HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 3565 TI-LB CORPOi~ATION OF THE TO~INSI~iIP OF PICI2~P, ING b~ing a by-law to dedicate certain lands as public highu, ays. WHEREAS the lands herein are owned by The Cozporation of the T~wnship of Pickerinf~ and it is deemed expedient to dedicate tile said lands as public highways. NOW TILF. R~OR~ TI~ COUNCIL OF T~.~ CORP~DRATION (1? THE TOW~IIIP OF PICICERING ENACTS AS FOLLCWS: 1. That the lands described in Schedule "A" hereto anne×ed be and the s~me ~e hereby de¢]icated as public highw3ys. R'~AD a First~ Second and Third t:;-nle and passed in Open Council this ~! ~ day of ~.~ A.D. 1968. Clerk SCHEDU 1 ~- "A" ALL Alii) SI~GUI-AR those ceztain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate lying and being in the Tov.,nship of P'ckerin9 in the County of On%azio, and being co~;~posed o:f: F I~ LY: That pa~t of Lo% 4, Concession 9 of the sa~d To~'~nship described as follows: P~EblISING th~ ~he south limi~ of Lot ~, Con::ess~on 9, To~vnship of Picketing has s bearing of No~ ~ degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds East and relatin9 all bearings used herein thereto. COPlr~r~II~ at an iron b~r found plan%ed in the west limit of sa:~d lo% distant 1151.41 feet measu~ec] northerly therealonr] from %he south-west corner of the said ~% 4; TI-~i~ North 64 degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 10 feet; TH~I~E Noxth and paxallel to %he westerly limit of said ~t a distance of five hundred fee~, more or ~ss, ~o an o~ post and wire fence measured 10 feet from the westerly limit of said Lot 4 on a line having a bearS, n~ of North 72 degrees 26 minutes B0 seconds Ens%; TH~NC~ South 72 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds Wes~ a distance of 10 feet to an iron bar planted in %he wes% limit of said Lot TH~N~ South 17 degrees B4 minutes ~ seconds ~st alo~ wes% limit of said L~:t 4, a distance of 500 feet to the 1~Ii,~ SECObDLY: That paz% of Lo~ ~ om %h~ west sid~ of Rosebank Road accozdinq %o z~gistmz~d Plan No. 505 zegistered in %he Office fez the County of Ontazio~ d~sc~ibcd as follows: CO[~ib,~I'~Ii,~ z% the south-~ast anmle of said ~% ~; TI~i~E mox%bezly along %h~ wes%ezly limit ~ Rosebank Road 66 fe~t %o an izon TI~NCE on a couzse ~qozth G5 degrees 33 minutes West 10 feet inches %o an izon TI~iq~ southerly p~allel to %he westezly limit of Rosebnnk Road Neath 69 feet 11~ inches %o a point in the southezly limit of sai[i ~% ~ dis%ant 10 fse~ meas~d west~zly %he~eom f~om ~he place of beginning; THSNCS ~as%ezly alon~ the sou%hezly limJ% of said Lo% 4 a distance of 10 fee% To the P~CE ~ TH IRDLY: That part of Lot 21 in Concession 8 of the said Tov{nship, described as follo~{s: P!~IISING the easterly limit of the said let To have a bearing of Iqor%h 15 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds West and relating all bea~ings b~ein thereto; COI~zglYCING .~T a point ~vhich may b~ located by measuring degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds West along Tine eesterly limit of said Lot 21 from the south-east angle of The said Lot a distance of 12~.6.98 feet to a point, said point being the point of commencement of the l~nds h~einafTer described; THtiNCB South 73 degrees 16 minutes 20 seconds West a d~stance of 10 feet To an i~on bar planted; TH~NC~ North 15 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 200 feet to an iron bc.r planted; T~lx~g N~;rth 73 degrees 15 minutes 20 sec~nds gsst a distance of 10 feet to %he easterly limit of sale] Lot 21; THgI~K%g South 15 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds East along The easterly limit of sa:~J Lot 21 aforesaid a distance of 200 feet TO The FOII~I' OF