HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 2172BY - LAW XTTMBER ;Z
WHEREAS CoLimittees of tae interested "Tunicipalit.ies have met and
agreed to the standard. Department of Health By-Taw set out in Schedule
".A" being a part. of tl:is By-Taw;
BF TT TUERFFORP ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the?Township of
Pi Ciro ring) Vat the Retire and Clerlr he hereby authorized to sign the
attached Agreenoi,t called. Schedule "A" on behalf of the Municipality.
BY-LAW read a First at.d Second time this Lac-Lftay of 1()67
BY-TAW read a Third time and PASSED this 9 `E day of
SCHEDULE "A" - Attached to and Forming Part of B9-Law Number 2172
rt'I.l ,,.'.R , s !NT rude: t'as slay of Julfye om th-vusnd >a'_ne
hundr A rin;1 fifty-six.
it .. N:
hereeitu*ftor c,•a` lead Tr"5 istli< ,., . iclt rind
haarsltw.,ft,:r -.Wed yil t*a -,a of
ha?,r,ltn-ft?,r called Town of '.Jrax
> ;it in dtt?lft,?d Iidvt,4ah1e to cstiblts'i it llealt3: nit ?vs,,AAmt to
oCti..::n 34 or the ub'<t.c leat3lt Ct, ' 57a `%heptor 316;
? the nc`.1 nr ttie $?tw ',,ownship of ickerin ' b it3 ?;y-L u?
Number _yr!2Y._ rind then ',,, incil of thcs said V1llxl;e of i tek,-ring, b tts
ly-Ltzw ;xumber 5? -noel Snell of the wild "own t,f reJox, b its
sty-10w ^tiywbl r aiutboriv,,e tho eanterivii! °ntc arc fi Firbr nt eac: wit';
V e c:tllor f,.r t• e . tir ose e,f onvabl is'Ang n tiaml tli 'nit c(,,mr?ri:az n the
aif:xc .c°d ^7niC'1)Hliti?,g ix,..,,: r.he t:,rma taenl cc, t1l.tiona taeroln:_•t.-r met
f myth e
sc'C ,.N tz .. A, -IrC...aI.IV t?cat In C,4tsidsration of the
terry quad cr>s,tlatl>re Pza»r 4nrsf?. r oxpre?tsed to he nmwoDy ;:erformixia
the il4rtlee 'utualty Covenrant nml 1,rrete sac follows:
1. ia. 114alt`'! nit Is nereir, setfibli&.1d, •^.n,! It -5 (*.*c1KfM1 Vi't tile
pnrttelpeante therein Sh.,0 1 1a0 t'i' f V,e
4i lw ya >f ='tek ri., . Toys: silo Tow" of ',Jaixe Vtici, `tan;C`slxtl
'or,,or.atl ins are ; -jrtlea heri+to.
2. T'?e Liaraltl; .ntt shall rie nsro-d VU3 de,)eribsd ,u t'.e ", leki-rin;;
'Jnx .l;an,v nit" and it Ovil.l he hortAn'v r referred to
"the 3aairl Healvi unit"•
30 The statil Etas t? t`r "nit gh. " '=e auxic,r the mm agameent of a <l errl
j of stealth w^:ic' als ali Yaartlin.ift, r *se reaferra?ti t„ "ss ` =1?s •onrd'>.
n 4•
the sueid he arH v1+ae'1 bb Ccretgac?ee6 of five taetalkar8 to '>e InLixi
as follows:
Two wasbors thereof shall. be appointed by the
Township of Pick ring.
O nq? wombor thorsof shall be arpolntod by the
Village of ickaering.
One rwmber thereof shall be aTrpolntauf by the
Torn of 1jax.
One raeanber thereof shall be acquainted by the
Lieutenant-lovernor 'n O uncial.
5. The expenses of tF* a,,ir? +ioaalth s.>rit shall be borne by the
parties hereto in proportli=n to their respective populations.
For the ,ur;ioge ? f this ,?,reemont, it is alTooki th=',t t1u
pop,.lation of e!acli party hasret> shn1l be t"ie ; opulntion shown
by the latest annual ras,essmsnt returns for each party hereto.
6. T'ae or capita levy for than period .+. gust lot, 19560 to
1°atcenbor 31st, 19560 sh:,ttl be 5/12 of than adn??ual per capita
levy of X2.169
79 no parties hereto ahnll cac`: irav to the r (if the
avid Health 'intt their recepoetive share of V.e expenses of
the said Health '.snit sm1 :.4uch paynentat Wmll be merle quart rly
in advance. Xor Ote rpmainder of the year 19560' one-half of
c',,}x3rty•s re shall t>e paid on ep4smbor`;At. 1956• tad
the baalan",shal? be ssaid Rovember let, 1956.
a* rnis 'kgrisenent shah remain in force from year tc> year jro-
vided that any 1-xarty ',mretc may terminr.te the said ',,^wraement
by !*,ivine to the othwr parties an<l the T'eputy Minister of
Health for Ontario$ twelve (12) ^otiths notice In writing of
its intention to so terednats the said Avreement.
PTUNT1s,uIi howevor that this ..1. -- ment shall terrain to in the
event that the r4pzartrnent or Health for the Frovince or
Ontfwio shal cease to a It* c.-W ributions to each of the
parties hereto referred to in the next preceding paragraphl
in such event, wAs greement $hall terminate on the dato that
such contributions shall cesse.
?9. V49 grroanwnt is ent=?rad into by A-c t.f the parties hereto
3 on the understaandinr th,c.t the 'aep- rtmen: of Health for the
Province of Ont?irin will a nt.rioute by %my of a p:rant to
each of the P-artims hereto, fifty per cent (511) of the
said sums paid fry etc.) .,r' the r-rties hereto to the said
?tfnt? t!? Init.
l?. It +.a igrraed by the ? >rti,?s h,oretc th't 0'0 :axIeneaeu .._r the
said Health 'snit Wmil ru:t Ime tads o"nses incurr"d in the
hospital casre rinri tme itmont, of any ,cars.,-,n sufT in;, frays a
corr'nanic,ible dis,<nsae urvier .:actirm 6) of tho °.mblic tIeaalth
J •Ct.
ll. ':he Public Health :as ;eta r4 ench of t s pserties heretk, ah al l
be weal fable for urcfvirae by the said Hoalth snit. The pur-
11% cha-as price *hall he lvTtbla on Jranunry lat. 1"<s8r and the
purchase price of t e wastets ; urcha sed al; a l l the set b V-9
12. In ,he event o' the dissclution of the ioard, the as ets
thereof sh.01 ':m ccazveert,4 ;>ato caste -m-1 dITLributed arflorw,
the parties hereta in t*;.a raatiE of V,: r ?Aribution wade
by each to the ezxjvnwas of V;e i:uaiitt? init.
'J l3• his Aeriie'nent shall Wee cafe"Pet. 'ron via lat day ,>f
i9l, or on the ;I ,te tUa ltrmanont is approved by the
opr .-;mister of Health for V} a f'rovlnce of s nt:a.rio, wl-Ashevar
d e?te shall hint or. esur.
Est ,'nw_ s .,'ii'.;tFX11r the sr-arttes `orete h sve henreAtnto sfCixed their
respective ..orporrrts Ra s, Atesstee by the havVs of ttaeir duly
!authorized officials.
t.l {ll u.?, t :? te?'.Y? ?-a1{? ?Stll.ubY°;. I??i1I t ,?4i lei BPS. i, W., ?l'\il. i5 £ ?.-. ?-. ,.. •J it
Gig 14' K
In 'Pie era,sssnce ?.f )
yr UICY ,1dki1FC;
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