HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 6, 2024 - Special Council Draft Special Council Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting Council Chambers Immediately Following the Planning & Development Committee Meeting Present: Mayor Kevin Ashe Councillors: M. Brenner L. Cook M. Nagy L. Robinson Absent: S. Butt D. Pickles Also Present: M. Carpino - Chief Administrative Officer K. Bentley - Director, City Development & CBO P. Bigioni - Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor B. Duffield - Director, Operations L. Gibbs - Director, Community Services F. Jadoon - Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects S. Cassel - City Clerk P. Wirch - Principal Planner, Policy C. Redmond - (Acting) Deputy Clerk 1. Call to Order/Roll Call The City Clerk certified that all Members of Council were present and participating in-person, save and except Councillor Butt and Councillor Pickles. 2. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 3. Delegations 3.1 Craig Bamford, Pickering Resident Re: Report PLN 13-24 Environmental Registry of Ontario Postings: ERO 019-8366, ERO 019-8368, ERO 019-8369, ERO 019-8370, ERO 019-8371, ERO 019-8462 Bill 185 and Revisions to Draft Provincial Planning Statement City of Pickering Comments on ERO Postings Draft Special Council Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting Council Chambers Immediately Following the Planning & Development Committee Meeting Craig Bamford, Pickering Resident, appeared before Council to speak to PLN 13-24. Through the aid of a brief PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Bamford provided an overview of a webinar sponsored by Alliance for a Livable Ontario that was sent to him by Stop Sprawl Durham entitled Heading the Wrong Way, Bill 185 and Proposed Provincial Planning Statement, 2024. The webinar outlined the effect of the proposed changes to Bill 185 and the Provincial Planning Statement on growth and housing in Ontario. Mr. Bamford discussed the number of changes to Pickering’s Official Plan as a result of changes in government and legislation and commented that while he supported the recommendations in Report PLN 13-24, they did not go far enough. Mr. Bamford spoke to the Region’s Envision Durham Plan and was concerned that the provincial government did not understand the Region’s role in planning transportation networks, water and sewer networks and the coordination that went into regional planning. He advised that earlier in the day, he had emailed a list of his concerns to staff and asked that Council consider his comments when debating the Report. He concluded by noting that as Durham Region was the fastest growing area in Ontario, there was a need to build affordable housing, for regional planning, proper environmental rules, and a proper provincial growth plan. 4. Matters for Consideration 4.1 Director, Community Services, Report CS 13-24 Lease Agreement for Office Space - Duffins Point Shopping Centre: 2460 Brock Road Resolution # 477/24 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Cook 1. That the Lease Agreement between the City and Oxford Developments Inc. for approximately 4,435 square feet of office space at 2460 Brock Road (Attachment 1) be approved; 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Lease Agreement, as set out in Attachment 1, subject to such minor revisions as may be required by the Director, Community Services, and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor; and, 3. That the appropriate City officials be authorized to take the actions necessary to give effect to this Report. Draft Special Council Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting Council Chambers Immediately Following the Planning & Development Committee Meeting Carried 4.2 Director, City Development & CBO, Report PLN 13-24 Environmental Registry of Ontario Postings: ERO 019-8366, ERO 019-8368, ERO 019-8369, ERO 019-8370, ERO 019-8371, ERO 019-8462 Bill 185 and Revisions to Draft Provincial Planning Statement - City of Pickering Comments on ERO Postings Paul Wirch, Principal Planner, Policy, appeared before Council, and through the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, provided an overview of Report PLN 13-24. Mr. Wirch advised that on April 10, 2024, the Province released several postings for comment on the Environment Registry of Ontario (ERO). He spoke to the proposed legislated changes to Bill 185 and revisions to the draft Provincial Planning Statement and noted that the commenting period for the ERO postings closed on May 10, 2024. Mr. Wirch discussed the proposed changes both supported and not supported by staff, and advised that once approved, the draft Provincial Planning Statement would combine and replace the current Provincial Policy Statement and the Provincial Growth Plan. Mr. Wirch stated that as previous requests to the Province were not included in the revisions to the draft Planning Statement, he would include those comments in the City’s response to the ERO. Mr. Wirch advised that some of the proposed changes would support the City’s ability to expedite development review, but other changes were shortsighted and counter to an efficient planning process and proper municipal governance. He concluded by noting that following Council’s endorsement, staff would submit comments to the ERO by the May 10, 2024 deadline. A question and answer period ensued between Members of Council and staff regarding: • concerns with the proposed revision to eliminate municipal parking minimums with market demand in City Centre and how it would impact Pickering’s ability and right to set parking standards; • the consequences of the Province’s elimination of mandatory pre- consultation in terms of the timelines for processing applications, the ability for the City to obtain the necessary components and studies required to process the application, and the triggers and timing for an applicant to appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT); • the impacts of the provisions surrounding the ability for an applicant to request boundary expansion without having the growth and comprehensive review data; • how the City would be impacted by the proposed elimination of support for on-site and local reuse of excess soil; • the ability to initiate an appeal at any stage of the application review process; Draft Special Council Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting Council Chambers Immediately Following the Planning & Development Committee Meeting • clarification of the reduction requirements of Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs) and the impact it would have on various demographics without local context; • whether the elimination of Durham Region Planning responsibilities would affect responsibilities and long-range planning by municipal staff; • whether there had been any public engagement on the ERO postings, and whether there was time to conduct public consultation prior to the May 10, 2024 deadline to submit comments; • the proposed changes to parking standards based on purchaser data which could be impacted by who is buying the units; • the timelines of when staff received the information from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing for comment on the ERO posting and whether the City would lose the opportunity to comment if they did not submit a response by the May 10, 2024 deadline; • concerns with the limits on third party appeals and what it would mean for the public in the appeal process to the OLT; • concerns with abolishing Regional planning, the right to appeal Official Plans and by-laws to the OLT, unchecked expansion of development without adequate consideration of density targets, and the need to address climate change and impact on water resources; and, • whether a request could be made to the Province for an extension of the May 10th deadline in order to seek input from the community on the proposed legislative changes. Resolution # 478/24 Moved by Councillor Cook Seconded by Councillor Brenner 1. That Council endorse the comments contained in Report PLN 13-24, as the City of Pickering Detailed Comments on the ERO Postings ERO 019-8366, ERO 019-8369, ERO 019-8371, and ERO 019-8462; and, 2. That Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to submit the Council endorsed comments on the identified ERO postings to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing website by the May 10, 2024 deadline. Carried by a Recorded Vote as Follows: Yes: Councillor Brenner Councillor Cook Councillor Nagy No: Councillor Robinson Draft Special Council Meeting Minutes May 6, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting Council Chambers Immediately Following the Planning & Development Committee Meeting Mayor Ashe 5. Confirmatory By-law By-law Number 8105/24 Councillor Cook, seconded by Councillor Nagy moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the City of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of May 6, 2024. Carried 6. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Robinson Seconded by Councillor Cook That the meeting be adjourned. Carried The meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm. Dated this 6th day of May, 2024. Kevin Ashe, Mayor Susan Cassel, City Clerk