HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 04-03(Adden) REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CL 04-03 (Addendum) Date: March 7, 2003 From: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk Subject: Proposed Tree By-law Recommendation: That the draft by-law to prohibit and regulate the injuring, destruction or removal of trees in defined areas of the City of Pickering be enacted. Executive Summary: This Addendum Report provides the amendments and directions made at the Finance & Operations Committee Meeting held on February 24, 2003 Financial Implications: A permit fee of $100.00 has been established for each application for a Tree Cutting Permit. Background: At its meeting of February 24,2003, the Finance & Operations Committee considered Clerk's Report 4-03 in which it was recommended that a draft by-law to prohibit and regulate the injuring, destruction or removal of trees on property adjacent to watercourses and ravines be enacted. A copy of that Report is attached hereto for your information. At the February 24, 2003 meeting, the proposed Tree Cutting By-law was referred to the Council Meeting of March 17, 2003 with the following instructions: Report CL 04-02 (Addendum) Date: March 7, 2003 Subject: Proposed Tree By-law Page 2 . Lands owned by or regulated by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority or the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority were to be added to the list that are exempt from the proposed by-law. . Provide a blowup of those properties of those properties that back on to the Rouge Valley system south of Sheppard Avenue. . The residential area south of Kingston Road and west of Notion Road and the residential area at the northeast corner of Whites Road and Finch Avenue were to be removed from the map that sets out the Tree Protection Area because neither of these areas are directly within a wetland or environmentally sensitive area nor could they be considered as hazard lands. . For lands that are adjacent to the Tree Protection Area, staff was to examine a reasonable setback for those lands to be included in the Tree Protection Area. . Members of Council wanted to ensure that staff had the expertise required to administer and enforce this by-law. . Members of Council wanted to be made aware of the communication strategy planned to provide public awareness of the proposed by-law. The following is the response to the above instructions provided by the Finance & Operations Committee: 1. Section 2 of the proposed Tree By-law sets out the exemptions to the By-law. Clause (b) has been added to state that the provisions of the By-law to not apply to lands owned by or regulated by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority or the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. 2. The Tree Protection Area, which is the area to which the proposed Tree By-law applies, has been amended to include all the lands that are shown as Shoreline and Stream Corridors, Wetlands and Environmentally Sensitive Lands and areas within 30 metres on lands adiacent thereto. The draft by-law considered by the Finance & Operations Committee on February 24, 2003 included all lands in the Tree Protection Area that were adjacent to Shoreline and Stream Corridors, Wetlands and Environmentally Sensitive Lands regardless of how far those lands may have extended away from the sensitive lands. 3. The residential areas south of Kingston Road and west of Notion Road and at the northeast corner of Whites Road and Finch Avenue have been removed from the Tree Protection Area because for the purposes of the proposed Tree By-law, these lands could not be considered as Hazard Lands within a Shoreline or Stream Corridor. Report CL 04-02 (Addendum) Date: March 7, 2003 Subject: Proposed Tree By-law Page 3 4. Attached is a map that shows the lotting of the residential area that is adjacent to the Rouge Valley system south of Twyn Rivers Drive and north of Kingston Road. As can be seen from this map, only those properties at the south end of Riverview Crescent and one property on Woodview Drive are within or adjacent to the Tree Protection Area and would be subject to the proposed Tree By-law. 5. Also attached is a map that shows the lotting of the residential area that is adjacent to the Rouge Valley system south of Kingston Road. As can be seen from this map, all the properties on the west side of Pine Ridge Road, Rougemount Drive, Woodgrange Avenue and Dyson Road are within the Tree Protection Area and will be subject to the proposed By-law. 6. With respect to the staffs' expertise to administer and enforce the proposed Tree By-law, the Manager, By-law Enforcement Services and a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer have, on two occasions, taken the training put on by the Ministry of Natural Resources that is required to administer and enforce the Regional Tree By-law. In addition, the Inspector, Landscape & Parks Development has extensive expertise, both practically and academically, in silviculture. 7. With respect to a communication strategy to make residents aware of the proposed Tree By-law, notices will be placed within the Community Page and in the Recreation Brochure to make residents generally aware of the proposed By- law. In addition, staff will send out notices to residents whose property will be affected by the proposed By-law. Attachments: 1. 2. 3. Draft By-law Detailed maps of properties adjacent to Rouge Valley Report CL 4-03 dated February 7, 2003 Prepar~,Ø By: :; ~-- ,1;/ Bruce Taylor City Clerk Report CL 04-02 (Addendum) Date: March 7, 2003 Subject: Proposed Tree By-law Page 4 Attachments Copy: Director, Operations & Emergency Services Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Inspector, Landscape & Parks Development Solicitor for the City Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council If ATTACHMENT#L TO REPORT # Cl. '/-ó3(A/J#t:x-'lJun) THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NUMBER 6108/03 Being a by-law to prohibit and regulate the injuring, destruction or removal of trees in defined areas of the City of Pickering. WHEREAS pursuant to Section 135(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O 2001, c. 25, as amended, a local municipality may prohibit or regulate the destruction or injuring of trees; and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #125/02 on November 4, 2002 that directs staff to prepare a by-law that would require residents backing onto watercourse ravine areas to obtain a permit for felling healthy trees and that said by-law include a permit fee and fines for violation of the by-law and that the by-law clearly outline very limited circumstances where the felling of healthy trees would be permitted; and WHEREAS Schedule III to the City of Pickering Official Plan has identified shoreline and stream corridors, wetlands and environmentally significant areas; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. DEFINITIONS In this by-law: a) "City" shall mean the Corporation of the City of Pickering; b) "Clerk" shall mean the Clerk for the Corporation of the City of Pickering or his designate; c) "Council" shall mean the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering; d) "dbh" shall mean the diameter of the stem of a tree measured at a point that is 1.5 metres above ground; e) "Tree Protection Area" includes areas designated as Shorelines and Stream Corridors, Wetlands and Environmentally Significant Areas and areas within 30 metres on lands adjacent thereto as set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto. f) "Good Forestry Practice" shall mean the proper implementation of harvest, renewal and maintenance activities known to be appropriate for the forest and environmental conditions under which they are being applied and which minimize detriments to forest values including significant ecosystems; important fish and wildlife habitat; soil and water quality and quantity; forest productivity and health; and the aesthetics and recreational opportunities of the landscape. Good forestry practice shall also include the cutting and removal of severely damaged, diseased and insect infested trees which must be removed in order to prevent contamination or infestation of other trees, or which no longer contribute to the achievement of forest values; g) "Officer" shall mean a person assigned by the Clerk to enforce the provisions of this by- law; h) "Owner" shall mean the registered owner of land, or their agent, or anyone acting under the direction of the owner or their agent; and 2. ì :. \',.;;;rv,(¡ tf ~!:::.. '1- ú3 rflPOov#u/? ,. ì '-".J 2 i) "Site" shall mean the area of land containing any tree(s) proposed to be injured, destroyed or removed. EXEMPTIONS The provisions of this by-law do not apply: a) to activities or matters undertaken by the City, the Regional Municipality of Durham, or a local board thereof; b) to lands owned by, regulated by or to activities or matters undertaken by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority or the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority; c) to activities or matters undertaken under a licence issued under the Crown Forest Sustainability Act, 1994; d) to the injuring or destruction of trees by a person licensed under the Surveyors Act to engage in the practice of cadastral surveying or his or her agent, while making a survey; e) to the injuring or destruction of trees imposed as a condition to the approval of a site plan, a plan of subdivision or a consent under Section 41, 51 or 53, respectively, of the Planning Act or as a requirement of a site plan agreement or subdivision agreement entered into under those sections; f) to the injuring or destruction of trees imposed as a condition to a development permit authorized by regulation made under Section 70.2 of the Planning Act or as a requirement of an agreement entered into under the regulation; g) the injuring or destruction of trees by a transmitter or distributor, as those terms are defined in Section 2 of the Electricity Act, 1998, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a transmission system or a distribution system, as those terms are defined in that Section; h) the injuring or destruction of trees undertaken on land described in a licence for a pit or quarry or a permit for a wayside pit or wayside quarry issued under the Aggregate Resources Ac~ i) the injuring or destruction of trees undertaken on land in order to lawfully establish and operate or enlarge any pit or quarry on land, i) that has not been designated under the Aggregate Resources Act or a predecessor of that Act, and ii) on which a pit or quarry is a permitted land use under a by-law passed under Section 34 of the Planning Act, j) k) trees measuring less than 25 millimetres dbh; in areas that are not defined as a "Tree Protection Area" by this by-law; I) to activities or matters prescribed by regulations pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001; m) to the removal of dead, dangerous, diseased or severely injured trees or stumps, in accordance with good forestry practice; to woodlots that are governed by By-law Number 148-91 of the Regional Municipality of I Durham or its successor. n) 3. 4. 5. iTAChi'i¡;, . / \ (; Ri:¡)OKI #£..'1-0 '3 (~QtJENOf..)Þ{ ) 3 PROHIBITIONS a) Unless otherwise exempted by this by-law, no person shall injure or destroy a tree in a Tree Protection Area without a permit issued under this by-law. b) Where a permit has been issued pursuant to this by-law, no person shall injure, destroy or remove a tree except in accordance with the plans, conditions and any other information on the basis of which a permit was issued. REQUIREMENTS FOR AN APPLICATION a) Unless otherwise exempted by this by-law, every person who intends to injure, destroy or remove a tree within an Tree Protection Area by cutting, burning, bulldozing, lacerating, chemical application or any other means, shall apply for and obtain a permit. A person applying for a permit to injure, destroy or remove a tree shall submit a completed application form, along with the required plans, information and fee of $100.00 to the Clerk. b) c) Applications shall be made on a form approved by the Clerk. REQUIREMENTS FOR ISSUANCE OF PERMIT The Clerk shall issue a permit where: a) b) the applicant has fulfilled all requirements of this by-law; the proposed activity is associated with an existing use of the property including ongoing silviculture practices and selective thinning or harvesting of plantations, in accordance with good forestry practice; c) the Clerk is satisfied that the proposed activity: (i) (ii) will not interfere with natural drainage processes; will not result in soil erosion, slope instability or siltation in a watercourse; (iii) will not have a significant impact on any healthy vegetation community within, and adjacent to the subject site; (iv) will not have a significant impact on any fish or wildlife habitat within, and adjacent to the subject site; d) the owner, if required, enters into an agreement which may be registered on title in the subject lands containing such conditions as the Clerk considers necessary to ensure that the proposed activity will be undertaken in accordance with the approved plans and information. Such an agreement may contain a provision requiring the applicant to post with the City security in an amount determined by the Clerk to ensure performance of the obligations under the agreement; e) the Clerk may impose conditions to a permit as in the opinion of the Clerk are reasonable, to ensure that the proposed activity is consistent with the provisions of paragraphs 5(a) to 5(d) above; where silviculture or harvesting activity is proposed within a woodlot, one permit may be I issued to authorize activity for an extended or ongoing period of time, on the basis of an acceptable forestry management plan; f) 'I II I I , i I I I i I I ! i i I' II I I I I I i i I í I , I I I I I I i I I I I I I I i I II II I I I II '! 6. 7. 8. ATTACHt"¡E:\r I 4 C L t/-D3 (1l1J#£I../ PUr¡ ) g) the Clerk may refer any application, associated plans and information to municipal staff, public agency, advisory body and/or other qualified professional for comment prior to making a decision; and h) A permit issued pursuant to this by-law shall be valid to the expiry date as specified on the permit by the Clerk. APPEALS An applicant for a permit pursuant to this by-law may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board: a) if the Clerk refuses to issue a permit, within thirty (30) days after the refusal; b) if the Clerk fails to make a decision on an application, within forty-five (45) days after the application and required plans and information are received by the Clerk; or,. (c) if the applicant objects to a condition in the permit, within thirty (30) days after the issuance of the permit. ADMINISTRATION a) The administration and enforcement of this by-law shall be performed by the Clerk and by such persons assigned by the Clerk. b) If after inspection, the Clerk or Officer is satisfied that a contravention of this by-law has occurred, the Clerk or Officer may make an order requiring the person to stop the injuring or destruction of trees and the order shall contain particulars of the contravention. c) A person to whom an order has been made pursuant to this by-law may appeal the order to the Council by filing a notice of the appeal to the Clerk within thirty (30) days after the date of the order. d) As soon as practicable after a notice of appeal is filed, the Council shall hear the appeal and may confirm, alter or revoke the order. e) The decision of Council under subsection 7(d) of this by-law is final. ENFORCEMENT a) Any person who contravenes any provision of this by-law or any order issued pursuant to this by-law is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable: (i) on a first conviction, to a fine of not more than $10,000 or $1,000 per tree, whichever is greater; and (ii) on any subsequent conviction, to a fine of not more than $25,000 or $2,500 per tree, whichever is greater. b) If a person is convicted of an offence for contravening this by-law or an order made under Section 7(b) of this by-law, in addition to any other remedy or any penalty provided by law, the court in which the conviction has been entered, and any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter, may order the person to rehabilitate the land or to plant or replant trees in such manner and within such period as the court considers appropriate, including any silvicultural treatment necessary to re-establish the trees. II I I I I I I I I II I' ,I II I I I n..' REPORT # C ¿ if - ú 3 Ú/tJJf evt7UH ) 5 --, By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 17th day of March, 2003. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, City Clerk I II ! i' II II II r I Ii II I i 1 t I I I 'I II II I I ", ) i,.J ~8HIP O~ UXlltOlOOE ;1 ~U ". " UXMlOGE"y PICK!IOINO," /' TOWNUNE ~ \ \ II I¡! /)""O,.)' 'V. 'V' I I l--J:. ~ ~ , '" - ~ ¡ lJ I ~ H \J ~ li\:J::r ~ f~ ~~ ¡Jf', L :¡--Þ ; .!. /' -,!, WI!'f.l"1rnl JI . ,.!" V r-.. I~ ('Vf¡ ¡ 7t~~ \.ì~C(,- "~.:,.!...:t~"i~ ~I ,'-; .î-t; -\ " ~ ø/ FJOKTH / ð<>~ON \ ~ ¡ ~ .., ~,,~ CONCESlK>N i ~~) ¡ t ~ ¡~ ~ ~ L il ~ ,r ~i ,h" i \' I ~ ~ I~ ¡ /" > Y L~/ Î. "-.E~ if')' {¡ \J i ~ :,~ ~ ¡¡ / AWNTH II - ~ '),:ß CLASS 7 R I ; l...:'rw J \ _A" J \ /5t. -1 ~J / "YI-; ~. ~: J I . ~ .' 1) . I I \ "~ ,J/¡ I I \! ) :I( I) ) I ~ I ~ (I . ¡' ~ ~"'~ i '., . ~, "i \ r>ub"~j ~~" ~~ . t r 't~ J t ~~~~J:.I) rJff G::iOOD L: '8ARc1~ ~ ~ -G I "l'$'f) I ,'¡ , I '-¥V) mri' 1<=" ~AT! i V' ,- ww ," ~ ~ \' - " ..J _V I ; _11 ¡':..( Ti. D I ì ¡ ¡¡,,~ ,,/' \J ~~'.~~~V - J~ i ~ ¡ 5 :j~~~~~~--I"" ~ . \ i a ~ ..... ¡ CITY OF ) ~ r. """" ;, " "." .-., ~ '~..... 9.,.... I', PICKERING ì! . ~~ ~ ",:',:. ---~ ~T~U~~~/ ~'\ . Ar \ .~T.~_:"...- >" !:,\ ""',., /' - I / Tree ProtectIon ea \ -- - ,i-I. . : . ,.¡It. . - . SCHEDULE "A" , m~ \., "'¡~D"'" -I- -,~ '~\1:,¡! ':'7 - '7}~ TO BY-LAW NUMBER 6108/03 } Ë ~ /~ 1'. . '.' . t1~ /f/\!¡ IDENTIFIED BY THE FOLLOWING AREAS ,J ~ ~ ,;Y /( ~ \ 1- ~ Y ~ ~~:~~~EjD~~~ ~J':'RIDORS ~ ~<> ......lP p\.... .(t ",' J4f ..i, ..a... ~ WImANDS !I!!I',.R, Ftc, ........ <f,", w.:.l JiI!: ..¡;[~:~, ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT AREAS IiiI \II"'¡; I~ - 11 ~'lJ Otl~j; v ,~{~\ ~ c iii, ~ 1m '---!d~ -~ ~ I'!;',,~' \ ,- ~ ~",-::!:, nl fi ~ 1 r\ ~ I ~~,,¡.- -<-r-,,' 111 .... '::. -..; -..! - - lYETJ.~-' WET ' - ", Q..- 8Ii >IE. '-'" I ?"" ",I!:liM: ~ ' yo "'nt ïl " ð! ,. ~:~~~~ _7_' '~~~~S ~ ~~=- 1- ~/ WETLANDS - 8tO\RE\IoI""ndC\TRØ rr-LAW'\TRØ -"'nON ""'_1."" " " ' CLASS 2 ~ ~ 0 ~ --". .--- ~ °15 0 1,~ 0 ~! '-'-"---'~. III SHOREUNES AND STREAM CORRIDORS (MAY INCLUDE HAZARD lANDS) WETlANDS ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT AREAS .. .. rrIlllll SHOREUNES AND STREAM CORRIDORS (MAY INCLUDE HAZARD LANDS) WETLANDS ENVIRONIAENTI'.LLY SIGNIFICANT AREAS ÛtJ¡ o~ ¡::\TTACHMEì\ff;¡:._3__TlJ R¡:POKI#~4-ð'".) (1I~l}t~l¡?un) REPORT TO FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Report Number: CL 4-03 Date: February 7,2003 From: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk Subject: Proposed Tree By-law Recommendation: 1. That Clerk's Report CL 4-03 regarding a by-law to prohibit and regulate the injuring, destruction or removal of trees on property adjacent to watercourses and ravines be received. 2. That the draft by-law to prohibit and regulate the injuring, destruction or removal of trees on property adjacent to watercourses and ravines be forwarded to Council for enactment. Executive Summary: This Report provides a draft by-law to prohibit and regulate the injuring, destruction or removal of trees on property adjacent to watercourses and ravines as directed by Resolution #125/02 passed on November 4, 2002. Financial Implications: A permit fee of $100.00 has been established for each application for a Tree Cutting Permit. Background: Please be advised that Council passed the following resolution at its regular meeting of November 4, 2002: WHEREAS numerous personal properties within the City of Pickering back upon watercourse ravine areas; and Report CL 4-03 j,TTACHME~n fi 3" "l' ,R' !:~Û' ,)"'< # C'L if-ú 3 (¡1()Pt::-,O);1UH J .-...... , '-I i\ I -,- Date: February 7, 2003 Subject: Page 2 WHEREAS the removal of trees from these environmentally sensitive areas can lead to erosion, loss of habitat and loss of aesthetic value adjacent to park land; and WHEREAS the former municipalities of East York and Scarborough already have by-laws to control tree removal from properties adjacent to ravines and the City of Toronto is preparing to implement a city-wide by- law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering directs staff to prepare a draft by-law for consideration of Finance and Operations Committee that would require residents backing onto watercourse ravine areas to obtain a permit for felling healthy trees; and THAT the said by-law include a permit fee and fines for violation of the by- law; and THAT the by-law clearly outline very limited circumstances where the felling of healthy trees would be permitted; and THAT staff bring the draft by-law before Committee for consideration no later than February 24, 2003. Attached to this Report is a draft by-law that would implement the direction set out in the above resolution. Council directed that the Tree By-law require residents backing onto watercourse ravine areas to obtain a permit for felling healthy trees. Also attached to this Report is a map setting out the Tree Protection Area, which is identified in the City of Pickering Official Plan as Shorelines and Stream Corridors, Wetlands and Environmentally Sensitive Areas. All residents whose property is within or adjacent to these areas will be subject to the Tree By-law. The fee required when applying for a permit to cut trees is $100.00. The fines for violating the by-law are set out in the Municipal Act and are: a) on a first conviction, a fine of not more than $10,000 or $1,000 per tree, whichever is greater; and b) on any subsequent conviction, a fine of not more than $25,000 or $2,500 per tree, whichever is greater. c) Upon conviction, the Court may order the person conviction to rehabilitate the land. Report CL 4-03 hi I ACH I"d:i \ fr.._J_TOREPORT# 'f-O3( Date: February 7,2003 --.;: 1/ tJ.Pt:7vIJ 4ï ) Page 3 Subject: The exemptions in this by-law are set out in Section 2 of the by-law and are primarily mandated by the Municipal Act. These include the destruction of trees that are permitted by other Provincial statutes, including developments that are the subject of a draft plan of subdivision or site plan agreement. Staff has also added the following exemptions: . Trees measuring less than 25 millimetres in diameter. . The removal of dead, injured or diseased trees. . Trees that are in woodlots that are governed by the Regional Tree By-law. Other features of the attached draft Tree By-law are: . A permit will be issued where the tree cutting activity is being undertaken in association with an existing use of the property and in accordance with good forestry practice. This would include golf courses where tree cutting is carried out on a continual basis and where the owners of these facilities are careful not to injure healthy trees. . A permit will be issued only where it can be demonstrated that the tree cutting will not interfere with natural drainage processes, result in soil erosion, result in siltation entering a watercourse, will not have a significant impact on healthy vegetation that is adjacent to the cutting area and will not have an impact on any fish or wildlife habitat within and adjacent to the subject site. . Where an Order has been issued to a person who is deemed to be contravening this By-law, that person may appeal the Order to Council. . As required by the Municipal Act, an applicant may make an appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board if a permit is refused, if not decision is made on an application within 45 days or if an applicant objects to a condition set out in the permit. A survey undertaken of various GT A municipalities determined that most municipalities have Tree By-laws that regulate the cutting of trees throughout the entire municipality. The Regional Tree By-law already governs the cutting of trees on woodlots that are a half-acre or more in size. Attachments: 1. 2. Draft Tree By-law Map setting out the Tree Protection Area Report CL 4-03 3 ¡l '. t:L 'i-Ó '3 (¡¡tJa.J.-'()L~ ) tf ----- Date: February 7, 2003 Subject: Page 4 Prepared By: '/ j' ;/ //} '1/, ,/ / ,'/ '- t;/ßruce Taylor City Clerk ~ Attachments Cc: Director, Operations & Emergency Services Division Head, Municipal Property and Engineering J. McMullen Solicitor for the City Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council " ii II 1/ II II II 'I II II II I, II II I' I I . I j II Ii Ii II II II II I I I I I ,i II II !, II II II II I 'I I' II I I I, II II II II I' If II 'I I 'I II II II II II " !/ II il II If 11 !I I I I¡ II I' I I , I I I I I ¡ II II WHEREAS pursuant to Section 135(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O 2001, c. 25, as amended, a 'I local municipality may prohibit or regulate the destruction or injuring of trees; and I I I I II I I WHEREAS Schedule III to the City of Pickering Official Plan has identified shoreline and stream I corridors, wetlands and environmentally significant areas; Ii NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING I HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: II II j i J # .E.,~,. ., ¿; (111' ¡J tJv¿7 (A? THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to prohibit and regulate the injuring, destruction or removal of trees in defined areas of the City of Pickering. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #125/02 on November 4, 2002 that directs staff to prepare a by-law that would require residents backing onto watercourse ravine areas to obtain a permit for felling healthy trees and that said by-law include a permit fee and fines for violation of the by-law and that the by-law clearly outline very limited circumstances where the felling of healthy trees would be permitted; and DEFINITIONS 1. In this by-law: a) "City" shall mean the Corporation of the City of Pickering; II "Clerk" shall mean the Clerk for the Corporation of the City of Pickering or his designate; Ii II II "dbh" shall mean the diameter of the stem of a tree measured at a point that is 1.5 Ii metres above ground; II II II I I I ¡ I II I Ii "Officer" shall mean a person assigned by the Clerk to enforce the provisions of this by- II law; b) c) "Council" shall mean the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering; d) e) "Tree Protection Area" includes areas designated as Shorelines and Stream Corridors, Wetlands and Environmentally Significant Areas on Schedule III to the Pickering Official Plan, Edition 2, Revised, as amended from time to time, and lands adjacent thereto. f) "Good Forestry Practice" shall mean the proper implementation of harvest, renewal and maintenance activities known to be appropriate for the forest and environmental conditions under which they are being applied and which minimize detriments to forest values including significant ecosystems; important fish and wildlife habitat; soil and water quality and quantity; forest productivity al}d. health; and the aesthetics and recreational opportunities of the landscape. Good forestry practice shall also include the cutting and removal of severely damaged, diseased and insect infested trees which must be removed in order to prevent contamination or infestation of other trees, or which no longer contribute to the achievement of forest values; g) h) "Owner" shall mean the registered owner of land, or their agent, or anyone acting under the direction of the owner or their agent; and [I " ii 'I II II II II II I ! I i I I. il ¡, i! ¡ I I , to the removal of dead, dangerous, diseased or severely injured trees or stumps, in i accordance with good forestry practice; , to woodlots that are governed by By-law Number 148-91 of the Regional Municipality of ¡I,ll Durham or its successor. I II PROHIBITIONS II Unless otherwise exempted by this by-law, no person shall injure or destroy a tree in an I¡ Tree Protection Area without a permit issued under this by-law. I II II il Ii 2. 3. a) " 11 II 1,1 " "Site" shall mean the area of land containing any tree(s) proposed to be injured, II I destroyed or removed. I I I ¡ "I The provisions of this by-law do not apply: to activities or matters undertaken by the City, the Regional Municipality of Durham, or a I local board thereof; 1/ to activities or matters undertaken under a licence issued under the Crown Forest II Sustainabi/ity Act, 1994; Ii iill to the injuring or destruction of trees by a person licensed under the Surveyors Act to engage in the practice of cadastral surveying or his or her agent, while making a survey; II I II I I i i I !I II II II 11 II II I i I the injuring or destruction of trees undertaken on land in order to lawfully establish and II operate or enlarge any pit or quarry on land, It that has not been designated under the Aggregate Resources Act or a Iii predecessor of that Act, and I on which a pit or quarry is a permitted land use under a by-law passed under! Section 34 of the Planning Act; J # (~L,. '-1- {', ..3 (¡ltJ¡JE-"'X..J¡)UI7 ) i) EXEMPTIONS a) b) c) d) to the injuring or destruction of trees imposed as a condition to the approval of a site pian, a plan of subdivision or a consent under Section 41,51 or 53, respectively, of the Planning Act or as a requirement of a site plan agreement or subdivision agreement entered into under those sections; e) to the injuring or destruction of trees imposed as a condition to a development permit authorized by regulation made under Section 70.2 of the Planning Act or as a requirement of an agreement entered into under the regulation; f) the injuring or destruction of trees by a transmitter or distributor, as those terms are defined in Section 2 of the Electricity Act, 1998, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a transmission system or a distribution system, as those terms are defined in that Section; g) the injuring or destruction of trees undertaken on land described In a licence for a pit or quarry or a permit for a wayside pit or wayside quarry issued under the Aggregate Resources Ac~ h) ì) ii) i) j) trees measuring less than 25 millimetres dbh; in areas that are not defined as an "Tree Protection Area" by this by-law; k) I) to activities or matters prescribed by regulations pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001; m) I¡ 'i fI ¡¡ il Ii II II II II II II 'I Ii II I II 'II Ii " iI Ii II Ii I, II II 'i " I; II Ii II 'i II " Ii Ii " II Ii II II ij II i, ii '; II I, II I, Ii II 'i II II II I II II "I I I I II II II II 'I II ¡I II II II il I I I I ¡ 1 I I ¡ II II if " Ii '! 4. 5. b) " 'I II II II II IÍ II Where a permit has been issued pursuant to this by-law, no perso, n shall injure, destroy "II' or remove a tree except in accordance with the plans, conditions and any other ¡ information on the basis of which a permit was issued. II !I II Ii " II I II I, II II Ii II Ii II II II " " II' i iì q I i i J #_~, 'I' ¿ 3 (Ì/lfDj¡}()lj REQUIREMENTS FOR AN APPLICATION a) Unless otherwise exempted by this by-law, every person who intends to injure, destroy or remove a tree within an Tree Protection Area by cutting, burning, bulldozing, lacerating, chemical application or any other means, shall apply for and obtain a permit. b) A person applying for a permit to injure, destroy or remove a tree shall submit a completed application form, along with the required plans, information and fee of $100.00 to the Clerk. c) Applications shall be made on a form approved by the Clerk. REQUIREMENTS FOR ISSUANCE OF PERMIT The Clerk shall issue a permit where: a) the applicant has fulfilled all requirements of this by-law; b) the proposed activity is associated with an existing use of the property including I ongoing silviculture practices and selective thinning or harvesting of plantations, in ,I accordance with good forestry practice; II !i Ii II Ii 'I II II (iii) will not have a significant impact on any healthy vegetation community within, II and adjacent to the subject site; II Ii (iv) will not have a significant impact on any fish or wildlife habitat within, and II adjacent to the subject site; II II the owner, if required, enters into an agreement which may be registered on title in the r¡ subject lands containing such conditions as the Clerk considers necessary to ensure I, that the proposed activity will be undertaken in accordance with the approved plans and i information. Such an agreement may contain a provision requiring the applicant to post' with the City security in an amount determined by the Clerk to ensure performance of I' the obligations under the agreement; I Ii 1'1 :1 !/ II ,I I ! 1 i I ¡,Ii A permit issued pursuant to this by-law shall be valid to the expiry date as specified on ~~~~~~~ I I II II I, " c) the Clerk is satisfied that the proposed activity: (i) (ii) will not interfere with natural drainage processes; will not result in soil erosion, slope instability or siltation in a watercourse; d) e) the Clerk may impose conditions to a permit as in the opinion of the Clerk are reasonable, to ensure that the proposed activity is consistent with the provisions of paragraphs 5(a) to 5(d) above; f) where silviculture or harvesting activity is proposed within a woodlot, one permit may be issued to authorize activity for an extended or ongoing period of time, on the basis of an acceptable forestry management plan; g) the Clerk may refer any application, associated plans and information to municipal staff, public agency, advisory body and/or other qualified professional for comment prior to making a decision; and h) By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 3rd day of March, 2003. ii ,I d I' II II II I II Ii Ii II " 'I I' Ii Ii ,: " II II ,I II :i il 'I I, Ii Ii Ii ¡: II II II iI II iI I' II II II II II it It I: II ¡! I' 'I 'I I' :1 :1 il !I !I II II 'i II II II il ¡I il II .1 'I I II II ,I I' i' II II !I Ii " 11 II II II II II II Ii I I I i ) I i! II " [I 6. 7. 8. a) d .1 CL ¡/- o~-3. (110()uvtJul7 ii II II II II II II if the Clerk refuses to issue a permit, within thirty (30) days after the refusal; !I if the Clerk fails to make a decision on an application, within forty-five (45) days after the II application and required plans and information are received by the Clerk; or,. II I II if the applicant objects to a condition in the permit, within thirty (30) days after the Ii issuance of the permit. ¡¡ II !i Ii II Ii The administration and enforcement of this by-law shall be performed by the Clerk and Ii by such persons assigned by the Clerk. II Ii 'I i i I I 'i Ii II ¡¡ II As soon as practicable after a notice of appeal is filed, the Council shall hear the appeal il~I' and may confirm, alter or revoke the order. Ii 'I 11 II II II Any person who contravenes any provision of this by-law or any order issued pursuant Ii to this by-law is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable: Ii II on a first èonviction, to a fine of not more than $10,000 or $1,000 per tree, II whichever is greater; and II $ $ 1.11' on any subsequent conviction, to a fine of not more than 25,000 or 2,500 per! tree, whichever is greater. i i I I i I I II Ii Ii II Ii I' II 1/ II II i I II if 'i II _,14 APPEALS An applicant for a permit pursuant to this by-law may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board: b) (c) ADMINISTRATION a) b) If after inspection, the Clerk or Officer is satisfied that a contravention of this by-law has occurred, the Clerk or Officer may make an order requiring the person to stop the injuring or destruction of trees and the order shall contain particulars of the contravention. c) A person to whom an order has been made pursuant to this by-law may appeal the order to the Council by filing a notice of the appeal to the Clerk within thirty (30) days after the date of the order. d) e) The decision of Council under subsection 7(d) of this by-law is final. ENFORCEMENT a) (i) (ii) b) If a person is convicted of an offence for contravening this by-law or an order made under Section 7(b) of this by-law, in addition to any other remedy or any penalty provided by law, the court in which the conviction has been entered, and any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter, may order the person to rehabilitate the land or to plant or replant trees in such manner and within such period as the court considers appropriate, including any silvicultural treatment necessary to re-establish the trees. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, City Clerk L,TTACH!1Eh'" ..:-~ :....:.... L(- ) (f!(l!'OJøU') ) '" 8 Ii! I ~ ~ CITY OF PI CKERIN G Tree Protection Area IDENTIFIED BY THE FOLLOWING AREAS .. []I[ITJ SHOREUNES AND STREAM CORRIDORS (MAY INCLUDE HAZARD LANDS) WETLANDS ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT AREAS lNÅ’ ........ om' OF PICKERING l' PLANNING ., DEV1!l.Oi"MONT DlPNmIINT 0 """""". 2- """""UPand"""'" 8Y-<AW\""" .............T1ON ACT_""'" IV