HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 23-03 CiÚI o~ REPORT TO PLANNING COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 23-03 Date: April 25, 2003 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Recommended Revised Process for Draft Plans of Condominium Recommendation: 1. That Council ENDORSE the revised process respecting approval of Draft Plans of Condominium, recommended in Report Number PD 23-03. Executive Summary: Following the delegation of approval authority from the Region of Durham to the City of Pickering for Draft Plan of Subdivision, Draft Plan of Condominium and Part Lot Control Bylaw approval, staff have continually reviewed opportunities to streamline the processing of applications. The standard reporting process of submitting detailed reports to City Council for each proposed plan of condominium is considered unnecessary and could be eliminated in specific circumstances, thereby reducing processing time. The draft plan of condominium review process is technical in nature and relates in most cases to development projects that have already undergone extensive public review under related Planning Act processes, that have Council approval, and that have received endorsement by the Site Plan Committee. It is recommended that Council authorize the Director, Planning & Development to issue draft approval for condominium applications under the delegated authority of By-law 5391/01, at a Department level, without Council's consideration of a report from the Planning & Development Department. Staff will continue to bring reports to Planning Committee respecting draft plans of condominium in situations where concurrence is not achieved between the applicant and staff respecting approval or related approval conditions. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of this implementing this revised process. Report PD 23-03 Date: April 25, 2003 Subject: Recommended Process for Draft Plans of Condominium Page 2 1.0 BackÇlround: 1.1 Past Process Prior to 2001, the processing and approval of draft plans of condominium was the responsibility of the Region of Durham. The City was circulated draft plans of condominium for review and comment. The Planning & Development Department would prepare a report for Council's consideration outlining the proposed tenure of the development, along with any conditions recommended to be imposed by the City. Council's resolution and conditions would be forwarded to the Region of Durham to be included in their conditions of draft approval. 1.2 The Process Changed The process for the review and approval of Draft Plans of Condominium changed in 2001 with the delegation of approval authority from the Region to the City. Although the process has been somewhat streamlined, the Planning & Development Department continues to submit detailed reports to Planning Committee for each proposed plan of condominium. Through staff's continuing efforts to identify process efficiencies, it has been concluded that this standard reporting process is unnecessary and could be eliminated under specific circumstances, thereby reducing processing times for the development industry. 1.3 No requirement to hold public meetings for Draft Plan of Condominiums The provisions of the Planning Act do not require the approval authority to provide notice of the application or hold a public meeting for an application for Draft Plan of Condominium. The City's process does not currently involve public notice. Public meetings are held in accordance with the Planning Act provisions and Council procedures for related Planning Act applications that may apply to a condominium project. The City of Pickering will continue to circulate plan of condominium applications to agencies that have specifically requested notification, and their comments\conditions will be considered for incorporation into the conditions of draft approval. 1.4 The Director, Planning & Development proposes to exercise his delegated approval authority for Plan of Condominium Applications that are technical in nature, without formal reporting to Planning Committee. The City of Pickering was delegated approval authority from the Region of Durham to approve draft plans of condominium on January 1, 2001. City Council subsequently passed By-law 5391/01, which further delegated approval authority to the Director, Planning & Development. Report PO 23-03 Date: April 25, 2003 Subject: Recommended Process for Draft Plans of Condominium Page 3 Typically any development that is subject to an application for draft plan of condominium has already been subject to another Planning Act application(s) such as Site Plan Approval, Zoning By-law Amendment, Official Plan Amendment or a Draft Plan of Subdivision. It is through the review of these applications that City Council considers the merits of proposed development and renders decisions. Plans of Condominium essentially deal with matters of tenure and are introduced at the end of the development process, possibly during project construction. Review, approval, and registration of condominium applications is technical in nature. To ensure that the approval process is facilitated as expeditiously as possible, it is recommended that the Director, Planning & Development be authorized to exercise his delegated approval authority and proceed to issue draft approvals for condominiums without formal review of a Report by Planning Committee, and Council approval. 1.5 City Council will receive reports for Condominiums in the event disputes between the applicant and the City cannot be resolved. A report to Council will be prepared in the event that the applicant does not agree with the proposed conditions of approval and/or does not concur with staff's position respecting the plan of condominium. Most commonly, disputes over what is to be included within a condominium unit boundary or common element boundary may occur and therefore the applicant would have the opportunity to address this issue at Planning Committee and Council. The recommended process is similar to that used by other Municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area and the Region of Durham. While some Planning Departments still report to Council, it is not uncommon for condominium applications to be dealt with at the department level. Report PO 23-03 Date: April 25, 2003 Subject: Recommended Process for Draft Plans of Condominium Page 4 Approved I Endorsed By: ~t~. Lynda Taylor CIP, RPP Manager, Development Review TB:jf Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council .,