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Information Meeting A Public Information meeting was held on September 20, 2001, to discuss the applicant's proposal. Information Report No. 26-01, which summarizes the applicant's proposal and outlines the issues identified through circulation of the application, was prepared for the meeting. The text of the Information Report is provided for reference (see Attachment #4). At the Public Information Meeting, Planning staff gave an explanation of the application. A number of local residents appeared at the meeting to express their concerns with the anticipated traffic congestion, visitor parking, density, safety, building design and tenure. Minutes of the meeting are included as Attachment #5. 2.0 Additional Information Since the preparation of Information Report No. 26-01, the following comments have been received: Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Ministry of Transportation, Canada Post, Veridian and the Region of Durham have advised that they have no objections to the application (see Attachments #6, 7, 8, 9 & 10). Resident Comment - Mr. & Mrs. Henderson (and on behalf of Muriel Stanley) of 1880 Valley Farm Road have provided written concerns that the proposed zoning amendment would negatively impact traffic. In addition, they have expressed concern with the proposed deletion of the vehicular access to the recreation complex and with the applicant's request to delay the construction of the Kingston Road access until the time the apartment blocks are developed (see Attachment #11). Resident Comment - Mr. Bill Morrison of 1880 Valley Farm Road provided written comments and spoke at the Public information meeting. Mr. Morrison expressed concerns with the traffic that would be generated by this development (see Attachment #12). Resident Comment - Ms. Irena Barber of 1890 Valley Farm Road provided written comments and spoke at the Public information meeting. Ms. Barber expressed her objection to the proposed development siting concerns with respect to the potential traffic impacts, the proposed density increase, and the proposed tenure of the apartments (see Attachment #13). Report to Council PD 35-01 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/01 Date: October 1, 2001 Page 3 3.0 Discussion 3.1 Background These lands were formerly owned by 1169513 Ontario Inc. (Graywood Development Ltd.). The applications to develop these lands were the subject of an Ontario Municipal Board hearing held in the fall of 1998. In April 2000, the Board issued its order on this matter approving an amendment to the Picketing Official Plan, approving a zoning by-law, and draft approving a plan of subdivision with conditions. The decision of the Ontario Municipal Board included a clause which provided the parties involved to speak to the Board in the event that there are difficulties implementing any of the conditions of draft plan approval, or if any substantive changes are required to be made to the draft plan. The applicant has examined the Board-approved draft plan and wishes to make some changes pursuant to the above-noted clause in the Board's decision. The applicant has prepared a proposed amended draft plan of subdivision and submitted to the OMB for revised approval. Details of the proposed revisions are included in the attached information report (see attachment #4). The Region of Durham and the City of Picketing have provided letters to the OMB indicating no objections to the revised draft approval. The OMB will consider the revised plan following Picketing Council's consideration of the related zoning by-law amendment application. 3.2 Technical Considerations Density Concerns At the Public Meeting, a number of residents expressed concern with respect to the increased density of the development. The subject lands require a minimum density of 89 units per net hectare to a maximum density of 120 units per net hectare, as set out in the OMB decision. This density is appropriate for Pickering's downtown area. The revised plan reflects a density range that is lower than the Tridel development to the west, (which is permitted to develop to a maximum of 180 units per net hectare). The amended plan adjusts the mix of units from 110 semis, 31 townhouses and 273 - 400 apartments to 46 singles or semis., 72 townhomes and 324 - 476 apartments. Overall the yield in the amended plan is a minimum of 28 units greater than the Board approved plan, and has a higher proportion of townhomes and apartments. However, the density of the revised plan still falls within the range established by the OMB. The first phase of the revised plan proposes the construction of 118 units (excluding the apartments) whereas the OMB approved Graywood subdivision had 141 units in its first phase (excluding the apartments). The increase in the number of units in the Cougs plan is a direct result of the decrease in the amount of land for roads, and corresponding increase in the amount of developable land. The increase is considered minor, and consistent with the intent of the Board's decision. Traffic Concerns A number of concerns were raised by area residents with respect to the anticipated traffic volumes and the effect that this development may have on the existing traffic on Valley Farm Road. As previously stated this development is proposing fewer number of units in the first phase than the OMB approved plan. Report to Council PD 35-01 Date: October 1, 2001 5 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/01 Page 4 The City's Municipal Property & Engineering Division has reviewed the proposed revisions to the approved draft plan and has expressed support for the development. The City's Co-ordinator, Traffic & Waste Management has reviewed the concerns expressed with respect to traffic and advises that traffic levels will be well within acceptable design limits as a result of this development. Parking Concerns A number of residents expressed concerns regarding the lack of visitor parking for the proposed development. The grade related dwelling units (semi-detached, detached and townhouse units) are to be fi'eehold units that will provide their own parking areas on their respective lots which is typical for any plan of subdivision. The City's Municipal Law enforcement division will have jurisdiction to control parking on the intemaI streets as the roads will be in City ownership. The apartment buildings constitute a second phase of development, and for this use, design details have not been finalized. However, the draft by-law attached as Appendix I to this report requires the developer to provide 1.2 spaces per unit for residents and 0.3 spaces per unit for visitors which will ensure that appropriate visitor parking is provided on-site when the apartment buildings are constructed. Safety Concems The applicant is proposing to complete the road connection to Kingston Road (Block 39 - Future Road: the extension of Street B in the revised plan, Attachment #3) in conjunction with the future construction of the apartment blocks. The delay in constructing this connection has raised concern with respect to emergency vehicles having only one vehicular access point. The City's Fire Prevention Division has requested that the applicant provide emergency access to the development across the furore road and that the temporary access be designed and constructed to support the weight of the City's emergency vehicles with appropriate "breakaway" barriers to prevent use of this emergency access by the general public. The applicant has agreed to provide the emergency access. Staff will ensure that this requirement is contained in the subdivision agreement required as a condition of draft approval. Architectural Design Concems The applicant (Coughlan Homes) is well known as a quality builder with attention to high architectural detail. The subdivision agreement will require the applicant to put emphasis on achieving a high quality of architectural design, for both the units which have exposure to Valley Farm Road and Kingston Road, as well as units fronting the intemal streets. It is our understanding at this time that the apartment blocks will be developed as condominiums. Further, the developer will be required to obtain site plan approval for the apartments, and matters respecting the design of the apartment buildings will be addressed through that process. The City of Picketing adopted the Picketing Downtown Core Development Guidelines to identify a vision for Pickering's downtown core and to develop appropriate urban design guidelines that support the vision. The subject property is located within the downtown core and is designated as one of the main "gateways" in the downtown core. The guidelines indicate, among other things, that coordinated urban design is to be encouraged for all new buildings, particularly in regard to building massing, orientation, detailing and attention to rooflines. Thus, it is anticipated that design standards for this site will be at least as high as those used for the Tridel lands. Report to Council PD 35-01 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/01 Date: October 1, 2001 Page 5 3.3 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions A draft by-law has been prepared to replace the existing by-law (No. 5690/00) which was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. The draft by-law that is attached as Appendix I to this report is fundamentally the same, in its purpose and intent, as the existing by-law save and except following: the additional provisions that have been added for the detached dwellings; the increase in the unit count resulting from the increase in developable area from the road re-orientation; the technical amendments that are necessary to improve clarity of the by-law; and the zoning schedule which has been amended to reflect the proposed revisions to the draft plan of subdivision. The zoning provisions for the apartment blocks have not been revised and the limited commercial uses for the apartment blocks remain unchanged. Accordingly, staff recommend that Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/01, as set out in draft in Appendix I to Report Number PD 35-01. Further, staff recommend that the draft by-law be forwarded to City Council for enactment. 4.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant has reviewed the contents of this Report and draft by-law and concurs with the contents. Report to Council PD 35-01 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/01 Date: October 1, 2001 Page 6 7 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Property Location Map 2. OMB Approved Draft Plan of Subdivision 3. Applicant's Submitted Plan 4. Information Report 5. Minutes of Public Information Meeting 6. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 7. Ministry of Transportation 8. Canada Post 9. Veridian 10. Region of Durham 11. Resident Comment - Mr. & Mrs. Henderson & M. Stanley, 1880 Valley Farm Road 12. Resident Comment -Mr. Bill Morrison, 1880 Valley Farm Road 13. Resident Comment - Ms. Irena Barber, 1890 Valley Farm Road Tyler Bar~ett "-'"~~. Pla~ Catherine, L. Rose Manager, Policy Director, Planning & Development JTB/jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration ofPickering I City Council Jo APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 35-01 DRAFT BY-LAW ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 17/01 THE CORPORATION OF THE BY-LAW NUMBER Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 20, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering. (A 17/01; 18T-97029R) WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Picketing deems it desirable to permit the development of a range of dwelling types and "recreation complex uses" on the subject lands, being Part of Lot 20, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering: AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3036, as amended, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 9 SCHEDULE I Schedule I attached hereto with notations declared to be part of this By-law. and references shown thereon is hereby AREA RESTRICTED Notwithstanding any of the provisions of By-law 3036, the provisions of this By-law shall only apply to those lands in Part of Lot 20, Concession 1, Picketing, designated "S-SD-3", "SA-8", "SA-9", "SA-10", "RMM-3" and "RC" on Schedule I attached hereto. DEFINITIONS In this By-law, (1) "Build-to-zone" shall mean an area of land in which all or part of a building elevation of one or more buildings is to be located; (2) "Convenience Store" shall mean a building or part of a building containing a retail store in which food, drugs, periodicals or similar items of day-to-day household necessity are kept for retail sale, primarily to residents of or persons employed in the immediate neighbourhood; (3) "Day Nurse _fy" shall mean lands and premises duly licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Day Nurseries Act, or any successor thereto, for use as a facility for the daytime care of children; (4) (a) "Dwelling" shall mean a building or part of a building containing one or more dwelling units, but does not include a mobile home or trailer; (b) "Dwelling Unit" shall mean one or more habitable rooms occupied or capable of being occupied as a single, independent, and separate housekeeping unit containing a separate kitchen and sanitary facilities; 10 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) -2- (c) "Dwelling, Single or Single Dwelling" shall mean a single dwelling containing one dwelling unit and uses accessory hereto; (d) "Dwelling, Detached or Detached Dwelling" shall mean a single dwelling which is freestanding, separate, and detached from other main buildings or structures; (e) "Dwelling, Semi-Detached or Semi-Detached Dwelling" shall mean one of a pair of single dwellings, such dwellings being attached above grade by a common wall which extends from the base of the foundation to the roof line and for a horizontal distance of not less than 6 metres; (f) "Dwelling, Single Attached or Single Attached Dwelling" shall mean one of a group of not less than three adjacent dwellings attached together horizontally by an above grade common wall; (g) "Multiple Dwelling-Vertical" shall mean a building containing three or more dwelling units attached horizontally and vertically by an above grade wall or walls, or an above grade floor or floors or both; "Floor Area - Residential" shall mean the aggregate of the floor area of all storeys of a building or structure or part thereof as the case may be, other than a private garage, an attic or a cellar; "Gross Floor Area - Residential" shall mean the aggregate of the floor areas of all storeys of a building or structure, or part thereof as the case may be, other than a private garage, an attic, or a cellar; "Gross Leasable Floor Area" shall mean the aggregate of the floor areas of all the storeys of a building or structure, or part thereof as the case may be, other than rooms or space jointly used by tenants of the building, such as garbage storage areas, mechanical and electrical rooms, lobbies, stairwells, elevators and service corridors; (a) "Lot" shall mean an area of land fronting on a street which is used or intended to be used as the site of a building, or group of buildings, as the case may be, together with any accessory buildings or structures, or a public park or open space area, regardless of whether or not such lot constitutes the whole of a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision; (b) "Lot Coverage" shall mean the percentage of lot area covered by all buildings on the lot; (c) "Lot Frontage" shall mean the width of a lot between the side lot lines measured along a line parallel to and 7.5 metres distance from the front lot line; "Personal Service Shop" shall mean an establishment in which a personal service is performed and which may include a barber shop, a beauty salon, a shoe repair shop, a tailor or a dressmaking shop or a photographic studio, but shall not include an adult entertainment parlour as defined herein or a body-mb parlour as defined in section 224 (9)(b) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, as amended from time-to-time, or any successor thereto; "Private Garage" shall mean an enclosed or partially enclosed structure for the storage of one or more vehicles, in which structure no business or service is conducted for profit or otherwise; (11) (12) (13) (14) -3- DR FT "Professional Office" shall mean a building or pan of a building in which medical, legal or other professional service is performed or consultation given, and which may include a clinic, the offices of an architect, a chartered accountant, an engineer, a lawyer or a physician, but shall not include a body-mb parlour as defined in Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M. 45, as amended from time to time, or any successor thereto; "Recreation Facility" shall mean a place designed and equipped for the conduct of sports, leisure time activities and other customary and usual recreational activities, and uses accessory thereto; "Storey" shall mean that portion of a building other than a basement, cellar, attic, or below-grade parking structure, included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor, roof deck or ridge next above it; (a) "Yard" shall mean an area of land which is appurtenant to and located on the same lot as a building or structure and is open, uncovered, and unoccupied above ground except for such accessory buildings, structures, or other uses as are specifically permitted thereon; (b) "Flankage Side Yard" shall mean a side yard immediately adjoining a street or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street; (c) "Flankage Side Yard Width" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a flankage side yard of a lot between the lot line adjoining a street or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (d) "Front Yard" shall mean a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line of the lot and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (e) "Front Yard Depth" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a front yard of a lot between the fi:ont lot line and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (f) "Rear Yard" shall mean a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the rear lot line of the lot, or where there is no rear lot line, the junction point of the side lot lines, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (g) "Rear Yard Depth" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a rear yard of a lot between the rear lot line of the lot, or where there is no rear lot line, the junction point of the side lot lines, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; "Side Yard" shall mean a yard of a lot extending from the front yard to the rear yard, and from the side lot line to the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (i) "Side Yard Width" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a side yard of a lot between the side lot line and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (j) "Interior Side Yard" shall mean a side yard other than a flankage side yard. PROVISIONS ("S-SD-Y' Zone) D FI' (1) Uses Permitted ("S-SD-Y' Zone) No person shall within the lands designated "S-SD-Y' on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: (a) (b) detached dwelling residential use; semi-detached dwelling residential use; (2) Zone Requirements ("S-SD-Y' Zone) No person shall within the lands designated "S-SD-Y' on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions: (a) LOT AREA (minimum): 225 square metres; (b) LOT FRONTAGE (minimum): 7.5 metres; (c) FRONT YARD DEPTH: (minimum): 3.0 metres; (d) INTERIOR SIDE YARD WIDTH (minimum): (i) detached dwelling residential use: A 0.3 of a metre one side, and 1.2 metres on the other side; B despite A above, where a side lot line abuts a public walkway a minimum 1.2 metre side yard is required; (ii) semi-detached dwelling residential use: A 1.2 metres; and B on the side where dwellings on adjacent lots are attached, no side yard is required, provided any wall other than the common wall that is on the side of the lot upon which the dwellings are attached, shall be set back from the lot line separating such lots as follows: (e) FLANKAGE SIDE YARD WIDTH (minimum): (f) REAR YARD DEPTH (minimum): (g) LOT COVERAGE (maximum): (h) BUILDING HEIGHT: (i) (maximum): (ii) (minimum): 1.2 metres measured perpendicularly to such side lot line if no side yard is provided on the abutting lot; or 0.6 metres measured perpendicularly to such side lot line if a side yard is provided on the abutting lot; 2.7 metres; 7.5 metres; 50 percent; 13.0 metres and 4 storeys; 8.5 metres and 2 storeys; (i) (J) -5- DWELLING UNIT REQUIREMENTS: (i) (ii) minimum gross floor area - residential of 100 square metres; a maximum of 46 detached dwelling units and/or, semi-detached,, ,, dwelling units shall be permitted within the lands designated S-SD-3 on Schedule I attached hereto; OBSTRUCTION OF YARDS: (i) Despite section 5.7(b) of By-law 3036, covered and unenclosed porches, verandahs and flankage entrance features not exceeding 1.5 metres in height above the established grade may project no more than: A 1.5 metres into any required front or rear yard; B 1.0 metres into any required flankage side yard; C 0.6 metres into any required side yard; (k) PARKING REQUIREMENTS: (i) a minimum of one private garage shall be provided per lot, any vehicular entrance of which shall be located not less than 6.0 metres from the front lot line, and not less than 6.0 metres from any side lot line immediately adjoining or abutting a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street; (ii) no part of any attached private garage shall extend more than 2.5 metres beyond the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit, except: A where a covered and unenclosed porch or verandah extends a minimum of 1.8 metres from the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling, no part of any attached private garage shall extend more than 3.0 metres beyond the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit; or B where an covered and unenclosed porch or verandah extends a minimum of 2.0 metres from the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit and where second storey habitable floor space located above the garage is set back no more than 2.5 metres beyond the vehicular entrance of any attached private garage, no part of any attached private garage shall extend more than 4.5 metres beyond the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit; (iii) width of garage entrance (maximum): 3.1 metres; 13 o PROVISIONS ("SA-8", "SA-9" and "SA-10" Zones) (1) Uses Permitted ("SA-8", "SA-9" and "SA-10" Zones) No person shall, within the lands designated "SA-8", "SA-9" and "SA-10" on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: (a) single attached dwelling residential use; 14 (2) -6- Z--°ne Requirements ("SA-8", "SA-9" and ,,SA_ 10,, Zones)O~Fr No person shall, within the lands designated "SA-8", "SA-9" and "SA-10" on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions: (a) LOT AREA (minimum): (b) (i) on lands designated "SA-8" (ii) on lands designated "SA-9" and "SA-10" LOT FRONTAGE (minimum): 110 square metres; 180 square metres; (i) on lands designated "SA-8" 5.0 metres; (ii) on lands designated "SA-9" 6.0 metres; (iii) on lands designated "SA-10" 7.6 metres; (c) FRONT YARD DEPTH: (i) 2.7 metres minimum; (ii) 4.6 metres maximum: (iii) Despite (ii) above, no maximum front yard depth shall apply to the lands designated "SA-8" on Schedule I attached hereto, (d) INTERIOR SIDE YARD WIDTH (minimum): (i) 1.2 metres; and A on the side where dwellings on adjacent lots are attached, no side yard is required, provided any wall other than the common wall that is on the side of the lot upon which the dwellings are attached, shall be set back from the lot line separating such lots as follows: (e) (0 (g) 1.2 metres measured perpendicularly to such side lot line if no side yard is provided on the abutting lot; or (i) 0.6 of a metre measured perpendicularly to such side lot line is a side yard is provided on the abutting lot; FLANKAGE SIDE YARD WIDTH (minimum): REAR YARD DEPTH (minimum): OBSTRUCTION OF YARDS: 2.7 metres; 6.0 metres; Despite section 5.7(b) of By-law 3036, covered and unenclosed porches, verandahs and flankage entrance features not exceeding 1.5 metres in height above the established grade may project no more than: A B C 1.5 metres into any required front or rear yard; 1.0 metres into any required flankage side yard; 0.6 metres into any required side yard; (i) t j) (ii) -7- Despite (i) above and section 5.7(b) of By-law 3036, on the lands designated "SA-8" on Schedule I attached hereto, covered and unenclosed porches, verandas and decks not exceeding more than 4.0 metres above the established grade may project no more than 1.5 metres into that required rear yard; BUILDING HEIGHT: (i) maximum: 13.0 metres and 4 storeys; (ii) minimum: 8.5 metres and 2 storeys; PARKING REQUIREMENTS: (i) on the lands designated "SA-8" on Schedule I attached hereto: A a minimum of one private garage shall be provided per lot, located in the rear yard, any vehicular entrance of which shall be located not less than 6.0 metres from the rear lot line, and not less than 6.0 metres from any side lot line immediately adjoining or abutting a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street; (ii) on the lands designated "SA-9" and "SA-10" on Schedule I attached hereto: A a minimum of one private garage shall be provided per lot, any vehicular entrance to which shall be located not less than 6.0 metres from the front lot line and not less than 6.0 metres from any side lot line immediately adjoining or abutting a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street; B no part of any attached private garage shall extend more than 2.5 metres beyond the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit, except: where a covered and unenclosed porch or verandah extends a minimum of 1.8 metres from the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling, no part of any attached private garage shall extend more than 3.0 metres beyond the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit; or II where an covered and unenclosed porch or verandah extends a minimum of 2.0 metres form the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit and where second storey habitable floor space located above the garage is set back no more than 2.5 metres beyond the vehicular entrance of any attached private garage, no part of any attached private garage shall extend more than 4.5 metres beyond the wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling unit. SPECIAL REGULATIONS: Despite section 2.46(c)(i) of By-law 3036, the boundaries of the lands designated "SA-8" on Schedule I attached hereto which abut Valley Farm Road shall be deemed the front lot line and the opposite side of which shall be deemed a rear lot line. 15 16 o -8- PROVISIONS ("RMM-3" Zone) (1) Uses Permitted ("RMM-3" Zone) No person shall, within the lands designated "RMM-3" on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: (a) multiple dwelling - vertical; (b) convenience store; (c) day nursery; (d) personal service shop; and (e) professional office; (2) The provisions of this By-law shall apply collectively to the lands designated "RMM-3" on Schedule I attached hereto notwithstanding its division into 2 or more parcels; (3) Zone Requirements ("RMM-3" Zone) No person shall, within the lands designated "RMM-3" on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions: (a) LOT AREA (minimum): 2,500 square metres; (b) BUILDING LOCATION AND SETBACKS: (i) multiple dwelling- vertical: A For the purpose of this clause, the building envelope and build-to-zone abutting the north side and west side of the lands shown on Schedule I attached hereto shall be measured from said property lines; B No multiple dwelling-vertical shall be erected outside the building envelope shown on Schedule I attached hereto; C No building or part of a building or buildings shall be erected within Area A, as shown on Schedule I, unless 75% of the length of the build-to-zone contains a building or part of a building or buildings; D No building or part of a building or buildings shall be erected within Area B, as shown on Schedule I, unless 75% of the length of the build-to-zone contains a building or part of a building or buildings; E Any portion of a building or structttre in excess of 16.0 metres in height shall be set back at least 1.0 metre from the main wall of the building or structure which faces Valley Farm Road or Kingston Road; F Notwithstanding any of the setback or build-to-zone provisions of this By-law, a setback of 0.5 of a metre is permitted for underground buildings and structures, or parts thereof; (c) BUILDING HEIGHT: -9- A B Within the area identified as Area A on Schedule I, the minimum building height shall be 16 metres and 6 storeys and the maximum building height shall be 35 metres and 10 storeys; Within the area identified as Area B on Schedule I, the minimum building height shall be 16 metres and 6 storeys and the maximum building height shall be 48 metres and 15 storeys; C Despite the provisions of subsections A and B above, a minimum of one building or portion thereof located within Area B shall be at least 6 metres and 2 storeys in height greater than any building located within Area A; D The provisions of subsection A, B, and C above shall not apply to any accessory buildings, including such purposes as recreation, security, or other similar purposes; E All maximum and minimum height measurements shall exclude chimneys, antennae, elevator machine rooms, mechanical penthouses, cupolas, steeples, parapet walls and other roof structures used only as an ornament upon or to house mechanical structures; (d) DWELLING UNIT REQUIREMENTS: (i) multiple dwelling- vertical: A B a minimum of 324 dwelling units shall be permitted; a maximum of 476 dwelling units shall be permitted; (e) LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENT: (f) (i) multiple dwelling-vertical: landscape open space shall not be less than 10 percent of the total lot area; PARKING REQUIREMENTS: A multiple dwelling- vertical: (i) There shall be provided and maintained a minimum of 1.2 below grade parking spaces per dwelling unit for residents and a minimum of 0.3 of a parking space per dwelling unit for visitors; B (i) There shall be provided and maintained a minimum of 4.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area for all uses listed in section 6 (1) of this By-law except for multiple dwelling - vertical. Non-resident parking shall be provided.at grade, in a below grade structure, or both; (ii) Despite Clauses 5.21.2g) and 5.21.2k) of By-law 3036, as amended, all entrance and exits to parking areas and all parking areas shall be surfaced with brick, asphalt, or concrete, or any combination thereof; 17 18 -10- D FT (iii) At grade parking lots shall be permitted no closer than 3.0 metres fi:om any public road; (iv) Notwithstanding any of the setback or build-to-zone provisions of the By-law, a setback of 0.5 of a metre is permitted for underground buildings and structures, or parts thereof; (g) SPECIAL REGULATIONS: (i) Non-residential uses shall only be permitted within the first two storeys of a building containing multiple dwellings - vertical; (ii) The maximum gross leasable floor area for each convenience store, day nursery, personal service shop and professional office shall be 250 square metres; (iii) The aggregate gross leasable floor area for all non-residential uses permitted shall not exceed 1,000 square metres. PROVISIONS ("RC" Zone) (1) Uses Permitted ("RC" Zone) No person shall, within the lands designated "RC" on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except for a recreation facility and uses accessory thereto; (2) Zone Requirements ("RC" Zone) No buildings or structures shall be permitted to be erected, nor any existing buildings or structures be modified or changed except where buildings or structures are to be used for the purpose of a recreation facility and uses accessory thereto. 8. MODEL HOMES A maximum of 10 Model Homes, together with no fewer than 2 parking spaces per Model Home may be constructed on the lands set out on Schedule I attached hereto, prior to division of those lands by registration of a plan of subdivision. For the purpose of this By-law, "Model Home" shall mean a dwelling unit used exclusively for sales display and for marketing purposes, pursuant to an agreement With the City of Pickering, and not used for residential purposes. BY-LAW 3036 (1) By-law 5690/00 is hereby repealed. (2) By-law 3036, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 3036, as amended. Clauses 5.9 and 5.22 of By-law 3036 shall not apply to the land designated "S-SD-3", "SA-8", "SA-9" and "SA-10" on Schedule I attached hereto. -11- Clauses 5.9 and 5.21.2(a), 5.21.2(b), 5.21.2(d), 5.21.2(e), 5.21.2(0, 5.21.2(g), 5.2.21(i), 5.21.2(k), 5.22 and 6.5 (b) and (c) of By-law 3036 shall not apply to the lands designated "RMM-3" on Schedule I attached hereto. 10. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, if required. BY-LAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this __day of ., 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Brace Taylor, Clerk 20 SA-9 S-SD-3 SA-10 S-SD-3 S-SD-3 SA-10 SA-9 RC /V BUILD TO ZONE BUILDING ENVELOPE SCHEDULE T TO BY-LAW PASSED THIS. DAY OF 2001 MAYOR CLERK 'Al't~# / TO lil~tW ~ l~ 5 ~- oI 21 FINCH AVENUE FINCH AVENUE Ci~ of Pickering Planning & Development Depa~ment PROPER~ DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 20, CONCESSION 1 OWNER COUGS ~ALLEYFARM) LIMITED DATE AUG 27, 2001 DRAWN BY JM F~ ~. A017/01 SCALE 1:7~00 CHECKED BY lB FOR DEPARTME~ USE ONLY PN-8 PA- ' II ,i IH 22 'AI'rAD,IUBITAP, ~ '1'0 O.M.B. APPROVED DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-97029 COUGS (VALLEY FARM) LTD. BLOCK 62 APARTMENTS 1.323 ho O 207uph 273 UNITS. FIRST PICKERING PARK 0.013 he BLOCK 63 PARK 0.665 ho KEY PLAN PROP[RTY N.T.S. AREA TABLE RESIDENTIAL $EMI.~ETACHED ~ $T~ TO~E$ ~ TO~ES APA~TME~S PA~ P~ATE ~ 18Jm ~ADS UNIT COUNT Bm SEMi-DETACHED x 24m depl~ (S1) 26 ?.Sm SEMI-DETACHED x 30m depth ($2) 84 6~m ON STREET TOWNHOU~E8 6.6m LANE TOWNHOUSES APARTMENTS ~ 20?uph 275 ......... 18T-9702.9 RE REVISED DRAFT PLAN OF PROPOSED SUBDMSION PART OF LOT 20 CONCESSION 1 CFTY OF PICKERING REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM Bousfield, Dole-Harris, Culler 'A'I'rACHMENTt 3 ~''ro REPORTf PD ~ ~"--o / 23 APPLICANT'S SUBMI'I'I'ED PLAN A 17/01 (PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-97029) COUGS (VALLEY FARM) LTD. Black 56 APARTMENTS 2.006 ha 324 units (mini 476 units (mox) FIRST PICKERING KEY PLAN PRO~ LAND US£ SINGLE or' SEMI DETACHED 0 15.2m (lois 1-25) - 1.418 ho STREET TOWNHOUSES (btocka 2¢-55) - 1.554 ho APARTMENTS (block 5§) - 2.006 ho PARK (b~ 57-58) - 0.865 ~a FUTURE ROAD (bJock 39) ~' 0.108 h~ PROPOSED ROAD (SO0 lin.m.+) ~ 1.119 ho TOTAL AR[,*, SINGLE or SEMi DETACHED 0 15.0m - (25x2) - 46 -STREET TOWNHOUSES o 8.Om - 10 · STREET TOWNHOUSES 0 6.Om , 32 OSTREET TOWNHOUSES o 7.~n . .~0 APARTMENTS - 324(mln) 476(nmx) TOTAL UNITS - 442(rain) 594(mQ~) Block ~ PARK 0.665 ho ~o;k $7 PARK 0.021 ho m m ~lmS~mndo~ el Sul~livi~ae NOTES ~C~ 5~21 ~ ~ PLANNING ACT ~ P~ ~t~ to be ~ Revised: June 15, 2001 ~k"N£R~ CERIIFTCA'rF June 21, 2001 i/we. June 28, 2001 18T-97029 REV REVISED DRAFT PLAN OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PART OF LOT 20 CONCES~ON 1 CITY OF PICKERING REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM :;'= I.":"' I-,"-=-'' 1 24 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 26-01 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF September 20, 2001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/01 Cougs (Valleyfarm) Limited Part of Lot 20, Concession 1 (South-east comer of Kingston Road and Valley Farm Road) City of Pickering 1.0 2.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is located on the south-east comer of Kingston Road and Valley Farm Road and is 6.848 hecthres in size (see location map - Attachment #1); - the subject property is currently vacant and has been recently cleared and graded for the future development of the site; - surrounding land uses include: the Pickering Recreation Complex to the south; a small produce store and the Ontario Hydro transmission corridor to the east; commercial uses to the north; and residential apartment buildings to the west. BACKGROUND these lands were formerly owned by 1169513 Ontario Inc. (Graywood Development Ltd.); the applications to develop these lands were the subject of an Ontario Municipal Board hearing held in the fall of 1998; in April 2000, the Board issued its order on this matter approving an amendment to the Pickering Official Plan, approving a zoning by-law, 'and draft approving a plan of subdivision with conditions (see OMB approved draft plan of subdivision plan - Attachment #2); the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board included a clause which enables the parties involved to speak to the Board in the event that there are difficulties implementing any of the conditions of draft plan approval, or if any substantive change.s are required to be made to the draft plan; the applicant (Cougs (Valleyfarm) Ltd.) has examined the'Board-approved draft plan and wishes to make some changes pursuant to the above-noted clause in the Board's decision; the applicant has prepared a proposed amended draft plan of subdivision and submitted to the OMB for revised approval (see applicant's submitted plan - Attachment #3); the Region of Durham and the City of Picketing provided letters indicating no objections to the revised draft approval; the OMB will consider the revised plan following Picketing Council's consideration of the related zoning by-law amendment application; the applicant's submitted plan proposes changes to the internal road pattern from a double loop to a single loop, but maintains the intersections between the proposed Street 'A' & valley Farm Road and proposed extension of Street 'B' & · Kingston Road in the same locations as in the BOard-approved plan; the applicant's submitted plan proposes to adjust the mix of units from 110 semis, 31 townhomes and 273 - 400 apartments to 46 singles or semis, 72 townhomes and 324 - 476 apartments; Information Report No. 26-01 'ATTACHMENT d Z./' TO Page2 REPORT f PD ~.5"- ,9 / 25 3.0 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 - the applicant has requested that the City support the elimination of the vehicular connection between the new internal street and the Picketing Recreation Complex to the south; the City has agreed to the change; - the applicant proposes to complete the connection to Kingston Road (Block 39 - Future Road: the extension of Street B in the revised plan) in conjunction with the construction of the apartments block (rather than ahead of the issuance of any building permits); the City has agreed to this approach; - the conditions of approval remain unchanged respecting cost sharing between the owner of the subject lands and the landowner to the east for the location, size, construction, servicing and land costs for the Future Road. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL to implement the revised draft plan of subdivision, the applicant requires a number of changes to the by-law to revise the boundaries of the zone categories, add the ability to construct detached dwellings, add the ability to construct detached dwellings, and revise a number of yard s~tback and other related provisions; changes are primarily related to the zones grade related dwellings (singles, semis and townhouses). OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Regional Official Plan the Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being within a Main Central Area; Main Central Areas are to be planned and developed as the main concentration of urban activities within municipalities; the applicant's proposal appears to comply with this designation; Pickering Official Plan the Picketing Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being located in an Mixed Use Area - Downtown 'Core within the Town Centre Neighbourhood; the subject lands are located within a special policy area which permits the development of the lands for residential, commercial, park and recreational uses; the special policy area provides for a minimum net residential density of 89 units per hectare and a maximum net residential density of 120 units per hectare; the special policy area establishes a maximum gross leaseable floor area of 1,000 square metres for commercial uses; the net residential density of the development as proposed would be a minimum of 89.1 and a maximum of 119.8 units per net hectare; the applicant's proposal appears to comply with the density requirements; the subject property also falls within the Council Adopted Pickering Downtown Core Development Guidelines and the Kingston Road .Corridor Development Guidelines; the guide, lines are intended to guide the development or redevelopment of sites within the designated areas; Zoning By-law Zoning By-law 3036 as amended by By-law 5690/00 zones the subject lands "RMM-3", "SD-6", "SD-6-1", SD-5" and "RC" which permits the development of semi-detached units, multiple dwelling horizontal, multiple dwelling vertical and recreation complex uses, with many related specific zone provisions; an amendment to the zoning by-law would be required to implement the applicant's proposal to add detached dwellings to the permitted unit mix, and to revise zone provisions; Information Report No. 26-01 Page 3 26 ATTACHMmT ~.__/"/ _TO It~0m'# pD_ 35-.9 / 5.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 5.1 Resident Comments - no written resident comments have been received to date; 5.2 · A~encv Comments - The Durham District School Board advised that they have no objection (see attachment #4); 5.3 Staff Comments - staff have been in consultation with the applicant regarding the proposed amendments to the board approved draft plan and have written to the Ontario Municipal Board stating that the City supports the proposed amendments to the draft plan subject to the applicant receiving approval of this zoning by-law amendment; - through the review of proposed amendments to the draft plan of subdivision, staff have prepared a draft by-law, which includes zoning to permit the proposed detached dwellings, and a number of related revised zone provisions; - some zone provisions are still under review by City staff and the applicant; a copy of this draft by-law is attached for review (see attached by-law - Attachment #5); - the by-law will be finalized following a review of comments from the public; - it is anticipated that City staff will be forwarding a recommendation on this application to Planning Committee on October 9, 2001, and a draft by-law to City Council for consideration on October 15, 2001. 6.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Recommendation Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 7.0 OTHER INFORMATION 7.1 Appendix I - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 7.2 Information Received - full scale copies of the applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Tyler Barnett Planner 1 Catherine L. Rose Manager, Policy JTB/pr Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes Pursuant to the Planning Act Thursday, September 20, 2001 8:00'P.M. Chair: Councillor Holland ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 17/01 CouGS (VALLEYFARM) LIMITED PART OF LOT 20, CONCESSION 1 (SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF KINGSTON RD. AND VALI,F,Y FARM RD.) Cathy Rose, Manager, Policy Division, on behalf of Tyler Barnett, Planner I, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #26-01. David Henderson, 1880 Valley Farm Rd., advised that an increase of seven to ten. percent has occurred with this revised application. He expressed his concern with the increase in local traffic including commerdal vehicles, school buses and approximately 500 personal vehicles. With the second entrance not being considered at this time, exit O. nto Valley Farm Road is of considerable concern. Direction should be given for the extension to be completed in conjunction with the · development of Street A and an additional paved right turn lane on Kingston Road and Valley Farm Road. · The developer must ensure adequate .provisions for snow plowing and stacking, along with resident parking. Irena Barker, 1890 Valley Farm Road, Unit 813, stated that 'she overlooks the property for this proposed development and is extremely upset that the trees have been removed. She stated her concern with the increase in traffic and number of units being considered. She questioned if the units are to be rentals or condominiums, if any are to be Ontario Housing and what the purchase price will be. Frank Gillanders, DCC 93, 1890 Valley Farm Road, Unit 415, recognized what Coughlan Homes has done for Durham, but stated his concern with the increase in traffic. He advised that there will be over 1,000.~ars within a block and a haft. He questioned if roads will be adequate and if parking has been¥g, onsxdered for v~sitors. Robert Gardner, 1000 The Esplanade, #1406, questioned if suffident thought has been given to emergency services access~ili~ to the proposed area. lVfike Perkins, 189'0 Valley Farm Rd., stated his concern with the density, accessibility by emergency vehicles and the affect this development will have on the quality of Picketing. Bill Morfison, 1880 Valley Farm Rd., questioned the proximity of the entrance to this development and the Tfidel buildings across Valley Farm Road. He further questioned if a traffic study has been undertaken and suggested consideration should be given to the present traffic coming from the Rec Complex and Picketing Town Centre. Cathy Rose, Manager, Poli~ Division, .advised that traffic studies have been undertaken resulting in the conclusion that the area could handle the proposed traffic. She further advised that the density l~om the Casitas and Tfidel Condominiums is higher than the proposed development. She stated that Cou~hlan Homes are a'renutahle high 28 REPORT ~t PO ~ S- o ~ _ ?l' onservat on · ~r~.,,~ TORONTO AND REGION' September· 13,.2001 Ms. Anne 'Greentree · Planning Departmenl 'City Of Pickering ' Picketing Civic Centre. OneThe.'Esplanade ' Pickering, Ontario '. · L1V 6K7. ' .~ .." "RECEiVED. SEp 1 8 2001 " .' CITY OF PICKERiNG ' ' PLANNING AND . DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, Dear Ms: Greentree: Re:' ". ':z°ni. ng' By-law Amendment Application A17/01 .'-'.Cougs. (Va!ieYfarm)'Llmited · -i' · Part bflLO, t.. 20; Co,ncession I .-'.... .. .. '.' SoUth-east corner of K!hgston Road. and Valley. Farm ROad · '.'.. C!tyof Pickerin~'. ...... " .. CFN 29454 Staff have recei,~e'd, the .above noted application 'and. h'ave .the'.following comments: TRCA staff'" .. previouslY commented.on the subject· Property in. respOnse to. Subdivision applicatibn 118T-' 97029.· It is' odr"anderst~nding.that the 'purpose of the.current application, is tO. facilitate Changes. to the internal road pattern, .and the' numbers. and types of'dwe'llings't0 be Constructed. ... 'TRCA staff had'no bbjeCtion to.:the approval, ofthe original subdMSibn application;' subject to "'" · .conditions, outlined iri a March t0, 1998 .letter; attached for your reference. Inlight of'thisi' . :' '.. 3'RCA has.no.objectionto the subject· application, but note that'our March.lO, 1998 comments . 'remain the same. "' ..', . .. We trust this is SatisfactorY. Should furtherdiscussion and/or clarification be requiredl .please ' donot hesitatetOcalt e. ither. Pa.tti Y0'ung:a~ extension 5324. 0r the.underSigned;. · Yours truly,. Plans Analyst .. .' · Development Services Section· Ext, 5306 '"- PY/fa , Attach.. :cc: ·Tyler Barnett, City of. Pickering, Planning and Development Department F;~PRS\CORRES P\PICKERIN~A1701 .WPD Healthy Rivers · Biodiversity and 'Greenspace 5 5horeharn Drive, Downsview,. Ontario M3N -154 (416) 661-660~~~. . . ."-~.~..... ..' ATTACHMENT ~.,, '7 TO REPORT ~ PD -~"0 [ 29 P~i|nistry of Transportation Transporl~ Phone: Fax: E-mail: (416) 235-4572 (416) 235-4267 hugh. fyffe@mto, gov. on. ca Clerk's Division City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Attention: A~ Ontario Comdor Management O~?' 7th Floor, Atrium Tower ' 2001 1201 Wil~on Avend~'.il ~::,~>, Downsview, Ontario ....... M3M 1J8 September 05, 2001 Zoning By-Law Amendment ApPlication A 17/01 Cougs CValleyfarm) Limited Part of Lot 20, Concession l (South-east corner of Kingston Road and Valley Farm Road) We have no objection in principle to the proposed Amendment, but seek information as to how traffic gcncratcd by thc proposcd dcvclopmcnt will impact intcrchanges at Brock Road and Liverpool Koad. CC. Corridor Management Teclmician RECEI'W'RD SEP 1 2 2001 DEVELOP.M ?- H T ['1.. ~ PARTMENT [O0'd /9[[~-c£[t~ID:q3J, J, N3NHDVNV~'~ ~OI]l~[~tO.') Lt':80 (Ll3g)IO ,.cO- 'dSIS 30 A"ri'ACHMENT #, ~' TO REPORTdPD ~-O[ DELIVERY PLANNING 1860 MIDLAND AVE 2ND FL. SCARBOROUGH ON M1P 5Al September 5, 2001 Mr. T. Barnett Planning & Development Department City of Picketing 1 The Esplanade Picketing On L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Barnett, Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/01 Cougs (Valleyfarm) Limited Part of Lot 20, Concession 1 (South-east comer of Kingston Rd and Valley Farm Rd) 18T-97029 Rev. City of Pickering (416) 285-538, (416) 285-7624 (F) SEP 0 ? 2001 ULU_J CI'T'Y OF PICKERING PICKERING, ONTARIO RECEIVED SEP ' 7 2001 CITY OF PICKE'RING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Thank you for the opportunity to con'anent on the above noted application. As a condition of draft approval, Canada Post requires that the owner/developer comply with the following conditions: - The owner/developer agrees to include on all offers of purchase and sale, a statement Which advises the prospective purchaser that mail delivery will be from a designated Community Mailbox. - The owner/developer will be responsible for notifying the purchaser of the exact Community Mailbox locations prior to the closing of any home sale. - The owner/develOper will consult with Canada Post Corporation to determine suitable locations for the placement of Community Mailbox and to indicate these locations on the appropriate servicing plans. -The owner/developer will provide the following for each Community Mailbox site and include these requirements on the appropriate servicing plans: - An appropriately sized sidewalk section (concrete pad) as per municipal standards, to place the Community Mailboxes on. - Any required walkway across the boulevard, as per municipal standards. ATTACHMENT # (~ TO REPORT # PD, ,~)~- o I 31 DELIVERY PLANNING 1860 MIDLAND AVE 2ND FL. SCARBOROUGH ON M1P 5Al (416) 285-5385 (T) (416) 285-7624 (F) -2- -Any required curb depressions for wheelchair access. The owner/developer further agrees to determine and provide' a Suitable temporary Community Mailbox location(s), which may be utilized by Canada Post until the curbs, sidewalks and final grading have been completed at the permanent Community Mailbox locations. This will enable Canada Post to provide mail delivery to new residence as soon as the homes are occupied. I trust that this information is sufficient, however, should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me the above number or mailing address. Sincerely, Debbie Greenwood Delivery Planner P.s. The delivery mode for Block 62 (Apartment Building) will be centralized mail Facility supplied, installed and maintained by the developer/owner. , a:utfldraw, sam 32 ATTACHUEITT ~ ~ -,, REPORT t PD~'U VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW PROJECT NAME: Cougs (Valley[arm) Limited Pat of Lot 20, Concession I (South-cast comet of Kingston Road & Valley Farm Road) REF. NO.: A 17/01 SUBMISSION DATE: August 29, 2001 11. Elcctrlc Service is avaihblc oi~ the road allowance(s) touching this pmpetxT. .Servicing may be from the south side of Kingstoil Road ot fi~om Vallcy Fasm Road, For the Apartment complex - The applican~ must p:ovide lcco.tamodation on site for thc Corporation's tx'ansfomlet(s). · outdoo~ pidmouet in a 5m X. 6m clca~ ~xca · an indoor vault mom Individual mctet~g for each unit is For the Apartment complcx -'ih= Applicant must provide a concrete encased underground duct system, from a supply point on the south side o[Kingstoa Road to a ttans£otmc! location on the property, Supply point to be determined. For thc Apszlment complex - Thc AppUc~t must pay the Corpo~atlon's costs to supply Md L~sta~l uadczg:ou~d set'vice cables along the mutc of 4. above, Estimated tax, ge of costs to be detexmined. The £oUo~Hog st~nrJ~:l ~xed fee costs will apply (~ll fig~es ~te approximate): Service Connection Fcc $130.00 per ttnit Existing Corpom~on plant on the south sidc of Kingston Road and east sidc of Vdhy Farm.Road m~y haw to be teplaced/zeloc~t~d at thc Applic~ut's cost to accommodate the proposed cltive~ray loc~tions. The Applicant must nu~ke di:ect application to the Cozpo~tion to obtain spccific appzoval o£the electrical sezvice a:ra~gcmcots md tehted wozk £or this pzoject. The applic~t is cautioacd that tenders, contracts, work initiated p~o~ to obt~iaiag specific approval will bc subiect to change. For thc Apartment buildings only ~m clectt~c~l consult;mt oz elcct~ic~r~ ~ strongly ~ecornmc~dcd to co-o~li~te sez~ce deta~s. A Setv~clng Agtcement must be signed ~ith thc Corporation in otdet to obtai~ servicing ~Cot this site, Pot the Al~xtment complc'x - A Multi-Tenmt Agreement mgy riced to be entered into ~nd m~y be registered on t~dc as part o£thc servicing requirements. Legal costs for this will be charged to the Applicant. ~1 -.,~otk from the publk zoad allow-a~¢e to the service entt~cc a~td the metering ~u~a~ge~acnta must comply x~ith the Cotporatiorl's tequi:ements and ~pcci£c~tions. 'ATTA~ENT ~ ~' TO P, EPORT d PD ~-o / 33 P~§~ Z VEKIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW 12, 13. 15. 16. to opc~ an ~ct~ ~cco~t, ~ ~e~ d~osit ~u~t be posted ~d m~t~d on ~ccom~t ~t ~ ~me~ - ~o~t to b~ dct~ed. P~o~ to ob~g s b~5 pz~t, ~e A~Bc~t ah~ ~ a~eem~ con~ acccp~ce of~e t~s ~d con~ of p~o~ ~ec~c~ ~ ~c c~p~ of conUct oz c~g ~ ~e ~ts of ,pp~oa~ ~ dz~Jop:t/b~d~ sh~ p~y ~R foz ~e t~po~ ~oc~8o~ b,~l~ o~ p~otec~on of ~e ~s, o~ othe~ ~c6on de~ ncc~ss~ by Ve~n to p~o~de fo~ wo~k~ s~fc~ ~d ~e se~ of the decmc~ sys~m. ~dscap~g, spe~y uees ~d s~bs, shoed be ~ocg~d awiy ~om ~e Co~o~a6on's ~sfo~ m l~id ~t~f~nce ~ eq~t acccss. ~psided ~ppe~cc of uees ~om ~g mt7 ~ not a~d ~ed~ed Ci~ o~Pickc~ D~T M~g ~ t~ dev~opm~ Ve~ Co~ec~ons hi~ no objection ~ ~c proposed develo~t. Pl~sc fo~ a copy of ~t sub~ssion d~ desi~ so ~st · p~limin~ des~ ~d es~lte c~ ~ complc~d. Technical Representative -Davc B~II Telephone 427-9870 Ext. 3233 i'll/df P;\'woal Do~,n~.~\V~'idi,m\~ & ¢.~,~n~a\Oe~et~a~at ipli~fioa p.~i..\~'.::k,:~\ m'm 1 \~ u~ (v'tqc'g,:m9 Ltd, - gi-~,t,,. ~a.t ,.~1V,~e,/Pin'. I~d,doc Rev. Da~: Novembe~ 1, 1999 34 'ATTACHMENT ~ /~ TO REPORT ~ PD_ ~ ~'- c~ / Octobe~ 1, 2001 · Tyler 15emott, plant er.I Planning & Davel0pmeht .Depa'rtmenl One [lie F.~planade .. Pickering,.OntaHo .... LqV 6K7 Dear Mr. BarnetT: Re: ' 2onlng Amendment Application. A17/01. '. Applicant: Co, u.g$ (Valleyfarm} Limited Location: Hart o.f Lot: 20 Cnhcesslon:. 1 . Municipality: City o.f Pl(~,edncj " We hage reviewed thls.appli~atio, rt and the fnllawin[i aornmenis am, .offered w~th respect to compliance, with· Ge Durham Regional Official Plan, the prupo~ed · me[hocl o~' servicing and delegated provi/lclal plan review r~pon$1bili[ies, The purpose at '~e application is [o amend the existing zuning in order t~ ~han~ie the inl. ernal road pattorn from a d~,ble loop to a single loop'. In addition, the application is ,al.~o to change the mi.x of units*from 110 semi.detached units, 31 townharnes.and 27~'1-400 ape .rl~en[$ to 48.gl .agio pr semi-detached units, 72 townhomes and 324-47B apartments. , The subject propeity la* ~e$ig,,atm:l "Main cc~[rel Ama;' i~ the D~am Regional Offldal Plan. These areas are intended es tile ~ain'conc~ntrafians of urban a~lvitias providing a fully integrated a~my ~ community, 'officm service, pnd shopping', recr.~a~innal and residential uses. The proposed amendment is in conformi~ with il~e Durham.Regional official Plan. ; Sanitary sewer and wa[er st'~l~ply facilities am available, tn t~e subjoct the ezistlng services 011 Valley Farm Road end High.way No. 2. Regional ' servid~j requirements.will be cuvered by an*appr6pria:e subdivisinn agreement basacl on canditionn of a. ppmval to the ~elated Plan of Subdlvislur, 18T-g7t329. This application has~been srzeencd'in accordauce with th~ terrn~ oi the . .p~ovinciel plan revlew.respo~.sihilifieS, TIle 'subject site's pmximi.ty to KingstOn. Rou~l, a Typ~B arterial mad, creates the n~ad for a aais, assessment to be completed roi' this property, The ~[udy can be 8ubmltmd Ule Plan uf Subdivision stage. No [ru~ thor prcMnelal illterasts appear tn be ' arrested. If you ~laV~ ~ny quasi,gna or require additial~al Informafinn, plea.se'call me. Ra~/,Dayies, Planner " ~,urrent O~ratian~ Rranch ', . cc. Vic Go'ad, Raglan of Durham Work~ DepartmeM ** TOTRL PRGE. 02 ** 'A'I'rACHMENT ~ / ] TO REPORT # PD '~ 5~ 0 [ 35 Sherrill and David Henderson 1880 Valley Farm' Road, #TP27, Pickering, Ontario, Canada L1V 6B3 Telephone: 905-837-1827 E-ma#: darosOl~attglobal, net Fax: 905-837-1504 September 19th 2001 City Clerk City of Picketing One the Esplanade Picketing, ON L1V 6K7 SEP 2 D2001 ~ITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND Your FAX: '~05-420-9685 Your e-mail: Re: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/01 You have circulated details of the above, involving Cougs (Valleyfarm) Limited, Part of Lot 20, Concession 1, in your letter of August 29th 2001. You invited input at a Public Meeting scheduled for September 20th 2001, at a revised starting time of 8:00 pm. Observations: 1: the proposed plan contemplates at least 7%, and as much as 10%, increase in total number of units 2: given the nature of the units, many of these will likely be occupied by two-car families 3: once the complex is developed as proposed, this will mean the introduction of no less than 500 new vehicles at this location, and more likely as many as 1000 new vehicles 4: this does NOT take into account the many additional commercial vehicle movements required tO service such a complex' as well as many school buses which will now be stopping here on Valley Farm Road to pick-up and discharge their precious loads - and, as good citizens, we know it is our duty to stop both ways when they do this, which impacts traffic Given the further increase in density now being proposed, we believe it is essential to anticipate, and deal effectively with, the effects of substantially increased traffic in this area: - there are many seniors living in the two condominium complexes at 1880 + 1890 Valley Farm Road - they drive vehicles onto Valley Farm Road - their traffic, and the new traffic from the Cougs proposed development, will now need to vie for turning space on. an already-very-busy Valley Farm Road - many seniors walk across Valley Farm Road, to purchase their newspaper, or to access public transportation This traffic situation will be exacerbated if the proposed Cougs development is permitted to be built with its one-and-only entrance driveway being located on Valley Farm Road. Your letter states: "The applicant is proposing to eliminate the vehicular connection between the new internal street and the Pickering Recreation Complex to the south." We believe that a second route of entry / exit to the new complex is essential. We also believe that the routing of this second line oftraffc into the Recreation Complex' as was ofiginaily contemplated, will allow some of the traffic to be dissipated through one (or more) of the Centre's existing intersections further south on Valley Farm Road (at, or near, the Esplanade) in addition to the ONE entrance now being proposed. ·.. continued next page . . . ATTACHUENT REPORT [ Page Two ] If, for some other reason, it has now been determined that the previously-approved plan should now be scrapped, then we would deem it essential that direction be given to the applicant along the following lines: Inasmuch as the applicant has proposed to complete the connection to Kingston Road (Block 39 -- Future Road: the extension of Street B in the revised plan), this extension should be completed in conjunction with the construction of the units on Street A, and NOT delayed until "the construction of the apartments block" We would further propose that the applicant, or the City of Pickering, or the Region of Durhang should undertake to add an additional paved right-turn lane offeach of north-bound Valley Farm Road, and east-bound Kingston Road, to alleviate the new traffic problems -- such a lane could also do double-duty as a bus-bay-lane, as akeady exists southbound at 1880 Valley Farm Road -- it would also help at the east-bound GO Transit bus stop, where buses currently stop in the traffic lane, ' impeding Kingston Road traffic, because there is no such paved shoulder at the existing bus kiosk. Parking and snow-removal considerations We trust that the City of Pickering will direct the applicant to ensure that adequate provisions have been made for ALL vehicles owned by occupants of the units at the subject development, to be parked within the development, as well making as adequate provisions for the necessary plowing, stacking'and subsequent removal of snow (even during periods where MOST OR ALL vehicles are still "on the premises", e.g. nights and weekends) without requiting the use of adjacent City of Pickering lands.for such. Notification of outcome is requested We wish to be notified of the passing of any zoning by-law amendment, or other actions resulting from this application. Notification is also requested on behalf of Mufiel Stanley, at Unit #718, same address as above. Sincerely, David Henderson Sherrill Henderson 37 ATTACHMEI~ d /c~ TO REPORT ~' PD ..~,~' - o t CI i"¥ oF pICI(.F_RING 3R 'ATTACHMENT# /~ TO ~EPORT ~ PD _~_~- 0 / SEp 2 8 2001 · , CITy 1890 Falla.~ F~NN~ PlCK~- 7uite 81~ o~_~osvs[~lNG Li? 6B4 Sept. 25/ol City of PicKeting Planning & Development Dept. One The Esplanade Picketing; Ont. L1V 6K7 Dear ~ir: RF: Zonings- By-Law Amendment ApoliCation A 17/01 CouTs (Valleyfarm) Ltd I oulo like to be included in all future meetings this ap'olication. mh e · ....follo~,~in~ ~re my concerns and questions about this site. They are not in prioritized order, 1. Will the~ "apartnents' be condos or ren%~.l units? If 'rental, will they 'be reticular pric ac or lower "Ont. housinE' ? 2. ~,~hat orice ran?s will ~e homes be? ~, The 'letter from the ~ erk's :.~lCe st..tad minimum 2,~:~ units more ss a minimum are plann~,d in the amended plan. Why was the maximum overlooked? In the suggested amemdment a potential 180 more units could be built This means approx. 180 more cars will be ezitin~ an~ entering the property ~ ~ · ~ore school buses will be necessary, adding to the potential traffic onto Valley Farm Road~ especially in the morning and late afternoon h:~urs. The proposed new entrance is very close to the ezistin~' one at the Condo comolex across the ro~d A traffic n'fI ~ ~ . · ~ntm~ce is highly potamtial. Adding possibly 180 units'in not acce~ble~ I suspect this is a City "Tax grab" and "the beck with nearby residents after all, the workers at ' ~,~ty Hall do not have to worry, they ~o not live nearby. Inst~aO of the ori~imml 414 units, and aporox. 4lb cars, the new plan woul~ intr&~uce potentally 594 cars comin~ f ~ the ~.. rO,~ area 4.~ore homes on less land is my impr~sslon. This whole complex will seem lik~ a GHFTTO as I overlook the 'area from my Condo. 5. Will the area' be visually appealing? In closinF~, I do not think th~ increase of possibly 180 more units =hould be e~ ' . ~ p ~m~tted Sincerely,