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By-law 3533
T~tF. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHI? OF PICKERI,~ BY -LAW NUMBER 'f E33 being a By-law to dedicate pazts of LoW 1D in Range 3 as a public highway. WHERF~S %h= l=nds hezein are owned by The Cozpozation of the Township of Pickerin9 and i$ is deemed expedien~ ~o dedicate the said lands as a public hiohway. NOW T .... ,~, ORB TI,~ COUNCIL O? TH~,. COF, PORATION Tt~ TO~I~ItIP OF PICKS,RING E~CTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the lands desczibed in Schedules "A" and "B" hereto annexed be and %he sa~ ale hereby dedica%ed as a public highway. READ a FiIs%, Second and Thizd %ime an~l passed in open Council ~nis ~ f',~' day of ~.~' A.D. 1968. SCHEDUL~ "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township ox PickezinG, in the County oS ©ntazio and Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of Lot 19, Range 3, Broken Front Concession in the said Township, and which said parcel of lad may he more particularly described as follows: PI{E~ImING ~he bearing of the easterly limi~ ~f Lot 19, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, also being the westerly limit of the road allowance between LoTs 18 and 19, known as Brock Road, assumed to be North 17 degrees 09 minutes O0 secords West and relating all bearings here in thereto; COMMENCING at a survey monument in the easterly lfmit oi Lot 19, Range 3, Broken Fron~ Concession, distant 390.00 feet measured South 17 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds East along the said easterly limit of Lo~ 19 from the north-east corner thereof; THENCE South 73 degrees 03 minutes 10 secends West 83.29 feet; THENCE South 72 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds West 1.45 fee~ to a survey monument; THENCE North 33 degrees ]3 minutes 50 seconds West 91.22 feet to a survey monument; THENCE North 17 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds West 140.00 feet; TH~CE North ?~ degrees 51 minutes O0 seconds East a distance 1.00 feet; THENCE North lY degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 35. 00 feet; THENCE north-v~esterly along a curve to the left having a radius oS 51.00 feet, an arc distance or 70.19 feet, chord equivalent being 6~.78 fee~ measured North 56 degrees 34 minu~m-~ 45 seconds West to a non-tangential point in a line drawn parallel to the northerly limit of said LoT 19~ also being The southerly limit o~ the road allowance between Range 3, Broken Front Concession, and Concession 1, known as the Baseline Road, and distant fee% measured southerly at right angles therefrom, said parallcl line being ~he southerly limit o£ Baseline Road as widened; THENCE North 72 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds East alonG the said southerly limit of the Baseline Road as widened, 40.14 feet to a survey monument ~herein; THENCE South 36 degrees 30 minutes 20 seconds East 331.91 feet to the POINT OF COb~NCE~NT. The abovc described parcel of la, being all or PART 1 om a Plan of Survey prepared by Edwards and Gunn, OnZario Land Surveyors, dated Febxuary 9, 1968~ as revised on March 9th, 1968, ~o show a one foo~ reserve~ except ~he said one foot reserve . SCI~DU I.E "B" ALL A~D SINGULAR that certain ~rcel or tract o~ lam and premises siluate, lying and being in the Township ~ Pickerino~ in The County oi On~io and Province of On~io, conlainin9 by admeasuremen% 0.523 acIe be ~he same more or less~ and being composed oI pa~ gl Lo~ 19, I~ange 3, Broken Fion~ Concession in ~he said Township, and which said ~cel of land may ~ more particularly described as follows: ~EMISI~ ~he bearing of ~he easterly limi~ of Lo~ 19, Range Broken Fron~ Concession, also being ~he wes%erly limi~ of road allowance between Lots 18 and 19, known as Brock ~oad, assumed ~o be ~o~h 17 degrees 09 minu~es 00 seconds Wes~ and relating all bea~ings herein thereto; CO~NCI~ a% a survey monumen~ in the easterly limi% ~ Lo~ 19, Range 3, B~oken Fxon~ Concession, dis~an~ 330.00 fee~ measured Sou~h 17 degrees 09 minu~es 00 se~nds Eas% along the said easterly limi~ ox Lot 19 from ~he nox~h-eas~ corner ?he~eof; TI~NCE Sou~h 1T degrees 09 mlnu~es 00 seconds Eas% along said eastexly ]imi% of ~% 19 a distance oZ 6%0.00 fee~ %o survey monumen% ~herein; T}-~N~ South 72 degrees 3Y ainu%es 40 seconds Wes~ 27.00 feet a survey monumen% in a line drawn parallel %o ~he said eas%e~ly limi~ of Lo~ 19 a~ dis~an% 27.00 fee~ measured westerly righ~ angles therefrom; THE~E Noz%h 17 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds West glen9 said parallel line 430.10 feet ~o a survey monument ~he~ein; THENCE Noxth 3B degrees 1~ minu~es 50 seconds West 208.46 fee~ %o a survey monument; TI-f~i~E Nox~h 72 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds Sas~ 1.~5 fee~; THE~E No~h 73 degrees 03 n~inu~es lO seconds Eas~ 33.29 fee~ ~o The ~I?~ OF The above described parcel of la~ being further shown as P~ 2 on a Plan of Survey prepared by Edwards ~d Gunn, On~rio I~ Surveyors, dated FebIuary 9, 1968.