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Tnlr; CnTiPn?lrlnr? nin TIll, TmVINST P nr P1crleaT1n
A TO A'1P:NT1 R'r-L1'.d 1978 AND TO MmEXACT RT-L. W \'1T` E11 19F1
The Cori c-l_ of the Corporation of the Tasiship of Pich0ri"! enacts as
1. Section 5.12A of By-Law NuMer 1.978 is repealed and the fnllowir;
substituted therefor:
5.12A F1toN7T l:xposod front of a conmercial or industrial hui l i ii i;
shall he a eonplatel exterior of brick, glass, wool, stone or
other similar material but shall exclulo concrete block, c•inler
block or sinil.ar. No loading pl atforins shall to pormittod On
a front of a eo m o•cial or i.rd"stri_al hui ldir,;.
^. Secti_or of 9y-Yaw Number 197R is ropoaled arO the follnwinz
suhst.it,ptel therefor:
Tr the case of a bnildin,g or a corner lot, the riri.rnu:
distance from the side lot line or the street, side shall be
fifteer (1n) feet.
1. Section 0,.1.5.1, of By-Law Wmnber 197R is repn.aled and the following
substitutei therefor: All accessory huildirgs shall be in
listarce of any accessory building
line shall be a rnirimur of eighteer
pro oetio•s save and except where a
oil the cor,nn" property lire betwoer
the rear yard. The
from any rear or side lot
(18) inches clear of all
eutual garage is orrefod
two properties.
1. Section 8.1.1,^_, or Ky-Law VoLMor 1978 is rcpoalel ail the follnwlrJ
substitntol therefor:
S.1 .12 Li AP STOC1(
SrPJKCT to sob-section the keeping of live stnc!: nr
fowl shall be prohi.hitol on parcels of lard less thar five (7)
acres. This shall not prohibit the keeping of logs, cats,
c.aNarins or similar cate.l bird s, Pte,., as do•.ostic pets.
5. Seeti.oF 8.1.?. Of ry--Law N"Ller 1^7B is awpade:l by adding theretn 0-..
following s,zh-sectior 8.1.1 .1.
?.].l^.1. 1 maxir.nr or fifty (50) chickens may be Rcpt or parcels or
lard of two t2) acres o' pore but of loss than five (5) acres
if, or the effective date of this By-Law, such lard is 'iclrl
by a vetPrnr upfor the terns of an A reeport of Sale it are-
nrdarce with the provisions of th- Veterarsn lama .let, pro•ilol
however, that this subsection shall no longer apply if part nr
all of such parcel is snll, rented, soh-liviled, or lisposed of
jr _any way by ton, veteran.
Section C.^.1.C, of By-Law Ur her 1979 is ropealo I ar I the folIowi-
srhstitutel t4crofnr:
8.?.1.n ACC1sSSOR'(r TnST,;S - of subli.v.ilod property, privato ,arago9,
prep houses, hntnsns, nn rarcel.s of five W acres nr
n-lnrn, far,,- hrillings shall be al_lowo,l. Or parcels of tn,o tail
nerrs or ,nr„ hrt of less thar five (5) acres, lnalifyj" in -
ler Son+inn chicken houses shall to perpittol pro%i'-
ing they ar:, lneitel at least fi."t-n:(17) foot irnr, Shy 04
7. is etlni' .3,:3.1. of TIT, d 7; illor II)7' lc rc`p(111
Seat -or, 7.1.2. of By-Law Number 1e7S is repeal
^. Scct.ia:. .1. 1. of -1? ca ^dia::bcr 1278 is rcpeale l r.l the followi:i-
S Llb8titcte 1 tTier', foi•:
T,0 ? 1) 1 4C 0) PAC!1:
I?very enc.,:lercial buiI(Ting `lei eafter re'cte 1 or i
ola lnl:. w''ic11 al'ul's 1q)" a lmlu or' 1s 3!u'rnur (Icd o:' dll
stiles by streets, shall 119ve nr.e per::nr'er tly 1::air1,airrc 1
lna(lii •- spae,• of a ::iriui!, , size of iw?i t}' (2n) fe^t i?.
,1i, Ten (10) Ccet i1. lcpt.h aril fouvtcc,i (11) feet.
height, 10 be lnl.ated ir. the rear or suc1: S1 ildi;. "?cr-.
two rroperf is s ad join, pr'nvi_sim' r..a} 1"e ::-1.10 for -) col.:'1011
1nalirg space of s1 rinirur: size or T'lirty (30) feet it wirlt'h,
Ter: (10) i:. depth ai.t Fond o_,(11) feet i1, !1ci'.rt,
].alf or such au na to bp rosOrvnd i1, cleh of the two properties
1£. Sectioll 7.1.1. of Ttv-T.aw Vur:rber 1978 is repealc?l .u:1 the follnwi,„
sul.stitr.terl ttlerofor•:
7.1.1. ATTTn)10111T , Pi171T'TNTC SPACF:
As ar aliornative to Sectinr there shall be proviled
for every 1;ew brlildir.g orecte 1, a£tcr Vie date of or.ac*. ::. t
of this By-Taiw, for ore of the followir purposes, por!.ru.or_t
aut.nr,obile parr:ir-' spaces to be located or the sa;..e lot, with
tl,e sail buillirg or rot ii?.ore thai: me TLousand (l,oon) feet
therefrnrr, with aloquate provision for access to 'A st.rool, nr
la:".'', each pill^liL7i? space to be pot. Inss t.har: two 1iir;drol (20o)
square feet it area. Srrch parlriug spaces s'iall rte nrov_ilol
sufficicr.t for the erployersl alit custoin.ors' carp with tl'o
as follows:
11 . Ser,tinP of By-7a;; `71u1;ber 1979 is ropealod.
12. Section, 8.1.7. of T1?1-T,:m- ?m:tier 1078 is repealed and the following
substituted. tberefnr:
S.1.7; PIMMINr, SPAC 2
Parl-iii ; space, off all pliblic roads, shall be prnvidc l
sufrieiort for all employees ar(1 visitors, with a ,.:of
ore (1) space as defined an't Section 7.1 . 1 for eac'l Five
1Rutdred (500) square feet of buil(lir:g nr in Cle alt.er;.ati.vc
orre (1) spaco for every five o?:,ploxreos, whic'lever is -ro:itor.
Srrch space r:-ay irelille that referred to ur ler Section ^.1..1.1.
13. Section 8.1.8. of By-Law Vluaber 1978 is repealed.
14. Section of Rg-La.w %(ruiber 1278 is repealed and the following
slabstit.uted therefor: B F,S T DEITT TA T,
Itesidential buildings shall riot be perpritted it au irdustr•ia1.
core except insofar as Snell buildirs pray be require t as a
resilerce for a vi-lit watchn:ai or other erployee or eljnloyu'-S
essential to the Safe-guarding of art lr(blstry. Any hul-) dill
erected, st.rnct.ura113, altored or iisnd for residectial pm,posos
it ar it Nstrial zo1:e sball con:ply- with the rc-111at.iol s provider'
i_r Sectinr, r,.1.1. to n.2.3. ircll(sive; 1:11Jt Section C.1.C.?.
shall rot apply.
1?. Section of Ry-Law ywaber 1978 is repealed a*rd the followiI
snbst.itrt.e 1 t'ler'rfor:
lG. (Cortir-_ied)
2.s.l.l. PESInENTTAT_
Residential Quildiros shall Pot be pemitLed in an industrial
zone except insofar as such hnild.in, :.ay be required as a
residereo for a right watchmar; or other cn_ployee or enployees
essertial to the safe-guarding of ar irlustry. 1ny builliP,
erected, structurally alterel or used for residential purposes
in an industrial zore small comply with the rogulatims
provided it Soct-ior G.I.I. to ^.W. Velusi_ve; but Section
G.l.^. shall Vot apply.
1^. This By-Law shall core into erfect upoi the !lay that it receives the
approval of The Ontario Municipal Board.
l'. That 13y-Law Nm!.her 1981 he m 1 the save is here4y ropealarl.
AP-T,.1':d read a ^irst til!)p this
-I,II"r` real a Second tire this ?ro flay or
nl'-L2,T1 real a Third UMP aPd fi nally P.IWD this lay of
A (S
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