HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 5068/97REPEALED BY ,
Being a by-law ua authorize a conveyance of lands heiag
Paris I and~, ~ PI~ 40R-17687 to ..... ~ M~ici~ily of
M~lro~iilan loron~ ~d ~ grant ~ carmel in l~vour
of the Muflici~lily of M~ro~li~ l'oronlo, over
l~ds ~ing P~s 2 ~d 5. Plan 40f 17~. Pickering.
WtlEREAS, The Corporation of the Town of Picketing desires to convey certain lands to the
Municipality of Metropt~litan Toronto;
WIIEREAS, The Corporation of thc To,.MI of PickerJn;$ also desire:; to grant an easement over certain
lands in lhvour ol' the Municipalil}' of Metropolilan 'l'on)nlo;
NOW TiIERt.~FORI.:, thc ('ouncil of thc Corporation of thc 'l*o~n of I%kering Ill,RI{BY ENACTS AS
I. Thc Cor~ralion of thc '['u~n of Picketing is hereby authorized lo convey thc hinds descried as
Pa~s I and 2, Plan 40R-17fi87 lo thc Municipalil)of Metro~ditan 'l'oamto. Ibr nominal
consideration, in accordaace ~ith thc Agreement dated April 4, 1996. made ~t~'een The
('o~orali~l of file 'l'o~n of Picketing and file Province of ontario zmd the Municipalily of
Metropolitan Toronto;
2. The Cor~rati~m of thc Town of I'ickerin~ is hcrcb3 authorized lo grant an easement, prepared in
a lbrm acceplable lo the 'lo~vn's golicilor, made inlhvour of the Municipality of Metropolitan
Toronto over thc lands dcsignalcd as Palls 2 and 5, Plan 40R-17688, Picketing, lbr monitoring
and access put,scs;
3. The Co~oration of thc Toxvn of Picketing hereby consents to thc acquisition by the Municipalil3
of Metropolit~ Toronto of an c~sement over the Miller Paving pro~y (the pa~iculars of which
are set out in Metro dra~'ing number BI670-1 II and Clause No. 43 of Management Commiltee
Re~rt No. 28, adopted by Metro Council on October 12, lq94), to conduct any required
4. The Mayor and thc Clerk are hereby authorized to execute all documentation necessary to give
effect to the albrementioned matters.
BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of August, 1907.
Wayne Anhurs, Mayor
rucc l aylor Clerk