HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 708/77REPEALED BY REPEALS MENDED BY AMEND DISPOSITION HE CORPOPATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-`AW N-,_4BER ? 'r ; r Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Lease Agreement between the Corporation of the mown' of Pickering, The Metropolitan Toronto acd Region Conservation Authority and Ontario Hydro with respect to Parts of Lots 20, 21 and 22, Range 3, Broken Front Concession and Part of Lot 2, Plan XM-1., Tows of 2ickering (Sandy Beach :Road Park) THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FO? LOWS 1. The Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Lease Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering, The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and Ontario Hydro with respect to Parts of Lots 20, 21 and 22, Range 3, Broken Front Concession and Part of Lot 2, Plan X,-1, Town of Pickering. (Sandy 'Beach Road .Park) By-law read a first, second and third time and PASSED this 3rd day of October , 1977. TOWN OF PICK RING RECORDED VOTE YEA. -NAY 14, GERAGHTY ;?KDERSON 1:. KJTCHEN' D. MATkESON 0L_ ROSERTS,laN A, CAHILL L. ' FlSHER G. `yor `i Clerk N T:iis "isCTIC. '_JT tile t ?v Pt? 1977. B E ._ E THE METROPOLITAN TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY, Hereinafter -called the " mthari aV E FIRST Ply:" - and - ME CORPORATION O E OF Hereinafter caller "Pick rirc" 01F T,,E and - ONTARIO ky;,Ru formerly THE HYDRO-E C PIC C.ti?a2 Hereinafter cail eL hie 1 :? 0,-' !1E `:':11RD PART. WHEREAS by an Agreement _. 4th day of July, 1973 and atta...aed :._... S...._.....'.c. "A", W Commission granted, co .,:e 1;ed and trw: s a-_ :o,. :.} subject to all of the terms and conditions Agreement, the right to use and o ,:> .,a. > UZis of ._ , 20, 21 and 22, Range 3, Broken Front Concession and , - ; , 2, Plan XM-1, in the Town of Pickering, in to of Durham, formerly in the Township of i,: t!: Ontario, as described in Schedule "R" a:;2; , attached ("the premises") ; for Park purposes only; AND WHEREAS the Authority has agree., no ass . it..; right to use and occupy the premises to Picke _nc, AND WHEREAS the Com aission consents ins Assignment; NOW THEREFORE THIS ASSIGNMENT "WIT SSE' , that in consideration of the terms and conditions herein containei, the Authority grants, conveys and transfers to Pickering, su ject tc-, all the terms and conditions herein contained, the right to *,;se and occupy those parts of Lots 20, 21 and 22, Range 3 oven Front Concession and part of Lot 2, Plan X.71-1, in zhe of Pickering, in the Regional Municipalitv of Durha:, fc ?, in the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario, as descr ._._- Schedules "B" and "C" attached here-o for Park purposes only. The terms and conditions c :hic Pic. r_. _ove:anis and agrees to observe and he bound by are as follows: - 2 1 . That the Agreement shall be ncor prat d in t and form part of this Agreement and all refere _ces therein to the Co.mmissio:; shall be read as references to the Authority and all references herein to the Authority' shall be read as references to Pickering, save only the following: (a) Paragraph one shall be deleted any t1ae foglowin. _ substituted:' " 1. This Agree.:.ent and the ric hts _ ran teti remain in force until J-lne 29th, 1992i, su j"ect: to t€`"rminat":on on six months' notice in the event the Co=ission is rejues cd so tc c.o xy the Goveriaient of Canada or Cntario r _.,_ Atcrndc _Tncz,i'4" 'dickering shall have the right to renew .,., e XI r t _L for further c:)nsecutivo periods of ' en years ea-11 on conditions as herein contained. (b) Paragraph six sha l. be .dclc-' x.c ..... .' ;. i:i< substituted: 6. Picker? . may aerrii t .. -_r s o) tl ; , use the lands herein for the purposes set out a.: a _c,j, '<;.:(-c, w?,. ti; the terms hereof, but this Agreement and al _ .ts <-i Lc .c . c.r y shall not be assigned by Pickering without the ca:ise t c' Co.,nml 1. SS 11.0111 and the Authority and it shall be a n_4 remain 1_ile rES ?r?sib ity and obligation of Pickering to enforce a•:].lertnce to the ten-is nc c ndj_ __; (. herein contained by any such persons." (c) Paragraph 15 shall be deleted. 2. Pickering will be responsicle from January i, 1_977 for all maintenance, grass including cutting, watering, weeging, re-sodding or re-seeding, and erosion repair. and for olant maintenance including pruning, watering, cultivating, weeding, mulchis7, ma nten?ncr of guys, spraying and fertilizing. { 3. The Commission consents to the ass men., of _ e Atreernen i and the rights granted thereby provided that neither tills conse-:t nor anything contained shall release or relieve the Aut :o _ __ from any of the obligations or liabilities to the Ccrnmission contained in ^_e Agreement. _.zr :_r.TR PvJ_ v=.t. :3 AND RLGION CONS-'RVATION AUTHORITY has hereunto set its Corporate Seri attested by the hands of its proper officers in that behalf du-Lv a:athorized. THE METROPOLITAN TC?IRONTO AND REGION CONSrRVATION AUTHORITY Per: THE CORPOPATION O TA--E \S2:. k hereunto set its Corporate Sea: attested- _ t.:_ hands of _.7 t.. k c officers in that behalf duly aatiorizc- . THE CORPORATION Or ,, O PICKERING 't ? e t Per: . kI r\j ON`TAP.IO HYDRO has hereunto se_ ,s attested by the hands of its proper of`_icers In that 1 1 authorized. ONTARIO HYDRO Per: d5ie THE AT!iCiiLD AGREES= DATED JULY 4, 197K !S; SCMDULE A TO AN t:SSIG t DATED DAY CF 1 ?77 ._ DETt1EE _ METROPOLI s .1i TORONTO AND RE . _0: C: S ., .l I ;iv AUTHORITY and THE CORPORATION O _ U _ and THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER 0 in `--r7pLicate a3 4th day of ulv, j i LLZ? L??a: Tli1i3}l:(J-i riJ` i. L-: i :C} IZ, herein called the Co,?i ssio . and herein called ttic lut _ trI`tPli_5.3:11; th._It in conditions herein r flnt::ki_Th d the transfers to the AutilerDl:y, b- e, r . c>ondiLions heroin CUrit^I.n `d, L farts of lots 20' 21 and 22, and Part of Lot 2, Elan County of Ontario cL• Lc ,JS described i.Ih ?c.edu _ for park purposes nnl}°. I'he tel'-uis and coliditifina a2' ICI-., t =F '%'.ii:..C) iL'. agrees to ouscrve and be '.pound #ay r.rc . C 1. This A'-recuiont n.na Lhc .:'lf.,lLS '•i, r i . .?;i:1.; t --. _. force for, a period OL ttJ^TIt '-%. • ... _. e?_ ._, subject to teLuld.Ilat on on six ,?,)tit: ._c' lion is requcsLed so to d1o ly ..ile te?c_.. Lt c c.:: _. cr Tlie /Atomic L•nerty t:ont:ro j lio :i '. = a_ ? ;ist to rcriew this c"grOO tCT1L It itS r'. ,• .. ..L Tn f-.,? ?i-_?_ Lea: -L. ?i. :'C': periods of ten yca,rs eacli on Lhc se=e contained. 2. The Authority shall i?ai all taxcs, r_ _cS or, 'L ;, r'- thereof assessed or levied ai st_- i_.`hC the period this Agrec,11ont l .mills in force or to an amount (-,nuai to the .^'?:ctltlt of the c..n'vin+_ , es c . ant. s i.k lieu of taxes na?d by Llhc C'o-L-inhissioll in --a c-.1 _ _o n _,, SCZ herein. The Aut}ori tv shall have t c to c Ec s _'.I upon S9i?iCil the aforesaid tas°s or u2.`ntS' C t) t C4'i _.:r Cor.mission. subject to. tilt: 11uthori ty indemmi-fyin-v thc C=issicn for any costs and e,q)ense incurred thereby. 3. The AutiloriLy 7'thrill not- use of pcn t Lo be :._ s _ .r. for any use ott.cr than r: r': pu'3:oscs,, .>..,.:i ak Lion, educational acLiv:i_tics, and hinter of , lC i% snow slhocin`, nU 1e1?, k rid',-u-, unless srcC _i f ic_ appro 'a_ t-:'.C Commission has been obtained. 4. `file Autbor-ity shall as is all i.,:u__i"• and all loss, dam 2Cr, or injury, inclLiciin .t'•'-' property 1-h at hap ens as a result of or a iscs ou-_ o sL c.:k="_' CGUp$tlUn of the Sa1:d lands t3? Li't ' ^uLlflA'it,' O. _ > _j L__ zlil?l the Authority snail at all t1i7i:S i?1?'?C'TiI.i.1'y` w•i?d Sa ?. 53 t: t: Cost ! ssion from and a&ZATISL all Such loss, dall"a::e, or ::P j and. all actions, 7)rC•m_.,_.ll;_s, Cc`=...', -: .y.i.':<si5, claims or dcmans a _Ang cal'vre ? ^-.' o pro- i vieJed, th?.t the Au0mri• " shall fo _LaI,,`c to trie extent to .Jl?1t,?Li s'uc . los ;, .. z Ls caused or contributed to by t?ic n^x,Lect o c?_.Lssion, its servants or aL;cn,,:s, or J _Lc is c°-i% incidents. ? 5. All pr Gl'r7 L o h- Gwr .. . S of ta.c z i.b is at, any /? f 1 time on the Z=inds Or•win or t}1*' adj c nt, lands C12Ziil be a,? the sole ._ s'_ of _he Authori:v . t..._ "o'--zission shall not be liable for an,,- lc)ss o: k ^? 3? 'moo tn. 'ever o'::c'uri:i'; 1u t1h t"?,:C;lori.t,J .??_?. _ l .'? _ ._.. ._.,• _ _l c 'k mom C enni .'ih_ _lh raycct of f _' d 1w:-. r. c, L-,?Cq-,L Le 'Co r- 'ahich sue.'. loss (,_ C_ T _ H or ,...ca .. ,.-_ f.. to neglect or C r < .iii? +0:...issio_i, its _L.. ut1 -. 01,: .ti by rach.oaCLiviL nLS. 6. The Audwriq- may permit F+tembcrs of ti'e GIiC L"o L: nIidS herein for C?iC r Yfi Jae i set out and" 1 :,cor:>xc:'C 1•:; th Lho LOW;; hereoL, but t) CCmCFlt and l r, Cs .y s" ,"al" il•?' be L sS1?T1Ci1 ') t.... ;[_hority and it li7ll be anti it Lho i IiJ 11;:y Fl<< D b1.) "ILLon of the P;ut3.ari C z .. Lh tenus and nond_tio-ns Cicrein conLaine.. , ,>n vll-c?i ,?,r .<„i6. 7. • Ii in the opinion of ti=c Co. _ fl, 7- :7 c . 1: 1 . i • i or permits tiny=thin to be done on th _ Wits or cause damn e, the Uoraaissibn Mall w)::i_ :.:; activity and the AuLlaorzty shall have i rty s:".\ : in whid. to such nuisance. 8. 'the locat?:on and 14ans oif n a rC' O, motor veliicles must have the prior )rowi1 e ,.v L'xcept for t'1t• 3<lrI:inS o motor e?SI..__,;a i.n . :: } ,,?,1 .'!?t rCl,, all tgotoriz?_>?i vehicles and cquirmieno .)L:.2r CO n . iw f Liz Authority uscu for maintenance puri;os al { be c; , _... 9. The Authority- shall- cmideavour to . evcilt . o_c. boats the area Lase or the Liverpool i'cad 10. Any signs to be erected by the f utllier ity ir.--I_ _ hL?-:e pr-or approval of the Commission. 1i-. No peraiz-vent habitation shall be allcwcd on z. ianf-,s. 12. uildin`s may be constructed for tale C u-,mission approvin,- of their dew `"icr-n -_ -7 `i _.,_.. _ Alt ? ? ? :CC ciw ?:? ruc- tion of c^.ny oLller buildinZs nwst re wive Lim prior r _:n _?o.": of the Comd wion and such approval may b2 bran-,.' J:' ..cmmisszon, within its discretion. 13. The limits of the land shali be no`;te6 b to in-arm ,r cmbers of the public that the 1< i is F, ..c of Generating Station complex and as such su _;cct to _--_._s oic crs of Station personnel. 14. :;ince tale Co:r ,isricn is lesponsiuir for 11I L.:« L .' IJ_r_ 1-c<1: sCi?Lv b sec': on :?'.^_. monitoring mctliods and .L_..•_Z1Ls L_ ,.i 9C.r_.i cC by the Atr:- is L to^.y ConL-rol P3onrd from, '_imz2 ._ tine it _ _ : _ L :e ri7ht to _ .war on the lands at pill times to install, operate and maintain: such moni4orin& , equipment and any system co: necLed LherrwLth, and to control mitry, Of the tcmjrorarii or ':apu;ri.i.c use in t,se of emer, ency. 15. the due o L. is i.grcc.nent it is understood there i.., - _ ? , .__.._. ._..__ .. i _ * y ? t force, iL.\ aiiJCly entered into Lc mcn tho 1.... , , m an s !yin c..^ .t act r to the effect tML Lhe contr.^_=Lo is respons3_l ie u tii Ucc=..-or i f 1973 a) for i;t ;inLeimnc+. `Jf ?`_;._.(-• - .' xi's t '' y :: :plc ? f wec-,( l , reSocdding, or rC4C{'"..._:7 ? an=? cros-',o : rkap az.r, zlnJi b) for p L ant TiLaintcriance M I S A3 ,+i n i > " f iCGClin{?f R[L1i0iin jf tla;-nt nonce G 1' f {i_ ^? . i c:ia i 1 _ C - zingf an(! C,/ ;•e"onsibJe IMLAI IMCOA ' it L ;W Or rw4ezc=nL Of =LOS Or plants vAtich hove no ,ro's: n _ a,ld according L y the Au t11 > `' will 1 _ . o i _ . 3 .:v.. I'173 ?. Oc'r - f gnw.irds for all maintc-mriY= above referrcd to, and except: for L?.+, , ;.-... o caused by the public. 16. In the event it ? s "dcc ics:Y Anreemcnt pursLiLat to L; te ;rov! 51. n' AuL wy . Tp } << i- Lim to the Coon .;ttcc of jus it Or .. . in: ..A_ the Authority and at its c :r? c 1 17. It is understood and agrec . AM M .. ,; r ?t t may be registered in the _t prnp ink<. E, VAco " - parti.es hereto hereby aq .eeto be necessary to effect such segis rt. c.>., Its V?I1=VS: ,tMt F T ha , Ll _ . . _ Agreement to be e<.c(isved by af_ _ r. attester; It, the si,_natures of t1wir -r--- in that behalf, SIGNLD, SEALLD AND ELINLI'LL - ,... ,_.' , ....,. in the preserice cif _ f. ?"S t SOT/ 4 - -W) Secretary 'HQUIAC t IN THE Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, having a "'o,al area of 60.637 acres, rcore or legs, and being: FIRSTLY: Those portions of Lot 22, Ra:,.6c Drake:. •ncessic:l ha.vinL an Bret, of 32.126 acre.:, w„re or lc_o, ::1C'. designated as Parts 1 and 2 on a re:efence pls.z: ? yo:zlts -In t I.,-, Lund Registry Office for the lle&ictry cz Ont. u 1o Cc:::i y n as Plan 40R lug; SLCOB,DLY: Those portions, of Lot 21 ? ;e ? ?rcrc r: .: :zt Cuz.; css,c ;i having a total area of 20.520 acres, pore or less, and designated as Parts 3 and 4 on the said deposited plan 14011 1019; i TEiIRDLY. That portion of Lot 20 ktsge Nrol"a r, Front Concc sSa _)u having an area of 7.641 acres, more or lesr., ttn;' designated as Part 5 on the said devosited plan 400 1019. Certifled Ccrrect June 6, 1j7: .. ......... O.L.S. FOR C:ils.r SiR `. YOR 1t! This is cli'ccu e A to -!Tl e l!ydro-i LeCLrie a'L7t,t ,I tomlissi,on of 4 nLaric i iCt c 1 Toronto and :'le ion Coin >trvation k 1thor _a_ty . TUOSs; PORTIONS of Lot 2 r1F:1 X14-1, t Dw-iship of Pickering, in the Count of Ontario, in tfte Frovince of Ontario hsving a total area of 33.553 acres, more or less j &nd desiGnated r.s Farts 1 and 2 on a slr. of survey of record In the Lund Foe,-I stry Office at Whitby as Plan 4OR n Certific, Correct June 5, 1973 4 .. O.L., FOR •C UL Su i EYCR 3SS il.71s, is Sched"Ile ] to X11 i ExecluouL daLoe 7,e !`yclro-1;IecLr :c Power CCor-mission oC c1La_ic i ?<v c` i' n 'Ior.ont-o and i:caion Conservation Authoritj. F0- ,Fr, n: 7 ;. _ :. Furs'uanr Tow.:9hil) r„ ..^.c to the `ra•,sac`1-.. .t .C. - 3 11i Hi. of Pic .er • E;, In t'.-1.2 Co-,L-4ty If Ontario, in the Province of Ontario ha,,Ing a'total area cf 00'.6; acres, more or less, and teing: 11I11,STLY: Those portic?iis of L?a-? 221, hax::,4 an Eir ev _of dested as _ar'.c 1 or: t< cie° c _ L._ ccLos_ ?? isz t:: Lund tR• eGistry Of_ _cc for the ?" _: _; ?- •- _.. _ t4: i ?. at; Plan 11011, 1(j i. having a total area --f kv acr i, u:.,i designated as Parts 3 an 1 on tine e rii s ? epo. i tc ? }._£ z> ?P 10] T IRDLY: That portion of Lot LG r_o .. Cc:ra enta Jn having t1ri area of 71.6"1 E cr,_-31 ore or _',cb ; , desi&nated as Part 5 on he s«id ?r i` rs ct . . . . . . . . . . . . J . s xt This is Schedule 'B to an _assic_n-me. = dated e d?v of 1977, made between -he Metropolitan 7-c-ronz-o and Conservation Authority, and ^he Corporation t:: To ns ip , of Pickering and The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario. i _ ?t F'J TiG:=S of l.ot 2 ?IF-r, tha 1 v .mshlp Of Pickerln8, in the Co:ir,t;; of Ontr rlo, in the Frov.,ncc or or:tario havinE a tot41 area. of 3;.55; zrez, r..o:c or less, a;1 dez, ;;:rte1 as Part3 1 e,.d 2 oi- . ple f s:rzc?. of rec7?11%3 --i tho Land Ec,&,lstry office at. i;illtby e i 1..n June 5, l1T ; is is Sc e-du_e C rC an Assign =n dated t^ cf 1977, .wade be-. ee n The Metropolitan oronto..a Region C:,- se at _ Authority, a The C:orporat _on of the ?o .s. _ of P4ckering r and aprYa4 ssien'of Ontario. _he Hydro-Elec-ric =o er C