A ~-~aw of the Con, ration of
the To, ship of Picketing to
authorize speed l~its
~E~S subsection 6a of section 59 of The Highly Traffic
Act (R.S.O. 1960. Chapter 172) authorizes the Council of
T~shlp or County by ~-law to preseri~ a l~er or higher
rate of s~ed for motor vehicles on a highway or portion
of highway under its jurisdiction that is not within a
built-up area or suburban district than is prescribed in
Clause A of subsection 1 of section 59. but such rate of
speed shall not be less than 35 miles ~r hour or more
than 60 miles ~r hour;
~ ~S it is de~d expedient that the spe~ l~it
for ~tor vehicles on certain high~ys in the Municipality
of the T~ship of Picketing be either decreased or in-
creased or both;
N~ ~ERE~RE the Council of the Corporation of the
Municipality of the To, ship of Picketing enacts as follows:
1. ~en any highly or portion of highly set out in
Schedule A appended hereto is marked in c~pliance
with the regulations under ~e Highway Traffic Act
the max~ rate of speed thereon shall be the rate
of s~eed prescribed in the schedule.
2. ~e penalties provided in subsection 12 of section
59 of ~e Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences
against this by-law.
3.~is by-law shall not become effective until approved
by the Department of Transport.
R~ a third t~o ~d PASS~ th~s ~ da~ of . 1
Maximum rate of speed - 35 miles per hour
H~Y ~RO~ To
P ickering Beach Road Bayly Street Lake Ontario
Westney Road Highway No. 2 Highway No. 401