HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 5008/97 / REPEALED BY REPEALS . AMENDED BY ~ , AMENDS DISPOSITION THE ~}RPORATION OF THE TOWIq Ol· ~Y,LAW ~o. ~oos/o~, Av~n~, A~d ~t~ ~ ~r~t ~t~, Plan 4OM. 1498, Ptc~rl~, for public ~ ~ public kf~w~ ~r t~ j~l~dictlon of the Town, WHE~, L~em Co~ B~a~ Avenue, ~hford ~ ~ M~ D~ve, Pl~ 40M- t498. Pi~ng ~ ~ways ~o~ on a ~ of s~i~sion ~ ~ th~efo~ ~ed, p~t ~ Su~ysAct, R.S.O, 1~, ~p~r S,30, ~ion 57, W ~ public hi~aya; ~d WHE~AS, p~a~t to ~e Munlci~l Act, R,S.O, 19~, chapter ~.45. ~ction 263, ~e Co~cil Co.ration of ~e To~ of Piekv~ng ~ j~ic~on over ~o~ highways (~e Co.oil of The Regional M~i~i~ity of D~h~ not ~vin8 e~tM a by-law purser to ~he Regio~l Municipalities R.S,O. 19~, e~pter R,8, section 23, to Md ~o~ highways m the r~i~l ro~ system); ~d ~E~AS, p~s~t to the Muntci~l Act, ~ction 262, ~e soil ~d freehold of ~o~ highways is therefore vested in ~e Co.ration of ~e Tows of Picketing; NOW THE~FORE, ~e Co.oil of Thc Co.ration of the To~ 0t' Picketing HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1, ~e following highways ~e hereby ~s~ed for publi~ a~ as public highways under the ju~Micfion of~e Co~cil of~e Co.ration of thc Town ~Pickcring: L~ksme~ Co~ Beech!a~ D~ve Ashford Drive M~co~ all accor&ng to Pl~ 40M. 1498, To~ of Picketing, Regio~l M~icipality of Durh~. 2, The To~ Solicitor is he.by au~o~ to apply to ~e Land Registr~ p~s~t to the Land Tttles 3ct, R.S.O, ! 990, chapter L.5, section 152, to have ~e ~e~ration entered ~ the o~er of · e ~ways ~fe~ed to ~ ~cfion 1. BY-LAW read a iirst, second and third time and finally passed this 2~3th day of May, 1997. Taylor,