HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 1603/82THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW NU#BER ~603/82 Betng a Restricted Area By-law to amend Restricted Area By-law 3036, as amended, to Implement the Offtctal Plan of the Town of Picketing Dtstrtct Planntng Area, Regton of Durham, within.the boundaries of the Town of Picketing. WHEREAS the Counct1 of the Corporation of the Town of Picketing deems it destreble to emend the permitted uses, zoning requirements, definitions, and general provisions of the Rural Agricultural Zone A; : AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3036, as amended, ts therefore deemed necessary~ NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PlCKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 2 - DEFINZTIONS, of By-law 3036, as amended, ts hereby further ame,ded es follows: (1) By addtng thereto the following: 2.7.1 BUILDING "Building" shall mean a structure occupying an area greater than 9.6 square metres consisting of a wall, roof and floor, or any one or more of them, or a structural system servtng the functton thereof, Including all the works, ftxtures and servtce systems appurtenant thereto. 2.20.1 DWELLING, ACCESSORY OR ACCESSORY DWELLING "Dwelling, Accessory" shall mean a detached dwe111ng whtch is accessory to a permitted non-residential use and ts used only for the accommodation of persons engaged on a full time basts in one of the permitted uses on the lot where such dwelling is located. 2,24.1 DWELLING, SINGLE OR SINGLE DWELLING "Dwelling, Stngle# shall containing one dwe111ng accessory thereto. mean a dwelling untt and uses continued... 2.62 2.74.1 0 MOBZLE HOME "Mobtle Home" shall mean a prefabricated building, designed to be towed on 1ts omn chassts notwithstanding that 1ts running gear ts or max be removed, and equipped for year-round occupancx and containing theretn facilities for cooking or for the Installation of cooktng equipment as well as santtary facilities Including a flush totlet and a shower or bathtube but shall not tnclude a tratler. STRUCTURE "Structure shall mean anything Installed, constructed or erected, the use of which requtres locatto~ on the ground, or attachment to something havtng locatton on the ground and, wtthout ltmtttng the Y the foregoing, includes a generallt of vehtcle as deftned tn the Htghway Traffic Act, but does not tnclude an tnground swimmtng pool. (2) By revoktng Subsections 2.20, 2.24, 2.26, 2.26, 2.27, 2.33, and Clause 1 of Subsection 2.38 and substituting therefor the following: 2.20 D#ELLZNG "Dwelling" shall mean a butldtng or part of a butldtng containing one or more dwelltng units, but does not tnclude a mobtle home or a tratler. 2.24 DYELLZNG, DETACHEO OR DETACHED D#ELLZN6 "Dwelling, Detached" shall mean a stngle dwelling whtch ts freestanding, separate and detached from other math buildings or structures, 2.25 DYELLING, SEMI-DETACHED OR SEMZ-DETACHED D#ELLING "Dwelling, Semi-Detached, shall mean one of a pair of stngle d~e111ngs, such dwellings betng attached together horizontally by an above-grade common wall. 2.26 D#ELLING UNIT · D~e111ng Untt" shall mean one or more habitable rooms occupted or capable of betng occupied as a s~ngle,tndependent and separate housekeeping untt containing a separate kttchen and santtary facilities. continued... 2.27 DWELLING UNIT AREA "Dwelling Untt Area' shall mean the aggregate of the floor are~of a11 habitable rooms of a dwe111ng unit. Z.33 FLOOR AREA 2,38.1 "Floor Area" shell mean the area of the floor surface contained wtthin the outstdo malls of a storey or part of a storey. : GROSS FLOOR AREA "Gross Floor Area" shall mean the aggregate of the floor areas of eli the storeys of abutldtng or structure, or e pert thereof as the case may be, other than aprtvate garage, an atttc or e cellar. SECTION 5 -, GENERAL PROVISIONS TO ALL ZOffES, of By-law 3036, as amended, ts hereby further emended as follows: (1) By revoktng Clause 1 of Subsection 5.21 in 1ts enttrety and substituting therefor the following: 5.21.1 #tNt#UN OFF STREET PARKING REQU[RE#ENTS #tntmum Off street parking for any lot in any zone shall be provtded on the same lot tn accordance wtth the following table: USE OF BUILDING OR SITE NININU# NU#BER O~ PAR,~ING,SPACES 1. ~estdenttal detached dwelling, accessory dwelltng 1 space per dwelltng untt permitted businesses, except home occupations 1 space per 28 square metres gross floor area devoted to permitted businesses for customers, multtple faa1 ly horizontal: wtthout attached garage 2 spaces per untt for occupants and vtsttors with attached garage 1 garage space,per unit, for occupants, where there is sufficient driveway space in front of each garage for 1 additional car per unit. Thts driveway space must not lead to a parking area other than a garage space. multiple family vertical 1 space for each 4 units or portion thereof, for visitors 1 3/4 spaces per unit,for occupants and visitors continued... 2. Commerctll General (includes vtllage zone commercial uses) Offtce, except home occuplttons Commercial, Recrelttonel & Znstttuttonel 3. Industrial (Includes vtllege zone ?ndustrtal) 4. Other Uses ground floor 5.5 spaces per 93 square gross leaslble area for employees and customers metres other floors except bustness storage 5.5 spaces per 93 square metres gross leasable area for employees and customers. S.O spaces per 93 square metres gross floor area permftted uses 1 Spice for each 4 persons plus ell (staff and patrons) that places of assembly, theatres, hospitals, sanitaria, etc. may be legally accommodated et one ttme. #enufecturtng, 1 space per 56 square warehousing, gross floor area research leborltortes. metres schools, 1 spice for each staff elementary member (Juntor and 1 bus space per 8 sentor) and classrooms nursery, secondary, vocational, 1 spice for rich staff prtvite member 1 bus space per 20 clissrooms and 1 space per 10 students post secondiry 1 space for each staff member and 1 space per 6 students churches, religious Institutions 1 space per 4 cepactty persons publlc buildings, libraries 1. spice per 24 square metres gross floor area veterinary or 5 spaces per practitioner dental offtces or c11ntcs, or home occuplttons continued... Uses Permitted by thfs By-law other than those 11sted tn thts table 1 space per 5.6 square metres area used for assembly plus 1 space per 18 square metres floor area used for sports, entertainment, restaurant, (excluding snack bar) and other ancillary uses. plus 1 bus parktng space per dresstng room. plus loadtng and unloading areas separate from the parktng area, but may tnclude a part of a drtveway not leadtng to aparktng area. plus controlled access from publlc roads to the parktng erea. 1 space per 93 square metres gross floor area (2) By revoktng the ftrst paragraph of Clause 2, Subsection 5.21, Supplementary Parktng Regulations, and substituting therefor the following: These principles apply to oarktng.for all zones except the case of detached, sam1 detached, and accessory dwellings. .~ (3) By addtn9 to Sectton S the following subsections: 5~8 TRUCK, BUS ANO COACH BOOZES NO truck, bus, coach or streetcar body, or structure of any ktnd, other than a dwelltng untt or an accessory dwe111ng untt, erected and used tn accordance wtth thts and all other By-lams of the Town, shall be used as e dwelltng untt wtthtn the area affected by thts By-lam, whether or not the same ts mounted on wheels, 5.29 TRAILER PARRS AND PRIVATE RECREATZORAL USES 6.30 The establishment of tratler parks, mobtle home parks, prtvate clubs, commercial clubs, campfng establishments or prtvate recreational parks shall be prohibited wtthtn the area covered by thfs By-Jaw, save and except where such are specifically permitted. SERVICES No dwe111ng untt shall be permitted on any lot wtthtn the area affected by thts By-law, unless such a lot ts served etther by a publlc water system and a santtary sewer system or by a prtvate water and effluent dtsposal system that has been approved by the Restart of Durham Health Untt. continued... ® SECTION 7 - RURAL AGRZCULTURAL ZONE A, of By-law 3036, as amended, ts hereby further amended by revoktng Subsections 7.1, 7.g, 7.3 and 7.4 tn their enttrety and substituting therefor the following: 7.1 USES PERMZTTED 7.1.1 Residential: A detached dwe111ng, subject to the provlstons of SectiOn 7.2.1 7.1.2 Agricultural: Agricultural uses Including forestry and reforestation, conservation uses and uses connected wtth the conservation of wtld 11fe, fteld crops, truck gardening, greenhouses, orchards, av4ar4e$, aptartos and mushroom fares, fires for graztng, breeding, ratstng or tratntng of horses or cattle, or other stmtlar uses or enterprises customarily carrted on tn the fteld of general agriculture Including one detached dwe111ng erected end used by the bona-fide agriculture1 user; but not Including uses obnoxious to the publlc welfare. Facilities for the ratstng of fur- beartng antmels, kennels and swill fed P~gs shall not be permitted. Accessory Agricultural Residential: Notwithstanding the provisions of Sectton 7.2.2 hereof, a bona-fide agricultural user Bay be permitted to establish an accessory dwe111ng for the uses permitted under Sectton 7.1.2, only tn accordance wtth the provisions of Section 7.3. 7.1.3 Recreattonali Ali uses permitted tn an 02 Zone subject to the requirements of Section 16.2. 7.1.4 Other Uses: Institutional: (a) Churches, church halls, publlc and prtvate schools, public or Institutional buildings. publlc and prtvate hospitals, cemeteries. (b) All Such Institutional uses shall be governed by the provisions of Sectton 5.15. continued... Bust ness: Veterinary establishments, a country club, an open-air farmer's market and an agricultural Implement repatr depot, Including the sale of fuel otl, gasollne and lubricants for agricultural purposes; (b) All such business uses shall be governed by the provisions of Sectton 7.2.3. 7.2 7.2.1 7.2,2 7.2.3 7.3 ZONE REQUXRE#ENTS Residential Uses as 7.1.1: Permitted under Sectton Lot Frontage Mtntmum 60 metres Lot Area Mtntmum 0.8 hectares Front Yard Mtnimum 12 metres Rear Yard - Mtntmum 12 metres Side Yard - Mintmum 3 metres Floor Area - Mtntmum 139 square metres Lot Coverage - Maxtmum 10 percent Dwellings Per Lot - Maxtmum 1 only For lots tn excess of 0.8 hectares the mtntmum lot frontage sha11 be increased by 3 metres for each additional 0.1 hectare, rounded to nearest 0.1'hectare, to a maximum frontage of 150 metres. Agricultural USeS aS Permitted under Sectton Detached Other Dwellings Uses Lot Frontage -Mtntmum 60 metres 60 metres Lot Area -Mtntmum 0.8 hectares 0.8 hectares Front Yard -Mtntmum 15 metres 15 metres Rear Yard -Mintmum 15 metres 15 metres Side Yard - Minimum 6 metres 6 metres Floor Area - Minimum 139 sq.metres Nil Lot Coverage - Maximum Nil 20 percent Dwellings Per Lot - Maxt~um 1 only Nil 8ustness Uses as Permitted under Sectton Lot Frontage - Minimum 60 metres Lot Area - Minimum 0.8 hectares Front Yard - Minimum 15 metres Rear Yard - Minimum 15 metres Side Yard - Minimum 6 metres Lot Coverage - Maximum 20 percent Accessory Dwelling as Permitted under Section Front Yard - Minimum 16 metres Rear Yard - Minimum 15 metres Side Yard - Minimum 6 metres Floor Area - Minimum 110 square Accessory Dwellings Per Lot - Maximum 1 only metres No accessory dwelling shall be located in the front yard of an existing dwelling, or closer than 15 metres from any building, other than a garage. continued... 7.4 EXISTING LOTS Nothing in Section 7.2 shall prevent the erection of a detached dwelling on a vacant lot in a Rural Agricultural Zone, provided that such lot was under separate ownership on the 26th day of December, 1962 and the owner of such lot does not own any abutting land and provided further that the following requirements are complied with: Lot Frontage Lot Area Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard Floor Area Lot Coverage Dwellings Per Lot Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Maximum Ma~lmum 22 metres 1390 square metres 12 metres 12 metres 3 metres 139 square metres 20 percent 1 only Notwithstanding the foregoing, where the lots abutting on either side have already been built upon, then the minimum lot frontage shall be reduced to 15 metres for the erection of a detached dwelling. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take hereof, subject to the Board, if required. effect from the day of passing approval of the Ontario Municipal READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 20th DAY OF Decem~e: , 1982. READ A THIRD TIME AND M-A Y-O~q - PASSED THIS 20th DAY OF December , 1982.