HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 1449B Y- L A Y N 9 N 2 1 R 1 4 4 9 A B7-LAW TO IMPOSE ADDITIONAL PERCENTAGE CHARGES AS PENAIXIES ON THE TAXES NOT PAID BY CERTAIN DATES IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING. WHEREAS by the Assessment Act of Ontario, as the sane has been recently amended by the Provincial Legislature, the Councils of Municipalities in the Province of Ontario may by By-law impose additional percentage charges to the aggregate of four percentum on taxes not paid by certain dates; AND WHEREAS it is expedient that additional percentage charges should be imposed on snob unpaid taxes in the Municipality of the Township of Picker- ing, in accordance with the provisions of the said Assessment Act as it has been now amended; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pickering: 1. That every tax or assessment, rent or rate assessed, rated and imposed in the Municipality of the Township of Pickering which are entered upon the resident Collector's Roll of the said Municipality in each year shall become due and be payable not later than the 15th day of December in the year when the same shall have been levied and placed upon such Collector's Roll. 2. That to every tax or assessment, rent or rate, or any portion thereof, assessed rated and imposed in the said Municipality which is entered upon the resident Collector's Roll thereof which remains unpaid after the 15th day of December in the year of levy but which is paid not later than the 31st day of December in the sane year, an addition- al percentage charge of two pereentum shall be added and imposed as a penalty for such non payment on or before the due date therefor; and to every such tax or assessment, rent or rate assessed, rated and imposed in said Municipality which is entered upon such Collector's Roll that remains unpaid after the 31st day of Deceaber in the year in which levied, shall have added thereto an additional percentage charge of two pereentum, a total of four pereentum, as penalties for non payment on or before the dates mentioned. 3. That therefore shall be added and imposed to and on every tax or assessment, rent or rate assessed, rated and imposed in the said Municipality upon the lands of non residents which are entered upon the non resident assessment and Collector's rolls that is not paid on or before the first day of November of the year in which levied the rate or sum of four percentur as a penalty for such non payment on or before that date. 4. That it shall be the duty of the Collector of this Municipality to add and collect the additional percentage charges or penalties imposed by this By-Law and to pay the same over to the Treasurer of the Municipality in the same manner and time as he is required to collect and pay all other moneys collected by his as taxes; it shall also be the duty of the said Collector to keep an accurate account of all mush additional charges or penalties which shall be imposed, collected and payed to his and shall when he returns his roll to such Treasurer, file with that official a detailed statement of the same. 5. That it shall also be the duty of the said Collector, after the 31st day of December in the year of levy to add to all of such taxes then remaining unpaid interest at the rate of one-half of one pereentum per calendar month or fraotion thereof, until such taxes and penalties shall have been fully paid. e. That all mush additional percentage charges, penalties and interest shall farm and constitute parts of the general funds of the Township Corporation. 7. That the passing of this By-law shall not be deemed to interfere with the duties and authority of the Collector under the provisions of the Assessment Act, or to prevent his from levying by distress for taxes when not paid after the notice required by the Assessment Act having been given, at any time or in any instance, after the Collector's Roll shall have been delivered to him by the Clerk. Br-L?w xber 1449 - Pare a 8. That all By-Laws or parts of By-ievs of this Corporation, with the exception of By-Inv No. 1393, be and the sate are hereby repealed; and that from and after the first day of December, 1935, the said Bye-Tor Me. 1393 of this Corporation shall be dsemed to have been repealed also. 9. That this By-L?v shall come into force and take effect from and after the first day of October, 1935. PASSED October let, 1995 (Signed) R. C. Reeser ReeTe (Signed) Donald R. Beaton Clerk 2T-LA V NUMBER 449 A BT-LILW TO IMP038 ADDITIONAL PBRCENTAGX CHARGES AS PENALTIES ON THE TAXES NOT PAID BY CERTAIN DATES IN TBE HUN CIPALITY OF THE TOWSHrP OF PPICKERING. I i by the Assessment Act of Ontario, as the sans has boon recently amended by the Provincial Loglolature, the Ceunells of Mwieipalities in the Prowlnee of Ontario my by My-low impose additional percentage charges to the aggregate or four pereentus an taxau not paid by certain dates; AND hEEREAB it to expedient that additional percentage charges should be imposed on such unpaid taxes in the Municipality of the Township of Picker. ing, in accordance with the provisions or the said Assessment Act as it has been new amended; IT T T} A,E INACTED by the Mmieipal Counall of the Corporation of the Township of Pickering: 1. That every tax or assessment, rent or rate assessed, rated and imposed in the %nieipallty of the Township of Pickering which are entered upon the resident Colloster's Roil of the said Municipality in each year shall become due and be payable not later than the 15th day of December in the year when the same shall have been levied and placed upon snob Collector's Roll. 2. That to every tax or assessment, rent or rate, or any portion thereof, assessed rated and imposed in the said Munieipality which is entered upon the resident Collector's Roll thereof which remains unpaid after the 15th day of Deoosber in the year of levy but which is paid not later than the 319t day of December in the same year, an addition- al percentago charge or two pereentum shall be added and Imposed as a penalty few such non payment on or borers the due dab therefor; and to every mush tax or assessment, rent or rate assessed, rated and imposed in said Munleipality which is entered upon such Collector's Bell that remains unpaid after the 31st day of December in the year in which levied, shall have added thereto an additional percentage charge of two percenaum, a total or roar pereentum, as penalties ror non payment on or borers the dates mentioned. 3. That therefore shall be added and imposed to and on every tax or assessment, rent or rate assessed, rated and imposed In the said Munieipallty upon the lands or non residents which are entered upon the non resident assessment and Collector's rolls that Is not paid on or before the first day or November or the year in which levied the rate or sum or four pereentum as a penalty fer such non payment on or borers that date. 4. That it shall be the duty or the Collastor of this Municipality to add and oelleet the additional percentage charges or penalties imposed by this By-law and to pay the same over to the Treasurer of' the Municipality In the same manner and time as he is required to collect and pay all other moneys collected by him as tans; it shall also be the duty or the said Collector to keep an accurate account or all such additional charges or penalties which shall be imposed, collected and payed to his and shall he. he returns his roll to such Treasurer, rile with that official a detailed statement or the sass. 5. That it shall also be the duty of the said collector, after the 31st day of December In the year or levy to add to all or such taxes than remaining unpaid interest at the rate of one-half of one psresntus per calendar month or frastion thereor, until such taxes and penalties shall have been fully paid. 6. That all such additional percentage charges, penalties and interest shall form and oonstitute parts of the general rends of the Township Corporation. 7. That the passing or this By-Law shall not be doomed to interfere with the duties and authority of the Collector tinder the provisions of the Assessment Act, or to prevent him rpon levying by distress for taxes when not paid after the notice required by the Assessment Act having been given, at any time or in any instance, after the Collector's Roll shall have been delivered to his by the Clerk. BY-laV rhmber 1#9 - Pace 2 R. That all By-lava or parts of By-lava of this Corporation, with the oreeptien of By-low Se. 19939 be and the saes are hereby repealed; and that from and after the first day of Dooember, 19359, the said By-law Me. 1393 of this Corporation shall be doomed to have been repealed also. 9. That this By-law shall eeme into fords and take effect from and after the first day of October, 1935. PASSED Oetebor 1st, 1905 (Signed) R. C. Reesor Reeve (Signed) Donald R. Beaten Clerk