being a By-law t o dedicate
certain lands as public
WHEREAS the lands heiein are o~ned by The
Corporation of the Township of Pickezin9 and iF is deemed
expedient to dedicate the said lands as public highways.
1. That the lands described in Schedule "A" hereto
annexed be and the same are hereby dedicated a~; public
READ a First, Second and Third time and passed in
open Council this ~ ~- day of ~- A.D, 196~.
ALL AND SINSULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and
p~emises si%u&te lying a~d being in the Township of Picketing
in the County of Ontario, and being composed of:
Tha~ pa~T of ~ 14 Jn %he Sixth Concession of the said Township,
described mo~e particularly as follo%%,s:
PI~MI~ING that the bea~ing o% %be west l~mi% of ~%
Concession 6 is N~r%h 17 degrees 41 mi.utes West and relating
all bea~ings used here~n %hereto:
COM~I~ aT a poi.~ in %he wes~ limit o% Lo% 14
southerly %herein 4~200.59 fec% from ~he nor%h-wes% a~le
~% 14;
T~ Sou~ 17 degrees 41 minutes East along %he wes% limi~
or Lo~ 14 a distance of 225 fee%;
T~ No~%h 72 degrees 19 minu~es East a dis~an~ o~ 10 fee%;
T~E NorTh 17 degrees 41 minutes West parallel %o ~he
limit of ~ 14 a distance oI 225 fee%;
TI~N~ Sou~h 72 degrees 19 minutes West a distance of 10 fee~
Tha~ p~ of ~ 28 in ~ne Seventh Concession of the said
Towsship~ described mo~e pai~icularly as foll~vs:
PREMISI~ that The south-easterly lim{t o% the Ontario and
Quebec Railway crossing sai(] ~ 28 has a bea~ing o~ North
32 degrees 10 mlmuZes O0 se~ds East in accordance with am
instrument registered in %he Registry Office for %ne County
of Ontm~io as Numbe~ 5027, and ~elatino all bea~imgs he~eim
CO~ING at the no~th-east angle of said Lot 28;
T~N~ South lB degrees ~ minu~es East along the line of a
post and w~e fence marking ~he exi~tin~ easterly limiz of
sa~d ~z 28 a distance of 17 feet more or ]ess ~o a point
distanz 17 fee~ measured at right a~gles from the northerly
limi~ of said ~t 28;
T~NCE South 77 degrees 5[} minutes West being parallel ~o
no~%he~ly limi~ of said Lot 28 a distance of 481.44 feet more
ox ]ess to the limit of the Ontario and ~ebec Railway CompanF
as described in In=trument No. 5027;
T}{E~ North 32 degrees 10 mimu~es East along the south-
eastexly limit of ~he lamds of the Ontario and Quebec Railway
Company %o an iron bar planted in %he nor%hotly limit o~ said
~t 28;
THE~XI/E North 77 degrees 50 minutes East along thc norther ly
limit of said Lox 28 a distance of 481.44 feet to the POINt
OF C~ MME NCE Yg~ i~F.
Tha~ part gL ~ 5 according ~o a plan filed in The Registry
Office for the County of On%ario as Number 330, the boundaries
o~ which may be more particularly described as foll~s:
~MISING tha~ the westerly limit of the s~ Lot 5 has a
course of North 17 degrees 06 minutes 40 seconds West, all
bearings herein are referred thereto;
CO~I~ at a point in the westerly limit of ~% 5
183.75 feet measured northerly thereon from the south-west
angle of the lot, which is the north-wes% angle o~ Dunbarton
Road, sh~n as P~T 6, Registered Plan 80 Miscellaneous;
T}~ No~h 72 deglees 51 minules 20 seconds East along the
said no, th limit of Dunbarton Road, 35.02 feet;
T~E north-westerly along a curve ~o the ~iDh~ of radius
35.00 feet, an a~c distance of 55.00 feet, having a chord
equivalen~ of 49.51 feet on a course of North 62 degrees
07 minutes 40 seconds West to its poinl of %angency in the
westerly limi~ of ~ 5;
T~E Sou~h 17 degrees 06 minutes 40 seconds Eas~ along ~he
westerly limit of ~)~ 5 a distance of 35.0~ feet to t~e ~I~F
0~. CO~E~ ~ ·
That pa~t of Lo~ 10~ ~n %he Seventh Concession of %ne said
Township~ described mo~e particularly as fo]lo, s:
P~IISI~ %ha% %~ bearing of ~ne wes% limi~ o~ %he sa~d ~% 10
is No~%h 18 degrees 24 minutes Wes~ and ~elaling all bearings
used bet ein
COS~NCIS~ a% a point in ~he said Lo~ 10 wnich may ~ located
as follow~:
BEGINNING at %he north-wes% angle of ~he s~fd I~t 10;
THENCE North 72 degrees 4" minutes East along the nozth~-zly
limit of the said lot a d4stancf of 680.35 feet;
THENCE South 18 degrees 01 minute East ~ distance ~ 10.00 feet
to the po2n~ of commencement of the lands hereinafter described;
TI~E continuing South 18 degrees 01 mSnute East a distance
17.00 feet more oz less to a point distant 27 feet measured at
right angles from the nozthc, rly limit o~ the said lot;
THE?~E South 72 degrees 49 minutes West parallel to the northerly
limit of the sa~d lot a distance o~ 261.47 feet to a point;
T}-~ No~th 18 degrees O1 minute West a distance of 17.00 feet
more or less to a point distant 10 feet ~asurcd at right angles
from the northerly limit of th~ said lot;
THENCE North 72 degrees 4e~ minutes East a dis?ance ~f 261.47
fee~ to %he POINT OF CO~NCES~..NT.