HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 3261 THE COkPORATIOiq oP' THE TO~ NSHIP OF PICKELING BEIt~G A BY-L~t~ 'lO ~IdEND ['~Y-L~t~ NUMB~ 30~6~ as aaended; %'~HEREnS the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Picker~g deems it desirable to amend the provisions of By-law l'~ber 3036, as amended; NOL THEkEFO~E, the Council of %he Corporation of the Township of Picketing Ei{~C'tS ~S n. TEXT ~ ~Di.~I~' 5 Tha~ Sec%ion 7.5 be and ~he same is hereby a~ended, by adding %here%o~ Section 7.5.3 ss ffollows: ?.5.3 Far~ Lo6 33) ~oncession 2 No~wiLhs~anding ~be provisions o~ Sec%ion 7.~.~) ~he %ol%owinff property t,~ay be used ~or ~he purposes off a doK kennel, in accord- ance wi~h Section Tha% cer%tin parcel or ~rac~ of land and premises situate~ tyin~ ~d being in %he Township o~ Pickerin~ in %he Coun%y and Province o~ Ontsrio, con%aininK one-hal~ of an acre) and being composed o~ pot%ion o2 ~he sou~h hal~ o~ Los l~ber Thir~y-ihree (33] in ~he Second (lnd) 6oncessJon o~ the said Township o~ Y'ick- ering, o~ which ~he descriotion snd measursment of the bo~daries are as follows; that is to say:- 601~[Li~6ING at a point on the eastern bo~d- ary of the st, id lot n~ber 33, at a distance of llO feet south from where the said bo~d- ary is intersected by the southe~ limit of the lands of the 6anadian Northern Ontario ltailway Co.; THE~.fLE ~.EST on a line parallel with the southern bo~dary of the said lot, ten rods; THENCE SOOTH on a line parallel with the said e~stet'n bo~dary of said lot, eight rods; i'hEf~CL E~.bT on a line parallel with the said southern boundary of the said lot, ten rods, more or less to the said eastern bo~dary; ~HENCE NOhTH along said eastern bo~mdary, eight rods more or less %o the point of commencement. - 2 - 2. That Section 15.2.2 be and the same is hereby amended b? deletin~ in the 5th line thereof, the words '~a ffl~rin~~ . 3. That Section 16.2.3 be and the same is hereby ar'ended by deleting in the 5th line thereof, the words ~a marina". That Section 17.2.1 be and the sar~ is hereby amended by deleting in the 5th line thereof, the words "a marina'~ . B. Th~,t Dy-law Number 3036 be and the same is hereby repealed and amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law. C. ~o part of this ~y-law shall come into force without the approval of the Ontario ~4unicipat Loard, but subject to such approval, the Ly-law shall take effect from the day of p3ssing thereof. READ ~ FIRST AND SECOND TI~.'~ this ...... .~/.$day of ... ~'....~ .... Clerki kEAD ~ %Hlkb TL~ .~,NF FINALLY Pf~S~f]D this ..... ?..~.Y~ day of ......... ~eeve / ClerkI