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°- L A W T) TT T4 R F R _I--Ox .o )-i
A. RV-T.VAT hn, mTT`? ITTTT,TTC7PAT, (-Nn,TrlTL On TT4-,, 1Pn1VP?SHTp n,. PTCT?-.RT7(l Tn
PRCTrTDT,, raOr, A "OTF, '?77T. TA}'-,T nn mlr-? ?T,p'nTOAq Or;, p,r pnr,irTF vlT.r,ArF
OF PTCyr.T2Trrn C•r TTY ,rT^gmr(?T,r-
Are you in favour of the establishment. of a 'uni .i,"l 'iTRter
system in the Poli.ne Villa^e of Pinirerinm, at an apnroximata
cost of X'8,000.00 (Two TTnndred and '"iftTr-T?i.-ht Thousand
WFFRFAS If. iq considered desirahle and Pyoerlient to ohtni.n the opinion
of tl,P TT'l-rtors of the Police Vjllame of Pickyrir, ent,itlad to vote on
nROn9„ q,--T-awe on the follnwin,? glres+,ion:
Are vol,_ it favour of the estRhli.srLment of r. T;funicinal 'Ja+-9r
STrstern in the Police Vi1)_a,e of P nT?erirT, at ar annrovimat?
cost o" ?hr,000.00?
and to pass the ''y-TRw for the p?zrnose of enahlin- the Clectors en-
titled to vote or ?'orie,- ,-T.Aw to ^ote on such a cloestion;
AITT) W'4!TP7.4S this Co,_moi7 are in rer,eipt of n letter of nreliTrinary
appr?fi?ron thA penartment of Health for the talon- of snrh - Trote,
dated 'TOTremb9r 13, 1.9K9, end r1T-1hered
9T?l TT TT 0q :PORR ?piArTT'tl sW 'PTT' 1"TTTTT(CIPAL 00[T?ITCT_T, OP Tr?b; TO',VLgSTiTP Or
PTCKRRrT,r AS 70L]",6PJ.S:
O (1) Tn this RTr-T_,R,?r 1E1e(-tors+ shall moan nersons entitled to
`Y'?' vote on i?'onev r-7,aws.
(2) The Totes of the :'lectors of the Police 1!i_llRl-e of
Pi-V9-in- sha1A he tnlcPn of the 5ni d rllTesti on on
o v,? The %p dqy of ? urr+ A.D. 19K-, between the
??"? hours of / o,clock in the ?LO,n and
otclock to the at The. Town call, and the
T)ep,it r Returni n,, Of'rl <-Tr s'1 R11. he b??n, -y.?.. > "•
(3) On the of 105,9 at the holir of
the head of t'ne n.onnell
oT^lor.k in the forenoon
?Gca?. _
of said ^.orporat,ion or some memher of sail nonnril annointP?
for that purpose h•r -Paol,l+ion shall at,t.end at the office ofl
the Clerk of said ?Tnnicipality In the sni Villn- of vrorT=^ha-
for tlTa purpose of apnointin-, a.nd 1f remii-ted so to do,
VCI gh911 Appoint Iny wri.tim , two persons t0 attend the final
snTrTnin- l]_n of the ,,otpg 1h,T the rl Prof And one person to
aY.tPnd on hehslf of the pPrsnn tntere5ted in 2nd vot.in- in
the sfr;r.rativn on enr', of said nuest!cns, and n like rr,±nher
on h9h?l f of t.T-e n-rgnro intPrppted 1,i .nr l °otinT in tr?e
ne-ati-6, on the .--id n,Tastion.
O;) On the l (9aTr of A. T). 19K? nt t'rP ho?m of
l0 0 10 oeir in the at the office o the Cl-rk
do- of the lVnni cir,R1 it, the ft erk shall nttenrl and sn;T ip the
votes -1ven in thn affirmative and ne,at.i-p on -a^h of the
said aiiestionR.
PV-T,A"v rearl a First tl.me thi s d8v of i? , 1Q?p
RAT-LAW real a Second time this day of , 1952
RV-LAVJ read a Third. time and PAS FD this/ ?nv Of 1952.